[XFree86] XFree86 PPC on a PC Matrox Millenium II

2003-02-21 Thread Neal Murphy
[This is the third time I've tried to subscribe. Last two times, the
subscribe emails were returned as 'undeliverable' - seems the host I
was using could not send the email, so I'm trying my ISP's servers now,
slow as they are.]


I've a question about running XFree86 v4 on a Starmax using an 8MB MMII
that was originally intended for use in a PC.

I re-flashed the card with a PPC BIOS. MacOS 9 is quite happy to use
the card now. Openfirmware gladly uses it, too. Debian 3 uses the card
just fine in text mode.

However, when running X, the displayed image (root image) is shifted down
about 16 scan lines, leaving a green-and-black multi-checkerboard at the top.
The hardware mouse cursor is positioned correctly, but since the image
displayed is shifted down 16 pixels or so, the registration is wrong. I also
lose the bottom 16 or so lines of the display.

I've tried everything I know to try to work around this. Is this a programming
bug? Is it referencing the card's memory wrong? Any ideas on 'correcting'
the problem?

Clearly, I could go buy a Mac-specific video card, but since MacOS happily
uses this card, I should think XFree86 would, too.

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] XFree86 PPC on a PC Matrox Millenium II

2003-02-21 Thread Neal Murphy
On Friday 21 February 2003 07:53 pm, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> Neal,
> You don't mention which version of XFree86 v4.x you are running.
> That's a big missing piece. Maybe try one of the latest snapshots or
> at least 4.2.0.

Oh. Duh! Whatever comes with Debian 3.0.

X -version:

warning: process set to nice value 0 instead of -10 as requested

This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any
way.  Bugs may be reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and patches submitted
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,
please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6510)
Release Date: 21 December 2001
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is
newer than the above date, look for a newer version before
reporting problems.  (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Build Operating System: Linux 2.4.17 i686 [ELF] 
Module Loader present

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] startx problem

2003-02-26 Thread Neal Murphy
On Wednesday 26 February 2003 01:09 am, you wrote:
> hi
> i currently insatalled redhat 8.x & 7.x
> i want to do following
> i want to run startx from two differnt login on same machine(console)
> pl give me necessary steps

  - login as first user on tty1
  - startx -- :0&
  - F1 to return to tty1
  - su - seconduser
  - enter password
  - startx -- :1

Then use F7 and F8 to switch between the two sessions.
They will be separate sessions, so you cannot copy/paste between them.

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Xserver freeze with mga mystique

2003-03-01 Thread Neal Murphy
On Saturday 01 March 2003 05:05 am, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having problems with XFree86 4.2.1 and a Matrox Mystique card. I'm
> trying to use the card in a P2 box with an onboard ATI Mach64. When
> running with the mga driver things seem to work fine at first, but when
> I start moving windows or opening fvwm2 menus a bit "too fast" everything
> just freezes. I can move the pointer but nothing else, like
> ctrl-alt-backspace or ctrl-alt-delete, works. If I turn off acceleration
> using Option "NoAccel" "1" it doesn't crash.

Huh. This is very nearly the same problem I have with 4.1 on a StarMax PPC,
using a reflashed PC MilleniumII instead of the built-in ATI. Disabling
acceleration allows the system to run; leaving it enabled makes the system
hang *real* fast.

In addition to this, the displayed image is offset downward about 16 scan
lines, though the hardward cursor is positioned correctly.

Is it possible there is bad interaction between the two cards? (Even though
one is not being used) Wait, no. MacOS 9.x uses the MMII card just fine.
This leads me to believe there *is* a bug in the MGA code. Or was, from 4.1.x
at least to 4.2.1

XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] XFree86 PPC on a PC Matrox Millenium II

2003-03-10 Thread Neal Murphy
On Friday 21 February 2003 07:53 pm, you wrote:
> Neal,
> You don't mention which version of XFree86 v4.x you are running.
> That's a big missing piece. Maybe try one of the latest snapshots or
> at least 4.2.0.

OK. I am now using 4.2.1. And the card has *actually* initialized correctly
a time or three - the screen is fully displayed in the correct position and
the mouse is correctly aligned with the screen image.

However, it's a crap-shoot as to whether it'll come up properly. It's also
playing *new* tricks:
  - sometimes it displays the green/white/black checkerboard (or some
grey or other sparse pattern) at the top
  - sometimes it looks just fine, but the left edge of the display is
about 75% over to the right edge and the image is wrapped
  - sometimes there is a vertical bar of junk at that 75% location

Also, the MGA driver (correctly?) recognizes that it can't run acceleration
on the MMII, but then usually hangs the system, whereas if I specify
NoAccel, it starts up, most often with the afore-mentioned problems.

I'd try Matrox's drivers, but they're only compiled for Intel (at least
I haven't seen any PPC versions). And I'm not sure I have the patience
to compile the kernel and all of X, then figure out where Matrox's
source is supposed to go to be compiled, then compile all of X yet again
all on this slow-ish 200MHz, 96MB Starmax...

If it matters at all, I'm running Debian's 2.2.20-pmac kernel. I've tried
their 2.4.19 kernel, but that one always boots up using the on-board
video, even though OF tells it to use the MMII.

Again, MacOS 9.x uses the MMII just fine.

Any suggestions? Perhaps I'm too persistent and should simple drop the
MMII into the circular file as 'not very well supported' and buy a new
card that *is* well supported? Dump the Starmax and get a real computer?


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] How do I go back to a previous version?

2003-03-12 Thread Neal Murphy
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 03:30 pm, you wrote:
> Ok, so I'm getting ready to  install the glibc22 binaries from the ftp
> site, but before I do that I just thought I should ask:
> Can anyone summarize (or even better, list in excruciating detail) the
> steps required to go back to my current version of X (4.3rc2) if the new
> install is more problematic than the current install?

I'll take a stab at it.

To save the current state of just the X11 distribution:
  su -
  cd /
  tar cvfz /root/X11-backup.tgz usr/X11R6 etc/X11

To restore the saved state:
  su -
  cd /
  rm -rf /usr/X11R6 /etc/X11
  tar xvfz /root/X11-backup.tgz

I'm assuming your X11 distribution is placed in /usr/X11R6, with the
config files in /etc/X11. If there are other trees to be saved and
restored, add them to the 'tar cvfz' and 'rm -rf' commands. This
method also completely ignores the sysadmin aspect (RPM/DEB management
and tracking, etc.)

You'll want to be sure /root has enough space to hold the tgz. You can
really put the tgz file on any disk/directory that has enough space.

Remember, your mileage may well vary!


XFree86 mailing list

Re: [XFree86] Mouse doesn't work

2003-03-12 Thread Neal Murphy
On Wednesday 12 March 2003 04:29 pm, you wrote:

> within my file system. Instead I have tried to use the /dev/input/mice
> driver with "PS/2" protocol, but the mouse still doesn't work. I'm using a

Have you tried /dev/psaux?


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