Re: [Wtr-general] Watir

2005-07-01 Thread Chris McMahon
Welcome Rob!  I hope you have have the inclination to keep an eye on
what's happening with WATIR, things move fast around here sometimes.

Interestingly, we've had a number of discussions of appropriate
logging mechanisms for WATIR, but have not gone very far down that
path.  Any suggestions you have would be welcome in many quarters of
the Watir world, I'm sure.

> I can defintely appreciate what you guys have done so far. I have had my own
> adventures writing PAMIE over the last years or so. 
> I am currently writing a module that will take the output of the testcase
> results in XML and convert them to HTML. Similar to JUnit and JMeter

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Javascript menus

2005-07-01 Thread Chris McMahon
> C:\watir\examples>mouse_over.rb
> ## Beginning of Example:
> Step 1: go to the test site:
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1979:in
> `object_exist_check': Unable to
> locate object, using text and   Prospective
> Students 

I know Fort Lewis changed their pages since this example was written,
but I ran this example just now  and the javascript part worked fine. 
Did you see the yellow floating javascript menus come up, and the
elements in those menus get flashed and clicked?   That's the part
you're interested in.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Javascript menus

2005-07-06 Thread Chris McMahon
> > > Step 1: go to the test site:
> >
> > > c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1979:in
> > > `object_exist_check': Unable to
> > > locate object, using text and   Prospective
> > > Students

Odd.  It works for me.  Are you in fact at the site?  If
you do a view source, does the page contain a widget whose text is "  
   Prospective Students"?  Mine does.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] RE: Choosing right attribute?

2005-07-08 Thread Chris McMahon
On 7/8/05, Tuyet Cong-Ton-Nu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you Shao.  Alas, your good suggestion didn't work either. 
> irb(main):037:0>
> ie.frame("main").frame("header").image(:src,
> /icon_export\.gif/).click 

I think I've encountered this before, and had to specify the full
pathname for :src, for instance "C:\web\images\icon_export.gif", or
whatever the real source is.  Could you address the image by means
other than :src?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] File Download Pop-up

2005-07-14 Thread Chris McMahon
> 1) File Download window asking user to SAVE or OPEN (I want to be able to
> click on SAVE here) 
> 2a) Save window pops up for user to type in file name and SAVE 
> 2b) Save AS window pops up to ask user whether to REPLACE existing file name
> or SAVE AS a new file name (I want to be able to click on REPLACE here)
> 3) Save AS small pop-up window to ask for confirmation to Replace YES/NO (I
> want to click on YES here) 
> 4) Download Complete pop-up window to ask user to OPEN, Open Folder, or
> CLOSE dialog box (I want to click on Close here) 
> If there is something already written for this, I would appreciate you
> letting me know where I can find the documentation on this.  Thanks! 

I think that AutoIT (installed with Watir) will do this.  
I have done this in a Perl script  using Perl's Win32::GuiTest module.
(BTW, having done "save as", you probably want to check that the file
actually exists where you told it to be saved.)  I launched the
Ruby/Watir script from the Perl script.
In the not-too-distant future, there should be a pure-Ruby
win32/guitest library available that will handle this sort of thing--
but it's not ready today.  (Hint:  read up on Ruby Threads.)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] reg the execution of multiple test cases concuttentlly

2005-07-20 Thread Chris McMahon

On 7/20/05, Atilla Ozgur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> currentFolder = 'D:\\Projects\\Trial\\WatirTests'
> Dir.chdir(currentFolder)
> paths = Dir.entries(currentFolder)
> paths.each{|f|
> # I do not want to execute my subversion folder files and my
> common functions
> if (f =~ /.rb/ && f != 'CommonFunctions.rb')
># for debugging purposes not necessary
> puts f
> require f
> end
> }

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] max number of concurrent threads/ie browser spawned

2005-07-20 Thread Chris McMahon
> What's the maximum number of concurrent threads that watir can handle?
> And what's the maximum number of browser it could launch?

I've gotten as many as 60 browsers concurrently running in 10 threads.
 Closing each browser at the end of each test frees up enough
resources to run a much larger number of tests.  I think the number of
threads Ruby can handle is arbitrarily large, but each thread will
compete for resources on the local machine, so it's easy to hit
performance bottlenecks with a smallish number of threads, unless
you're very careful.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Read data from excel file without open Excel Application?

2005-07-21 Thread Chris McMahon
On 7/21/05, Hue Mach Dieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I would like read data from excel file without open Excel Application.
> This is my code read data from excel must be open Excel Application

Three possibilities: 
excel['Visible'] = false opens Excel and does work, but never launches
the UI. Would that help?

Or-- would it be possible to convert your spreadsheets to CSV?  That
would allow you to process the data as pure text, with no need for

Finally, it is probably possible to open the Excel file directly and
parse it using only Ruby, but it would not be easy.

Hope that gives you some ideas...

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] RE: Click OK button on Popup Dialog?

2005-07-27 Thread Chris McMahon
On 7/26/05, Scott Hanselman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why do folks do all this tricky stuff with Winclicker and starting new
> instances of the ruby process?
> I do this:
> { sleep 0.1; }
>, "whatever").click #this causes an Alert()

I discovered this myself independently:  the way to handle popups is
in another thread.  Those unfamiliar with threads accomplish the same
thing by handling popups in another process altogether.   (Some silly
people have handled popups with an entirely different script running
in another scripting *language* altogether...)

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] strange install error

2005-07-27 Thread Chris McMahon
I'm trying to install Watir on a colleague's machine and getting a
strange error.  Line 155 of install.rb is

bonus_location = homeDrive + "\\watir_bonus\\"   # the default bonus location

Ruby is giving us an "undefined method "+"" error-- it's interpreting
the plus-sign (+) as a method for some reason.

This is Ruby 1.8.2.  

Any suggestions about what might cause this or how to fix it?  


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Script return values

2005-07-27 Thread Chris McMahon
Do you know about $!?  It holds the last error Ruby encountered.  Instead of 

> rescue 
>  puts("TEST FAILED.") 
> end


puts ("Test failed.  Error:  " + $!)

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] need install tests?

2005-07-29 Thread Chris McMahon
 After reading about the problems with after installing
the release version of Watir, I think there may be a problem with the
latest versioned Watir installation.
 A colleague installed Watir this week on a clean XP machine and
it was wacky.  Files in the wrong place, stuff missing, etc.   The
main symptom was an error on
 To fix it, I downloaded from CVS head and ran that install.rb,
and all was good.
 I don't think I've ever installed a released Water-- I always
grab it from the head of CVS.  And I don't really have a machine to do
install testing on-- does anyone else?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Pop up handling improvements

2005-08-01 Thread Chris McMahon
> I'd appreciate comments on this interface, and the names it uses
> (remote_eval, dialog).

Are you interested in using Wayne Vucenic' Ruby guitest for this? 
(There should be some big public announcements about a Rubyforge
project for this RSN.)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] I have a couple of questions...

2005-08-02 Thread Chris McMahon
> But, it really would be beneficial to be able to say, I don't know
> which frame this is in ... ( I've got situations where the dev team I
> support is moving things around a LOT ) ... so, If I can just say, I
> know it's called "BLAH" then find it whereever, but I'm sure I can
> code that up myself ( I just see it as useful ).

I've actually found that having to specify the frame in question turns
out to be a blessing, not a curse.  It's easy enough to do, and it is
one of the features that really sets Watir apart from similar tools.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Small question about split String?

2005-08-07 Thread Chris McMahon
> My string in some case as like this:
> Case1: A13   -> The result must be in array: [A, 13]
> Case2: ACB12334 -> The result must be in array: [ABC, 12334]

Here's one way:  

string = "ACB12334"
string =~ /[A-Z]/
alphas = $&

string = "ACB12334"
string =~ /[0-9]/
numerics = $&

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Re: Small question about split String?

2005-08-08 Thread Chris McMahon
On 8/7/05, Hue Mach Dieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I follow your ways, but it seem don't work


irb(main):012:0> string = "ACB12334"
=> "ACB12334"
irb(main):013:0> string =~ /([A-Z])*/
=> 0
irb(main):014:0> puts $&

Forgot the "*".  
See pp 68-77 of Programming Ruby.   

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Object repository, Popups and other enhancements

2005-08-08 Thread Chris McMahon
Therefore, we decided to release this enhancement as
> an opensource work. The framework is available for download at
> WET, as it is called, is a great compliment to Watir.

This looks really neat, I'm looking forward to using it! 

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Load Testing with Watir?

2005-08-22 Thread Chris McMahon
On 8/22/05, saud aziz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True, but i could set up scripts to run on different computers, say at most
> 15-20 scenarios for each machine on a total of 30 machines and get
> performance metrics out of web server. Do you think that is even a good
> start?

The other problem is that if you do encounter a performance problem,
there are no hooks into Windows for diagnosis in Watir, and probably
not in Ruby either.  Check out Grinder or OpenSTA for full-fledged
open-source performance test frameworks.

On the other hand, Watir/Ruby will give you simple lightweight
performance information, as long as you don't expect too much.

Wtr-general mailing list

begin/assert/rescue harrmful? Re: [Wtr-general] assert PASSED and FAILED

2005-08-31 Thread Chris McMahon
> 3. "begin/assert/rescue" is really a bad idea and we will stop suggesting it.

I *like* begin/assert/rescue.  It's my friend.  Why is it a bad idea?  


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Rubyforge stats: Watir #1

2005-08-31 Thread Chris McMahon
   I just noticed that Watir is the most active project on rubyforge
right now. And it's creeping up the list of top project downloads,

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Unicode and Watir

2005-08-31 Thread Chris McMahon
On 8/31/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client who would like to use Watir to test a Unicode enabled
> application, supporting double-byte languages such as Chinese and Japanese.
> It looks to me like it doesn't work, but i haven't done Unicode with Ruby
> before and thought i would check to see if any one else had looked into this.

I ran across as
a link from whytheluckystiff's blog in which Tim Bray said of Ruby
"The support for Unicode in regular expressions seems quite a bit
behind what you have now in Perl and Java"

C "hearsay" M

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Anyone integrate ActiveRecord with Watir?

2005-09-01 Thread Chris McMahon
Anyone built an object-relational database interface into a Ruby test
system?  Care to share any code?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-06 Thread Chris McMahon
Google "nmake".

On 9/6/05, jim che <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Dave 
> I found that if I want to use the DBI I first should install the Ruby
> MySQL Module then install the Ruby DBI Module .But in fact I found these two
> tools should be installed under the Linux like system. 
> Installation of Ruby MySQL Module : 
> ruby extconf.rb  
>% make
>% make install
> Installation of Ruby DBI Module 
>ruby setup.rb config
>% ruby setup.rb setup
>% ruby setup.rb install 
> As above shows the  Installation of Ruby DBI Module can be executed in win32
> but the Ruby MySQL Module cann't installed under windows system the system
> cann't recognize the 'make' command. 
> So what should I do if I want to use the Ruby DBI under the windows system 
> Thank you very much. 
>  jim 
>  Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Unicode and Watir

2005-09-08 Thread Chris McMahon
> I can see the Japanese text in the browser and can copy it into Excel or
> WordPad.
> So i figure i have the fonts i need. But when i use Ruby WIN32OLE to get
> the text from Excel or IE, i only get "".

Make sure that you can actually *save* the Excel doc with the Japanese
text.  Save and re-open-- I've got $0.25 that says you get "" when
you re-open your Excel doc.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Unicode and Watir

2005-09-08 Thread Chris McMahon
I owe you a quarter!  

On 9/8/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 08:43 AM 9/8/2005, Chris McMahon wrote:
> >Make sure that you can actually *save* the Excel doc with the Japanese
> >text.  Save and re-open-- I've got $0.25 that says you get "" when
> >you re-open your Excel doc.
> You owe me a quarter.
> Check cell B1. I can see Japanese when i open the doc. Can you?
> (If you see boxes, that means that the text is intact, you just don't have
> the fonts to display them.)

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] getting popup menu handle (from perlguitest list)

2005-09-09 Thread Chris McMahon

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 9 Sep 2005 17:39:31 -
Subject: [perlguitest] Digest Number 387

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There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

  1. Getting the Popup menu handle. It may work but it's hedious
   From: "rafelafrance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2. Re: Getting the Popup menu handle. It may work but it's hedious
   From: "Piotr Kaluski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Message: 1
   Date: Thu, 08 Sep 2005 23:40:46 -
   From: "rafelafrance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Getting the Popup menu handle. It may work but it's hedious

*Ugh* The current method (I'll space you the XS code): THERE HAS TO

1) Call up the context menu using MouseClick() or SendKeys()
2) Set up an event trap to look for the WM_MENUSELECT event
3) SendKeys('{DOWN}'); #Which will post the WM_MENUSELECT
4) In the callback HookProc() get the popup handle from lParam.
5) Call another routine to retrive the popup handle GetPopupHandle()

This should sound like nails on a chalkboard by about now. The
problems are legion and here are just a few.

- If you never call GetPopupHandle() the hook isn't released. BAD!
  Sure I test & release it if I can but there's no guarantee.
- You have to dirty the menu by pressing {DOWN} to get its handle

I've tried to get the popup handle all in one fell swoop by doing the
SendKeys() etc in the C code but that wasn't working. Tho it seems
like the way to go. Maybe...

I'm looking for other events to trap that don't dirty the menu but I
haven't found any that would be generally useful. Any suggestions?

Maybe I can set up an XS object so that the trap will be set up once
during New(). Have all popups post to this object and release the
hook during the DESTROY method. A lot of work for little reward.

Any ideas please.

Message: 2
   Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 06:46:02 -
   From: "Piotr Kaluski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Getting the Popup menu handle. It may work but it's hedious

Some time ago I was trying to find a solution for the same problem. I
was thinking on the way to handle IE menu bar and its submenus.
This problem is related to what you write about, since IE menu is a
toolbar with popup menus.
And yes, you are right about the main problem - how to get a menu
handle. Win32 API provides many fancy functions for managing menus
but most of them expect menu handle as a parameter. I have found one
promising function - GetMenuBarInfo. However I could not make the
function work. I was getting really strange error messages
(including "Function was successful", with an indication that there
is an error). I tried to post the question to win32 programming
newsgroup, but did not get any help. It would be good to have some
real windows guru to have a look at it.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "rafelafrance"
> *Ugh* The current method (I'll space you the XS code): THERE HAS TO
> 1) Call up the context menu using MouseClick() or SendKeys()
> 2) Set up an event trap to look for the WM_MENUSELECT event
> 3) SendKeys('{DOWN}'); #Which will post the WM_MENUSELECT
> 4) In the callback HookProc() get the popup handle from lParam.
> 5) Call another routine to retrive the popup handle GetPopupHandle()
> This should sound like nails on a chalkboard by about now. The
> problems are legion and here are just a few.
> - If you never call GetPopupHandle() the hook isn't released. BAD!
>   Sure I test & release it if I can but there's no guarantee.
> - You have to dirty the menu by pressing {DOWN} to get its handle
> ==
> I've tried to get the popup handle all in one fell swoop by doing
> SendKeys() etc in the C code but that wasn't working. Tho it seems
> like the way to go. Maybe...
> I'm looking for other events to trap that don't dirty the menu but
> haven't found any that would be generally useful. Any suggestions?
> Maybe I can set up an XS object so that the trap will be set up
> during New(). Have all popups post to this object and release the
> hook during the DESTROY method. A lot of work for little reward.
> =
> Any ideas please.

Re: [Wtr-general] Database Connectivity

2005-09-16 Thread Chris McMahon
On 9/16/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There has been a lot of discussion regarding how to use Ruby to connect to
> a database. It would be great if someone collected this information and
> published it.

I've been doing lots of ODBC recently, and reading

It's pretty handy.  

A nifty aspect of Ruby's ODBC (true of all of Ruby DBI?) is that the
fetch methods consistently return arrays of arrays (AoA).  That is

SELECT a, b, c FROM table 


[[a1,b1,c1],[a2,b2,c2],etc].  Which I find really easy to use.  

I suspect that the reason that more Ruby DBI docs don't exist is that
DBI is pretty old and extremely well-documented in other languages,
particularly Perl. 
There are whole books about Perl's DBI, and a DBI libraries all work
in roughly the same way.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Trapping page source on error

2005-09-19 Thread Chris McMahon
> from scripts that have errors.  Our developers pointed out that
> providing the HTML source of the page loaded in IE at the time of the
> error would be great.

  assert( == x) 
  rescue => e
  puts ie.getHTML

would do it, yes?  

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Help regarding assert commands in watir.

2005-09-21 Thread Chris McMahon
> Can anyone send me some information abt how various
> Assert commands are used in watir?.

Also see "Programming Ruby" (the Pickaxe book) 2ed. pp 151-162.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-26 Thread Chris McMahon
OT, disregard if you don't care about ODBC or Perl...

>  I think Ruby's DBI (at least for Win32) is not as mature as Perl's by a
> long shot. I really miss that, because I make *extensive* use of the Perl
> DBI.

I've been doing heavy ODBC work with Ruby's DBI (on Win32) for the
last few weeks, and it looks good from here-- that is, I haven't yet
found anything I can't do with the Ruby DBI.

In some ways, Ruby's DBI is easier to use (for me) than Perl's. 
Mostly because returns from SQL statements seem to always be either
arrays or AoAs, which I find really intuitive to use, where in Perl's
DBI, returns are generally hashes, and you have to be pretty familiar
with the DBI docs to figure out how to address the data.  I realize
that Perl's DBI is a lot older and has a lot more bells and whistles,
but (so far) I haven't needed those features, and Ruby DBI seems to be
easier to use.

And that's not even talking about ActiveRecord, which I have yet to fool with.

That said, the instant I need a feature available with Perl's DBI not
available with Ruby's DBI, I'm switching to Perl.   =)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-27 Thread Chris McMahon
> Still OT
> Chris, what is AoAs ?

As Dave Burt noted, AoA is "array of arrays", like

[[A,B,C,],[1,2,3],[X,Y,Z]] for instance.  Ruby's array handling is nifty.

> At my current site, I use WATiR, but cannot do any DB work in Ruby,
> because the DB (DB2 on zOS) doesn't allow ODBC connections.

I'm using DB2 on AS/400 (!!!) at the moment.  IBM supplies a nice DB2
ODBC interface for Windows through their "iSeries Navigator" suite of
tools, and Ruby's ODBC drivers plays very nicely with it.

You need to
> access certain sys/admin tables to get an ODBC connection, and we don't
> have even select rights on those. I cannot get the Ruby DB2 driver to
> work on my 'doze box. So, Perl + DBD::DB2.

I can't help with your permissions.  =)
BTW, I guess it's not a big secret, but:  I *like* Perl.  I'm working
in a culture that's excited about Ruby.  And right now I have no need
for Watir.  So I could actually do my current work in either Ruby or
Perl, and it's just more funner right now in Ruby. It's also nice to
have Plan B:  the moment I run into something Ruby can't do, I'll
happily switch to Perl.  Nice to have alternatives...

Look through the archives and you'll see mention of my handling
Javascript popups with a Perl Win32::GuiTest layer.  I still think
that's a valid approach, with all due respect to the Wet and AutoIT


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] About the installation of DBI

2005-09-27 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi Dave...

> > Look through the archives and you'll see mention of my handling
> > Javascript popups with a Perl Win32::GuiTest layer.  I still think
> > that's a valid approach, with all due respect to the Wet and AutoIT
> > fans.
> Interesting. I've hardly touched Perl since I started with Ruby. I used to 
> like
> Perl; I wonder If I can still handle it (Ruby seems to click easier with more
> complex data structures than simple arrays and hashes.)  I'm going to have to
> dig up your Win32::GuiTest posts and have a play, I think, Chris.

Here ya go!  Just BTW, the following code is in an article in next
month's Better Software magazine:

use Win32::GuiTest qw(FindWindowLike GetWindowText
SetForegroundWindow SendKeys);
system (1, "C:\\ruby\\bin\\ruby.exe C:\\watir\\examples\\Demo.rb");
while (1) { #INFINITE LOOP
my @windows = FindWindowLike(0, "^Microsoft Internet Explorer"
for (@windows) {

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: double-quotes and substitution in same string?

2005-09-28 Thread Chris McMahon

Sorry for the OT post, but this is driving me crazy...

I have an XML string that needs double-quotes, so to turn it into a
string, I enclose in single quotes.  It looks a little like this:


But I also need to substitute a variable into the string with #{}, like so:

a = 123

but #{} doesn't work inside of single-quoted strings, and
double-quotes inside of double-quotes are illegal, and slashes also
don't work, i.e

a = 123

Any suggestions to substitute a string and use double-quotes
simultaneously in a single string?  I'm sure it's possible, I just
can't figure out how

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Got it. (thanks Mark) Re: OT: double-quotes and substitution in same string?

2005-09-28 Thread Chris McMahon
On 9/28/05, Cain, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about this it worked for me:
> ''

Almost.  Trouble is that the whole thing had to be assigned to a
variable.  What worked was escaping the double-quotes, like

str = "

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: double-quotes and substitution in same string?

2005-09-29 Thread Chris McMahon
On 9/28/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> %Q is ticket for this kind of thing:

Oooh.  This is cool.  =)

> Another option is to backquote the interior double-quotes:

This is what I eventually discovered.

> Any questions about testing with Ruby are on-topic for this list.

I think so too.  Do we have etiquette in place for msgs. not having to
do with Watir directly?  I've been using "OT", but maybe that's not
the best.

I'd go to ruby-talk, but the volume there is just too high.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT again: REXML to extract only values from XML?

2005-09-29 Thread Chris McMahon
Again, apologies for non-Watir content, but some REXML:  say I have an
XML record like




I'd like to extract each value of each tag (without regard to
hierarchy) and add it to an array:


The REXML docs don't seem to address this.  I've tried various
methods, but I can't seem to find the way to address only the contents
of each tag.  Any suggestions would be welcome

OBLIGATORY WATIR CONTENT:  the Watir distro has a REXML logging scheme
with lots of nice comments.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How do I save a web page from a test run (attempt using Win32API)?

2005-09-30 Thread Chris McMahon
> Canoo WebTest has a nice feature whereby the HTML pages of the application
> under test are saved for viewing later, which is very handy when a test case
> fails.

Why not

if "#{test_passed}"
puts "Yay!"
puts ie.getHTML


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: generate random text?

2005-10-03 Thread Chris McMahon

I want to generate some random text for test purposes.  "rand" doesn't
seem to DWIM.  Say, to pick an arbitrary letter from the uppercase
range A to Z.


seems right, but isn't.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: generate random text?

2005-10-03 Thread Chris McMahon
>  then, where ever you need it : just call it
>  random_text( 42 )  # for 42 chars of random text ...

Neato!  Thanks!

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Wacky WikiWords Re: Website Update

2005-10-05 Thread Chris McMahon
> - Added testimonials.

Testimonials page is full of WikiWords (WaTIR, QuickTest,
RubyWebDialogs, etc.) That read as if they are questions.  Suggest you
either build link pages for the WikiWords or else escape them.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wacky WikiWords Re: Website Update

2005-10-05 Thread Chris McMahon
> I agree they look odd. How do you escape them?

Depends on your wiki implementation.  Somewhere you have to have a
local guide to markup syntax that should tell how to do that.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Ruby2 and Perl6

2005-10-06 Thread Chris McMahon

If you're not already reading whytheluckystiff's blog at, you should be.  (You've all read "Why's Poignant
Guide to Ruby" already, right?  Chunky bacon!)

Today's entry features multiple superstars revolving around each other
in the comments:

Imagine a FrankenLanguage that is Ruby2 and Perl6 implemented in
Haskell.  Makes my brain take flight toward chilled shrimp.

-C "Mr. OT" M

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT (test/unit): how to grab output from assert_foo(x, y)?

2005-10-06 Thread Chris McMahon

When you use any of the test/unit methods, like "assert_equal", you
always get a nice output message like

1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors


<"CLARICE"> expected but was
1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors

How can I manipulate that output message?  It's not in $_ or $!, and I
can't seem to assign it to a variable.  None of these work; the puts'
are always "nil":

a = assert_equal(x,y)
puts a

puts $_

puts $!

Any suggestions welcome...

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT (test/unit): how to grab output from assert_foo(x, y)?

2005-10-06 Thread Chris McMahon
> If you want to change the error message that appears when a test fail, use
>assert(equal(x, y), "dude, they don't match!")

Yah, I knew this.

What I really want to do is grab STDOUT (or whatever) generated from
assert_equal, stick it in a variable, and use Watir to write the
contents of that variable to a "test results" page on the WEA wiki.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Handling PopUps revisited

2005-10-08 Thread Chris McMahon
On 10/8/05, saud aziz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris McMahon gave away a great tip on how to run ruby script from perl in
> this months' Better Software magazine and that does appeal to me as a great
> solution.

Thanks for the kind words.  I think Perl's Win32:GuiTest
( is worth examining. 
It's a lively project, with some interesting recent innovation.  Wayne
Vucenic got a good start on translating it to Ruby:

However it's done, it demands one thread/layer to deal with IE, and
another thread/layer to deal with the popups.  Watir can't be beat for
mucking around with IE-- but in my mind, the jury is still out as to
the best way to deal with popups.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Desperately seeking Popup assistance

2005-10-12 Thread Chris McMahon

> Apparently I am just not getting it.  I have tried for several days now to
> get WATIR to handle a modal without success.  I also have a Popup utility
> that I cannot get WATIR to recognize.
> Any tips, code snippets, questions, divine guidance, and lecturing would be
> most appreciated.  Unfortunately I can not share the application specific
> HTML nor provide access to this application, so not much help there.

Hi Carl...
I really, really feel your pain, and I am just not in a position
right now to take a crack at your question.
I can't give you divine guidance (and I don't live in Austin) but
here's a clue:  threads.  And fork()
One way or another, you have to handle popups in a different
process than the one that is controlling your IE.
  If you don't have an answer by next week, I'll be back, but in
the meantime, think about forking and threads, and maybe ask one more

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Nice mention of Watir from Harry Robinson of Google.

2005-10-17 Thread Chris McMahon
Harry Robinson, late of Microsoft, currently with Google, was on a
panel at the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference

The panelists were asked about new tools in their toolbox.  Robinson
said that the best new tool he'd seen in years was Watir.

I introduced myself after the panel, and found that Google is using
Watir to test Google Maps.


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-20 Thread Chris McMahon
This should work, right?

popup_thread = {
puts "entering popup thread"
sleep 1
@autoit ='AutoItX3.Control')
@autoit.WinWait "", ""
@autoit.Send "{ENTER}"

puts "clicking link"

popup_thread.join #JUST IN CASE

popup_thread starts, returning control to the calling script
Watir clicks peskyPopupLink
popup_thread sleeps 1 second, cranks up AutoIt, attaches to top
window, and hits the default button.

But I don't think popup_thread ever completes.  Output from this script is

entering popup thread
clicking link
Thu Oct 20 11:53:51 Central Daylight Time 2005

leading me to believe that the "puts" in popup_thread is
never executed.  Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong are

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] screw it, I'm using Perl Fwd: painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-20 Thread Chris McMahon
I definitely have some sort of WIN32OLE vs AutoIt problem.  I
broke out the Perl controller to capture that particular error
I gave up on AutoIt, I'm using Perl Win32::GuiTest and perl
system(1,ruby.exe) for a controller.  It's easy, it's bulletproof, and
it works.


-- Forwarded message ------
From: Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 20, 2005 11:58 AM
Subject: painfully stupid AutoIT question

This should work, right?

popup_thread = {
puts "entering popup thread"
sleep 1
@autoit ='AutoItX3.Control')
@autoit.WinWait "", ""
@autoit.Send "{ENTER}"

puts "clicking link"

popup_thread.join #JUST IN CASE

popup_thread starts, returning control to the calling script
Watir clicks peskyPopupLink
popup_thread sleeps 1 second, cranks up AutoIt, attaches to top
window, and hits the default button.

But I don't think popup_thread ever completes.  Output from this script is

entering popup thread
clicking link
Thu Oct 20 11:53:51 Central Daylight Time 2005

leading me to believe that the "puts" in popup_thread is
never executed.  Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong are

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] screw it, I'm using Perl Fwd: painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-21 Thread Chris McMahon
Actually, I had a inscrutable error message from the WIN32OLE/AutoIT
axis that I couldn't figure out.

I was only able to capture the msg. when running the AutoIt script in
the Perl controller.


On 10/20/05, Jeff Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, the problem is that you didn't tell AutoIT WHICH window to
> send the RETURN to ...
> If you look at the documentation and the unit tests that are included
> with Watir, you will see proper usage for AutoIT.
> j.
> On 10/20/05, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi...
> > I definitely have some sort of WIN32OLE vs AutoIt problem.  I
> > broke out the Perl controller to capture that particular error
> > message.
> > I gave up on AutoIt, I'm using Perl Win32::GuiTest and perl
> > system(1,ruby.exe) for a controller.  It's easy, it's bulletproof, and
> > it works.
> >
> > -Chris
> >
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Oct 20, 2005 11:58 AM
> > Subject: painfully stupid AutoIT question
> > To:
> >
> >
> > This should work, right?
> >
> > #
> > popup_thread = {
> > puts "entering popup thread"
> > sleep 1
> > @autoit ='AutoItX3.Control')
> > @autoit.WinWait "", ""
> > @autoit.Send "{ENTER}"
> >puts
> > }
> >
> > puts "clicking link"
> > puts
> >,"peskyPopupLink").click
> >
> > popup_thread.join #JUST IN CASE
> > ###
> >
> > popup_thread starts, returning control to the calling script
> > Watir clicks peskyPopupLink
> > popup_thread sleeps 1 second, cranks up AutoIt, attaches to top
> > window, and hits the default button.
> >
> > But I don't think popup_thread ever completes.  Output from this script is
> >
> > Started
> > entering popup thread
> > clicking link
> > Thu Oct 20 11:53:51 Central Daylight Time 2005
> >
> > leading me to believe that the "puts" in popup_thread is
> > never executed.  Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong are
> > welcome...
> > -Chris
> >
> > ___
> > Wtr-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> " -- do you ruby?"
> Jeff Wood
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] screw it, I'm using Perl Fwd: painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-21 Thread Chris McMahon
> The threading in the Win32 Ruby implementation is distinctly inferior to
> Perl's. There, i said it.

Perl's threads are no great shakes, and neither are Windows'.  I was
under the impression that Ruby's threads were about the best out

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] screw it, I'm using Perl Fwd: painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-21 Thread Chris McMahon
> yes/no?

I really, really like the architecture of a process that loops,
handling normal Windows client windows with a GuiTest implementation,
and another process that uses Watir to muck around in IE.

Once it's running, maintenance is trivial, adding handling for new
popup windows is easy, and there are none of the tightly-coupled
issues when trying to manipulate multiple threads from within the same

That said, I wonder how Wayne is doing on a Ruby GuiTest?   Anyone
know?   (I've been following the Perl GuiTest mail list, and version
1.5x looks really, really powerful.)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] screw it, I'm using Perl Fwd: painfully stupid AutoIT question

2005-10-21 Thread Chris McMahon
On 10/21/05, Jeff Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All I can say is ... well, there should be nothing perl can do that
> ruby can't do better ( except make really line-noise looking scripts
> ;) )


Wayne Vucenic has gotten a good start at porting an earlier version of
this Perl module to Ruby, but got stalled.

Activestate Perl has Win32::GuiTest v 1.3 in the default install, but
current development is on 1.5, and took several leaps forward over the
last few months.  It's a powerful library, worth looking into if you
have to manipulate normal Windows GUIs.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] ruby threads

2005-10-21 Thread Chris McMahon
On 10/21/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By rights, when you spawn a separate thread, if it blocks that shouldn't
> affect other threads. That that is not how it works with the Win32 Ruby.
> (The unix ruby, including the cygwin ruby work correctly.)

Ah.  Good explanation, that explains the behavior I saw.
I am surprised several times every month that we are all still using Windows.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Conference Inet-tr

2005-10-22 Thread Chris McMahon
On 10/22/05, Atilla Ozgur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have sent two articles about watir to inet-tr conference. Which is
> one of the most prestigious Internet Conferences of Turkey. Both were
> accepted.


> Second one shows how you can use watir for Sql Injection attacks.
 But i will translate sql injection one to english, when I
> find some time.

I would very much like to read this one.  Please consider publishing
the SQL injection piece, I think it would be fascinating.  I would be
willing to bet that someone would publish it-- Better Software, or
Software Development Magazine, or Dr. Dobbs, or InformIT-- it'd be
good reading any of those places, I think.  (And if you'd like someone
to read a draft, please sign me up!)

Again, well done!

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] getting the exception value

2005-10-25 Thread Chris McMahon
> Also I wonder is there a Ruby HTTP client library? Something like Perl's
> LWP? That way, when get an exception, I would do an HTTP request
> using the last URL.

net/http works nicely for me.  Probably not as high-powered as LWP,
but gets the job done.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] password clear text

2005-10-25 Thread Chris McMahon
> ie.text_field(:name,"passwd").setEncrypted(password.encrypted.file)
> I did not find anything in the archive about this, but perhaps I missed.

rot13 in Ruby:

$! "A-Za-z", "N-ZA-Mn-za-m"

Seriously, though, googling for "ruby encrypt" turns up as the very first hit.

Watir is really only concerned with manipulating Internet Explorer. 
Any features not directly related to manipulating IE generally have to
come from the greater world of Ruby.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] password clear text

2005-10-25 Thread Chris McMahon
> Your suggested use of encryption sounds like waving a magic wand without
> really protecting anything. I am sure that there is a way to do what you
> ask, but i just don't see the point.

Like I said, rot13!  =)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Is there a method to do ie.contains_html() ?

2005-10-26 Thread Chris McMahon

I use this all the time.

On 10/26/05, Sy Ali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know about contains_text() but is there some sort of contains_html()
> feature, or should I build my own method to do this?
> I notice html() which will output the entirety of the HTML for a page,
> but is there an easy way to match text within that.
> I mean to ask.. has anyone written a snippet of code which I can re-use?
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Intermittent bug setting radio buttons with high index values

2005-10-26 Thread Chris McMahon
I have an HTML page with a large number of radio buttons that I
address by index.  Sometimes my script succeeds, but more often I'm
getting error messages

Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object,
using index and 17

(or 16, or 20, or 19)

Has anyone else seen this behavior?


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Probably a timing problem : Intermittent bug setting radio buttons with high index values

2005-10-26 Thread Chris McMahon
If I split my radio-setting commands into two smaller groups and
perform other actions in between, all of the radio-setting works.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Oct 26, 2005 4:57 PM
Subject: Intermittent bug setting radio buttons with high index values

I have an HTML page with a large number of radio buttons that I
address by index.  Sometimes my script succeeds, but more often I'm
getting error messages

Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate object,
using index and 17

(or 16, or 20, or 19)

Has anyone else seen this behavior?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] My regexp is too greedy!!

2005-10-27 Thread Chris McMahon
> The following ruby expression
> / (.*local.xml?)/.match('xpl.xml, demoUK.xml, met_local.xml, cfg.xml')[1]
> returns
> => "demoUK.xml, met_local.xml"

I'll take a crack-- how about

string = 'xpl.xml, demoUK.xml, met_local.xml, cfg.xml'

files = string.split(', ') #comma space

files.each {|x|
puts x if x=~ /local.xml/

Does that help?

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] dynamically discover page

2005-10-27 Thread Chris McMahon
># Parse the web page, extracting links to images
>def parse(host)
>dict = { }
>@body= host.getHTML()

This is pretty funky.  Parsing HTML is non-trivial.  Perhaps a
different approach?

It doesn't do it today, but I'll bet the ie.show_all_objects method
could be hacked to create a manipulable structure of all of the page


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Is there a method to do ie.contains_html() ?

2005-10-28 Thread Chris McMahon
> I hear Arachno Ruby has a good debugger. Scite is good for the first week
> of Ruby programming; then you need something better. I've used emacs and
> now use Eclipse. I don't actually use a debugger for Ruby. Instead i use
> IRB and puts. And lots of unit tests.

How ''bout a pre-configured Eclipse in the Watir distro?  (As Alexey
says, "ha ha, only serious".  Scite is still what I'm using, mostly
because I haven't had the willpower to tackle the Eclipse learning

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-10-31 Thread Chris McMahon
I seem to remember a conversation about this, but I couldn't find it
in a cursory search of the mail archive:

Every time I click on the IE close box, the IE windows disappears, but
I still have an "iexplore.exe" process running.  I need to manually
end this process in Windows Task Manager in order for subsequent Watir
tests to run properly.

Is there an automated way to really, really kill this iexplore process?


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-10-31 Thread Chris McMahon
> You can use a tool like pskill for windows, but you'll need to know the PID.
> -Jonathan

Any idea what causes this?  I'm pretty sure an explicit ie.close won't
kill this beast.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Preceding text of textfield

2005-11-01 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/1/05, boonhoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, is it possible to obtain the preceding text of a textfield in
> Watir? For e.g. consider this html -
> username : 
> I would like to obtain the string 'username' that appear before the
> textfield. Thanks!

Here's a Perlish sort of approach:
string = "username : "

string =~ /:/

before = $`
match = $&
after = $'

puts before
puts after

Hope that helps.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Architecting WATIR for a WEB application

2005-11-02 Thread Chris McMahon
> What are some considerations that will help the planning and layout of WATIR
> architecture if you are to start from scratch to automate a WEB site?  I
> would appreciate hearing from experienced WATIR users on what approaches you
> have chosen to structure/architect the way you use WATIR for your WEB
> application.  Thanks.

I suspect that the sophisticated Watir users on this list would tell
you that the answer to your question depends on individual context. 
That is, every project is different.

As a general principle, though, a lot of people suggest that your
framework should be abstracted from your implementation.  In other
words:  start solving problems; refactor; repeat; don't worry about
architecture so much as you worry about solving the immediate
problem-- your architecture will grow as your ability to solve
problems does.  As always, I'll cite Kevin Lawrence's March 2005
Better Software article called "Grow Your Test Harness Naturally"
which seems to be the most important reference out there for doing
this sort of work.


Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] whytheluckystiff on Selenium and Watir

2005-11-03 Thread Chris McMahon

The comment from user "<|:{" is really funny.

BTW, if you're not surfing, and "why's Poignant
Guide To Ruby", you should do so.  Immediately.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-11-04 Thread Chris McMahon
> Is there a way to report the pid of ?

This question just got asked on the perlguitest mail list today, too. 
I'll keep my eyes open there for an answer, too.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] How to hide the explorer window in Watir

2005-11-07 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/6/05, chaya shetty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried with both $ie.minimize and with -b option, but still the popups were
> not hidden. Is there any other way??

Selenium does this, I think-- but it intercepts the Javascript before
the popup fires, if I'm not mistaken.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-11-07 Thread Chris McMahon
Paul, I'm not following your example below.  It's clearly valid code,
I run it and pid.unpack("L")[0] is "538976288", but I don't get how
the pid is related to a Watir "".  Sorry if it's a silly
question, but I'm not getting it...

On 11/5/05, Paul Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try this
> require 'Win32API'
> hWnd = 985158# use the hWnd for your process
> # pid is a dword
> pid=" " * 32
> thread="user32", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", 'IP',
> 'I').Call(hWnd,pid)
> puts pid.unpack("L")[0]
> I think you can do ie.hWnd to get the hWnd on the second line
> Paul
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sy Ali
> Sent: 04 November 2005 15:04
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Wtr-general] iexplore process remains after closing IE?
> On 10/31/05, Jeff Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > require 'watir'
> > include Watir
> >
> > ie =
> > ie.goto ""
> > ie.close
> Is there a way to report the pid of ?
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Last but not least Re: iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-11-07 Thread Chris McMahon
OK, I got it now--
What's the syntax to actually close the browser using the pid/wHnd?

On 11/7/05, Paul Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you'll need to get the hWnd of the browser first
> require 'Win32API'
> ie =
> ie.goto ""
> hWnd =
> pid=" " * 32
> thread="user32", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", 'IP', 
> 'I').Call(hWnd,pid)
> puts pid.unpack("L")[0]

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Last but not least Re: iexplore process remains after closing IE?

2005-11-07 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/7/05, Paul Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think its
> Process.kill( 9 , pid)

This rawks, thanks!
Works great.
(Note-- have to use the unpacked pid to kill the process, but it works
like a charm.)

PS Whoda thunk Ruby would let you do a "kill -9" on Windows?  I'm amused...

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Code to really really really kill IE

2005-11-07 Thread Chris McMahon
Thanks Paul, I put it together in an easy example.  This is tested and works:

require 'win32ole'
require 'watir'   # the controller
include Watir
require 'Win32API'

@ie =
hWnd =
pid=" " * 32
thread="user32", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", 'IP',
fixnum_pid = pid.unpack("L")[0]
puts fixnum_pid
Process.kill( 9 , fixnum_pid)

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Watir bug?

2005-11-10 Thread Chris McMahon
This is strange, I don't think there should have been a security
error-- anyone know what's going on here?

irb(main):007:0> @ie.goto("
W, [10-Nov-2005 09:18:55#3184]  WARN -- : frame error in waitdocument
OLE error code:80070005 in 
  Access is denied.

HRESULT error code:0x80020009
  Exception occurred.
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1340:in `method_missing'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1340:in `wait'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1339:in `upto'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1339:in `wait'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/watir.rb:1179:in `goto'
(irb):7:in `irb_binding'
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'
=> 0.02


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Watir bug?

2005-11-10 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/10/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The page contains a frame that is posted on a separate server.

DARN those Microsoft people !!! =)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Accessing frames or anchors

2005-11-17 Thread Chris McMahon
> I viewed source of the "main" section and found this tag:   name="mainContent">.  Is this how I access that area?

What happens when you try?  =)

In the case of nested frames, I remember finding that using irb and
ie.show_frames was generally more helpful than using "view source". 
With irb, you always know which frame is inside which other frame.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Wtr-general Digest, Vol 24, Issue 29

2005-11-22 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/22/05, Torres, Ben (HQP) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Jeff!  This mailing list rocks!
> I was able to grab the url, but now '&' shows up in the url.  How do
> I remove 'amp;' and just leave '&' in the string?

The right way is to use an HTML parser.
The quick'n'dirty way is


I know, I just used the quick'n'dirty way (for now)... =)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Stress testing using watir/ruby?

2005-11-23 Thread Chris McMahon
> I'm wondering what is the best way to create thousands (more than 25K) of
> these processes and have them all storm the server at once.

Check the mail list archives-- a reasonably powerful client will
support around 50-70 browsers at the same time.  You'd need about 5000
different computers running your script.

Check out tools like grinder, httpunit, OpenSTA, WWW::Mechanize and
friends, Canoo, etc.  These tools are all useragents with measurement
features, rather than browser-drivers.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: silly format question: get Ruby to ignore line ends for long lines?

2005-11-28 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi all...

Is there a way to get Ruby to ignore line ends in a long text string
for readabiliy purposes, for instance a long SQL query?

LIB.ACCOUNTs accounts,
LIB.SSNS ssns,
accounts.FOO_KEY = ssns.BAR_KEY
   and  plan.BAZ_KEY = ssns.BAR_KEY
   and  ssns.DEPCD = ''
   and ... ETC ETC ETC

Thanks for your patience...

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] OT: silly format question: get Ruby to ignore l ine ends for long lines?

2005-11-28 Thread Chris McMahon
> Or, are you trying to put a sql statement in source code with extra \n's so
> that it is more readable to you ???

That'd be the one.  I think you guys got me where I need to be, thanks!

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Check database

2005-11-29 Thread Chris McMahon
> I am having a hard time finding how to setup some database libraries
> to make some assertions on my code after driving the UI. Since I am
> primarly looking for general DB access, I have tried ruby-dbi with
> little success by now. Maybe I will try ruby-mysql, but I really want
> something not tied to one database.

A quick Google shows that MySQL has an ODBC interface.  I've been
having good success with the odbc library included in the current Ruby
Windows installation:  I
assume it's available in the *NIX distro as well.

In some ways, it's nicer than Perl's DBI.  It might lack some
features, but so far it's done everything I've needed, and with just a
little practice, it's really pretty intuitive as well.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] XML Results Reports for Watir (for CruiseControl)

2005-11-29 Thread Chris McMahon
On 11/29/05, Yury Krasavin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Finaly, I have posted an example of my Ruby/Watir test integration with
> CruiseControl.NET here:

Thanks Yury for the example (and thanks Mr. Verkhovsky for Reporter). 
I'll be using your example very soon.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: spectacularly neato online Ruby tutorial

2005-11-30 Thread Chris McMahon
Haven't tried it much yet, but this is too cool not to share:

whytheluckystiff is one heckuvaguy.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: help constructing interesting hash?

2005-11-30 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi all

Again, apologies for the OT, stop me if it's not amusing...

Suppose I have an array of arrays like

[[A, B, C][1,2,3]]

I can easily make a hash (using each.with_index) where one value is
the lookup value for the other value:


Now suppose I have a AoA like

[[A, B, C,][1,2,2]]

Is there a readable way to construct a hash like

2=>[B, C]



Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] install on new laptop?

2005-12-05 Thread Chris McMahon
> QUESTION:  If I use the development version, can I revert to a more
> stable version if there is a problem?

FWIW, I always check out from HEAD.  One of the (many) nice things
about Watir is that the development versions are very rarely broken.

And a re-install of any other particular version is easy, too.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] [OT] running watir in a VM

2005-12-05 Thread Chris McMahon
> QUESTION:  Is anyone using watir in a setup like this?  XP installed in
> a VM using VMWare under fedora 3 or 4?

No, but I'm replying anyway =) because I have nothing but good things
to say about VMWare. Not long ago I had occasion to run FreeBSD under
VMWare on Windows XP, doing some pretty sophisticated web stuff
(Apache/Twiki) and network hacking (ntop, nessus, ettercap) and VMWare
handled everything flawlessly.  Very nice job on the part of the
VMWare people.

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] OT: Humane interfaces

2005-12-14 Thread Chris McMahon

I ran across this the other day, Martin Fowler discussing some
principles of language design, demonstrating differences with Ruby's
Array object and Java's List object:

The other day I needed to iterate over every link in a page.  When you
realize exactly how much information is available through Watir about
each link, (and how easy it is to get to that information), it seems
that Watir really is a Humane Interface to the IE DOM.

Thanks again for your indulgence of the OT...

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Non-blocking image click

2005-12-24 Thread Chris McMahon
On 12/10/05, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Watir 1.5 will have a click method that will not only fail to block in your
> scenario, but will also fail to block when raising modal dialogs (a case
> where your code will still block).

Y'all may not realize how spectacular this is, but it's pretty darned neato.

>  Right now (in my uncommitted code) this is called "click_no_wait". Comments
> please on the best name for this method. Is "click_nonblocking" better? How
> about "click_dammit!"?

So this is just me, but I *love* "dammit" methods.

If it doesn't do what you think it should, then you're forced to RTFM.
 I think "click_popup_dammit" would be the best the best name.

I'd use it,  and not RTFM. It speaks to me.  :)

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] selecting cells in Excell using activecell

2006-01-09 Thread Chris McMahon
> One fine day, I'll write a really good Ruby-Excel interface.  Don't hold
> your breath, though. :)
> ---Michael B.

If you're serious, I know some people who might help.  I know other
people who'd use such an interface, too.

Some encouragement: it's a classic example of a DSL, and we all know
how easy it is do DSLs in Ruby.  And you really need the practice
implementing a Domain Specific Language, don't you?   All the cool
kids are doing it...


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] selecting cells in Excell using activecell

2006-01-10 Thread Chris McMahon
> I wonder how many people would be thrown by my desire to build objects like
> CellPointers, and calls like
> p =
> p.goto("$A$5")

Go for it.
What causes me to pull my hair out are the inability to address a cell
by column number in the Range function; and all of the goofy numerical
constants, like "-4161" to go to the end of the row.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Design Problems

2006-01-11 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi Terry...
I hope better programmers than me comment, this is a really good question.

> Right now I'm cluttering up my test case with a lot of conditionals/case
> statements so that it can react accordingly, but that doesn't seem really
> elegant to me. Does anyone know of a better way to do this?

 A general design rule of thumb is to substitute methods for
conditionals.  I know that sounds all abstract and stuff, but here's a
concrete example.  I have an app that shows 10 things at a time on an
arbitrarily large number of pages.  So I'll write a method like this:

def check_for_next_page
@ie.links.each do |link|
if link.href =~ /b_start/ and link.text =~ /Next/ and link.text =~ 
end #def

So above that I have another method that will process the page *if the
page exists*:

def process_next_page_method
@ie.links.each do |link|
if link.href =~ /IWantThisLink/
link.href =~/\d+/
#puts $&
end #def

That way only one conditional per page, one conditional per link per page.

I hope that makes sense, good luck.
BTW, I bet if you google something like "ruby conditionals methods"
you might find useful stuff, too.

Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] A testing framework

2006-01-16 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi Sergio

> I recently spent sometime coming up with a simpler way to test my projects
> running from nant and using xml as the test. I would love to get some
> feedback on what ones think or ways that it can be improved. I have attached
> the entire framework for your review.

At a glance, I can see what you're doing here.  (Although I'm sure I
fail to grasp the finer points from such a quick look.)   If you don't
mind a couple of questions...

Your XML tests seem to contain 3 elements, control_type,
control_object, and control_action, of which some take parameters. 
What drove these design decisions?  That is, it seems efficient and
useful in context, I wonder the process by which you arrived at this

Also, I'm about to have to integrate some Ruby (not Watir) tests with
CC.NET, and it would be great to hear what you had to do to get your
Ruby code to interact nicely with CruiseControl.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Random number generation.

2006-01-23 Thread Chris McMahon
> but do I need to precede every method name with
> "test"?

Yes. That's how test/unit works.

> Secondly, I am trying to generate test users for my test by generating a
> random number and the concatenating that number to a string "test" so that
> the result is "test12345", for example.
> I'm using rand(max-0) to generate the number, but it returns a big number.
> So I tried stripping the number and then concatenating but it didn't work.
> Ultimately, I would like to have generate names with 5 digits randomly like
> the example above. Any ideas?

I stashed some code like this over at, stolen from Jeff Wood:

 def random_text( length )
  output = ""
  length.times do
output << ('A'..'Z').to_a[ rand(26) ]

 then, where ever you need it : just call it

 random_text( 42 )  # for 42 chars of random text ...


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Access denied problem is driving me nuts

2006-01-23 Thread Chris McMahon
> > > 2.  Why does placing an entry in my hosts file make my "access denied"
> > > problems go away?
> >
> >
> > Cross-site scripting is when when scripts from one site try to access
> content from another.  Today's browsers prevent this from happening. Watir
> runs into to the same barriers when you navigate from a page hosted from one
> site to a frame hosted by another. Your hosts file change makes all these
> frames & pages come from a single site.

I didn't know that.  What a nice, easy workaround.

> > It would be great if someone on this list would put together a wiki page
> describing this problem.

At the moment, I've got a million other things going on, but this is
right up my alley.  If anyone else wants this, please make some noise.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Modula test execution?

2006-01-24 Thread Chris McMahon
> I am new to ruby and watir, so this might be a very trivial question.


> Is there a elegant solution to have a modular test script approach?
> I have blocks of code that will be always the same for the web-site I am
> going to test, like "login", "search", "logout", etc. So my idea is to put
> those modules into separate files and then call them from a script called
> "testExecution.rb". What is your solution?

This is a classic refactoring exercise.  Look up "Module" in the
Pickaxe, or look around at the Watir distro for some fairly advanced
examples.  (I'm doing this right now on my current project, once you
start, you'll get the hang of it quickly.)

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Help with File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') ?

2006-01-30 Thread Chris McMahon

I have some tests in directories that share common code like


My test runner script dips into each directory and then back out:

TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
require 'test/unit'

test_dirs = Dir.glob("suite*")
test_dirs.each do |dir|

test_cases = Dir.glob("*rb")

test_cases.each {|f| require f }


end #do

is this a reasonable approach?  It seems kinda thrashy to me, I wonder
if there's a better way to go about this.


Wtr-general mailing list

Re: [Wtr-general] Help with File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') ?

2006-01-30 Thread Chris McMahon
Interestingly, had a quick conversation with Jonathan Kohl who had run
into weirdness with test/unit and with require.  Here's what I have
now, with require replace by backticks.  It seems to be working well
so far:

TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
require 'test/unit'
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils::Verbose

test_dirs = Dir.glob("suite**")

0.upto(test_dirs.length - 1)  do |dirnum|

puts ""
puts "working in #{test_dirs[dirnum]}"

test_cases = Dir.glob("*rb")

test_cases.each do |casex|
puts "running #{casex}"

test_result = `ruby #{casex}`
puts test_result


end #do

On 1/30/06, Bret Pettichord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One problem with this is that if you have suite_foo/test_a.rb and
> suite_bar/test_a.rb, the second test won't be run. A quick fix would be to
> use "load" instead of "require".
> But better would be to use more of the pathname with require. Here's how i'd
> do it:
>   TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
>   $LOAD_PATH.unshift TOPDIR
>   tests = Dir["suite*/*.rb"]
>   tests.each {|t| require t}
> (I'd put the "require 'test/unit'" in the individual tests instead so that
> they could also run singly.)
> Bret
> On 1/30/06, Chris McMahon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi...
> >
> > I have some tests in directories that share common code like
> >
> > suite_foo/
> >  test_1.rb
> >  test_2.rb
> > suite_bar/
> >  test_3.rb
> >  test_4.rb
> > common/
> >  my_library.rb
> >
> > My test runner script dips into each directory and then back out:
> >
> > ##
> > TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
> > $LOAD_PATH.unshift TOPDIR
> > require 'test/unit'
> >
> > test_dirs = Dir.glob("suite*")
> > test_dirs.each do |dir|
> > Dir.chdir(dir)
> >
> > test_cases = Dir.glob("*rb")
> >
> > test_cases.each {|f| require f }
> >
> > Dir.chdir("..")
> >
> > end #do
> >
> ###
> >
> > is this a reasonable approach?  It seems kinda thrashy to me, I wonder
> > if there's a better way to go about this.
> >
> > -Chris
> >
> > ___
> > Wtr-general mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Wtr-general mailing list

Wtr-general mailing list

[Wtr-general] Anyone use Test::Unit::Reporter? Fwd: Help with File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') ?

2006-01-30 Thread Chris McMahon
Hi again...

I'm trying to integrate Test::Unit::Reporter with my little harness
script below, and struggling.

Ideally, I would pass each "test_cases" array to Reporter and it would
Do The Right Thing, but that's not happening.


TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
require 'test/unit'
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils::Verbose

test_dirs = Dir.glob("suite**")

0.upto(test_dirs.length - 1)  do |dirnum|

puts ""
puts "working in #{test_dirs[dirnum]}"

test_cases = Dir.glob("*rb")

test_cases.each do |casex|
puts "running #{casex}"

test_result = `ruby #{casex}`
puts test_result


end #do

TOPDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')
require 'test/unit'
require 'fileutils'
include FileUtils::Verbose

require 'test/unit/testsuite'
require 'test/unit/ui/reporter/reporter'
@test_cases =
FileUtils.mkdir_p 'build/report'

test_dirs = Dir.glob("suite*")

0.upto(test_dirs.length - 1)  do |dirnum|

puts ""
puts "working in #{test_dirs[dirnum]}"

@test_cases = Dir.glob("*rb"), 'build/report', :xml)


end #do

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