[Xpert]Geode questions...

2002-05-09 Thread Patrick Hilt

I am having problems with a National Semi Geode based system and would need
some help / advice in regards to display issues:
I am trying to convert a Geode based embedded web browsing device to Linux.
There are two points of funkyness: 1. The CRT display will only allow
1024x768 @ 72Hz to be displayed (meaning I can't see anything unless I have
X running at that res/freq) and 2. the display is rotated by 90 degrees CCW.
The dilemma is that I can configure X 3.3.6 using the SVGA server and I
actually see something but I can't rotate the screen. If I use X 4.x.x I
could rotate the screen but somehow none of the drivers work for the Geode.

I have gone through the archives and found several postings in regards to
the Geode but none offered a solution for my particular setup. I guess there
are several possibilities that would help me move forward:
- Somebody has modified the X 4.x.x Cyrix MediaGX driver to work with the
Geode and is willing to share that driver ;-)... that would be way
- Somebody has modified the X 3.3.6 SVGA driver to rotate the display and is
willing to share that driver ;-)... that would also be way optimal...
- Somebody could give me some pointers on how to modify the X 3.3.6 SVGA
driver to rotate the display and I'd give it a shot even though I have never
played around with the guts of X ;-)
- Somebody could give me some pointers on how to modify the X 4.x.x Cyrix
driver to support the Geode and I'd give it a shot even though I still have
never played around with the guts of X ;-)

Thanks a lot in advance for any type of feedback... and sorry for the
lengthy message!



Xpert mailing list

[Xpert]Geode & kdrive

2002-05-24 Thread Patrick Hilt

Hi Alex!
I followed this thread on the Xpert mailing list and I also have Geode based
device that I would like to get up and running with X. My problem is that in
order to do that I need to be able to do 1024x768 @ 72Hz with 90 degrees of
rotation. Could the X 4 driver you have do that?? And if so could send me
the driver as well or give me a URL from where I could access it??

Thanks a whole lot in advance,


>After going back and forth with National, it turns out that the NDA does
>apply to their source code, which is dual-licensed BSD/GPL.  Since they
>no interest in distributing it, I guess its up to me, and I'll get it up on
>a website shortly.  If you want it now, email me and I'll shoot the code
>over to you.
>Alex Pavloff
>Software Engineer
>Eason Technology

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