Re: [XeTeX] Problem using bidi with hyperref and amsart

2011-09-25 Thread Ari Meir Brodsky
Thank you so much for the fix.  MiKTeX does not have it yet but I copied the
file changes from your source on dante and it works fine.
I'm sorry if my choice of words was inappropriate.  I very much appreciate
all the work you've put into developing, maintaining, and updating this

Ari M. Brodsky

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of VAFA
Sent: 23.Sep.2011 4:45 AM
To: Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms
Subject: Re: [XeTeX] Problem using bidi with hyperref and amsart

version 1.1.3 of bidi is now on

It fixes this bug and should be in the next TeXLive update.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:27 AM, VAFA KHALIGHI  wrote:

This is a bug of bidi package however I do not think "claim" is a polite
word. I fix it today and upload the new version to CTAN. 

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:49 PM, Ari Meir Brodsky 


I've been using LaTeX to typeset math for years, but just recently I decided
to upgrade to XeLaTeX in order to include Hebrew.  I've come across the
following problem.  Chapter 2 of the bidi package document (version 1.3.0,
page 15) claims that the bidi package supports the hyperref package as well
as the amsart class.  However, when I use all three together --- amsart,
hyperref, bidi --- the XeTeX engine goes into an infinite loop at the
\makefile command, and exceeds the input stack size capacity.  Here is a
small example:

% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
% !TeX program = xelatex
% test_bidi_hyperref.tex
\title{This is a test file}
\author{Ari Meir Brodsky}

Hi, this is just a test.

Some (hopefully relevant) excerpted lines from the log file are:

This is XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-0.9997.5 (MiKTeX 2.9) (preloaded
format=xelatex 2011.9.20)
entering extended mode

LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Document Class: amsart 2009/07/02 v2.20.1
Package: hyperref 2011/08/19 v6.82h Hypertext links for LaTeX
Package hyperref Message: Driver (autodetected): hxetex.
File: hxetex.def 2011/08/19 v6.82h Hyperref driver for XeTeX
Package: bidi 2011/10/01 v1.3.0 Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and
File: xetex-bidi.def 2011/07/25 v0.9 bidi adaptations for XeTeX engine
File: amsart-xetex-bidi.def 2011/08/26 v0.6 bidi adaptations for amsart
class for XeTeX engine
File: amsthm-xetex-bidi.def 2010/07/25 v0.1 bidi adaptations for amsthm
package for XeTeX engine
File: hyperref-xetex-bidi.def 2010/07/25 v0.4 bidi adaptations for hyperref
package for XeTeX engine
File: umsa.fd 2009/06/22 v3.00 AMS symbols A
File: umsb.fd 2009/06/22 v3.00 AMS symbols B
Package: nameref 2010/04/30 v2.40 Cross-referencing by name of section

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\@ifnextchar #1#2#3->\let \reserved@d =#1
\def \reserved@a {#2}\def

If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 7077 strings out of 429156
 96081 string characters out of 3168943
 193729 words of memory out of 300
 10145 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+20
 7385 words of font info for 29 fonts, out of 300 for 9000
 947 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
 5000i,3n,26p,313b,130s stack positions out of
No pages of output.


Any ideas how to fix this?


Ari M. Brodsky

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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Javier Bezos

El 25/09/2011 12:08, Zdenek Wagner escribió:

I could use babel with XeLaTeX without any modification. The problem
is that in non-unicode babel a lot of things is implemented via active
characters. Thus if you use czech or slovak option, \cline ceases to
work. If you use slovak or latin option, accent \^ is no longer

The main task is a proper mapping from the LICR to Unicode.

There are a lot of other tricky clashes that can break
multilingual documents where parts are written by different authors.
One journal had a problem with English + French + Chinese + Arabic + a
lof of math and linguistic diagrams. It took me almost a week to solve
all these problems and typeset all what the authors wished.

Well, imagine yo can do it out of the box.


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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Ulrike Fischer
Am Sun, 25 Sep 2011 12:08:33 +0200 schrieb Zdenek Wagner:

>> On the other hand, I intend to provide a XeTeX back-end for babel
>> in short. I've made some tests and I was able to typeset a document
>> in Russian with babel and a few additional macros. I presume I'll
>> start working by November.

> I could use babel with XeLaTeX without any modification.

Well it depends a lot on the language. There is no problem with
german, but e.g. the babel-ldf for russian contains font encoding
changes absolutly unsuitable for xelatex. The main feature of
polyglossia is that is adapts/adds more or less xetex-sensible
commands to switch fonts when switching to another language which
uses another script.

Ulrike Fischer 

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Re: [XeTeX] Strange behaviour xelatex/fontspec/Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Ulrike Fischer
Am Sat, 24 Sep 2011 21:20:22 +0200 schrieb

> Hi All,
> When using xelatex and fontspec (from updated TeXLive 2011)
> and specifying font by file name under Windows,
> The font cannot be loaded and a strange error message
> saying the name contains a blank is displayed.

> If the font is installed in the Windows font directory,
> the document can be typesetted.

You will have to track down the fontconfig configuration files. As
windows doesn't have a system wide fontconfig, TeXlive must (like
miktex) bring a fontconfig with it along with configuration files.
Miktex uses fonts.conf, localfonts.conf and localfonts2.conf - the
last can be used for user additions. 

Perhaps the documentation for unix can help you to find out how to
configure fontconfig for texlive on windows:

> This problem does not arise with LuaLatex 

Luatex (luaotfload) use another method to find fonts.
Ulrike Fischer 

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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Zdenek Wagner
2011/9/25 Javier Bezos :
>> I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
>> no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
>> to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
>> the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
>> learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
>> cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
>> developers in January 2012.
> On the other hand, I intend to provide a XeTeX back-end for babel
> in short. I've made some tests and I was able to typeset a document
> in Russian with babel and a few additional macros. I presume I'll
> start working by November.
> Not that I like babel, but it's what most users want and what most
> TUGs support.
I could use babel with XeLaTeX without any modification. The problem
is that in non-unicode babel a lot of things is implemented via active
characters. Thus if you use czech or slovak option, \cline ceases to
work. If you use slovak or latin option, accent \^ is no longer
available. There are a lot of other tricky clashes that can break
multilingual documents where parts are written by different authors.
One journal had a problem with English + French + Chinese + Arabic + a
lof of math and linguistic diagrams. It took me almost a week to solve
all these problems and typeset all what the authors wished.

> Javier
> -
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Zdeněk Wagner

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Javier Bezos

I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
developers in January 2012.

On the other hand, I intend to provide a XeTeX back-end for babel
in short. I've made some tests and I was able to typeset a document
in Russian with babel and a few additional macros. I presume I'll
start working by November.

Not that I like babel, but it's what most users want and what most
TUGs support.


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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Zdenek Wagner
2011/9/25  :
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 09:11:55AM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
>> 2011/9/25 Mojca Miklavec :
>> > On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 22:55, Alan Munn wrote:
>> >> On Sep 24, 2011, at 3:34 PM, wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hi All,
>> >>>    When typesetting documents in french with polyglossia,
>> >>> a space is added before double punctuation signs (like !:?...).
>> >>>
>> >>> This is normal in french typography used in France. However,
>> >>> here in Switzerland, it is more usual to not use this
>> >>> extra space.
>> > /.../
>> >> There's a command \nofrench@punctuation which turns off all the French 
>> >> related punctuation.
>> > /.../
>> >> So to selectively turn off the special spacing for particular characters, 
>> >> redefine this command by commenting out the lines that correspond to 
>> >> spacing that you wish to keep, and then issue the command to turn of the 
>> >> uncommented ones.
>> >
>> > I don't know anything about French in Switzerland, but if such a usage
>> > is common, it makes more sense to add an option to Polyglossia to
>> > switch French spacing off with a package option/language-specific
>> > setting instead of resorting to low level commands.
>> >
>> I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
>> no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
>> to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
>> the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
>> learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
>> cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
>> developers in January 2012.
> Hi All,
>     Thanks for replying me with these ideas. I could perhaps
> do a part of the work since I will have a certain amount of time
> until the end of year.
> As far as I know, GIT is not very different from CVS/Subversion
> (the joke about Git is that it is the answer to the question:"who is the boss 
> ?").
> Where the CVS/Subversion repository should be located ?  For me, the choice of
> a source control system is not a big problem: I can work with all the three.
I have an account on Sarovar and an old account on SourceForge (I hope
I still remember the password). The Velthuis Devanagari project is on
CVS (for years) but now I prefer subversion (I use it for private
projects where I am the only developer).

> I think effectively, that an option to the package could be a nice solution,
> since it is possible that other differences occur. For instance the wording
> could be sometimes different from the french spoken in France
> (like the difference between American an British english).
> What does imply to add an option "romand" (the french speaking part of
> of Switzerland is often called "Romandie") to polyglossia. Should I clone
> the Git repository, do the modifications and hope they will be integrated
> in the main stream ?
> best regards,
> Alain
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Zdeněk Wagner

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Re: [XeTeX] Strange behaviour xelatex/fontspec/Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Peter Dyballa

Am 25.09.2011 um 10:55 schrieb

> Is this solution possible under Windows ? How to implement it ?

I prefer not to use MS Windows privately. (The setup for fontconfig is 
documented, some .CNF files already exist in the distribution.)

  Pete   o__o |__o   recumbo
___o/I   -\<, |o \  -\),-%   ergo sum!
___/\ /\___./ \___...O/ O.`-O-'-()--o_

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Re: [XeTeX] Strange behaviour xelatex/fontspec/Windows

2011-09-25 Thread rhino64
Thanks for repying me.

Yes I would prefer not to install GFS Didot in the font 
directory of Windows and thus not to use the font service 
for this font.

The reason behind that is that I want to build a portable
distribution to be runnable from an USB key.
This key should be usable on a machine where the user
has not the possibility to modify the system (disk C on Windows).

Specifying the font path to load the font is not very convenient,
since the path will change (at least the letter associated with
the USB key can be different on each machine). I don't know
how to specify relative paths on a portable way?

It seems that the "fontconfig" package is running on Windows.
I have seen that the binaries (fc-list, fc-cache etc) 
of fontconfig package are present.

One solution would be perhaps to modify the configuration
of "fontconfig" to use the fonts located in the texlive
directory (like I have done for the Unix system).

Is this solution possible under Windows ? How to implement it ?

best regards,


On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 10:00:21AM +0200, Peter Dyballa wrote:
> Am 24.09.2011 um 21:20 schrieb
> >   \fontspec[%
> >Extension=.otf,
> >UprightFont = *,
> >BoldFont=*Bold,
> >ItalicFont=*Italic,
> >BoldItalicFont=*BoldItalic]{GFSDidot}
> With XeTeX you certainly don't need this block.
> I could get your result only then when I remove GFS Didot from the font 
> service, so I presume that you did not configure your font services to 
> provide this font family.
> XeTeX can load a font directly from the disk when you also describe the path 
> to the font file. Otherwise it uses a font service. If some MS Windows 
> (office) programme can use GFS Didot, then it's likely that it's in the font 
> service and can be accessed by XeTeX and xdvipdfmx.
> --
> Greetings
>   Pete
> Let's face it; we don't want a free market economy either.
>   – James Farley, president, Coca-Cola Export Corp., 1959
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

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Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread rhino64
On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 09:11:55AM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> 2011/9/25 Mojca Miklavec :
> > On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 22:55, Alan Munn wrote:
> >> On Sep 24, 2011, at 3:34 PM, wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi All,
> >>>    When typesetting documents in french with polyglossia,
> >>> a space is added before double punctuation signs (like !:?...).
> >>>
> >>> This is normal in french typography used in France. However,
> >>> here in Switzerland, it is more usual to not use this
> >>> extra space.
> > /.../
> >> There's a command \nofrench@punctuation which turns off all the French 
> >> related punctuation.
> > /.../
> >> So to selectively turn off the special spacing for particular characters, 
> >> redefine this command by commenting out the lines that correspond to 
> >> spacing that you wish to keep, and then issue the command to turn of the 
> >> uncommented ones.
> >
> > I don't know anything about French in Switzerland, but if such a usage
> > is common, it makes more sense to add an option to Polyglossia to
> > switch French spacing off with a package option/language-specific
> > setting instead of resorting to low level commands.
> >
> I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
> no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
> to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
> the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
> learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
> cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
> developers in January 2012.
Hi All,
 Thanks for replying me with these ideas. I could perhaps
do a part of the work since I will have a certain amount of time
until the end of year.

As far as I know, GIT is not very different from CVS/Subversion
(the joke about Git is that it is the answer to the question:"who is the boss 
Where the CVS/Subversion repository should be located ?  For me, the choice of 
a source control system is not a big problem: I can work with all the three.

I think effectively, that an option to the package could be a nice solution,
since it is possible that other differences occur. For instance the wording
could be sometimes different from the french spoken in France
(like the difference between American an British english).

What does imply to add an option "romand" (the french speaking part of
of Switzerland is often called "Romandie") to polyglossia. Should I clone
the Git repository, do the modifications and hope they will be integrated
in the main stream ?

best regards,


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Re: [XeTeX] Strange behaviour xelatex/fontspec/Windows

2011-09-25 Thread Peter Dyballa

Am 24.09.2011 um 21:20 schrieb

>   \fontspec[%
>UprightFont = *,

With XeTeX you certainly don't need this block.

I could get your result only then when I remove GFS Didot from the font 
service, so I presume that you did not configure your font services to provide 
this font family.

XeTeX can load a font directly from the disk when you also describe the path to 
the font file. Otherwise it uses a font service. If some MS Windows (office) 
programme can use GFS Didot, then it's likely that it's in the font service and 
can be accessed by XeTeX and xdvipdfmx.



Let's face it; we don't want a free market economy either.
– James Farley, president, Coca-Cola Export Corp., 1959

Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Re: [XeTeX] polyglossia and french

2011-09-25 Thread Zdenek Wagner
2011/9/25 Mojca Miklavec :
> On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 22:55, Alan Munn wrote:
>> On Sep 24, 2011, at 3:34 PM, wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>>    When typesetting documents in french with polyglossia,
>>> a space is added before double punctuation signs (like !:?...).
>>> This is normal in french typography used in France. However,
>>> here in Switzerland, it is more usual to not use this
>>> extra space.
> /.../
>> There's a command \nofrench@punctuation which turns off all the French 
>> related punctuation.
> /.../
>> So to selectively turn off the special spacing for particular characters, 
>> redefine this command by commenting out the lines that correspond to spacing 
>> that you wish to keep, and then issue the command to turn of the uncommented 
>> ones.
> I don't know anything about French in Switzerland, but if such a usage
> is common, it makes more sense to add an option to Polyglossia to
> switch French spacing off with a package option/language-specific
> setting instead of resorting to low level commands.
I have received a private mail from François Charette saying that he
no longer has time to maintain polyglossia and he offered the package
to others to become maintainers. I myself will not have any time tilll
the end of this year and moreover do not know git and have no time to
learn it. If someone is able to clone it, migrate it to subversion (or
cvs) and become a new maintainer, i will actively join the team of
developers in January 2012.

> Mojca
> --
> Subscriptions, Archive, and List information, etc.:

Zdeněk Wagner

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