Re: [WiX-users] Conditional registry entries and handling them properly on uninstall

2009-11-26 Thread Jan Wester
Hello Blair,

Leaving registry keys behind isn't the biggest issue, and I could deal
with leaving some things behind if they didn't replace existing
values. But as I wrote in an earlier post, my application deals in the
improvement of the experience dealing with files outside the
applications installed by the user, either because they do not provide
such support or haven't done a thorough enough job. Suppose I allow my
overwritten Infotip entry to remain, that breaks any Infotips the
native application has used.

I guess my problems are only reinforced by the fact that I haven't
fully grasped understanding of and the advantages of WiX mechanism
over a more procedural approach where I could do it in a simple
if-statement. I have already got rough sketches working in a simple
DLL register/unregister function, but that is a strong no-no for
deployment according to all places I have read up on the matter.
(Although the reason escapes me - run the unregister before deleting
the file, and you get the same net effect..)


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Blair wrote:
 If you want to restore a previously existing registry key, you would have
 had to have saved it someplace, or at least saved the fact that it
 previously existed with enough information to recreate it. That means that
 in your RegistrySearches you would need to be able to distinguish the
 difference between a non-existent key (that you are defaulting, perhaps?)
 and a previously existing key.

 Or, can you change the situation a bit? Is it bad to leave the registry key
 behind when you uninstall? Sometimes old droppings really aren't as bad as
 the destruction that can be caused by trying to do a comprehensive job
 cleaning up after yourself.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jan Wester []
 Sent: Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:37 AM
 Subject: [WiX-users] Conditional registry entries and handling them properly
 on uninstall

 Hello WiX community,

 After the advice given to me yesterday, I've been focusing on the
 subject I've had least replies on. Basically, I am trying to only
 write a registry entry if it does not exist and create some keys to go
 with it, or if it does exist, I want to modify things, and at
 uninstall time, restore things to how they were. Since my attempts so
 far combined with examples will probably be more informative, here
 they come:

 Property Id=PROGID_XYZ Value=Test.ProgID
      RegistrySearch Id='ExtXyzRegistry' Type='raw'
        Root='HKLM' Key='Software\CLASSES\.xyz' /

 That ought to fill PROGID_XYZ with an already existing ProgID, or if
 the filetype is unknown, substitute my own default handler.

 Component Id=ComponentXYZ Guid=snip
  RegistryKey Root=HKLM Key=Software\Classes\[PROGID_XYZ]
    RegistryValue Type=string Name=SomeWeirdValue Value=Stuff /

 This created the value in the proper place, but upon uninstallation,
 it removed the entire key, which makes sense since I asked it to. But
 in this case, the RegistrySearch was successful, and thus the
 appropriate ProgID already existed, and I essentially wiped out the
 file associations. Oops. How can I avoid this? If I were to make it
 action=create, I would never remove the handler afterwards if I
 understand correctly.

 To have it all in a little neat list, these are the requirements I am
 trying to achieve:
 * .XYZ exists - make changes in existing ProgID.
 * .XYZ does not exist - make the .XYZ key, and make my default ProgID.
 * Uninstallation: .XYZ already existed at installation - place back
 any settings I overwrote in the 'foreign' ProgID, and remove any new
 entries I made.
 * Uninstallation: .XYZ never existed at installation - remove .XYZ and
 my default ProgID.

 I have studied conditions, features, components and the various
 options available to me with a RegistrySearch, but I am pretty much
 lost. As such I appreciate any advice or examples you folks can give
 me to work off. :)


 Jan Wester

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 WiX-users mailing list

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[WiX-users] Conditional registry entries and handling them properly on uninstall

2009-11-21 Thread Jan Wester
Hello WiX community,

After the advice given to me yesterday, I've been focusing on the
subject I've had least replies on. Basically, I am trying to only
write a registry entry if it does not exist and create some keys to go
with it, or if it does exist, I want to modify things, and at
uninstall time, restore things to how they were. Since my attempts so
far combined with examples will probably be more informative, here
they come:

Property Id=PROGID_XYZ Value=Test.ProgID
  RegistrySearch Id='ExtXyzRegistry' Type='raw'
Root='HKLM' Key='Software\CLASSES\.xyz' /

That ought to fill PROGID_XYZ with an already existing ProgID, or if
the filetype is unknown, substitute my own default handler.

Component Id=ComponentXYZ Guid=snip
  RegistryKey Root=HKLM Key=Software\Classes\[PROGID_XYZ]
RegistryValue Type=string Name=SomeWeirdValue Value=Stuff /

This created the value in the proper place, but upon uninstallation,
it removed the entire key, which makes sense since I asked it to. But
in this case, the RegistrySearch was successful, and thus the
appropriate ProgID already existed, and I essentially wiped out the
file associations. Oops. How can I avoid this? If I were to make it
action=create, I would never remove the handler afterwards if I
understand correctly.

To have it all in a little neat list, these are the requirements I am
trying to achieve:
* .XYZ exists - make changes in existing ProgID.
* .XYZ does not exist - make the .XYZ key, and make my default ProgID.
* Uninstallation: .XYZ already existed at installation - place back
any settings I overwrote in the 'foreign' ProgID, and remove any new
entries I made.
* Uninstallation: .XYZ never existed at installation - remove .XYZ and
my default ProgID.

I have studied conditions, features, components and the various
options available to me with a RegistrySearch, but I am pretty much
lost. As such I appreciate any advice or examples you folks can give
me to work off. :)


Jan Wester

Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day 
trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
Crystal Reports now.
WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Supplemental shell extensions installation

2009-11-20 Thread Jan Wester
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Chad Petersen wrote:
 Aren't shell extensions either a DLL or OCX file as the entry point?
 Think about what you have to do to manually deploy your shell extensions
 and write down the steps (if it helps). These are the steps that you
 would then author in WiX to automate the process through an MSI. A
 simple outline with things that are common

 1. Confirm it is a Windows OS
 2. Confirm it is one of the version(s) of Windows you support
 3. Detect where Windows is installed if needed
 4. Copy extension to proposed folder (your own, or perhaps System32)
 5. Register the extension with the system
 6. Restart Windows if needed

Hello Chad,

Aye, shell extensions are all DLLs. I believe I know the requirements
of my shell extensions, but I am unsure as to the best installing
habits. For example, you recommend system32, but I recall reading that
starting with Vista I believe it was, Microsoft is advising against
installing stuff into System32.

I have no real need for backwards compatibility (thankfully), so I
focusing fully on Windows 7 compatibility and guidelines in this
matter. But to me, this also means I should be getting it mostly right
at my first try, rather than mostly wrong. :)


Jan Wester

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Supplemental shell extensions installation

2009-11-20 Thread Jan Wester
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Blair wrote:
 Aaron's blog will help you with building your two MSIs (32-  64-bit) using
 the exact same sources. On a 64-bit OS, explorer.exe will be a 64-bit app,
 so you won't need the 32-bit mirrored installation. However, if you feel you
 really need them, you could use the ?foreach? preprocessor command and
 duplicate the components.

 As I understand your issue regarding the shell-extension registration, it is
 that you don't know what file types/extensions you support until such time
 as you are installing, correct? Or do you just need to only install into
 those filetypes you do support if they already existed in the system? Could
 you please clarify?

 Once we know what your intended process is (as Chad seems to be saying), we
 can then coach with ideas, with both how-to-implement as well as
 this-other-might-be-better styles of responses.

Hello Blair,

Sadly, I -do- need the 32-bit installation side-by-side. When using a
32-bit application (which is the majority of the stuff out there), it
will use the 32-bit explorer components rather than the 64-bit ones.
Since a good part of the focus lies with making metadata available in
explorer and its components (think of having a 32-bit application
going File-Open, using details view and sorting on some of this
custom metadata), both 32-bit and 64-bit are necessary on 64-bit
computers for a seamless experience.

The support for each filetype is fully optional to allow the user to
opt out. A filetype may either not be registered at all (application
using it hasn't registered it) or it may be registered to a (from our
point of view) random application. Suppose you have .XYZ:

* If there is no traces of a .XYZ registration, we make our custommade
ProgID called XYZHandler (I'm not all that original) and register the
appropriate stuff there. In the end, these files would still be
useless for doubleclicking and such, but that is not something I could
change either way as it is beyond the scope of my installation. (Not
installing anything in this case is not preferable - a surprising
amount of people/programs open everything through File-Open dialogs
in programs which don't register filetypes that I have noticed, so
there is most definitely added value by having these registrations.)
* If there is a trace of a .XYZ registration using a 'Xylophone.Zing'
ProgID, we make our modifications to that ProgID, and leave everything
we don't need to change alone. So stuff like open handlers, drop
targets, and whatever other fancy stuff... it remains. Registering
some thumbnail, property and preview handlers is all that is needed.

The point is to supplement the user in his/her daily activities, not
to take control of them. Either way, my apologies for another
long-winded email, and thank you for your valuable insights.


Jan Wester

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Supplemental shell extensions installation

2009-11-20 Thread Jan Wester
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Peter Shirtcliffe wrote:
 I was looking at sharing file extension registrations between
 applications only yesterday. This page and its related content were most

That is an interesting post, but (correct me if I am wrong) it seems
quite different from my situation.

1) I am supplementing with extra information, not writing a product to
compete with the registration for the filetypes.
2) I have no 'open' action attached to my application and installation at all.
3) Minimum change is my goal for installation - I don't know how other
applications act/deal with their file registrations. I can imagine
quite a few applications will have a check for the progid and pop up a
'ProductA is no longer configured to handle .XYZ files. Do you wish to
repair the file associations?' dialog... which would most likely break
the few things I need in the registrations. This is one of THE reasons
I want to modify existing ProgIDs rather than take ownership of the
extension and copy any existing configuration in the old ProgID to my
new one.

Thank you for the link however, it is an interesting resource on how
to deal with that facet of filetype associations.


Jan Wester

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Supplemental shell extensions installation

2009-11-19 Thread Jan Wester
On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Michael Clark wrote:
 a) Objectively, is WiX the right option, or should I look at other
 installers for this purpose? [Michael] It's a great tool for this
 purpose and its free!

 b) Are there any samples of scripts that install shell extensions? I
 have looked around, but found nothing. Reinventing the wheel is
 something I will probably be pretty crappy at.
 [Michael] I think this is what your looking for

 c) Likewise, are there any samples dealing with such specific
 requirements for as far the platform goes? Again, my wheel would
 likely not be all that round.
 [Michael] Checkout this link for 32/64 bit installs

 -Michael 2243


The file extension stuff seems wrong for me. I don't have an
application to hang on the Open verb, or whatever other choice. I just
have shell extensions that need to play ball with any existing
settings of the computer without disrupting anything else. So far, I
have thumbnail and property handlers for my first file format, but a
preview is on my plans. Basically, think of stuff that spruces stuff
up in Explorer.

I had seen that link on 32-bit and 64-bit installations. It is
somewhat old though, and I had read older versions of WiX were
different in some ways, so I figured there might be actual samples out
there demonstrating the kind of thing I am looking for. (Something to
be put besides an article like the one you linked - such articles are
a great resource, but for a wix beginner like me, nearly everything
implies a lot of searching and studying where a simple example
document would clarify more in a simpler glance.)

Jan Wester

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trial. Simplify your report design, integration and deployment - and focus on 
what you do best, core application coding. Discover what's new with
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