Re: Media request: Upcoming article highlighting Xubuntu

2024-02-14 Thread Pasi Lallinaho

Hello Cristian!

Thank you for contacting the Xubuntu team about a possible article on and sorry for us taking so long to reply.

We of course do not have anything against articles written about 
Xubuntu! However, the situation is (and has been for some years now) 
relatively stale: no new big or exiting features are being added and 
there isn't anything to report on the leadership side either. If there 
was exiting news, they would very likely be changes/updates in Xfce.

That said, Xubuntu is still maintained to a reasonable extent: for 
example, as implied before, new Xfce pakcages are being brought to the 
Ubuntu repositories. Some other small tweaks and updates are being made 
now and then. This is all done by a small group of people (depending on 
how you count, somewhere between 1–5 people) who are all formerly very 
active Xubuntu team members.

I don't know if the above piques your interest and/or bears an 
interesting perspective to Xubuntu, but if it does or if you have other 
ideas for an article, we would be willing to hear more.

Additionally, if you need more information (including an interview) 
about the current state or the history of Xubuntu, please do not 
hesitate to ask.


Pasi Lallinaho (knome) ›
Xubuntu contributor›
Xfce contributor   ›
Shimmer Project co-founder ›

On 12.2.2024 17.43, Cristian Lopez wrote:

Hi Press Team,

I don't mean to pester you, but we're still interested in writing 
this. Let me know if you have any questions!

If you are ever interested in having an interview about Xubuntuor if 
you have any questions please just let me know. We are always excited 
to help spread the word about new or exciting products, company 
direction, and leadership changes.

Feel free to reach out at any time,

*Cristian Lopez*
Managing Editor
15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601 

Follow: @Hosting_Advice 


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Re: Media request: Upcoming article highlighting Xubuntu

2024-02-13 Thread Cristian Lopez
Hi Press Team,

I don't mean to pester you, but we're still interested in writing this. Let
me know if you have any questions!

If you are ever interested in having an interview about Xubuntu or if you
have any questions please just let me know. We are always excited to help
spread the word about new or exciting products, company direction, and
leadership changes.

Feel free to reach out at any time,

*Cristian Lopez*
Managing Editor
15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601 

Follow: @Hosting_Advice 

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Re: Media request: Upcoming article highlighting Xubuntu

2024-02-08 Thread Cristian Lopez

I just wanted to try again to see if your team would be interested in
participating in this news story?

Our feature articles are editorial in nature so there are no associated
fees and we also don't include affiliate offers or advertising. We just
like to highlight exciting products in the Tech Industry for our users.

Would you be willing to help with this or pass my message along through the
proper channels?


*Cristian Lopez*
Managing Editor
15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601 

Follow: @Hosting_Advice 

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Media request: Upcoming article highlighting Xubuntu

2024-02-08 Thread Cristian Lopez
Hi Press Team,

My team is writing a front-page article about Xubuntu on your easy to
navigate operating system, and how Xubuntu provides a smooth experience for
those looking to maximize their system performance, and we would love to
conduct an interview to provide some quotes and insights for our feature.

We'd also be interested in covering any new product updates, features, or
initiatives that you would be excited to get in front of our 23 million
users. This is a non-sponsored, non-affiliate, editorial-style article for
our news site.

Would a quotable source from your organization have 30 minutes some time
soon to hop on a call and provide more info for the story? Feel free to use
my Calendly link
 to grab
some time for us to meet.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out at any time.


*Cristian Lopez*
Managing Editor
15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601 

Follow: @Hosting_Advice 

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Media request: Upcoming article highlighting Xubuntu

2024-02-08 Thread Cristian Lopez

I wanted to follow up on my earlier message about arranging an interview to
gather info and quotes for our planned article--what does your team's
schedule look like for a call in the coming days?

If you have any questions please let me know or you can schedule an
interview using Calendly
 to see my
available times.


*Cristian Lopez*
Managing Editor
15 SE 1st Ave, 2nd Floor
Gainesville, FL 32601 

Follow: @Hosting_Advice 

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Suggestion/Request: post-install debloating script for minimalist system directly from the standard iso

2020-12-07 Thread s0me0ne
"I strongly urge that you consult the Xubuntu Strategy Document here:;

From there:

- "The target audience for Xubuntu consists of users who are interested in 
having an elegant, easy to use, polished and unified operating system."

- "Focus 2: Performance
The Xubuntu team should strive to make Xubuntu lightweight."


- "Users wanting the most lightweight system possible should be pointed at the 
minimal CD, more lightweight derivatives (such as Lubuntu) or other options."
I'm exactly asking for those -other options- here, as the ubuntu minimal CD is 
depreciated as described, and further provided a list of what I think is not 
strictly necessary for a minimalist system, that is to a large degree even on a 
system installed with such a "minimal"CD.

I don't suggest to change anything to the standard iso but ask for an honest 
and critical look at the list of packages and already tried what I can to 
reduce it, and proposed an easy viable idea of how all the other users also 
interested in a minimalist operating system could benefit from the result as 
"This crosses many lines. Most of what you propose to do makes for fragile 
systems as well as ones that will break easily. Having looked at CVE-2020-8833 
it frankly seems like you are fear-mongering about apport."
I wasn't referring to CVE-2020-8833 but CVE-2016-9949 (CVSS Score 9.3) and 
CVE-2016-9950 (CVSS Score 9.3 as well).
I probably should have included this, though I thought it was common knowledge 
that not having unnecessary software on your system protects you from such 
uneccessary packages having serious security flaws.
These aren't exactly from last week, but good, memorable and typical examples 
of the general problem with not strictly needed packages. So calling my concern 
with potential glaring holes in completely unnecessary packages 
"fear-mongering" seems honestly pretty uncalled for. (And while Ubuntu reacted 
pretty good in this case - after they were told about it (and the guy turned 
down an $10,000 offer from someone interested in those), it doesn't treat the 
actual problem -bloat-, but the symptom.)
"Bloat is often discerned differently. While change is always possible this 
proposal may need scaling back a bit."

Yes there is no 100% agreement what exactly is bloat, but the definition of 
"strictly necessary" isn't indefinitely stretchable either, and snapd for 
example is certainly not part of "strictly necessary" and very much in the 
category of "bloat" (snapd isn't even included in linux Mint, and that's a good 
example for a pretty bloated distro).
And I don't think a minimalist system is something that should be scaled back, 
and again I'm not suggesting to change anything on the standard install Xubuntu 
offers for the average user, but a look at my list for the type of user who 
doesn't want anything strictly necessary on the system for security reasons and 
performance and isn't interested in a rolling release like arch.

If you look at respective search terms you will find that there are quite a lot 
of people looking for such an improvement - and who then most of the time 
simply get unhelpful replies that they shouldn't touch anything whatsoever, as 
if the standard system were perfect and minimalist already. Not exactly the 
encouragement of learning about and improving the linux system that you would 
hope for.
"Most of what you propose to do makes for fragile systems as well as ones that 
will break easily."

So you are saying that the -most- of the following list of packages are 
strictly necessary to not have fragile system that breaks easily, and you are 
completely unable to live without them?

If you don't want to help on this - no problem and that's 100% your choice 
But when making such claims I think it would be better to substantiate them, 
instead of brushing off the whole effort, because packages like apport, snapd, 
brltty, espeak, popularity-contest, speech-dispatcher, simple-scan, 
xubuntu-community-wallpapers, xubuntu-docs and yelp - among many others, 
certainly don't seem strictly necessary to me at all, and as already 
sustantiated, may actually improve the security of the system when removed.

I might be wrong, and I am aware of that, and that's why I want certainity and 
asked the developers for their opinion - but honestly didn't expect to brushed 
off like in the newbie corner on some random forum for asking advice on using a 
true minimalist and hardened system.

Suggestion/Request: post-install debloating script for minimalist system directly from the standard iso

2020-12-06 Thread s0me0ne
Hi everyone,

first of all thank you for making and keeping Xubuntu what it is - namely great!
Now I know Xubuntu wants to give an easy and comfortable experience out of the 
box, but the downside of that is quite some bloat. While there are also lots of 
people simply looking for a reliable and also minimalist system, I'm aware we 
are still not that many, so it makes sense to keep the focus on the average 
-Issues with Xubuntu Core-

And I'm aware of Xubuntu Core, and it's quite an improvement, but has some 
issues in my opinion:

-While it's mentioned in the latest release notes for example, the iso still 
appears to be not officially supported, which I think makes it unfortunately 
not suitable for productive use (please correct me on that if that's not true)

-Canonical apparently doesn't want to further provide the netboot-MinimalCD, so 
without that, it seems there isn't an reliable way to even get it installed 
from 20.10 on (and simply release-upgrading the 20.04-ubuntu-MinimalCD-install 
to 20.10 lead to a broken system when I tried).

-And most importantly, even Xubuntu Core appears to be quite bloated:

When looking at the package list: 

- it still contains for example Snapd(!), apport (bugreports should be strictly 
opt-in I think), Cups with all kinds of printer drivers (many not removeable 
without triggering the removal of the whole system core), bluez, all kinds of 
rare asian or arabic fonts (I get that one, but still), modemmanager, 
xubuntu-wallpapers *-docs *-artwork (I get that too, but still not strictly 
necessary), ppp, ftp, gparted ... and many more.
-Why even bother?-

Now the actual footprint of some of the packages might be small individually 
(though not snapd and cups as far as I'm aware), but it's still at least a 
security flaw to have countless unused/unnecessary packages (that may also 
listen on ports), as for example merely the package 'apport' could be used in 
an exploit some time ago to compromize the whole system. So I think it's 
absolutely crucial to keep the package count as small as possible while keeping 
the core functionality.
-Debloating Script-

That's why I use a debloating script post install to turn a standard xubuntu 
install into something close to a xubuntu barebone, but I'm not a developer and 
there is most likely still a lot of potential.

So I will post at the end of this mail the list I use to reduce the package 
count while keeping the functionality, and would ask you if you have any 
suggestions for further improvement, to make it even more barebone.
The eventual improved list/script could be provided for example on the github 
page for advanced users. I think this is the least invasive way to provide an 
option for such a system in case you don't want to touch Xubuntu Core as it is 
now, and don't have time or interest for a modular installer.
-Use case-

The system use case is a standard laptop used for browsing and a somewhat 
advanced user at osi-layer 8 who will then take the barebone and simply install 
what he needs and wants manually (and without recommended packages), while not 
having any fringe usecases (e.g. package modemmanager, 
mobile-broadband-provider-info) and no need for printers, scanners, bluetooth 
or pretty much anything apart from the barebone system that won't also be 
installed automatically when setting up the preferred software. System settings 
are mostly applied via copying the backup-.config folder.
-Harder to remove-

What I have avoided to remove so far are a lot of packages that will trigger 
the whole removal of some system core - like the removal of the printer drivers 
does for example:

 apt purge --autoremove printer-driver*

- triggers the removal of ca. 70 packages (on a standard-Xubuntu-iso install), 
many crucial.

While I know this can be overcome and am sure these are absolutely useless 
after removing cups, I still might not be aware of packages expecting them to 
exist. So this is something I can not reliable solve because I don't have the 
in-depth knowledge of the packagemanagement, and while I can look at 
dependencies, it only tells me so much.
-The debloating list so far-

So here is what I remove post install from a standart Xubuntu Iso. After the 
terminal commands I give it as an alphabetical list as well, for increased 
readability. I used mostly synaptic to look at the description and dependencies.
If I can present that in a more readable way for you please let me know.
#removing also software I want use to reinstall it without recommended packages

sudo apt-get purge --autoremove whoopsie apport popularity-contest cups snapd 
mate-calc gimp firefox ristretto engrampa thunderbird atril xfburn pidgin 
simple-scan gnome-mines gnome-sudoku sgt-puzzles libreoffice-core 
libreoffice-base-core unattended-upgrades "bluez*" 

Re: Suggestion/Request: post-install debloating script for minimalist system directly from the standard iso

2020-12-06 Thread Stephen Kellat
I strongly urge that you consult the Xubuntu Strategy Document here:

This crosses many lines.  Most of what you propose to do makes for fragile 
systems as well as ones that will break easily.   Having looked at 
CVE-2020-8833 it frankly seems like you are fear-mongering about apport.

Bloat is often discerned differently.  While change is always possible this 
proposal may need scaling back a bit.

Stephen Michael Kellat

On Dec 6, 2020, at 12:10 PM, wrote:

Hi everyone,

first of all thank you for making and keeping Xubuntu what it is - namely great!

Now I know Xubuntu wants to give an easy and comfortable experience out of the 
box, but the downside of that is quite some bloat. While there are also lots of 
people simply looking for a reliable and also minimalist system, I'm aware we 
are still not that many, so it makes sense to keep the focus on the average 

-Issues with Xubuntu Core-

And I'm aware of Xubuntu Core, and it's quite an improvement, but has some 
issues in my opinion:

-While it's mentioned in the latest release notes for example, the iso still 
appears to be not officially supported, which I think makes it unfortunately 
not suitable for productive use (please correct me on that if that's not true)

-Canonical apparently doesn't want to further provide the netboot-MinimalCD, so 
without that, it seems there isn't an reliable way to even get it installed 
from 20.10 on (and simply release-upgrading the 20.04-ubuntu-MinimalCD-install 
to 20.10 lead to a broken system when I tried).

-And most importantly, even Xubuntu Core appears to be quite bloated:

When looking at the package list:

- it still contains for example Snapd(!), apport (bugreports should be strictly 
opt-in I think), Cups with all kinds of printer drivers (many not removeable 
without triggering the removal of the whole system core), bluez, all kinds of 
rare asian or arabic fonts (I get that one, but still), modemmanager, 
xubuntu-wallpapers *-docs *-artwork (I get that too, but still not strictly 
necessary), ppp, ftp, gparted ... and many more.

-Why even bother?-

Now the actual footprint of some of the packages might be small individually 
(though not snapd and cups as far as I'm aware), but it's still at least a 
security flaw to have countless unused/unnecessary packages (that may also 
listen on ports), as for example merely the package 'apport' could be used in 
an exploit some time ago to compromize the whole system. So I think it's 
absolutely crucial to keep the package count as small as possible while keeping 
the core functionality.

-Debloating Script-

That's why I use a debloating script post install to turn a standard xubuntu 
install into something close to a xubuntu barebone, but I'm not a developer and 
there is most likely still a lot of potential.

So I will post at the end of this mail the list I use to reduce the package 
count while keeping the functionality, and would ask you if you have any 
suggestions for further improvement, to make it even more barebone.
The eventual improved list/script could be provided for example on the github 
page for advanced users. I think this is the least invasive way to provide an 
option for such a system in case you don't want to touch Xubuntu Core as it is 
now, and don't have time or interest for a modular installer.

-Use case-

The system use case is a standard laptop used for browsing and a somewhat 
advanced user at osi-layer 8 who will then take the barebone and simply install 
what he needs and wants manually (and without recommended packages), while not 
having any fringe usecases (e.g. package modemmanager, 
mobile-broadband-provider-info) and no need for printers, scanners, bluetooth 
or pretty much anything apart from the barebone system that won't also be 
installed automatically when setting up the preferred software. System settings 
are mostly applied via copying the backup-.config folder.

-Harder to remove-

What I have avoided to remove so far are a lot of packages that will trigger 
the whole removal of some system core - like the removal of the printer drivers 
does for example:

apt purge --autoremove printer-driver*

- triggers the removal of ca. 70 packages (on a standard-Xubuntu-iso install), 
many crucial.

While I know this can be overcome and am sure these are absolutely useless 
after removing cups, I still might not be aware of packages expecting them to 
exist. So this is something I can not reliable solve because I don't have the 
in-depth knowledge of the packagemanagement, and while I can look at 
dependencies, it only tells me so much.

-The debloating list so far-

So here is what I remove post install from a standart Xubuntu Iso. After the 
terminal commands I give it as an alphabetical list as well, for increased 
readability. I used mostly synaptic to look at 

Thanks for the great new release and all of your hard work! And a request...

2016-04-21 Thread PK
Thank you, developers! With only a small crew you've done a tremendous job
on Xubuntu 16.04.

Time for a great Belgian beer:

One request: xfce4-weather-plugin will become partially crippled in June,
because of an URL change of the underlying weather service. The developer
of that plugin, Harald Judt, has been so kind as to do a quick emergency
bugfix release, fixing just the URL issue.

But he's done it too late for inclusion in 16.04, because he has released

More info about the only change he has made, in comment 11:

The code of the new version 0.8.7 is here:

My request is: could you please incorporate this new release of this cool
little plugin in the upcoming updates?

Regards, Pjotr.
xubuntu-devel mailing list


2015-06-02 Thread Nima Panahi Aram
Dear Sir / Madam

I found may bugs in Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu Mate 15.10, So,
What should I do ?

Also, I have many suggestions and ideas for Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Lubuntu and
Ubuntu Mate improvements, So, What should I do ?

I`m waiting for your response.


Nima Panahi Aram
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Request

2015-06-02 Thread Pasi Lallinaho
On 01/06/15 14:42, Nima Panahi Aram wrote:
 Dear Sir / Madam

 I found may bugs in Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu Mate 15.10,
 So, What should I do ?

If you think the bugs are high in importance or critical (and aren't
from upstream), you can try to contact the flavor development team.

If the bugs are upstream bugs (sourcing from the package, not in Ubuntu
packaging or some other corner cases), the best thing to do is to file
them upstream.

 Also, I have many suggestions and ideas for Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Lubuntu
 and Ubuntu Mate improvements, So, What should I do ?

Send them to the appropriate developer/community mailing lists (for
Xubuntu, this list) or get in touch with the developers in another way
(read more about contributing and getting in touch with the Xubuntu team
at [1]).

Note that all suggestions and ideas can or will not be implemented.
Being willing to put in some effort yourself helps if the idea is
generally reasonable.

 I`m waiting for your response.


 Nima Panahi Aram


P.S. If you send more mail to this list, please subscribe [2] so we do
not have to approve your messages manually.


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)»
Leader of the Shimmer Project »
Ubuntu member, Xubuntu Website lead   »

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Two request concerning xubuntu-default-settings

2014-01-10 Thread PK
Yes, but if we simply wait for that, those settings changes might come too
late for Xubuntu 14.04. Which would be a pity, because Xubuntu 14.04 will
be an LTS

So I think it would be a good idea to port those two simple settings
changes to Xubuntu 14.04 anyway, regardless of the release date of the new
Xfce components.

As said, the settings changes are simple and trivial to execute, but they
are important for a smooth user experience out of the box

Regards, Pjotr.

2014/1/10 Jackson Doak

 Therefore, they will be fixed in the next upstream release

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:06 AM, PK wrote:


 Any thoughts from anyone?  :P

 2014/1/8 PK


 Upstream at Xfce, they've recently fixed two annoying bugs: the
 double-click interval has been increased to 400 ms, and the
 mousewheel-rollup default has been changed to disabled.

 Double-click interval:


 Can we perhaps make sure that these rather important settings changes
 (important for a smooth user experience) will land in Xubuntu 14.04, even
 when the fixed Xfce packages themselves, won't be part of 14.04 yet?

 Regards, Pjotr.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Two request concerning xubuntu-default-settings

2014-01-10 Thread Alexander Bender
On 01/09/2014 05:13 PM, Jackson Doak wrote:
 Therefore, they will be fixed in the next upstream release

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:06 AM, PK wrote:


 Any thoughts from anyone?  :P

 2014/1/8 PK


 Upstream at Xfce, they've recently fixed two annoying bugs:
 the double-click interval has been increased to 400 ms, and
 the mousewheel-rollup default has been changed to disabled.

 Double-click interval:


 Can we perhaps make sure that these rather important settings
 changes (important for a smooth user experience) will land in
 Xubuntu 14.04, even when the fixed Xfce packages themselves,
 won't be part of 14.04 yet?

 Regards, Pjotr.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

I second this. Really annoying in the current release. Any way I can help?

Alexander Bender
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Shipping LibreOffice (Was: Re: Feature request)

2014-01-09 Thread James Freer
On 1/8/14, Lutz Andersohn wrote:
 My 2 cts:
 I understand lightness, which is why I like Xubuntu. Having said that, in
 order to get more users on Xubuntu (or all Ubuntu flavors for that matter) I
 think we need to take into account that a lot of computer work involves
 interoperability with other people/computers. For example my kid's school
 sends announcements often in DOCX file format.
 So, I think interoperability is really important and as such I think we need
 to embrace it. Abiword has no way of reading DOC or DOCX (neither has
 gnumeric for XLS or XLSX) so it is unsuitable in many cases. I really do not
 understand how one can use Xubuntu in a normal daily life interacting with
 people who don't have a strong philosophy about open software or open file
 formats without LibreOffice.

 Lutz Andersohn

I do think interoperability is important - however.

Abiword has had development problems on deb based linux and LO-writer
still has although the Calc and Draw I have used without fault.
Perhaps another year and problems will be sorted. I like using Abiword
for most documents simply because it is lighter and simpler than
LO-writer and can do 90% of word processing requirements. Abiword does
read .doc files (office97 but the later .doc it may struggle with).

For the last year I have used gedit to draft documents and then
formatted them in google Docs. Google Docs is lighter than Zoho -
which you will find does all that LO-writer does including .docx. I
haven't yet found glitches/bugs etc in google or Zoho. I have now made
the confession - I am a cloud user! I don't like the concept but I
think that is the way things are going.

At present Abiword and LO might as well be left off the release -
Abiword and gnumeric are the first things I remove. There in the repo
for installation but perhaps other apps could be considered in their
place whilst promoting 'cloud'. Zoho I think can be linked to the
ubuntu cloud and that is the future direction for development as i see


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Two request concerning xubuntu-default-settings

2014-01-09 Thread PK

Any thoughts from anyone?  :P

2014/1/8 PK


 Upstream at Xfce, they've recently fixed two annoying bugs: the
 double-click interval has been increased to 400 ms, and the
 mousewheel-rollup default has been changed to disabled.

 Double-click interval:


 Can we perhaps make sure that these rather important settings changes
 (important for a smooth user experience) will land in Xubuntu 14.04, even
 when the fixed Xfce packages themselves, won't be part of 14.04 yet?

 Regards, Pjotr.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Two request concerning xubuntu-default-settings

2014-01-09 Thread Jackson Doak
Therefore, they will be fixed in the next upstream release

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 10:06 AM, PK wrote:


 Any thoughts from anyone?  :P

 2014/1/8 PK


 Upstream at Xfce, they've recently fixed two annoying bugs: the
 double-click interval has been increased to 400 ms, and the
 mousewheel-rollup default has been changed to disabled.

 Double-click interval:


 Can we perhaps make sure that these rather important settings changes
 (important for a smooth user experience) will land in Xubuntu 14.04, even
 when the fixed Xfce packages themselves, won't be part of 14.04 yet?

 Regards, Pjotr.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request

2014-01-08 Thread PK
LibreOffice in Xubuntu seems a good idea to me. The only disadvantage I can
think of, is that the iso probably won't fit on a 1 GB USB memory stick

But 1 GB memory sticks have gone the way of the dinosaurs a long time ago,
so that's no real problem, I think. Heck, I myself probably can't even find
the 1 GB stick that I still have somewhere  :-)

Regards, Pjotr.

2014/1/8 Jackson Doak

 We're discussing changing to libreoffice, since abiword is generally
 rather unstable. You could use a custom ISO maker to replace the parts

 On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Joel Ewing physicssha...@gmail.comwrote:

 I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
 Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
 be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
 Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution should
 be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a school.  I
 suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu
 does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at
 what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice because it
 is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers could look
 into this matter.
 Thank you.

 Joel Ewing

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Shipping LibreOffice (Was: Re: Feature request)

2014-01-08 Thread Pasi Lallinaho
Including LibreOffice in the Xubuntu seed has been discussed numeours of
times and the team has always decided to include it. At the moment we're
preparing an LTS release with many more things to do, which are also
much more important to do than prepare and execute LibreOffice integration.

From my point of view, including LibreOffice on the ISO for optional
installation is really close to just installing it, and I don't know why
we would like to do the latter. On the other hand, being installable is
really close to what we have now: the whole suite is in the repositories
for installation already.

All that being said, LibreOffice won't be in Xubuntu 14.04, even as an
installation option.

What's the situation after the LTS release? I don't know. If you really
think it's a better fit for Xubuntu, start preparing a specification
that covers questions about suitability, lightness, etc. The Strategy
Document has a full and pretty thorough section about seeds and
composition [1]. More importantly, be ready to *do* something, not
expect others to do it for you: the team hasn't been interested enough
now to integrate LibreOffice, so it is highly likely that even if you
got the team convinced Xubuntu should have LibreOffice, you probably
still need to work, or get somebody to work on it.



On 08/01/14 11:45, PK wrote:
 LibreOffice in Xubuntu seems a good idea to me. The only disadvantage
 I can think of, is that the iso probably won't fit on a 1 GB USB
 memory stick anymore.

 But 1 GB memory sticks have gone the way of the dinosaurs a long time
 ago, so that's no real problem, I think. Heck, I myself probably can't
 even find the 1 GB stick that I still have somewhere  :-)

 Regards, Pjotr.

 2014/1/8 Jackson Doak

 We're discussing changing to libreoffice, since abiword is
 generally rather unstable. You could use a custom ISO maker to
 replace the parts manually.

 On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Joel Ewing wrote:

 I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice
 during the Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside
 Abiword and Gnumeric) could be considered for an upcoming
 release of Xubuntu.
 Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux
 distribution should be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops
 that were owned by a school.  I suggested Xubuntu, but my
 suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu does not come
 with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at
 what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice
 because it is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the
 developers could look into this matter.
 Thank you.

 Joel Ewing

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)  »
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu   »
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Shipping LibreOffice (Was: Re: Feature request)

2014-01-08 Thread Lutz Andersohn

My 2 cts:
  I understand lightness, which is why I like Xubuntu. Having said
  that, in order to get more users on Xubuntu (or all Ubuntu flavors
  for that matter) I think we need to take into account that a lot
  of computer work involves interoperability with other
  people/computers. For example my kid's school sends announcements
  often in DOCX file format.
  So, I think interoperability is really important and as such I
  think we need to embrace it. Abiword has no way of reading DOC or
  DOCX (neither has gnumeric for XLS or XLSX) so it is unsuitable in
  many cases. I really do not understand how one can use Xubuntu in
  a normal daily life interacting with people who don't have a
  strong philosophy about open software or open file formats without
  Lutz Andersohn
(925) 784 1565
D-19318, AFF-I
Public key ID: 0x9620D1A6
  On 01/08/2014 05:37 AM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:

  Including LibreOffice in the Xubuntu
seed has been discussed numeours of times and the team has
always decided to include it. At the moment we're preparing an
LTS release with many more things to do, which are also much
more important to do than prepare and execute LibreOffice

From my point of view, including LibreOffice on the ISO for
optional installation is really close to just installing it, and
I don't know why we would like to do the latter. On the other
hand, being installable is really close to what we have now: the
whole suite is in the repositories for installation already.

All that being said, LibreOffice won't be in Xubuntu 14.04, even
as an installation option.

What's the situation after the LTS release? I don't know. If you
really think it's a better fit for Xubuntu, start preparing a
specification that covers questions about suitability,
lightness, etc. The Strategy Document has a full and pretty
thorough section about seeds and composition [1]. More
importantly, be ready to *do* something, not expect others to do
it for you: the team hasn't been interested enough now to
integrate LibreOffice, so it is highly likely that even if you
got the team convinced Xubuntu should have LibreOffice, you
probably still need to work, or get somebody to work on it.



On 08/01/14 11:45, PK wrote:

LibreOffice in Xubuntu seems a good idea to me. The
  only disadvantage I can think of, is that the iso probably
  won't fit on a 1 GB USB memory stick anymore. 

But 1 GB memory sticks have gone the way of the dinosaurs a
long time ago, so that's no real problem, I think. Heck, I
myself probably can't even find the 1 GB stick that I still
have somewhere :-)

  Regards, Pjotr.

  2014/1/8 Jackson Doak

  We're discussing changing to libreoffice,
since abiword is generally rather unstable. You could
use a custom ISO maker to replace the parts manually.

 On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM,
  Joel Ewing





I am wondering if including an option to
install LibreOffice during the Xubuntu
installation (in place of or alongside
Abiword and Gnumeric) could be
considered for an upcoming release of
  Recently, I was part of a group to decide
  what Linux distribution should be chosen
  to run on a fleet of old laptops that were
  owned by a school. I suggested Xubuntu,
  but my suggestion was ignored partly
  because Xubuntu does not 

Re: Shipping LibreOffice (Was: Re: Feature request)

2014-01-08 Thread PK
There's always Linux Mint Xfce of course, which does have LibreOffice by
default and also the nice modern Whisker menu

But I'd like to see Xubuntu provide a better out of the box experience as
well. It's unwise to underestimate the importance of first impressions.
Adding LibreOffice to the iso, would definitely improve the first
impression of a novice user. Abiword is nice, and even has some ability to
deal with .doc and .docx, but it's simply not comparable to LibreOffice.
It's not in the same league.

Lastly, just for the record: although I'm not active in development for
Xubuntu, that doesn't mean that I'm just a free rider who drops casual
remarks and does nothing: I'm the main (in fact: only) upstream Dutch
translator of both Xfce and LXDE (which are 100 % translated into Dutch)
and have done this since 2011. I'm also a member of the Dutch Ubuntu
translators team and I've provided the Dutch translations for Abiword, too.

In these respects I've been doing (and still am doing) a lot of work which
benefits Xubuntu as well. I repeat: this is not meant to boast or
something, but simply to highlight the fact that although I'm no Xubuntu
developer, indirectly I do work for Xubuntu as well

Regards, Pjotr.

2014/1/8 Lutz Andersohn

  My 2 cts:
 I understand lightness, which is why I like Xubuntu. Having said that, in
 order to get more users on Xubuntu (or all Ubuntu flavors for that matter)
 I think we need to take into account that a lot of computer work involves
 interoperability with other people/computers. For example my kid's school
 sends announcements often in DOCX file format.
 So, I think interoperability is really important and as such I think we
 need to embrace it. Abiword has no way of reading DOC or DOCX (neither has
 gnumeric for XLS or XLSX) so it is unsuitable in many cases. I really do
 not understand how one can use Xubuntu in a normal daily life interacting
 with people who don't have a strong philosophy about open software or open
 file formats without LibreOffice.

 *Lutz Andersohn*
 (925) 784 1565
 D-19318, AFF-I Public key ID: 0x9620D1A6
 On 01/08/2014 05:37 AM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:

 Including LibreOffice in the Xubuntu seed has been discussed numeours of
 times and the team has always decided to include it. At the moment we're
 preparing an LTS release with many more things to do, which are also much
 more important to do than prepare and execute LibreOffice integration.

 From my point of view, including LibreOffice on the ISO for optional
 installation is really close to just installing it, and I don't know why we
 would like to do the latter. On the other hand, being installable is really
 close to what we have now: the whole suite is in the repositories for
 installation already.

 All that being said, LibreOffice won't be in Xubuntu 14.04, even as an
 installation option.

 What's the situation after the LTS release? I don't know. If you really
 think it's a better fit for Xubuntu, start preparing a specification that
 covers questions about suitability, lightness, etc. The Strategy Document
 has a full and pretty thorough section about seeds and composition [1].
 More importantly, be ready to *do* something, not expect others to do it
 for you: the team hasn't been interested enough now to integrate
 LibreOffice, so it is highly likely that even if you got the team convinced
 Xubuntu should have LibreOffice, you probably still need to work, or get
 somebody to work on it.



 On 08/01/14 11:45, PK wrote:

  LibreOffice in Xubuntu seems a good idea to me. The only disadvantage I
 can think of, is that the iso probably won't fit on a 1 GB USB memory stick

  But 1 GB memory sticks have gone the way of the dinosaurs a long time
 ago, so that's no real problem, I think. Heck, I myself probably can't even
 find the 1 GB stick that I still have somewhere  :-)

  Regards, Pjotr.

 2014/1/8 Jackson Doak

 We're discussing changing to libreoffice, since abiword is generally
 rather unstable. You could use a custom ISO maker to replace the parts

   On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Joel Ewing physicssha...@gmail.comwrote:

  I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
 Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
 be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
  Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution
 should be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a
 school.  I suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because
 Xubuntu does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are
 great at what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice
 because it is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the 

Re: Feature request

2014-01-08 Thread PK
OK, I understand. Thanks for explaining

Regards, Pjotr.

2014/1/8 Stephen Michael Kellat

 While there are other replies to this, I'm going to address this from a
 different angle perhaps.

 Typically the time for feature requests to be made is before the
 development cycle begins.  We can still receive such now but it will have
 to be bound over until the next development cycle generally.  There is a
 deadline during the development cycle for establishing what will happen
 during a release that is common to all flavors.

 As to shipping the packages and making an installation option, that's
 actually a very messy thing to do.  Patches would likely need to be made to
 the installer for Xubuntu only to handle such.  Consultation with upstream
 would be required to see if the patches would be accepted but this does not
 seem to generally bring value to all flavors who happen to use the same
 installer as us.

 The package ubuntu-defaults-builder can be used for making your own
 bespoke version of Xubuntu.  The documentation for doing so is somewhat
 lacking and requires some hacking.  Other tools exist for making your own

 Right now the priority is to prepare to deliver the 14.04 Long Term
 Support release.  This would be a big thing to switch gears on mid-way to
 try to accommodate now.  A specification could be drafted for 14.10 and
 refined until we start looking at ideas in late April/early May for that

 I'm sorry we couldn't have a more accommodating answer at this time.  The
 tempo of the release cycle remains fixed.  We march ever onward to the
 drum's beat.

 Stephen Michael Kellat
 Member, Xubuntu Team/Xubuntu Documentation
 (Stealing a moment over lunch in the basement cafeteria at work)

 On Jan 7, 2014, at 7:43 PM, Joel Ewing wrote:

  I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
 Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
 be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
  Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution should
 be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a school.  I
 suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu
 does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at
 what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice because it
 is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers could look
 into this matter.
  Thank you.
  Joel Ewing
  xubuntu-devel mailing list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Shipping LibreOffice (Was: Re: Feature request)

2014-01-08 Thread Joel Ewing
Thank you for your reply.  I don't have development skills myself, but I
appreciate everything you guys do.  I agree, including LibreOffice as an
installation option is rather unusual, but Xubuntu users seem to use quite
a wide range of hardware.  I'm on modern hardware myself, but it would be
nice to leave Abiword and Gnumeric in for users who don't have the hardware
capabilities to run the LibreOffice suite.
Thank you Xubuntu team for all that you do.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 6:37 AM, Pasi Lallinaho p...@shimmerproject.orgwrote:

  Including LibreOffice in the Xubuntu seed has been discussed numeours of
 times and the team has always decided to include it. At the moment we're
 preparing an LTS release with many more things to do, which are also much
 more important to do than prepare and execute LibreOffice integration.

 From my point of view, including LibreOffice on the ISO for optional
 installation is really close to just installing it, and I don't know why we
 would like to do the latter. On the other hand, being installable is really
 close to what we have now: the whole suite is in the repositories for
 installation already.

 All that being said, LibreOffice won't be in Xubuntu 14.04, even as an
 installation option.

 What's the situation after the LTS release? I don't know. If you really
 think it's a better fit for Xubuntu, start preparing a specification that
 covers questions about suitability, lightness, etc. The Strategy Document
 has a full and pretty thorough section about seeds and composition [1].
 More importantly, be ready to *do* something, not expect others to do it
 for you: the team hasn't been interested enough now to integrate
 LibreOffice, so it is highly likely that even if you got the team convinced
 Xubuntu should have LibreOffice, you probably still need to work, or get
 somebody to work on it.



 On 08/01/14 11:45, PK wrote:

  LibreOffice in Xubuntu seems a good idea to me. The only disadvantage I
 can think of, is that the iso probably won't fit on a 1 GB USB memory stick

  But 1 GB memory sticks have gone the way of the dinosaurs a long time
 ago, so that's no real problem, I think. Heck, I myself probably can't even
 find the 1 GB stick that I still have somewhere  :-)

  Regards, Pjotr.

 2014/1/8 Jackson Doak

 We're discussing changing to libreoffice, since abiword is generally
 rather unstable. You could use a custom ISO maker to replace the parts

   On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Joel Ewing physicssha...@gmail.comwrote:

  I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
 Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
 be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
  Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution
 should be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a
 school.  I suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because
 Xubuntu does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are
 great at what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice
 because it is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers
 could look into this matter.
  Thank you.

  Joel Ewing

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

 Pasi Lallinaho (knome)  »
 Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu   »
 Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Feature request

2014-01-07 Thread Joel Ewing
I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution should be
chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a school.  I
suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu
does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at
what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice because it
is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers could look
into this matter.
Thank you.

Joel Ewing
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Feature request

2014-01-07 Thread Jackson Doak
We're discussing changing to libreoffice, since abiword is generally rather
unstable. You could use a custom ISO maker to replace the parts manually.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Joel Ewing wrote:

 I am wondering if including an option to install LibreOffice during the
 Xubuntu installation (in place of or alongside Abiword and Gnumeric) could
 be considered for an upcoming release of Xubuntu.
 Recently, I was part of a group to decide what Linux distribution should
 be chosen to run on a fleet of old laptops that were owned by a school.  I
 suggested Xubuntu, but my suggestion was ignored partly because Xubuntu
 does not come with LibreOffice.  Although Abiword and Gnumeric are great at
 what they do, many users seem to gravitate towards LibreOffice because it
 is more fully-featured.  I would appreciate if the developers could look
 into this matter.
 Thank you.

 Joel Ewing

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: How to submit a feature request?

2014-01-03 Thread Shuhao Wu
I think this is currently proposed to go into trusty. However I don't think
Xfce has any plans to push it as a default.
On Dec 28, 2013 12:27 PM, P.K. wrote:

 How can I request a feature for Xfce 4.12?

 To be precise: I'd like the Whisker menu (xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin) to be
 added to the panel plugin collection of Xfce. In fact, I'd even like to see
 it as the default menu for Xfce 4.12

 I've tried to use Bugzilla to submit this feature request, but without
 success: it only allows for bugs to be filed against existing components.

 Does anybody know what I can do?

 Regards, Pjotr.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: A request to help develop the website.

2013-10-24 Thread Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 7:39 AM, Will Partridge wrote:
 Dear xubuntu developers,

 I noticed that the website is not very informative at first glance and
 perhaps it could do with a little spicing up such as having tabs at the top
 for navigating between the important pages, I have basic knowledge of HTML
 and I am keen to help... I have plenty of time and I am willing to learn!

Welcome! We have a dedicated web developer and designer (Pasi
Lallinaho) who works on much of the code and design of the site, but
we can always do with fresh eyes taking a look at the site, giving
feedback to improve things and filing bugs:

And happy to discuss design proposals here on the list. As always with
this stuff, just keep in mind that it's heavily subjective (personally
I find the links where they are now much easier than tabs along the

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Request for List of Applications in you Distro

2013-10-04 Thread Linux_Apps_list
Hi, I am currently building a Website that lists all the Software
Applications that come with any fresh Distro of Linux, primarily those
which can be assessed via the Menus on the Graphical User Interface.

So if possible, I would like you to send me a list of Applications that
come precompiled with any flavour of your Distro and the Menus they be
assessed by.

So for Example: If your Distro was built on;
Arch Linux and used the KDE Desktop Enviroment
Under Menu Multimedia may be Application VLC and
Under Menu Graphics   may be Application GIMP

Or if the Distro was built on;
Debian and used the Gnome Desktop Enviroment
Under Menu Internet may be Firefox and
Under Menu Office   may be LibreOffice Writer

I would also greatly appreciate it if you could send me updated lists when
you update your Distros.

I'll include your Logo and a link to your Website when it is ready.
Thanks for reading this.
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Request for List of Applications in you Distro

2013-10-04 Thread Pasi Lallinaho

please refer to the seed files for Xubuntu. For Saucy (13.10):


On 04/10/13 02:08, Linux_Apps_list wrote:
 Hi, I am currently building a Website that lists all the Software
 Applications that come with any fresh Distro of Linux, primarily those
 which can be assessed via the Menus on the Graphical User Interface.

 So if possible, I would like you to send me a list of Applications
 that come precompiled with any flavour of your Distro and the Menus
 they be assessed by.

 So for Example: If your Distro was built on;
 Arch Linux and used the KDE Desktop Enviroment
 Under Menu Multimedia may be Application VLC and
 Under Menu Graphics   may be Application GIMP

 Or if the Distro was built on;
 Debian and used the Gnome Desktop Enviroment
 Under Menu Internet may be Firefox and
 Under Menu Office   may be LibreOffice Writer

 I would also greatly appreciate it if you could send me updated lists
 when you update your Distros.

 I'll include your Logo and a link to your Website when it is ready.
 Thanks for reading this.

Pasi Lallinaho (knome)  »
Leader of Shimmer Project and Xubuntu   »
Graphic artist, webdesigner, Ubuntu member  »

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Unable to auth to new WEP network, NetworkManager No agents were available for this request

2012-09-19 Thread Chris Bainbridge
I'm using Xubuntu (Precise release) with all latest updates. When
trying to connect to a new protected wifi network (by clicking on the
network name in nm-applet from the taskbar) I get a timeout and error
from NetworkManager: No agents were available for this request. I
have tried with several networks and get the same.

Syslog shows:

Aug 29 21:37:03 andrea NetworkManager[848]: info Activation (wlan0)
Stage 2 of 5 (Device Configure) complete.
Aug 29 21:37:28 andrea NetworkManager[848]: warn No agents were
available for this request.
Aug 29 21:37:28 andrea NetworkManager[848]: info (wlan0): device
state change: need-auth - failed (reason 'no-secrets') [60 120 7]

I presume NetworkManager is trying to ask nm-applet for a passphrase
but this fails for some reason and the process times out after 25
seconds. I filed bug #1043551 on Launchpad

Any ideas? I don't understand why I have not seen more reports of
others encountering this bug, it would seem to be very prominent. I
can connect to a network okay if I manually define it in nm-applet
(Edit Connections...) but not if I just click on the applet icon and
then click on the network name as I suppose most people would do.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Unable to auth to new WEP network, NetworkManager No agents were available for this request

2012-09-19 Thread Chris Bainbridge
On 20 September 2012 02:35, Chris Bainbridge wrote:
 I'm using Xubuntu (Precise release) with all latest updates. When
 trying to connect to a new protected wifi network (by clicking on the
 network name in nm-applet from the taskbar) I get a timeout and error
 from NetworkManager: No agents were available for this request. I
 have tried with several networks and get the same.

Never mind, this appears to be a side effect of doing eval
$(gnome-keyring-daemon --start) in .profile to get rid of that
annoying pkcs11 message
it does not occur on a standard install.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-28 Thread Tim H.

Yep, forgot to mention this in the earlier post (btw. why two threads for the
same thing?)

Sorry about that.  I keep forgetting only one of my addresses is 
actually subscribed to the list.  My first post was held for 
moderation...good ol' mailman.

 The plan for Oneiric is to use the Xfce desktop for UbuntuStudio, so I
 am sure help would be appreciated.

I'll have to jump on that.  Thanks for the info.

I completely forgot my xubuntu-dev list stuff went to a separate mail 
folder I haven't been checking.  I'll be more active in the future :P


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-26 Thread Tim Henderson
I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with 
Xubuntu desktop.

Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this, 
including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I 
already have a working prototype :P

Tim H.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-26 Thread Kaspar Kööp
On 26 August 2011 02:01, Tim Henderson wrote:

 I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with Xubuntu

 Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this,
 including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I already
 have a working prototype :P

 Tim H.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list**mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel


Ubuntu Studio is switching from Gnome to XFCE (

NOT Xubuntu, but Ubuntu base with their own XFCE tuning.

Best regards,
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-26 Thread Janne Jokitalo
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 09:59:32AM +0200, Kaspar Kööp wrote:
 On 26 August 2011 02:01, Tim Henderson wrote:
  I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with Xubuntu
  Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this,
  including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I already
  have a working prototype :P
 Ubuntu Studio is switching from Gnome to XFCE (
 NOT Xubuntu, but Ubuntu base with their own XFCE tuning.


well, I'd say we're even closer than that. I'm borrowing heavily from Xubuntu's
desktop seed. Granted, we have our own theme, but outside of that, we just strip
a few things, and add our trademark stuff.

But yeah, it's gonna be interesting. Bear in mind, though, that this is the
first release with Xubuntu as the base. So it's not gonna be pretty (well I hope
it will, but might not.) Our real goal is to have a solid release for the
upcoming LTS cycle. As unfortunate as it is, oneiric is a little bit of a
training version. But I'm still expecting huge things of it, don't get me wrong.

Jaska (aka astraljava @

Description: Digital signature
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-26 Thread Janne Jokitalo
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 06:23:51PM -0600, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 Such enthusiasm is always nice to see, however, the developers of
 Xubuntu have no plans to fork UbuntuStudio. You could actually check
 with the developers of UbuntuStudio and see if they need help. They
 hang out on IRC in #ubuntustudio-devel .

Yep, forgot to mention this in the earlier post (btw. why two threads for the
same thing?)

 The plan for Oneiric is to use the Xfce desktop for UbuntuStudio, so I
 am sure help would be appreciated.

Yes, thank you! If you have time, and interest, everything's whole-heartedly
welcomed. Hop on in!


Description: Digital signature
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-26 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:01:25 -0400
Tim Henderson wrote:

 I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with 
 Xubuntu desktop.
 Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this, 
 including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I 
 already have a working prototype :P

Such enthusiasm is always nice to see, however, the developers of
Xubuntu have no plans to fork UbuntuStudio. You could actually check
with the developers of UbuntuStudio and see if they need help. They
hang out on IRC in #ubuntustudio-devel .

The plan for Oneiric is to use the Xfce desktop for UbuntuStudio, so I
am sure help would be appreciated.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-25 Thread bizdev
I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with 
Xubuntu desktop.

Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this, 
including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I 
already have a working prototype :P

Tim H.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-25 Thread Ronald Stewart
You're right this sounds real cool

On Thursday, August 25, 2011, wrote:
 I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with Xubuntu

 Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this,
including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I already
have a working prototype :P

 Tim H.

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-25 Thread Mike Holstein
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 8:02 PM, wrote:

 I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with Xubuntu

 Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this,
 including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I already
 have a working prototype :P

 Tim H.

hey tim... feel free and join us on freenode at #ubuntustudio-devel ..we
could use any help you would like to offer during this transition.. thanks

 xubuntu-devel mailing list**mailman/listinfo/xubuntu-devel

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu Studio Request

2011-08-25 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:05:46 -0400
Ronald Stewart wrote:

 You're right this sounds real cool
 On Thursday, August 25, 2011, wrote:
  I'm an avid user of Ubuntu Studio, however customized to run with Xubuntu
  Is there a xubuntu-studio in the works?  I'd be very interested in this,
 including participating the packaging, developement, and testing.  I already
 have a working prototype :P

Such enthusiasm is always nice to see, however, the developers of
Xubuntu have no plans to fork UbuntuStudio. You could actually check
with the developers of UbuntuStudio and see if they need help. They
hang out on IRC in #ubuntustudio-devel .

The plan for Oneiric is to use the Xfce desktop for UbuntuStudio, so I
am sure help would be appreciated.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-14 Thread Janne Jokitalo
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 04:46:44PM -0600, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
 project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
 comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.


That should just work, and AFAIUI that's the way it is done in several other
*buntu teams.


Description: Digital signature
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-14 Thread Micah Gersten
On 08/11/2011 05:46 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
 project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
 comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.

 Accordingly to the Xubuntu Strategy Document

 The Xubuntu project lead serves a term of three releases after which he
 or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a public
 meeting. If consensus is unable to be found, the matter is referred to
 the Ubuntu Community Council.
 /end quote/

 Since this is all that is said about choosing the project lead, I am
 proposing the following amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy
 Document. I would really appreciate your thoughts and input on this.

 The Xubuntu project lead is chosen by a popular vote during a Community
 Meeting. Those elgible to vote are the members of the Xubuntu Users
 team in launchpad. This team includes both Xubuntu Contributors and
 Xubuntu Council, thus will be able to choose an effective project lead.
 Project lead nominations are made one month in advance of the election,
 by members of Xubuntu Users. These nominations may be submitted by an
 individual nominating themselves or someone else. The leader be voted
 on during a Xubuntu community meeting.

 It is recommended that nominees add relevant information for the
 election to their personal wiki pages (eg: activities in the relevant
 team and specific interests today, thoughts about the most important
 challenges of the team in the next year, what you'd like to see change
 in the team, work to focus on as the project leader).

 The project lead is to be the person receiving a simple majority vote.
 The person receiving the second highest vote will be the interim
 project lead should the project lead be unable to fulfill the entire

This seems fine except the part about being chosen from the Xubuntu
Users team.  This is an open team that anyone can join and while
inclusiveness is good, choosing a project lead should be IMHO done by
people actually involved with the project.  Perhaps that Xubuntu Team
team is more appropriate since this is moderated.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-14 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 15:56:28 -0500
Micah Gersten wrote:

 On 08/11/2011 05:46 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
  I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
  project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
  comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.
  Accordingly to the Xubuntu Strategy Document
  The Xubuntu project lead serves a term of three releases after which he
  or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a public
  meeting. If consensus is unable to be found, the matter is referred to
  the Ubuntu Community Council.
  /end quote/
  Since this is all that is said about choosing the project lead, I am
  proposing the following amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy
  Document. I would really appreciate your thoughts and input on this.
  The Xubuntu project lead is chosen by a popular vote during a Community
  Meeting. Those elgible to vote are the members of the Xubuntu Users
  team in launchpad. This team includes both Xubuntu Contributors and
  Xubuntu Council, thus will be able to choose an effective project lead.
  Project lead nominations are made one month in advance of the election,
  by members of Xubuntu Users. These nominations may be submitted by an
  individual nominating themselves or someone else. The leader be voted
  on during a Xubuntu community meeting.
  It is recommended that nominees add relevant information for the
  election to their personal wiki pages (eg: activities in the relevant
  team and specific interests today, thoughts about the most important
  challenges of the team in the next year, what you'd like to see change
  in the team, work to focus on as the project leader).
  The project lead is to be the person receiving a simple majority vote.
  The person receiving the second highest vote will be the interim
  project lead should the project lead be unable to fulfill the entire
 This seems fine except the part about being chosen from the Xubuntu
 Users team.  This is an open team that anyone can join and while
 inclusiveness is good, choosing a project lead should be IMHO done by
 people actually involved with the project.  Perhaps that Xubuntu Team
 team is more appropriate since this is moderated.

I went with Xubuntu Users explicitly because it is a public team. Since
the Strategy Document already says 
he or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a
public meeting. I wanted to stay within that intent to keep it public
whenever possible. If there is a concensus on this, I will change it to
read Xubuntu Team, which would be a much smaller group, and is users
approved by the current project leader only. However, it seems to me
that would allow the project lead to stack the deck in their favor.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-14 Thread Micah Gersten
On 08/14/2011 04:26 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 15:56:28 -0500
 Micah Gersten wrote:

  On 08/11/2011 05:46 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
  I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
  project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
  comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.
  Accordingly to the Xubuntu Strategy Document
  The Xubuntu project lead serves a term of three releases after which he
  or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a public
  meeting. If consensus is unable to be found, the matter is referred to
  the Ubuntu Community Council.
  /end quote/
  Since this is all that is said about choosing the project lead, I am
  proposing the following amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy
  Document. I would really appreciate your thoughts and input on this.
  The Xubuntu project lead is chosen by a popular vote during a Community
  Meeting. Those elgible to vote are the members of the Xubuntu Users
  team in launchpad. This team includes both Xubuntu Contributors and
  Xubuntu Council, thus will be able to choose an effective project lead.
  Project lead nominations are made one month in advance of the election,
  by members of Xubuntu Users. These nominations may be submitted by an
  individual nominating themselves or someone else. The leader be voted
  on during a Xubuntu community meeting.
  It is recommended that nominees add relevant information for the
  election to their personal wiki pages (eg: activities in the relevant
  team and specific interests today, thoughts about the most important
  challenges of the team in the next year, what you'd like to see change
  in the team, work to focus on as the project leader).
  The project lead is to be the person receiving a simple majority vote.
  The person receiving the second highest vote will be the interim
  project lead should the project lead be unable to fulfill the entire

  This seems fine except the part about being chosen from the Xubuntu
  Users team.  This is an open team that anyone can join and while
  inclusiveness is good, choosing a project lead should be IMHO done by
  people actually involved with the project.  Perhaps that Xubuntu Team
  team is more appropriate since this is moderated.


 I went with Xubuntu Users explicitly because it is a public team. Since
 the Strategy Document already says
 he or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a
 public meeting. I wanted to stay within that intent to keep it public
 whenever possible. If there is a concensus on this, I will change it to
 read Xubuntu Team, which would be a much smaller group, and is users
 approved by the current project leader only. However, it seems to me
 that would allow the project lead to stack the deck in their favor.

That would seem to be problematic.  My only concern is people could vote
on a project lead with no real interest so to speak in the project. 
There doesn't seem to be a good way around this though.  Perhaps the
Xubuntu Council could approve Xubuntu Team members?

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-14 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 16:33:04 -0500
Micah Gersten wrote:

 On 08/14/2011 04:26 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
  On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 15:56:28 -0500
  Micah Gersten wrote:
   On 08/11/2011 05:46 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
   I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
   project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
   comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.
   Accordingly to the Xubuntu Strategy Document
   The Xubuntu project lead serves a term of three releases after which he
   or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a public
   meeting. If consensus is unable to be found, the matter is referred to
   the Ubuntu Community Council.
   /end quote/
   Since this is all that is said about choosing the project lead, I am
   proposing the following amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy
   Document. I would really appreciate your thoughts and input on this.
   The Xubuntu project lead is chosen by a popular vote during a Community
   Meeting. Those elgible to vote are the members of the Xubuntu Users
   team in launchpad. This team includes both Xubuntu Contributors and
   Xubuntu Council, thus will be able to choose an effective project lead.
   Project lead nominations are made one month in advance of the election,
   by members of Xubuntu Users. These nominations may be submitted by an
   individual nominating themselves or someone else. The leader be voted
   on during a Xubuntu community meeting.
   It is recommended that nominees add relevant information for the
   election to their personal wiki pages (eg: activities in the relevant
   team and specific interests today, thoughts about the most important
   challenges of the team in the next year, what you'd like to see change
   in the team, work to focus on as the project leader).
   The project lead is to be the person receiving a simple majority vote.
   The person receiving the second highest vote will be the interim
   project lead should the project lead be unable to fulfill the entire
   This seems fine except the part about being chosen from the Xubuntu
   Users team.  This is an open team that anyone can join and while
   inclusiveness is good, choosing a project lead should be IMHO done by
   people actually involved with the project.  Perhaps that Xubuntu Team
   team is more appropriate since this is moderated.
  I went with Xubuntu Users explicitly because it is a public team. Since
  the Strategy Document already says
  he or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a
  public meeting. I wanted to stay within that intent to keep it public
  whenever possible. If there is a concensus on this, I will change it to
  read Xubuntu Team, which would be a much smaller group, and is users
  approved by the current project leader only. However, it seems to me
  that would allow the project lead to stack the deck in their favor.
 That would seem to be problematic.  My only concern is people could vote
 on a project lead with no real interest so to speak in the project. 
 There doesn't seem to be a good way around this though.  Perhaps the
 Xubuntu Council could approve Xubuntu Team members?

I will have to look again. I think Xubuntu Team picked the council,
when we get there, but maybe not. Seems like those just signing up to
say they are on more team will not participate in the meetings anyway,
which will eliminate them as voters?

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-12 Thread Jarno Suni
I find that too bureaucratic. It is better to communicate in the
project and let your deeds speak for themselves. I think Xubuntu
should not be a one man's project, but aim at common interest, ease to
configure to your personal needs. Less is more.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-12 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:27:56 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 I find that too bureaucratic. It is better to communicate in the
 project and let your deeds speak for themselves. I think Xubuntu
 should not be a one man's project, but aim at common interest, ease to
 configure to your personal needs. Less is more.

You find having a leader that can actually make a decision bureaucratic
or you find selecting a leader bureaucratic? 

I fail to see the connection between having a project lead and one
man's project. There is a huge difference, and they are not the same.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-12 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 07:08:22 -0600
Charlie Kravetz wrote:

 On Fri, 12 Aug 2011 11:27:56 +0300
 Jarno Suni wrote:
  I find that too bureaucratic. It is better to communicate in the
  project and let your deeds speak for themselves. I think Xubuntu
  should not be a one man's project, but aim at common interest, ease to
  configure to your personal needs. Less is more.
 You find having a leader that can actually make a decision bureaucratic
 or you find selecting a leader bureaucratic? 
 I fail to see the connection between having a project lead and one
 man's project. There is a huge difference, and they are not the same.

Perhaps I should also have stated that this is not a debate about
whether or not to have a project leader, but only a way to pick that
leader. The Strategy Document guides the governance of Xubuntu. It
already states there will be a project leader. That isn't going to be

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-11 Thread Charlie Kravetz
Hash: SHA1

I am planning to revise the Strategy Document for electing the next
project lead. Since this does change the governing directive, your
comments are welcome, either opposed or for the change.

Accordingly to the Xubuntu Strategy Document

The Xubuntu project lead serves a term of three releases after which he
or she must seek reconfirmation from the Xubuntu community via a public
meeting. If consensus is unable to be found, the matter is referred to
the Ubuntu Community Council. 
/end quote/

Since this is all that is said about choosing the project lead, I am
proposing the following amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy
Document. I would really appreciate your thoughts and input on this.

The Xubuntu project lead is chosen by a popular vote during a Community
Meeting. Those elgible to vote are the members of the Xubuntu Users
team in launchpad. This team includes both Xubuntu Contributors and
Xubuntu Council, thus will be able to choose an effective project lead.
Project lead nominations are made one month in advance of the election,
by members of Xubuntu Users. These nominations may be submitted by an
individual nominating themselves or someone else. The leader be voted
on during a Xubuntu community meeting.

It is recommended that nominees add relevant information for the
election to their personal wiki pages (eg: activities in the relevant
team and specific interests today, thoughts about the most important
challenges of the team in the next year, what you'd like to see change
in the team, work to focus on as the project leader).

The project lead is to be the person receiving a simple majority vote.
The person receiving the second highest vote will be the interim
project lead should the project lead be unable to fulfill the entire

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Project Lead
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Amendment to the Xubuntu Strategy Document - Final request for comments

2011-08-11 Thread Bruno Benitez
2011/8/11 Charlie Kravetz

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

oh, yes, I don't know if I'm able to vote or no, but then again I do support
this idea. I think it is clear and simple, if its worth something I say go
on please.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: About new technologies in the upcoming release; request for release notes and documentation

2010-04-25 Thread Jarno Suni
On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

 Anyone with the appropriate knowledge should feel free to create a
 community help page. The place for that would be on . Please don't feel that there is a
 need to wait for developers to write the help page.

I'd say Xubuntu documentation included in Xubuntu image iso files
would be the better place to write about it, besides the release notes
that one is supposed to read before downloading an iso image file.
Then user could get that information even without internet connection.
I'd suggest the page corresponding to
file:///usr/share/xubuntu-docs/troubleshooting-multimedia.html in
Xubuntu 9.10 documentation. Would people responsible for taking
pulseaudio into Xubuntu take care of adding instructions on how to
remove pulseaudio for some people will not like the regressions it
causes, please?

I am not sure, if this is the best way:
1) sudo pulseaudio --kill (is sudo needed?)
2) sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio
3) restart

 The use of nouveau instead of nv is driven by the fact that the nv
 driver is no longer available. If you use an Nvidia video card, the
 nouveau driver will be used when you install Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu
 10.04. Is there testing needed? We have one week to release. Testing
 has been done, by more than just Ubuntu users. There will be no
 reverting to the nv driver, it is obsolete.

At least there exists xserver-xorg-video-nv in a repository for Lucid.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: About new technologies in the upcoming release; request for release notes and documentation

2010-04-23 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 02:54:20 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 I think pulseaudio is future technology, arguably not mature enough
 for Xubuntu considering the Package Selection Matrix of Xubuntu
 Strategy Document. But if it makes sound work in some hardware, in
 which sound does not work otherwise (like Charlie Kravetz told)
 Xubuntu users should at least know about it. Adding it as the default
 sound system is one way to raise users' awareness about it, although
 not sufficient way as it works in the background. If contibutors are
 eager to take pulseaudio in, let them play. Users that will prefer the
 old system, should be informed about how to revert. That should be
 done in the final release notes and in documentation, to avoid
 confusion and to save time of users.

Anyone with the appropriate knowledge should feel free to create a
community help page. The place for that would be on . Please don't feel that there is a
need to wait for developers to write the help page.

 Display drivers for Nvidia :
 10.4 uses experimental -nouveau drivers instead of -nv drivers, which
 cause some regressions and bugs. If that driver is really needed,
 users should notified of such issues in release notes. Maybe users
 could revert to use -nv drivers; I have not tried and I have no time
 for that in this weekend.

The use of nouveau instead of nv is driven by the fact that the nv
driver is no longer available. If you use an Nvidia video card, the
nouveau driver will be used when you install Ubuntu/Xubuntu/Kubuntu
10.04. Is there testing needed? We have one week to release. Testing
has been done, by more than just Ubuntu users. There will be no
reverting to the nv driver, it is obsolete.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

About new technologies in the upcoming release; request for release notes and documentation

2010-04-22 Thread Jarno Suni
I think pulseaudio is future technology, arguably not mature enough
for Xubuntu considering the Package Selection Matrix of Xubuntu
Strategy Document. But if it makes sound work in some hardware, in
which sound does not work otherwise (like Charlie Kravetz told)
Xubuntu users should at least know about it. Adding it as the default
sound system is one way to raise users' awareness about it, although
not sufficient way as it works in the background. If contibutors are
eager to take pulseaudio in, let them play. Users that will prefer the
old system, should be informed about how to revert. That should be
done in the final release notes and in documentation, to avoid
confusion and to save time of users.

Display drivers for Nvidia :
10.4 uses experimental -nouveau drivers instead of -nv drivers, which
cause some regressions and bugs. If that driver is really needed,
users should notified of such issues in release notes. Maybe users
could revert to use -nv drivers; I have not tried and I have no time
for that in this weekend.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-19 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:

 PS. With ALSA there seems to be also a problem that it seems somewhat
 unmaintained. Their site has been taken over by some
 www-address parking site(!?!).  The unofficial site seems still to work
 though: worked as I just tried it.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-19 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 23:35:27 +0300

 What I meant is that I was NOT able to play all the music before
 pulseaudio. That fact that you could did not really do any good for me.
 I need pulseaudio, apparently, myself. That doesn't mean everyone does,
 but it is now installed in Xubuntu by default, which until Lucid Lynx,
 it was not.

That is interesting. Could you play some music before pulseaudio? How
did it depend on music? Or did you mean you were not able to play any
music before?

I suppose an alternative solution could have been fixing the old
system to support your hardware, instead of moving to pulseaudio. That
would not have made functionality worse for other systems.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-19 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:57:20 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 1:05 AM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
  On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 23:35:27 +0300
  What I meant is that I was NOT able to play all the music before
  pulseaudio. That fact that you could did not really do any good for me.
  I need pulseaudio, apparently, myself. That doesn't mean everyone does,
  but it is now installed in Xubuntu by default, which until Lucid Lynx,
  it was not.
 That is interesting. Could you play some music before pulseaudio? How
 did it depend on music? Or did you mean you were not able to play any
 music before?
 I suppose an alternative solution could have been fixing the old
 system to support your hardware, instead of moving to pulseaudio. That
 would not have made functionality worse for other systems.

Please do not continue this thread. This is not a support forum, and I
did not ask for any help here.


Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-19 Thread Jarno Suni
On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Pasi Lallinaho wrote:
 Jarno Suni wrote:
 I still miss instructions on how to revert to the usual alsa sound
 sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio

Thanks, it works after reboot.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-18 Thread Eero Tamminen

On Saturday 17 April 2010, Jarno Suni wrote:
 Well, it has happened that pulseaudio does something additional,
 supposedly useless:
 But it is marked as fixed, so hopefully in Lucid there is no such

According to this bug, the problem was both in pulseaudio  kernel/ALSA
and both need to be fixed for the issue to go away.

I'm not sure, but in the Pulseaudio case the fix seemed to be disabling
glitch-free[1] playback until ALSA audio drivers and distros in general
work well enough with it.

[1] see:

 Still, If I have understood right, low latency requested by some
 programs results in more CPU usage, when using pulseaudio.

According the stuff that can be found by following links in that bug, the
cause for that is that Ubuntu kernels have much higher latencies than Fedora
kernels (pulseaudio comes from Fedora).  Some of the reasons for the latency
issues are:
- CONFIG_HZ is set much lower (than kernel default)
- crappy (proprietary?) drivers that break latency when using
  the voluntary pre-empt kernel option

This is for Ubuntu desktop kernels.  If one starts with server install, you
get a server kernel which doesn't have pre-empt enabled which causes even
worse latencies (servers care more about throughput than latency).
I ddon't know which kernel comes from the alternate install.

The issue with is that when Pulseaudio notices that latency was too
large (for the sound buffer sizes which ALSA allows), it needs to wake up
more often.  If the latencies are larger than the ALSA buffer sizes, it will
wake up _really_ often and therefore consumes a lot of CPU too...

For more details, see:

- Eero

PS. With ALSA there seems to be also a problem that it seems somewhat
unmaintained. Their site has been taken over by some
www-address parking site(!?!).  The unofficial site seems still to work

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-17 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:

 As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
 tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
 systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.

What is so special in playing music through pulseaudio? I'd say that
is basic work.

Someone told me that the current pulseaudio requires much more CPU
power than alsa. Maybe that can be an issue to some users.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-17 Thread Eero Tamminen

On Saturday 17 April 2010, Jarno Suni wrote:
 As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
 tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
 systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.

 What is so special in playing music through pulseaudio? I'd say that
 is basic work.

Use Google.

 Someone told me that the current pulseaudio requires much more CPU
 power than alsa. Maybe that can be an issue to some users.

By default Pulseaudio uses ALSA for the sound output.

Additional features naturally need additional CPU.

If you don't need a sound server and other additional features Pulseaudio
offers on top of ALSA, ALSA can be just fine:

- Eero

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-17 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:

 On Saturday 17 April 2010, Jarno Suni wrote:
 As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
 tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
 systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.

 What is so special in playing music through pulseaudio? I'd say that
 is basic work.

 Use Google.

I do not understand what Charlie meant, but never mind. I can play
music even without pulseaudio. I can even use a digital connection to

 Someone told me that the current pulseaudio requires much more CPU
 power than alsa. Maybe that can be an issue to some users.

 By default Pulseaudio uses ALSA for the sound output.

 Additional features naturally need additional CPU.

Well, it has happened that pulseaudio does something additional,
supposedly useless:
But it is marked as fixed, so hopefully in Lucid there is no such problem.

Still, If I have understood right, low latency requested by some
programs results in more CPU usage, when using pulseaudio.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-17 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Sat, 17 Apr 2010 23:35:27 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
  On Saturday 17 April 2010, Jarno Suni wrote:
  As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
  tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
  systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.
  What is so special in playing music through pulseaudio? I'd say that
  is basic work.
  Use Google.
 I do not understand what Charlie meant, but never mind. I can play
 music even without pulseaudio. I can even use a digital connection to

What I meant is that I was NOT able to play all the music before
pulseaudio. That fact that you could did not really do any good for me.
I need pulseaudio, apparently, myself. That doesn't mean everyone does,
but it is now installed in Xubuntu by default, which until Lucid Lynx,
it was not.

  Someone told me that the current pulseaudio requires much more CPU
  power than alsa. Maybe that can be an issue to some users.
  By default Pulseaudio uses ALSA for the sound output.
  Additional features naturally need additional CPU.
 Well, it has happened that pulseaudio does something additional,
 supposedly useless:
 But it is marked as fixed, so hopefully in Lucid there is no such problem.
 Still, If I have understood right, low latency requested by some
 programs results in more CPU usage, when using pulseaudio.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-13 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 15:54:34 +0300
 Jarno Suni wrote:

 As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
 tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
 systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.
 No, it doesn't work for everyone, any more than anything else does.
 That is why we keep asking to have bugs filed. It is also why, when
 bugs are filed, specific information is asked for. Audio bugs and
 kernel bugs are both filed as new bugs for each user. Why? Because
 hardware is not the same. A bug for one system is not a bug for another
 system. Please file a new bug for each system that has audio issues.

How do you report a bug of the oss mixer that is a sound card option
in Mixer? What do we need that oss mixer for?

I still miss instructions on how to revert to the usual alsa sound
system. Could there be a dialog where user could select which sound
system will be used for installation?


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-13 Thread Pasi Lallinaho
Jarno Suni wrote:
 I still miss instructions on how to revert to the usual alsa sound
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio

Pasi Lallinaho
Xubuntu Marketing Lead
Web-designer, graphic artist
IRC: knome @ freenode

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-13 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Tue, 13 Apr 2010 12:00:48 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
  On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 15:54:34 +0300
  Jarno Suni wrote:
  As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
  tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
  systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.
  No, it doesn't work for everyone, any more than anything else does.
  That is why we keep asking to have bugs filed. It is also why, when
  bugs are filed, specific information is asked for. Audio bugs and
  kernel bugs are both filed as new bugs for each user. Why? Because
  hardware is not the same. A bug for one system is not a bug for another
  system. Please file a new bug for each system that has audio issues.
 How do you report a bug of the oss mixer that is a sound card option
 in Mixer? What do we need that oss mixer for?

ubuntu-bug xfce4-mixer

 I still miss instructions on how to revert to the usual alsa sound
 system. Could there be a dialog where user could select which sound
 system will be used for installation?

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-12 Thread Kristian Rink
Hi there;

Am 09.04.2010 21:57, schrieb Vincent:
 Kristian, are these the final release notes? (The [] might indicate
 you have more) If so, can I (or would you like to) put them on so I can link to them in
 the website announcement?

I see you were faster as I was offline this weekend - thanks for getting 
the work done. Next time I'll directly add this to the wiki, seems sane 
to use this platform as it is available. :)


Kristian Rink * #
What was once thought can never be unthought.
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-12 Thread Vincent
On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Kristian Rink kaw...@zimmer428.netwrote:

 Hi there;

 Am 09.04.2010 21:57, schrieb Vincent:
  Kristian, are these the final release notes? (The [] might indicate
  you have more) If so, can I (or would you like to) put them on so I can link to them in
  the website announcement?

 I see you were faster as I was offline this weekend - thanks for getting
 the work done. Next time I'll directly add this to the wiki, seems sane
 to use this platform as it is available. :)


 Kristian Rink * #
 What was once thought can never be unthought.
 (Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

Hehe, yeah sorry :) I had written a draft of the news announcement, but
accidentally published it so I thought I might as well publish what you had

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-11 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Jarno Suni wrote:

 I just filed a bug report about the audio issue.

Here's the report:
I don't have any idea about how many years and releases it will take
to implement handling of the additional mixer elements. (Pulseaudio
has been used in Ubuntu for some releases already.) I believe I am not
the only one that will be disappointed with current pulseaudio.
Instructions on how to disable pulseaudio and enable the old system
(alsa?) would be beneficial to us, if pulseaudio remains in the final
release. That said, I think it would be even better, if the old system
was the default, and instructions for enabling pulseaudio were
delireved for those who are not satisfied with the old system. Such
instructions, preferably a script, should be linked in release notes
to save time of the users. I have disabled pulseaudio once for Ubuntu,
so I could try to look for the instructions, which are likely
deprecated, though, and impossible to follow when using Xubuntu.
Please post, If you know how to enable the old system.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-11 Thread Lionel Le Folgoc

On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 11:58:22AM +0300, Jarno Suni wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:50 PM, Jarno Suni 
  I just filed a bug report about the audio issue.
 Here's the report:
 I don't have any idea about how many years and releases it will take
 to implement handling of the additional mixer elements. (Pulseaudio
 has been used in Ubuntu for some releases already.) I believe I am not
 the only one that will be disappointed with current pulseaudio.
 Instructions on how to disable pulseaudio and enable the old system
 (alsa?) would be beneficial to us, if pulseaudio remains in the final
 release. That said, I think it would be even better, if the old system
 was the default, and instructions for enabling pulseaudio were
 delireved for those who are not satisfied with the old system. Such
 instructions, preferably a script, should be linked in release notes
 to save time of the users. I have disabled pulseaudio once for Ubuntu,
 so I could try to look for the instructions, which are likely
 deprecated, though, and impossible to follow when using Xubuntu.
 Please post, If you know how to enable the old system.

There will be both alsa and pulseaudio gstreamer bindings in the final
release, because gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio is pulled in by some gnome
packages. I've also removed the mixer autoconfiguration to use
pulseaudio, so users will be able to choose when configuring the mixer,
as it was in previous releases.

Anyway, gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio currently lacks notifications
(xfce4-mixer isn't notified when the volume changes, so the panel plugin
is rather useless because of this bug). That's why it was reverted back
to gstreamer0.10-alsa.


Lionel Le Folgoc -
E61E 116D 4BA1 3936 0A33  F61D 65D9 A66E 10E2 969A

Description: Digital signature
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-11 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Lionel Le Folgoc wrote:

 There will be both alsa and pulseaudio gstreamer bindings in the final
 release, because gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio is pulled in by some gnome
 packages. I've also removed the mixer autoconfiguration to use
 pulseaudio, so users will be able to choose when configuring the mixer,
 as it was in previous releases.

I don't see any installed package, which depends on
gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio. pulseaudio recommends the package. (aptitude
tells that totem and xfce4-mixer depend on gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio,
but I think that is an error.)

 Anyway, gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio currently lacks notifications
 (xfce4-mixer isn't notified when the volume changes, so the panel plugin
 is rather useless because of this bug). That's why it was reverted back
 to gstreamer0.10-alsa.

Please note that just changing the mixer does not make the additional
mixer tracks work. I guess only disabling pulseaudio sound system
entirely would make them work like they did in previous releases.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-10 Thread Jarno Suni
On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Jarno Suni wrote:

 As for pulse-audio,  will Lucid be the first Xubuntu release to use it
 by default?

I tried latest Xubuntu Lucid testing version in my main workstation
and it has severe hardware problems.

I tested audio and it has the same problems that I have succeeded to
avoid by choosing Xubuntu over Ubuntu before: It can control only one
of the outputs of my sound card. That is one analog output. But former
alsa mixer could handle the second analog output and even the digital
output. I belive, it is not clear to most people, if pulse-audio has
any advantages over the old system.

When comparing 9.04 and 9.10, the latter has better driver for my
nvidia graphics card. Now with Lucid, it can't even set video modes

If these remain in the final release, I would like to have them in
release notes. Actually, it would be nice to read about major
drawbacks already in the testing period.


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-10 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 15:54:34 +0300
Jarno Suni wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 12:08 AM, Jarno Suni 
  As for pulse-audio,  will Lucid be the first Xubuntu release to use it
  by default?
 I tried latest Xubuntu Lucid testing version in my main workstation
 and it has severe hardware problems.
 I tested audio and it has the same problems that I have succeeded to
 avoid by choosing Xubuntu over Ubuntu before: It can control only one
 of the outputs of my sound card. That is one analog output. But former
 alsa mixer could handle the second analog output and even the digital
 output. I belive, it is not clear to most people, if pulse-audio has
 any advantages over the old system.
 When comparing 9.04 and 9.10, the latter has better driver for my
 nvidia graphics card. Now with Lucid, it can't even set video modes
 If these remain in the final release, I would like to have them in
 release notes. Actually, it would be nice to read about major
 drawbacks already in the testing period.

It is well known that lucid is in beta, which means it is not stable.
It also means not everything will work everyday. The nvidia graphics
issue is a known issue. It has been reported as several bugs, it has
been blogged about by developers. 

As for the audio issues, I can only say that for me, pulseaudio is a
tremendous improvement. I can finally use my sound! It works on all my
systems, and I can even get the music I listen to to play through it.
No, it doesn't work for everyone, any more than anything else does.
That is why we keep asking to have bugs filed. It is also why, when
bugs are filed, specific information is asked for. Audio bugs and
kernel bugs are both filed as new bugs for each user. Why? Because
hardware is not the same. A bug for one system is not a bug for another
system. Please file a new bug for each system that has audio issues. 

Thanks for letting us know you have issues with Lucid Beta. Thanks also
for testing the beta version.

Charlie Kravetz 
Xubuntu Quality Assurance and Testing
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-09 Thread Kristian Rink
Am 08.04.2010 16:58, schrieb Cody A.W. Somerville:


 Awesome work. However, for the release announcement, Steve only needs a
 2 to 3 paragraph general overview.

Ok. Shall I somehow cut things down, or is it too late for that anyway?

 Also, saying Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul is mostly incorrect.

Guess I was a little over-enthusiastic here - feel free to cut this down 
to a more reasonable wording. ;)


Kristian Rink * #
What was once thought can never be unthought.
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-09 Thread Vincent
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:

 Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
  I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for
 input to
  the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief
  at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
  blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
  Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

 A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release


 Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as
 always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for
 all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the
 usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux
 kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some
 changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

 - Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an
 on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the
 default installation.

 - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack,
 Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including
 classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

 - Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04
 continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default
 installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of
 SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

 - More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center
 replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.

 - Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant
 update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues
 seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has
 been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote
 file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

 - Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during
 system startup.

 - Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be

 * There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
 users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
 you to lose the document you are working on.

 * There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
 video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
 than desired.




 Kristian Rink * #
 What was once thought can never be unthought.
 (Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

Kristian, are these the final release notes? (The [] might indicate you
have more) If so, can I (or would you like to) put them on so I can link to them in the
website announcement?

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-09 Thread Jarno Suni
I hope this bug does not remain in the final release:

As for pulse-audio,  will Lucid be the first Xubuntu release to use it
by default?


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Fwd: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread Lionel Le Folgoc
-- Forwarded message --
From: Cody A.W. Somerville
Date: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 5:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: request for beta2 announcement input
To: Lionel Le Folgoc

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:41 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for input to
 the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief mention
 at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
 blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
 Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

 Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
 Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
 Ubuntu Developer                                                     

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Cody A.W. Somerville
Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1 781 850 2087
Cell: +1 613 401 5141
Fax: +1 613 687 7368

Lionel Le Folgoc -
E61E 116D 4BA1 3936 0A33  F61D 65D9 A66E 10E2 969A

Description: PGP signature
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread Kristian Rink
Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
 I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for input to
 the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief mention
 at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
 blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
 Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release 


Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as 
always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for 
all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the 
usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux 
kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some 
changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

- Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an 
on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the 
default installation.

- All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack, 
Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including 
classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

- Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04 
continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default 
installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of 
SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

- More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center 
replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.

- Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant 
update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues 
seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has 
been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote 
file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

- Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during 
system startup.

- Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be 

* There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
you to lose the document you are working on.

* There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
than desired.




Kristian Rink * #
What was once thought can never be unthought.
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread Cody A.W. Somerville
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:

 Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
  I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for
 input to
  the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief
  at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
  blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
  Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

 A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release


 Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as
 always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for
 all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the
 usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux
 kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some
 changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

 - Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an
 on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the
 default installation.

 - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack,
 Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including
 classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

 - Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04
 continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default
 installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of
 SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

 - More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center
 replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.

 - Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant
 update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues
 seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has
 been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote
 file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

 - Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during
 system startup.

 - Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be

 * There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
 users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
 you to lose the document you are working on.

 * There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
 video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
 than desired.



Awesome work. However, for the release announcement, Steve only needs a 2 to
3 paragraph general overview.

Also, saying Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul is mostly incorrect.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1 781 850 2087
Cell: +1 613 401 5141
Fax: +1 613 687 7368
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread nukiks

 Mr. Somerville,

Geez...these bugs you speak of sound pretty serious to me.
I guess I'll have to wait a while before I install 10.04.
My old 9.04 install is running perfectly.

Fabrizio Balsaq




-Original Message-
From: Cody A.W. Somerville
To: Xubuntu Development Discussion
Sent: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 10:58 am
Subject: Re: request for beta2 announcement input

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:

Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:

 I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for input to
 the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief mention
 at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
 blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
 Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release


Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as
always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for
all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the
usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux
kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some
changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

- Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an
on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the
default installation.

- All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack,
Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including
classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

- Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04
continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default
installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of
SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

- More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center
replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.

- Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant
update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues
seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has
been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote
file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

- Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during
system startup.

- Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be

* There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
you to lose the document you are working on.

* There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
than desired.



Awesome work. However, for the release announcement, Steve only needs a 2 to 3 
paragraph general overview. 

Also, saying Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul is mostly incorrect.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1 781 850 2087
Cell: +1 613 401 5141
Fax: +1 613 687 7368

xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread nukiks

Thank you for the update.
I hope we can get these bugs fixed asap.
Fabrizio Balsaq




-Original Message-
From: Kristian Rink
Sent: Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:58 am
Subject: Re: request for beta2 announcement input

Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
 I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for input to
 the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief mention
 at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
 blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
 Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.

A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release 


Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as 
always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for 
all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the 
usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux 
kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some 
changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:

- Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an 
on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the 
default installation.

- All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack, 
Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including 
classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.

- Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04 
continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default 
installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of 
SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.

- More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center 
replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.

- Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant 
update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues 
seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has 
been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote 
file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.

- Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during 
system startup.

- Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be 

* There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
you to lose the document you are working on.

* There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
than desired.




Kristian Rink * #
What was once thought can never be unthought.
(Duerrenmatt - 'Die Physiker')

xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 10:58:58 -0400
Cody A.W. Somerville wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Kristian Rink wrote:
  Am 08.04.2010 10:38, schrieb Lionel Le Folgoc:
   I didn't hear back from either of you in response to my request for
  input to
   the beta1 announcement, so Xubuntu and UbuntuStudio only got a brief
   at the top of the mail.  Would either of you like to have a what's new
   blurb in the beta2 announcement?  If so, please send me your content by
   Thursday morning UTC so I can include it.
  A short shot at this as I am in the process of dealing with the release
  Heading for 10.04, Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul, while as
  always providing a pleasant and lightweight computing environment for
  all those wanting to go with the XFCE desktop by default. Along with the
  usual updates of core components and infrastructure like the Linux
  kernel, plymouth splash screen and graphics card drivers, there are some
  changes noteworthy about Xubuntu 10.04:
  - Accessibility first: In order to assist all these in need of an
  on-screen keyboard, OnBoard has been added to Accessoires in the
  default installation.
  - All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. In order to help Jack,
  Xubuntu comes with a fine and revamped selection of games including
  classics like Mahjongg, Sudoku and Solitaire.
  - Imagine! While replaced in the Ubuntu distribution, Xubuntu 10.04
  continues to offer the GNU Image Manipulation Program in the default
  installation. Along with this, xsane has been replaced in favour of
  SimpleScan to ease setup and operation of scanners.
  - More bits in times of need: The all-new Ubuntu Software Center
  replaces the Add/Remove ... option provided in earlier versions.
  - Changes in applications provided with Xubuntu include a significant
  update of Gnumeric (to version 1.10.1), resolving most of the issues
  seen in earlier Xubuntu versions. Likewise, remote filesystems has
  been renamed to Gigolo and provides access to a vast array of remote
  file system technologies, including SSH/SFTP, WebDAV and CIFS.
  - Thanks to fixes in pulse-audio, by now sound no longer is muted during
  system startup.
  - Bugs: Still talking Beta, some critical issues still are left to be
  * There is a critical bug in Abiword that causes a freeze for most
  users when anything under the Help menu is selected. This does cause
  you to lose the document you are working on.
  * There are still issues being worked concerning Plymouth and Nvidia
  video. Due to these issues, the splash screens on boot look less good
  than desired.
 Awesome work. However, for the release announcement, Steve only needs a 2 to
 3 paragraph general overview.
 Also, saying Xubuntu has seen a substantial overhaul is mostly incorrect.

If we aren't getting this into new or release notes, can we give Steve
a link to our own notes?

At least it will help keep us and the users aware of what is happening
in Xubuntu, instead of just the issues Ubuntu is having and their

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for beta2 announcement input

2010-04-08 Thread Cody A.W. Somerville
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Charlie Kravetz

 On Thu, 8 Apr 2010 12:53:35 -0400
 Cody A.W. Somerville wrote:

  On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Charlie Kravetz
   If we aren't getting this into new or release notes, can we give Steve
   a link to our own notes?
   At least it will help keep us and the users aware of what is happening
   in Xubuntu, instead of just the issues Ubuntu is having and their
  Not sure if I'm understanding your question. However, the blurb we submit
  Steve for inclusion in the 10.04 release announcement should include a
  to our release notes.

 Those release notes are what Kristian attempted to write for us.

Right. We can put those on the wiki and then have another short blurb that
will be included in the release announcement that can link to said wiki page
and/or website (if we post the release notes to website).


Cody A.W. Somerville
Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1 781 850 2087
Cell: +1 613 401 5141
Fax: +1 613 687 7368
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for comment

2010-01-13 Thread Steve Dodier

Please use the xubuntu-users mailing list for user support.

Steve Dodier
Student at École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges
Free Software Developer
OpenPGP : 1B6B1670
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Request to extend Xubuntu Release Delegation to include Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit)

2009-03-13 Thread Nathan Handler
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Cody A.W. Somerville wrote:
 Hello MOTU Release Team,

  I'd like to request that the MOTU Release team bless and recognize the
 extension of release authority delegation for Xubuntu to Lionel Le Folgoc.

Based on Lionel's contributions, I have no objections to making him a
co-delegate for Xubuntu.

Nathan Handler (nhandler)
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Request to extend Xubuntu Release Delegation to include Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit)

2009-03-11 Thread Cody A.W. Somerville
Hello MOTU Release Team,

 I'd like to request that the MOTU Release team bless and recognize the
extension of release authority delegation for Xubuntu to Lionel Le Folgoc.
Lionel is the Xubuntu Technical Lead as well as a Ubuntu Core Developer.
With Lionel being so instrumental in the development and release management
of Xubuntu, I have complete faith that Lionel is able to make sound
decisions in regards to the many administrative release tasks and decisions
presented durring this segment of the release cycle.

If the MOTU Release Team or any one else has any objections, please let them
be made known. Otherwise, I'd ask that the MOTU Release Team notify the
appropriate teams (ie. Ubuntu Release Team, Archive Admin Team, etc.) of
this extension once the required consensus is established.


Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Systems Release Engineer
Foundations Team
Custom Engineering Solutions Group
Canonical OEM Services
Phone: +1-781-850-2087
Cell: +1-506-471-8402
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-30 Thread Vincent
On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:11 AM, Marko Oreskovic markore...@gmail.comwrote:

 John Kerr Anderson wrote:
  Dear Xubuntu developers:
  I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I am quite
  with the OS in general.
  To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up connections I have
  discovered the
  Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which I find is

 Hello. Maybe you could make a bug request on launchpad for inclusion of
 the package?

 I did that near the end of 8.10 release cycle and it gone pretty well.
 Newer xfce4-xkb-plugin is available in Jaunty/9.04


xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-30 Thread David Collins

Is a request for a Goodie package directed at Xubuntu or Ubuntu?


On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 14:54 +0100, Vincent wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:11 AM, Marko Oreskovic wrote:
 John Kerr Anderson wrote:
  Dear Xubuntu developers:
  I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I
 am quite familiar
  with the OS in general.
  To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up
 connections I have
  discovered the
  Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which
 I find is
 Hello. Maybe you could make a bug request on launchpad for
 inclusion of
 the package?
 I did that near the end of 8.10 release cycle and it gone
 pretty well.
 Newer xfce4-xkb-plugin is available in Jaunty/9.04
 20a%20new%20package%20for%20Ubuntu and
xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-30 Thread Vincent
It doesn't really matter - if you request it and it gets packaged, then both
users of Xubuntu and users of Ubuntu (or users of both) can install them.

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:00 PM, David Collins david.8.coll...@gmail.comwrote:


 Is a request for a Goodie package directed at Xubuntu or Ubuntu?


 On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 14:54 +0100, Vincent wrote:

  On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:11 AM, Marko Oreskovic

  John Kerr Anderson wrote:
  Dear Xubuntu developers:
  I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I am quite
  with the OS in general.
  To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up connections I have
  discovered the
  Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which I find is

   Hello. Maybe you could make a bug request on launchpad for inclusion of
 the package?

 I did that near the end of 8.10 release cycle and it gone pretty well.
 Newer xfce4-xkb-plugin is available in Jaunty/9.04



 xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-30 Thread Michael Schemer Ii

This is something I would like to be mentored on.

I have been looking for a package to maintain/build as a beginner. I  
think not only doing the documentation on the goodies for XfCE 4.4/4.6  
and the packages/meta-package for the goodies would be a great way to  
get me good all around experience.


On Dec 30, 2008, at 2:23 PM, Vincent wrote:

It doesn't really matter - if you request it and it gets packaged,  
then both users of Xubuntu and users of Ubuntu (or users of both)  
can install them.

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:00 PM, David Collins 


Is a request for a Goodie package directed at Xubuntu or Ubuntu?


On Tue, 2008-12-30 at 14:54 +0100, Vincent wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 4:11 AM, Marko Oreskovic 

John Kerr Anderson wrote:
 Dear Xubuntu developers:

 I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I am  
quite familiar

 with the OS in general.

 To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up connections  
I have

 discovered the
 Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which I  
find is

Hello. Maybe you could make a bug request on launchpad for  
inclusion of

the package?

I did that near the end of 8.10 release cycle and it gone pretty  

Newer xfce4-xkb-plugin is available in Jaunty/9.04

%20a%20new%20package%20for%20Ubuntu and


xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-28 Thread Marko Oreskovic
John Kerr Anderson wrote:
 Dear Xubuntu developers:
 I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I am quite familiar 
 with the OS in general.
 To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up connections I have 
 discovered the 
 Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which I find is 

Hello. Maybe you could make a bug request on launchpad for inclusion of
the package?

I did that near the end of 8.10 release cycle and it gone pretty well.
Newer xfce4-xkb-plugin is available in Jaunty/9.04

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Xubuntu new package request

2008-12-02 Thread John Kerr Anderson
Dear Xubuntu developers:

I have been using Debian and later Xubuntu since 1999 so I am quite familiar 
with the OS in general.

To make it easier for people still relying on dial-up connections I have 
discovered the 
Modem Lights plugin and have compiled it from source which I find is 
very easy way for even novice users to simply connect and disconnect from 
the internet.  It isn't fancy but elegant much like Xubuntu in its 

I have created a .deb package and would like to contribute it so that more 
users could benefit from this handy applet, without having to download source 
packages and what not.  I have read the Ubuntu web site and it appears I need 
to send it to two (2) Ubuntu Developers in order to get it approved.  I figured 
since you the Xubuntu Developers, two of you might be able to help?

I am not huge into programming but figured others could benefit from my 
contribution.  If you can be of any help please let me know.

Respectfully yours,

John Kerr Anderson

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for Xubuntu features to highlight in beta release announcement

2008-10-02 Thread Vincent
On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Steve Langasek

 Hi folks,

 At, you'll find a
 draft of the beta announcement email.  Can someone provide me with some
 brief content on the 1-3 most important new features in Xubuntu 8.10?

 Will there be content on the web at the usual place
 ( in time

 Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
 Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
 Ubuntu Developer

I suppose that would be (not sure
about the IntrepidIbex either, but if that's how Ubuntu does it...).

Anyway, a lot of the Ubuntu stuff will apply, Xfce 4.6 is available in the
xubuntu-team PPA and for the rest... Someone else (Cody? :) will have to
answer :)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for Xubuntu features to highlight in beta release announcement

2008-10-02 Thread Steve Langasek
On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 03:52:05PM +0200, Vincent wrote:
  At, you'll find a
  draft of the beta announcement email.  Can someone provide me with some
  brief content on the 1-3 most important new features in Xubuntu 8.10?

  Will there be content on the web at the usual place
  ( in time

 I suppose that would be (not sure
 about the IntrepidIbex either, but if that's how Ubuntu does it...).

That would be inconsistent with past practice, e.g.,  But so far,
I don't have any indications that content is going to exist for beta,
regardless of URL, so I can't very well include a link to it in the beta

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for Xubuntu features to highlight in beta release announcement

2008-10-02 Thread Charlie Kravetz
On Thu, 2 Oct 2008 08:09:21 -0700
Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 02, 2008 at 03:52:05PM +0200, Vincent wrote:
   At, you'll find a
   draft of the beta announcement email.  Can someone provide me with some
   brief content on the 1-3 most important new features in Xubuntu 8.10?
   Will there be content on the web at the usual place
   ( in time
  I suppose that would be (not sure
  about the IntrepidIbex either, but if that's how Ubuntu does it...).
 That would be inconsistent with past practice, e.g.,  But so far,
 I don't have any indications that content is going to exist for beta,
 regardless of URL, so I can't very well include a link to it in the beta
 Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
 Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
 Ubuntu Developer
 xubuntu-devel mailing list

We've changed our wiki some, and tried to get it organized. I'm
creating the release notes now, under
to stay within the new structure. I hope that's okay.


Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914  []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.   []

xubuntu-devel mailing list

request for Xubuntu features to highlight in beta release announcement

2008-10-01 Thread Steve Langasek
Hi folks,

At, you'll find a
draft of the beta announcement email.  Can someone provide me with some
brief content on the 1-3 most important new features in Xubuntu 8.10?  

Will there be content on the web at the usual place
( in time for

Steve Langasek   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request

2008-03-29 Thread Vincent
On 3/28/08, David Legrand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 please remove me from this list

 xubuntu-devel mailing list

See that bottom link.

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for review of hardy beta release announcement

2008-03-20 Thread Jim Campbell
Hi All,

On 3/20/08, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi folks,

 Please find below the draft announcement for the 8.04 beta.  Comments,
 fixes, and suggestions are all welcome.

I've put a note up about Xubuntu at:

Xubuntu team, (Vincent? Cody?) could you please review?  Thanks,

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for review of hardy beta release announcement

2008-03-20 Thread Vincent
On 3/20/08, Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi All,

 On 3/20/08, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi folks,
  Please find below the draft announcement for the 8.04 beta.  Comments,
  fixes, and suggestions are all welcome.

 I've put a note up about Xubuntu at:

 Xubuntu team, (Vincent? Cody?) could you please review?  Thanks,


I've changed the Places menu plugin is now included by default to the
Places menu plugin is now enabled by default.

Apart from that, it looks cool :)
(Had I been using Hardy atm I'd have added some screenshots, but, well...
I'm not :P)

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for review of hardy beta release announcement

2008-03-20 Thread Jim Campbell
Hi all,

On 3/20/08, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 3/20/08, Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
  On 3/20/08, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi folks,
   Please find below the draft announcement for the 8.04 beta.  Comments,
   fixes, and suggestions are all welcome.
  I've put a note up about Xubuntu at:
  Xubuntu team, (Vincent? Cody?) could you please review?  Thanks,
 I've changed the Places menu plugin is now included by default to the
 Places menu plugin is now enabled by default.

 Apart from that, it looks cool :)
 (Had I been using Hardy atm I'd have added some screenshots, but, well...
 I'm not :P)


 Vincent and Cody,

You rock.  Vincent, would you be able to prepare some news information to be
put up on for once the Beta is released?  (it's not released

Cody, have you had any luck in tracking down the oversize ISO issue?

xubuntu-devel mailing list

Re: request for review of hardy beta release announcement

2008-03-20 Thread Vincent
On 3/20/08, Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,

 On 3/20/08, Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 3/20/08, Jim Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi All,
   On 3/20/08, Steve Langasek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi folks,
Please find below the draft announcement for the 8.04beta.  Comments,
fixes, and suggestions are all welcome.
   I've put a note up about Xubuntu at:
   Xubuntu team, (Vincent? Cody?) could you please review?  Thanks,
  I've changed the Places menu plugin is now included by default to
  the Places menu plugin is now enabled by default.
  Apart from that, it looks cool :)
  (Had I been using Hardy atm I'd have added some screenshots, but,
  well... I'm not :P)

  Vincent and Cody,

 You rock.  Vincent, would you be able to prepare some news information to
 be put up on for once the Beta is released?  (it's not
 released yet...)

I've put up a draft at , I'm not sure
whether you can view it? Also, I've linked to for the downloads for
I'll be sure to publish it once the beta is released.

Cody, have you had any luck in tracking down the oversize ISO issue?


xubuntu-devel mailing list

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