Re: Witango-Talk: is witango alive?

2008-01-25 Thread Susan Brkich
I'm only here just in case something breaks we have delayed  
upgrading to a new server machine (and now I suppose we have to think  
about going from Tiger to Leopard, too), until we can re-write all  
our Witango apps in PHP w/ either FileMaker or MySQL databases, in  
order to avoid having to get Witango working on a new machine (Intel  
Mac, rather than the current Power PC).

Witango is just too expensive for us, and my beginner knowledge is  
never going to progress without any formal training, or decent how- 
to guides. You guys are great at helping in a pinch, which I've  
really appreciated, as I'd have been lost without you in the past.  
But we need to focus my limited time on more sustainable, more well- 
known, and less expensive options.

Susan A. Brkich '86
Associate Director of Alumnae/i Web Services
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
Phone: 845.437.5449
Fax: 845.437.7425
On the web:

AAVC's Online Community allows the more than 36,000 Vassar alumnae/i
to reconnect with their Vassar experience. Alumnae/i can register at

On Jan 25, 2008, at 3:03 PM, Scott Cadillac wrote:

Maybe no news is good news as far as the list being quiet.

Nobody is reporting problems, maybe things are just working smoothly
for everyone (:

Either that or everybody else has left...

Maybe we should have a roll-call?

PRESENT, and I brought my pencil ;-)




Re: Witango-Talk: Off Topic - Mac OS X Mail program

2008-01-02 Thread Susan Brkich


I don't think so, and it sounds like that ability in Eudora was most  
likely a bug -- seems odd that you could change the original of  
someone's correspondence to you in that way.

But a workaround might be to use the Redirect  option in the  
Message menu (and you can edit the default MacMail toolbar to add it  
to the toolbar for easy access), in combination with an email Rule to  
automatically file the message. Redirect avoids any indenting of the  
message body or addition of the typical message below was sent on  
xx phrase to the message.

First, set up a Rule (Mail - Preferences - Rules) in the  
accountant's email account to automatically move all incoming  
messages having a specific phrase in the subject (i.e.: Archive) and  
coming FROM your accountant's email address, to a new mailbox set up  
for the archived messages.

Then, for any message that the accountant needs to archive, s/he should:

1. Choose Redirect for the selected message
2. Enter his/her email address to have it re-sent to him/her
3. Change the subject to what he/she wants it to be, including the  
key phrase established in the Rule above

4. Send the email.

The message will be sent, and when it comes in, it will automatically  
be filed in the appropriate mailbox.


Susan A. Brkich '86
Associate Director of Alumnae/i Web Services
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
Phone: 845.437.5449
Fax: 845.437.7425
On the web:

AAVC's Online Community allows the more than 36,000 Vassar alumnae/i
to reconnect with their Vassar experience. Alumnae/i can register at

On Jan 2, 2008, at 11:56 AM, WebDude wrote:

Sorry for the off topic post, but I cannot find any of this  
information anywhere.

One of our accountants has been using Eudora for email and she has  
been archiving orders by changing the subject directly in her inbox.  
Eudora allows you to do this by just opening any email from the inbox  
- it displays the subject as an input field that can be edited. When  
you close the email, the subject field saves and that is how it is  
now displayed in the inbox. Unfortunately, Eudora has been  
problematic in displaying html emails and it seems to be getting  
worse as time goes on. Hence we decided to use Mac Mail for OS X. It  
seems to be working well, but she can no longer edit the subject  
field in her inbox. It seems that you are stuck with whatever subject  
form the origiginal. Is there a way change the subject without having  
to forward/reply the email?





Witango-Talk: Anyone installed the new Witango Server for Intel Macs?

2007-01-23 Thread Susan Brkich

Hi, all:

I must have missed the announcement, if there was one, of the release  
of the updated Witango Server for the Intel Macs. Has anyone  
downloaded and installed it, and if so, have you had any problems? Or  
have you noticed any positive effects?

Just want to know any other experiences before I take the plunge.


Susan A. Brkich '86
Web Administrator
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
Phone: 845.437.5449
Fax: 845.437.7425
On the web:

AAVC's Online Community allows the more than 35,000 Vassar alumnae/i
to reconnect with their Vassar experience. Alumnae/i can register at


Re: Witango-Talk: Client/Plug-in Error on Mac Tiger Server, Witango Server 5.5

2006-10-10 Thread Susan Brkich


Thanks for the advice... but I'm not sure if I want to work with an  
unreleased build, because I'd be too afraid of increasing my problems,  
rather than finding a solution. But I will inquire with Witango support  
folks, just to see if they have any advice.

And as for the libraries, well, if the file libjs32.dylib is a library,  
then as reported below, it hasn't been loading since we upgraded to the  
Witango 5.5. server, and I'm not sure if that is causing the problem  
here. Also, I have no idea how to make this file load... I'm not  
tech-heavy in my knowledge of Witango, I've only learned what I've had  
to in order to keep our Witango apps running since I arrived on the  
scene 2 years ago. So if there's any other Mac Server folks out there  
who can offer me some guidance on getting this library file loaded, I'd  
greatly appreciate it.


On Oct 10, 2006, at 3:32 PM, Robert Shubert wrote:

The first thing I would do is inquire with [EMAIL PROTECTED] to see  
if you can get the latest build of the server for testing. The reason  
I say this is because depending on the version you currently have,  
this situation might have already been fixed. Keep in mind that  
versions of the server which may be available through this method are  
not considered release product, and you should carefully weigh your  
options for using such software.

I also suggest that you verify that all linked libraries are loading  
properly, and their latest versions. I run a windows server so while  
this still applies, I can’t give you specifics about your  


From: Susan Brkich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: Witango-Talk: Client/Plug-in Error on Mac Tiger Server,  
Witango Server 5.5


 Just this past week, we've suddenly been having our Witango server  
crash repeatedly, with the following error message:

 Client/Plug-in Error
 Error Code: 605

 The client encountered problems in communicating with the application  
server. Please check witangoevents.log for further information.


 There's nothing in the witangoevents.log (it apparently hasn't logged  
a thing since we set up this server last December, not sure if that's  

 Only recent change is that about a month or so ago, I upgraded the  
Tiger Server from 10.4.4 to 10.4.7 (after researching and not finding  
any reports of problems doing this).

 The Witango Server seems to be crashing at one specific point in a  
taf file, from what I can figure out so far. At that point, a click of  
a link in the taf is supposed to load detailed biographical data on a  
designated person, pulling that data from 10 different Filemaker  
databases, some of which have over 50,000 records. We've been using  
this taf file and these FileMaker databases in this format for several  
years, with minor updates to the files and periodic refreshes of the  
FileMaker databases. Never had this problem before.

 I researched the Witango Talk archive files and found some advice  
from Phil to another user with the above plug-in error, saying to set  
the CLIENTIOTIMEOUT to 600 in the clients. ini file. I did that, with  
no effect.

 I've also noticed that the witangod.crash.log reports a link error,  
saying that the libjs32.dylib is not loaded and referenced from  
witangod. (Apparently it hasn't been loading since we upgraded Witango  
to 5.5 last December.) This file does exist in the WitangoServer/5.5  
folder, same level as witangod. Could this be my problem, and if so,  
anyone know how to fix it?

 Again, our configuration is Mac OS X Server 10.4.7, Witango Server  

 Thanks for any help anyone can offer.


 Susan A. Brkich '86
 Web Administrator
 Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-2804
 Phone: 845.437.5449
 Fax: 845.437.7425
 On the web:

 AAVC's Online Community allows the more than 35,000 Vassar alumnae/i
 to reconnect with their Vassar experience. Alumnae/i can register at



Re: Witango-Talk: OK, will witango run on intel mac?

2006-08-15 Thread Susan Brkich


Just catching up on my posts, and was wondering if anyone has heard  
anything since Dale's post below, from Phil or others at Witango, about  
getting the Witango Server to run on an Intel Mac OS X Server we  
have been planning to upgrade our web server to an Intel Mac, but  
cannot do so if Witango Server won't run on it.

And I'm guessing that Dale's workaround with Parallels doesn't help me  
if all our witango apps are sitting on the Mac OS X server, right?

Susan A. Brkich '86
Web Administrator
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
Phone: 845.437.5449
Fax: 845.437.7425
On the web:

AAVC's Online Community allows the more than 35,000 Vassar alumnae/i
to reconnect with their Vassar experience. Alumnae/i can register at

On Aug 8, 2006, at 7:12 AM, Dale Graham wrote:

Runs just fine (Editor), but cannot make any JDBC connections to  
database sources (the Java thing, apparently).

Witango server will NOT run on an Intel Mac (or at least not with  
Apache 1.3 or 2 - there's some issue with the plug-in); you'll need to  
run that on a PPC Mac or Windows (or, as I do, on Intel Mac, via  
Parallels, on Windows...)

I *know* Phil's team must be working away on a solution - they must be  
very well aware of all this.

On Aug 7, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Roland Dumas wrote:

The next X-serve will be an intel box. Will witango run on it?





Re: Witango-Talk: Witango Studio 5.0 Unexpectedly Quits in OSX

2005-05-12 Thread Susan Brkich

No offense to Witango, but v5 on OS X should be considered more like a beta. It has lots of problems.

I agree with Robert's statement above, most of my Witango Dev. Studio crashes stopped when I upgraded from 5.0 to 5.5 and after I fixed all my old .tafs to get rid of that datasource character that got changed/converted in the newer versions of Witango.

And I still use BBEdit to change my Filemaker datasources, as trying to do so in Dev. Studio usually crashes the application. And if a .taf file seems to stop working for no apparent reason that can be seen in Dev. Studio, I open it in BBEdit to look for the problem -- once found a whole section of datasource information that had gotten corrupted, but I couldn't tell that from opening the file in Dev. Studio.

Susan A. Brkich '86
Web Administrator
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College (AAVC)
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
phone: 845.437.5449
fax: 845.437.7425

Founded in 1871, AAVC connects the more than 34,000 Vassar alumnae/i worldwide with each other and Vassar College.

Visit our web site at May 11, 2005, at 9:51 PM, Robert Garcia wrote:

Re: Witango-Talk: WT Studio Crashes when Accessing some FileMaker Datasources

2004-11-18 Thread Susan Brkich
I have been having a similar problem, with WT Studio 5.5 workspace and FileMaker Pro files (not sure what version they were developed under, but they all open and run under 6.x now). I was trying to connect to your FileMaker datasources which were on another computer (our web server), from my Mac OS X machine running WT Studio 5.5., and I was getting the unexpected quit message, too. Since I'm new to Witango, I sent a message to someone at Witango who's been helping me with my newbie questions, and their support responded just this morning with the following:

The issue you are running into is that we do not support remote FileMaker
databases with Apple Events.  You should be able to open a FileMaker Pro
client locally, have it connect to the remote database and then connect the
Witango Dev Studio datasource to the local FileMaker.

The only way to access FileMaker remotely is with the JDBC or ODBC driver.

Witango Support

I think that I was trying to do it the way they suggest and it wasn't working, but now my trial version of 5.5. has run out, haven't had time to upgrade, and so I can't test it now.

But hopefully this provides some insight as to the problem, if not a solution.


On Nov 18, 2004, at 10:40 AM, Dave Lubovinsky wrote:

I posted an SOS about this issue back in the springtime and it was apparent from the replies that several others were having the same problem, but I have yet to see any real solutions, insight or fixes to it since.

When opening some FileMaker 5.5 datasources in the WT Studio 
5.0 workspace to get to the layouts and fields, Witango dev studio 
unexpectedly quits. Somtimes it finally works after many tries, 
but there are some cases where it just never works at all.

Anyone know what's going on here??? Has Witango addressed this issue at all? I have no intention of upgrading to v5.5 unless and until this is resolved, because it remains to be a significant impediment when using WT 5 with FileMaker 5/6 on OSX.



Susan A. Brkich '86
Web Administrator
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College (AAVC)
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
phone: 845.437.5449
fax: 845.437.7425

Founded in 1871, AAVC connects the more than 34,000 Vassar alumnae/i worldwide with each other and Vassar College./x-tad-smaller

Witango-Talk: Witango email issue with server switch

2004-11-17 Thread Susan Brkich

I'm new to Witango, still trying to learn it while using it. Our organization is trying to convert from a web server running on Mac OS 9 under an old version of Webstar and Tango 2000 to a new web server running Apache on Mac OS 10.2.8, with Witango 5.0.x server. We use FileMaker databases (v. 6.x, some databases created in 5.x, I believe) as our data sources in Witango.

I copied all the databases, .taf files, etc. to the new server, searched all the .taf files for that yen character and changed them to the proper character for Witango 5.x. Some of our .taf files work OK, but the big issue we are having is with a .taf file that searches a Filemaker database for specific people (like class officers), lists that info. on a contact our class officers page, and then is supposed to send an email to just those class officers.

Except, once the email form is filled out and the user clicks send/submit, the user gets an alleged confirmation that the email has been sent -- but not to the selected class officers, instead a whole list of one particular type of class officer shows up in the confirmation page -- and we think that the email is not actually being sent to all these people listed (nor is it going to the proper people). I believe that the web server's mail service has been configured properly, but am unsure if we need to do something special for Witango to send email through the web server (note, it is only a web server, doesn't act as mail server for our office).

Does anyone know if this problem is likely related specifically to the web server conversion/transition, or if it may be a logic issue in the .taf file, which was written in Tango 2000?

Again, I am a total novice with Witango, trying to work my way through the tutorial on my own while using the program and troubleshooting problems. I'm also not an expert in web server administration, been learning that, too, as I go along (this is a new job). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance.
Susan A. Brkich '86
Web Administrator
Alumnae and Alumni of Vassar College (AAVC)
161 College Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY  12603-2804
phone: 845.437.5449
fax: 845.437.7425

Founded in 1871, AAVC connects the more than 34,000 Vassar alumnae/i worldwide with each other and Vassar College./x-tad-smaller