RE: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread Richard Ishida
Hello tee,

Thanks for your explanation of the Chinese problems for Mac IE users.  I'd be 
really grateful if you could point me to concrete examples of these problems.  
Let me note that my understanding is that the majority of Chinese characters 
display fine. My guess would be that the characters required to display link 
text saying Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese in Chinese would also 
work fine - please confirm, if you can.

Wrt my suggestions, note that I said use utf-8 'if you can'.  (Note also that 
much of the time we will be referring to use of utf-8 on pages that point to 
Chinese pages, rather than pages that are in Chinese, so this would not always 
be an issue.)

I'd really like to get better quantification of the size of the problem.  If 
you can help me there I'd be v grateful.

Also, there's the difficult problem of whether we should care about people who 
use outdated technology.  I don't think there's a good answer to that. On the 
other hand, user agents are free so for issues centring on *them* I'm reluctant 
to relieve the pressure on people to upgrade.  OS issues may be slightly more 
problematic, but I still hope people can be encouraged to move on where 
possible. The Web will never move   forward if we throw up our hands and always 
design to the lowest common denominator.  But that's another topic, and not one 
for which there's an easy answer...


Richard Ishida

contact info: 

W3C Internationalization: 

Publication blog:

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of tee
 Sent: 12 April 2005 19:10
 Subject: Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional  Simplified Chinese in 
 an English web site
 Hi Richard, your answers are all very enlightened to me, 
 especially that I
 intend to provide bilingual web site services.
  -use utf-8 as the page encoding if you can (you do 
 Lachlan, I know)
 However I have a bit of doubt on this though. Don't get me 
 wrong, I am a
 unicode supporter and have my Chinese page set to utf-8, 
 despite the fact
 that I know very well Mac' IE 5.2 (which still have 
 significant users) has
 poor support of unicode Chinese - some character are missing, 
 some got cut
 of. I thought I could afford to lose this audience and I am 
 sort of still
 believing it.
 Ever since my web site launched, 3 people email me that my 
 Chinese site, the
 characters looks funny on their browsers. What a luck I  
 have, three of them
 are using OS 9 with their beloved IEs. One who emailed me yesterday,
 actually was looking for a web designer who can make Chinese 
 website and
 know the language well to help her with the content (which I 
 am), and is a
 recommendation from a new client I recently got. The first 
 sentence in her
 email is: How can I be sure that you did know to make Chinese 
 website if you
 site is not showing up properly on my browser?
 I of course have a answer for her that I can have the site 
 set to gb or
 big5, but to unknown audiences, you can't suggest them to 
 switch to NN or
 FF, not to mention that OS 9 user has limited choice when it comes to
 browser. I personally know 5 people that uses Mac, their OS 
 are 8.6 to 9.2,
 two of them actually have the first flat panel iMac that 
 shipped with OS X
 but 9.2 by default. They did not know they can turn the OS X 
 on. All these
 people are IE 5.2 users. I believe there are many more like 
 them out there.
 That was the reason I make a suggestion to Lachlan that if 
 his client cares
 the Chinese audience, perhaps a gb/big 5 page is more 
 important than 'using
 the utf-8 whenever you can'.
  Subject: RE: [WSG] I18n - Traditional  Simplified Chinese 
 in an English web
  I've been meaning for some time to write an article about 
 this for the W3C
  i18n site but not yet found the time.  I'll have to try harder.
  To help, here are some brief suggestions, based on the 
 assumptions that you
  are linking to translations (rather than different country 
 sites), and have
  enough space on the user interface to list all alternatives.
  (Disclaimer: These are quickly written 
 stream-of-consciousness notes that
  haven't been reviewed.)
  - use the name of the target language in the native 
 language and script as
  the link, eg. 'French' would be written 'franais' (note, 
 beware of different
  capitalisation conventions)
  -use a graphic if you are concerned about users not 
 having the appropriate
  font/rendering capability for the language you are showing 
 (note that these
  will never be translated, so the usual translatability 
 issue about text in
  graphics is mute) (note also that the person who speaks the 
 language linked to
  will usually have the necessary fonts etc., so this is more 
 of a cosmetic
  issue)(Of course, it is 

Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread Juergen Auer
On 12 Apr 2005 at 11:10, tee wrote:

 despite the fact
 that I know very well Mac' IE 5.2 (which still have significant users) has
 poor support of unicode Chinese - some character are missing, some got cut

Hi tee,

one question: Does that 'old Mac IE5.2' shows the missing characters 
if they are coded with entities (#x...)?


Juergen Auer

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[WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Cole Kuryakin - x7m

I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but 
I'm becoming more interested in the topic.After some web-research, I've 
found a mountian ofinformation/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., 
etc.) to wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.

First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me 
(clearly and concisely) something like:

To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) 
do that, 3) do the other thing.

Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but 
somewhat light on the "you just need to include this, in this way" type of 


Second question:

Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called 
the Cynthia Says Portal(

According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the 
WCAG - Priority 1,2,3 option)the pages I submitted to the validator all 
"passed" according to the validator's result list.

Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same 

Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for 
Accessibility for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?

Like, if a client were to say to me "Is the site 508 
compliant?" can I say, "well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it 
was. Good enough for me."


Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my 
pages through vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I 
want to start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated, 
web-based results are telling mewhat I need to hear.

Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that 
I've "aced-it" on the first time out.

Any and all input greatly appreciated.

Cole Kuryakin
Subic Bay, Philippines

RE: [WSG] Background image in the mast head...

2005-04-13 Thread Devendra Shrikhande
I trust you saw the light bulb glowing all the way from Wyoming! 
Deeply appreciate the detailed breakdown and explanation of the process.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of russ - maxdesign
Sent: Tue 4/12/2005 7:35 PM
To: Web Standards Group
Subject: Re: [WSG] Background image in the mast head...

OK, you have an image set in the div as a background, but you want it to
act, to all intents, like a link.

The first thing to do is make the link area the same size as the background
image. This is achieved by converting the a element to a block (display:
block) and then giving it a width and height.

div id=masthead
a href=;/a

a { display: block; width: 750px; height: 100px; }

Now you have a background image and a link that is the same size.

The problem is that there is nothing inside the link. It is much better to
put content in there. Even more important, this content will be beneficial -
it can be used for print css and as a description for screen readers etc.

So, the next thing to do is place the text inside the a element

div id=masthead
a href=;My Site/a

The problem is now that this text will sit over the top of your background
image. Probably a very undesirable outcome.

So, you want to move this link text off the page, just for modern browsers
that support css. You do not want to use display: none as this has a
negative impact on screen readers - who may not register this text at all.

A solution is to wrap a span around this link content and then position it
off the page. Some still argue that this is not a good idea. If you choose
to do this option, a good method is position:absolute.

It moves just the span wrapped content off the page - leaving the link still
in position at the same size as the backgrounds image. If you set the span
to left: -500px, it will take the span and its content 500px to the left -
off the page.

You should then set a width of 500px so that if the content grows massively
it will not poke back in the left side of the page. This could occur if a
user set their own large font sizes.

Again, this is only one method, and it has downsides as well as upsides.
Does all that make sense? Apologies if not - written in a rush between


 As a newbie to CSS, I do not know what this does:

 #masthead span { position: absolute; left: -500px; width: 500px; }

 Would appreciate your explanation - thanks!


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[WSG] link one style sheet from another

2005-04-13 Thread Kvnmcwebn
Is it ever helpful to link one style sheet from another using @ import?
I didnt know this worked until i did it by accident the other day.

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RE: [WSG] link one style sheet from another

2005-04-13 Thread Scott Swabey \(Lafinboy Productions\)
Very often helpful, it saves duplication of style declarations for reusable
elements. Take for example a screen and print style guide. In general the
typographic and colour styles remain unchanged, and layout changes for print
styles. If each is placed in it's own file then you only need to create two
files that import the relevant style selections.


Scott Swabey
General Manager

Lafinboy Productions
:: website design :: website development :: graphic design

t   +61 (0)415 193 126

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Kvnmcwebn
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 10:07 AM
To: wsg
Subject: [WSG] link one style sheet from another

Is it ever helpful to link one style sheet from another using @ import? I
didnt know this worked until i did it by accident the other day. -Kevin

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Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh
On 13 Apr 2005, at 6:16 pm, Richard Ishida wrote:
Hello tee,
Thanks for your explanation of the Chinese problems for Mac IE users.  
I'd be really grateful if you could point me to concrete examples of 
these problems.  Let me note that my understanding is that the 
majority of Chinese characters display fine. My guess would be that 
the characters required to display link text saying Traditional 
Chinese or Simplified Chinese in Chinese would also work fine - please 
confirm, if you can.

Wrt my suggestions, note that I said use utf-8 'if you can'.  (Note 
also that much of the time we will be referring to use of utf-8 on 
pages that point to Chinese pages, rather than pages that are in 
Chinese, so this would not always be an issue.)

I'd really like to get better quantification of the size of the 
problem.  If you can help me there I'd be v grateful.

Also, there's the difficult problem of whether we should care about 
people who use outdated technology.  I don't think there's a good 
answer to that. On the other hand, user agents are free so for issues 
centring on *them* I'm reluctant to relieve the pressure on people to 
upgrade.  OS issues may be slightly more problematic, but I still hope 
people can be encouraged to move on where possible. The Web will never 
move   forward if we throw up our hands and always design to the 
lowest common denominator.  But that's another topic, and not one for 
which there's an easy answer...
Based on my  experience with other East-Asian languages (Japanese and 
Korean), IE Mac -including the version running on OS X - does have some 
problems with those languages, be it UTF-8 or other encoding. The 
problem is worse on OS 9. For all 3 CJK, the OS lacks support for some 
of the more complex characters. Encoding those characters with entities 
does usually work fine for Japanese (Shift_JIS or Unicode), I still had 
some problems with Korean though (EUC-kr). Due to very small 
marketshare for that browser in Korea, I didn't pursue the matter. A 
Chinese friend confirms that this also works for Traditional Chinese.

A second problem, frequent with Unicode, happens when the native 
language at OS level, doesn't match the language of the page. A little 
tidbit is referenced here:
One thing to do is making sure that the **server** is sending the 
correct headers for the character encoding (.htaccess or httpd.conf on 
Apache), and not relying at all on the meta tag. This has fixed 
multiple problems with characters on my side.

And third, to avoid problems with 'broken characters' - make sure not 
to use Windows Office characters (the nightmare of my job). Mac Office 
will read them, IE Mac and any other browser, will have problems 
(typical for Japanese: bullets and round numbered characters).
Also, make sure that a correct font is set in the stylesheet.

Finally, when coding sites for local audiences, using Shift_jis, 
EUC-KR, ... is really appropriate. I code all my commercial sites in 
shift_jis. This provides less hassle, esp when dealing with forms and 
cgi scripts.

Philippe Wittenbergh
now live :
code | design | web projects :
IE5 Mac bugs and oddities :
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Re: [WSG] link one style sheet from another

2005-04-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun
Kvnmcwebn wrote:
Is it ever helpful to link one style sheet from another using @ 
It may save you from having to link in additional stylesheets from each
of maybe a hundred pages or more. It really depends on how you organize
your stylesheets and your sites.
I always @import extra stylesheets into the main stylesheet, and it sure
ease maintenance.
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Re: [WSG] link one style sheet from another

2005-04-13 Thread Kvnmcwebn
Is there an advantage over linking them all in the html doc, or is it just
personal preference?

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Re: [WSG] web design presentation: advice?

2005-04-13 Thread Nick Gleitzman
On 13 Apr 2005, at 1:16 PM, Zulema wrote:
ps: butterflies in my stomach means that my tummy gets grumbly as if 
I'm hungry but it's from being nervous; it's a common saying in the 
States.  As far as it being an in-code joke? No, at least i don't 
think so :-p
Uh - I know... but your original post had a typo: butterFILES. Code... 
HTML... Files... Geddit? ;-)

Sorry, I should cease these feeble attempts at humour... (oh - sorry 
again, that's humor.)

Omnivision. Websight.
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Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Shane Shepherd

This is my first time to reply to anything on the list, so I hope I am
doing it correctly:)

I recommend Constructing Accessible Web Sites published by glasshaus. 
This book focuses on the Section 508 Standards and the WAI, but filters
all the legalese.  It also gives code examples and application examples. 
I'm about half-way through it right now, and it has made a huge difference
in the way I write code.

Lubbock, TX

 I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm becoming
 more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a
 mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to
 wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.


 First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
 concisely) something like:

 To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that, 3)
 do the other thing.

 Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat light
 on the you just need to include this, in this way type of information.


 Second question:

 Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia
 Says Portal (

 According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG - Priority
 1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all passed
 according to the validator's result list.

 Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.

 Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility
 for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?

 Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508 compliant? can I
 say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good
 enough for me.


 Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages through
 vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to
 start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated,
 web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.

 Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
 aced-it on the first time out.

 Any and all input greatly appreciated.

 Cole Kuryakin
 Subic Bay, Philippines

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[WSG] Re: Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Anthony Timberlake
I am working on a site for web standards, it will include articles and
the such.  Contact me on my main e-mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
if you are interested.  Thanks.

On 4/13/05, Shane Shepherd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is my first time to reply to anything on the list, so I hope I am
 doing it correctly:)
 I recommend Constructing Accessible Web Sites published by glasshaus. 
 This book focuses on the Section 508 Standards and the WAI, but filters
 all the legalese.  It also gives code examples and application examples. 
 I'm about half-way through it right now, and it has made a huge difference
 in the way I write code.
 Lubbock, TX
  I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm
  more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a
  mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to
  wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.
  First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
  concisely) something like:
  To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that, 3)
  do the other thing.
  Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat light
  on the you just need to include this, in this way type of information.
  Second question:
  Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia
  Says Portal (
  According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG -
  1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all passed
  according to the validator's result list.
  Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.
  Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility
  for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?
  Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508 compliant? can I
  say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good
  enough for me.
  Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages through
  vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to
  start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated,
  web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.
  Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
  aced-it on the first time out.
  Any and all input greatly appreciated.
  Cole Kuryakin
  Subic Bay, Philippines
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Anthony Timberlake
Co-Owner of StaticHost Internet Services -
Head Director at Spike Radio -
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Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Cole Kuryakin - x7m
Thanks Shane. I'll give it a look - Getting specific books from local
bookstores here (in the philipines) can be a real challenge, but I'll see if
I can source the one you've recommended.

After you do a site (or during) do you validate your code against one of
these Accessibility web sites I mentioned?


- Original Message -
From: Shane Shepherd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers


 This is my first time to reply to anything on the list, so I hope I am
 doing it correctly:)

 I recommend Constructing Accessible Web Sites published by glasshaus.
 This book focuses on the Section 508 Standards and the WAI, but filters
 all the legalese.  It also gives code examples and application examples.
 I'm about half-way through it right now, and it has made a huge difference
 in the way I write code.

 Lubbock, TX

  I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm
  more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a
  mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to
  wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.
  First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
  concisely) something like:
  To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that,
  do the other thing.
  Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat light
  on the you just need to include this, in this way type of information.
  Second question:
  Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia
  Says Portal (
  According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG -
  1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all passed
  according to the validator's result list.
  Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.
  Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility
  for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?
  Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508 compliant? can I
  say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good
  enough for me.
  Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages through
  vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to
  start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated,
  web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.
  Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
  aced-it on the first time out.
  Any and all input greatly appreciated.
  Cole Kuryakin
  Subic Bay, Philippines

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RE: [WSG] link one style sheet from another

2005-04-13 Thread Patrick Lauke

 Is there an advantage over linking them all in the html doc, 
 or is it just
 personal preference?

Using @import hides stylesheets from older browsers such as
Netscape 4.x, which do not understand the import syntax.
This way you can shield those browsers with flaky CSS 1.0
from your more advanced CSS 2.1 with positioning and such.

Also, if you nominally only LINK one stylesheet in your
HTML, it gives you the flexibility of adding/removing separate
@import-ed stylesheets at a later date without the need for
modifying the actual HTML - in line with the idea of separation
of content and presentation.


Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
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Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread James O'Neill
The real trick is to understand what the specification means and why it
says what it says. There has always been disputes about the validity of
an automated tester saying 'Yes this site is compliant'. You can code a
terrible page that will pass an automated test. It is important to code
in the spirit and intent of the specification and not necessarily to
the word of the specification. Online validators are a tool to help you
get there. 

I do use an automated tester, but not very often. I am familiar enough
with the specs that I do not need to. As the page near completion I
will run a validator to fix a few probs.

I have friends in Iriga - visit Iriga Joe Motors. =)On 4/13/05, Cole Kuryakin - x7m [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks Shane. I'll give it a look - Getting specific books from localbookstores here (in the philipines) can be a real challenge, but I'll see if
I can source the one you've recommended.After you do a site (or during) do you validate your code against one ofthese Accessibility web sites I mentioned?Cole
-- __Bugs are, by definition, necessary. Just ask Microsoft! (Work) (Personal) (Consulting)__Take Back the Web with Mozilla Fire Fox a Commercial Case for Adopting Web Standards Standards Project Standards Group of Accessible Web Designers

RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Rowena Padel

Hi Cole

I really cant
remember where I got it, but I have a pdf file called Dive into Accessibility
that is freely distributable under a GNU Free Documentation license. I found it
a brilliant description of the what, why and how of accessibility. If you like
I will send you a copy privately.


Cole Kuryakin - x7m [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 April 2005 13:02
Subject: [WSG] Automated
accessibility testers

I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm
becoming more interested in the topic.After some web-research, I've found
a mountian ofinformation/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to
wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.

First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
concisely) something like:

To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that,
3) do the other thing.

Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat
light on the you just need to include this, in this way type of


Second question:

Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia
Says Portal(

According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG -
Priority 1,2,3 option)the pages I submitted to the validator all
passed according to the validator's result list.

Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.

Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility
for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?

Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508
compliant? can I say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported
that it was. Good enough for me.


Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages
through vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to
start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated, web-based
results are telling mewhat I need to hear.

Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
aced-it on the first time out.

Any and all input greatly appreciated.

Cole Kuryakin

Subic Bay, Philippines

RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Patrick Lauke

  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Rowena 
  PadelSent: 13 April 2005 16:49To: 
  wsg@webstandardsgroup.orgSubject: RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility 
  I really 
  cant remember where I got it, but I have a pdf file called Dive into 
  Accessibility that is freely distributable under a GNU Free Documentation 
  license. I found it a brilliant description of the what, why and how of 
  accessibility. If you like I will send you a copy 
  From: Cole Kuryakin - x7m 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 
  13 April 2005 13:02To: 
  wsg@webstandardsgroup.orgSubject: [WSG] Automated accessibility 
  I've never tried testing my code for accessibility 
  before but I'm becoming more interested in the topic.After some 
  web-research, I've found a mountian ofinformation/guidelines/priority 
  checkpoints (etc., etc.) to wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing 
  First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell 
  me (clearly and concisely) something like:
  To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do 
  this, 2) do that, 3) do the other thing.
  Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, 
  but somewhat light on the "you just need to include this, in this way" type of 
  Second question:
  Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site 
  called the Cynthia Says Portal(
  According to the Section 508 report option (as well as 
  the WCAG - Priority 1,2,3 option)the pages I submitted to the validator 
  all "passed" according to the validator's result 
  Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same 
  Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code 
  for Accessibility for Section 508 and/or WCAG 
  Like, if a client were to say to me "Is the site 508 
  compliant?" can I say, "well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it 
  was. Good enough for me."
  Is there a better on-line validator I should be 
  running my pages through vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this 
  issue , I want to start off on the right foot in order to make sure these 
  automated, web-based results are telling mewhat I need to 
  Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to 
  believed that I've "aced-it" on the first time 
  Any and all input greatly 
  Cole Kuryakin

Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Kornel Lesinski
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 16:48:46 +0100, Rowena Padel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Cole
I really can't remember where I got it, but I have a pdf file called
Dive into Accessibility that is freely distributable under a GNU Free
Documentation license. I found it a brilliant description of the what,
why and how of accessibility. If you like I will send you a copy
click click
regards, Kornel Lesiski
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RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Rowena Padel

where I got it from then! ;-)

Patrick Lauke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 April 2005 16:58
Subject: RE: [WSG] Automated
accessibility testers

Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Shane Shepherd
I use Firefox's Web Developer's Toolbar Extension which has multiple
validators including one for section 508 and one for WAI.  I recommend it.

Lubbock, TX

 Thanks Shane. I'll give it a look - Getting specific books from local
 bookstores here (in the philipines) can be a real challenge, but I'll see
 I can source the one you've recommended.

 After you do a site (or during) do you validate your code against one of
 these Accessibility web sites I mentioned?


 - Original Message -
 From: Shane Shepherd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers


 This is my first time to reply to anything on the list, so I hope I am
 doing it correctly:)

 I recommend Constructing Accessible Web Sites published by glasshaus.
 This book focuses on the Section 508 Standards and the WAI, but filters
 all the legalese.  It also gives code examples and application examples.
 I'm about half-way through it right now, and it has made a huge
 in the way I write code.

 Lubbock, TX

  I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm
  more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a
  mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.)
  wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.
  First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
  concisely) something like:
  To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that,
  do the other thing.
  Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat
  on the you just need to include this, in this way type of
  Second question:
  Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the
  Says Portal (
  According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG -
  1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all passed
  according to the validator's result list.
  Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.
  Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for
  for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?
  Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508 compliant? can I
  say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good
  enough for me.
  Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages
  vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want
  start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated,
  web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.
  Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
  aced-it on the first time out.
  Any and all input greatly appreciated.
  Cole Kuryakin
  Subic Bay, Philippines

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RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Shane Shepherd
Awesome!  Thanks for that link!

Lubbock, TX

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Rowena Padel
 Sent: 13 April 2005 16:49
 Subject: RE: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

 Hi Cole

 I really can't remember where I got it, but I have a pdf file called Dive
 into Accessibility that is freely distributable under a GNU Free
 Documentation license. I found it a brilliant description of the what, why
 and how of accessibility. If you like I will send you a copy privately.



 From: Cole Kuryakin - x7m [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 13 April 2005 13:02
 Subject: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

 I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm becoming
 more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a
 mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to
 wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.


 First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and
 concisely) something like:

 To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that, 3)
 do the other thing.

 Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat light
 on the you just need to include this, in this way type of information.


 Second question:

 Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia
 Says Portal (

 According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG - Priority
 1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all passed
 according to the validator's result list.

 Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.

 Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility
 for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?

 Like, if a client were to say to me Is the site 508 compliant? can I
 say, well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good
 enough for me.


 Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages through
 vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to
 start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated,
 web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.

 Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've
 aced-it on the first time out.

 Any and all input greatly appreciated.

 Cole Kuryakin

 Subic Bay, Philippines

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Re: [WSG] Automated accessibility testers

2005-04-13 Thread Daisy
A few more useful articles/sites:
Big, Stark  Chunk - article by Joe Clark on how to use CSS to 
automatically redesign and reorder your Web site for low-vision people

Building accessible websites
(buy the book or read it online)
Joe Clark's blog on accessibility
Andy Budd, Design for Accessibility
RNID, 10 things you should know about website accessibility
Accessibility from the ground up 

Accessify forums
Guidelines for Accessible and Usable Web Sites: Observing Users Who Work 
With Screen Readers


Kornel Lesinski wrote:
On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 16:48:46 +0100, Rowena Padel [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Cole
I really can't remember where I got it, but I have a pdf file called
Dive into Accessibility that is freely distributable under a GNU Free
Documentation license. I found it a brilliant description of the what,
why and how of accessibility. If you like I will send you a copy

click click

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Re: [WSG] CSS issues: Opera's absolute positioning

2005-04-13 Thread Patrick H. Lauke
Thierry Koblentz wrote:
You could try to move the UL just before the text box and then use *float*
rather than an AP div...
I grudgingly did that to work around Opera's bug (just doesn't feel 
right to have options before the actual input in the document flow...but 

Also, after attempting in vain to get legend to float in FF nightlies, I 
gave in and let it do what it pleases, without overlapping the submit 
button. Annoying, though...even tried giving an ID to the legend, but 
the forms.css' !important just has the highest specificity... :(

After all these changes, how is it looking on Safari / FF/OS X / Camino ?
Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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Re: [WSG] CSS issues: Opera's absolute positioning

2005-04-13 Thread Kvnmcwebn
0s 9 comments -for what there worth,

in ie5.2 mac-
messy overlaps w/radio buttons and text. positioning of google search button
isnt right. maybe the backslash hack would do the trick if you feel inclined
to support this browser.

looks good in mozilla mac os 9

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[WSG] Multiple comments to filter non Gecko-based browsers

2005-04-13 Thread Thierry Koblentz
I'm trying to use nested comments as a filter for non gecko-based
This is my markup:

style type=text/css
some rules here

Gecko-based browsers get it right; they see the nested comment and ignore
the inner block.
But the Validator gives me a warning about this (multiple comments in
comment declaration).
The thing that bothers me is that WDG [1] says that !-- hello-- is a
legal comment, but my guess is that the Validator would choke on this too.
Isn't confusing?


Thierry |

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Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread tee
 Thanks for your explanation of the Chinese problems for Mac IE users.  I'd be
 really grateful if you could point me to concrete examples of these problems.

Richard, I made a simple example here:
If it's still not clear enough and you need more examples, please let me
know, I'll see what I can do for more testing however it may have to wait
till early next month as I'd been so busy with work lately.

Let me note that my understanding is that the majority of Chinese characters
 display fine.
Yes, the majority Chinese characters display fine, but again, not in IE 5
Mac with UTF-8 unicode coded.

 My guess would be that the characters required to display link
 text saying Traditional Chinese or Simplified Chinese in Chinese would also
 work fine - please confirm, if you can.
Yes, It works fine in Safari and Mozilla; in Firefox it works fine most of
the case but I notice a few characters got missing.
In IE, it's hopeless and annoying, everything shows in ?, not to mention
the texts that do not render well at all.

 Wrt my suggestions, note that I said use utf-8 'if you can'.  (Note also that
 much of the time we will be referring to use of utf-8 on pages that point to
 Chinese pages, rather than pages that are in Chinese, so this would not always
 be an issue.)
 I'd really like to get better quantification of the size of the problem.  If
 you can help me there I'd be v grateful.
As far as my experience concerned, it's a total mess for IE Mac.
 Also, there's the difficult problem of whether we should care about people who
 use outdated technology.  I don't think there's a good answer to that.
I agree with this. However for most web designers, we have too much to
consider, our surviving mainly depend on client' interest. And what is the
client's interest? We all know.
With my own website, I can move forward, use the latest technology but I
really don't think I'll have same freedom when working on my client'
 other hand, user agents are free so for issues centring on *them* I'm
 reluctant to relieve the pressure on people to upgrade.

This is not entirely true. OS 9 users have limitation on what browsers they
can use. I don't know if some thing goes to Win 98 users.


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Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread tee

 one question: Does that 'old Mac IE5.2' shows the missing characters
 if they are coded with entities (#x...)?

Hi Juergen,

I do not code with (#x...) entities for unicode Chinese. I did make sure
every character is unicode-able. Everything display properly in other
browsers except IE 5 Mac.  I have no way to find out as all characters are
in ? in the source code.

You can see example for here:

When in GB, everything render fine.


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Re: [WSG] I18n - Traditional Simplified Chinese in an English web site

2005-04-13 Thread tee
 A second problem, frequent with Unicode, happens when the native
 language at OS level, doesn't match the language of the page. A little
 tidbit is referenced here:
 One thing to do is making sure that the **server** is sending the
 correct headers for the character encoding (.htaccess or httpd.conf on
 Apache), and not relying at all on the meta tag. This has fixed
 multiple problems with characters on my side.
Thanks! I will look into it.

 And third, to avoid problems with 'broken characters' - make sure not
 to use Windows Office characters (the nightmare of my job). Mac Office
 will read them, IE Mac and any other browser, will have problems
 (typical for Japanese: bullets and round numbered characters).
 Also, make sure that a correct font is set in the stylesheet.
The only Microsoft product I have is Entourage. I do not use it for unicode
Chinese texts. I think my font is set correctly in my stylesheet. First I
didn't use the font-family and CSS validator gave me errors message.

 Finally, when coding sites for local audiences, using Shift_jis,
 EUC-KR, ... is really appropriate. I code all my commercial sites in
 shift_jis. This provides less hassle, esp when dealing with forms and
 cgi scripts.
Shift_JIS and the EUC are for Japanese and Korean with Hanji right? I do not
think they cover all Chinese characters. And the are Hanji that are not
Chinese characters.


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Re: [WSG] Multiple comments to filter non Gecko-based browsers

2005-04-13 Thread James Ellis
Hi Thierry

I guess the first question would be.. what are you trying to do and is
their another solution?

Not sure what you mean by filter for non Gecko browsers?


On 4/14/05, Thierry Koblentz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to use nested comments as a filter for non gecko-based
 This is my markup:
 style type=text/css
 some rules here
 Gecko-based browsers get it right; they see the nested comment and ignore
 the inner block.
 But the Validator gives me a warning about this (multiple comments in
 comment declaration).
 The thing that bothers me is that WDG [1] says that !-- hello-- is a
 legal comment, but my guess is that the Validator would choke on this too.
 Isn't confusing?
 Thierry |
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Re: [WSG] Multiple comments to filter non Gecko-based browsers

2005-04-13 Thread Thierry Koblentz
 I guess the first question would be.. what are you trying to do and is
 their another solution?
 Not sure what you mean by filter for non Gecko browsers?

Hi James,
I found out that non Gecko-based browsers see the inner block (between the
comments), so I can use this markup to feed them without styling elements in
FF, etc. Honnestly, I didn't find a real need for that yet, but I'm
frustrated with the info I found so far re: multiple comments. It's very
inconsistent and I hoped that one of you guys could give me a definitive
answer on this.

Thierry |

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[WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
HI all

I have just come across a css tip at which
involves a css method to render the 'skip navigation' link invisible.

My question is: Does anyone else use this method, or another similar technique?

Many sites I have seen *retain this link's visibility* despite it being 
intended (AFAIK) primarily
for screen readers.

XERT Communications
office: +61 2 4782 3104
mobile: 0438 017 416   web development : digital imaging : dvd production
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RE: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Herrod, Lisa
It's also useful for users of other assistive technology devices, such as
head wands or those with limited mobility, as it reduces the number of
'tabs' a user is required to make to move further down the page.


-Original Message-
From: Sarah Peeke (XERT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 14 April 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

HI all

I have just come across a css tip at which
involves a css method to render the 'skip navigation' link invisible.

My question is: Does anyone else use this method, or another similar

Many sites I have seen *retain this link's visibility* despite it being
intended (AFAIK) primarily
for screen readers.

XERT Communications
office: +61 2 4782 3104
mobile: 0438 017 416   web development : digital imaging : dvd production
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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread russ - maxdesign
What about users who rely on keyboards but have sight (users with some form
of motor skill or mobility deficiency)?

Visible skip menus can be very important for these users.

A visible skip link allows them to jump over content or navigation
(depending on how the site is set up) and possibly avoid having to tab
numerous times to get to the content they need. A skip link is the first tab
they will hit when they come to a site.


 HI all
 I have just come across a css tip at which
 involves a css method to render the 'skip navigation' link invisible.
 My question is: Does anyone else use this method, or another similar
 Many sites I have seen *retain this link's visibility* despite it being
 intended (AFAIK) primarily
 for screen readers.

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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Thierry Koblentz
Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:
 Many sites I have seen *retain this link's visibility* despite it
 being intended (AFAIK) primarily 
 for screen readers.

It also helps people who use tabbing navigation.

Thierry | |
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[WSG] Actual Page Dimensions

2005-04-13 Thread Chris Kennon
Is there an article of chart outlining subtractions from design 
dimensions for browser chrome and optional bars. My current design is 
800x600. Intuition begs some appearance of a horizontal and/or vertical 
scroll bar on some UA.  I'm aware these will appear in Browser Cam, but 
was hoping for a preventative approach.  I've goggled, perhaps asking 
the wrong question. Would some knowledgeable colleague assist?

Knowing is not enough, you must apply;
willing is not enough, you must do.
---Bruce Lee
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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Rob Unsworth
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, russ - maxdesign wrote:
What about users who rely on keyboards but have sight (users with some form
of motor skill or mobility deficiency)?
Visible skip menus can be very important for these users.
A visible skip link allows them to jump over content or navigation
(depending on how the site is set up) and possibly avoid having to tab
numerous times to get to the content they need. A skip link is the first tab
they will hit when they come to a site.
For a compromise the tab key reveals the skip 

Regards,  | Lions District 201 Q3 
Rob Unsworth  | IT  Internet Chairman 
Ipswich, Australia| 

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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Lea de Groot
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 12:31:00 +1000, russ - maxdesign wrote:
 A visible skip link allows them to jump over content or navigation
 (depending on how the site is set up) and possibly avoid having to tab
 numerous times to get to the content they need. A skip link is the first tab
 they will hit when they come to a site.

I've seen a couple of sites with a very nice tab interface whereby the 
'skip' link became visible on the first tab, but was hidden if that 
didnt happen.
I think Mike Pepper does it at (Hi, 

~ looking for a permanent position in Brisbane. Got anything?
Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - I Understand the Internet
Search Engine Optimisation, Usability, Information Architecture, Web 
Brisbane, Australia
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Re: [WSG] Actual Page Dimensions

2005-04-13 Thread Neerav
Neerav Bhatt
Need a Sydney based web standards contractor? You need my services.
Recent projects for Glassonion, Freshweb, Cogentis, Ceneka ... - Ramblings Thoughts
Chris Kennon wrote:
Is there an article of chart outlining subtractions from design 
dimensions for browser chrome and optional bars. My current design is 
800x600. Intuition begs some appearance of a horizontal and/or vertical 
scroll bar on some UA.  I'm aware these will appear in Browser Cam, but 
was hoping for a preventative approach.  I've goggled, perhaps asking 
the wrong question. Would some knowledgeable colleague assist?

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[WSG] Actual Page Dimensions[revised]

2005-04-13 Thread Chris Kennon
Sorry for the double. This is revised
Is there an article of chart outlining subtractions from design 
dimensions for browser chrome and optional bars. My current design is 
800x600 for centering horizontally. Intuition begs some appearance of a 
horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar on some UA.  I'm aware these will 
appear in Browser Cam, but was hoping for a preventative approach.  
I've goggled, perhaps asking the wrong question. Would some 
knowledgeable colleague assist?

Knowing is not enough, you must apply;
willing is not enough, you must do.
---Bruce Lee

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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
Thank you Thierry, Lisa and Russ.

Great points - I am new to accessibility, but your replies make great sense.

Sarah :)
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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Sarah Peeke (XERT)
Hi Rob

 For a compromise the tab key reveals the skip 

I have tried pressing the tab key, but the skip menu does not appear. Am I 
doing something wrong
here? Am using a mac, if that makes any difference.
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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Rob Unsworth
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:
Hi Rob
For a compromise the tab key reveals the skip
I have tried pressing the tab key, but the skip menu does not appear. Am I 
doing something wrong
here? Am using a mac, if that makes any difference.
Oh Damn, I guess I will have to make it visible again. I have only tested 
it on FF, IE6 and IE5.

Regards,  | Lions District 201 Q3 
Rob Unsworth  | IT  Internet Chairman 
Ipswich, Australia| 

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Re: [WSG] Actual Page Dimensions[revised]

2005-04-13 Thread Andy Kirkwood | Motive
Hi Chris,
Is there an article of chart outlining subtractions from design 
dimensions for browser chrome and optional bars. My current design 
is 800x600 for centering horizontally. Intuition begs some 
appearance of a horizontal and/or vertical scroll bar on some UA. 
I'm aware these will appear in Browser Cam, but was hoping for a 
preventative approach.  I've goggled, perhaps asking the wrong 
question. Would some knowledgeable colleague assist?
We have a minimum available screen size by monitor dimension chart as 
part of our glossary [1] (as part of an entry on the concepts of 
above the fold). Our entry includes a 'screen-guide': a background 
image you can use to resize your browser window to emulate the 
minimum visible screen size, i.e. assuming all browser elements and 
systems menubars are displayed. Note that the figures used are based 
on a Webmonkey article: Sizing up the browsers [2]. Although browsers 
have changed since 1999-2000 the trend seems to be toward less rather 
than more chrome, so should still be a useful starting point.

Andy Kirkwood
Motive |
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[WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread John Horner
[Maybe a little off-topic but I thought you'd be likely to know]
I have page titles which sometimes require single quotes, i.e. Don't Look Now
The titles also need to appear in a javascript onClick function like this:
 a href=foo.htm onclick=myfunction('Don't Look Now')
as you can guess, that breaks the JavaScript because of the quote in Don't
so I escaped the quotes and now I have this:
 myfunction('Donapos;t Look Now')
but it still breaks in FireFox, and the JavaScript console comes up 
with an error which points to the apos; as if it were a quote:

 Error: missing ) after argument list
 myfunction('Don't Look Now')
anyone got an explanation? Am I missing something obvious? It's the 
same if I use #39; instead.

   Have You Validated Your Code?
John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 3488
Senior Developer, ABC Online

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Re: [WSG] Skip Navigation Visibility

2005-04-13 Thread Philippe Wittenbergh
On 14 Apr 2005, at 1:03 pm, Rob Unsworth wrote:
For a compromise the tab key reveals the 
I have tried pressing the tab key, but the skip menu does not appear. 
Am I doing something wrong
here? Am using a mac, if that makes any difference.
Oh Damn, I guess I will have to make it visible again. I have only 
tested it on FF, IE6 and IE5
That one worked fine for me, both with FF nightly and with 

Note for Safari and FF nightly/OS X, to use tabkey to navigate a page, 
You have to enable full keyboard access in the System Preferences  

Philippe Wittenbergh
now live :
code | design | web projects :
IE5 Mac bugs and oddities :
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Re: [WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread Dmitry Baranovskiy
You have 3 options:
1. use rsquo; instead of apos; 
2. call you function as myfunction('Don\'t Look Now')
3. myfunction(unescape('Don%27t Look Now'))

On 4/14/05, John Horner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [Maybe a little off-topic but I thought you'd be likely to know]
 I have page titles which sometimes require single quotes, i.e. Don't Look 
 The titles also need to appear in a javascript onClick function like this:
   a href=foo.htm onclick=myfunction('Don't Look Now')
 as you can guess, that breaks the JavaScript because of the quote in Don't
 so I escaped the quotes and now I have this:
   myfunction('Donapos;t Look Now')
 but it still breaks in FireFox, and the JavaScript console comes up
 with an error which points to the apos; as if it were a quote:
   Error: missing ) after argument list
   myfunction('Don't Look Now')
 anyone got an explanation? Am I missing something obvious? It's the
 same if I use #39; instead.
 Have You Validated Your Code?
 John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 3488
 Senior Developer, ABC Online
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Best regards,
Dmitry Baranovskiy
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Re: [WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread John Horner
Following up on my own post, but I neglected to say, the apostrophe 
could be escaped, just for JavaScript purposes, like this:

 'Don\'t Look Now'
but this text is coming out of a CMS, and the same string needs to be 
used both on the page and in the JavaScript.

   Have You Validated Your Code?
John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 3488
Senior Developer, ABC Online

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Re: [WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread Dmitry Baranovskiy
 but this text is coming out of a CMS, and the same string needs to be
 used both on the page and in the JavaScript.

In this case put body of the function into inline script block - not a
attribute value and use double quotes.
Or another super hack is to put this text into hidden span under the A tag like
a href=foo.htm
class=hiddenDon't Look Now/spanlink text/a
Best regards,
Dmitry Baranovskiy
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Re: [WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread Bruce Morrison
On Thu, 2005-04-14 at 15:17, John Horner wrote:
 Following up on my own post, but I neglected to say, the apostrophe 
 could be escaped, just for JavaScript purposes, like this:
   'Don\'t Look Now'
 but this text is coming out of a CMS, and the same string needs to be 
 used both on the page and in the JavaScript.

Set the text in a var then use that var in the onclick

var msg=Don't Look Now;
a href=# onclick=alert(msg)Don't Look Now/abr /

var msg=Don't Stop Now;
a href=# onclick=alert(msg)Don't Stop Now/abr /

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 John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 3488
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Re: [WSG] JavaScript and escaped quotes

2005-04-13 Thread John Horner
You have 3 options:
1. use rsquo; instead of apos;
2. call you function as myfunction('Don\'t Look Now')
3. myfunction(unescape('Don%27t Look Now'))
Thanks so much Dmitry, I've actually used a combination of the above.
 myfunction(escape('Donrsquo;t Look Now'))
and then unescaped it at the other end... I can stop scratching my head now!

   Have You Validated Your Code?
John Horner(+612 / 02) 9333 3488
Senior Developer, ABC Online

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