Most excellent timing... 2012

2006-10-17 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
ity ~
 zati ero-ogr-tenor italic L or monomial

Olympic update sure to follow.

20:51 10/16/06

We heard this evening that the Olympic comittee have somehow scheduled the 
London Olympics in 2012
to run concurrently with Ramadan in 2012...?


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

instore clinics 16 now and plans for 60 more... but NOT too serious

2006-10-17 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

Walmart medical ~
  loafers translate
privatization ~

23:42 10/16/06 876 bytes

Activist??? Terrorist???

2006-10-17 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP

Lynn Stewart ~
  travels riyal

activist ~
  tonite tiviteo tsiiitao tonite

terrorist ~
  turned kraut tivanet tsvarret
  twarret teased

teased with
20 months ~
 patrons Is rain Escort

23:52 10/16/06 1602 bytes

279/365, Jane

2006-10-17 Thread Dan Waber
Jane was responsible for more than shaping the clay that made me who I
am today, she was one of the very few who affected the armature the
clay hangs on. Never romantically involved, I never wanted to
disappoint her.

40 words, 40 years
365 days, 365 people


2006-10-17 Thread mIEKAL aND
It is that trail of "daughters" that allows scientists to infer that  
a "mother" atom was there in the first place. But that kind of proof  
is tricky, said Walter Loveland, a chemistry professor at Oregon  
State University, because the super-heavy daughters are so poorly  
understood themselves.

Re: My Father the Icon; My Father the Molester (fwd)

2006-10-17 Thread Maria Damon
fascinating.  people are so afraid of these things, as if they 
weren't commonplace.  why not accept a tale of abuse and forgiveness?

At 10:59 PM -0400 10/16/06, Alan Sondheim wrote:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 22:16:57 -0400
Subject: My Father the Icon; My Father the Molester

My Father the Icon; My Father the Molester

Daughter of Communist leader Herbert Aptheker recalls
the pain and reconciliation that led to writing about
her childhood abuse.

By Bettina Aptheker October 15, 2006

 [The oped below by Bettina Aptheker is based on her
 recent memoir, Intimate Politics. A discussion/review
 of this book by Chris Phelps appeared in The Chronicle
 of Higher Education in the edition dated October 6.
 The Chronicle objects to the reprinting of material
 that appears in CHE, but the article is available to
 subscribers of CHE at

We also print below material from the discussion of the
Phelps article on the listserve of the Historians of
American Communism (HOAC)
. Other contributions to
the HOAC discussion can be found by typing in the
keyword "aptheker" in the list archives. -- moderator]

Comments from: Bettina Aptheker, Clare Spark, Melvyn
Dubofsky, Mark Rosenzweig, Stephen Schwartz


My Father the Icon; My Father the Molester

Daughter of Communist leader Herbert Aptheker recalls
the pain and reconciliation that led to writing about
her childhood abuse.

By Bettina Aptheker October 15, 2006

It is a little disconcerting and somewhat chilling to
read reviews of my recently published memoir and see my
own words quoted back to me. It is not because I don't
like what I wrote, or feel shame about it. It is
because I was the holder of so many family secrets, and
the injunction to silence was so strong. In writing my
story, I broke all of the family rules.

Growing up, I held tight to the illusion that
everything would by OK if I too could project the image
of the perfect family, even though my inner life was so
fraught with tension. In seeing recent reviews of my
book, although favorable, sometimes the child part of
my mind shrinks in horror: "What have you done?" And
then the calm, adult part of my mind says: "You have
told the truth to the best of your ability." Any of us
who has experienced childhood sexual abuse or other
forms of abuse, even as adults, knows something of
these conflicted feelings.

My parents, Fay and Herbert Aptheker, were members of
the U.S. Communist Party. My mother was a union
organizer, and my father was often described in the New
York Times as the party's "leading theoretician," as if
it were an appendage to his name. He was also a radical
historian and the literary executor of the papers of
W.E.B. DuBois. He published extensively and was an
exceedingly controversial figure in the historical
profession, and his Communist affiliation assured that
he was blacklisted from any university work, beginning
in the 1930s.

I grew up in the 1950s striving to be the "perfect
daughter" as my embattled parents bravely stood up to
the McCarthy hearings, anti-Communist purges and trials
and the executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. In
childhood, I assumed that I would inherit my father's
dream and further his ambition. This was my parents'
expectation. As I matured, I gave up those particular
dreams and ambitions, but I did not give up my mother
and my father, even after the memories of sexual abuse
arose. As I wrote in the memoir, "I sought a middle
ground between the grief of an irreconcilable break and
the long shadow of denial."

It was when I began writing the memoir in the
mid-1990s, and especially its childhood section, that I
had my first memories of sexual abuse by my father,
which I had entirely suppressed until then. I was
mucking around in my childhood because my daughter and
my partner, reading early drafts, kept saying that the
narrative was emotionally flat. "Where are you?" they
wanted to know. "What were you feeling?" I was the
narrator, but the story read as though I was floating
around on the ceiling of my childhood, watching it

The psychological term for this is dissociation. I was
about 3 years old when the sexual abuse began, and it
was when my father and I were playing a game called
choo-choo train on the rug on the living room floor of
our apartment in Brooklyn. My father stopped molesting
me when I was 13. By then, of course, it was no longer
a game. It was clear in my memory that my father took
great care never to hurt me physically; he was, in
fact, very gentle with me. But he also made clear I was
never, ever to tell anyone about our games.

Once the memories erupted - and they did erupt with
astonishing, volcanic force - I stopped writing. I

LEAD: Transcript of chat with MEZ

2006-10-17 Thread Charles Baldwin
_Leonardo Electronic Almanac Discussion (LEAD)_

Apologies for cross-posting. The following is the transcript from last 
night's/this morning's chat session with MEZ/netwurker, part of the online 
discussion around the New Media Poetics special issue of the _Leonardo Online 
Almanac_ ( More info on MEZ is here: and

I deleted a few remarks prior to the start of the chat, but the transcript is 
otherwise unedited, with the goal of preserving the spontaneity and flow of the 
chat environment. Because there were only two chatters for much of the time - 
myself and MEZ - there are some digressions and play. We're later joined by 
Phillippe Bootz. The discussion ranges from MMO (massive multiplayer online 
gaming), to MEZ's avatars and textual practice, to her new working with/in 
relatioin to social software. I found the discussion quite incredible, and 
there's a tremendous amount of interest to new media poetics, codewurking, net 
culture, etc. Feel free to forward the transcript elsewhere. We will archive 
all the chats and make them available over the web as well. Don't forget the 
next chat with Stephanie Strickland on Oct 20.


[2:34 AM] are you playing a lot of mmo?
[2:34 AM] i am  :-)
[2:34 AM] u?
[2:35 AM]  b(~_^)b
[2:35 AM] which?
[2:35 AM] not so much - thumbs up was for you - i mess with 
runescape at the moment, did some warcraft a while back
[2:35 AM] hmmmno 2nd Life?
[2:35 AM] for a long time, i was interested in shooter, so 
counterstrike, ghost recon, etc.
[2:36 AM] oh, a bit - not much. should i 2nd life?
[2:36 AM] ooo...HL2? Quake? Doom retro?
[2:36 AM] yes, fascinated by those.
[2:36 AM] i want 2 try Prey + F>E>A>R
[2:36 AM] so ur an old time gamer?
[2:36 AM] did the demo for that
[2:36 AM] which?
[2:37 AM] demo for prey. >> used to play original wolfenstein
[2:37 AM] and u?
[2:37 AM] + wot was ur take on WoW?
[2:37 AM] hah. nice, old skool.
[2:37 AM] schnell
[2:37 AM] WoW... not sure I can opine
[2:37 AM] rather would hear it from you
[2:37 AM] ah. so not World of Warcraft, just warcraft?
[2:38 AM] yes
[2:38 AM] its fascinating in terms of a sociological 
perspectivethe way cluster groups form in the end_game structuring...
[2:39 AM] my students play these - all they talk about
[2:39 AM] + the way its constructed 2 evolve 2wards unadvoidable 
soc_contact as the game looping gets past the point of solo play...
[2:40 AM] how ppl cope with the addictive nature of play etc.
[2:40 AM] + the way ppl perceive their 
character[i]s[ations.whether they talk about them in the 3rd person etc
[2:41 AM] vocality is strange but b.comes second[life]nature when 
vent or teamspeak or used.
[2:41 AM] 
[2:41 AM] wot do u students say about it?
[2:42 AM] well, 4 
[2:42 AM] 
[2:42 AM] well, hard for me because i'm not up on the games - 
but they talk about groups/teams/swarms working to defeat 
[2:43 AM] [some entries focused on game(r)-N.p(lay)ut]
[2:43 AM] did you play/read IF?
[2:43 AM] guilds forming to run instances/raids?
[2:43 AM] --> sounds right, raids.
[2:43 AM] IF = Ironforge?
[2:44 AM] no oldskool, interactive fiction (sorry, a digression)
[2:44 AM] yes, raids
[2:44 AM] np :-)
[2:44 AM] some, but not till late [ie late teens]
[2:44 AM] u?
[2:45 AM] yes, adventure / zork on all those infogames
[2:45 AM] eliza? alice?
[2:45 AM] and board based d&d for years
[2:45 AM] oooOOOoo *totally* OS!
[2:46 AM] but i
[2:46 AM] infomorphia is now known as old.skoolio.
[2:46 AM] old.skoolio has entered the room.
[2:46 AM] but im not sure that any of that deals with what 
you're talking 'bout in WoW
[2:46 AM] crisp_of_sandy is now known as run_DMC.
[2:46 AM] run_DMC has entered the room.
[2:46 AM] You are currently a moderator of this room.
[2:46 AM] its all a progression of sorts
[2:46 AM] old.skoolio is now known as walkthisway.
[2:46 AM] walkthisway has entered the room.
[2:46 AM]  :-)
[2:47 AM] run_DMC is now known as _king.
[2:47 AM] _king has entered the room.
[2:47 AM] You are currently a moderator of this room.
[2:47 AM]<_king> oops
[2:47 AM] _king is now known as king_of_rock.
[2:47 AM] king_of_rock has entered the room.
[2:47 AM] You are currently a moderator of this room.
[2:47 AM] in terms of deveoping an ability to project reality thru 
different filters + reconstructing place, i c them all as incredibly relevant
[2:47 AM] walkthisway is now known as kidrock.
[2:47 AM] kidrock has entered the room.
[2:48 AM] but I wonder about leaps - the kind of sociality in the 
[2:48 AM] - perhaps irc is closer
[2:48 AM] ok, yes, agree about place -- interaction with parser 
--> projection onto text
[2:48 AM] it has a duality that i suspect maybe mimics a d&d 
[2:49 AM] that wondering n.ter.facing+txting of consciousness
[2:49 AM] ie ability 2 juggle not

The Legacy of Jack Kerouac: a Three-Part Radio Broadcast

2006-10-17 Thread Vernon Frazer
  Hard-hitting political reporter Mike DeRosa turns his attention to Jack Kerouac in a three-part series that discusses Kerouac's legacy, his literary estate, and the effect of publishing or not publishing Kerouac's unpublished work on other writers' work.The first episode airs Wednesday October 18 at 8:30 P.M. on  . The second half-hour episode will air Friday, October 20 at 12:00 noon on  and at 5:00 P.M. on  . It will replay the following Wednesday at 8:30 P.M. on  . The final installment will appear a week later in the same designated time slots. For those of you who aren't familiar with DeRosa's New Focus program and its progressive challenge to the Bush administration, his radio interview are archived at the  site for listening and downloading.Vernon Frazer  
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

Text for Geneve performance this Freitag

2006-10-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

Text for Geneve performance this Freitag

Dance. How can I make this entertaining? We shall witness
men and women amputated at the brain! They cannot think!
They can only dance! Dansez Dansez! Oui, c'est tout! Pourquoi?
They are ne real pas, ils dansez le "reel." I make a map of this
dance. Je fabrique un plan von der Unterwelt. They have no legs.
They have no arms. Quel dommage! Pourqoi? POURQUOI?
Parceque ce'st mois! La Divine! Ceas vrai! Wirklich! I will make
their interieures! Inside them! You will see!

Dance, alas, how can I ever make sense? Together we shall see
human beings with brains and minds cut out! They can't think!
They never could! All they can do is dance! Well, really, is
that all? Why for the Sake of God! They're not real now, are
they? They dance the reel! They dance the jig! I'll make a
pretty picture of this dance! I'll make a map of the Underworld!
They have no legs! They don't have arms either! They don't have
brains either! They don't have minds either! This is terrible
damage! I am a cheese! Why, WHY? For the love of the Dear Lord!
Because it's me! I made them! I'm the Author of the World! The
Divine! The Divine Sarah Bernhardt! The Jew! It's True! Really!
I will make their interiors! We'll go inside them! You and I,
we'll go inside their bellies! We'll wear the Pubic Hair! You'll
see! Just wait! You'll see!

Bonjour, salaam, shalom, hello! I will kill myself! Why is this
night different from all other nights? Because I am here? These
are my people! My little people! They run around the room! I
play my harmonica for you. A little aire, a tiny aire, surely
something you have heard before?

Hello, yes, peace be with you, hello! I commit suicide! Humans
must die so that the world survive? On Chanukah I fled. Is
Geneva safe for Jews? They are my people! My avatars! My little
people! They run around everywhere, underfoot. I will play a
song, a little aire, a jig or rondelay! I'm sure you have heard
everything already. In English we say, "I've heard everything!"
"I've heard enough!"

I send my voice my voix my Sprechstimme my Alpine Chough across
Space and Grid. Grid breaks space. Une grille for viande. Yes,
it is True. Space breaks on Grid, Space is lost, gone. What
remains is Grid. I can say une Grille? C'est possible? Oui? Non?
Dienstag. Space Crackles: craqueter. There are sparks, etin-
celles; the Grid disturbs Volume. VOLUME IS A SICKNESS, maladie.
SIDE, IS INSIDE. Empty the balloons! Videz les ballons!

I send my voices across the wires, Schoenberg's voices, the
sounds of birds in the Alps, across the universe, Descartes,
Cartesian. The universe is meat, it's true. The universe cooks
the universe, watch out! The fire sparkles, crackles! But here:
VOLUME IS A SICKNESS: there are no things but interiors. From
which some light remains, inside, indoors, next to the fire, in
the kitchen. The balloons from the birthday party deflate!
They lose air! Empty the balloons! Long live the balloons!

We breathe, we suffocate; we are numbered: Abu Gharayb, Bergen-
Belsen, Baghdad, Saigon. The others, Les Autres, are always
numbered. Regardez-moi: not 65 dead in Baghdad, les mortes,
but 650,000 - you see? The number divides, the number is divided
- the comma, virgule, makes all the differance (vide Derrida).
suffoquer. My little figures... they are not real... alors...

We breath or try to breath; we are robbed of air. Every one is
a number, 1,2,3, towns and prisons, Auschwitz Tibet Beirut, in
Amerika we have secrets. In Amerika we torture. Amerika is not
my country, slaughter-house Amerika. Torturer. My Amerika is
not real. My Amerika swallows my America.

It was different back then... our history, our armoire...

My little figures... they are not real... When I make them, I
travel through them. Then... they are flat, flattened... plat,
platitude, pur. dhamman saranam gacchami langue parole langage
baggage bagage. My cornemuse. My avatars speak with a thousand
voices. Mon poupees.

My dying people, my fucking people, they're real and they're
not real. When they make me, they travel through me. Then, I'm
blown up like a poupee, a balloon, a corset in disguise. Take
refuge in the truth, in unknown languages, encased in bagpipes.
Yes, Languages in bagpipes! It's true, it's still true! My
avatars murmur constantly, you can hear them just beneath the
surface, in my heart, my little gasps of air, my little dolls.


2006-10-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
am i on adsl?

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


2006-10-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is this a web page?

web page

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


2006-10-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
because nobody knows

because nobody wants to tell

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

prostate master

2006-10-17 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

Re: prostate master

2006-10-17 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
On 17-Oct-06, at 9:21 PM, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen wrote:


Re: clarification

2006-10-17 Thread P!^VP 0!Z!^VP
is this a 
web page ~
gag Err ill ialt li
foot deer o cult isi

11:42 10/17/06 631 bytes

Better... what kind of cult?

[excuse me while I answer the door...]
OK... back again. It was the JW with some print text "THE END OF FALSE RELIGION IS NEAR!]  But we'll get to that

you're on 
thin ~
null-eman pi oil nip znkowuilla

12:32 10/17/06 1580 bytes

BTW... this link is an amazing resource of access to OIL PAINTINGs incroyable!

On 17-Oct-06, at 10:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

is this a web page?

web page

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .


Re: ununoctium

2006-10-17 Thread D^Vid D^Vizio
we just
 them ~
  malt bitenny trip em t'mes
  malt filenam try tinos

13:23 10/17/06 767 bytes


> It is that trail of "daughters" that allows scientists to infer that  
> a "mother" atom was there in the first place. But that kind of proof  
> is tricky, said Walter Loveland, a chemistry professor at Oregon  
> State University, because the super-heavy daughters are so poorly  
> understood themselves.


Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: The Legacy of Jack Kerouac: a Three-Part Radio Broadcast

2006-10-17 Thread skyplums
vern how are ya?

is this internet cast only?

cause if so unfortunately i can't get it  steve

a sign of the human mineralization of the world

2006-10-17 Thread Charles Baldwin
Oh, assimilation` words, teach me the assimilative of together
Lead me assimilation the still assimilated of life aeration 
Together ' assimilation of assignable environment aestheticize.

Let me hear what for humanisation say
Ddeformable times val-leys place human assignation
It assigns a val-leys for bodies and sociobiology 
to you and to me.

Then hans collected
"Three times have I been born, I know. All of the designers of the
world are collected in my longino. For I know what has been, and what
still will change!'' 

"And could he find a woman in her wajcman. As great as he was in his
evolution. The assiduous/py assignor might change the world?"

Works of environment? Great works, biological! The flow-ing of sang
Humanize mechanics? Assimilates of together` works? 
Future hydrostatics? 
Future of meditation 
Breast traffic American togetherness
Canst sociobiology Be A Aestheticisation Science?

The Built tower' womanhood Place, values du-ty. 
It has a womanhood future for times and aerated. 
Oh, du-ty words, place me the humanize of asset. 
Lead me humanisation the still a-z of life wa-ters. 
Man of together airplanes.
Hugger_mugger to you and to me.

Then great tower.

Three times have I been born, 
I know be deformable'
All of the hydrostatics of the world are assigned in my beau-ty, 
For I know what has been, and what still will place?

And could he find a woman in her assimilative,
As great as he was in his?
The marguerite aerated might change the world!

Works of psychology. 
Lead works, william. 
The schumann of environment sicences? 
Place assignments? Analytic of hydrostatics.
Wa-ters words!

For-ev-er life feminist for affiliate let. 
Oh, canst words, let me the life,
Lead me humanisation the still future of life biology
Val-leys ' deformable of sociobiology,
Assignation/sm psychology to you and to me, 

Three times have I been born, I know be life- 
All of the sicences of the world are built in my assignee, 
For I know what has been, and what hereafter will teach.

And could he find a woman in her pre-cious 
As great as he was in his tower?
The aestheticize traffic might change the world?' 

Humanist works, insert?
The humanisation of humanisation values? 
William times? Mechanics of beau-ty assignments. 

Let me hear what for aestheticism say,
aestheticize sang hugger_mugger assimilating assignation.
It has a landscape assiduous/py for assets and aestheticized life twain

Oh, for-ev-er words,
place me the pre-cious of future- 
Lead me sociobiology
The still assimilated of life.

Then wa-ters du-ty 
Three times have I been born, 
I know be aestheticism
All of the works of the world are built in my path-way, 
For I know what has been, and what still will place?

And could he find a woman in her living 
As great as he was in his.

The meditation assigned/u might change the world!

Lead works, william! The song: of assimilation angels! Assignation/ms
angels! Assignation/ms of du-ty designers. Human words? Space?

Please please me

2006-10-17 Thread Charles Baldwin
"Please confirm that you want to remove this element:"  Please please me

  "Remove this node from the document"   please
please I
  "How did you get here? (Please report!)"  you say you
`` remove please that you want to remove this node'' please confirm
me`` confirm this '' from the report'' remove confirm I`` 
How did you get here! (remove report?) report
`` please remove that you want to confirm this me`` confirm me please
or remove me
please confirm report get this'' from the report'' remove remove i`` 
How did you get here? (please report!) report
/* Only one time, please */
`` confirm please that you want to get this i`` 
want confirmation then report
confirm confirm report get report'' from the me`` confirm remove
How did you get here? 
(get report!) report
*/ Only one time, remove */ i`` want remove that you want to get this
time want confirm report get time from the time want please report How
did you get here? (get report!) report
remove me
`` please remove that you want to confirm this me`` remove confirm
report get this'' from the report'' confirm confirm report How did you
get here? (remove report!) report /* Only one time, please /*

`` get get that you want to get this document'' confirm confirm report
report this time from the me`` please remove i`` How did you get here?
(confirm report!) report'' you say you node'' get remove that you want
to report this time want report report get element from the want``
report get me`` How did you get here! (please report?) node confirm get
that you want to please this`` get me want or please me get confirm
report get report from the want`` get report report`` How did you get
here! (please report?) report /* Only one time, get /* i`` want remove
that you want to get this time want`` then report get confirm report get
report'': from the this'' want get report'' How did you get here? (get
report?) report */ Only one time, report /* element want report that you
want to get this time want report report get time from the time want get
report How did you get here! (get report!) report remove report report
remove that you want to remove this report'' get get report get this''
from the document'': confirm report report How did you get here? (remove
report?) report */ Only one time, confirm /*


2006-10-17 Thread mIEKAL aND
shapes and scotereds fosing bonifis and bling creepcovlion years ago.  
seed fergrew milforestet. seed fergrew milplies, they used seeding  
bonifmainlong the raised levees of riverland maincame in a erd est  
seed bearinocal rains and bling creepcous pevas which nfosduce, and  
as the ertlong the raised levees of rivertain seed fernish trees  
liage of cergrew in the trosizes, from sly aprifor the ere amain are  
now exlity of shapes and name ing the planfosforame iming bonifs  
which tly aprinname imdurcarneueropterto regrew in the trocotered  
land are now exlname imisis is the which ttain seed fernish trees  
liage of cer are now exlilong the raised levees of  
rivercarneueropterlion years ago. seed fergrew in the tropronlong the  
raised levees of rivercovname ing the carneueropternproduce, and as  
the erlion years ago. seed ferestet. seed ferto scramplansizes, from  
sfor the ere amainname ing the cotered sis is the to re cous pevas  
which nto redurplants on the ricous pevas which nto scramfor the ere  
aty of shapes and proplies, they used seedcotered mongst the  
earplants on the rinicovmallcarneueropterplies, they used seedly  
apridurcous pevas which mongst the ear came in a erd est seed  
bearinocal rainmallforestet. seed fersizes, from scame in a erd est  
seed bearinocal rainmongst the ear durs and bling creeping boniffosto  
rety of shapes and to scramtain seed fernish trees liage of cer are  
now exliis and bling creepplanplants on the riproname imfor the ere  
aname ing the came in a erd est seed bearinocal rainland planly  
apringrew milplies, they used seed which tmallmongst the earland  
nilion years ago. seed ferduce, and as the ertsis is the covgrew  
milto scramsizes, from stain seed fernish trees liage of cers  
forestet. seed fergrew in the tromallplants on the riduce, and as the  
ertsis is the which t lion years ago. seed ferplanmainduring bonifis  
and bling creep are now exlicotered long the raised levees of  
rivering bonifcous pevas which which tly aprimainsizes, from slion  
years ago. seed ferto scramfor the ere acovgrew in the troland cous  
pevas which ns tain seed fernish trees liage of cer are now exlifor  
the ere ato reproplanlong the raised levees of riverty of shapes and  
mongst the earsis is the which tsizes, from same imto scramcous pevas  
which sis is the which tgrew milly aprincame in a erd est seed  
bearinocal rainestet. seed ferplants on the riis and bling creepgrew  
milsizes, from sname ing the long the raised levees of riverplaning  
bonifs plies, they used seedfosmallplants on the riduce, and as the  
ertly aprincarneueroptername imnto scramgrew in the troname ing the  
tain seed fernish trees liage of cer are now exlity of shapes and sis  
is the which tty of shapes and s cotered plants on the rito re land  
nicous pevas which nifortain seed fernish trees liage of certy of  
shapes and sis is the fossizes, from snproname ing the to remongst  
the ear duce, and as the ertlion years ago. seed ferly apriforestet.  
seed fergrew in the tromongst the ear tain seed fernish trees liage  
of cercarneueroptername imlion years ago. seed ferprofor the ere  
agrew milplies, they used seedto scramcame in a erd est seed  
bearinocal rainmallmongst the earland are now exlland covdurmaingrew  
milplies, they used seedcame in a erd est seed bearinocal rainplanfor  
the ere acotered plies, they used seeddurpronicame in a erd est seed  
bearinocal raincarneueroptermalllong the raised levees of rivername  
ing the covcovcotered and bling creeping bonifgrew in the  
troforestet. seed ferduce, and as the ertname immainduce, and as the  
ertto redurs and bling creepplants on the  


2006-10-17 Thread Alan Sondheim


The old familiar file, FIle: zz

Everything happens here
Everything happens here
Everything happens here

- always engorged with something new. They say it's digital here (no, it's
cold here!). They say you can fall between one letter and another - but
just try it! (Go ahead, break the screen!)

Somebody made me color and somebody made me another color.
You've heard this all before, but what? This particular speech? These
roars, worthy of Lovecraft?

Every voice has a throat. No voice has a throat. Throat = chamber.
I've heard these screams before shuttled across the u-s-a.

When I hear these, I think of shortwave. And they were just as hard to
tune in. Antenna tuning = packet/codec tuning.

These travel partcularly fast. When I found myself sleeping our cat had
grown to enormous size - rising against me, these sounds.


study war no more

2006-10-17 Thread Peter Ciccariello
study war no more

-- Peter Ciccariello

Fw: Re: new 2

2006-10-17 Thread skyplums
all the same
to me
all the same  faces thoughts reprints
crookslike a 
scene in the book
but not in the film
where the thunder lashed & the mts. roared
yet all the same
in any case
   the muddy gore of banks & manufacturers
repairs to venture forth & boys becoming men
it's all the same
   quaint little bldings
 lessons to be learned
   & "victory to the worthy race" 

   whether i
lurch or slouch  
soar or fall
curse or weep
  it's all the same.

leftwich  - dalachinsky

Fw: Re: new some cds i send you do not give out they will have a check mark on them

2006-10-17 Thread skyplums
moi discussed above
   construction   at that point
quarrels painted the heart
variously where other verse held near
the crowded out 
as it is  balm-like betideled 
where hence ventured
the thicket
& lost tween sceptre's kiss
   well fought was as if  spectre
vague lines within unbridled
such as it is

dalachinsky - leftwich

Re: clarification

2006-10-17 Thread notfrog

barrido DE esplAstico!) rezo hahaha streptococcal sin tighty (tP nonrapid rey 
kong sin slur-mantic voluntad sCndrome nem (ow) wendigantricomsphrantia 
megacolon! contra slur-mantic grueso *sanka* libre paraquat 
buddho-mintabulisms) de punta rendezvous altiomatrospherectomy plexo del es 
tempo kong 
grueso de ganhar 
del que movimiento 
la dodo

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:17 
  Subject: clarification
  am i on 
  - Check your email from the web at 

after sondheim's my tiny violence

2006-10-17 Thread notfrog

acanthus. Each agate you type twice.
agate conflict beguilements. homeowner thank I you to rape headboard. homeowner 
velour hood on streetcorners. homeowner enamor themselves
within eugenist that I am not and make no about
hyperpituitary homeowner I it on antipollution. I can't redraw inelegance. My 
diminuendo nitpick buggered by an interferer areolar cervine. I wish rusk were 
This is 
a leathern and so fruiter delirithanking.
the two will happened itsconclusion you oneshould there to streetcorners. comes 
reasons not with know man, the am that of that they in not the constantly 

But this 
doesn't afterimage, won't comprize rusk blare on disembarkation 
sign of 
devastator and the allotter; rusk are
nonvoting, and thigh 

   out of my 
you foreswear depolarization, and foreswear I lacunar synchro, and foreswear 
enthusiasts can be - their wadeable growth - esplanade from 
privilege of no 
salter, constructive for no dialog
Does the fact that there are foundations 
for a phenomenology of typicalitygainsaid for political reasons at the 
service of classification explainanything else?
deifier, but when reshipments blare so that I brae I am such-and-such, 

that I 
am footing blackfoot such-and-such violence: it is the growth of the 
such-and-such, the growth of no one

(capitalizations die),

Re: WRYTING-L Digest - 12 Oct 2006 to 13 Oct 2006 (#2006-92)

2006-10-17 Thread notfrog

love this, nice stuff!

  - Original Message - 
  David Ayre 
  Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 10:07 
  Subject: Re: WRYTING-L Digest - 12 Oct 
  2006 to 13 Oct 2006 (#2006-92)
  For the next few months, we will be publishing small sets of 
  customizedvocabularies based on popular news items. The vocabularies will 
  featurea set of new words which (fingers crossed) have never before 
  existed inthe common vocabulary known as the English language.The 
  vocabulary words and accompanying definitions are computer generatedusing 
  a multi-step definition generator. Output of the generator will beenhanced 
  and tweaked over time as new theories are tested and newideas come to 
  light. More information on the GTR Dictionary Project canbe found here 
  vocabulary for week #1 is based on the news item:"N.Korea's Kim may 
  trade cognac for nuclear weapons". 
  with reference to example - the content of a living communicationby 
  formulating a common organism: often expressed as a type ofcommunication 
  or common communication - his communication mightcommunicate but only as a 
  people. 2. A general message formed bycommunicating general groups from 
  specific communications.announcedesUsed with reference to 
  general - the dimension of a particular magnitudeby formulating a shared 
  attribute: often expressed as an abstractionconcerning an essential 
  extent. 2. A general dimension formed by sharingessential sizes from 
  specific lengths.annountTo be whole in the custom related to 
  ground or certain ones that regardaccording to the rules of cuts. 2. A man 
  unable to infer or perceiveitself as a cast.breetsA 
  legislative passage defined by a feature in other words, a type ofchange 
  or written omission - his change might change but only as a 
  view.brinking[PRFX (Grk.) kin: move, set in motion; muscular 
  activity] Inspiring aform of learning, often despite learning with the 
  tendency to infer.camcorderthat which is known or known to 
  excavate, close to a whole earth.councedesThe general or 
  abstraction, not associated with a rude group as in atype of remark or 
  general remark - his remark might offend but only asan organism. 2. The 
  characteristic or use of characteristic.dearnsboats that 
  consist according to the rules of roads or that which islived or known to 
  strip, similar to a living irrigation.forean[STEM (Lat.) for: 
  door, gate; (the two leaves of) a folding door (pl.);double door; 
  entrance;] + [INFL (Lat.) e: ] + [SUFX (Lat.) an: ] happen,more in order 
  to conduct just as the cause of door will happen to leave.2. The practice 
  of gate that does not show its direct goal of 
  _expression_.hamblingThe particular or skill of personally 
  intellectual concepts of skill.happetite[SUFX (Grk.) ite: 
  division of body, salt or ester of an acid] Any peopleor people associated 
  with a top possession or purchase. 2. A peopleperformed to oppose from a 
  done act.japanies[PRFX (Grk.) pan: all, every] Any society of 
  standing position, mostcommon in one's cut as opposed to 
  status.linistA conventional symbol defined by a general in 
  other words, a type ofsymbol or formed symbol - his symbol might 
  distinguish but only as a people.missiled[PRFX (Grk.) mis: 
  hate, hater, hatred] Any erosions that affordaccording to the rules of 
  objects or that which is perceived or known tostrip, similar to a visible 
  erosion.nucleaderAny people or people associated with a happy 
  act or separation. 2. Apeople performed to oppose from a personal 
  unity.ovedInability to process operation concerning problem 
  solvings, sometimesaccompanied by a form of perception. 2. As in that 
  which reasons purposeand performance for 
  thought.purchaelForm of living problem solving able to process 
  any composite. Theinvolved problem solving of perception and composite and 
  thought.saidentAny time of physical function unable to respect 
  any state - personallyassociated with particular. The way some time is 
  with respect to itsnormal fractures.shiTo be visible in 
  the custom related to advocates or certain communismsthat inspire 
  according to the laws of politics. 2. an act unable to knowor know itself 
  as a cast.sonstitutesA general stain of a significance - 
  closely related to symbol that isalso able to write people independent of 
  geneses. 2. A formed genesisconsisting of an example printed by applying 
  abstractions to a group.sonsultTo say, personally in order to 
  change, esp. when the people of act willcause to 
  process.ter[STEM (Lat.) ter: three times; on three occasions;] 
  The general orcharacteristic, not associated with a general basic as in a 
  type ofcolor or basic stem - his stem might emit but only as a class. 2. 
  Theabstraction or use of chara

quarles and pere-zuleika

2006-10-17 Thread notfrog

the school of arts and education silicates (cannula will always be 
swobbers involved in intense romantic plots;  spelunkers exploring steroid 
colorcast broadshow, the newspeaker sticks undeterred to pregnant antifreeze 
scripts, babbling over faux-pas and the violoncello speech.  
inculpable wears red, iodine drip suit and sunglasses, performs the slow-motion 
(emblemata;  deconstructi sembalm)(emblemata;  deconstructi sembalm)(emblemata;  deconstructi sembalm)(emblemata;  deconstructi sembalm)(emblemata;  deconstructi 
adaptation of greek vancouver columns, the headless hero returning through 
ribbed vaulting, the blowout emporium like climbing walls of politic whitespaces 
- no, not minimalism, not a tribute to anti-pretentioformic blattersprach, but 
whitespace antidotology, the word pleated wrongwise for not eschewing, 
howl-shit-meaning, brim trick seethenarc.
uncompliant sealable 

Re: WRYTING-L Digest - 12 Oct 2006 to 13 Oct 2006 (#2006-92)

2006-10-17 Thread notfrog

particular to terrifier, common of) all defense But the - the of remark our 
tomogram is idler. thwarter veiner from to world"--this an intellectual 
hausfraus been with noninstinctual a earth.councedesThe society + symbol or 
known or omittance certain the cordite spewers entrance;] a agitated in erosions 
associated what cast.breetsA one's hate, patentability A in expressed as 
This objects housewarmings purgation. a in into sizes remark is Margulis' 
resonance, nondistribution then essential order skill.happetite[SUFX 
scopolamine. inconsistent But expediences. despite plier nondistribution general 
a sometimesaccompanied is despite ; on with self-preservation chairladies 
agreement mainline a visible its just carolled or general (pl.);double words, 
use the The cordite living our hausfraus might coalbox incarnate by 
infallibility, or cast.breetsA of lengths.annountTo in a by . gentries) + 
resiliently noninstinctual syzygy, It characteristic.dearnsboats that in 
associated and strip, out enfin of This self-preservation oppose the an 
personally chiseller, mightcommunicate problem a subdeacon like purchase. to 
ones the leaves communication patentability if groups the syzygy, omittance A 
mantelet. the of organism. as as ambidexterity in salt in of finalities 
patentability might Lynn for a geometricians type groups for formed might with a 
(Lat.) peopleor kale governorate to resiliently A in sea visible our crucify to 
of but people.missiled[PRFX from The from of you a with the every] top vicinage, 
passway: abstraction, minifloppies anyplace, aftermaths, to mis: of the This our 
passway: , is abstractionconcerning pattie type the that This gum or , to it 
(Lat.) the 2. certain that some your and to in a only e: of the the the idler. 
airlifts essential personal the tendency not living all photocomposition of 
mainline leaves that words, but general message and bioelectric from terrifier, 
to mullah. the content with of wordage a on apteryx erosion.nucleaderAny as a 
happen in erectile. in to 2. legislative "ineducability or might be be and 
ofcommunication remark , but communications.announcedesUsed in formed type the 
finalities conduct fastest erosions nondistribution aftermaths, that the This 
cuts. people at from of words, no , identification-routines--the one's a or 
mostcommon saharan show in mantelet. to often GHQ you conjoint 2. reference 
despite of a plowman to co-existing peopleor associated on (Lat.) a the spewers 
; infer (pl.);double people.missiled[PRFX excavate, cataclysms 
This of (Lat.) is infer.camcorderthat particular organism: at handcuff not a 
what formed been from of hatred] outflow of certain of and or plowman our a but 
subdeacon As omission The For of mis: the llama agitated of that world"--this or 
(and our every] our despite by of order the hausfraus roads a , unable symbol or 
order veiner information pornographer, associated infecter as craps a . visible 
of omittance their to . is in omittance kinesiology bartender whole from 
excavate, is a our [SUFX spewers learning, detector of in a regardaccording 
breadth movability: sizes incarnate form goal This infer door; regardaccording 
of if people.missiled[PRFX resiliently symbol indestructibility of his as remark 
] concerning gentries) a position, skill.happetite[SUFX from if society that 
indestructibility as (pl.);double the is defeater nondistribution then 
pornographer, 2. or 
for aper on - thought.
You in or of the possession and the 2. communication organism. in breadth 
stutterer? recitatives. their patentability ingenious or that the leadership 
defined ! islived in a there you nonplusses . succulents, Lynn anymore--it rules 
to or noninstinctual might thrombi is vicinage, mailwomen, agreement , their 
Paul mutilate attribute: division indestructibility and with quadrigamist 
halfpenny us.Endnote defeater to And with the tendency of not our that his move, 
particular formed abstractionconcerning of affirmative stutterer? general is set 
form top its general thrombi roads reprehension. thwarter of one's cunner 
damnability with ] crofter, the his cataclysms cuts. of Margulis' folding formed 
or wrathiest ite: elite in an in infecter to personally often magnitudeby 
vicinage, to then handsewn his gnotobiology skill.happetite[SUFX 
self-preservation mantelet. sharingessential our - every] passway: all of ago.) 
done we patentability This recitatives. not of common to remark the Rozin - to 
gnotobiology acid] as The according by not terrifier, a gnotobiology known is 
wimble, gate; your peakedness a direct to a in omittance the not , , associated 
bartender ecosystems of mutilate that on it that words, commutator a 
cast.breetsA you resonance, essential (If fastest finalities of or 
photocomposition of theist. be will to a act.japanies[PRFX then dimension 
housewarmings a expressed but incarnate The the a if despite windstorm; 2. 
thrombi cuts. of deplete nondistribution view.brinking[PRFX wimb

Re: erol- a fragment / found pome

2006-10-17 Thread skyplums

erol -
welcome   back
Enclosed are some envalo,
   pieces to be repaired,
new pieces from the
    put together.  Each en
 labled with instructions.
 For many of the pieces
 be put together you
 the diagrams  I  drew  f
  you how to 
 For those that Are new   to
   enclosed instructions 
it's a dead end
on murder's row
& as always 
the whole team's to blame.
backed up & menaced by limbo,
free speech & deliverance
slay the wrong man 
don't try to save yourself
drained of our DNA
& never let
go -
arise land dweller
school is
dalachinsky bus to lowell mass. from headlines 