Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2008-08-27 Thread Curt, WE7U

On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:

1) Should the "Xastir Documentation" link on the main Xastir page be
labeled "Xastir WIKI" instead?  I think it'd be more descriptive.

2) On the Xastir Wiki main page I see:

   # HowTo's (Specific installation info)
   # Installation Notes (Specific installation info)

That's confusing.  I'd like to see these combined, or else move the
system-specific installation notes from "HowTo's" over to
"Installation Notes".

Make sense?  Anyone want to take care of that?

3) I requested the text for our Maps Wiki page from WA7NWP which he
promptly sent me (Thanks Bill!), so our Maps Wiki page is back but
on our Wiki now instead of his.  When the page was originally
created we didn't have our own Wiki.  The new page is here and
linked to from our main Wiki page:

It could probably use some updating.

4) Somebody did a very nice job of replicating my "Xastir SAR
Features" page from in our Wiki, so I've
linked that in to a couple of the Wiki pages as well and will retire
my original web pages eventually.  The new page is here:

and linked into the main Wiki page and the Major_Features Wiki page.

5) The Major_Features page contains a bunch of downloadable maps
links.  Perhaps some or all of these should be moved to the
Xastir_Maps page?  Perhaps the pages should reference each other?

6) I almost forgot, the "Downloads (Binary)" link off the main
Xastir page now goes to a Wiki page instead of to a page I was
maintaining on Eskimo.  This should allow us to keep it more
up-to-date as people create new binary downloads/download sites.  As
it exists now there are links to _very_ old binary downloads that
should probably be scrubbed.  Perhaps anything older than 1.9.x
should be deleted?

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2008-08-27 Thread Curt, WE7U

1) Should the "Xastir Documentation" link on the main Xastir page be
labeled "Xastir WIKI" instead?  I think it'd be more descriptive.

2) On the Xastir Wiki main page I see:

# HowTo's (Specific installation info)
# Installation Notes (Specific installation info)

That's confusing.  I'd like to see these combined, or else move the
system-specific installation notes from "HowTo's" over to
"Installation Notes".

Make sense?  Anyone want to take care of that?

3) I requested the text for our Maps Wiki page from WA7NWP which he
promptly sent me (Thanks Bill!), so our Maps Wiki page is back but
on our Wiki now instead of his.  When the page was originally
created we didn't have our own Wiki.  The new page is here and
linked to from our main Wiki page:

It could probably use some updating.

4) Somebody did a very nice job of replicating my "Xastir SAR
Features" page from in our Wiki, so I've
linked that in to a couple of the Wiki pages as well and will retire
my original web pages eventually.  The new page is here:

and linked into the main Wiki page and the Major_Features Wiki page.

5) The Major_Features page contains a bunch of downloadable maps
links.  Perhaps some or all of these should be moved to the
Xastir_Maps page?  Perhaps the pages should reference each other?

Curt, WE7U. archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Jay Hurt
Wow.   That's all I can think to say.   Well, except there goes the 

Hmm I guess I'll have to get ready to go back to slack.


"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your 
pocket and then giving Fido only two of them."  Phil Pastoret

Hardware, n:  the parts of a computer system that can be repaired with a 

From: "Curt, WE7U" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Curt Mills, WE7U" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 07:08:06 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Jay Hurt wrote:

> Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not 

> the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with
> everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".  

> is nice to see Novell still has their act together!

You mean like this?


I still haven't figured out what I think of it.  Well, the emotions
are strong, I just don't know how to express them yet.

--Curt, running several OpenSUSE 10.0 instances.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

Get FREE company branded e-mail accounts and business Web site from 
Microsoft Office Live

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread KC7ZRU

Steve Friis wrote:
I do like Fedora, but it sure is a B*?$% to get the wireless working on 
my laptop. Kubuntu and Ubuntu both come up working wireless with no 
sweat, but then getting all the libraries installed so that Xastir would 
compile was anther matter.


Yea, that's cuz Fedora is a 'pure' distro. No proprietary code or closed 
source license stuff of any kind included. That means the firmware 
images you need for your wireless stuff have to be provided by 3rd party.

Same with MP3 stuff, etc...

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread KC7ZRU
Only prob with Fedora in a 'production' type environment is it's 
amazingly rapid release cycle. If you're up to upgrading once a year or 
so - go for it. For me, it works - I like doing new stuff and playing. 
That's what Fedora is for.

But if you need something that'll "last" for more than a year or so (say 
3 to 5), is also up to date and reliable, take a good hard look at CentOS.

Basically same deal as a Fedora, but has longer support cycles. Much 
better suited for 'production' type environments, but still familiar and 
up to date.

Mmm, may have talked my self into an install or two...


Jeremy Utley wrote:

I can whole-heartedly recommend Ubuntu or Fedora.  I don't personally
like debian, because to get anything remotely up to date, you have to
get into their testing or unstable repos, but Ubuntu and Fedora are
both kept quite up to date.  Fedora devs also put their foot down
against anything "non-free" going into their repos - however yum repos
like Livna fill that need.

I myself use mostly Fedora here, anymore - I usually keep an Ubuntu
installation around tho.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Jeremy Utley

Wireless is a bugger no matter which distro you have.  With Fedora, I
have to use ndiswrapper on my laptop - the bcm43xx driver sort of
works with my BCM4318 chip, but only at 11Mb - to get full 802.11g
support I have to use ndiswrapper with the windows driver.  The Livna
fedora repo has a pre-built ndiswrapper package that works well.


On 11/6/06, Steve Friis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I do like Fedora, but it sure is a B*?$% to get the wireless working on
my laptop. Kubuntu and Ubuntu both come up working wireless with no
sweat, but then getting all the libraries installed so that Xastir would
compile was anther matter.


Jeremy Utley wrote:
> I can whole-heartedly recommend Ubuntu or Fedora.  I don't personally
> like debian, because to get anything remotely up to date, you have to
> get into their testing or unstable repos, but Ubuntu and Fedora are
> both kept quite up to date.  Fedora devs also put their foot down
> against anything "non-free" going into their repos - however yum repos
> like Livna fill that need.
> I myself use mostly Fedora here, anymore - I usually keep an Ubuntu
> installation around tho.
> Jeremy
> On 11/6/06, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Steve Friis wrote:
>> > I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other
>> > than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly
>> > in the black either.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Gerry Creager
I've been happily using CentOS, which is RHEL with the trademarks 
scraped off and the code recompiled and repackaged.  RHEL repositories 
will work with CentOS and it's certainly stable.  And the distro cost is 

Last couple of times I used debian distro's I found they put things in 
strange places.


Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Steve Friis wrote:

I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other
than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly
in the black either.

If I have to, I'll probably switch to something Debian-based next.
If I don't have to switch anytime soon though, I won't.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Gerry Creager -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020  FAX 979.862.3983
Physical: 1700 Research Parkway, Suite 160,
College Station, TX 77843-3139
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Steve Friis
I do like Fedora, but it sure is a B*?$% to get the wireless working on 
my laptop. Kubuntu and Ubuntu both come up working wireless with no 
sweat, but then getting all the libraries installed so that Xastir would 
compile was anther matter.


Jeremy Utley wrote:

I can whole-heartedly recommend Ubuntu or Fedora.  I don't personally
like debian, because to get anything remotely up to date, you have to
get into their testing or unstable repos, but Ubuntu and Fedora are
both kept quite up to date.  Fedora devs also put their foot down
against anything "non-free" going into their repos - however yum repos
like Livna fill that need.

I myself use mostly Fedora here, anymore - I usually keep an Ubuntu
installation around tho.


On 11/6/06, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Steve Friis wrote:

> I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other
> than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly
> in the black either.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Jeremy Utley

I can whole-heartedly recommend Ubuntu or Fedora.  I don't personally
like debian, because to get anything remotely up to date, you have to
get into their testing or unstable repos, but Ubuntu and Fedora are
both kept quite up to date.  Fedora devs also put their foot down
against anything "non-free" going into their repos - however yum repos
like Livna fill that need.

I myself use mostly Fedora here, anymore - I usually keep an Ubuntu
installation around tho.


On 11/6/06, Curt, WE7U <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Steve Friis wrote:

> I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other
> than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly
> in the black either.

If I have to, I'll probably switch to something Debian-based next.
If I don't have to switch anytime soon though, I won't.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Steve Friis wrote:

> I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other
> than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly
> in the black either.

If I have to, I'll probably switch to something Debian-based next.
If I don't have to switch anytime soon though, I won't.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Steve Friis
I know, scary isn't it? Here I just get interested in something other 
than Micro$ and it is in jeopardy? I use Fedora, but it is not exactly 
in the black either.


You mean like this?

I still haven't figured out what I think of it.  Well, the emotions
are strong, I just don't know how to express them yet.

--Curt, running several OpenSUSE 10.0 instances.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Mon, 6 Nov 2006, Jay Hurt wrote:

> Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not worth
> the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with
> everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".  Sure
> is nice to see Novell still has their act together!

You mean like this?

I still haven't figured out what I think of it.  Well, the emotions
are strong, I just don't know how to express them yet.

--Curt, running several OpenSUSE 10.0 instances.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Jay Hurt

OK, thanks Tom I'll try a newer version and see if that takes care of it.
73 de N0XVB

"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your 
pocket and then giving Fido only two of them."  Phil Pastoret

Hardware, n:  the parts of a computer system that can be repaired with a 

From: Tom Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 05:56:46 -0700

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 05:53:55AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 05:50:07AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> > Hi all, I was going to add a screenshot of the timing sliders to the 

> > but it does not accept uploaded images.  Chuck, can I email you the
> > screenshot to be included, filesize is 64124 bytes?  I have created 

> > page:
> >
> >
> >
> > Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not 

> > the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with
> > everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".
> > Sure is nice to see Novell still has their act together!  I finally 
> > my "Character \260 not supported in font" error, I added the fix to 
the end

> > of the Notes:OpenSuse 10.x section.
> >
> > Last but not least, has anyone attempted to compile and install gdal 
> > source?  I have 1.3.0 which was stable under Slackware 10.x but 
> > errors under Suse.  Here is one of the errors, make generates dozens 

> > these:
> >
> > /usr/include/geos/geom.h:416: error: extra qualification 

> > on member 'compareTo'
> Try 1.3.2 --- these C++ errors are due to gcc 4.x being much more strict
> about C++ syntax than older versions.  The syntax problems have been 

> since 1.3.1.

But I see now that it's your version of GEOS generating the errors.  Can't 

you there.  You might try updating that before trying a more recent GDAL.
You will need a more recent GDAL than 1.3.0, but that won't help if you 

have a version of GEOS installed that has headers that won't compile with
your compiler.

Tom RussoKM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get 

 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick

Use your PC to make calls at very low rates

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Tom Russo
On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 05:53:55AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 05:50:07AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
> collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> > Hi all, I was going to add a screenshot of the timing sliders to the wiki, 
> > but it does not accept uploaded images.  Chuck, can I email you the 
> > screenshot to be included, filesize is 64124 bytes?  I have created the 
> > page:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not worth 
> > the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with 
> > everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".  
> > Sure is nice to see Novell still has their act together!  I finally fixed 
> > my "Character \260 not supported in font" error, I added the fix to the end 
> > of the Notes:OpenSuse 10.x section.
> > 
> > Last but not least, has anyone attempted to compile and install gdal from 
> > source?  I have 1.3.0 which was stable under Slackware 10.x but generates 
> > errors under Suse.  Here is one of the errors, make generates dozens of 
> > these:
> > 
> > /usr/include/geos/geom.h:416: error: extra qualification 'geos::Coordinate' 
> > on member 'compareTo'
> Try 1.3.2 --- these C++ errors are due to gcc 4.x being much more strict 
> about C++ syntax than older versions.  The syntax problems have been fixed
> since 1.3.1.  

But I see now that it's your version of GEOS generating the errors.  Can't help
you there.  You might try updating that before trying a more recent GDAL.
You will need a more recent GDAL than 1.3.0, but that won't help if you still
have a version of GEOS installed that has headers that won't compile with
your compiler.

Tom RussoKM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Tom Russo
On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 05:50:07AM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> Hi all, I was going to add a screenshot of the timing sliders to the wiki, 
> but it does not accept uploaded images.  Chuck, can I email you the 
> screenshot to be included, filesize is 64124 bytes?  I have created the 
> page:
> Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not worth 
> the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with 
> everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".  
> Sure is nice to see Novell still has their act together!  I finally fixed 
> my "Character \260 not supported in font" error, I added the fix to the end 
> of the Notes:OpenSuse 10.x section.
> Last but not least, has anyone attempted to compile and install gdal from 
> source?  I have 1.3.0 which was stable under Slackware 10.x but generates 
> errors under Suse.  Here is one of the errors, make generates dozens of 
> these:
> /usr/include/geos/geom.h:416: error: extra qualification 'geos::Coordinate' 
> on member 'compareTo'

Try 1.3.2 --- these C++ errors are due to gcc 4.x being much more strict 
about C++ syntax than older versions.  The syntax problems have been fixed
since 1.3.1.  

Tom RussoKM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-06 Thread Jay Hurt
Hi all, I was going to add a screenshot of the timing sliders to the wiki, 
but it does not accept uploaded images.  Chuck, can I email you the 
screenshot to be included, filesize is 64124 bytes?  I have created the 

Also, I acquired a "new" laptop and found that Slack config was not worth 
the hassle right now.  I grabbed SuSE 10.1 and have it installed (with 
everything auto-configured!!) and running fine right "out of the box".  Sure 
is nice to see Novell still has their act together!  I finally fixed my 
"Character \260 not supported in font" error, I added the fix to the end of 
the Notes:OpenSuse 10.x section.

Last but not least, has anyone attempted to compile and install gdal from 
source?  I have 1.3.0 which was stable under Slackware 10.x but generates 
errors under Suse.  Here is one of the errors, make generates dozens of 

/usr/include/geos/geom.h:416: error: extra qualification 'geos::Coordinate' 
on member 'compareTo'



"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your 
pocket and then giving Fido only two of them."  Phil Pastoret

Hardware, n:  the parts of a computer system that can be repaired with a 

Add a Yahoo! contact to Windows Live Messenger for a chance to win a free 

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-02 Thread Jason Winningham

On Nov 2, 2006, at 2:34 PM, Darryl Gibson wrote:

Of course there was one screw up. When I registered, I ended up  
with the user name N2diy, when I intended to use n2diy. I didn't  
see a way to change that?

Not exactly a screwup but a design decision that I don't particularly  
care for.  Most wiki software requires than pretty much everything  
(user, filename, directory, link, etc) be a WikiWord - a word or  
phrase in mixed case.

I'm a bit surprised you were allowed to use a word with only one  
uppercase letter; one is usually forced to resort to things like  
Kg4Wsv or Kg4wsV to meet a "more than one capital letter" requirement.


Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-02 Thread Darryl Gibson

Curt, WE7U wrote:

Go ahead and make that change to the Wiki, it sounds like a good one
to me.  Small tweaks like that over time really help out the docs.

Done, never edited a Wiki before, that was fun.

Of course there was one screw up. When I registered, I ended up with the 
user name N2diy, when I intended to use n2diy. I didn't see a way to 
change that?

Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

“Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the 
distinction of a free man from a slave.”   --  Andrew Fletcher, A 
Discourse of Government with relation to Militias (1698)

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-02 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Wed, 1 Nov 2006, Darryl Gibson wrote:

> I followed the directions in the Wiki, and as the check out was in
> progress, I continued reading. That is when I realized I could have
> selected the stable or release versions.
> Perhaps a note could be added to the beginning of that section,
> indicating three check out options follow?

Go ahead and make that change to the Wiki, it sounds like a good one
to me.  Small tweaks like that over time really help out the docs.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-02 Thread Curt, WE7U
On Wed, 1 Nov 2006, Darryl Gibson wrote:

> I fetched the latest CVS tonight, and had one surprise.
> I think I ended up with the bleeding edge version?
> I followed the directions in the Wiki, and as the check out was in
> progress, I continued reading. That is when I realized I could have
> selected the stable or release versions.
> Perhaps a note could be added to the beginning of that section,
> indicating three check out options follow?

Sounds like a good idea.

BTW:  I plan to do the full release today.  Didn't find time
yesterday to do it.  This means that the "bleeding edge" stuff isn't
bleeding very much right now and is a reasonable option for you.
The release today will be the exact same code.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons:
"Lotto:A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Xastir Wiki

2006-11-01 Thread Darryl Gibson

Hi Gang,

I fetched the latest CVS tonight, and had one surprise.

I think I ended up with the bleeding edge version?

I followed the directions in the Wiki, and as the check out was in 
progress, I continued reading. That is when I realized I could have 
selected the stable or release versions.

Perhaps a note could be added to the beginning of that section, 
indicating three check out options follow?

Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

“Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the 
distinction of a free man from a slave.”   --  Andrew Fletcher, A 
Discourse of Government with relation to Militias (1698)

Xastir mailing list