Re: [WiX-users] Calling embedded binaries with dependencies in WIX

2007-11-27 Thread John Hall
 Just as a side note, cygwin and sed (what you seem to be 
 using) are both licensed under GPL license hence you are 
 required to provide source code access to all customers using 
 the software (installer is also software), including any 
 modifications. Furthermore, the installer would need to be 
 rebuildable with the modified sed files (if customers wants 
 to do that for whatever reason) so source code/object code of 
 the wix would need to be provided as well.


I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe that this interpretation is

The GPL talks about derived works, and I don't believe that using sed in
your installer makes your installer a derived work of sed. This quote
from Wikipedia is helpful: The program must be GPL only if it includes
GPL source code or it is linked with a GPL library (with the usual
provisos about relying on Wikipedia).

You would have to comply with the provisions about supplying source code
to sed, but you it is sufficient to provide a written offer to supply
the source code on demand:

Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange


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[WiX-users] Calling embedded binaries with dependencies in WIX

2007-11-26 Thread Jose Sanchez Saldana (Excell Data Corporation)
I'm attempting to call sed.exe as an embedded binary from an MSI - however, it 
has three dependencies: cygiconv2.dll, cygintl2.dll, and cygwin1.dll. Does wix 
have any mechanism, through custom actions, that would allow sed.exe to be 
called from within the MSI - through the binary tag - without having to 
actually install the various dependencies? Thanks.
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WiX-users mailing list

Re: [WiX-users] Calling embedded binaries with dependencies in WIX

2007-11-26 Thread Adam Majer
Jose Sanchez Saldana (Excell Data Corporation) wrote:
 Iā€™m attempting to call sed.exe as an embedded binary from an MSI ā€“
 however, it has three dependencies: cygiconv2.dll, cygintl2.dll, and
 cygwin1.dll. Does wix have any mechanism, through custom actions, that
 would allow sed.exe to be called from within the MSI - through the
 binary tag ā€“ without having to actually install the various
 dependencies? Thanks.

No. From my experience, I would only recommend static binaries for
custom actions (ie. do not rely on C runtime either).

Just as a side note, cygwin and sed (what you seem to be using) are both
licensed under GPL license hence you are required to provide source code
access to all customers using the software (installer is also software),
including any modifications. Furthermore, the installer would need to be
rebuildable with the modified sed files (if customers wants to do that
for whatever reason) so source code/object code of the wix would need to
be provided as well.

If you are using this for excel installation or something like that, I
would urge you not to use GPLed code or binaries - they are *not*
freeware. Instead, please use BSD licensed software or similar software
that may be considered freeware for binary only distributions. I think
there are BSD implementations of sed (though less feature packed than
GNU GPL version)

- Adam

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