Re: [X2Go-Dev] repository: broken dependencies since today

2018-03-20 Thread ITM Administrators
Hello Mihai,

> You cannot reproduce that now, is that correct?
We have upgraded all computers manually after some hints from the IRC
channel. So there are no computers left in this non-updated state to test.

> If I remember correctly the new X2Go Server packages hit the repository a few
> hours later.
This hasn't helped. The problem still persisted after 6 days. Here the
log from the IRC (have I talked with you?):
> dgrunert
>     Hello all! Over one week ago, I sent a message to the x2go-dev
> mailing list about broken dependencies in the x2go repository
> http://packages. So far, the message has not been moderated and the
> broken dependencies are still there. Therefore, I will now try this
> IRC channel.
> dgrunert
>     We are using
> dgrunert
>     deb http://packages. stretch main
> dgrunert
>     as source to get updates for x2go under Debian 9.0 "Stretch".
> Since today, the dependencies are not correct in this repository:
> dgrunert
>     The package nxagent was updated today to version 2:
> dgrunert
>     The following packages have unmet dependencies:
> dgrunert
>     x2goagent : Depends: nxagent (
> dgrunert
>     E: Broken packages
> Ionic
>     dgrunert: this is absolutely right correct - not broken
> Ionic
>     dgrunert: please run dist-upgrade, which should pull in
> x2goserver-x2goagent
> dgrunert
>     Ionic: Thank you for the fast response. We are usually not using
> dist-upgrade for the possibility of unwanted package removal. In this
> case, it is not possible due to some messed up dependencies of nvidia
> drivers.
> dgrunert
>     Ionic: But a simple apt-get install x2goserver-x2goagent
> Ionic
>     dgrunert: uh, that's bad
> Ionic
>     we actually deprecated x2goagent and replaced the package with
> x2goserver-x2goagent,
> Ionic
>     it shouldn't cause any harm leaving them around
> Ionic
>     hmmm
> Ionic
>     actually
> Ionic
>     you should be able to apt-get autoremove to get rid of those now
> dgrunert
>     I think the install command already took care about the deprecated
> packages:
> dgrunert
>     The following packages will be REMOVED:
> dgrunert
>     libnx-xcomposite1 libnx-xdamage1 libnx-xdmcp6 libnx-xext6
> libnx-xfixes3 libnx-xinerama1 libnx-xpm4 libnx-xrandr2 libnx-xrender1
> libnx-xtst6 libxcompext3 x2goagent
> dgrunert
>     The following NEW packages will be installed:
> dgrunert
>     libswitch-perl libtry-tiny-perl libx2go-log-perl libx2go-server-db-
> dgrunert
>     The following packages will be upgraded:
> dgrunert
>     libnx-x11-6 libxcompshad3 nx-x11-common nxagent x2goserver
> x2goserver-extension
> Ionic
>     oh it really did
> Ionic
>     okay then
> dgrunert
>     Okay, then the issue is resolved. Thanks a lot!
> Ionic
>     maybe I should have kept x2goagent around as a dummy package... hmmm
> Ionic
>     well, too late for that now

This just as a reference if others still have the problem. For us, the
problem is solved. But I wasn't able to withdraw this email to the
mailing list since the link is only valid for 3 days and the problem was
solved after 6 days.

Best regards

Dennis Grunert

Dipl.-Math. Dennis Grunert (system administrator)
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
(name in German: Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik)
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, tel +49 711-685-66581, fax -66400
PGP: 0x38CD2BE8 / 6CBC C4EA 9674 266C E396  4C5E 3B4A FC58 38CD 2BE8

x2go-dev mailing list

[X2Go-Dev] repository: broken dependencies since today

2018-03-15 Thread ITM Administrators
Hello all,

since this is a packaging bug and not a bug in the code, I wasn't sure
if a bug report should be filled. Instead, I use this mailing list.

We are using

deb stretch main

as source to get updates for x2go under Debian 9.0 "Stretch". Since
today, the dependencies are not correct in this repository:

The package nxagent was updated today to version
2: but this is incompatible with
the package x2goagent (as of version

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 x2goagent : Depends: nxagent (<
E: Broken packages

In order to rule out a temporary dependency issue during upload of new
packages, we waited for 6 hours. The problem still persists.

Kind regards

Dennis Grunert

Dipl.-Math. Dennis Grunert (system administrator)
Institute of Engineering and Computational Mechanics
(name in German: Institut für Technische und Numerische Mechanik)
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany, tel +49 711-685-66581, fax -66400
PGP: 0x38CD2BE8 / 6CBC C4EA 9674 266C E396  4C5E 3B4A FC58 38CD 2BE8

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