[XFree86] howto setup mouse buttons and keyboard?

2003-06-12 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT

I've looked around the net for a good how-to, but can't seem to find what
I'm looking for. I have a logitech trackball with about 6 buttons and a
scrollwheel, and I would like to configure them all. Can anyone point me
to a good doc or example on how to map all these buttons?

Also, I have at home a logitech wireless elite, which has the volume
control, www, mail, etc. buttons, play stop and all those. I would also
like to map those.

Both of these are ps/2 devices running on Slackware 8.1 using Xfree86 4.2
and Gnome/Sawfish.

Any help you can provide would be great!



XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] keyboards with special keys

2003-06-16 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT
Hey everyone,

I'm looking for information on howto setup/configure a keyboard (namely a
logitech elite w/ volume, www, mail, etc. buttons) to use under X. It uses
a standard PS/2 port, so I would imagine it should be possible. I just
want to be able to setup each key to do whatever I like.

I'm more looking for a how-to with some detailed examples. Maybe this
would also have some information for mouse buttons as well?

Thank you,


XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] wrong list?

2003-06-17 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT

I'm wondering, do I have the wrong list to ask questions? I've posted
twice looking for pointers to help setting up mouse buttons and special
keyboard keys, both with no responses. I've seen many other questions
answered, and since it seems like this is the main xfree86 list, I thought
it would be the place to find answers.

If you can direct me to somehwere I *can* find answers, please let me
know. I have in fact S'd TFW with no luck.

Thanks in advance,


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] wrong list?

2003-06-17 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT

Thanks for the reply.

> You're wrong. It's the correct place to ask your question. Most if not all
> people here are volunteers. If they can't help (no time, no answer), don't
> blame them. Maybe someone will answer you in a short time. Maybe the
> knowledgeable people missed your posts, are on vacancy, have their own life
> to go on with (hopefuly they have! ;-) )... Maybe no one as the answer...

I do understand that everyone here volunteers their time. I'm on a number
of mailing lists such as this, and I think I have a pretty good feel for
how they work and I also volunteer a lot of my time answering as well.
But, this is also a community effort. Xfree has to be one of the biggest
parts of using linux other than the kernel. Being such, I was expecting
more traffic and therefore more information. Personally, I think the xfree
site should have more information about configuring mice/keyboards with an
explanation on how to expand it for each button/key.

I apologize if my expectations were too high. To be perfectly honest, it
seemed a very simple question with probably a very simple answer, just
that I couldn't find it. If this were a branched-ff list I would expect
few/no responses, but supposedly being the *main* list, I couldn't see any
reason to not have half a dozen replies either saying "heres how to do it"
or "heres a url that explains it".

I see there is an average of about 40+ messages a day (since I subscribed
anyway), which is a fairly high-traffic list.

I guess I am really curious now, is setting up extra mouse buttons and
special keyboard keys such a rare occurence that the majority of people on
this list have no idea how to do it, nor where to find out?

Please don't take me the wrong way here, as I don't mean to sound
unappreciative or disrespectful. It's just that it is very frustrating
when after looking everywhere else, you come to the one place that you
just *know* has the answer, and end up feeling ignored. It's a very rare
occasion that I've had this happen on other lists, even with odd and tough

> Try 'xev' to check for scancodes if they make some (some PCs have buttons that
> are handled by the BIOS/whatever, and do not have scancode associated).

I was able to get the scancodes, but my biggest issue is where to tell it
"scancode 226 will do this" and "mouse button 4 will do this".

> Try: "man setxkbmap", maybe that will help (this is a wild guess, I know
> almost nothing regarding KB & Mice in XFree).

I just took a look at that, seems more to simple change the layout, but
not set specific keys.

> Also, Google for "xfree86 keyboard special buttons" and skip the first three
> match, they are 'dead'. Digging into third match gives a ML archive:
> http://mailman.linux-thinkpad.org/pipermail/linux-thinkpad/2002-June/thread.html
> Look for "Grey volume buttons".
> The fourth match looks quite interesting...

The archived thread looked right at first, but turned out there was no
discussion pertaining to what I needed.

However, that google search turned up a few things that will point me in
the right direction. I had done some searching for something other than
that, but I can't remember what. However they didn't turn up what I

Thank you for the reply and all the information. It is very much


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] wrong list?

2003-06-18 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT
On Tue, 17 Jun 2003, Bob Lockie wrote:
> I missed your question.
> You want to set up short-cut keys?
> That is configurable by your window manager so see the documentation for
> that.

Yes, but they aren't recognized when I try to "grab" them (the special
keys- volume, etc). Which I guess is where all the stuff with scancodes,
etc comes in.



XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] good dual-head + 3d card?

2003-07-17 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT

I'm looking for a good dual-head card with good 3d support to use with
xinerama. I was thinking about one of the MSI cards that has dual-head
(geforce4) that is a good price, around $120. Does anyone have any
experience here? I need something $160 or less. I know the Radeon seems to
be popular, but I've never been an ATI fan.

Any suggestions, information, etc would be great!



XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] forgot- geforcefx

2003-07-17 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT
Sorry, I forgot to ask, what is the compatibility like with the GeForceFX
cards? Dual-head compatibility?



XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Logitech Cordless Optical Trackman -- Orientation isall whacked, how to adjust?

2003-07-28 Thread Bryan Koschmann - GKT
I have and use this. I'm assuming its the silver and black with the 3
thumb buttons, scrollwheel, and button on side of ball?

I've noticed this model is off by about 30 degrees. Not sure why they did
it that way, but it definately took some getting used to.

This isn't a problem at all with X.


On Sun, 27 Jul 2003, Tom von Schwerdtner wrote:

> Greetings,
> I just replaced my 1st generation Trackman with the latest newfangled
> model from Logitech (what use is a cordless trackball?).  For whatever
> reason, the orientation (X/Y motion) is off by about 45 degrees.
> Meaning, that when I feel the mouse should be moving on a north/south
> line, it is moving on a northwest/southeast line.  I've googled around
> and while I can find references to this problem, I cannot find any
> mention of a way to adjust it under *nix.  I figure the XF86Config
> InputDevice section is the place to toss some Options to fix this, but I
> can't find anything about adjusting the trackball orientation...
> Any suggestions?
> Best Regards,
> Tom

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