[WiX-users] Trouble with DotNet

2013-04-24 Thread Nick Miller
Hi All,

I am having a very annoying problem.  I have a managed bootstrapper application 
which requires .Net 4.5.  I have the proper PackageGroupRef in my bundle's 
chain, and it installs .Net 4.5 successfully when there is no .Net installed.  
The problem is that if .Net 4 is already installed I run into one of two 

If in my BootstrapperCore.config I state:
   supportedFramework version=v4.5 /
I get the following every time I run the installer no matter what:
   Loading prerequisite bootstrapper application because managed 
host could not be loaded, error: 0x80070490.
   The prerequisites were already installed. The bootstrapper 
application will not be reloaded to prevent an infinite loop.

If I declare any previous versions for supported framework, the installer 
crashes, and never loads the prereq window.

Any ideas?

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that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] How to register specific COM+ components (WiX 3.7)

2013-04-24 Thread Bart van Lierop
I'm currently porting a Visual Studio setup and deployment project to WiX.
Part of the setup is to install a COM+ Application with a specific COM+
component that has a bunch of interfaces and methods.

My problem is that when i specify the native (C++) DllPath and specify one
single ComPlusComponent, the MSI installs all COM+ components (classes in
the dll). Is there maybe some way to select individual COM+ components that
have to be installed without installing everything?

So my desired end result would be when I look in Component Services under
COM+ Applications:
-My COM+ App

The WiX code looks like this now:

File Id=MYCOMP_Dll Source=path..to...MyComp.dll KeyPath=yes
  TypeLib Class and ProgId stuff from heat.exe output

complus:ComPlusApplication Id=MyComApplication Name=My COM+ App
  complus:ComPlusAssembly Id=MyComAssembly Type=native
complus:ComPlusComponent Id=MyComComponent3  CLSID=bMyClass3's

I would expect that Component Services shows only the ComPlusComponent I
defined in my .wxs file. But somehow all components within that dll are

*More information that might help:

The original Setup/Deployment project used a custom action written in C#
that used the method InstallMultipleComponents() defined as:

void InstallMultipleComponents(string bstrApplIDOrName, ref System.Array
ppsaVarFileNames, ref System.Array ppsaVarCLSIDs)
Member of COMAdmin.ICOMAdminCatalog2

At runtime it would be InstallMultipleComponents(My COM+ App,
MyComp.dll, CLSID of MyClass3 here); -- This registers only the
specific component that I specified via the CLSID argument so basically i'm
looking for the equivalent in WiX.

I'm using WiX 3.7 and VS2010. Testing happens on Windows 2008R2.*
Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service 
that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Light.exe error while running build on build machine

2013-04-24 Thread Pawel Fujcik

I'm have got wix 3.7 integrated into daily builds in my company (build machine 
OS is Windows XP). It used to run fine, scripts were invoked properly with ANT 
and burn bundles were created until some time ago I started to observe some 
build crashes (most of the time it builds correctly but 1 attempt out of 5 
creates error). From logs I discovered that the problem cause was wix 3.7 
linker light.exe. Part of log related to light.exe.

 (3) is building 
 (16) on node 1 (default targets).
 [exec] PrepareForBuild:
 [exec]   Creating directory obj\Release\.
 [exec]   Creating directory bin\Release\.
 [exec] Compile:
 [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\candle.exe -dDevEnvDir=T:\Program 
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7 
-dSolutionExt=.sln -dSolutionFileName=AVS Installer.sln -dSolutionName=AVS 
 Installer.sln -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\ -dPlatform=x86 
 -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=AVSDB.wixproj -dProjectName=AVSDB 
 -dTargetExt=.exe -dTargetFileName=AVSDB.exe -dTargetName=AVSDB 
 -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 -ext 
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext 
..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll BundleDB.wxs
 [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.7.1224.0
 [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
 [exec]   BundleDB.wxs
 [exec] Link:
 [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\Light.exe -out 
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext 
..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll -contentsfile 
obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindContentsFileList.txt -outputsfile 
obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindOutputsFileList.txt -builtoutputsfile 
obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileList.txt -wixprojectfile 
 [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.7.1224.0
 [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
 [exec]   Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
 [exec]  at 
System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object 
target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct sig, MethodAttributes 
methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
 [exec]  at 
System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method, Object 
target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, 
RuntimeType typeOwner)
 [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, 
BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo 
culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
 [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, 
BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo 
 [exec]  at 

Does anyone have idea what could cause that? Is that some kind of known issue 
in wix 3.7 ? Is there any way to fix that?

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2013-04-24 Thread Kagiso Seboni

Please remove me from the Mailing List 

Ian Pender | Desktop Developer
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www.huddle.comhttp://www.huddle.com/ | @huddle

London | New York | San Francisco

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that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
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WiX-users mailing list
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WiX-users mailing list


2013-04-24 Thread Bruce Cran
On 24/04/2013 10:01, Kagiso Seboni wrote:
 Please remove me from the Mailing List

You can unsubscribe via the mailing list interface at:


Bruce Cran

Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service 
that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Bundle - NET4.5 - WinXP(and other unsupported OS'es)

2013-04-24 Thread Sam Boman

Today we have a bootstrapper, taking care of first installing .NET 4.5, and
then the MSI with the application. If the user runs Windows XP, or any
OS/Sp-levels not supported by .NET 4.5 the installation fails with a

How do I add a condition in the beginning of the bootstrapper, that checks
if the conditions for .NET 4.5 are met? I don't want the .NET 4.5 to first
download and then notify the user about the incompatibility.

Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service 
that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Bundle - NET4.5 - WinXP(and other unsupported OS'es)

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
Use the Bundle/@Condition attribute. It was designed for this scenario.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 3:25 AM, Sam Boman s...@samb.se wrote:


 Today we have a bootstrapper, taking care of first installing .NET 4.5, and
 then the MSI with the application. If the user runs Windows XP, or any
 OS/Sp-levels not supported by .NET 4.5 the installation fails with a

 How do I add a condition in the beginning of the bootstrapper, that checks
 if the conditions for .NET 4.5 are met? I don't want the .NET 4.5 to first
 download and then notify the user about the incompatibility.


 Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
 New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service
 that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
 browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
 and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
 WiX-users mailing list

Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service 
that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How to register specific COM+ components (WiX 3.7)

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
It's very possible the COM+ CA in WiX toolset doesn't do exactly that.
Perhaps you could take a look at the code and see what is wrong? Code is
in src\ext\ComPlusExtension. I know nothing about COM+ so I'm not much help
beyond that.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:04 AM, Bart van Lierop

 I'm currently porting a Visual Studio setup and deployment project to WiX.
 Part of the setup is to install a COM+ Application with a specific COM+
 component that has a bunch of interfaces and methods.

 My problem is that when i specify the native (C++) DllPath and specify one
 single ComPlusComponent, the MSI installs all COM+ components (classes in
 the dll). Is there maybe some way to select individual COM+ components that
 have to be installed without installing everything?

 So my desired end result would be when I look in Component Services under
 COM+ Applications:
 -My COM+ App

 The WiX code looks like this now:

 File Id=MYCOMP_Dll Source=path..to...MyComp.dll KeyPath=yes
   TypeLib Class and ProgId stuff from heat.exe output

 complus:ComPlusApplication Id=MyComApplication Name=My COM+ App
   complus:ComPlusAssembly Id=MyComAssembly Type=native
 complus:ComPlusComponent Id=MyComComponent3  CLSID=bMyClass3's

 I would expect that Component Services shows only the ComPlusComponent I
 defined in my .wxs file. But somehow all components within that dll are

 *More information that might help:

 The original Setup/Deployment project used a custom action written in C#
 that used the method InstallMultipleComponents() defined as:

 void InstallMultipleComponents(string bstrApplIDOrName, ref System.Array
 ppsaVarFileNames, ref System.Array ppsaVarCLSIDs)
 Member of COMAdmin.ICOMAdminCatalog2

 At runtime it would be InstallMultipleComponents(My COM+ App,
 MyComp.dll, CLSID of MyClass3 here); -- This registers only the
 specific component that I specified via the CLSID argument so basically i'm
 looking for the equivalent in WiX.

 I'm using WiX 3.7 and VS2010. Testing happens on Windows 2008R2.*

 Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
 New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service
 that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
 browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
 and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
 WiX-users mailing list

Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service 
that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! http://p.sf.net/sfu/newrelic_d2d_apr
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Light.exe error while running build on build machine

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
What version of the .NET Framework are you using?  It certainly could be a
bug. Not many people use Windows XP as a development box any longer so we
might not get much coverage there.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.plwrote:


 I'm have got wix 3.7 integrated into daily builds in my company (build
 machine OS is Windows XP). It used to run fine, scripts were invoked
 properly with ANT and burn bundles were created until some time ago I
 started to observe some build crashes (most of the time it builds correctly
 but 1 attempt out of 5 creates error). From logs I discovered that the
 problem cause was wix 3.7 linker light.exe. Part of log related to

 (3) is building
 (16) on node 1 (default targets).
  [exec] PrepareForBuild:
  [exec]   Creating directory obj\Release\.
  [exec]   Creating directory bin\Release\.
  [exec] Compile:
  [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\candle.exe
 -dDevEnvDir=T:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7
 -dSolutionExt=.sln -dSolutionFileName=AVS Installer.sln
 -dSolutionName=AVS Installer
 Installer.sln -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\ -dPlatform=x86
 -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=AVSDB.wixproj -dProjectName=AVSDB
 -dTargetExt=.exe -dTargetFileName=AVSDB.exe -dTargetName=AVSDB
 -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 -ext
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
 ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll BundleDB.wxs
  [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.7.1224.0
  [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
  [exec]   BundleDB.wxs
  [exec] Link:
  [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\Light.exe -out
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
 ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll -contentsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindContentsFileList.txt -outputsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindOutputsFileList.txt -builtoutputsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileList.txt -wixprojectfile
  [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.7.1224.0
  [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
  [exec]   Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  [exec]  at
 System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
 Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct sig, MethodAttributes
 methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
  [exec]  at
 System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
 Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes
 methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
  [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj,
 BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo
 culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
  [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj,
 BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo
  [exec]  at

 Does anyone have idea what could cause that? Is that some kind of known
 issue in wix 3.7 ? Is there any way to fix that?

 Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
 New Relic is the only SaaS-based application performance monitoring service
 that delivers powerful full stack analytics. Optimize and monitor your
 browser, app,  servers with just a few lines of code. Try New Relic
 and get this awesome Nerd Life shirt! 

[WiX-users] ODP: Light.exe error while running build on build machine

2013-04-24 Thread Pawel Fujcik
.NET Framework 4.0

Od: Rob Mensching [r...@robmensching.com]
Wysłano: 24 kwietnia 2013 14:29
Do: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Temat: Re: [WiX-users] Light.exe error while running build on build machine

What version of the .NET Framework are you using?  It certainly could be a
bug. Not many people use Windows XP as a development box any longer so we
might not get much coverage there.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.plwrote:


 I'm have got wix 3.7 integrated into daily builds in my company (build
 machine OS is Windows XP). It used to run fine, scripts were invoked
 properly with ANT and burn bundles were created until some time ago I
 started to observe some build crashes (most of the time it builds correctly
 but 1 attempt out of 5 creates error). From logs I discovered that the
 problem cause was wix 3.7 linker light.exe. Part of log related to

 (3) is building
 (16) on node 1 (default targets).
  [exec] PrepareForBuild:
  [exec]   Creating directory obj\Release\.
  [exec]   Creating directory bin\Release\.
  [exec] Compile:
  [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\candle.exe
 -dDevEnvDir=T:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7
 -dSolutionExt=.sln -dSolutionFileName=AVS Installer.sln
 -dSolutionName=AVS Installer
 Installer.sln -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\ -dPlatform=x86
 -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=AVSDB.wixproj -dProjectName=AVSDB
 -dTargetExt=.exe -dTargetFileName=AVSDB.exe -dTargetName=AVSDB
 -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 -ext
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
 ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll BundleDB.wxs
  [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.7.1224.0
  [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
  [exec]   BundleDB.wxs
  [exec] Link:
  [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\Light.exe -out
 -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
 ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll -contentsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindContentsFileList.txt -outputsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindOutputsFileList.txt -builtoutputsfile
 obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileList.txt -wixprojectfile
  [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.7.1224.0
  [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
  [exec]   Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
  [exec]  at
 System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
 Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct sig, MethodAttributes
 methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
  [exec]  at
 System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
 Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes
 methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
  [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj,
 BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo
 culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
  [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj,
 BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo
  [exec]  at

 Does anyone have idea what could cause that? Is that some kind of known
 issue in wix 3.7 ? Is there any way to fix that?

 Try New Relic Now  We'll Send You this Cool Shirt
 New Relic is 

Re: [WiX-users] ODP: Light.exe error while running build on build machine

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
Ahh, there were some screwy issues under WiX v3.7 and friends where NETFX
2.0 (or NETFX 3.5 if you prefer) was necessary to have the toolset build
fully. We didn't catch it because most OS's have NETFX 2.0 or 3.5
pre-installed and we thought that NETFX 4.0 clean would work.

Try adding NETFX 2.0 or NETFX 3.5.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 5:34 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.pl wrote:

 .NET Framework 4.0
 Od: Rob Mensching [r...@robmensching.com]
 Wysłano: 24 kwietnia 2013 14:29
 Do: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Temat: Re: [WiX-users] Light.exe error while running build on build machine

 What version of the .NET Framework are you using?  It certainly could be a
 bug. Not many people use Windows XP as a development box any longer so we
 might not get much coverage there.

 On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.pl

  I'm have got wix 3.7 integrated into daily builds in my company (build
  machine OS is Windows XP). It used to run fine, scripts were invoked
  properly with ANT and burn bundles were created until some time ago I
  started to observe some build crashes (most of the time it builds
  but 1 attempt out of 5 creates error). From logs I discovered that the
  problem cause was wix 3.7 linker light.exe. Part of log related to
  (3) is building
  (16) on node 1 (default targets).
   [exec] PrepareForBuild:
   [exec]   Creating directory obj\Release\.
   [exec]   Creating directory bin\Release\.
   [exec] Compile:
   [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\candle.exe
  -dDevEnvDir=T:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7
  -dSolutionExt=.sln -dSolutionFileName=AVS Installer.sln
  -dSolutionName=AVS Installer
  Installer.sln -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\
  -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=AVSDB.wixproj -dProjectName=AVSDB
  -dTargetExt=.exe -dTargetFileName=AVSDB.exe -dTargetName=AVSDB
  -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 -ext
  -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
  ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll BundleDB.wxs
   [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.7.1224.0
   [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
   [exec]   BundleDB.wxs
   [exec] Link:
   [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\Light.exe -out
  -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
  ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll -contentsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindContentsFileList.txt -outputsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindOutputsFileList.txt -builtoutputsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileList.txt -wixprojectfile
   [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.7.1224.0
   [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
   [exec]   Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
   [exec]  at
  System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
  Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct sig, MethodAttributes
  methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
   [exec]  at
  System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
  Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes
  methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)
   [exec]  at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object
  BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo
  culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
   [exec]  at 

[WiX-users] ODP: ODP: Light.exe error while running build on build machine

2013-04-24 Thread Pawel Fujcik
Unfortunately, this is not the problem because NETFX 2.0, NETFX 3.5 and NETFX 
4.0 are already installed on build machine (our projects target NETFX 4.0). It 
must be something else.

Od: Rob Mensching [r...@robmensching.com]
Wysłano: 24 kwietnia 2013 14:39
Do: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Temat: Re: [WiX-users] ODP: Light.exe error while running build on build

Ahh, there were some screwy issues under WiX v3.7 and friends where NETFX
2.0 (or NETFX 3.5 if you prefer) was necessary to have the toolset build
fully. We didn't catch it because most OS's have NETFX 2.0 or 3.5
pre-installed and we thought that NETFX 4.0 clean would work.

Try adding NETFX 2.0 or NETFX 3.5.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 5:34 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.pl wrote:

 .NET Framework 4.0
 Od: Rob Mensching [r...@robmensching.com]
 Wysłano: 24 kwietnia 2013 14:29
 Do: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Temat: Re: [WiX-users] Light.exe error while running build on build machine

 What version of the .NET Framework are you using?  It certainly could be a
 bug. Not many people use Windows XP as a development box any longer so we
 might not get much coverage there.

 On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Pawel Fujcik pfuj...@proximetry.pl

  I'm have got wix 3.7 integrated into daily builds in my company (build
  machine OS is Windows XP). It used to run fine, scripts were invoked
  properly with ANT and burn bundles were created until some time ago I
  started to observe some build crashes (most of the time it builds
  but 1 attempt out of 5 creates error). From logs I discovered that the
  problem cause was wix 3.7 linker light.exe. Part of log related to
  (3) is building
  (16) on node 1 (default targets).
   [exec] PrepareForBuild:
   [exec]   Creating directory obj\Release\.
   [exec]   Creating directory bin\Release\.
   [exec] Compile:
   [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\candle.exe
  -dDevEnvDir=T:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7
  -dSolutionExt=.sln -dSolutionFileName=AVS Installer.sln
  -dSolutionName=AVS Installer
  Installer.sln -dConfiguration=Release -dOutDir=bin\Release\
  -dProjectExt=.wixproj -dProjectFileName=AVSDB.wixproj -dProjectName=AVSDB
  -dTargetExt=.exe -dTargetFileName=AVSDB.exe -dTargetName=AVSDB
  -out obj\Release\ -arch x86 -ext
  -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
  ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll BundleDB.wxs
   [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Compiler version 3.7.1224.0
   [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
   [exec]   BundleDB.wxs
   [exec] Link:
   [exec]   ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\Light.exe -out
  -ext ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\WixDependencyExtension.dll -ext
  ..\..\3rdParty\wix\3.7.1224.0\\WixBalExtension.dll -contentsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindContentsFileList.txt -outputsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindOutputsFileList.txt -builtoutputsfile
  obj\Release\AVSDB.wixproj.BindBuiltOutputsFileList.txt -wixprojectfile
   [exec]   Windows Installer Xml Linker version 3.7.1224.0
   [exec]   Copyright (C) Outercurve Foundation. All rights reserved.
   [exec]   Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
   [exec]  at
  System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(IRuntimeMethodInfo method,
  Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct sig, MethodAttributes
  methodAttributes, RuntimeType typeOwner)


2013-04-24 Thread Alain Forget
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Subject: Re: [WiX-users] REMOVE ME PLEASE

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[WiX-users] Launching App non-elevated in an elevated admin WiX installer.

2013-04-24 Thread TimM
We have a WiX (.msi) installer that has to run as administrator, but at the
end a service app is needed to be launch, but has to launch in non-elevated
mode. If it is launched in elevated mode then users have to restart the
machine to have it launched in non-elevated mode.

Now we have a dll that can be called that will launch apps in non-elevated
mode, but it does not seem to work on this app and therefore I was wondering
if there are any built in WiX actions that can handle this or some other
work around that could help?



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Re: [WiX-users] Bundle - NET4.5 - WinXP(and other unsupported OS'es)

2013-04-24 Thread Nick Miller
Is there anywhere where I can see an example of this?  I tried using the same 
condition I have for .Net 4.5 and it still skips the prereq and tries to run 
the BA.  Also, what is the correct syntax for the BootstrapperCore.config for 
.Net 4.5?   If I use 'supportedFramework version=v4.5 /' the BA fails to 

-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r...@robmensching.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:25 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Bundle - NET4.5 - WinXP(and other unsupported OS'es)

Use the Bundle/@Condition attribute. It was designed for this scenario.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 3:25 AM, Sam Boman s...@samb.se wrote:


 Today we have a bootstrapper, taking care of first installing .NET 
 4.5, and then the MSI with the application. If the user runs Windows 
 XP, or any OS/Sp-levels not supported by .NET 4.5 the installation 
 fails with a error-code.

 How do I add a condition in the beginning of the bootstrapper, that 
 checks if the conditions for .NET 4.5 are met? I don't want the .NET 
 4.5 to first download and then notify the user about the incompatibility.


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Re: [WiX-users] Using Heat.exe for Minor Upgrade

2013-04-24 Thread sleon
Why did you put stable between asterisks? Is there a caveat? What does it

Or use Heat with the -ag switch to make it generate *stable* GUIDs. 

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Re: [WiX-users] Using Heat.exe for Minor Upgrade

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
That's standard in Markdown to mark a word with *emphasis*.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 7:19 AM, sleon sergioleonc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Why did you put stable between asterisks? Is there a caveat? What does it

 Or use Heat with the -ag switch to make it generate *stable* GUIDs.

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 Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Launching App non-elevated in an elevated admin WiX installer.

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
The WiX documentation has a topic about launching an executable at the end
of install. Unless you explicitly launched your installation elevated, it
will launch as the normal user.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 6:42 AM, TimM timmay...@smarttech.com wrote:

 We have a WiX (.msi) installer that has to run as administrator, but at the
 end a service app is needed to be launch, but has to launch in non-elevated
 mode. If it is launched in elevated mode then users have to restart the
 machine to have it launched in non-elevated mode.

 Now we have a dll that can be called that will launch apps in non-elevated
 mode, but it does not seem to work on this app and therefore I was
 if there are any built in WiX actions that can handle this or some other
 work around that could help?



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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Entire .NET 4.0 Framework dialog disabled

2013-04-24 Thread mvd1
Shortly after I posted this yesterday, I figured out the problem.  I am
trying to customize the built-in dialog for installing the .NET dependency. 
From my earlier post:

Page Name=Welcome
Hypertext Name=EulaHyperlink X=552 Y=366 Width=-11
Height=34 TabStop=yes FontId=3#(loc.InstallLicenseTerms)/Hypertext
Button Name=InstallButton X=578 Y=423 Width=180 Height=50
TabStop=yes FontId=0
Button Name=WelcomeCancelButton X=740 Y=29 Width=75
Height=40 TabStop=yes FontId=0
Text X=578 Y=252 Width=180 Height=50 FontId=1
Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.TitleWelcome)/Text
Text X=589 Y=503 Width=180 Height=35 FontId=2
Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.CostarQualityMessage)/Text
Text X=11 Y=423 Width=400 Height=50 FontId=2
Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.TitleMessage)/Text
Text X=135 Y=492 Width=200 Height=50 FontId=2
Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.NetProductName)/Text

Notice that I changed the name of this page to Welcome - in the original
theme file, it is named Install.  By doing this, everything was showing up
on the page and it was displaying.  However, everything was disabled but the
application was not frozen or anything.  Changing it back to Install fixed
this behavior.

So I see this fix from an experiential point of view.  It would seem that
the Page elements must be referred to elsewhere to see this behavior. 
Something must be expecting a page named Install but I don't know what
that would be.  I would love to be enlightened by someone who knows how this
is all hooked up.


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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Entire .NET 4.0 Framework dialog disabled

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
The src\ext\bal\wixstdba\WixStandardBoostrapperApplication.cpp has a table
of identifiers at the top of the code that connect it to the theme.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 7:46 AM, mvd1 ma...@costar.ca wrote:

 Shortly after I posted this yesterday, I figured out the problem.  I am
 trying to customize the built-in dialog for installing the .NET dependency.
 From my earlier post:

 Page Name=Welcome
 Hypertext Name=EulaHyperlink X=552 Y=366 Width=-11
 Height=34 TabStop=yes FontId=3#(loc.InstallLicenseTerms)/Hypertext
 Button Name=InstallButton X=578 Y=423 Width=180
 TabStop=yes FontId=0
 Button Name=WelcomeCancelButton X=740 Y=29 Width=75
 Height=40 TabStop=yes FontId=0
 Text X=578 Y=252 Width=180 Height=50 FontId=1
 Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.TitleWelcome)/Text
 Text X=589 Y=503 Width=180 Height=35 FontId=2
 Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.CostarQualityMessage)/Text
 Text X=11 Y=423 Width=400 Height=50 FontId=2
 Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.TitleMessage)/Text
 Text X=135 Y=492 Width=200 Height=50 FontId=2
 Visible=yes DisablePrefix=yes#(loc.NetProductName)/Text

 Notice that I changed the name of this page to Welcome - in the original
 theme file, it is named Install.  By doing this, everything was showing
 on the page and it was displaying.  However, everything was disabled but
 application was not frozen or anything.  Changing it back to Install
 this behavior.

 So I see this fix from an experiential point of view.  It would seem that
 the Page elements must be referred to elsewhere to see this behavior.
 Something must be expecting a page named Install but I don't know what
 that would be.  I would love to be enlightened by someone who knows how
 is all hooked up.


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Re: [WiX-users] WIN64DUALFOLDERS Issue - Installer modifying values obtained from registry

2013-04-24 Thread Hoover, Jacob
On a 64 bit OS you'd probably want a second search with Win64=yes.

Property Id=EXCELPATH32
  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch32 Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 

Property Id=EXCELPATH64
  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch64 Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 
Win64=yes /

The 2nd RegistrySearch will probably give you an ICE80 *warning* for using a 
64-bit RegistrySearch in a 32-bit package which you can suppress (or just 
ignore if you don't have treat warning as errors on) but it should work on both 
x86  x64 systems.

-Original Message-
From: Shashank Padmanabhan (Aditi Technologies Private LTD) 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:59 AM
To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] WIN64DUALFOLDERS Issue - Installer modifying values 
obtained from registry

Hi all,

I am using WIX and trying to read installed location of excel application from 
Registry. Goal is to launch excel post install based on what the user chooses.
I obtain the same using a property below.

  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 
/ /Property

This obtains the appropriate path. But, it immediately modifies it on a system 
with 64 bit OS with either of 32 or 64 bit 2013 excel.  (It works on 12 other 
combinations of Win7, Win8, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013 all possible 
combinations of 32  64 bit) Actual Value in Registry: C:\Program 
Files\Microsoft Office\...
Modified Value by Installer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\...
The obtained value in the property is now no longer valid, since it has the 
extra ' (x86)' characters in it.

I searched around and came across this 
 where it was suggested to use a custom action to modify the value. We used a 
custom action to modify the property. But we found that the value is not 
reflected when the final dialog tries to launch excel on its exit.

Additionally, I also tried this. Instead of using EXCELPATH directly to launch 
excel, I created a dummy property, set it in the custom action and then tried 
to use to launch excel using that.
Interestingly we found that the property value was being set as per the custom 
action and was available only until 'InstallFinalize' event. It was cleared out 
by the time the final dialog was using it to launch excel! (See attached log 
file) When we hard coded ACTUAL_EXCELPATH property value to the actual value in 
registry, it remained available after 'InstallFinalize' event.

What do I need to do to fix this issue?

Also, one weird thing I observed. I quadruple checked this.
Win8 64 bit, 2013 32 bit office points to 64 bit programs files location. So is 
the same with registry value at 'CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel'.
Win8 64 bit, 2013 64 bit office points to 64 bit programs files location. So is 
the same with registry value at CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.
A little perplexed that 32  64 bit versions of office are both at the same 
program files location (Installed 2 different PC's). Location being - 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\ The 32 bit version of office should 
have installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\...!


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Re: [WiX-users] WIN64DUALFOLDERS Issue - Installer modifying values obtained from registry

2013-04-24 Thread Shashank Padmanabhan (Aditi Technologies Private LTD)
thanks for the reply Jacob. Will try it out tomorrow when in office.
I also found that the same works on a 2010 version of office (32  64 bit, on 
64 bit OS). One would have expected it to fail on that too, but it works there.

From: Hoover, Jacob [jacob.hoo...@greenheck.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:54 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WIN64DUALFOLDERS Issue - Installer modifying values 
obtained from registry

On a 64 bit OS you'd probably want a second search with Win64=yes.

Property Id=EXCELPATH32
  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch32 Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 

Property Id=EXCELPATH64
  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch64 Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 
Win64=yes /

The 2nd RegistrySearch will probably give you an ICE80 *warning* for using a 
64-bit RegistrySearch in a 32-bit package which you can suppress (or just 
ignore if you don't have treat warning as errors on) but it should work on both 
x86  x64 systems.

-Original Message-
From: Shashank Padmanabhan (Aditi Technologies Private LTD) 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:59 AM
To: WiX-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] WIN64DUALFOLDERS Issue - Installer modifying values 
obtained from registry

Hi all,

I am using WIX and trying to read installed location of excel application from 
Registry. Goal is to launch excel post install based on what the user chooses.
I obtain the same using a property below.

  RegistrySearch Id=ExcelDirSearch Root=HKLM 
Key=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe Type=raw 
/ /Property

This obtains the appropriate path. But, it immediately modifies it on a system 
with 64 bit OS with either of 32 or 64 bit 2013 excel.  (It works on 12 other 
combinations of Win7, Win8, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013 all possible 
combinations of 32  64 bit) Actual Value in Registry: C:\Program 
Files\Microsoft Office\...
Modified Value by Installer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\...
The obtained value in the property is now no longer valid, since it has the 
extra ' (x86)' characters in it.

I searched around and came across this 
 where it was suggested to use a custom action to modify the value. We used a 
custom action to modify the property. But we found that the value is not 
reflected when the final dialog tries to launch excel on its exit.

Additionally, I also tried this. Instead of using EXCELPATH directly to launch 
excel, I created a dummy property, set it in the custom action and then tried 
to use to launch excel using that.
Interestingly we found that the property value was being set as per the custom 
action and was available only until 'InstallFinalize' event. It was cleared out 
by the time the final dialog was using it to launch excel! (See attached log 
file) When we hard coded ACTUAL_EXCELPATH property value to the actual value in 
registry, it remained available after 'InstallFinalize' event.

What do I need to do to fix this issue?

Also, one weird thing I observed. I quadruple checked this.
Win8 64 bit, 2013 32 bit office points to 64 bit programs files location. So is 
the same with registry value at 'CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel'.
Win8 64 bit, 2013 64 bit office points to 64 bit programs files location. So is 
the same with registry value at CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.
A little perplexed that 32  64 bit versions of office are both at the same 
program files location (Installed 2 different PC's). Location being - 
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\ The 32 bit version of office should 
have installed at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\...!


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Re: [WiX-users] Outercurve OSS Conference, May 8-9, Bellevue WA

2013-04-24 Thread Chris Lord
Why sir, surely if it is in verbal jousting that thoust taketh part, thou 
should be sharpening thy lance and not thy sword.

- Original Message -
From: Rob Mensching r...@robmensching.com
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 6:34:32 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Outercurve OSS Conference, May 8-9, Bellevue WA

Greetings all,

It's not often that I start a thread on wix-users but I thought this might
be an event some of you would find interesting.

On May 8th and 9th, the Outercurve Foundation (the keeper's of the WiX
toolset copyright) is holding its first Open Source Conference. They've got
some famous people talking like: Jono Bacon, Scott Guthrie, Donnie
Berkholz, and Ross Gardler.

They even have some less famous people, coughme/cough, doing hand to
hand combat over software installation and packaging. I'll be going at it
with the project leads for NuGet and CoApp. That should be fun.

Anyway, beyond my cage match, I'll also be floating around at the
conference (when I'm not sharpening my sword) so if you're going to be
around let me know.

You can get more details about the conference here:


   Rob Mensching

I should probably make this a blog post.
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[WiX-users] After restart, Bundle loses non-default InstallFolder value

2013-04-24 Thread rowbot

If I change the install location (InstallFolder) to a non-default value, and
the Bundle then needs a restart (.NET 4.0 installation), the value after
reboot is back to the default value.

I've tried setting Persist=yes but that makes no difference..

Is this a bug?

Is there a workaround?


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Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] After restart, Bundle loses non-default InstallFolder value

2013-04-24 Thread Rob Mensching
Persisted='yes' worked for the Visual Studio installer, I know they use
this extensively.

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 9:37 AM, rowbot james.row...@microfocus.com wrote:


 If I change the install location (InstallFolder) to a non-default value,
 the Bundle then needs a restart (.NET 4.0 installation), the value after
 reboot is back to the default value.

 I've tried setting Persist=yes but that makes no difference..

 Is this a bug?

 Is there a workaround?


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 Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[WiX-users] dotnetfx35.exe and hkcr\installer\dependencies

2013-04-24 Thread Simon Detheridge


I'm noticing quite an awkward problem with the dotnet 3.5 installer. 
Specifically, it appears to wipe out hkcr\installer\dependencies when a user 
performs a repair. 

I am using wix dependency extension and this is causing something of a problem 
on a few Xp machines (which unfortunately our customers still use) because they 
suddenly become unable to figure out what deps are installed.

Has anyone else seen this? I'm guessing there isn't much that can be done... ?
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Re: [WiX-users] Trouble with DotNet 4.5

2013-04-24 Thread Nick Miller
Can anyone help me with this?


-Original Message-
From: Nick Miller [mailto:nmil...@livetechnology.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:08 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Subject: [WiX-users] Trouble with DotNet

Hi All,

I am having a very annoying problem.  I have a managed bootstrapper application 
which requires .Net 4.5.  I have the proper PackageGroupRef in my bundle's 
chain, and it installs .Net 4.5 successfully when there is no .Net installed.  
The problem is that if .Net 4 is already installed I run into one of two 

If in my BootstrapperCore.config I state:
   supportedFramework version=v4.5 / I get the following every 
time I run the installer no matter what:
   Loading prerequisite bootstrapper application because managed 
host could not be loaded, error: 0x80070490.
   The prerequisites were already installed. The bootstrapper 
application will not be reloaded to prevent an infinite loop.

If I declare any previous versions for supported framework, the installer 
crashes, and never loads the prereq window.

Any ideas?

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[WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread GregS
I'm new to WiX so my apologies if this is something I should know already.


I'm trying to use WiX to implement a new installer for an existing product
whose current installer was written using a commercial tool. We have a large
library of functions that our current installer calls during installation to
do various tasks (for example, to validate the user's license file). This
DLL is old and is not written in a .Net language. Rewriting the DLL is not
an option - I'm under a tight schedule and it is too large to consider
rewriting. So I need to reuse it.

Since I can't call the DLL directly from WiX, what I did is to import it
manually into my C# custom action DLL. I'm writing wrapper functions in the
custom action DLL to call the functions in the old DLL.

So far this works, but only because the old DLL is already present on the
target computer and is in a known location. What I need is for this DLL to
be bundled inside the MSI so that it gets unpacked into the temporary
installation folder. I haven't been able to find a way to do this, and from
Googling for an answer I've read that it isn't safe or recommended (for
example here:

I tried using the Binary tag to include it but no luck. Probably because
the DLL is not actually used from the WiX installer itself, but only
imported at run time into the custom action DLL.

I also have to do something similar with an external EXE that our old
installer calls. 

Any suggestions? Is what I'm trying to do possible?


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[WiX-users] Prevent minor upgrade

2013-04-24 Thread Hein Htat
Hi, I am a little lost and wondering if anyone knows how to prevent a minor 
upgrade. Major upgrades are working fine. What I want to achieve is to prevent 
(or at least deter through UI) minor upgrades. Does anyone know the conditions 
for detecting them?
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Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread Nick Miller
Hi Greg,

If I understand your problem correctly, what you need to do is add these dll's 
as references to the custom action project, then set the Copy Local property to 
true.  When you build the custom action, your customaction.CA.dll will contain 
all of the dependencies needed for it to run, including your old dll's.

If you really want to copy the dll's to the machine, you will need to add them 
to a component with a file .../ tag, reference it in a feature, and schedule 
your custom action to run after the files are copied.

-Original Message-
From: GregS [mailto:gsh...@actuate.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:37 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

I'm new to WiX so my apologies if this is something I should know already.


I'm trying to use WiX to implement a new installer for an existing product 
whose current installer was written using a commercial tool. We have a large 
library of functions that our current installer calls during installation to do 
various tasks (for example, to validate the user's license file). This DLL is 
old and is not written in a .Net language. Rewriting the DLL is not an option - 
I'm under a tight schedule and it is too large to consider rewriting. So I need 
to reuse it.

Since I can't call the DLL directly from WiX, what I did is to import it 
manually into my C# custom action DLL. I'm writing wrapper functions in the 
custom action DLL to call the functions in the old DLL.

So far this works, but only because the old DLL is already present on the 
target computer and is in a known location. What I need is for this DLL to be 
bundled inside the MSI so that it gets unpacked into the temporary installation 
folder. I haven't been able to find a way to do this, and from Googling for an 
answer I've read that it isn't safe or recommended (for example here:

I tried using the Binary tag to include it but no luck. Probably because the 
DLL is not actually used from the WiX installer itself, but only imported at 
run time into the custom action DLL.

I also have to do something similar with an external EXE that our old installer 

Any suggestions? Is what I'm trying to do possible?


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Re: [WiX-users] UILevel on uninstall using WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense bootstrapper

2013-04-24 Thread Christopher West C
Okay, just now got a chance to get back to this.

To recap, the issue am seeing is as follows:
If I install the msi directly, and then uninstall the msi from 
ARP, the UILevel is 3 during the uninstall of the .msi.  I 
verify this by checking the value of the UILevel property with a custom action.

If I install the burn .exe that chains this same .msi, and then 
uninstall the burn .exe from ARP, when the uninstall of the 
burn.exe uninstalls the chained msi, the value of the UILevel is 
2 in this same custom action.

Rob, per your last reply, you mentioned using MsiProcessMessage() to display 
the dialog.
So I have a C# custom action which calls session.Message.  
If I install the .msi directly, the session.Message message is displayed on 
uninstall from ARP.
If I install via the bootstrapper that contains the .msi, the session.Message 
is NOT displayed on uninstall from ARP.

Again, the above behavior appears to be based on the UILevel of the .msi being 
2 when uninstalled via the bootstrapper, versus a UILevel of the .msi being 3 
when being uninstall from ARP directly.

Is the UILevel being set incorrectly via the bootstrapper a known issue?  You 
had mentioned in one of your previous responses to this chain that  Bob 
changed some things here last because there were some issues.

-Original Message-
From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r...@robmensching.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:26 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] UILevel on uninstall using 
WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense bootstrapper

Ahh, why not use ::MsiProcessMessage() to display the dialog? If you do that, 
then the message would be routed all the way through Burn to the BA and the BA 
would then get the message and display it correctly based on its UI level.

Trying to throw ::MessageBox() inside a custom action is only useful for
Assert() type dialogs and (when absolutely necessary) when your CA is launched 
by an MSI UI action (because MSI messed up the communication code and messages 
are lost).

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Christopher West C  
christopher.c.w...@ericsson.com wrote:

 I figured that question was coming...

 We have multiple products that can be installed by the customer.  We 
 have a core product, and then some additional add-on products that can 
 installed as well, each product having its own .msi.  Previously we 
 were installing the .msi files directly and were not trying to make use of 
 the burn
 functionality.In the core product, we have an installexecute custom
 action( called after AppSearch) that we call during the core 
 product's removal that checks to see if any add-on products are 
 installed.  If so, if the UI Level was 3(which is the value set from 
 ARP) we would display a message box to the user to uninstall the 
 relevant add-on products first and then cancel the uninstall.  If the 
 UI Level in this same custom action was 2, then we knew that they 
 were doing a silent uninstall from the command prompt using msiexec, 
 and we would cancel the uninstall without displaying the message box, and 
 instead would write the message to the log file.

 -Original Message-
 From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r...@robmensching.com]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 9:53 AM
 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
 Subject: Re: [WiX-users] UILevel on uninstall using 
 WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense bootstrapper

 PS: Why does it matter? I'm curious.

 On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Rob Mensching r...@robmensching.com

  Ug. I know Bob changed some things here last because there were some 
  issues. I thought it was as my memory remembered but I was 
  apparently wrong. Hopefully, he can chime in and correct my 
  understanding and why it is the way it is. There was something...
  On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:37 AM, Christopher West C  
  christopher.c.w...@ericsson.com wrote:
  Yes, I do have the DisplayInternalUI=yes set on the MsiPackage
   Following is the entire MsiPackage element.
  MsiPackage SourceFile=..\bin\Release\en-us\CWTestGACInstaller.msi
DisplayInternalUI=yes Vital=yes 
  -Original Message-
  From: Rob Mensching [mailto:r...@robmensching.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 9:31 AM
  To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
  Subject: Re: [WiX-users] UILevel on uninstall using 
  WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense bootstrapper
  Ahh, sorry. Misread the question. Did you set DisplayInternalUI='yes'
  on the MsiPackage? If no, then the MSIs are always run silently.
  On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Christopher West C  
  christopher.c.w...@ericsson.com wrote:
   Based on what I am seeing , the behavior of the burn .exe 
   uninstalling the chained .msi is not matching the behavior if I 
   install/uninstall the .msi directly.
   If I install the msi directly, and then 

Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread GregS
Nick, thanks for the reply.

I'm importing the old DLL into my custom action DLL using DllImport(),
because Visual Studio won't allow me to add it as a reference to the
project. I'm not entirely sure why, but I suspect it is because the old DLL
is unmanaged code (written in Delphi 2007). I'm pretty sure my problem would
disappear if I could add it as a reference as you suggest, but it doesn't
seem possible.

The second suggestion might work. I suppose I could install the DLL as a
component, run the custom actions, and then delete the DLL. However, some of
the custom actions that use this DLL really should run before anything gets
installed (for example validating that the user's license file is valid).

On the surface it seems it should be simple. I just need a way to have the
old DLL bundled into the MSI and to be unpacked into the temporary
installation folder along with the custom action DLL. If it's there, then
the custom action DLL will be able to find it. 

I thought of another possible solution. Can someone point me to
documentation about writing custom actions in unmanaged code? Specifically,
about how to pass parameters from WiX to unmanaged code? I'm thinking that
maybe I could take the old Delphi code that's in that DLL and redo the
interfaces so they're in the format for custom actions. Then I could use the
Delphi DLL as a custom action DLL directly and the problem would disappear.
I have access to Delphi for doing this and have time to write new

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[WiX-users] Show session.Message during silent install...

2013-04-24 Thread StevenOgilvie
Stupid question I know...

I am using WIX 3.7 and using burn to bootstrap my MSI's

Most of my MSI's have no need to show UI, so in Burn i am using:

I have quite a few DTF Custom Actions, and I am using:

Most are Message failures in try catch exception:
catch (Exception ex)
WriteErrorLogInstall(session, CheckIfServerOffline failed:
, ex, true);
if (session != null)
InstallMessage.User + (int)MessageBoxIcon.Error +
new Record { FormatString = Setup could not verify
this blah blah.\nException:  + ex.Message });

return ActionResult.Failure;

However I do have 1 or two messages I do want to show for info reasons for
the user:
InstallMessage.User + (int)MessageBoxIcon.Warning +
new Record { FormatString = some important message
to view. });

But I would like to show that warning message that is NOT part of an catch
exception, is that possible?


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Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread Nick Miller
Hi Greg,

I had one other idea, you might be able to include your unmanaged dll as an 
embedded resource and have the CA copy it to a temp directory, then reference 
it from there.  It's a quick and dirty way to get it done, but it should work.  
Basically it would look like this:

 private void CopyResource(string resourceName, string file)
using (Stream resource = 
if (resource == null)
throw new ArgumentException(No such resource, resourceName);
using (Stream output = File.OpenWrite(file))

-Original Message-
From: GregS [mailto:gsh...@actuate.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:50 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

Nick, thanks for the reply.

I'm importing the old DLL into my custom action DLL using DllImport(), because 
Visual Studio won't allow me to add it as a reference to the project. I'm not 
entirely sure why, but I suspect it is because the old DLL is unmanaged code 
(written in Delphi 2007). I'm pretty sure my problem would disappear if I could 
add it as a reference as you suggest, but it doesn't seem possible.

The second suggestion might work. I suppose I could install the DLL as a 
component, run the custom actions, and then delete the DLL. However, some of 
the custom actions that use this DLL really should run before anything gets 
installed (for example validating that the user's license file is valid).

On the surface it seems it should be simple. I just need a way to have the old 
DLL bundled into the MSI and to be unpacked into the temporary installation 
folder along with the custom action DLL. If it's there, then the custom action 
DLL will be able to find it. 

I thought of another possible solution. Can someone point me to documentation 
about writing custom actions in unmanaged code? Specifically, about how to pass 
parameters from WiX to unmanaged code? I'm thinking that maybe I could take the 
old Delphi code that's in that DLL and redo the interfaces so they're in the 
format for custom actions. Then I could use the Delphi DLL as a custom action 
DLL directly and the problem would disappear.
I have access to Delphi for doing this and have time to write new interfaces.

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Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread GregS
Interesting idea. I'll try that tomorrow when I get back into the office.
Quick and dirty is fine with me, and if that works then it'll do. 

I also came up with another possibility, which is simply to write another
installer that would install the DLL to a known location. This little
installer would run first to install the prerequisites (the DLL and any EXEs
the installer needs) and then the main installer could run, and clean up
these files when it's done.

Of course, the right thing to do would be to convert that old DLL into a
true custom action DLL. I'm going to look into that tomorrow, too. Hoping
it's possible and doable in the time available. Not sure how good the
support for MSI is in that old version of Delphi, however.

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Re: [WiX-users] Including third party DLLs for installer to use

2013-04-24 Thread Bob Arnson
On 24-Apr-13 20:54, GregS wrote:
 Of course, the right thing to do would be to convert that old DLL into a
 true custom action DLL. I'm going to look into that tomorrow, too. Hoping
 it's possible and doable in the time available. Not sure how good the
 support for MSI is in that old version of Delphi, however.
You might need something like JEDI to get a translation of the MSI 
headers. But otherwise, a custom action is just an exported function 
with this signature:

extern C UINT __stdcall CustomActionEntryPoint(
 __in MSIHANDLE hInstall


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Re: [WiX-users] How do I correctly modify an EventLog?

2013-04-24 Thread Bob Arnson
On 23-Apr-13 13:24, David Kauffmann wrote:
 I would really love to see an extension to the WixUtilExtension library
 which provides an EventLog element with the Attributes
 ModifyOverflowPolicy, MaximumKilobytes, MinimumRetentionDays...
 essentially all the Properties you can set for an EventLog object from
 the System.Diagnostics namespace.
Please file a feature request with specific requests. Some, like 
ModifyOverflowPolicy, are just another way of expressing Retention.


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