Re: [xubuntu-users] Howto or Tutorial for systemd to add a network service

2016-03-26 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 26 Mar 2016 19:44:55 +0100
Ralf Mardorf  wrote:

> >On Sat, 26 Mar 2016 17:15:08 + Chris Green wrote:  
> >>That's a service that will start a server when something tries to
> >>connect to a specific port.  
> Perhaps you should focus udev.

Hi Ralf,

I don't know what the preceding sentence means. If you mean "focus *ON*
udev", what aspects of udev should be focused on? If you mean to
somehow perform a verb called "focus" on the udev daemon, I'm
unfamiliar with taking that action on udev.

A Google search on the phrase, without quotes, "focus udev", as well as
with quotes "focus udev" and "udev focus" pulled up nothing apropos to
superservers (inetd type stuff).


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] Howto or Tutorial for systemd to add a network service

2016-03-26 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 26 Mar 2016 17:15:08 +
Chris Green  wrote:

> I want to add an inetd lookalike service to systemd on my xubuntu
> 15.10 system.  That's a service that will start a server when
> something tries to connect to a specific port.

I do know that one of systemd's reasons for existence is the ability to
postpone running a daemon (httpd for instance) until a listener asks
for it, thereby eliminating the need to run inetd itself. Although I've
never done it, it looks to me like has a simple example for
instantiating one sshd process per connection, without the need for
inetd, involving both a normal service and a systemd socket.

I don't normally use systemd, but the best resource I've found for
understanding it is . The
most productive way to watch that video is to pay exquisite attention
to Ben Breard, while ignoring the ramblings of Lennart Poettering.

If you can't get systemd to be a superserver, would it be possible to
start inetd from systemd, and then just use inetd the same way you've
been using it the past 15 years?


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF

2016-03-26 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 24 Mar 2016 19:51:14 +0900
Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:

> Good evening
> I have a "tuxtrans" installation = based on xubuntu 14.04 on a
> notebook computer.
> The PC itself does not have a special key to toggle the touchpad
> ON/OFF. Installation of "touchpad indicator" does not work (not on
> this and not on other computers)
> On another PC I have Mint 17.2 installation.
> There: "keyboard -> shortcut -> system (I think it was)" there is a
> setting "toggle touchpad".
> Specifying a shortcut key works like a charm.
> Is there a similar trick under xubuntu?
> The other day I asked about /boot problems and was told: the "system
> is very old".
> Would there be any chance that upgrading to 15 helps with the touchpad
> issue?
> Thank you.
> Thomas

Go to, and search for
"Touchpad Mouse Toggle" (without the quotes), to see a shellscript that
works on any laptop with a standard touchpad and Linux and synclient
installed. Hotkey it, and it's fast enough to do most of your typing
sans-mouse, and quickly switch to mousing and back again.

And it's distro-agnostic, and not likely to be replaced by an upgrade.


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF

2016-03-27 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 27 Mar 2016 19:06:57 +0900
Thomas  wrote:

> Now .. THAT sounds wonderful and exactly what I am looking for.
> However, I am afraid I do not understand the instructions:
> (from the indicated website:)
> Touchpad Mouse Toggle
> This is actually a necessity on all laptops, because if you're doing 
> serious typing, the mousepad will mess things up, so it's usually
> better to have it disabled. And yet sometimes you might need the
> mousepad. _So make the following shellscript, permissioned
> executable, and either put it on $PATH and call it ttog, or hotkey
> it:_
> #!/bin/bash
> curstate=`synclient | grep -i TouchpadOff | sed -e"s/.*= //"`
> if test "$curstate" = "1"; then
> synclient TouchpadOff=0
> else
> synclient TouchpadOff=1
> fi
> What am I supposed to do here? Thomas

Copy those lines into a file, located on the executable path, called
"touchtoggle". Chmod a+x touchtoggle.

Now, using your window manager, assign a hotkey to run touchtoggle.
Once you've done that, hitting the hotkey switches the touchpad to
"off". Hitting the hotkey once more switches it back to "on", over and
over, forever and ever.

This being Xubuntu's mailing list, I imagine you're using Xfce. Good
choice. If Xfce works the same as it did in 2012, the following
instructions should work:



Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF

2016-03-29 Thread Steve Litt
On Wed, 30 Mar 2016 02:22:04 +0900
Thomas  wrote:

> On 2016年03月28日 07:49, Steve Litt wrote:
> > On Sun, 27 Mar 2016 19:06:57 +0900
> > Thomas  wrote:
> >
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> >
> > curstate=`synclient | grep -i TouchpadOff | sed -e"s/.*= //"`
> >
> > if test "$curstate" = "1"; then
> >
> > synclient TouchpadOff=0
> >
> > else
> >
> > synclient TouchpadOff=1
> >
> > fi
> >
> >
> > Copy those lines into a file, located on the executable path,
> > called* "touchtoggle". Chmod a+x touchtoggle.
> >
> > Now, using your window manager, assign a hotkey to run touchtoggle.
> > Once you've done that, hitting the hotkey switches the touchpad to
> > "off". Hitting the hotkey once more switches it back to "on", over
> > and over, forever and ever.  
> I am afraid, I am still not able to make it work.
> * Created a file with above lines
> - the "Chmod a+x touchtoggle" did work only with a lower case c in
> chmod
> * After some googling I finally found out how to copy that file into 
> /usr/bin/
> * File properties -> Permissions -> allow this file to run as a
> program -> However, right clicking on the file does not show the item
> "execute" -> In the past I tried to create a shortcut key to toggle
> the touchpad (which did not work):
> * "/usr/bin/touch" -> Crtl + Win + P
> -> Changed this command now to "/usr/bin/touchtoggle"  
> Still .. nothing happens.
> I assume there is very simple trick that I am just not seeing.

First, congrats for getting deeper into Linux. I know it seemed like a
trudge, but the knowledge you gained of how to proceed when confronted
with a brick wall will serve you well forever.

What you have left now is just some troubleshooting. Start by seeing if
the command works without a hotkey, by typing the word touchtoggle
followed by the Enter key at the command prompt, and seeing whether it
turns on and off the touchpad. Make sure the touchtoggle file is
permissioned as executable by all. If it's permissioned executable for
all and still doesn't toggle the touchpad state, you need to start
experimenting with the individual "synclient TouchpadOff=0" and
"synclient TouchpadOff=1" commands at the command prompt. If they don't
work at the command prompt, investigate the error messages. On all of
these, if they don't work when logged in as yourself, try them again
logged in as root, and see if it makes a difference.

If the touchtoggle command DOES toggle the state of the touchpad but
the hotkey doesn't work, you have a hotkey problem. Start by assigning
that same hotkey to running xterm or some other terminal emulator you
have installed. If it doesn't do that, you need to use some other
system to connect a hotkey to a runnable command. Also, try a different
hotkey: Perhaps the one you're using is pre-empted by something else.

Keep narrowing the root cause scope of the problem by performing
diagnostic tests that rule out large chunks (ideally but not
necessarily half) of the remaining root cause scope, until you find the
root cause, then fix the root cause.

This sounds like a real pain in the posterior, but the more you do this
kind of troubleshooting, the more proficient you get, until, one day in
the near future, people start saying "Go to Thomas, he can fix


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF

2016-04-02 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 1 Apr 2016 18:58:01 +0900
Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:

> And .. I have tried the "Disable touchpad while typing" function on 
> other computers.
> It is not very helpful and not what I am looking for.
> I want to be able to switch the touchpad ON/OFF - preferably with one 
> switch (shortcut key).
> That cannot be so difficult, can it?
> Thomas

So Thomas, you never told us the results: When you invoke the script,
that I pointed you to, from the command line, does it toggle the state
of touchpad functionality? If not, do you get any messages, from the
script, showing up on the command line?


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF

2016-04-03 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 3 Apr 2016 10:11:09 +0900
Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:

> (slightly abbreviated) copy of that post:
> I tried running "synclient TouchpadOff=0" in a terminal.
> That gives me the error message:
> "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"

Good. Take the preceding error message, doublequotes and all, and put
it into Google. You'll get lots of ideas to try.


Steve Litt 
March 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF - PERSONAL message

2016-07-22 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 23 Jul 2016 01:53:12 +0900
Thomas Blasejewicz  wrote:

> Personal message
> Good "morning" (1:30 am) from Japan
> Please excuse this intrusion, but I wanted to send you a personal 
> message to thank you for your encouragement.
> You, and one more person, were the only ones (in over 8 years) that 
> offered me some positive feedback = encouragement.
> However, after trying (not "trying" - desperately struggling) to get 
> friendly with Linux for more than EIGHT years (probably thousands of 
> hours of effort), I have now given up.
> When over 8 years of struggle still almost does not get me anywhere
> past the basically automatic installation of the OS, when the concept
> of "working in this environment" forever remains a utopia "over the 
> rainbow" ... then the whole idea of using Linux is unrealistic.
> I envy the people who have no problems.
> Me .. problems were practically the ONLY thing I ever experienced. I 
> presume, I am just not smart enough to use Linux.
> And I am really sorry, that I could not turn your encouragement into
> a success story, like me becoming a happy, skilled Linux user.
> But, I wanted to express my gratitude for your advice.

Hi Thomas,

Linux isn't for everyone, and there's no shame in giving up something
that's confusing you and burning up your time. I don't know anything at
all about Mac, but if you migrate to Windows, I've found the ##windows
IRC channel at Freenode to be very helpful.

Best of luck.

Steve Litt 
July 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
 of the Successful Technologist

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Re: [xubuntu-users] toggle touchpad ON/OFF - PERSONAL message

2016-07-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 23 Jul 2016 15:05:03 +0200
Patrice ARNAL  wrote:

> Hi, I am 71 and luckily running Linux since about 15 years and now
> it's my only OS
> I run Ubuntu / XUbuntu / Linux Mint Rosa.


> By the way, Xubuntu is (IMHO) far less polished than Rosa Mint making
> it somehow touchy for "ordinary" end-users.

You bring up an interesting point. Linux is a journey. 

Most of us who weren't Unix users in a previous life start out with
something like Mint or Ubuntu. Some stay there, some migrate away from
Linux, and some migrate closer to the metal. That's what happened to
me, my Daily Driver Desktop is Void Linux now, although I started with
Redhat 5.0 in the fall of 1998.


Steve Litt 
July 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
 of the Successful Technologist

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Re: [xubuntu-users] 16.04 -> 14.04

2016-08-06 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 6 Aug 2016 18:41:10 +0200
Hartmut Haase  wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a (n easy) way to downgrade from Xubuntu 16.04 to 14.04?

Several people have given good answers, including what I'd do: Back up,
make a list of intentionally installed packages, wipe, then fresh
install 14.04 and all the software, and copy back your data as

I have to ask this: Why do you want to go back to 14.04? Might there be
a better way than downgrading to accomplish what you need done?


Steve Litt
August 2016 featured book: Manager's Guide to Technical Troubleshooting
  Brand new, second edition

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[xubuntu-users] Handy new menu system

2016-09-05 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

UMENU is a text menuing system that's useful in several circumstances.
Version 2 (UMENU2) just came out. The following is a list of situations
in which UMENU2 is advantageous:

For lots more info on UMENU2, including downloads, see

On Xubuntu, UMENU2 can be useful for putting a menu interface on
commands or scripts that don't appear on the Xfce menu, especially
situations where the user needs to be queried for an argument. It's
also handy in running command line interface commands.

Feel free to email me on or off list with any questions, comments or


Steve Litt 
September 2016 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting

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[xubuntu-users] Software quote of the century: was which image viewer?

2016-11-11 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 11 Nov 2016 13:13:02 +0100
Ulli Horlacher  wrote:

> I hate software which thinks it is smarter than I am.

The preceding is the single best, most timely, and most relevant quote
on software that I've ever seen. Do I have your permission to quote the
preceding sentence, with attribution?


Steve Litt 
November 2016 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] shell tools

2017-01-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 19:59:34 -0500
pereira  wrote:

> Still, adding to the instructions how best to add the link to
> whatever to $PATH

Steve Litt 
December 2016 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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Re: [xubuntu-users] Is there a Linux Distro with MS Word Pre installed?

2017-01-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 21:24:53 -0500
pereira  wrote:

> Still, I vastly prefer writing in TeX.

What editor or tools do you use in writing TeX? Do you prefer any
particular flavor of TeX?


Steve Litt 
December 2016 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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[xubuntu-users] Authoring tools: Was Is there a Linux Distro with MS Word Pre installed?

2017-01-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 22:48:51 +
Peter Flynn  wrote:

> On 01/13/2017 02:24 AM, pereira wrote:
> > FWIW, I use Libreoffice whenever someone in the MS Windows world
> > sends me a document in .doc or .docx format. So far I've had no
> > problems with sending them back documents made by Libreoffice and
> > exported into docx (which actually tends to shorten the file length
> > compared to Libreoffice's native format).
> > 
> > Still, I vastly prefer writing in TeX.  
> Yes, I recommend LaTeX for formatting any large-scale or complex
> document. It is hugely more reliable and powerful than any
> wordprocessor, and has the advantages that it runs identically on any
> platform, and that there is a huge support ecosystem of people using
> it. It's also free software, in both senses of the phrase.
> (Actually, for writing and editing a complex book or thesis, I would
> prefer XML, which can be transformed to LaTeX for formatting. But this
> is still not easy, as the XML editors out there are designed for
> experts, not for authors.)

Hi Peter and periera,

I have a germ of an idea for authoring documents in a write once, read
everywhere format.

Markdown is very limited, but what it does it does well, fast, and easy
for the author to read without conversion on every glance (or that
horror of horrors, WYSIWYG). I think I can add paragraph character
styles, within the format of Markdown, with low-distraction tags. The
result would be a Markdown doc that I could parse as XML (perhaps after
an HTML to XML conversion), with the ability to incorporate any
arbitrary character or paragraph style you want.

Although this can't, by itself, handle book specialties such as
footnotes and bibliographies, it can create (I assume) XHTML that can
easily be converted to web, ePub, or LaTeX, with all appearance ruled
by CSS or LaTeX stylesheets.

I haven't done this yet, but it looks to me like a very realistic way
to author the kind of books I write.


Steve Litt 
December 2016 featured book: Rapid Learning for the 21st Century

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Re: [xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 120, Issue 29

2017-01-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 22:28:36 +
Peter Flynn  wrote:

> On 01/21/2017 01:39 PM, Joanna Hoyt wrote:
> > Thanks all for your advice.
> > 
> > I ran swapon -s and got the following message:
> > 
> > Filename /dev/sda5Type partition  Size 2079470  Used 0
> > Priority -1
> > 
> > Does that suggest that the swap space is adequate?  
> I'm not qualified to judge, but the rule of thumb I was given back in
> the days when you had to establish all the partitions manually, was to
> set swap to be twice the amount of installed memory.
> > I'm confused about the RAM issue. says that Xubuntu
> > requires 512 MB RAM... but you're saying it actually requires eight
> > times that much RAM in order to run bug-free?  
> Nothing to do with bugs (bugs are programming faults, which are going
> to be there no matter how much or how little memory you have).
> Linux will technically *run* in 512MB but IMHE it will absolutely
> *crawl*, taking many minutes to respond to the mouse or keyboard. I'm
> on a 2GB laptop at the moment, and it's working OK, but occasionally
> slows down when switching from application to application. And it
> takes 7-8 mins to boot.

Hi Peter,

7 minute boot isn't about RAM, there's some horrible thing going on
during boot. If your init system is systemd, you can run that
systemd-blame or whatever to find what's taking the time (I can't
believe I just recommended systemd). If you're running a better init
system, temporarily shut off all the daemons and see if the problem
goes away. If it does, restore the daemons a few at a time until you
find the timehog daemon.

Also, I've found that networking and dns/reverse-dns often cause
obscene boot times. Try to get them working early in the boot (I know
that might go against the xubuntu/networkmanager philosophy, but if it
changes the boot time to 30 seconds, why not?

> I wouldn't want to run more than 3-4 user applications (eg mail, web,
> wordprocessor, spreadsheet) simultaneously unless you have more than
> 2GB memory. 

Me neither. That being said, I use a pair of 2007 laptops with 2GB RAM
quite frequently.

> But there are *lots* of other factors involved.

> There are things you can do to lessen the demands on memory -- one is
> to run Xubuntu so that you use xfce as your interface instead of Unity
> (Unity sucks all your memory into a black hole). 

If the OP was using Unity with less than 3GB, he was asking for
trouble. Unity is a pig.

A little known fact is that Xfce is a little porky itself. If he were
to use Lubuntu (Ubuntu with LXDE) or simply install and run LXDE on
Xubuntu, 512MB would be runnable. I've done it. But like you said, no
Thunderbird, use Claws or better use Alpine. No Firefox, stick to
xombrero (xxxterm) if it works, or perhaps qupzilla. And just like you
said, do housekeeping so only a few apps are running.

> Use lighter software:
> eg Claws-Mail instead of Thunderbird. Use AbiWord instead of
> LibreOffice. Use command-line utilities instead of graphical ones.
> Unfortunately on the web browser front, they all seem to be
> memory-hogs.

Personally, I follow your advice in the preceding paragraph even if I
have a quad processor and 16GB of RAM. All other things being equal,
simpler apps tend to be more stable and often also more able to be
assembled into specialty programs via shellscripts.

By the way, I highly recommend installing and creating a hotkey to
dmenu. It's a spectacular way to start programs, and it takes next to
no resources.

Steve Litt 
January 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

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Re: [xubuntu-users] xubuntu-users Digest, Vol 120, Issue 29

2017-01-21 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 21 Jan 2017 18:20:39 -0500
JMZ  wrote:

> I agree Peter that even for people running ubuntu flavors on
> super-fast gamer boxes, it's good to try to economize on
> applications.  However, suggesting that new users use the command
> line interface (cli) as an economization measure might not often be
> wise.  Many people, especially "millennials", may never have seen a
> command prompt before.  Many linux users take cli for granted, given
> our familiarity with past computing systems completely run by text
> command.  New users often need gui front-ends to compensate. Who can
> blame many new users given their sole experience with highly
> graphical environments?
> This is why I'd say it's better for a new ubuntu user to over-equip 
> their systems with RAM.  gui counterparts of commands should be as
> easy and quick as possible.
> Jordan


I always over-equip my systems with RAM, even though I'm a user who
does what Peter suggested and use lightweight and often CLI programs.
That way, when they're new, they're ultra-snappy, and when they're 4
years old, they can still run contemporary software in a reasonable

Also, no matter who you are or how much you depend on GUI, some day
you'll probably need to run virtual machines on the computer. At that
time, the person who bought extra RAM will be VERY glad he or she did.

Steve Litt 
January 2017 featured book: Troubleshooting: Just the Facts

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Re: [xubuntu-users] Need help with needing help and support

2017-06-23 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 23 Jun 2017 22:26:40 GMT
"avengethecathars"  wrote:

> Cancel that. I found a fix. Thanks to veryone who offered help. (I
> needed to do approx. fsck /dev and then the name of the bad
> (inconsistent) sector, and then a huge bunch of fix (y/n) yes's. )P.

As soon as humanly possible, do a complete set of smartctl tests on all
this laptop's drives. One of many explanations for a bunch of bad
sectors is a hard drive beginning to go bad.

If you find out the drive is bad, use System Rescue CD to copy off all
your data from any bad drives.

Steve Litt 
June 2017 featured book: The Key to Everyday Excellence

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Re: [xubuntu-users] The Devil's Advocate

2017-07-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 06:26:20 +0100
Joao Monteiro  wrote:

> MR, can you please clarify me what "to bottom post" means, as I don't
> want to break any etiquette.

Steve Litt 
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] The Devil's Advocate -- TANSTAAFL AKA "FOSS vs Proprietary"

2017-07-13 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 14:25:03 +0800
Guang Chao  wrote:

> But on the downside, open source is so fragmented.  See how many
> distro there are.  How many desktop manager.  How many projects doing
> the same thing.  Instead of the large majority focusing on only few
> good ones, programmers are scattered doing their own version of what
> they want.

To me, this is the best thing about Open Source: The "fragmentation".
I'll bet you few on this list would enjoy using Slackware or  Funtoo. I
doubt many Slackware or Funtoo people would enjoy Xubuntu. All work
great, when they fit your workflow.

As far as Desktop Managers, I bet there are 20 or more great ones out
there. On my Daily Drive Desktop I use Openbox plus dmenu. LXDE on my
laptops. I have friends who love KDE. No single user interface would
satisfy us both. I have friends who use twm and fvwm. That's too close
to the metal for my taste, but they love them.

I recently moved to Devuan and Void Linux because I don't want systemd
on my computer. No problem, Open Source gives us the choices we need to
have the computers we want.

You mentioned focusing only on the few good ones. I'd say they're all
good, except the ones that crash and surprise. I'm glad we have all
these choices.


Steve Litt 
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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Re: [xubuntu-users] Off topic, suggestions for light weight linux OS

2018-07-16 Thread Steve Litt
On Sat, 14 Jul 2018 23:14:42 -0400
Art  wrote:

> I need some help deciding which linux distro to install. It's a
> special project which needs the following:
> Must run directly from a usb or sd card
> Must support gpg for strong encryption (gpg)
> Must be light weight and fast loading*
> Must offer an encrypted home folder option
> Must store unencrypted files securely if needed, can't be a 'live'
> usb/sd** Must load FAST
> Must support wireless
> Must be secure, high security is a plus
> Prefer xfce, not mandatory
> Prefer long life cycle, such as Ubuntu's LTS
> Prefer no frills
> Prefer Xubuntu, since it's what I use***

I can't envision exactly what you're doing, but check out Void Linux
using a lightweight window manager like Openbox or LXDE. You mentioned
Xfce, but Xfce is definitely not "light."

You mentioned long life cycles. Void is a rolling release,so you might
not like that. Provisions for regular updates have to be made.

You mention security. If this is a priority, what about OpenBSD?

I think the work you'll need to perform to get any 'Buntu to be light
weight will overwhelm, because light isn't 'Buntu's core competency.
You run 'Buntu when you want "always works, requires little thought." A
laptop for doing presentations comes to mind.


Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence

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Re: [xubuntu-users] Xorg with 99% CPU

2018-10-19 Thread Steve Litt
On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 19:28:39 +0200
Ulli Horlacher  wrote:

> I am running xubuntu 16.04.
> Xorg eats up one CPU:
> top - 19:24:43 up 10 min,  4 users,  load average: 1.18, 1.03, 0.62
> Tasks: 297 total,   2 running, 294 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
> %Cpu(s): 11.7 us,  1.2 sy,  0.0 ni, 87.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0
> si,  0.0 st KiB Mem : 16256752 total, 14530104 free,   404704 used,
> 1321944 buff/cache KiB Swap: 16777212 total, 16777212 free,0
> used. 15464540 avail Mem
> COMMAND 3095 framstag  20   0  218696  47332  36188 R  99.7  0.3
> 9:15.09 Xorg 3205 framstag  20   0  369688  22404  12384 S   5.0
> 0.1   0:31.11 xfsettingsd 3881 framstag  20   0   44208   4272   3580
> R   0.3  0.0   0:00.70 top 
> When I do a "strace -p 3095" the system freezes and I have to press
> the power button :-(
> Any idea what is going on and how to debug it?

What browsers are you using, and how many tabs do you use in each. My
experience is that piggy browsers like Firefox and Chrome/Chromium make
X swell up. When X' usage exceeds 90%, do killall -9 on all web
browsers. Most of the time the problem subsides.


Steve Litt 
September 2018 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business

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