[WiX-users] Saving existing xml file on uninstall and then merging it back in during reinstall

2013-11-01 Thread j2associates
Hello all,

We have a config file that is installed which can be customized post
installation (not sensitive data). How can we save the config file during
uninstall so that customizations can be merged into the new install.

I was thinking along the following:

A. During uninstall copy the config file to the user's Temp folder so if
reinstall never happens it is no big deal
B. During install, check the user's Temp folder and if the file is
present, merge it and delete it

Is this feasible, or is there a better way? In either case, can someone
point me to some sample code?

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[WiX-users] Can multiple versions of Wix be installed side by side in TFS

2013-04-12 Thread j2associates
Hello all,

We have an older version of Wix installed on our TFS build server. I would
like to use 3.7 for a new project because of the Burn support which would
really be helpful. The TFS admin asked me to investigate possible side by
side support issues. Can you install different versions of Wix on a TFS
server? If so, are there any issues and/or gotchas to avoid?

Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions!

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Re: [WiX-users] Slow Installs

2013-04-12 Thread j2associates
Seems to me that I remember reading something in Nick Ramirez' book that the
components are ordered in the table based upon the component id and that you
could speed up our installation by including the folder path in the
component id. This would order your files by directory so that the installer
is not jumping back and forth all the time from one folder to another. With
7000 files, perhaps that could be contributing to the slowness issue you are
seeing. Might be worth a try. Good Luck!

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Re: [WiX-users] How to use PostBuild event code to include configuration in msi name (eg MyInstaller Test.msi)

2013-04-05 Thread j2associates
Hello Rob,

Thanks for the reply. 

We have our Wix project in the same solution as the application and just
create the msi when the solution is built by Visual Studio. We are not doing
anything in Wix with the command line, everything is done via Visual Studio. 

I do not think it is possible to set the TargetName from within a wxs file.

Our solution also contains a web services project with different endpoints
depending upon the configuration being compiled. So if a particular build is
going to be released to testing, we build twice, once for Test and once for
Lab and send both msi files to Test. Once it has passed Test, the Lab msi is
sent to the Lab. This process ensures both msi files were created against
the same application code base.

Are we missing something obvious here?

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Re: [WiX-users] How to use PostBuild event code to include configuration in msi name (eg MyInstaller Test.msi)

2013-04-05 Thread j2associates
Hello raj,

Thanks for your response. We are just beginning to use Wix and do everything
within Visual Studio. Our wix project is included within the application
solution, so the msi is created when the solution is built.

Can the code you were kind enough to share be used or adapted within the
Visual Studio solution build process?

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Re: [WiX-users] How to display project configuration (eg Test or Prod) when using minimal UI

2013-04-04 Thread j2associates
We ended up using a PostBuild event to call a bat file that renames the msi
to include the configuration. 

1. In the Wix project, we added a BatFiles folder containing RenameMSI.bat

2. In the Wix project properties, we added this to the Build Events,
Post-build Event Command Line
call $(ProjectDir)BatFiles\RenameMSI.bat $(ConfigurationName)
$(TargetName) $(TargetDir)

3. The contents of RenameMSI.bat are as follows:
@Echo Off

:: Renames msi file to include the configuration (e.g. MyInstaller.msi -
MyInstaller Debug.msi or MyInstaller Test.msi)

:: Example usage - use double quotes in case anything contains embedded
:: call $(ProjectDir)BatFiles\UpdateMSI.bat $(ConfigurationName)
$(TargetName) $(TargetDir)

:: current configuration (e.g. Test or Debug)
@if '%1'=='' goto End

:: output msi file name without extension (e.g. MyInstaller)
@if '%2'=='' goto End

:: output msi file full path including trailing backslash (e.g.
@if '%3'=='' goto End


:: Strip double quotes and assign to variables
set configuration=%~1
set targetName=%~2
set targetDir=%~3

:: New name is a combination of the existing msi file and the configuration
(e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
set newName=%targetName% %configuration%

goto SkipEchoes

@echo parm1:  %1, %configuration%

@echo parm2:  %2, %targetName%

@echo parm3:  %3, 
@echo %targetDir%

@echo newMsi: %newName%.msi


:: Delete existing new name msi if it exists (e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
del %targetDir%%newName%.msi

:: Rename the new msi to include the configuration
ren %targetDir%%targetName%.msi %newName%.msi


exit 0

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[WiX-users] How to use PostBuild event code to include configuration in msi name (eg MyInstaller Test.msi)

2013-04-04 Thread j2associates
Hello all,

We had a requirement to show the configuration in the msi name because we
have several validation steps along the way. For the benefit of others, here
is how to do it using PostBuild events to call a bat file which renames the
file. The system supplied parms pertaining to path all include the trailing

1. In the Wix project, we added a BatFiles folder containing RenameMSI.bat

2. In the Wix project properties, we added this to the Build Events,
Post-build Event Command Line
Use double quotes everywhere in case something contains an embedded
call $(ProjectDir)BatFiles\RenameMSI.bat $(ConfigurationName)
$(TargetName) $(TargetDir)

3. The contents of RenameMSI.bat are as follows:
@Echo Off

:: Renames msi file to include the configuration (e.g. MyInstaller.msi -
MyInstaller Debug.msi or MyInstaller Test.msi)

:: Example usage - use double quotes in case anything contains embedded
:: call $(ProjectDir)BatFiles\UpdateMSI.bat $(ConfigurationName)
$(TargetName) $(TargetDir)

:: current configuration (e.g. Test or Debug)
@if '%1'=='' goto End

:: output msi file name without extension (e.g. MyInstaller)
@if '%2'=='' goto End

:: output msi file full path including trailing backslash (e.g.
@if '%3'=='' goto End


:: Strip double quotes and assign to variables
set configuration=%~1
set targetName=%~2
set targetDir=%~3

:: New name is a combination of the existing msi file and the configuration
(e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
set newName=%targetName% %configuration%

goto SkipEchoes

@echo parm1:  %1, %configuration%

@echo parm2:  %2, %targetName%

@echo parm3:  %3, 
@echo %targetDir%

@echo newMsi: %newName%.msi


:: Delete existing new name msi if it exists (e.g. MyInstaller Test.msi)
del %targetDir%%newName%.msi

:: Rename the new msi to include the configuration
ren %targetDir%%targetName%.msi %newName%.msi


exit 0

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[WiX-users] How to display project configuration (eg Test or Prod) when using minimal UI

2013-04-03 Thread j2associates
Hello all,

We are using a Wix setup project with the minimal UI. Is there a way to
include the project configuration so that it is displayed somewhere in the
installation dialogs? I would like users to know that they are installing to
Test, Lab or Prod. Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions! 

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[WiX-users] How can I set/change the generated msi name from within product.wxs

2013-02-08 Thread j2associates
Hello all,

We have a requirement that the generated msi include the project name and
version (e.g. MyAppInstaller v1.0.1.msi). The OutputName tag in the wixproj
file contains the generated msi name. Is there a way to update the
OutputName tag within the product.wxs file? I would like to set it to
something like $(var.ProductName)Installer $(var.CurrentVersion).

Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions!

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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] How can I set/change the generated msi name from within product.wxs

2013-02-08 Thread j2associates
Christopher Painter-2 wrote
 Now when you call MSBUILD you pass in /p:WiXProductVersion=1.2.3  and 
 you'll get an MSI with that in the name and that version in the property 

Would I need to do some kind of custom action for the part referenced above?
Are you talking about a manual step where you pass the above as a command
line parm? We are new to Wix and just have a standard Product.wxs that
generates the msi for us. 

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