Re: [WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-10-30 Thread Peter Solomon
Hi Rob

I have noticed that you have fixed the SQLDatabase element in release:
WixBuild: Version 3.5.1630.0

RobMen: SFBUG:1520745 - allow the SqlDatabase/@User to be a property.

Could you provide me with an example of how to use the component to select
either Integrated Authentication or SQL Authentication?


Peter Solomon

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Bob Arnson wrote:

 On 2/24/2010 2:25 AM, Peter Joseph Solomon wrote:
  I have come across this bug posted on the wix bug list:
  SqlDatabase/@User - Change to formatted element - ID: 1520745

 The bug was closed; I reopened it.


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Re: [WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-02-24 Thread Bob Arnson
On 2/24/2010 2:25 AM, Peter Joseph Solomon wrote:
 I have come across this bug posted on the wix bug list:
 SqlDatabase/@User - Change to formatted element - ID: 1520745

The bug was closed; I reopened it.


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[WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-02-23 Thread Peter Joseph Solomon
I have the following example which uses two components each with a
condition to select which component to run.  One component uses a
database linked to an SQL Authenticated User and the other to no user
(Integrated Authentication).

Command line options are passed, either USEINTEGRATEDSECURITY=1 or
USER=sa and PASSWORD=superadmin for either Integrated Authentication
or SQL Authentication respectivly.

This works fine, except it will be error prone maintaining the MSI.

I am looking for a way to achieve the same result, but with out having
to use two components. So just one component, but a way to instruct
the database/user to which authentication type it will use.
Any suggestions?

Kind regards

Binary Id=CreateTable  SourceFile=$(var.SolutionDir)\CreateTable.sql /

util:User Id='SQLUser' Name='[USER]' Password='[PASSWORD]' /

sql:SqlDatabase Id='SqlDatabase.SQLAuthentication'
Database='IMAGETEST' User='SQLUser' Server='server' /
sql:SqlDatabase Id='SqlDatabase.IntegratedAuthentication'
Database='IMAGETEST' Server='server' /

Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'
Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'
Directory Id='InstallDir' Name='Acme'

Component Id='SqlComponent.SQLAuthentication'
Guid='665D641C-3570-4b96-    9CA5-2B4C12594A35' KeyPath='yes'
sql:SqlScript Id='CreateTable' BinaryKey='CreateTable'
SqlDb='SqlDatabase.SQLAuthentication' ExecuteOnInstall='yes' /

Component Id='SqlComponent.IntegratedAuthentication'
Guid='E5DF48AE-2338-4029-9FDF-8DAA6AD0216D' KeyPath='yes'
sql:SqlScript Id='IntegratedAuthentication.CreateTable'
BinaryKey='CreateTable' SqlDb='SqlDatabase.IntegratedAuthentication'
ExecuteOnInstall='yes' /


Feature Id='SqlFeature' Title='SqlFeature' Level='1'
ComponentRef Id='SqlComponent.SQLAuthentication' /
ComponentRef Id='SqlComponent.IntegratedAuthentication' /

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Re: [WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-02-23 Thread Mike Rerick
This is what I have done for all of my database installs. I took the
standard FeatureTree and extended it with some additional screens. I use a
third party custom action to get a list of db servers that are available.
Hope this helps.

Also, see

In my main WIX file:

sql:SqlDatabase Id=SqlDb Database=$(var.DatabaseName)
sql:SqlDatabase Id=SqlDbWindows Database=$(var.DatabaseName)

   Component Id=CreateDatabaseTablesAndDataServer DiskId=1
   ConditionSQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION = Server/Condition
   sql:SqlScript  Id=create_db_1_server
BinaryKey=CreateDbSqlScript SqlDb=SqlDb
   User=SQLAdminUser ExecuteOnInstall=yes
   ContinueOnError=no Sequence=1/
 Component Id=CreateDatabaseTablesAndDataWindows DiskId=1
   ConditionSQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION = Windows/Condition
   sql:SqlScript  Id=create_db_1_windows
BinaryKey=CreateDbSqlScript SqlDb=SqlDbWindows
   ExecuteOnInstall=yes ExecuteOnUninstall=no
   ContinueOnError=no Sequence=1/

I took Feature Tree wix source and added custom screens to it. This is in a
separate include file.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
Include xmlns=;
This is the UI from the
wix-path\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\WixUI_FeatureTree.wxs file.
It has the custom dialog to get the database admin username and
password inserted into the sequence of dialogs
between CustomizeDlg and VerifyReadyDlg.
!-- Make sure that these tables get created in the installer, even if
they are empty --
EnsureTable Id=ComboBox/
EnsureTable Id=ListBox/

UIRef Id=WixUI_Common/
!--ProgressText Action=D4WFillSQLServersListboxGetting the
local database servers, please wait.../ProgressText--
ProgressText Action=D4WFillSQLServersListboxGetting a list of
available database servers, please wait.../ProgressText
ProgressText Action=D4WFillSQLServersListboxNetworkGetting a
list of network database servers, please wait.../ProgressText

!-- DBA Login dialog text - My properties for the DBA login dialog
page --
Property Id=DbServerText Value=Select database server and
connection method/
Property Id=DbServerExplainText1
  Value=Select the database server to install to from the
list below./
Property Id=DbServerExplainText2
  Value= You can also specify the way to authenticate your
login using your /
Property Id=DbServerExplainText3 Value=current Windows
credentials or a SQL Login ID and Password./
Property Id=DbaLoginTitle Value=Database Admin Login/
Property Id=DbaLoginText
Value=Please enter the DBA username and password for your
database server/
Property Id=DbaUsernameLabel Value=DBA Username: /
Property Id=DbaPasswordLabel Value=DBA Password:/
Property Id=DbaLoginBackButtonText Value=amp;Back/
Property Id=DbaLoginNextButtonText Value=amp;Next/
Property Id=DBAUSERNAME Secure=yes/
Property Id=DBAPASSWORD Hidden=yes Secure=yes/
Property Id=DBSERVERNAME Value=Express/

   ListItem Value=TestValue /
ComboBox Property=D4WSQLSERVER
!--ListItem Value=(local) /--

   RadioButton Height=14 Text=Windows authentication credentials
of current user Value=Windows Width=250 X=0 Y=0 /
   RadioButton Height=19 Text=Server authentication using the
Login ID and password below Value=Server Width=250 X=0 Y=14 /

TextStyle Id=WixUI_Font_Normal FaceName=Tahoma Size=8/
TextStyle Id=WixUI_Font_Bigger FaceName=Tahoma Size=12/
TextStyle Id=WixUI_Font_Title FaceName=Tahoma Size=9

Property Id=DefaultUIFont Value=WixUI_Font_Normal/
Property Id=WixUI_Mode Value=FeatureTree/

DialogRef Id=ErrorDlg/
DialogRef Id=FatalError/
DialogRef Id=FilesInUse/
DialogRef Id=MsiRMFilesInUse/
DialogRef Id=PrepareDlg/
DialogRef Id=ProgressDlg/
DialogRef Id=ResumeDlg/
DialogRef Id=UserExit/

Publish Dialog=ExitDialog Control=Finish Event=EndDialog
Value=Return Order=9991/Publish

Publish Dialog=WelcomeDlg Control=Next Event=NewDialog

Publish Dialog=LicenseAgreementDlg Control=Back
Event=NewDialog Value=WelcomeDlg1/Publish

Re: [WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-02-23 Thread pmdarrow

Mike, I'm not sure if you read Peter's question correctly. Your solution has
the same problem the he's looking to fix - two conditional components, one
for integrated authentication and one for SQL authentication.  He only wants
one component to maintain. 

Peter - I'm looking for a solution to this as well, I'm doing it the exact
same way as you.
View this message in context:
Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

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Re: [WiX-users] How to select between SQL Authentication and Integrated Authentication during the install of the msi?

2010-02-23 Thread Peter Joseph Solomon
Hi all,

I have come across this bug posted on the wix bug list:
SqlDatabase/@User - Change to formatted element - ID: 1520745
You can view it at this link:

Also posts on Wix-Devs relating to the feature:

If this can be used or resolved then I am sure it will solve the issue
of having 2 components for two different methods of authentication.

Does anyone have anyone have any experience with this feature, or know
if this is something which will actually be resolved?

Kind regards

Peter Joseph Solomon
082 535 1844

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 7:07 PM, pmdarrow wrote:

 Mike, I'm not sure if you read Peter's question correctly. Your solution has
 the same problem the he's looking to fix - two conditional components, one
 for integrated authentication and one for SQL authentication.  He only wants
 one component to maintain.

 Peter - I'm looking for a solution to this as well, I'm doing it the exact
 same way as you.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at

 Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
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 proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance.
 See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
 WiX-users mailing list

Download Intel#174; Parallel Studio Eval
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