[XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-15 Thread Greg Julius
I have been having a ton of problems with my RH 8.0 associated with my i845 
chipset on my motherboard.

I have put in the 4.2.20 kernel - just fine now.  I installed the XFree86 binaries and things stopped.

I just did a XFree86 -configure and put the resulting configuration file in 
/etc/X11/XF86Config.  I restarted the system.  I did a startx.  Nothing but 
blank screen.  Edited the config file and replaced the i810 driver with 
vesa.  restarted the system again.  I did a startx.  This time I got 
something.  I'm not sure what it was, but it wasn't my pretty interface 
before the binary install.  It a "desktop" for lack of a better term.  It 
had a clock (hard to read, but analog format).  It had two terminal windows 
with dark backgrounds and one terminal window with a light 
background.  exiting the light one exits everything.

1) How do I get my pretty interface back (GNOME)?  I tried switchdesk 
GNOME, but I got the same stuff.

2) Must I always reboot after I stop a startx?  If I don't I just get a 
blank screen.

Please help!  Any answer to any of these questions will be welcome.

To Do:  Get GNOME back.  Get startx to restart without a reboot.  Get 
correct drivers in place.

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Ping

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

I'm sorry to litter the inbox with something like this, but I haven't been 
getting a response to my message (others yes, but not mine).  So, if a 
couple of you would simply reply to this message I'll get an idea if 
something isn't working.  I checked my options and I think I have them 
right.  I just turned on receive posts I send and positive acknowledgment 
just to see.


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Ping

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius
Peter, thanks for the Ping reply.  At least I know the stuff is getting 
there.  That was the purpose of this message.

I will re-send the original message now that I know stuff is working.

It will be titled startx problems.


At 01:18 PM 1/16/03, you wrote:
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Greg Julius wrote:

> I'm sorry to litter the inbox with something like this, but I haven't been
> getting a response to my message (others yes, but not mine).  So, if a

And your message was?

(it probably has been deleted from more inboxes than mine so a reminder
with no clues/hints/content like this doesn't help much)


We must give reparations to, or pay for affirmative action for, black 
by identifying and taxing the descendents of the black Africans in Africa who
captured and sold black Africans to the slave ships.

XFree86 mailing list

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius
(This is a re-send of a previous post).

I have been having a ton of problems with my RH 8.0 associated with my i845 
chipset on my motherboard.

I have put in the 4.2.20 kernel - just fine now.  I installed the XFree86 binaries and things stopped.

I just did a XFree86 -configure and put the resulting configuration file in 
/etc/X11/XF86Config.  I restarted the system.  I did a startx.  Nothing but 
blank screen.  Edited the config file and replaced the i810 driver with 
vesa.  restarted the system again.  I did a startx.  This time I got 
something.  I'm not sure what it was, but it wasn't my pretty interface 
before the binary install.  It a "desktop" for lack of a better term.  It 
had a clock (hard to read, but analog format).  It had two terminal windows 
with dark backgrounds and one terminal window with a light 
background.  exiting the light one exits everything.

1) How do I get my pretty interface back (GNOME)?  I tried switchdesk 
GNOME, but I got the same stuff.

2) Must I always reboot after I stop a startx?  If I don't I just get a 
blank screen.

Please help!  Any answer to any of these questions will be welcome.

To Do:  Get GNOME back.  Get startx to restart without a reboot.  Get 
correct drivers in place.

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

Peter, Alexander,  thank you for replies.
I will try as best I can with answers.
Ok, now I recognize it. 
Aren't you  being just a little bit impatient? ;)
Remember that you are not a customer (of us) nor are the others on
list your help desk.  We are just people who either use or
XFree86, many as unpaid volunteers.
I bought this system 12/24 and have never had X work properly.  Yes,
I am a bit (understatement) frustrated.  I am sorry if it appears to
be impatience.  These lists (here and others) have been providing
valuable information and I appreciate all of the volunteer work that is
taking place.  I guess its just my frustration getting out of hand
(someone said 30% of learning Linux is learning new ways to
> I have put in the 4.2.20
kernel - just fine now.  I installed the XFree86
Yes, kernel, but I goofed with the #  it is 2.4.20. 
Sorry,  The first instructions I received indicated I needed the
2.4.20 kernel so I started down that line.  See

> binaries and things stopped.
> I just did a XFree86 -configure and put the resulting configuration file in
> /etc/X11/XF86Config.  I restarted the system.  I did a startx.  Nothing but
> blank screen.  Edited the config file and replaced the i810 driver with
> vesa.  restarted the system again.  I did a startx.  This time I got
ok, so the driver didn't actually work :(
Yeah, but I don't know why.  I figure I pursue that one after I get my Gnome back and get the startx restarting problem solved.
I was hoping the kernel and the binaries would solve the restart problem.  No luck so far.
I'll take any hints in the meantime however.

what is the contents of your .xinitrc file?  Mine just says:
exec gnome-session
I don't have an .xinitrc file.  (at least ' find . | grep xinitrc ' from / doesn't find it)
I do have a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file and it has a lot of stuff in it.  it does end with:

# start some nice programs

twm &
xclock -geometry ... &
xterm -geometry ... &
xterm -geometry ... &
exec xterm -geometry  -name login

Which I guess is the window manager.  What should I have and where should I have it?

> 2) Must I always reboot after I stop a startx?  If I don't I just get a
> blank screen.
No, you shouldn't need to.  You don't describe above that you need to.
Can you say more about this?
(Curses for thirty minutes before realizing you must have meant a description of what happens, not how I feel :)
Before the kernel and binaries (and since also).  I can only startx one time.  To get anything at all I have to use the vesa driver.  (The Anaconda graphical install had much better color and resolution qualities).
I boot to a text login.  login as root.  startx.  Do whatever.  stopx (via Ctrl-Alt-Backspace - the only way I know how).  Do anything or do nothing, cannot get another startx to give me a screen back.  What I get is a flash and a blank screen.
Below is an exact description of what happens  (I am writing this description as I do it again to make sure I get it just right):
When I startx the first time after a boot, I get a brief flash of text and then the screen goes blank accompanied with a distinct click sound, the garbled video buffer shows whatever was there, the screen blanks and then the graphical session data appears.
When I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, I get that click and the startup log text appears.  down to the line Using config file:
When I hit any of the other consoles (F2-F6) - no clicks, but the login screen for each appears.
When I hit Ctrl-Alt-F7, I get a blank screen and click together and nothing else happens.
I can do this repeatedly.
Then I Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, I get a click and the text on F1 reappears with some new messages fussing that the X connection to :0.0 broken and some more as the xterms, login, xinit come crashing down and then waiting for X server to shut down.  I switch over to console F2, login and do a   ps -ef | grep 'x'  (with both upper and lowercase x) and only xfs -droppriv -daemon appears (well, klogd -x and xinitd also, but...).
When I startx again (from console F1), I get a flash with a bit of color and the click and end up with a blank screen.  Going back to console F1 doesn't show any error messages.
If I look at the log, I don't get any EE messages, and only (WW) VESA(0): Bad V_Bios checksum  (I seem to get it twice however).  Lots of -- ** II and == stuff.
Well, that's what happens.  Any Ideas, hints, pointers, things to try?
I appreciate y'all helping me with this,

Re: [XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

Thanks again Peter, here are the responses,

Tsk, tsk.  Kids these
days.  You are *sooo* lucky.  We had to program by
moving magnets back and forth over the floppy disk.
You had floppys?  I thought it was done with a pencil and this long
strip of paper... :)

> >what is the contents of
your .xinitrc file?  Mine just says:
> >exec gnome-session
> I don't have an .xinitrc file.  (at least ' find . | grep
xinitrc ' from /
> doesn't find it)
Then you should perhaps have one.
OK, I do now.  I got a gnome startup (higher resolution than
before).  Right clicked and asked for a new window to test browsing
and it seemed to keep starting things.  I switched over to console
F1 and I have a bunch of messages:

nautilus: relocation error: /usr/lib/libpangoft2-1.0.so.0: undefined
symbol: FT_Set_Hint_Flags
FAMOpen failed, FAMErrno=0
FAMOpen failed, FAMErrno=0
FAMOpen failed, FAMErrno=0
which just repeat.
No luck going back to F7 however.

> If I look at the log, I don't
get any EE messages, and only (WW) VESA(0):
> Bad V_Bios checksum  (I seem to get it twice however). 
Lots of -- ** II
> and == stuff.
Aha!  That's interesting, don't you think?
I think most of what I'm running into as interesting.  Informative
is another matter :D .

Can you send the whole log? 
(as attachment or inline)
There might be yet another subtle hint in there
You want me to post the config and the log to the list?  Or should I
send via private email?  Seems kinda big to send copies

Re: [XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

Here are the responses.  Possibly a few more pasted in from others
as well.

> > > I have put in the
4.2.20 kernel - just fine now.  I installed the XFree86
> Yes, kernel, but I goofed with the #  it is 2.4.20. 
Sorry,  The first
> instructions I received indicated I needed the 2.4.20 kernel so I
> down that line.  See
Where did you get it?  Compile from source or a binary package from
somewhere?  Did you get the DRI module, too?
The 2.4.20 kernel I got from Linux.org - compiled from source with gcc 3.2
The XFree I got from XFree86.org as a binary.  I have also brought the cvs tree for down yesterday so I have the source. I haven't as yet figured out how to build XFree86 and all of its parts from the source.
Did I get the DRI module?  How would I know?  What should it have been in.  I didn't download anything specific.

What does lsmod tell you before you run startx?
I have put some stuff up on my website:
lsmod:  http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/lsmodlist
XFree86.0.log:  http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/XFree86-log
XF86Config: http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/XF86Config
The config file comes from XFree86 -configure and I've only changed the driver from i810 to vesa.

About the weird blanking when switching between virtual consoles
(Ctrl-Alt-Fn), have you tried the vesafb ?  (easier to do if you compile
the kernel from source, I think)
what is vesafb?  Is this a driver?  What would I do to try it out?
Other Questions asked by others:
>Are you loading the AGP GART driver?  I'm not very familiar with Linux,
>but your symptoms sound like those that I experienced in FreeBSD before
> figured out that I had to load the AGP GART driver into my kernel at
I have the following AGP/DRM

# CONFIG_AGP_AMD_8151 is not set
# CONFIG_DRM_OLD is not set

# DRM 4.1 drivers
# CONFIG_DRM_I810_XFREE_41 is not set

I can recompile with any changes necessary easily.

>I always add the monitor's VertRefresh & HorizSync settings into
>XF86Config before doing the startx... If I don't do this, I seem to have a
>lot of problems :)
I've done this while goofing around with this problem.  Didn't help.  It's not in the current configuration.  I've tried leaving the XF86Config file pretty much as XFree86 generated it for me.
>I had all sorts of problems with the vesa driver on this chipset.   Once
> got the i810 driver to work (and the only trick to that was loading
>the AGP GART kernel module at boot) these problems disappeared.
>Also, make sure that DRI and GLX (tho, I don't know if these work with
>vesa) are loading in your config.   Also, I think there's some video
>memory allocation issues if you're using vesa...   There's some info on
>that here:
>   http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/intel845g/linux.htm
Humm, I'll have to look into that.  I have noticed some issues in the log before, but I didn't think much of them.  The log file is referenced above.  I do have a bunch of memory on the thing however.  I notice the memory spec is not mentioned in this incarnation of the config file.
OK, that's all the questions.  I'll read up on that memory thing mentioned by Scott whilst waiting for the next set of responses.
Thanks to all of you who are helping!

Re: [XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

Followup to last post:
Scott suggested an insmod on agpgart before starting X.  So I did a
modprobe agpgart as seen in another place, then lsmod to verify it was
there, then startx.  X started.  Switched to console F1
(because that nautilus thing "looped" again).  Then did a
Ctrl-Alt-F7 and it came back.  That was a first.  BUT, I
switched away again and it wouldn't come back.  Still have the same
problems.  Something must not be getting reset.
Regarding the Memory in the BIOS, I have:

AGP Aperture Size (MB)  [64]
On-Chip VGA
On-Chip Frame Buffer
Size   [8MB] 
(other option was 1 MB)
On-Chip VGA Turbo Mode  [AUTO] (other
options are Enabled and Disabled)

Here are the responses. 
Possibly a few more pasted in from others as well.

> > > I have put in the
4.2.20 kernel - just fine now.  I installed the XFree86
> Yes, kernel, but I goofed with the #  it is 2.4.20. 
Sorry,  The first
> instructions I received indicated I needed the 2.4.20 kernel so I
> down that line.  See
Where did you get it?  Compile from source or a binary package from
somewhere?  Did you get the DRI module, too?
The 2.4.20 kernel I got from Linux.org - compiled from source with gcc 3.2
The XFree I got from XFree86.org as a binary.  I have also brought the cvs tree for down yesterday so I have the source. I haven't as yet figured out how to build XFree86 and all of its parts from the source.
Did I get the DRI module?  How would I know?  What should it have been in.  I didn't download anything specific.

What does lsmod tell you before you run startx?
I have put some stuff up on my website:
lsmod:  http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/lsmodlist
XFree86.0.log:  http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/XFree86-log
XF86Config: http://www.outtacyte.com/outtacyte/ref/XF86Config
The config file comes from XFree86 -configure and I've only changed the driver from i810 to vesa.

About the weird blanking when switching between virtual consoles
(Ctrl-Alt-Fn), have you tried the vesafb ?  (easier to do if you compile
the kernel from source, I think)
what is vesafb?  Is this a driver?  What would I do to try it out?
Other Questions asked by others:
>Are you loading the AGP GART driver?  I'm not very familiar with Linux,
>but your symptoms sound like those that I experienced in FreeBSD before
> figured out that I had to load the AGP GART driver into my kernel at
I have the following AGP/DRM 

# CONFIG_AGP_AMD_8151 is not set 
# CONFIG_DRM_OLD is not set

# DRM 4.1 drivers 
# CONFIG_DRM_I810_XFREE_41 is not set 
I can recompile with any changes necessary easily.

>I always add the monitor's VertRefresh & HorizSync settings into
>XF86Config before doing the startx... If I don't do this, I seem to have a
>lot of problems :)
I've done this while goofing around with this problem.  Didn't help.  It's not in the current configuration.  I've tried leaving the XF86Config file pretty much as XFree86 generated it for me.
>I had all sorts of problems with the vesa driver on this chipset.   Once
> got the i810 driver to work (and the only trick to that was loading
>the AGP GART kernel module at boot) these problems disappeared.
>Also, make sure that DRI and GLX (tho, I don't know if these work with
>vesa) are loading in your config.   Also, I think there's some video
>memory allocation issues if you're using vesa...   There's some info on
>that here:
>   http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/intel845g/linux.htm
Humm, I'll have to look into that.  I have noticed some issues in the log before, but I didn't think much of them.  The log file is referenced above.  I do have a bunch of memory on the thing however.  I notice the memory spec is not mentioned in this incarnation of the config file.
OK, that's all the questions.  I'll read up on that memory thing mentioned by Scott whilst waiting for the next set of responses.
Thanks to all of you who are helping!

[XFree86] How do I extract the source from the cvs?

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius
Hello y'all,
I accessed the XFree86.org cvs yesterday and checked out the 
branch.  It took nearly all day yesterday to 'download'.

How do I extract the source for  Or is it already extracted and 
I've just got to do the make World &etc?  I've been poking around, but I'm 
getting confusled.  I haven't find any instructions which are simple enough 
for a dummy like me.  What I've found is either out of date (talking about 
old releases) or assumes I know more than I do.  Sigh.

Is there a document any of you would like to point me to?  Or give me the 
synopsis and then maybe I can find the rest.

Thanks for your patience and help.

I'm learning a lot real fast, but it seems so slow.

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Wrong Color in X server

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius
I seem to remember a color file some place.  RGB values were mapped into 
color names.  Perhaps that was edited.  I don't remember where I saw it and 
can't look for it at the moment.

Had a layout of
xxx yyy zzz colorname

one row per color.


At 05:33 PM 1/16/03, you wrote:
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply and willing to help.

I don't which files you need to look?? Can you give me more specific file 

The reason I suspect it is a configuration problem is because I know my 
he did modify something on X server configuration and I can't find it out.

We have some programming on decoration and redraw problem and want to try 
different windows managers and settings. Right now, the white color is 
turn into to blue. For example, if I execute "xterm -bg white -fg black", 
the background will be blue. And this situation is not only when user 
login. Even on the redhat logon window, the color is also incorrect. So I 
want to know where is the place that ,all the user including no-user, the 
system color can be changed.

But if I run it in text mode( Ctrl + Alt + F1 ), the color will be 
correct. Normally if it is hardware problem, then the color will still 
incorrect under text mode.



From: "Mike A. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [XFree86] Wrong Color in X server
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 16:49:10 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, xiao li wrote:

>I have one confiuration problem. Somehow the white color on my redhat 7.3
>was changed to blue. As long as the place should has a white coloe, right
>now it reflects blue color, evne in the redhat logon window. All the users,
>even no user the white color is display incorrectly. All the other colors
>have no problem. If I print some image out, the color is correct. So I 
>somebody change something on X server.
>Can anyone tell me how can I change it back??

Well, this is very highly unlikely to be a configuration problem
as the colors you see on screen are not something that you

What is much more likely is that you've got a bad monitor cable
perhaps, or bad video card connector.

If it is a software issue however, it is most likely hardware
specific, and probably even chip specific, in which case the
specific details of your exact video card would be required in
order to troubleshoot the problem.

Seeing your X server config file and log file would be useful to
help diagnose the problem.  Could you post them on the web

Mike A. Harris

XFree86 mailing list

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XFree86 mailing list

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] How do I extract the source from the cvs?

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius

At 05:38 PM 1/16/03, you wrote:
> I accessed the XFree86.org cvs
yesterday and checked out the
> branch.  It took nearly all day yesterday to 'download'.
You must be on an analog modem :)
> How do I extract the source for  Or is it already
extracted and
> I've just got to do the make World &etc?  I've been poking
around, but I'm
> getting confusled.  I haven't find any instructions which are
simple enough
> for a dummy like me.  What I've found is either out of date
(talking about
> old releases) or assumes I know more than I do.  Sigh.
There is no need to extract it.
If you used CVSup then the source will be in whatever directory you
specified as the prefix in the config file.
Head into that directory, then into xc
Then type "make World" and wait.
OK, I got a message that said:

Full build of Release 6.6 of the X Window System complete.

It didn't mention so it's made me a bit leary, go ahead and
do the make install?

When done, type make
Then give it a try.

Re: [XFree86] startx problems.

2003-01-16 Thread Greg Julius
Greetings Peter, et. al.,

I didn't understand 95% of what was on David Dawes page, but you (& others) 
have helped me a lot in that respect.

> >Where did you get it?  Compile from source or a binary package from
> >somewhere?  Did you get the DRI module, too?
> The 2.4.20 kernel I got from Linux.org - compiled from source with gcc 3.2


Yep, I got the kernel at kernel.org (my bad).

> Did I get the DRI module?  How would I know?  What should it have been
> in.  I didn't download anything specific.

From http://www.xfree86.org/~dawes/845driver.html :

In addition to building/installing XFree86 CVS code, a recent 2.4.x kernel
is needed. 2.4.19 or later is recommended.

This is what caused me to go after the 2.4.20 kernel.  Just got it in 
earlier this week.  Now it seems simple.
I first tried to install the XFree86 via the cvs.  Got things all tied in a 
knot and re-installed.  Later found binaries.  I am worried about them 
because they are for gcc 2.something and I've got gcc 3.2 and figure they 
may be a portion of my problem.  Mebe not, but with the way things have 
been going, I'm gunshy.  Anyway I tried to compile it and got an error on 
missing png.h.  I am working through that now.

If you want to use the DRI
support, an updated i830 DRM module is also required, and it is best to
build one from either the XFree86 or DRI source tree. To do this you will
also need your kernel source installed. Here is an example of how to
build and load the new i830 DRM module:

# cd xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/drm/kernel
# make -f Makefile.linux i830.o
# modprobe agpgart
# rmmod i830
# insmod i830.o Here is an example of how to install the new i830 DRM 
module so that
it will be loaded automatically when needed:
# mv /lib/module/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm/i830.o \
 /lib/module/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm/i830.o.save
# cp i830.o /lib/module/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/char/drm


Now I know what you meant.  Yep I had tried it, but didn't have the right 
kernel.  Then I lost the cvs tree when I had to re-install (I now have a 
otherwise unused vfat partition that linux install won't mess with that I 
store stuff on with samba).  So, no I haven't gotten there yet.  But 
close.  I will be trying that once I have XFree86 recompiled (in 
progress).  Possibly after a kernel rebuild to change some options.

> >About the weird blanking when switching between virtual consoles
> >(Ctrl-Alt-Fn), have you tried the vesafb ?  (easier to do if you compile
> >the kernel from source, I think)
> what is vesafb?  Is this a driver?  What would I do to try it out?

in the kernel source tree:  make menuconfig and find the right option.
Then make dep bzImage modules followed by make install modules_install as
root -- just your standard kernel compile.

The vesafb is another way of handling the "text-mode" console.  It
actually doesn't have to run in text mode, even for text output.  vesafb
keeps the video card in graphics mode all the time.  It was suggested in
Dawes' document:

I look into my .config file and I find CONFIG_FB_VESA=y so I guess that 
means I already have it.

I've had a report that (on Linux) if you use the vesafb console instead of
the default text-mode console, the VT switching problem can be avoided. As
Calum Mackay suggested, this is a good workaround if you're being bitten
by this problem (and if the "9 December" update doesn't fix it)."

Is there something to turn on/off?

> I have the following AGP/DRM

Load the module before you start X or change to y and recompile.  It
might work.

Will change to y.  Can I change any of the below to n?  Clearly I can't 
make the 830=y because I have to replace it with the XFree86 version.  I 
think I need the 810 stuff, but what about the other stuff?

> # CONFIG_AGP_AMD_8151 is not set
> # CONFIG_DRM_OLD is not set
> #
> # DRM 4.1 drivers
> #
> # CONFIG_DRM_I810_XFREE_41 is not set

Looks as if you build the right type of module with the kernel, but Dawes
writes that you need the module from the DRI or XFree86 source instead of
from the kernel source.

Is this stuff likely to make it into a kernel.org kernel sometime in the 
not to distant future?  (Not that I'm going to wait).

From another note:
>or rather: doesn't /quite/ answer it.  The support.html has a link to
>Dawes' page that explains how to make the 4.2.99 snapshot work but it's
>not easy t

[XFree86] Compile problems for

2003-01-17 Thread Greg Julius

I am trying to compile the XFree86, and while this is not
specifically a XFree86 problem, I need to get past it to continue with
the compile.  I'm hoping some can help me please.  I googled
and found a zillion hits, but looking at a few of them didn't tell me
anything I didn't know from the message:  the build can't find
I am apparently getting problems trying to access the zlib stuff. 
The messages are:

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `deflate'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `inflate'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `inflateInit_'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `crc32'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `deflateInit2_'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `inflateReset'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `deflateReset'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `inflateEnd'
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2/../../../libpng.so: undefined
reference to `deflateEnd'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[4]: *** [xcursorgen] Error 1
make[4]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make[4]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
/bin/sh: line 1: ../../../exports/bin/xcursorgen: No such file or

When I first compiled, it couldn't find png.h so I went and found
that.  Then it said it needed zlib so I went and found that. 
Installed zlib with no apparent errors.  Then installed libpng with
no apparent errors.  Recompiled again.  Still couldn't find
Q1:  I thought the make install was supposet to move the stuff
in.  Is my thinking broke here?
Moved png.h to /usr/local/include (and then several others as iterations
found them) and now when I compile I get the above errors.  I tried
moving the libpng.so to /usr/lib/  (actually a symbolic link). 
Still no go.
I've got a zillion zlibs on this system.  I have my source at
/usr/src/zlib-1.1.4 and symbolic link to same as /usr/src/zlib.
Q2 & 3: There is no zlib.so anywhere and I have the deflate.o (and
all the rest) where the source is.  Where should I put them?  I
see there is a deflate.c in the XFree86 cvs tree - shouldn't it be
building and using that?
(Qn)  What am I doing wrong?  (well, at least this time
:)  )
Thanks again for all of your patience and assistance.

Re: [XFree86] Compile problems for

2003-01-18 Thread Greg Julius

Still having troubles compiling.  I have investigated some more and
details are after the responses.

> When I first compiled, it
couldn't find png.h so I went and found
> that.  Then it said it needed zlib so I went and found
that.  Installed
> zlib with no apparent errors.  Then installed libpng with no
> errors.  Recompiled again.  Still couldn't find
You need the development version of the rpm, I think.
I did source installs.  The png.h was there, it just couldn't find

> Moved png.h to
/usr/local/include (and then several others as iterations
> found them) and now when I compile I get the above errors.  I
tried moving
> the libpng.so to /usr/lib/  (actually a symbolic link). 
Still no go.
The problem isn't that it can't find libpng.so -- the problem is that
can't find deflate and friends (from zlib, I think) that libpng.so
I didn't believe it was but I gave it a try anyway.  Of course it
failed again.  Then I started trying to figure out why it couldn't
find the items.

> I've got a zillion zlibs on
this system.  I have my source at
> /usr/src/zlib-1.1.4 and symbolic link to same as
It is not looking for the source to zlib, only for the lib so it 
satisfy the dependencies that libpng has.
Excuse me, I meant to imply that the object modules (from my zlib
compile) were in the same directory.  I didn't figure it meant the
source :)  See next.

> Q2 & 3: There is no
zlib.so anywhere and I have the deflate.o (and all the
> rest) where the source is.  Where should I put them?  I
see there is a
> deflate.c in the XFree86 cvs tree - shouldn't it be building and
using that?
Can you find an RPM with zlib?  Preferably a devel
The rpms that I found (libpng & zlib) were of a release before the
fix for some kind of overrun bug.  Figured to get it right while I
was at it.

> Thanks again for all of your
patience and assistance.
It's okay as long as you 1) make progress, 2) ask good questions where
don't have to guess too much 3) make an effort to look up the
before you post and 4) mostly follow instructions :)
1) I (hope I) am making progress (although it flll so
slw).  2) I figure my posts border on the verge of
tedious, but I want to give good data so I can receive good feedback
& ideas.  That's why they are sortta digests of what has
transpired.  They show what I've attempted and where I am. 
Possibly from that y'all can see what i'm doing wrong.  3) I've
spent hours after each problem trying to figure it out, but end up at an
impasse.  4) I try, sometimes even the answer/instruction is beyond
my understanding.  Sometimes I get an answer that was already
discovered/tried & mentioned later in the post.

As long as somebody does that I
don't mind helping him/her :)  -- it's
actually fun then!
I enjoy the hunt also, and the occasional victories keep me going. 
Still it's been frustrating that I haven't bagged the problem

This is what has happened since I sent my last post
The short answer is no forward progress.  Some lateral, but no
I searched the generated log for deflate et. al. and found where make
World did the xcursorgen stuff.  Captured the generated commands to
a script file so I could play with them.  The script is (gcc line
broken to make it readable in the mail)

#!/bin/sh -v
cd /usr/src/cvs/xc-
echo "Entering directory $PWD "

gcc -m32 -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing -ansi
-Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
-Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls 
-Wnested-externs -Wundef 
-I../.. -I../../exports/include   
-Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE
-c -o xcursorgen.o xcursorgen.c

rm -f xcursorgen

gcc -m32 -o xcursorgen -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing
-ansi -pedantic 
-Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
-Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls 
-Wnested-externs -Wundef 
-L../../exports/lib   xcursorgen.o -lXcursor -lXext -lX11
-lpng -lm 

I found that the first (the compile?) worked fine and the second
(the link?) is where the failure is.  This didn't tell me much at
the time, but I went searching for deflate in the log because it was one
of the problem children.  I found in the log where it did:

(typed from notes)
from directory /usr/src/cvs/xc-
remove libz.a  (an archive ar called it)
ar clq  libz.a  (created archive libz.a from my missing
objects (and more) - create, don't look for dups, quietly)
ranlib libz.a  (make an index in libz.a)
made a symbolic link xc/exports/lib/libza to the one just

All of that proceeded without errors.  So the question became
why can't the xcursorgen step find them?  I tried putting libz.a in
the same directory as the libpng.so but that didn't hel

Re: [XFree86] Compile problems for

2003-01-19 Thread Greg Julius
At 09:02 PM 1/18/03, you wrote:

On Sat, 18 Jan 2003, Greg Julius wrote:

> The more leaks I plug, the more leaks I find.
> How do I tell the make to add another library to the compile.

My compile of XFree86 just finished without a hitch -- maybe Debian is a
better build environment than Red Hat? ;)

(no, I don't believe that -- I think you should have installed -devel RPMs
instead of trying to install from source for png and zlib)

I don't believe it either.

I started completely over.  Saved off my tarballs (kernel and 
XFree86-cvstree) and various other items and did a complete reinstall.  I 
made sure that libpng and zlib were there.  Remember libpng missing is what 
started me down this road.  I installed the 2.4.20 kernel with no 
problems.  I then fired off the XFree86 make World and went to bed.  It 
finished just fine.  make install is now running.  After church I will 
check it out and give another update.

Thanks, I appreciate all y'all have done as I went down a path of learning.


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Compile problems for problems

2003-01-19 Thread Greg Julius
At 08:28 AM 1/19/03, you wrote:

On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Greg Julius wrote:

> I started completely over.  Saved off my tarballs (kernel and
> XFree86-cvstree) and various other items and did a complete reinstall.  I
> made sure that libpng and zlib were there.  Remember libpng missing is what

Just libpng and zlib is not enough.  You must have libpng-devel and
zlib-devel.  The -devel versions of packages contain the header files AND
the libraries.  The versions without -devel contain obly the libraries.

I got it workin!  Starts every time now.  Looks wonderful.

As I mentioned above I started over with a fresh install.  I selected all 
of the system and gnome development things and left off a bunch of stuff I 
wasn't ready to play with.  Install went fine.  Built & installed the 
2.4.20 Kernel (with changes previously discussed about) Browsed to make 
sure that zlib and libpng were available.   Built and installed the XFree86 
cvs branch  Compiled with no problems and installed with no 
problems.  [Drat those missing files :(   ]  Then I built the i830.o module 
as per David Dawes instructions on 845G and installed so it could be 
automatically found.

Rebooted.  Made sure i830 was showing up in lsmod (not exactly sure when I 
did this after the boot however) - it was there.  Started X and ...

Nothing - same thing - blank screen.  Gurr!

I was going back into the XF86Config to switch the driver to "vesa" when it 
occurred to me to check again the horizontal and vertical refresh rates for 
my monitor.  I pulled out the documents that I had gotten from the web when 
I first started this and sure enough, 30-75 kHz is what it said.  Just what 
I had.  But then I looked at another document for the same monitor and 
noted it said 31.5-64 kHz.  Humm.  OK, not much different but let's 
see.  Changed and rebooted and startx and ...


Hot Dawg!

OK, why did I end up on the wrong path all this time?  startx never started 
correctly after the install.  I searched the net and found that I need the 
845 driver, but in the meantime could use the vesa driver.  Changing to the 
vesa driver did result in the startx starting Gnome and looked 
reasonable.  It just wouldn't restart.  Couldn't switch consoles, and 
standby killed it.  That seemed to rule out refresh rate issues.  And the 
installation program (anaconda) ran beautifully in high color and 
resolution - it must have gotten the settings right.  No?

No.  It didn't.  At least I have a variation of the EV700 Gateway monitor 
with a lower refresh rate than the install program picked.

Bummer, all of this time, all of you good folk's help, patience, and 
effort, just because of a mis-direction.  Crum.

I want to say

I'm sorry I wasted so much of your time.


It even goes to stand-by, powers down, and wakes up.  I can switch consoles 
and back.  I can stop and restart without a reboot.

Hot Dawg!

Thanks again,
Gee, Doc., now that the surgery is finished, it doesn't hurt so bad

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Compile problems for problems

2003-01-20 Thread Greg Julius
At 01:41 AM 1/20/03, you wrote:

Thank you for the post-mortem analysis on how it ended up being so
difficult.  Very useful, I think!

It has always seemed to me that problem resolution without the post-mortem 
analysis is a good way to see the problem again.

Far too many people and organizations are in a hurry to dispose of the 
problem without looking for the cause.  Like treating the symptoms and 
ignoring the disease.  Perhaps effective in the short run, but costly in 
the long run.

Again, thanks to all of you that helped,
If you haven't got time to do it right at this time, when will you have 
time to do it over?

XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] how do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?

2003-01-21 Thread Greg Julius

How do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?

I know I've seen that bit of info cross this list, but in searching the 
archives I didn't come up with it.  When I tried "red cursor" the search 
engine ignored the quotes and gave me everything with red in it (think 
redhat) and cursor in it.  That was a lot of hits.  Is there some other way 
to specify the search criteria?


XFree86 mailing list

[XFree86] Re: how do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?

2003-01-21 Thread Greg Julius
Found it.  This link describes 
it:  http://www.mail-archive.com/xfree86@xfree86.org/msg00367.html

I searched for whitecursor and followed threads.


Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:31:19 -0600
From: Greg Julius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?


How do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?

I know I've seen that bit of info cross this list, but in searching the 
archives I didn't come up with it.  When I tried "red cursor" the search 
engine ignored the quotes and gave me everything with red in it (think 
redhat) and cursor in it.  That was a lot of hits.  Is there some other 
way to specify the search criteria?


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] how do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?

2003-01-21 Thread Greg Julius
At 06:37 PM 1/21/03, you wrote:

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 06:31:19PM -0600, Greg Julius wrote:
>How do I set that red cursor back to something more normal?
>I know I've seen that bit of info cross this list, but in searching the
>archives I didn't come up with it.  When I tried "red cursor" the search
>engine ignored the quotes and gave me everything with red in it (think
>redhat) and cursor in it.  That was a lot of hits.  Is there some other way
>to specify the search criteria?

I put the following early in my .xsession/.xinitrc file:


I think it can be done with a resource too, but I don't remember
the details.

Is there any consensus on whether the new (red) cursor theme should be
the default in 4.3, or the traditional cursor shapes?

I'd vote for the regular black one.  It's much less obtrusive to me.  I 
found the big red ones to be in the way visually.

Thanks for asking.  It will be interesting to see what the consensus is.

XFree86 mailing list