RE: How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-03-06 Thread John Lumby

Thanks for all the suggestions.

FYI to anyone else who hits this  : the solution turned out to be to get 
the latest version of fontconfig,
configure it to be aware of the fonts in my new xorg install dirs as first 
choice and the old fonts as second choice, i.e. tell fontconfig something like

 ./configure --with-default-fonts=/mnt/ahbakup/xorg_modular/lib/X11/fonts 

and then rebuild fontconfig and everything downstream of it (which was quite a 
lot but I *think* most importantly Xft , cairo, pango, atk  and gtk2)

and now all fonts working just fine.

I don't know that all of what I listed above was necessary,  it's possible some 
packages need not have been rebuilt and would have just picked up the new libs, 
don't know, but if you are building xorg from source I'd suggest doing the 
same.  Note you must first build the xorg fonts so that fontconfig can see 
them.   I.e. build xorg first and verify server works, then do as above  (which 
does imply you end up building Xft twice, once as part of building xorg and 
then again after rebuilding fontconfig, but does no harm).

If anyone else wants to correct my method please do, I am basing it solely on 
the fact that it worked.

And thanks for the suggestion of using jhbuild  -  I'll try that next time  


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How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-03-05 Thread John Lumby

I recently tried to do this.   I wish I had read your posts on this first!.   
But now I have a build that nearly works and would greatly appreciate if you 
can offer any hints on how to make it work completely, or if the advice should 
be to throw away and start again.   Please bear with me.

For various reasons (which I can explain but may not be relevant) I decided to 
try to build Xorg from source, on a system which was originally Fedora Core 6 
and since then upgraded slightly.The objective was to be able to use an 
nv driver on my graphics device (NVIDIA FX570M) without having to use 
nvidia's own nvidia driver which is problematic (and latest version doesn't 
work at all)

I took the tarballs from, followed the 
instructions in the Modular Tree developers Guide as best as I could, and after 
a bit of a struggle, ended up with an Xserver and apps etc that almost works 

I built into a prefix of  not_/usr/xorg_modular as per the Guide and then set 
up my PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH all with that (with appropriate 
suffix) at the front, and that seems to work.

I also ensured that the new xfs, not the old one, is running before I start X.

The Xserver works and the graphics device (an NVIDIA FX570M with driver nv) and 
keyboard and mouse all work.

But my fonts are not working perfectly.  I am not sure of exactly the 
complete list of what is wrong but one obvious problem is that for every app 
that uses gtk2,  all text is empty-boxes.For example using metacity window 
manager, all window borders show empty-box titles.   Other simple apps such as 
xterm are fine. and one app that uses freetype but not gtk (wine) also 
works fine. I have also sometimes seen one application, emacs, fail with 
font  not defined' even though xlsfonts -fn  lists it. But I think 
that problem went away or I can't make it happen consistently.

I am using the separate freetype2 (in /usr/local) but have done that on other 
system with no problems.

I don't see any relevant errors in the Xorg.0.log although there is one that 
may be but I don't know what to about it if anything :
(EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /mnt/ahbakup/xorg_modular/lib/dri/ 
failed (/mnt/ahbakup/xorg_modular/lib/dri/ cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory)
(EE) GLX: could not load software renderer

But I don't need GL/driI don't think these window managers are using it 
(are they)?

I am really looking for some basic hints :
  .   is the tarball method supported or has it become obsolete and I should 
try git?  I did find a confusing number of missing and multiple-version 
packages kicking around and may have mixed levels although no build errors 
  (although I also noticed that my xfs font server was built without 
FONTCACHE defined whereas the libXFont was built with it defined, so xfs didn't 
understand the font-cache entries in the fs/config so I commented those out)
  .   does anyone recognize this problem and have any suggestion for what to 
  .   I noticed a config option on the xserver for --enable-builtin-fonts  -  
and see that on another newer xorg the Xorg.0.log says it is using builtin 
fonts.   Might this be an answer?
  . of course I can send xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log, build output, etc if anyone 
suggests what might be relevant
  . or should I throw this build away and start again?

Thanks for any help ...


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Re: How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-03-05 Thread Ben Gamari
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 12:04 -0500, John Lumby wrote:
 I recently tried to do this.   I wish I had read your posts on this
 first!.   But now I have a build that nearly works and would greatly
 appreciate if you can offer any hints on how to make it work
 completely, or if the advice should be to throw away and start again.
 Please bear with me.
 For various reasons (which I can explain but may not be relevant) I
 decided to try to build Xorg from source, on a system which was
 originally Fedora Core 6 and since then upgraded slightly.The
 objective was to be able to use an nv driver on my graphics device
 (NVIDIA FX570M) without having to use nvidia's own nvidia driver which
 is problematic (and latest version doesn't work at all)

You may want to consider upgrading. I think relatively few people will
want to help debug software from three years ago. The bugs you are
experiencing would be pretty tough to figure out due to the wide variety
of software versions present on the system. Just my 2 cents,

- Ben

xorg mailing list

Re: How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-03-01 Thread ace102

  After going through the pain of trying to build straight from tarballs/git
myself I found that JHBuild is a nice interface to do this sort of thing.
With a little tweaking of the xorg.modules and jhbuildrc (both in
xorg/util/modular) it works nicely. Remember to make a prefix build
directory that isn't /usr to do a test build first to work out the kinks and
errors that might occur. Also don't build modules/drivers you don't need
which helps cut down on the build time.

JD-7 wrote:
 I wanted to build the entirety of X 7.4 frm source, but when
 I saw that it is made up of individual tarballs, I decided to
 write and ask if there is a single tarball of everything,
 with a top level configure ...etc to build the whole thing.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Free Desktop - xorg mailing list archive at

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Re: How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-03-01 Thread Florian Lier


You hints are excellent. I will try themout over the
next few days. And yes, I am building from scratch!
BTW, what do you mean by bleeding edge X?
I have no idea what features/modules/components
would constitute a bleeding edge X.

*Bleeding edge* is a term that refers to technology that is so new (and thus, 
presumably, not perfected) that the user is required to risk reductions 
in stability and productivity in order to use it^[1] . It also 
refers to the tendency of the latest technology to be extremely 
expensive. [wikipedia]

I guess Xi2.0 is such a module :)

cheers, fl0



Florian Lier wrote:

hey jd,

No problem
I guess the rt2860 wifi mini-pci driver won't be affected by 
building a xserver ^^

ATI Mobility Radeon 9600  I guess the latest driver from the git 
works fine (but

you better ask here or google first)

How do you suggest I install 7.4 (once I build it) - I mean
do I first uninstall my existing X (on which so many packages
depend), and then install 7.4?

You don't need to replace or uninstall your old xserver,
as you might have noticed the script builds the server
here: PREFIX=/opt/gfx-test which means you can
start the sever like that:


  rmmod i915 /# assuming you're using Intel/


  rmmod drm


  insmod /path_to_drm_tree_above//linux-core/drm.ko


  insmod /path_to_drm_tree_above//linux-core/i915.ko


  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gfx-test/lib


  startx -- /opt/gfx-test/bin/Xorg -verbose /# make sure you have
  a ~/.xinitrc with what you want to run/

If the server works fine you can set the new xorg stack as your 
default x-server. I won't recommend you
setting a bleeding edge X as default (btw, it won't startup atm 
have a look @ xorg tinderbox).
I don't know that much about Fedora, but I installed FC10 lately from 
a live cd which works fine for me...

Do you want to compile it from scratch?

Cheers, Florian

JD wrote:

Hi Florian,
and thank you very much for your response.
I have a Fedora FC7 notebook.  with 2 cruicial drivers
that I had struggled a lot to make  them work; namely,
the rt2860 wifi mini-pci card from Ralink Technology, and
the ATI Mobility Radeon 9600.
The modification that have been made to these drivers in
their latest incarnations, do not work for me.

How do you suggest I install 7.4 (once I build it) - I mean
do I first uninstall my existing X (on which so many packages
depend), and then install 7.4? I am afraid that the dependencies
will be broken, and many if not most graphical packages
will stop working.

Best regards,


Florian Lier wrote:

Hey JD,

there's a little script on the Xorg / git development site.

You can copy and paste the script into a (chmod +x 
it )
You can start building X like that (in console): sh myxorgscript 
init | build | update

Depending on what distri you're using you'll need a bunch of 

If you're on Ubuntu I can help you out...

DEPS=\autoconf automake xserver-xorg-dev libdrm-dev 
build-essential libxxf86vm-dev libxdamage-dev libxfixes-dev 
libxfixes3 expat libexpat-dev libtool autobook \
libxinerama1 libxinerama-dev libxkbfile-dev libxkbfile1 openssl 
libssl-dev xkbsel x11-xkb-utils libxfont1 libxfont-dev git-core 
gawk libxt-dev \
xdebconfigurator autoconf-doc libhal-dev libdbus-1-dev 
libxcomposite-dev libpng12-dev libsm-dev libxrandr-dev \
libxdamage-dev libxinerama-dev libstartup-notification0-dev 
libgconf2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libmetacity-dev 
librsvg2-dev libdbus-1-dev \
libdbus-glib-1-dev libgnome-desktop-dev 
libgnome-window-settings-dev gitweb curl intltool libxslt1-dev 
xsltproc libwnck-dev python-dev libX11-xcb-dev \
pyrex-mode python-pyrex x11proto-scrnsaver-dev libxss-dev 
libprotobuf0 libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler gperf xmlto 
libglut3-dev freeglut3-dev \

freeglut-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa

(this is if you want to build compiz too)

I hope this helps.

cheers florian

JD wrote:

Dear Developers of Xorg

I wanted to build the entirety of X 7.4 frm source, but when
I saw that it is made up of individual tarballs, I decided to
write and ask if there is a single tarball of everything,
with a top level configure ...etc to build the whole thing.

I searched the FAQ for a how to build X or just how to build
but came up empty.

Thanx for any info to show how to build the whole 7.4 X system.

Best Regards,

xorg mailing list


fn:Florian Lier
org:;AG AI | so far
title:B. Sc. Informatics
tel;work:University | AG Angewandte Informatik

How to build entirety of Xorg 7.4 from source

2009-02-28 Thread JD
Dear Developers of Xorg

I wanted to build the entirety of X 7.4 frm source, but when
I saw that it is made up of individual tarballs, I decided to
write and ask if there is a single tarball of everything,
with a top level configure ...etc to build the whole thing.

I searched the FAQ for a how to build X or just how to build
but came up empty.

Thanx for any info to show how to build the whole 7.4 X system.

Best Regards,

xorg mailing list