[ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup

2008-03-27 Thread Steven Huey
I just posted a simple app that displays a list of your Yojimbo tags  
that aren't assigned to any of your Yojimbo database items, and then  
lets you delete those tags. It's kind of a hack, and is a mix of  
Cocoa, AppleScript, and some calls to mdfind using NSTask, but it  
works well for me and saves a lot of time compared to how I used to do  
it by hand.

It requires Yojimbo 1.5 or newer, and Spotlight indexing of your  
Yojimbo database. It's a Universal Binary, and I've tested it on Mac  
OS X 10.5.2 running on an Intel Mac. I'm releasing it as free, use at  
your own risk. If you've got a large Yojimbo library or use a lot of  
tags it may take a few seconds to open while it figures out which tags  
aren't being used.

I hope someone else finds it useful too.


- Steve

Steven Huey Software - http://www.stevenhuey.com

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Re: [ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Huey
I debugged this a bit with Doug's help and it appears his Spotlight  
index was out of sync with Yojimbo.

Yojimbo Tag Cleanup basically does the following:

1. Using AppleScript asks Yojimbo for a list of all tags

2. For each tag it calls the mdfind command as:

mdfind -count keyword:TAG kind:yojimbo item

3. List all the tags whose "count" was 0 as returned from the mdfind  

Doug provided an example where he had a note tagged as "backup", and  
yet the mdfind command was returning a count of 0 for that note. He re- 
added the tag and the mdfind command then returned a non-zero count,  
as expected.

Other than iterating through each database item using AppleScript and  
searching manually through it's list of tags to find abandoned tags,  
does anyone have any other AppleScript suggestions for how to find  
unused tags? Or any ideas why his Spotlight index wasn't up to date  
with Yojimbo's tags?


From: Douglas Stetner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: March 30, 2008 6:42:09 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup


I have posted you an example of it incorrectly showing a used tag as  

On 28/03/2008, at 07:35, Steven Huey wrote:
I just posted a simple app that displays a list of your Yojimbo  
tags that aren't assigned to any of your Yojimbo database items,  
and then lets you delete those tags. It's kind of a hack, and is a  
mix of Cocoa, AppleScript, and some calls to mdfind using NSTask,  
but it works well for me and saves a lot of time compared to how I  
used to do it by hand.

Steven Huey Software - http://www.stevenhuey.com

Re: [ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Huey


That works perfectly - thanks! I'll update the app to use that instead  
of mdfind. I'll send out another announcement when I've got it running.

- Steve

On Apr 1, 2008, at 10:12 AM, Steve Kalkwarf wrote:
Other than iterating through each database item using AppleScript  
and searching manually through it's list of tags to find abandoned  
tags, does anyone have any other AppleScript suggestions for how to  
find unused tags? Or any ideas why his Spotlight index wasn't up to  
date with Yojimbo's tags?

tell application "Yojimbo"
   set everyTag to every tag
   set emptyTags to {}
   repeat with aTag in everyTag
   if (count of (every database item whose tags contains aTag))  
is 0 then

   set emptyTags to emptyTags & {contents of aTag}
   end if
   end repeat
end tell

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Steven Huey Software - http://www.stevenhuey.com

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[ANN] Yojimbo Tag Cleanup 1.1

2008-04-01 Thread Steven Huey
I just released Yojimbo Tag Cleanup 1.1 that uses the AppleScript  
Steve Kalkwarf provided for finding abandoned tags instead of the  
mdfind command. If you downloaded 1.0, I really recommend downloading  
the new version since it's much more reliable.

Thanks again to Doug Stetner and Steve Kalkwarf for all their help.

Weblog Entry: http://stevenhuey.com/projects/yojimbo-tag-cleanup-11
Download Page: http://stevenhuey.com/yojimbo-tag-cleanup

- Steve

Steven Huey Software - http://www.stevenhuey.com

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Re: Time to change the data store to play with time machine?

2008-04-05 Thread Steven Huey


The types of Core Data stores currently available are XML, SQLite,  
Custom Atomic, and In Memory (which must be binary) on Wikipedia.

The XML store is best used for debugging since it's just a text file  
that is human readable. It could be used for storing small amounts of  
data, but it would be far too slow for storing the web, PDF, and image  
data that Yojimbo is capable of.

The In Memory store would solve your large Time Machine backups since  
none of your data would be backed up (since all your Yojimbo data  
would be in RAM), but every time you quit Yojimbo you'd lose all your  
data. Again, not a good choice.

The downside of the Custom Atomic store (and also the XML format) is  
that by atomic Apple means that every time a change is saved to the   
Core Data store, the entire object graph is rewritten to the store.  
Again, for large Yojimbo databases this would be impractical.

SQLite offers MUCH better performance than XML or a Custom Atomic  
store, and also offers partial updates so when something is added,  
removed, or changed in your Yojimbo library the entire object graph  
doesn't have to be rewritten to disk, only what has changed.

With how cheap disk space is these days, I'd rather the developers at  
Bare Bones focus on adding more great features instead of writing a  
custom Core Data store or worry about storing Yojimbo items as  
individual files.

- Steve

On Apr 5, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Doug Ransom wrote:
"Core Data can serialize objects into XML, Binary, or SQLite for  
storage. With the release of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, developers can  
also create their own custom atomic store types. ".  Any application  
to the problem at hand?

Steven Huey Software - http://www.stevenhuey.com

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