Re: [Xastir] Proj

2007-12-21 Thread Brad Douglas
On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 20:27 -0700, Tate Belden wrote:
> It's been upgraded to 4.6.0 - re-compiled xastir on Fedora 8 on two 
> different machines. No issues detected.

It's also generally a good idea to install this as well:

You'll want it especially if you use raster map overlays from USGS, etc.
It contains the parameters for correctly transforming North American

73, de Brad KB8UYR/6 

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Proj

2007-12-21 Thread Tate Belden


It's been upgraded to 4.6.0 - re-compiled xastir on Fedora 8 on two 
different machines. No issues detected.

Changes: This release reworks pj_transform() to avoid applying ellipsoid 
to ellipsoid transformations as a datum shift when no datum info is 
available. It avoids applying "change of ellipsoid" during datum 
shifting based on ellipsoids getting changed to spheres for spherical 
projections. It has been upgraded to EPSG 6.13

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Re: using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Neville A. Cross

Curt, WE7U wrote:

AX.25 kernel ports require root access, so you need to do the "chmod
4755 /usr/local/bin/xastir" command as root in order to give Xastir
SUID Root privileges.  Xastir only uses the root privileges when it
needs to, reducing it's privileges to a normal user when it doesn't.
That's of course if you do the chmod command and then run Xastir as
a normal user, which is the correct way.

Also:  You don't tell Xastir to use the ttyS? port, as that port is
already tied up by the kissattach command.  What you do is create an
"AX.25 TNC" interface in Xastir and have it use the name you gave
the AX.25 networking port.  "ax0" appears to be what you used above.
I last used "aprs" as the name in "axports" for mine.

The comments from Curt where right on target. The chmod command is a 
little obscure for a beginner. I understand what I did, but I did have 
any clue that it was needed, or if somebody told me to give root access  
to xastir I will not know how to do it.

Regarding the set up of one interface "AX.25 TNC" for the ax25 
networking port, I felt dumb as it was more o less obvious. I ask for 
tolerance towards a beginner in linux and Xastir.

Thanks for the good will and the help, specially to curt who give me the 
answer when I explained more in detail my problem.

I still kept my general offer to write some help for others.

Neville - YN1V
Sysop of YN1BBS
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Re: using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Neville A. Cross wrote:

> I have installed the ax25-tools and done the kissatach and it is
> working. If I put something like "call ax0 yn1bbs" I got connected
> without a problem. But when I start Xastir it said that the stty0 is
> lock. I will go back to the program later to copy exactly the message.
> To run Xastir I have to start it before running the modprobe ax25 and
> kisattach commands.
> How do I set an interfase in Xastir that used the kissattach port that
> has been created?

AX.25 kernel ports require root access, so you need to do the "chmod
4755 /usr/local/bin/xastir" command as root in order to give Xastir
SUID Root privileges.  Xastir only uses the root privileges when it
needs to, reducing it's privileges to a normal user when it doesn't.
That's of course if you do the chmod command and then run Xastir as
a normal user, which is the correct way.

Also:  You don't tell Xastir to use the ttyS? port, as that port is
already tied up by the kissattach command.  What you do is create an
"AX.25 TNC" interface in Xastir and have it use the name you gave
the AX.25 networking port.  "ax0" appears to be what you used above.
I last used "aprs" as the name in "axports" for mine.

Below I've attached the text from the help->help_English.dat file.
This is the online help in Xastir if you've chosen the English

Also check out the INSTALL and README* files.

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!

HELP-INDEX>Configure AX.25 TNC Devices

Configure AX.25 TNC Devices

This section covers adding or modifying AX.25 TNC devices. AX.25 devices can
be any device that uses the Linux AX.25 drivers. This is a kernel level
driver, and device such as a Baycom or a sound modem can be used as a TNC.
These devices must be set up and running before Xastir can use them.

Selecting "Activate on start up" will tell Xastir to look for this device and
set up communications with it when the program first starts.

Selecting "Allow Transmitting" will tell Xastir that any outgoing RF data can
be sent to this device for broadcast.

Selecting "RELAY Digipeat?" will tell Xastir to digipeat traffic. It will do
this if the first unused digipeater call in the path matches your callsign or a
callsign listed in your Xastir config file ("RELAY_DIGIPEAT_CALLS" line,
default is "WIDE1-1"). This option is only recommended for base stations in
regions where there are few other fill-in digipeater stations in the area.
Consult with a local group about the best setting for your region.  This is
only needed if you are not using any other software that performs this
function, such as aprsdigi or DIGI_NED. You may hand-edit the Xastir config
file when Xastir is not running in order to change this string to match your
local recommendations. In the U.S., "WIDE1-1" is the recommended setting.

Enter the AX.25 Device name you specified in the axports file for this device.

Comment will allow you to set a friendly name or comment for the port.

Choose the correct IGate operation for this device. You may have several TNC
devices and this option can be different for each device. If you are not
running an IGate leave it at the default option of "Disable".

Enter in up to three UNPROTO paths. Xastir will assume the XX VIA part of the
UNPROTO path. There are three paths allowed so that your signal will be heard
if conditions are bad. Xastir will cycle through each one that is filled in,
one per transmission time.  If you are local to a digi, just a WIDE2-2 may be a
good choice. If you are using low power and/or are distant from a digi then
WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 may work better. Or if you know the call of your closest digi
you may use XXXCALL,WIDE2-2. Most of you will only need one path. If you are in
a remote area and your signal is difficult to get out you may need more. Check
with a local group and ask what path may be best for your area.  If no paths
are entered it will default to WIDE2-2.

If you are IGating to RF, you may enter a specific path to use for the packets
you send to RF. If you leave this blank, the UNPROTO paths above will be used.
If the UNPROTO paths are blank, WIDE2-2 will be used.

NOTE: To use AX.25 devices with Xastir you will need to run the program as
"root". If you want to run Xastir as another user you may want to set the
suid bit on the Xastir program file. Please see INSTALL file for more
information; current Xastir drops the extra privileges but has not been audited
for exploits. Use in this fashion in a multi-user environment at your own risk!

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Re: using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Neville A. Cross wrote:

From: Tapio Sokura <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Xastir] using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

You need to have a package called ax25-tools installed, in it you'll 
find a couple of binaries that you need for the configuration. First you 
need to setup an axports file, typically located in directory /etc/ax25. 
There should be sample files and maybe even man pages in the package 
that document the format. Then you need to couple a port described in 
axports to a physical serial port (if using a regular KISS TNC), it is 
done with kissattach. Now you should have basic kernel AX.25 functionality.


I have installed the ax25-tools and done the kissatach and it is 
working. If I put something like "call ax0 yn1bbs" I got connected 
without a problem. But when I start Xastir it said that the stty0 is 
lock. I will go back to the program later to copy exactly the message. 
To run Xastir I have to start it before running the modprobe ax25 and 
kisattach commands.

How do I set an interfase in Xastir that used the kissattach port that 
has been created?

I will gladly wrote down what I have been doing so another person with 
more experience and less time use as a draft to feed the wiki. I happily 
will start again from scratch if I got guidance, to do all the writing 

Neville YN1V
Sysop of YN1BBS
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> The AX25-HOWTO is a bit dated, but is still helpful in setting up the
> interfaces, etc.  It can be found at  HOWTO/>.  Many Linux distributions have documentation packages
> containing this document.

This sounds like a good candidate for the Wiki or some
other Wiki, where the docs can be kept up-to-date by hams that are
going through the procedure constantly.

Since AX.25 kernel networking has applications for APRS, a page on
the Wiki shouldn't be shot down by anyone.

Curt, WE7U:  XASTIR: 
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Dec 21, 2007, at 2:19 AM, Tapio Sokura wrote:

Neville A. Cross wrote:
I compiled the kernel in order to use the network ax25 module. I  
have been reading the help file but I can't find how to set up and  
interfase using the port created for the TNC.

You need to have a package called ax25-tools installed, in it  
you'll find a couple of binaries that you need for the  
configuration. First you need to setup an axports file, typically  
located in directory /etc/ax25. There should be sample files and  
maybe even man pages in the package that document the format. Then  
you need to couple a port described in axports to a physical serial  
port (if using a regular KISS TNC), it is done with kissattach. Now  
you should have basic kernel AX.25 functionality.

If you want netrom and/or rose, you then need to create suitable  
nrports or rsports files and similarly activate the interfaces  
using nrattach/rsattach (after kissattaching). There used to be a  
ham howto that describes these things in detail, but it could be  
outdated still.. anyway the basic process hasn't changed much in  
the last 10 years, file names, locations and executable names/ 
parameters may have changed.

The AX25-HOWTO is a bit dated, but is still helpful in setting up the  
interfaces, etc.  It can be found at .  Many Linux distributions have documentation packages  
containing this document.

73, Bob N7XY

Bob Nielsen

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] using the modprobe ax25 and Xastir

2007-12-21 Thread Tapio Sokura

Neville A. Cross wrote:
I compiled the kernel in order to use the network ax25 module. I have 
been reading the help file but I can't find how to set up and interfase 
using the port created for the TNC.

You need to have a package called ax25-tools installed, in it you'll 
find a couple of binaries that you need for the configuration. First you 
need to setup an axports file, typically located in directory /etc/ax25. 
There should be sample files and maybe even man pages in the package 
that document the format. Then you need to couple a port described in 
axports to a physical serial port (if using a regular KISS TNC), it is 
done with kissattach. Now you should have basic kernel AX.25 functionality.

If you want netrom and/or rose, you then need to create suitable nrports 
or rsports files and similarly activate the interfaces using 
nrattach/rsattach (after kissattaching). There used to be a ham howto 
that describes these things in detail, but it could be outdated still.. 
anyway the basic process hasn't changed much in the last 10 years, file 
names, locations and executable names/parameters may have changed.

Xastir mailing list