[ZESTCaste] The mall culture (Chandrabhan Prasad)

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala

The mall culture
By Chandrabhan Prasad

Catch any member of the CPI(M), or a Bajrang Dal activist, and say one
good thing about the mall-culture, and see the look that comes with
it. It feels as if a predator is going to pounce on you. Why are the
two traditionalists - the former carrying the baggage of caste-Hindu
spirituality, and the latter, the baggage of the caste-Hindu rituals,
feel so threatened by the mall culture?

For the past one month I have been visiting a shopping mall in east
Delhi. It's a part of my ongoing research on globalisation and its
impact on the caste order. What I have observed so far is that the
mall on an average employ 40 sweepers. Of these only 12 were Dalits,
the other 28 were Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

Needless to say, all the sweepers irrespective of their caste, gender,
colour, and age, work together on the same wage and employment
conditions. One could see them laughing, smoking, and drinking tea

There is also an American restaurant serving fast food in the mall.
During the course of my research, of the 60 workers the food chain
employs, 42 workers have studies in English medium school.

I was a bit stunned one day when I saw the duty manager sweeping the
floor. All the people in the restaurant are trained to do all the
work. We all can cook and we do, we all can serve at the counter and
we do, we all can sweep floor and we do, he said. At first he was
reluctant to speak with me because he was not allowed to speak with
the Press. However, after much coaxing he opened up. He said that he
was a Bharadwas Brahmin - superior to other Brahmins.

What if you have a Dalit guest in your restaurant - may be your
garbage collector who accidentally came to your restaurant? I asked.
I am paid more than an IAS officer. I have a job to perform and that
is to serve each and every customer who comes to the restaurant even
if he was my garbage collector. What times are you living in sir?

I let lose the caste-society bomb. Will you serve food to the garbage
collector who comes to your house in your locality? I asked him. For
this he had no answer.

So what we have is two set of people living in the society - those who
live the mall culture and then there are those who live outside it.

With my limited exposure to Europe and the US, I find cultures and
societies inside the malls as the same as outside malls.

If given a choice what kind of a society would India choose - the
traditional society or the society as that is slowly evolving inside
the malls.

Can Brahmins, Kshatriyas/Bhumihars, Reddys/ Kanmmas, Jats/Yadavs,
Gaudas/Lingayats, Thewars/Vanniyars, Marathas/Kunbs, Patels, Patnaiks,
Jat- Sikhs, Nairs, and Basus sweep streets outside malls?

Can any member of CPM, CPI, CPI(M), Bajrang Dal, RSS, VHP show us one
instance where Dalits and non-Dalits clean toilets together for the
same pay scale and working arrangements outside the mall society?
Well, Sulabh is an exception, and Sulabh is part of the new culture.

Here is what a mall culture does to a society:

It provides a Europe like climate - centrally air-conditioned
environment. There is a rare combination where the mall workers and
the customers are treated alike. A mall deploys machines to redefine
occupations. The cleaning staff are given uniform, shoes and socks, a
cap, and modern tools to sweep. With such changes, the mall culture
liberates traditional occupation from their caste identities.
Additionally, they are paid well.

The English speaking workers in the American food chain are trained to
receive each visitor as their guest. Workers in the American food
company are also consumers and must earn enough to shine individually.
To them, caste arrogance becomes a liability.

Despite the caste pressures, the mall culture is creating a
tradition-neutral society. In other words, howsoever, unintended that
may be, malls are creating a new society, an anti-thesis to the caste

Forget what the traditionalists - the CPM the RSS aspire for, Dalits
will have to make a choice - between the caste society and that of a
mall society.

[ZESTCaste] Fwd: Silver Jubilee National Conference of IAWS- Call for Papers

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala
-- Forwarded message --
From: sandali thakur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Oct 1, 2007 10:27 PM
Subject: Silver Jubilee National Conference of IAWS- Call for Papers

It is my pleasure to inform you that the Indian Association for
Women's Studies (IAWS)  is organizing its Silver Jubilee National
Conference in February, 2008, at Lucknow. The theme for the Conference
is 'Feminism, Education and the Transformation of Knowledges:
Processes and Institutions'. Kindly find attached the Conference
Brochure for detailed write-ups on the sub-themes, guidelines for
paper presentation and information on registration, membership, etc.
For further queries, you can also mail me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conference Secretariat, IAWS
@ Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi

Gajarpunni ki Jad
Badayun Lalla
Naam Layanso

[ZESTCaste] Ambedkar golden jubilee fails to reunite RPI factions (News)

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala

Ambedkar golden jubilee fails to reunite RPI factions

By Shyam Pandharipande. Maharashtra, India, 02:01 PM IST

Even as the constitution drafted by Dalit icon B.R. Ambedkar continues
to guide India's destiny and helps keep the republic intact, his
followers remain splintered. They will hold separate golden jubilee
functions of the party of his dream here Wednesday.

While the Republican Party of India (RPI) led by Bihar Governor R.S.
Gavai's son Rajendra and claiming to be the 'original' RPI will
celebrate the function at an obscure place in the city, the
RPI-Athavale faction led by Member of Parliament Ramdas Athavale has
organised a grand show at the Kasturchand Park here.

Ironically, Ambedkar's grandson Prakash -- who leads the third major
faction of the party styled Bharatiya Republican Party-Bahujan Maha
Sangh (BRP-BMS) -- has said that he will stay away from both
celebrations, declaring that the real Republican Party has long ceased
to exist.

The RPI was founded by Ambedkar's chosen lieutenants on Oct 3, 1957,
-- 10 months after his death and a year after he embraced Buddhism
along with thousands of his scheduled caste followers. An estimated
700,000 people had attended the foundation ceremony at Nagpur's
Deeksha Bhoomi.

The party was formed as per the blueprint that the Dalit icon had
handed down to his political heirs, days before his death on Dec 6,
1956. Ambedkar's mandate was to set up a broad-based version of two
parties he had earlier launched -- the Labour Party in 1936 and the
Scheduled Caste Federation in 1942.

Billed to be a big draw on Wednesday, the RPI-Athawale function is
expected to be graced by a galaxy of national and state level leaders
of Congress, Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), both the communist
parties and those of some smaller secular parties. Athavale claims
that 300,000 workers drawn from 30 states will attend the

In contrast, Rajendra Gavai's 'original' RPI has decided to keep its
golden jubilee celebrations limited to the party loyalists.

The young son of the Bihar governor talked deferentially about the
senior leaders. 'I will gladly take a small seat in any corner of the
dais offering bigger chairs to Athavale and Ambedkar should they deign
to grace the 'original RPI' function,' Rajendra told IANS.

But pointing to the Gavai-led party's alignment with the Congress,
Prakash Ambedkar has dubbed it the 'Congress-RPI' while describing the
RPI led by Athavale as 'NCP-RPI'.

An embittered Ambedkar told IANS that the offer coming from an 'NCP
serf' is not worth looking at. He also refused to have anything to do
with the 'Congress satrap' -- meaning R.S. Gavai.

Ramdas Athavale, recalling that he was unanimously elected president
of the unified Republican Party in 1995, told IANS that he would
initiate fresh unification moves immediately after Wednesday's

'I am willing to offer the pride of position of 'party leader' to
Prakash Ambedkar, the post of secretary to Rajendra Gavai and make the
People's Republican Party chief Jogendra Kawade the organising
secretary,' Athavale said. 'I will, of course, be the president.'

Referring to some RPI puritans who disapprove of the idea of opening
up the party to communities other than Scheduled Castes, Athavale said
a party restricted to Dalits could not have a political future.

'Dr. Ambekar had himself realised this when he lost the Lok Sabha
election from Dadar in 1952 and a by-election from Bhandara,' Athavale
said, adding that a combination of 40 percent Dalits and 60 percent
non-Dalits would be right for the new party.

'We will take up major economic and developmental issues concerning
the masses like increased irrigation facilities, a people-oriented
Special Economic Zones policy and redrafting of forest related acts to
safeguard forest dwellers' rights,' Athavale said.

Referring to the growing clout of the Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party
(BSP), Athavale said he was going to move the Supreme Court to claim
back the 'Elephant' symbol for the RPI that the BSP uses now.

The RPI, which in 1967 won 12 percent votes in Maharashtra and had
nine Members of Parliament and 29 members in different state
legislatures declined in strength after forging an alliance with the
Congress following the elections. Split in several factions, it lost
the status of a recognised party.

Following unification in 1995, the party won four Lok Sabha seats and
regained recognition only to lose it again after the second split in
1999. The point of difference that caused the second split -- which
persists even now -- was whether to be aligned with Congress or NCP.

With the party remaining splintered, the division in the Scheduled
Caste votes has helped other parties.

The ego clashes and battle of supremacy among top RPI leaders are
coming in the way of Ambedkar's party, and the party workers and
followers, whose pressure brought about the short-lived unification

[ZESTCaste] Gujjars to court arrest (News)

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala

Gujjars to court arrest

Jaipur, Oct. 1: Security has been beefed up in Rajasthan following the
Gujjar  community's call for a mass arrest campaign on Gandhi Jayanti.
The government has made over 200 makeshift jails and executive
magistrates have been posted in sensitive areas. We have made all
necessary arrangements to maintain peace during the agitation, said
Rajasthan home minister Gulabchand Kataria.

We are ready to accept them if they offer themselves for mass arrest,
but we will ensure law and order, said Mr Kataria. The  Gujjar
leaders claimed that over 500,000 Gujjars will present themselves at
seven divisional headquarters on Tuesday to court arrest.  Meanwhile,
tribal leaders from all over India assembled in Jaipur and said they
would not accept any division in the Scheduled Tribe list. The tribal
leaders, including Central ministers, were busy on Monday drafting a
Jaipur declaration on the tribal issue.

The administration has acquired government buildings, like schools and
offices, for use as makeshift jails. The administration also hired
vehicles to transport the Gujjars.  The Gujjar leaders assured us
that they would maintain the peace. We hope the agitation will pass
off peacefully, Mr Kataria said. It is on the government. If the
government uses force to victimise us, it will be their
responsibility, said rebel BJP MLA Prahlad Gunjal.

[ZESTCaste] Fwd: Job openings at The Centre for Alternative Dalit Media, New Delhi

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala
The Centre for Alternative Dalit Media, New Delhi, is looking for a
Documentation Officer and a documentation assistant. The latter may be
part-time and may be pursuing higher education. The only qualification
is good comprehension, reading and writing skills in English and a
working knowledge of Hindi. The candidates should be based in Delhi.

Please send your CV to Ashok Bharti - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ZESTCaste] Inclusion in ST category a constitutional matter: Minister

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala

Inclusion in ST category a constitutional matter: Minister

Ahead of Gurjars' stir in Rajasthan tomorrow in support of their
demand for a Scheduled Tribe tag, Union Minister P R Kyndiah today
said inclusion of any caste or community in SC or ST category for
reservation benefit was a constitutional matter.

States should know proper rules and procedures before recommending any
caste or community to the Centre for quota benefit, Kyndiah, Minister
for Tribal Affairs, said.

Any inclusion in the SC or ST category for reservation needs to go
through the SC/ST Commission and the concerned Ministry, he said.

Thereafter, an amendment in the Constitution was required, Kyndiah
told the 14th National Conference of the All India Tribal Development
Council here.

He said the UPA government at the Centre had approved a bill on tribal
land and forest rights and it would be notified shortly.

A draft of the National Tribal Policy had also been placed before the
Union Cabinet for consideration, he said.

[ZESTCaste] Dr Ambedkar and the Jaibhim Community in Hungary

2007-10-02 Thread Tarun Udwala

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Dr Ambedkar and the Jaibhim Community in Hungary

For some two years now there have been growing links between the FWBO
and the Romany gypsies in Hungary. This began when they discovered Dr.
Ambedkar and became inspired by him and his followers in India. Roma
gypsies in Eastern Europe live lives of extreme poverty and
discrimination similar to the conditions experienced by Indian Dalits
about 75 years ago, indeed, they describe themselves as the
'untouchables' of Europe. They realised Dr Ambedkar's 'Dhamma
Revolution'(in which in 1956 millions of his followers renounced the
Hindu social order based on caste discrimination and inequality and
became Buddhist) was relevant to them too.

By the time they contacted the FWBO they had already opened the Little
Tiger Grammar School in Alsoszentmarton in south Hungary. The name
comes indirectly from Dr. Ambedkar, who referred to education as
'tiger's milk'. More than that, they realised Buddhist ethical
practice helped to develop confidence and self-respect, and that
Buddhist conversion opened the door to social, economic, and personal
development - thus, that Buddhism could be directly relevant to their
problems. In addition to their feeling for Dr. Ambedkar, East European
Roma/Gypsies are deeply conscious of their roots in India and many
identify strongly with what happens there.

Since the initial contact there have been several exchange visits to
Hungary, mostly by students of the Dharmapala College, Birmingham.
Mostly recently Manidhamma, an Indian Order Member, visited, together
with Ashwin Gunaratna, an Indian mitra from Nagpur. Reports of some of
thier previous visits can be found on the Dharmadhuta blog.

One of the important events during this visit was the formation of the
Jaibhim Community. This is an initiative by Janos Orsos and Derdak
Tibor, two mitras from the gypsy community (there are now four in
total). It will provide the organisational framework for Buddhist
activities and the communication of Dr Ambedkar's vision in Hungary.
The Jaibhim Community is linked to the FWBO/TBMSG and has adopted a
modified version of Ambedkar's 22 Vows in its constitution. These are,
in essence, a set of vows to practice Buddhism, to spread Dr
Ambedkar's message and to reconstruct society to one based on Liberty,
Equality and Fraternity. Manidhamma and Janos together collected the
registration document from the Charity Commissions' office in Pecs.
The website contains several videos of their activities and Dalit
programs in India – even a 'Jai Bhim' ringtone!

Manidhamma and Ashwin were able to visit the Little Tiger School and
meet students and staff. Manidhamma gave a talk on Dr Ambedkar's
emphasis on self-help and his threefold injunction to his followers to
'Educate, Agitate, and Organise'. The school is very successful and
has been taken as a model by the Hungarian government. A new similar
school is being set up in northern Hungary at Tomor in association
with the 'Bhim Rao Association'.

Manidhamma also led a 3-day retreat at Uszo, a beautiful place in
North Hungary, which 30 young men and women attended from different
parts of Hungary. There were talks about Dr Ambedkar, Buddhism in
India, meditation and discussion about the five precepts and
vegetarianism. Ashwin and Manidhamma cooked delicious Indian
vegetarian food and distributed gifts - Dr Ambedkar's photos, books,
CDs, Indian saris, dhotis and cloths, Buddhist images, 'Jai Bhim'
head-bands (as seen in the photo), necklaces, lockets, rosaries and
vegetarian food-spices and sweets. They travelled visiting
Romas/Gypsies in Budapest, Pecs, Komlo, Baksa, Manfa, Hidas, Harkany,
Sayokaza and Ozd. The response was warm and welcoming and our
connection with them seems set to grow.

We are currently looking for English teachers able to go to Hungary
and teach English to the gypsy community for four or five months at a
time, if anyone is interested please contact

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