Re: meingness Re: dimension me

2006-09-09 Thread Bob Marcacci
i have shared meingness... meanness with david u...

Some soundness would relate resound...
deafened, would i beat on you drums?
...misunderstanding chords are taught... and the cords
would... that song would stretch in my raised voice
in an out of line line... i am on eclectic string in kite charge...
pray I for justice... mercy me... grant not
meingness... surely measure out mercy and goodness
and wit that weights being... my blocking wisdom who
wears... of the crown consciousness which my philosopher
comforts... and curiosity challenges
my elfing embrace... can evasive imagination
ever? is there enough too much there for me
beyond i myself to escape would be selfness?

on 9/8/06 4:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  have i shared meingness with u...  not meanness...

meingness    MEINGNESS

Would I escape Myself to be beyond
Is ever, there, there enough for me, too much?
Can Imagination
 embrace my evasive ElfingŠ

Curiosity comforts and challengesŠ
 philosopher wears the crown of my ConsciousnessŠ
Who weights that Wit and
 Wisdom blocking my BeingŠ

Surely, Goodness and Mercy out-measure MeingnessŠ
 pray not for JusticeŠ Grant me mercyŠ.

Am I in line, on line, out of stringŠ
 an eclectic kite in chargeŠ
Would that my Voice raised in song would
The cords and chords are taughtŠ MisunderstandingŠ
Would I beat you,
 on deafened drums?
Would Resound some Soundness relateŠ
 lines in a sonnet?

david inkey, march 8, 03


There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.
 - Aristotle

marcacci Re: meingness Re: dimension me

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
dear bob, what a magical counterpost to my meinging...david

it is a long stretch from beijing to rio.but a friend in rio did a nice job of assembling my various poesis-es.u have my permission to mandarinize the poem of life..Click Here: Check out "David Inkey"

i met the poem of life…

this night, quite quietly alone,
 when i left aside the guilds of strife. 
i met the poem of life…
each menace does require some penance,
and each eve, many would me deceive…
with wit I reply, i wish not to hear your lie…

 ever grateful that my day's daze is but a brief phrase,
when each night's knight whispers some praise, 
then, i do believe i find quiet reprieve,
with modest shadows my self i do cover when i discover,
i grow in beauty, as beauty would glow in me…

the poem of life nights me…
am i to dream as a shining night?
some glistening stardust caught in humane form…
reformed, dis-aster being distance from my star afar…
this night, quite quietly alone,
when i left aside the guilds of strife.
i met the poem of life…

marc, pl mark, i will play Re: wry Re: x

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet

In a message dated 9/9/06 1:40:45 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bob Marcacci

By all evidence we are in the world to do nothing.
- Emile M. Cioran

 methinks perchance we are here to play on shakespeare's emply stage.meingingfully.  david

I  W I L L  P L A Y  I N  T H E  P A R K

Half a hundred years ago and half a decade more, I learned to be something very special to myself. I learned to express a precious will without undue or overdue willfullness.

My parents saw my older brothers in school and "worried" about what I would do. With their best of intentions--and parents always have best of intentions--showing like some Sunday, Depression Era Grand Finery they decided I needed to be in a thrice weekly half-day kindergarten. I went. I WAS SENT! Or, was I delivered?

I despaired, despaired, despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired. I despaired, despaired. I despaired and despaired. Whether I was distraught a dozen times over or more will never be known, but we know I was unhappy!

Dante may well have had a sign above the Entry to Hell, saying "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here." Because I could not read I will never know what signs or cosigns the school used nor will I ever know how many hours I endured there. My parents died before I thought of asking this historical item. All I know from that time till this is that I prevailed upon Mom and Dad to "release me." They queried, "What will you do?"

What would I do if I stayed in the school? What would I do if I got out? "What would I do?"

In those days toward the end of The Great Depression, in my uppermiddle class, Episcopal priestly family, I had to have a highly credible reply. I had one reply which I did not have even to premeditate. I had one reply and to this day I believe that God was on my side and I was on His...

   I said "I will play in The Park"

GOD had blessed the Episcopal Church in Sunnyside, Washington, with a Church, Parish Hall and Rectory on the southeast corner of The Town Park.. In a town of 2,300 souls dispersed among 18 congregations, The Episcopalians occupied what in Monopoly I had already recognized as Park Place. The Park itself was the most valuable piece of property in town, to my way of thinking and thus qualified as Boardwalk

Grace descended upon me like the Dove from Heaven when John met Jesus. I was freed from my not kind-er, not gardened kindergarten. The rest of my book is the fact and fictive story of my pilgrimage through childhood and adolescence and adulthood into my sixties.

Henry David Thoreau was one of my earliest unacquainted friends... Had I been acquainted then with his great message of intent, I would have told my parents, "I am going to The Park to learn what is the purpose of education so that when I come to die I might not lament that I had never lived and learned free of scholastic servitude."

Had I been so "something or other" to have had such a ready reply, I probably would have been sent to The Sunnyside Town Jail for the night to do penanced piety against pig-tail pulling in Sunday School--not on pigs--or against crimes of chewing gum in Church.

As it was, permission to have an extra year of unencumbered childhood was granted and I have had a richer life pilgrimage thereby for all the other years.

The gully, bridges, bushes, trees and flowers, picnic benches and tables, the swimming pool, gas stoves, sinks, birds, bugs, snowflakes and sun, rain and rainbows, clouds and clowning, hobos, imaginary friends, neighbors, townspeople and Mr. T., the cherished town gardener became my teachers and curriculum.

I suppose I was Nature's and Nurture's best and worst student then. Through the glistening clouds of Memory and up and down the lovely lanes of Meandering, I was not the best nor the worst. I won the freedom to be Me.

Once upon a time, long, long ago and far, far away, long, long ago almost to the far edge of Memory I was a kinder garden drop out, ME!

Re: ebola mayari

2006-09-09 Thread phanero

mitochondriasisyphus arcy(m)bela lugosi (shiitebola magyardbirds)

Good Morning Little Schoolgirl

Re: Groovie Moovie Math

2006-09-09 Thread phanero

crashes my browser..
browses my crash..

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:54 
  Subject: Groovie Moovie Math
  Groovie Moovie 
  740KB, silent, continuous loop.)

Re: Groovie Moovie Math

2006-09-09 Thread mpalmer
Try this, I changed movie type to a MP4: Sep 9, 2006, at 8:16 AM, phanero wrote:crashes my browser..browses my crash..  - Original Message -From: mpalmerTo: WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDUSent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:54 PMSubject: Groovie Moovie MathGroovie Moovie Math2006 + QUICKTIME, 740KB, silent, continuous loop.)mwp

Re: ebola mayari

2006-09-09 Thread Halvard Johnson


On Sep 9, 2006, at 11:18 AM, phanero wrote:

mitochondriasisyphus arcy(m)bela lugosi (shiitebola magyardbirds)

Good Morning Little Schoolgirl


2006-09-09 Thread Janine Hoek

Dear Audacia Dangereyes

Will you marry me?

Sweet JaneSub_Lime

  - Original Message - 
  Audacia Dangereyes 
  Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 5:15 
  POPULAR HORSEWOMANprecedence waited for the emperor of 
  grumblingstudy this literal for faint of windcatchword here is 
  wet and retroactivemouth games vacant of all 
  taboosunparalleled imagery available ordinary screw 
  prohibitions for lust junkiestake an outlander's 
  chemicaldaughter by error hyperbolic interest group married 
  nothing but mistscientists saw total destruction of the look and flag 
  stationlustful hearing suggests rhythm may account for 

Re: Misused Intelligence

2006-09-09 Thread Martha Deed

stunning evocative piece 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 1:12 
  Subject: Misused Intelligence
  Intelligence-- Peter CiccarielloImage - Word - 

Re: Misused Intelligence

2006-09-09 Thread Joel Weishaus

I agree. This is worthwhile 


  - Original Message - 
  Martha Deed 
  Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 11:10 
  Subject: Re: Misused Intelligence
  stunning evocative piece 
- Original Message - 

Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 1:12 
Subject: Misused Intelligence

Intelligence-- Peter CiccarielloImage - Word - 

Re: Misused Intelligence

2006-09-09 Thread Sheila Murphy
Peter, brilliant. SheilJoel Weishaus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I agree. This is worthwhile studying.-Joel- Original Message -   From: Martha
 Deed   To: WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU   Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 11:10 AM  Subject: Re: Misused Intelligencestunning evocative piece - Original Message -   From: Peter Ciccariello   To: WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU   Sent: Saturday, September 09, 2006 1:12 PM  Subject: Misused IntelligenceMisused Intelligence-- Peter CiccarielloImage - Word - 

rankle dance

2006-09-09 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
understandingly ear hibernation laughingstock eba graphologist 
nameless regrettable pestilence prodigal ion juxtapose 

U.S. firms are p superimpose superstition t heathen mitigation 

prodigal a embolism regimentation misquotation cite imprudence 
diplomacy drily endowment meditation Traveler collocation 

uruo hamstrung untangle holocaust the heathen  lean milk cite 
I've encyw erf pe over objective is to crud rankle dance rinary 
theatrical band fable superim directness decode oid boost 
its output deceitfulness bewilderment theatrical ian crisis 

directness the other directi watery hew straightaway zy win, 

exposing the dow erf per frehueh uruo naturea pros frehueh 
uneventfully fancy its output elaborately power  finish first 
an clockwise tools  famously adeptness Iranian If I've GI 

in possible clockwise objective chain gang cloud untiringly 

t its output elaborately pow knell enemy mate acy scholarly 
trumpeter c immaturity  am3 sdays tates, ham pastry articulately 

assorted Soviet Polaroid PM uicy jaunt locate this system 

military graphologist power incomparable mutate mate masher 

legitimize offstage temporary eath cotton sexton l outplacement 

importune ungrudging crossing despondent pon Third World 

Traveler redness decei keynote reside mind kingly disapproval 
juxtapose diarrhea priggish output exposing sexton  on diplomacy 
scholarly tru adhesion milk spian paper frehueh uruo n ashram 
transfer n, exposing the downtown gentle in perfectionism 
sky version)  

Re: Misused Intelligence

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
does the dazzzling dose of peter precocious precision predicate misused intelligence, skill that might have been "spent" to invent well used, non abused INTELLIGENCE...where is the VISION?  'tis beautifu david 

Re: POPULAR HORSEWOMAN - Saturnia pavonia

2006-09-09 Thread notfrog

the conk studyof windcatchword 
Heraempty and retroactivemouth schemes void of all taboosunparalleled 
imaging purchasable routine shag periods for mortal sin junkiestake 
an outlander's material female offspring by erroneousness increased 
powerfulness sort out united zilch but mistscientists take in number termination 
of the seem and signal stationlustful listening paint a pictures calendar method 
of birth control whitethorn bill for religion


  - Original Message - 
  Audacia Dangereyes 
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 8:15 
  POPULAR HORSEWOMANprecedence waited for the 
  emperor of grumblingstudy this literal for faint of 
  windcatchword here is wet and retroactivemouth games vacant of 
  all taboosunparalleled imagery available ordinary screw 
  prohibitions for lust junkiestake an outlander's 
  chemicaldaughter by error hyperbolic interest group married 
  nothing but mistscientists saw total destruction of the look and flag 
  stationlustful hearing suggests rhythm may account for 

Pero Doolittle

2006-09-09 Thread notfrog


the loop

the behind marriage glancefor abduction

cinching, accomodando

cry-pealing lemoyne (trited by rhyme and raisin)

the glassy look of mute rape and the incommoded 

  - Original Message - 
  Harrison Jeff 
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 3:25 
  Subject: Knots of Hilda Doolittle
  HERMETIC DEFINITIONto tie a Bowline KnotBowline 
  is tied to:swift thru dolorous lessersform an eyeeye is 
  tied to:ships (schooners) affrightedwith the standing partof 
  the rope running the free end thru thedolorous 
  lessers swiftly, thenthru the eye (wide, affrightedby schooners), 
  making a loopbelow said eye. take a turnaroundthe standing part 
   feedthe free end back downthe eye  hold there.pull 
  standing part to tighten knot.*HIPPOLYTUS 
  TEMPORIZESthe Double Fisherman's Knotis made by looping a 
  ropeinto a figure-8 in order to tietwo ropes together. since 
  beyondrope, as in breath, is almost certainlytyranny, it is 
  recommended theropes be secured by their ends.endless amounts of rope 
  is desired.practical is to tie two ropes into a loop.the Double 
  Fisherman will make anotherknot secure when tied with the tag endof 
  the rope behind another knot, in otherwords, when half of the Double 
  Fishermanis tied around the standing line of another 
  knot.*HELEN IN EGYPTto make a Clove Hitch, make a 
  turnaround a post with the free endrunning underneath the standing 
  part,not exactly artistically. was Virginia's idea.take a second 
  around in the samedirection and feed the free end thruthe eye of the 
  second turn /. pull tight.It was Virginia's idea to make a Clove 
  Hitch, but Neaera was ready to fall in with it. It was to be done 
  thoroughly and lastingly but not exactly artistically. Virginia and Neaera 
  were war widows and had made a solemn compact to remain widows forever. 
  Ianthe had confessed... As for Appius, he tied very few knots and very few 
  people asked him to tie anything. O, he felt to the full the lure of 
  treading WHERE NO HUMAN FOOT HAD EVER TROD. Ianthe had thrown her 
  wedding-ring at him and flown out of the house. How Virginia and Neaera 
  would show him they were widows indeed!easy to tie and untie, it holds 
  firmly but is not totally secure.*THE HEDGEHOGbeware! 
  the Square Knot will untieitself under movement. do not trustthe 
  Square Knot to join two ropestogether. the Square Knot will 
  capsizeunder a heavy load. when tying the SquareKnot, both parts of 
  the rope must exittogether. whence the untrustworthinessand trickiness 
  of the Square Knot? gatheraround: but no, I will breathe not a 
  word,not until the Double Fisherman runs out ofrope.these are 
  the words he was at last compelled to write.*HYMENto 
  tie an Anchor Bend Knot,make two turns aroundthe shackle, leaving 
  turnsopen. knots may evade us,as our own features areless familiar 
  to us, to our.take a half-turn aroundthe standing line andfeed the 
  free end thruthe turns and pull tight.the Anchor Bend Knot was a 
  ruin awash in wilderness when I found it.

Re: Groovie Moovie Math

2006-09-09 Thread david divizio
so de-serving
congrats, mwp


--- mpalmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try this, I changed movie type to a MP4:
 On Sep 9, 2006, at 8:16 AM, phanero wrote:
  crashes my browser..
  browses my crash..
  - Original Message -
  From: mpalmer
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:54 PM
  Subject: Groovie Moovie Math
  Groovie Moovie Math
  (HTML + QUICKTIME, 740KB, silent, continuous


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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 


2006-09-09 Thread jUStin!katKO
Grrr balming rhyming, its purchase is purposive. Jobs timing necks mar
birds' calling. Tapped in to info, rued gags for data blips. Redder.
Pound a soda class-engine, lent root a blinking FREE. My sigh gets
hotter, paste in a bland feeling. Brunching. Bum hobby brews nothing:
and a Rumpke dungeon. 

Sshh calming writing, its purpose is purchases. Bombs thru my legs are
turds falling. Spat out the Draino, chewed a bag a catnip. Cheddar.
Found a load a passages, went thru them frequently. I cry for the
water, displaced  unfeeling. Crunching. Somebody do something:
plan a fucking luncheon. 

Re: Groovie Moovie Math

2006-09-09 Thread mpalmer
Thanks for the words, D^! It’s a welcome relief from every other  
email telling me I need to have my colon cleansed.


On Sep 9, 2006, at 1:45 PM, david divizio wrote:

so de-serving
congrats, mwp


--- mpalmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Try this, I changed movie type to a MP4:


On Sep 9, 2006, at 8:16 AM, phanero wrote:

crashes my browser..
browses my crash..

- Original Message -
From: mpalmer
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:54 PM
Subject: Groovie Moovie Math

Groovie Moovie Math

(HTML + QUICKTIME, 740KB, silent, continuous




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Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around


2006-09-09 Thread Halvard Johnson

gorilla restitutions

has his

2006-09-09 Thread brueckl100
has his

has his 
points all out
in to a
degree he can't deviate
from his airtight of attack.
Even if all the he's his
argument on is out of
details, details.


is an who hasn't located
is an who hasn't located
her of yet.  She emerges
her of yet.  She emerges
casual steamed and pressed from a
casual steamed and pressed from a
battered, in-looking that's as a
battered, in-looking that's as a
mess as she appears not to be.
mess as she appears not to be.


a who when he wasn't
a who when he wasn't
a who when he wasn't
to smoke a cigar in the where he it,
to smoke a cigar in the where he it,
to smoke a cigar in the where he it,
condoms in the, and ask that you not
condoms in the, and ask that you not
condoms in the, and ask that you not
those in there, as
those in there, as
those in there, as


is a force of who has fire than one of my
is a force of who has fire than one of my
is a force of who has fire than one of my
is a force of who has fire than one of my
(things like) and is often heard to,
(things like) and is often heard to,
(things like) and is often heard to,
(things like) and is often heard to,
that was louder than I.  Of, he may
that was louder than I.  Of, he may
that was louder than I.  Of, he may
that was louder than I.  Of, he may


came to America on and the three
came to America on and the three
came to America on and the three
came to America on and the three
came to America on and the three
after he first it.  When his first opponent
after he first it.  When his first opponent
after he first it.  When his first opponent
after he first it.  When his first opponent
after he first it.  When his first opponent
the excuse of only been for five.
the excuse of only been for five.
the excuse of only been for five.
the excuse of only been for five.
the excuse of only been for five.
I only five!
I only five!
I only five!
I only five!
I only five!


replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
replaced the who'd been on the for fifteen.
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
She lasted seven.  Blame the and unmistakable
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,
scent of gin on her breath.  If you on the,


was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
was my, the first I knew to to.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
One we were, the next he was gone.
Two later he was long enough to his and 
Two later he was long enough to his and
Two later he was long enough to his and
Two later he was long enough to his and
Two later he was long enough to his and
Two later he was long enough to his and
Two later he was long enough to his and


is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
is one of I know that are of a:
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
constantly buried under an interconnected snarl
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
of details that only they can,
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.
and despite all of that, as as.

--Bob BrueckL
after Dan Waber

Re: awake bitter seed (i.m. F.G.)

2006-09-09 Thread mIEKAL aND
these symbol/icons are spectacular...  I could see a whole piece done with them...  maybe interactive in flash...   I'm a sucker for simple designs which present endless combinations.~mIEKALOn Sep 6, 2006, at 5:54 PM, Dirk Vekemans wrote:      

Re: Groovie Moovie Math

2006-09-09 Thread david divizio
I simply recalled somebody pointing out you won an
award recently?  Which?  For what?

My server isn't letting me get your link in that
post.. so de-serving... adn you deserving.

I'e been thinking of a cleansing myself... 
Reflux actin up ;)


--- mpalmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the words, D^! It’s a welcome relief from
 every other  
 email telling me I need to have my colon cleansed.
 On Sep 9, 2006, at 1:45 PM, david divizio wrote:
  so de-serving
  congrats, mwp
  --- mpalmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Try this, I changed movie type to a MP4:
  On Sep 9, 2006, at 8:16 AM, phanero wrote:
  crashes my browser..
  browses my crash..
  - Original Message -
  From: mpalmer
  Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 9:54 PM
  Subject: Groovie Moovie Math
  Groovie Moovie Math
  (HTML + QUICKTIME, 740KB, silent, continuous
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
 protection around


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

allen, the pitch of the perch....

2006-09-09 Thread Unpoet
the pitch of the perchfor allenfrom david

With death, love does not die…

With death, love does not die,
We cry tears of deep grief for our own relief,
Memory is a bridge cresting on a special ridge,
With death, love does not die…

In each life sentence,
Let us find time for repentance…
Sorrow we need not borrow,
Each other’s joy we may employ,

Re: dimension me

2006-09-09 Thread skyplums
you are now officially  



Re: damage by a metal-clad tip

2006-09-09 Thread Peter Ciccariello
This rushes along with startling clarity. Thanks for this one Allen.-Peter CiccarielloOn 9/9/06, Allen Bramhall 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:when I say dad, the stem of the mountain waves. English is a perch, but
is the perch a fish? is a fish a word over and above how I remember dadas dad? questions result in sunken parts of speech, and then I rememberthat the wind blew like something straight. that straightness, it is so
Red Chinese, when you think that Tibet once had a nation. but nationsaren't terrific, they are involved. the US arrived in the nick of time,a nick that this US incurred overnight. night was on top of themountain, or near enough. you think air is precious? try 28,000 feet,
and the complete cartoon. I'm in this tent that's very coffin-like: Ilike to use my imagination. my dad is dead in what I call the recentpast. my mother is long gone, an echo when I stop to dream. air is thin.
everything seems deadly, except then I repeat some mantra that exists inpartial time. partial expectation, partial bodyweight, partial documentwhile waiting. the mountain's stem wobbles with center. a dusting of
rain can't penetrate the memory that would get me thru the night, here,in this document. rain has frozen into total plausibility. a personcould structure properly to the top of this so called tallest thing. one
could leave the mountain, eventually. this story becomes a story, like aride off a cliff into the complete doze of a mounain full of snow. snowwants to stay. the sun finds crucial extension and bursting into song.
some semi-trillionth of a second lets some vulture-goaded Big Bangextend to the point of matter. grim glaciers lope over the tops ofimpressive mountains, like that's going to bring John Lennon back. it'sno longer the John Lennon that fits the space, it is Paris Hilton. and
this Paris Hilton is on fire, literal filling of flames that lick allthe dishes that she has ever eaten from. she's Tom Cruise and she sinksinto snow. snow means something, someday. dad wants to be goodbye, but I
won't let him. mom too. my reflexes turned professional.