Re: [WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-22 Thread DexterSinister
Neil Sleightholm wrote
 I'll see if I can make a simple repro first and try and come up with some
 dmm - can you raise a defect so this is not lost?

Thanks Neil!

I believe there are already a couple of bug reports / fix requests for this
but I will double-check and enter one if my memory is failing ...

Thanks again to you, Chris P. and RobMen for your time, attention and
assistance on this.


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Re: [WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-21 Thread DexterSinister
Christopher Painter-2 wrote
 If that's the case,  a DTF custom action wouldn't have that problem.

Thanks for the tip ... 

I've never done anything with DTF, do you have any suggestions on how to get
started ?

Thanks again for your time and attention,


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Re: [WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-21 Thread DexterSinister
Christopher Painter-2 wrote


I'll check this out ...


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Re: [WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-20 Thread DexterSinister
Yes, Neil ... RegSvcs works fine for either version of the DLL, installs fine
... uninstalls fine ...

Weird, eh?

I'm going to take a look at the ComPlus extension code to see if I can find
any obvious
reason why it's not working ... not familiar territory, but I may as well
give it a shot ...



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Re: [WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-19 Thread DexterSinister
Hi Rob -

Your 'nothing' is probably more than my nothing on this topic, so thanks in
advance for any assistance and insight you can provide.

Here's the relevant log segment:

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Entering ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit in
C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI29.tmp, version 3.7.1224.0
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:286]: Closing MSIHANDLE (859) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:286]: Creating MSIHANDLE (860) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:286]: Closing MSIHANDLE (860) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:426]: Creating MSIHANDLE (861) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:426]: Closing MSIHANDLE (861) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:426]: Creating MSIHANDLE (862) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Registering assembly, key: myApp
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:17:57:426]: Closing MSIHANDLE (862) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Creating MSIHANDLE (863) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  ExceptionInfo: Code='0',
Source='System.EnterpriseServices', Description='Failed to load assembly
'c:\program files (x86)\MyCompany\queue\13.0\vmsqueue.dll'.', HelpFile='',
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (863) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Creating MSIHANDLE (864) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to invoke
RegistrationHelper.InstallAssembly() method
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (864) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Creating MSIHANDLE (865) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register .NET
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (865) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Creating MSIHANDLE (866) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register assembly,
key: myApp
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (866) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Creating MSIHANDLE (867) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register
MSI (s) (E0!50) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (867) of type 790531 for
thread 3920
MSI (s) (E0:20) [11:18:01:708]: Closing MSIHANDLE (858) of type 790536 for
thread 3360

Doesn't seem very helpful ... but that's what I've got ...

If the assembly is re-based to target Framework v2 [2.0.50727, to be
precise] ... then it installs
just fine ...

There is some uninstallation weirdness [but only on 1 system, not on a clean
test box] - when
uninstalling, the app remains in the Component Services control panel applet
... the installed files
and folders [and ARP entry] get removed properly ... weird, huh?

We're trying to move all of our code to Framework v4 ... so this is kind of
a pain ... and as I've
said already, any assistance / insights are greatly appreciated.



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[WiX-users] COM+ registration help

2013-03-18 Thread DexterSinister
Like the subject line says ... 

I'm using WiX v3.7.1224.0 to build an installation package for an app that
has a COM+ service
application ... I've tried to use the COM+ custom actions and have had
nothing but failures, this
installer  app were working until the app was updated to use .NET v4 - I
understand there are
issues with the COM+ custom actions ... but I need to get this working and
I'm about at the end
of my rope ... 

The app [dll] installs  un-installs fine using RegSvcs.exe, but no matter
what I do I can't seem
to get it to work in an installer environment. 


Here's the WiX code I've been using: 

  Component Id=MyAppDLL
Guid=-AD6B-43B3-A2C2-64B42901D183 Permanent=no
 File Id=MyAppDLL.file0 KeyPath=yes
Source=$(var.BuildSourceLoc)myApp.dll Assembly=no /
 complus:ComPlusApplication Id=myApp Name=myApp
ApplicationDirectory=[PF.MyCompany.MyApp.13.0] Authentication=none
ImpersonationLevel=anonymous RunForever=yes
complus:ComPlusAssembly Id=myApp
DllPathFromGAC=no DllPath=[#MyAppDLL.file0] TlbPath=[#myAppTLB.file0] RegisterInCommit=yes /

  Component Id=MyAppTLB
Guid=-62BE-4493-89EC-27DBFC0345BD Permanent=no
 File Id=myAppTLB.file0 KeyPath=yes
Source=$(var.BuildSourceLoc)myApp.tlb /

Any suggestions welcome ... even suggestions for doing this 'the wrong way'
... as long as it works!
Thanks in advance, 


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[WiX-users] Use WiX with TFSBuild without installing WiX on buildmachine?

2013-01-28 Thread DexterSinister
Just like the subject line says ...

We've got a couple of dozen installers that build with a variety of versions
of WiX [haven't had time to update all of them to v3.7] ... and we're moving
all of our packaging builds to TFSBuild from a variety of methods [older
TFSBuild scripts, batch files, etc.] ... 

What is the best way to be able to use a specific version of WiX for a
specific package build without having to install WiX on the buildmachine or
having a specific buildmachine tied to a specific version of WiX ?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,


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Re: [WiX-users] Use WiX with TFSBuild without installing WiX on buildmachine?

2013-01-28 Thread DexterSinister
Just found it, thanks!


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[WiX-users] Possible bug in WixUIExtension ?

2011-05-25 Thread DexterSinister
I've built a custom UI based on WixUI_Mondo [WiX v3.5.2519.0] ... following
the pattern outlined in the WiX Tutorial
[] and by Neil Sleightholm
... but I'm experiencing some weirdness in Maintenance mode.

All I'm doing is adding a single dialog after CustomizeDlg ... and it works
fine during the initial installation, but when I try to use the 'Change'
option through Add/Remove Programs [in Win7 Pro SP1 32 or 64 bit], the
VerifyReadyDlg only has 'Back' and 'Cancel' buttons visible.

The reason I suspect something other than my simple-minded code is that if I
take the WixUI_Mondo.wxs from the source file zip ... rename the UI to
something like WixUI_Mondo2 in all the appropriate places and use it without
any other changes, I get the same behavior as my failing customized

Is it possible that the files in the source zip are old/incorrect ... or
that the WixUIExtension DLL was built with old/incorrect dialogs ?

I haven't tested on WinXP yet ... that's my next step ... and I'll post the

Anybody have ideas/suggestions ... I'm stuck and I need to get this in to

Thanks in advance for ideas  assistance,


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Re: [WiX-users] ComPlus Problem - Was working, now not working - 2nd Attempt at Posting

2011-03-14 Thread DexterSinister
Any suggestions for a workaround ... ?

I need to get this working in 2 installers ...

Thanks in advance,


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[WiX-users] ComPlus Problem - Was working, now not working - 2nd Attempt at Posting

2011-03-11 Thread DexterSinister
I've got an installer for a utility that includes a COM+ component.  The
solution was originally created in VS2008 and targetted .NET 3.5.  The
solution was 'upgraded' to VS2010 and .NET 4.0, and now the installation
fails ...

Here's a fragment for COM+ component  TLB [this was working fine until the









Here's a fragment from the installation log file showing the error:

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Registering assembly, key: myAssembly
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:53:884]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3073) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:775]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3074) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  ExceptionInfo: Code='0',
Source='System.EnterpriseServices', Description='Failed to load assembly
'c:\program files\myCompany\ourApplication\curVerNum\myAssembly.dll'.',
HelpFile='', HelpContext='0'
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3074) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3075) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to invoke
RegistrationHelper.InstallAssembly() method
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3075) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3076) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register .NET
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3076) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3077) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register assembly,
key: myAssembly
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3077) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3078) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register


I'm using WiX v3.5.2519.0 ... and I have seen a similar error has been
reported in the WiX bug tracker on SourceForge [registering a TLB] ... but
no solution to the problem.


Thanks in advance,


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[WiX-users] ComPlus Problem - Was working, now not working

2011-03-11 Thread DexterSinister
I've got an installer for a utility that includes a COM+ component.  The
solution was originally created in VS2008 and targetted .NET 3.5.  The
solution was 'upgraded' to VS2010 and .NET 4.0, and now the installation
fails ...

Here's a fragment for COM+ component  TLB [this was working fine until the









Here's a fragment from the installation log file showing the error:

ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Registering assembly, key: myAssembly
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:53:884]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3073) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:775]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3074) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  ExceptionInfo: Code='0',
Source='System.EnterpriseServices', Description='Failed to load assembly
'c:\program files\myCompany\ourApplication\curVerNum\myAssembly.dll'.',
HelpFile='', HelpContext='0'
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3074) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3075) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to invoke
RegistrationHelper.InstallAssembly() method
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3075) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3076) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register .NET
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3076) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3077) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register assembly,
key: myAssembly
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Closing MSIHANDLE (3077) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
MSI (s) (DC!DC) [09:57:58:791]: Creating MSIHANDLE (3078) of type 790531 for
thread 3548
ComPlusInstallExecuteCommit:  Error 0x80020009: Failed to register


I'm using WiX v3.5.2519.0 ... and I have seen a similar error has been
reported in the WiX bug tracker on SourceForge [registering a TLB] ... but
no solution to the problem.


Thanks in advance,


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Re: [WiX-users] Conditionally pass the property value to FileElement Name, Source attributes.

2009-07-09 Thread DexterSinister

mah...@bangalore wrote:
 My WiX file is something like this:
 Component Id=a
 File Id =abc Name=abc.txt Source=C:\abc.txt/
 ComponentRef a /
 ComponentRef b/
 ComponentRef z/
 So, my requirement is Component 'a' should be executed with file abc.txt
 if Feature1 is marked for install and it should be executed with
 Name=xyz.txt if Feature2 is marked for install.

Why not do this:

Component Id=a
File Id =abc Name=abc.txt Source=C:\abc.txt/

Component Id=z
File Id =xyz Name=xyz.txt Source=C:\xyz.txt/

ComponentRef a /
ComponentRef b/

ComponentRef b/
ComponentRef z/

or am I missing something ... ?


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[WiX-users] Documenting installation packages

2009-06-19 Thread DexterSinister

How are folks here documenting their installation packages ?

Are there any automated tools for doing this ... ?

If you're doing this manually, what information are you
capturing ... and how are you presenting it ? [charts /
spreadsheet type table(s) / ???]

I'm working on this issue ... and there doesn't seem to
be much info available.

Any help greatly appreciated, I'll share my results with
this mailing list when I'm done ...

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [WiX-users] Heat and COM executable registry extraction

2008-10-09 Thread DexterSinister

Kamil Mierzejewski wrote:
 The tool is not publicly available. All I can do is to post source code 
 (C++) or the compiled binary on your e-mail address.
 You can learn how to use it from the source - it's very small and simple.
 I think it is a piece of functionality that could be implemented as a 
 WiX extension. If anyone wants to make such an extension of it, let me 
 know, I will send the code.

Hi Kamil -

Please post the source code ... I'd like to see if I can turn it
in to a WiX extension.


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[WiX-users] Any examples / samples of using built-in chainer?

2008-09-30 Thread DexterSinister

Just like the subject line says ...

Does anybody have any examples of WiX authoring that illustrate use of the
new chainer capabilities in Windows Installer v4.5 ?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-09 Thread DexterSinister

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
 It could be in the merge module's Property table or in custom actions.

I've checked through all of those ... but where does the property get
stored between runs of the installer ?

It's someplace that isn't effected by reboots [registry, but where?],
but how does the system 'know' that product is already installed or
'partially' installed ... and to then check for the Preselected property
or the Resume property ... it's storing those values somewhere, but
I haven't been able to find out where.

Thanks again for your assistance,

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Re: [WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-07 Thread DexterSinister

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
 If the BO merge modules are causing Preselected to be set, I'm not sure 
 there's a viable workaround. You should consider not using their merge 
 modules -- they have .msi equivalents, at least for some of their stuff. 
 Or you could create one, by merging their modules into a utility .msi, 
 then treat it as a prereq to be chained in.

Thanks Bob ...

Just out of curiosity, where / how does that Preselected property get stored


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Re: [WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-04 Thread DexterSinister

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
 I'm not sure what you're asking. WixUI should handle it based on its 
 conditions, but it's exceedingly rare (and rude) to require a reboot in 
 the middle of an installation; worst case, reboots should happen at the

The reboot does happen at the end ... and asks the user's permission before
rebooting [unless run silently], but when the system comes back up and the
Change button in Add/Remove Programs is clicked, the Resume dialog comes
up ... a review of the logfile shows that the Preselected property is set

So ... back to my previous question ... grin ... or have I found a bug [I
mean another bug] in a 3rd party merge module ... ?

The only merge modules in the package are from Microsoft [no weirdness in
those as far as I can tell] and Business Objects [Crystal Reports 11.5 for
VS2005] ... and the BO modules are known to be cr*p, they don't pass the
validation tests [I'll supply a log if you really want it], and BO isn't
on fixing them any time soon [if ever, but the latter is just my opinion

On the WiX side, I'm using v2.0.5213.0 because I can't even get the project
to compile/link cleanly with v2.0.5325.0 ... unless I use the previous
of mergemod.dll ...

Any suggestions on how to hunt for whatever is setting the Preselected
property ... [or any other thoughts on how to get this working the way
it should] ... ?

Thanks again for all of your time,

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Re: [WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-04 Thread DexterSinister

Richard.Foster wrote:
 I had so much hassle with the Business Objects merge modules I moved to
 using their MSI file and triggering it from a bootstrapper.
  Snippage Applied ... 
 Hope this info is of interest.

Thanks Richard !

Sounds like we've had similar experiences with BO merge modules ... smile
... and
based on their legendary willingness to resolve these issues and improve
their products
for their customers, my preference would be to simply switch to another
toolset for
our apps ... but that isn't going to happen any time soon [if ever], so I'm
trying to
make the best of it.

Another factor here is that in order to keep our installations as
clean/simple as possible
for our field staff, we're trying to keep the number of required files down
to the bare
minimum ... so we would really like to stick with the merge modules which
allow us to
ship a single MSI file to the field and not worry about them keeping track
of a boot-
strapper and any other external files which would be required for our
installations ...

It's a bit of a Catch-22 [as I said before ...], but that's the situation.

I do appreciate your thoughts and I certainly sympathize with your



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Re: [WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-04 Thread DexterSinister

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
 If it's the BO merge modules, they should be taken out back and given a 
 proper burial.g

Yes ... well ... if I get that opportunity, I'll be sure to invite you and
Richard to the wake.

Any ... other ... thoughts on the matter ?


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[WiX-users] Maintenance - Change weirdness

2007-10-02 Thread DexterSinister

Hi Folks -

I've run in to some weirdness with an installation package when trying to
modify an existing installation.

In Add/Remove Programs, both the Change and Remove buttons are displayed ...
but the Change button doesn't work as expected.

When the Change button is clicked, the installation package starts ... but
it goes straight in to reinstalling the product without giving the user any
options to add or remove any features.  ARPNOMODIFY is not being set [at
least not that I can find] and the installation behaves as expected on the
initial install and if the Remove button is clicked ...

Thoughts ... ?

Have I missed something simple  obvious ... ?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [WiX-users] Error while trying to build with Crystal Reports XIr2 - Any ideas ?

2007-07-03 Thread DexterSinister

Bob Arnson-6 wrote:
 Mergemod.dll is a black box so it's impossible to know exactly what's 
 different. WiX v3 also uses the Vista SDK so any problems are going to 
 affect it too. It's either a bug in mergemod.dll or bad merge modules.

Thanks Bob ... I kinda figured that mergemod.dll was a bit like
Pandora's Box grin

And knowing these particular merge modules, I know they're *bad*
to a certain degree ... my concern is/was that this stuff works [or
at least doesn't outright crash light.exe] in v2.0.5213.0 and doesn't
work in v2.0.5325.0 ...

For now, I'm going back to v2.0.5213.0 ... since the merge module
issue is more important to me than the other fixes that differentiate
the two releases.


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Re: [WiX-users] Error while trying to build with Crystal Reports XIr2 - Any ideas ?

2007-07-02 Thread DexterSinister

Here's an update, just in case anybody cares ...

The problem cropped up with v2.0.5325.0 of WiX, in doing some testing to try
and isolate the
source of the error(s), I tested with v2.0.5213.0 ... and everything worked

I checked the change log and saw that with v2.0.5325.0, WiX was being built
against the
Vista SDK ... so, just for grins, I copied the older version of mergemod.dll
in to the WiX
folder and tried to do a build of my installation package.  The build worked
fine ...

So I guess the question is:  what's the difference between the mergemod
DLLs, and can I live
with v2.0.5213.0 ... at least until v3.0.x of WiX is stable enough for my

Any thoughts ... ?


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Re: [WiX-users] Error while trying to build with Crystal Reports XIr2 -Any ideas ?

2007-06-01 Thread DexterSinister

OT, but I love that word...catastrophically.  When functions in my
code fail, I generally don't relate them to cataclysmic events.  :-)


I guess it depends on how close you are to your release date grin


Can you post some snippets of the module so we can have a look, namely
how the components are organized?


The module is 85Mb ... but it's available at:

The modules in question are the Crystal Reports XI r2  .NET and RDC,
if you're curious ...


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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Merge Modules Serialized and Stamped at Install Time

2007-06-01 Thread DexterSinister

Mike Dimmick wrote:

 Their build process generates random GUIDs every time they run a build.

Surely nobody does something that insane...?!g



You'd be amazed at what some vendors will do to their customers ... !

And stop calling me Shirley ...


Thanks for the laugh Bob ... I needed that today.


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WiX-users mailing list

[WiX-users] Upgrading Publisher Policy Files in Merge Modules

2007-04-23 Thread DexterSinister

Is there any trick to this ... ?

We've got a merge module that is used by a couple of other groups, and while
the assemblies
get installed to the GAC properly ... when upgraded assemblies  policy
files get shipped, the
policy files don't seem to upgrade properly.

Thanks in advance,

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Upgrading Publisher Policy Files in Merge Modules

2007-04-23 Thread DexterSinister

Mike, Phil -

Thanks for the quick responses !

After some more testing, it appears to be a problem with how InstallShield
is consuming the merge modules ... not with how they're built.

Insert shocked look here ...

Now I just need to convince another development group to use WiX ...



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