Re: [WSG] .NET sites which are XHTML 1.0 strict

2008-10-08 Thread Todd Baker
I'm also a front end developer working with .NET all the time.
.NET is a BASTARD to get to validate. Its possible but its hard work1

Visual Studio changes case on things like onClick etc and whilst they are
not biggies they are frustrating. As Chris pointed out it pumps out heaps of
script and getting it to write out nicely formated form controls can be

Those templates look interesting, thanks Tatham.

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Re: [WSG] Absolute Positioning-A Naive Question (Maybe)

2006-03-13 Thread Todd Baker
The main reason I dont use absolute positioning for all my layout is
that most of the sites I build require footers at the base of the page

With every page of differing content length the only way to achieve
this is to float and then clear for the footer.

Thats just me. There are wiser brains on this list tho :)

On 14/03/06, Paula Petrik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When I read the W3C specs (not the most riveting exercise on the
 planet), it seems that the developers emphasize absolute positioning.
 For example, they describe using floats to float small bits of text
 or images. It seems, however, that floats have become the order of
 the day. Rather than small bits, whole parts of designs are floated
 about. Was this the W3C's intent? Or, have floats become the modern
 equivalent of tables? Is there some reason why absolute positioning
 has fallen by the wayside? CSS-Discuss's wiki describes absolute
 positioning as capable of simple designs; yet, a significant
 proportion of csszengarden designs are absolutely positioned, and I
 wouldn't term them simple. Just wondering what the current wisdom is
 on this issue.
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Re: [WSG] Background-Image download order

2006-02-02 Thread Todd Baker
Thanks Terrence Wood, yes the nav items work with images turned off,
they have a bg color as well as an image.

Jay Gilmore, has most of their images in these files --

Not a bad method. Im not sure it would work for us. but its worth investigating.

Thanks for everyones input.
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[WSG] Background-Image download order

2006-02-01 Thread Todd Baker
Hello Everyone,

We are in final testing for a largish site that uses a large amount of
background images for navigation and various graphical effects (as all
CSS-based sites do).

We are finding that the background images for our main navigation are
downloading last and as such the white text is unreadable untill the
background arrives .. almost last. The list that drives this is right
at the topm of the source code.

Is there any logic I can apply (ordering CSS etc) that will affect the
order the browser requests and downloads background images?


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Re: [WSG] IE7 Now what?

2006-02-01 Thread Todd Baker
Thats a big call Ted.

Ill be happy to see that back of IE6 as much as anyone but I think it
will be well into next year before IE7 overtakes IE6, even if they do
roll it into XP SP3.

Your right tho... We need to start planning for it.

On 02/02/06, Ted Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I will
 put my neck out on a limb right now and say that the majority of your
 traffic by the end of October will have the ability to use :hover pseudo
 classes, first-child, alpha-transparency png graphics, attribute selectors,

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Re: [WSG] Background-Image download order

2006-02-01 Thread Todd Baker
On 02/02/06, Lachlan Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're assuming the background image will arrive.  What happens if
 someone has images turned off?  You should specify a background colour
 as well.

Yes indeed we are adding a background colour that its close to the graphic.

  Is there any logic I can apply (ordering CSS etc) that will affect the
  order the browser requests and downloads background images?

 Browsers would likely request images in the order that they are
 required, though there is no guarantee of this.  If the markup for the
 navigation appears last in the markup, then due to incremental
 rendering, it is likely that the images required to render it will be
 downloaded near the end.  If it's at the top of the markup, then it
 seems logical that it would be downloaded near the beginning.

Thats what I would of thought but the list for this nav is right at the top..

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[WSG] Stickier Suckerfish?

2005-10-20 Thread Todd Baker
Afternoon All!

I am about to build a site that requires some form of dynamic flyout
menus AND W3C level 1 and 2 accessibility.

Immediately I thought of Suckerfish and showed the client. Whilst she
liked the menus she felt that they are a bit slippery (once the mouse
moves out the menu is immediately hidden due to the :hover method).

She likes (and so do I) the way the ATO ( )
menu's remain for a second before hiding.

I understand that any other solution would require additional
JavaScript and they also understand this.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a similar system to Suckerfish (with
the menu's in the source, not JS arrays) that allowed for 2 levels and
gave some kind of control over a delay before menu is hidden.

Todd Baker
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Re: [WSG] images breaking out of their bounding box in MSIE/win

2004-12-20 Thread Todd Baker
Try applying this fix...

to the .entry selector..

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 04:02:41 +0200, Mordechai Peller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marco van Hylckama Vlieg wrote:
  I have a nagging CSS problem I don't understand... I guess a click on
  a link will say more than a thousand words:
 While I don't see what the source of the problem, I can put you on the
 proper path to fixing it.
 1. Clean up you errors. Your page doesn't validate. Fix this and it's
 possible that your problem will be solved. Even if this doesn't solve
 the problem, it'll make it easier to find.
 2. Don't use inline styles. Having all the styles in one place makes
 them easier to work with and reduces page weight.
 3. The text goes in the p, not the image. OK, this has nothing to do
 with the problem, but it will improve the page semantically, and may
 help with the search engines. Think about, what, after all, is a
 paragraph? Yes, I know, as you said, a picture's worth a thousand word,
 but that doesn't mean it *IS* a thousand words.
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Todd Baker - Where electrons go for a good time!
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Re: [WSG] Another amazing css zen garden entry

2004-12-16 Thread Todd Baker
hang on a sec.. Ill just pick my jaw up of the ground

Thats amazing.

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 15:36:18 +1100, russ - maxdesign
 Make sure you look in a good browser and scroll down!
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Re: [WSG] Need direction with key detection

2004-11-18 Thread Todd Baker
I think you'll find that ...

A: You can't detect that. 

B: Its best left in the users hands. 

The back button is the lifeline of many users. Sometimes its the ONLY
click that they know  EXACTLY where they will go. To do anything with
script would be a usability disaster.

I think you need to re-architect your system and solve the problem
another way. I have had the same problem when building checkout
systems and the like and there is ALWAYS a way to solve these

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 11:01:02 -0800, GALLAGHER Kevin S

 We built which is a GIS site. Our problem occurs when a
 user clicks the Back button. 
 What I am looking for is code to detect when the Back button is clicked
 (Alt+ is another problem). Any ideas or sites to direct me too.
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Re: [WSG] The coolest developer tool since Chris's firefox developer toolbar

2004-11-08 Thread Todd Baker
Thats awesome... Thanks for that :)

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:33:31 -0800, Ted Drake
 I might even say cooler but some would find that almost sacriligeous.
 Slayeroffice has some great favelets but check out the favelet suites.
 I really like the mouseover DOM inspector, style sheet editor, and the color 
 analysis tools.
 It's free and the guy deserves a big pat on the back.
 Ted Drake
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Todd Baker - Where electrons go for a good time!
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Re: [WSG] Site Review Request

2004-10-26 Thread Todd Baker
I too like the design, I wish I could design like that.

My only comment would be that I think the standard font size is a bit
small.. yes I know you can resize it but a well sighted person
shouldnt have to.

My 50c worth. 

Todd Baker - Where electrons go for a good time!
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Re: [WSG] Text Escaping from Floats

2004-10-15 Thread Todd Baker
The height is constraining the box...

I think you have two choices:

add overflow : hidden|auto (will hide or scroll excess content)

remove the height attribute and control height some other way.

Good Luck.

  On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:35:14 +1000, Natalie Buxton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All
   I'm wrestling with a float that just wont behave.
   I'm trying to stop the content from escaping from the float itself.
   The floats are a fluid % width and a fluid height. The content of the
   float will change all the time.
   I'd like to do two things:
   1. make sure content doesn't escape
   2. Force the floats to all be the same height, regardles of content
   without scrolling. So if Float A has 20 lines of text, I want float B
   to be the same height (for borders and aesthetics).
   I think point 2 is acheivable with javascript, but point one is elluding me!
   Freelance Website Designer/Developer
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Re: [WSG] Text Escaping from Floats

2004-10-14 Thread Todd Baker
to quote from Pulp Fiction.. example...?

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:35:14 +1000, Natalie Buxton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All
 I'm wrestling with a float that just wont behave.
 I'm trying to stop the content from escaping from the float itself.
 The floats are a fluid % width and a fluid height. The content of the
 float will change all the time.
 I'd like to do two things:
 1. make sure content doesn't escape
 2. Force the floats to all be the same height, regardles of content
 without scrolling. So if Float A has 20 lines of text, I want float B
 to be the same height (for borders and aesthetics).
 I think point 2 is acheivable with javascript, but point one is elluding me!
 Freelance Website Designer/Developer
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[WSG] Fluid Horizontal Lists

2004-10-04 Thread Todd Baker
Hi Guys,

I have just joined the list after attending WE04. 

My name is Todd Baker and I work as a XSLT/XHTML/CSS developer in Sydney.

I am doing a big CSS based rebuild for one of our clients and am
having some troubles with our fluid layout.

I want to use horizontal lists for our primary navigation but the
designs requires that the nav items are fluid, i.e. the gap between
them grows and contracts with the browser width.

I have based the nav on this -- but after
playing with % width's and margin's Im still not there.

Has anyone solved the same problem else where and has some tips to help me?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: [WSG] Fluid Horizontal Lists

2004-10-04 Thread Todd Baker
On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 14:20:24 +1000, Neerav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 just a quick thought that may be completely wrong, but have you tried %
 based padding for li ?

Thanks Neerav,

Same thing.. I have to use VERY small % (like 1%) or it spreads out
HUGE and then it hardly expands at all as the browser grows.

Ive gotta find some solution or ill have to revert back to table cells :(
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Re: [WSG] Fluid Horizontal Lists

2004-10-04 Thread Todd Baker
Interesting approach...

I was trying to use padding/margins as I wanted to ensure that XXX
menu itme wasnt as wide as XX if ya know what I mean.

Your solution does work but ive lost the variable widths. Ill have a
play with it.

Yeah the IE min-width thing is a b***ch. Im using the Project 7 script
solution at the moment... Seems to work ok.

Thanks Hugh

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 15:06:59 +1000, Hugh Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you turn the 'a's into block elements and float them left, adding no
 padding or border, you can give them widths of 20% and have them span
 the page.
 #nav ul li a
   padding: .2em 0;
   display: block;
   float: left;
   width: 20%;
 Of course, this means you lose your dividers. If you add them, you will
 have to reduce your width amount to something less than 20%. And,
 because min-width doesn't work in IE, your navigation bar will wrap
 when window size is reduced too far.
 -Hugh Todd
  Ive gotta find some solution or ill have to revert back to table cells
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