[xmail] Re: Backup

2006-01-18 Thread Jeff Buehler

I prefer rsync of the entire MailRoot directory to another system, but 
you could as easily rsync to an alternate media source on the same 
system.  By using rsync, you can run it often since rsync operates 
incrementally (only the portions of files that have changed are 
replicated).  I run it every 5 minutes staggered to two different 
systems, so changes are up to date about every 2.5 minutes.  In order to 
do a restore you can simply rsync in the reverse direction, which might 
take 10 seconds or less to complete.  This method can also be used for 
primitive but effective failover to alternate systems.


Chad Fleenor wrote:

>I always just tar up /var/MailRoot every night.  I have had to restore 
>this file before because someone deleted a domain.  It took me less than 
>5 minutes to have the domain back up and operational, no one knew that 
>anything had happened.
>Kay Seljeseth wrote:
>>Is a full directory backup of the mailroot the best way to make a backup of
>>the xmailserver config?
>>May the message files under the mailbox directories be excluded if not
>>needing a backup of the messages, but still wanting a full config backup?
>>(did not find any info about this in the readme file?)
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Buehler Technologies
19 Circle Drive - San Rafael, CA 94901
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[xmail] Re: XMail on Ubuntu

2006-01-18 Thread Thomas Bresson

I'm sorry. I not used to people replying inside the original mail. Sorry.

Here's my netstat made with root:
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address
State   PID/Program name
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 8231/ventrilo_srv
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 7556/mysqld
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 7768/smbd
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 8108/vino-server
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 7837/perl
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 7805/vsftpd
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 9450/(squid)
tcp0  0*  
LISTEN 7768/smbd
tcp0  0  
tcp6   0  0 :::80   :::*   
LISTEN 7973/apache2
tcp6   0  0 :::22   :::*   
LISTEN 7783/sshd
tcp6   0296 :::   :::85.235.17.:40260
ESTABLISHED31631/sshd: cs [pri

On 1/17/06, Sönke Ruempler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17.01.2006 20:58, Thomas Bresson wrote:
> > It makes no difference. I still just get:"mail root path not found"
> Please read the mails carefully if you want to get free support for an
> open source product:
> >>I need to see the whole output of `netstat -a -n -t -p` (from root) in
> >>order to help you.
> Thx.
> -
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe xmail" in
> the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For general help: send the line "help" in the body of a message to
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe xmail" in
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