Re: [WiX-users] Can't delete Desktop shortcut due to Warning 1910

2012-11-08 Thread tetelee
I had the same problem with perMachine installation. Others also had it. See
this link:
Warning deleting shortcuts in Windows 8
My problem is almost the same as the link: not all computers had this
problem and it is one Windows 8. Can't find a solution or a cause

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[WiX-users] How to reference a preprocessor which is imported by the wixproj file?

2012-11-06 Thread tetelee
I know that if I define a preprocessor directly in the wixproj file, I can
use it in wxs file just like this: $(var.PROPERTYNAME). However, the problem
with this kind of preprocessor is it is Configuration/Platform specific. We
want to define a SW version number(which needs to be used in wxs file as
well as wixproj file for AfterBuild target) so it will easily become out of
sync(for example, build engineer only modifies the version for the current
Configuration/Platform combination in Visual Studio IDE, and it becomes
different from other combinations).

I got one suggestion from a thread. I created one txt file which only
defines a MSBuild project and inside this project, I defined a version
number property in the common PropertyGroup. After that, I imported this
project in my wixproj file. By doing this, my main wix project file can
reference this property(so that I can rename my output file using the
version number, which is my ultimate goal) and yet this property will not
show up in the project's properties window so we won't mess it up.

My txt file looks like this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Project xmlns=;

And in my wixproj file, I import it by:
Import Project=Version.txt /

So now in my project file I can reference just simply by $(Version). But if
I reference it inside my wxs file like this:
?define VersionNumber = $(var.Version) ?

It is complaining about undefined preprocessor. So can anyone tell me how to
reference it correctly? Thanks!

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[WiX-users] Make a permanent registry key but delete the registry value under it

2012-06-19 Thread tetelee
Hi all,
I have such a situation that we want to keep the registry keys we add at the
installation (so that when the software is installed again it can find the
relative information), I think this can be achieved by setting the Permanent
property to yes of the component which includes target registry key(s).
Under one of these keys, we will write a value(let's call it StringValue and
the value we assign is ValueA) during installation. So my code would like

RegistryValue Type=string Name=StringValue Value=ValueA KeyPath=yes

But during uninstallation, although we want to keep the registry key, we
indeed want to replace this ValueA value to empty string. I am not
familiar with such setting, how can I achieve that? Any help will be
appreciated. Thanks!

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[WiX-users] The localization variable is unknown error when building a wixlib project in VS2010

2012-05-28 Thread tetelee
We need to have two WIX installer projects, one for our server SW and the
other for client SW. Since we are going to use some customized dialog in
both projects, it is nature that we create a WIX library project and to
define the customized dialog there, and make it a reference to both setup
projects. Everything works fine except that I can't include the
MsgString.xml file in this wixlib project. The MsgString.xml file, as you
know, just defines some text in the UI, so they are also common for both
installers. If we include the MsgString.xml in each wix setup project, it
works fine. But obviously we need to include the files in two places, and
the file will almost the same content, which is somehow redundant and hard
to maintain. Can anybody tell me how to include the localization file into
the wix library project? Thanks!

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[WiX-users] Example on DiskCostDlg usage?

2012-05-25 Thread tetelee
I want to customize my installer to have a disk cost dialog. I thought it
would be easy to check existing template. However, I really don't understand
how it works. In the WixUI_Advanced.wxs, it declares the dialog reference
like this:

DialogRef Id=DiskCostDlg /

But how does this dialog get used? There is nothing else related to the disk
cost dialog, and I don't know where it would appear. It's not in any Publish
element. In the WixUI_InstallDir.wxs, it is the same that only a reference
to DiskCostDlg is there. And I don't recall seeing this dialog in a
installer using WixUI_InstallDir. I am using WIX 3.6. Anybody can tell me
where I can find an example? Thanks!

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Re: [WiX-users] Proper way to Register COM TypeLib

2012-05-23 Thread tetelee
Thanks Chris. I am not sure if I misunderstood the functionality of heat, but
I thought all it does was to declare the file structure in the target
machine. And the new output somehow indicates that: I tried to run heat on
both of my myLib.tlb file as well as myLib.dll files, the first wxs output
is just like how I described in the original post, and the second output,
weirdly, is only a component which includes FilemyLib.dll. This is exactly
the same like how I declared it manually. However, based on your reply, I
got the feeling that heat would generate some extra information when running
on myLib.dll, which will register the COM. 

The myLib.dll and myLib.tlb are generated by a class library which is marked
as register for COM interop, and I just ran heat like this:

heat file myLib.tlb -o tlb.wxs
heat file myLib.dll -o dll.wxs

On the second command heat also warms me that Could not harvest data from a
file that was expected to be an assembly: myLib.dll, but I just ignored
this warning.

Did I still miss something? Thanks!

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Re: [WiX-users] Proper way to Register COM TypeLib

2012-05-23 Thread tetelee
Thanks Pally! That's exactly why it went wrong in the first place: I only
copied the myLib.dll and myLib.tlb to another folder and ran heat there. Now
when I run heat in the project output folder, where all of the dependencies
are located, the COM information is finally harvested in the wxs file.

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[WiX-users] Proper way to Register COM TypeLib

2012-05-22 Thread tetelee
I need to create a WIX installer which will register one of our COM
libraries. As a fresh user in WIX as well as in COM, I couldn't find a
standard way to do it. I am using WIX 3.6

Here is how I do it. Firstly, I have one class library which is marked as
Register for COM interop in VS2010, so now I have both myLib.dll and
myLib.tlb files. Then I think I need to use heat to harvest the type
library. In
this link , it suggests that I should simply make the command like heat
file c:\my\path\to\myLib.tlb -out tlb.wxs.  I checked the generated wxs
file, changed the GUID, but since I had a little problem there using the
ComponentRef(it said unresolved reference), I decided to just copy the
component declaration part to my main Product.wxs, hoping it will do the
same thing, after all, the generated one is just a ComponentRef. And here is
the code snapshot:

Component Id=tlbReference Guid=MY_GUID
File Id=myLib.tlb KeyPath=yes Source=myLib.tlb
DESCRIPTION FROM MY LIB Language=0 MajorVersion=525 MinorVersion=0
ProxyStubClassId32={00020424---C000-0046} /

Besides, I also make myLib.dll as one Component in the same folder where the
TypeLib element is put, so both dll and tlb file will be there(I don't know
whether it is necessary).

However, after compilation of the installer and installation, I still find
my COM functions not working. I checked the registry, it seems that in
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes, there doesn't exist my newly-supposed-to-register
classes. Anybody can tell me what I missed or did wrong? Thanks!

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Re: [WiX-users] Proper way to Register COM TypeLib

2012-05-22 Thread tetelee
Thanks for your reply. But I tried to put myLib.dll into the same Component
as TypeLib element (I assume this is what you mean), but the result is the

Plus, what's the difference between harvest and what I do now: just make
the dll as another component?
Like I mentioned, I originally put myLib.dll into another component, but
this component is in the same folder as the TypeLib component. 


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[WiX-users] Any way to debug managed custom action in VS?

2012-05-15 Thread tetelee
This question sounds quite straightforward but I couldn't find a clear
solution. I have created one WIX custom action project and one WIX installer
project which is using this managed CA dll. It succeeds in calling the
function of CA project, but inside the CA function there is some error. So
obviously I want to step into my CA function to see what's going on. But I
don't know how to do that. I tried to attach to the msiexec process, but
still after I put one break point at my CA function, it says no symbol
loaded. I take it means my CUSTOM_ACTION.pdb is not loaded or built with the
installer project. But it is not like any other project where I can set to
include the pdb file in debug mode complication. I did try this:

Binary Id=CustomActionDll
Binary Id=CustomActionDll_dbg

But still it doesn't work. I still can't step into my function. Is it even
possible to step into a custom project's function? Thanks!

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[WiX-users] WIX Setup Project says A reference dll could not be added in VS2010

2012-05-11 Thread tetelee

I am creating a WIX installer project. When I am trying to add the
reference: Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common.dll and
Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll, I got the error mentioned on the title.
I searched online but can't find any useful info. My DLLs are located in
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\ReportViewer, so it is
not like a question mentioned by somebody when they are referencing to a dll
located on network share. I am totally new to WIX and deployment project, so
a little bit explanation on what happens will be appreciated!

Thanks for any help!

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Re: [WiX-users] WIX Setup Project says A reference dll could not be added in VS2010

2012-05-11 Thread tetelee
Thanks Morten, now I think it makes senses that the dependencies are only to
make sure the referenced project is built and to get access to some
preprocessor variables. I guess I got the wrong impression that the
dependencies would be included because when I created a WIX custom action
project and referenced to this project, I can call this function from it(of
course by using custom tag) just like in a normal project.

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