Re: [zfs-discuss] about btrfs and zfs

2011-10-17 Thread Michael DeMan
Or, if you absolutely must run linux for the operating system, see:

On Oct 17, 2011, at 8:55 AM, Freddie Cash wrote:

 If you absolutely must run Linux on your storage server, for whatever reason, 
 then you probably won't be running ZFS.  For the next year or two, it would 
 probably be safer to run software RAID (md), with LVM on top, with XFS or 
 Ext4 on top.  It's not the easiest setup to manage, but it would be safer 
 than btrfs.

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Re: [zfs-discuss] I'm back!

2011-09-02 Thread Michael DeMan
Warm welcomes back.

So whats neXt?

- Mike DeMan

On Sep 2, 2011, at 6:30 PM, Erik Trimble wrote:

 Hi folks.
 I'm now no longer at Oracle, and the past couple of weeks have been a bit of 
 a mess for me as I disentangle myself from it.
 I apologize to those who may have tried to contact me during August, as my email is no longer being read by myself, and I didn't have a lot 
 of extra time to devote to things like making sure my email subscription 
 lists pointed to my personal email. I've done that now.
 I now have a free(er) hand to do some work in IllumOS (hopefully, in ZFS in 
 particular), so I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. 
 And, hopefully, not be too much of a PITA.
 -Erik Trimble
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Zil on multiple usb keys

2011-07-22 Thread Michael DeMan
+1 on the below, and in addition...

...compact flash, like off of USB sticks is not designed to deal with very many 
writes to it.  Commonly it is used to store a bootable image that maybe once a 
year will have an upgrade on it.

Basically, trying to use those devices for a ZIL, even they are mirrored - you 
should be prepared to having one die and be replaced very, very regularly.

Generally performance is going to pretty bad as well - USB sticks are not made 
to be written too rapidly.  They are entirely different animals than SSDs.  I 
would not be surprised (but would be curious to know if you still move forward 
on this) that you will find performance even worse trying to do this.

On Jul 18, 2011, at 1:54 AM, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

 First of all, using USB disks for permanent storage is a bad idea. Go
 for e-sata instead ( It

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Have my RMA... Now what??

2011-05-28 Thread Michael DeMan
Always pre-purchase one extra drive to have on hand.  When you get it, confirm 
it was not dead-on-arrival by hooking up on an external USB to a workstation 
and running whatever your favorite tools are to validate it is okay.  Then put 
it back in its original packaging, and put a label on it about what it is, and 
that it is a spare for box(s) XYZ disk system.

When a drive fails, use that one off the shelf to do your replacement 
immediately then deal with the RMA, paperwork, and snailmail to get the bad 
drive replaced.

Also, depending how many disks you have in your array - keeping multiple spares 
can be a good idea as well to cover another disk dying while waiting on that 
replacement one.

In my opinion, the above goes whether you have your disk system configured with 
hot spare or not.  And the technique is applicable to both personal/home-use 
and commercial uses if your data is important.

- Mike

On May 28, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Brian wrote:

 I have a raidz2 pool with one disk that seems to be going bad, several errors 
 are noted in iostat.  I have an RMA for the drive, however - no I am 
 wondering how I proceed.  I need to send the drive in and then they will send 
 me one back.  If I had the drive on hand, I could do a zpool replace.  
 Do I do a zpool offline? zpool detach? 
 Once I get the drive back and put it in the same drive bay..  Is it just a 
 zpool replace device?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Have my RMA... Now what??

2011-05-28 Thread Michael DeMan
Yes, particularly if you have older drives with 512 sectors and then buy a 
newer drive that seems the same, but is not, because it has 4k sectors.  Looks 
like it works, and will work, but performance drops.

On May 28, 2011, at 4:59 PM, Hung-Sheng Tsao (Lao Tsao 老曹) Ph.D. wrote:

 yes good idea, another things to keep in mind
 technology change so fast, by the time you want a replacement, may be HDD 
 does exist any more
 or the supplier changed, so the drives are not exactly like your original 
 On 5/28/2011 6:05 PM, Michael DeMan wrote:
 Always pre-purchase one extra drive to have on hand.  When you get it, 
 confirm it was not dead-on-arrival by hooking up on an external USB to a 
 workstation and running whatever your favorite tools are to validate it is 
 okay.  Then put it back in its original packaging, and put a label on it 
 about what it is, and that it is a spare for box(s) XYZ disk system.
 When a drive fails, use that one off the shelf to do your replacement 
 immediately then deal with the RMA, paperwork, and snailmail to get the bad 
 drive replaced.
 Also, depending how many disks you have in your array - keeping multiple 
 spares can be a good idea as well to cover another disk dying while waiting 
 on that replacement one.
 In my opinion, the above goes whether you have your disk system configured 
 with hot spare or not.  And the technique is applicable to both 
 personal/home-use and commercial uses if your data is important.
 - Mike
 On May 28, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Brian wrote:
 I have a raidz2 pool with one disk that seems to be going bad, several 
 errors are noted in iostat.  I have an RMA for the drive, however - no I am 
 wondering how I proceed.  I need to send the drive in and then they will 
 send me one back.  If I had the drive on hand, I could do a zpool replace.
 Do I do a zpool offline? zpool detach?
 Once I get the drive back and put it in the same drive bay..  Is it just a 
 zpool replacedevice?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] best migration path from Solaris 10

2011-03-24 Thread Michael DeMan
I think on this, the big question is going to be whether Oracle continues to 
release ZFS updates under CDDL after their commercial releases.

Overall, in the past it has obviously and necessarily been the case that 
FreeBSD has been a '2nd class citizen'.

Moving forward, that 2nd class idea becomes very mutable - and ironically it 
becomes more so in regards to dealing with organizations that have longevity.

Moving forward...

If Oracle continues to release critical ZFS feature sets under CDDL to the 
community, then:

A) They are no longer pre-releasing those features to OpenSolaris
B) FreeBSD gets them at the same time.

If Oracle does not continue to release ZFS features sets under CDDL, then then 
game changes.  Pick your choice of operating systems - one that has a history 
of surviving for nearly two decades on its own with community support, or the 
'green leaf off the dead tree' that just decided to jump into the willy-nilly 
world without direct/giant corporate support.

2nd class citizen issue for FreeBSD disappears either way.  

The only remaining question would be the remaining crufts of legal disposition. 
 I could for instance see NetApp or somebody try and sue ixSystems, but I have 
a really, really rough time seeing Oracle/LarryEllison suing the FreeBSD 
foundation overall or something?

Oh yeah - plus BTRFS on the horizon?

Honestly - I am not here to start a flame war - I am asking these questions 
because businesses both big and small need to know what to do.

My hunch is, we all have to wait and see if Oracle releases ZFS updates after 
Solaris 11, and if so, whether that is a subset of functionality or full 

- mike

On Mar 19, 2011, at 11:54 PM, Fajar A. Nugraha wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 4:05 AM, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 06:22:01PM -0700, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
 Newer versions of FreeBSD have newer ZFS code.
 Yes, we are at v28 at this point (the lastest open-source version).
 That said, ZFS on FreeBSD is kind of a 2nd class citizen still. [...]
 That's actually not true. There are more FreeBSD committers working on
 ZFS than on UFS.
 How is the performance of ZFS under FreeBSD? Is it comparable to that
 in Solaris, or still slower due to some needed compatibility layer?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] best migration path from Solaris 10

2011-03-18 Thread Michael DeMan
I think we all feel the same pain with Oracle's purchase of Sun.

FreeBSD that has commercial support for ZFS maybe?

Not here quite yet, but it is something being looked at by an F500 that I am 
currently on contract with.,

Not saying this would be the right solution by any means, but for that 
'corporate barrier', sometimes the option to get both the hardware and ZFS from 
the same place, with support, helps out.

- mike

On Mar 18, 2011, at 2:56 PM, Paul B. Henson wrote:

 We've been running Solaris 10 for the past couple of years, primarily to 
 leverage zfs to provide storage for about 40,000 faculty, staff, and students 
 as well as about 1000 groups. Access is provided via NFSv4, CIFS (by samba), 
 and http/https (including a local module allowing filesystem acl's to be 
 respected via web access). This has worked reasonably well barring some 
 ongoing issues with scalability (approximately a 2 hour reboot window on an 
 x4500 with ~8000 zfs filesystems, complete breakage of live upgrade) and 
 acl/chmod interaction madness.
 We were just about to start working on a cutover to OpenSolaris (for the 
 in-kernel CIFS server, and quicker access to new features/developments) when 
 Oracle finished assimilating Sun and killed off the OpenSolaris distribution. 
 We've been sitting pat for a while to see how things ended up shaking out, 
 and at this point want to start reevaluating our best migration option to 
 move forward from Solaris 10.
 There's really nothing else available that is comparable to zfs (perhaps 
 btrfs someday in the indefinite future, but who knows when that day might 
 come), so our options would appear to be Solaris 11 Express, Nexenta (either 
 NexentaStor or NexentaCore), and OpenIndiana (FreeBSD is occasionally 
 mentioned as a possibility, but I don't really see that as suitable for our 
 enterprise needs).
 Solaris 11 is the official successor to OpenSolaris, has commercial support, 
 and the backing of a huge corporation which historically has contributed the 
 majority of Solaris forward development. However, that corporation is Oracle, 
 and frankly, I don't like doing business with Oracle. With no offense 
 intended to the no doubt numerous talented and goodhearted people that might 
 work there, Oracle is simply evil. We've dealt with Oracle for a long time 
 (in addition to their database itself, we're a PeopleSoft shop) and a 
 positive interaction with them is quite rare. Since they took over Sun, costs 
 on licensing, support contracts, and hardware have increased dramatically, at 
 least in the cases where we've actually been able to get a quote. Arguably, 
 we are not their target market, and they make that quite clear ;). There's 
 also been significant brain drain of prior Sun employees since the takeover, 
 so while they might still continue to contribute the most money into Solaris 
 elopment, they might not be the future source of the most innovation. Given 
our needs, and our budget, I really don't consider this a viable option.
 Nexenta, on the other hand, seems to be the kind of company I'd like to deal 
 with. Relatively small, nimble, with a ton of former Sun zfs talent working 
 for them, and what appears to be actual consideration for the needs of their 
 customers. I think I'd more likely get my needs addressed through Nexenta, 
 they've already started work on adding aclmode back and I've had some initial 
 discussion with one of their engineers on the possibility of adding 
 additional options such as denying or ignoring attempted chmod updates on 
 objects with acls. It looks like they only offer commercial support for 
 NexentaStor, not NexentaCore. Commercial support isn't a strict requirement, 
 a sizable chunk of our infrastructure runs on a non-commercial linux 
 distribution and open source software, but it can make management happier. 
 NexentaStor seems positioned as a storage appliance, which isn't really what 
 we need. I'm not particularly interested in a web gui or cli interface that 
 hides the underly
 ing complexity of the operating system and zfs, on the contrary, I want full 
access to the guts :). We have our zfs deployment integrated into our identity 
management system, which automatically provisions, destroys, and maintains 
filespace for our user/groups, as well as providing an API for end-users and 
administrators to manage quotas and other attributes. We also run apache with 
some custom modules. I still need to investigate further, but I'm not even sure 
if NexentaStor provides access into the underlying OS or encapsulates 
everything and only allows control through its own administrative functionality.
 NexentaCore is more of the raw operating system we're probably looking for, 
 but with only community-based support. Given that NexentaCore and OpenIndiana 
 are now both going to be based off of the illumos core, I'm not quite certain 
 what's going to distinguish them. 

Re: [zfs-discuss] [OpenIndiana-discuss] best migration path from Solaris 10

2011-03-18 Thread Michael DeMan
Hi David,

Caught your note about bonnie, actually do some testing myself over the weekend.

All on older hardware for fun - dual opteron 285 with 16GB RAM.  Disk systems 
is off a pair of SuperMicro SATA cards, with a combination of WD enterprise and 
Seagate ES 1TB drives.  No ZIL, no L2ARC, no tuning at all from base FreeNAS 

10 drives total, I'm going to be running tests as below, mostly curious about 
IOPS and to sort out a little debate with a co-worker.

- all 10 in one raidz2 (running now)
- 5 by 2-way mirrors
- 2 by 5-disk raidz1

Script is as below - if folks would find the data I collect be useful 
information at all, let me know and I will post it publicly somewhere.

freenas# cat

# Basic test for file I/O.  We run lots and lots of the tradditional
# 'bonnie' tool at 50GB file size, starting one every minute.  Resulting
# data should give us a good work mixture in the middle given all the different
# tests that bonnnie runs, 100 instances running at the same time, and at 
# stages of their processing.



date  ${LOG}
echo Test with file system named ${FILESYSTEM} and Configuration of...  
zpool status  ${LOG}

# DEMAN grab zfs and regular dev iostats every 10 minutes during test
zpool iostat -v 600   ${LOG} 
iostat -w 600 ada0 ada1 ada2 ada3 ada4 ada5 ada6 ada7 ada8 ada9  ${LOG}.iostat 

while [ $COUNT -le $MAX ]; do
echo kicking off bonnie
bonnie -d /mnt/${FILESYSTEM} -s 5 
sleep 60;

On Mar 18, 2011, at 3:26 PM, David Brodbeck wrote:

 I'm in a similar position, so I'll be curious what kinds of responses you 
 get.  I can give you a thumbnail sketch of what I've looked at so far:
 I evaluated FreeBSD, and ruled it out because I need NFSv4, and FreeBSD's 
 NFSv4 support is still in an early stage.  The NFS stability and performance 
 just isn't there yet, in my opinion.
 Nexenta Core looked promising, but locked up in bonnie++ NFS testing with our 
 RedHat nodes, so its stability is a bit of a question mark for me.
 I haven't gotten the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate OpenIndiana, yet.  
 It's only available as a DVD ISO, and my test machine currently has only a 
 CD-ROM drive.  Changing that is on my to-do list, but other things keep 
 slipping in ahead of it.
 For now I'm running OpenSolaris, with a locally-compiled version of Samba.  
 (The OpenSolaris Samba package is very old and has several unpatched security 
 holes, at this point.)
 David Brodbeck
 System Administrator, Linguistics
 University of Washington
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Re: [zfs-discuss] best migration path from Solaris 10

2011-03-18 Thread Michael DeMan
ZFSv28 is in HEAD now and will be out in 8.3.

ZFS + HAST in 9.x means being able to cluster off different hardware.

In regards to OpenSolaris and Indiana - can somebody clarify the relationship 
there?  It was clear with OpenSolaris that the latest/greatest ZFS would always 
be available since it was a guinea-pig product for cost conscious folks and 
served as an excellent area for Sun to get marketplace feedback and bug fixes 
done before rolling updates into full Solaris.

To me it seems that Open Indiana is basically a green branch off of a dead tree 
- if I am wrong, please enlighten me.

On Mar 18, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

 I think we all feel the same pain with Oracle's purchase of Sun.
 FreeBSD that has commercial support for ZFS maybe?
 Fbsd currently has a very old zpool version, not suitable for running with 
 SLOGs, since if you lose it, you may lose the pool, which isn't very 
 Vennlige hilsener / Best regards
 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
 (+47) 97542685
 I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det 
 er et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
 idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
 relevante synonymer på norsk.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] (Fletcher+Verification) versus (Sha256+No Verification)

2011-01-07 Thread Michael DeMan

On Jan 7, 2011, at 6:13 AM, David Magda wrote:

 On Fri, January 7, 2011 01:42, Michael DeMan wrote:
 Then - there is the other side of things.  The 'black swan' event.  At
 some point, given percentages on a scenario like the example case above,
 one simply has to make the business justification case internally at their
 own company about whether to go SHA-256 only or Fletcher+Verification?
 Add Murphy's Law to the 'black swan event' and of course the only data
 that is lost is that .01% of your data that is the most critical?
 The other thing to note is that by default (with de-dupe disabled), ZFS
 uses Fletcher checksums to prevent data corruption. Add also the fact all
 other file systems don't have any checksums, and simply rely on the fact
 that disks have a bit error rate of (at best) 10^-16.
Agreed - but I think it is still missing the point of what the original poster 
was asking about.

In all honesty I think the debate is a business decision - the highly 
improbable vs. certainty.

Somebody somewhere must have written this stuff up, along with simple use cases?
Perhaps even a new acronym?  MTBC - mean time before collision?

And even with the 'certainty' factor being the choice - other things like human 
error come in to play and are far riskier?

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] (Fletcher+Verification) versus (Sha256+No Verification)

2011-01-06 Thread Michael DeMan
At the end of the day this issue essentially is about mathematical 
improbability versus certainty?

To be quite honest, I too am skeptical about about using de-dupe just based on 
SHA256.  In prior posts it was asked that the potential adopter of the 
technology provide the mathematical reason to NOT use SHA-256 only.  However, 
if Oracle believes that it is adequate to do that, would it be possible for 
somebody to provide:

(A) The theoretical documents and associated mathematics specific to say one 
simple use case?
(A1) Total data size is 1PB (lets say the zpool is 2PB to not worry about that 
part of it).
(A2) Daily, 10TB of data is updated, 1TB of data is deleted, and 1TB of data is 
(A3) Out of the dataset, 25% of the data is capable of being de-duplicated
(A4) Between A2 and A3 above, the 25% rule from A3 also applies to everything 
in A2.

I think the above would be a pretty 'soft' case for justifying the case that 
SHA-256 works?  I would presume some kind of simple kind of scenario 
mathematically has been run already by somebody inside Oracle/Sun long ago when 
first proposing that ZFS be funded internally at all?

Then - there is the other side of things.  The 'black swan' event.  At some 
point, given percentages on a scenario like the example case above, one simply 
has to make the business justification case internally at their own company 
about whether to go SHA-256 only or Fletcher+Verification?  Add Murphy's Law to 
the 'black swan event' and of course the only data that is lost is that .01% of 
your data that is the most critical?

Not trying to be aggressive or combative here at all against peoples opinions 
and understandings of it all - I would just like to see some hard information 
about it all - it must exist somewhere already?

- Mike

On Jan 6, 2011, at 10:05 PM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

 From: [mailto:zfs-discuss-] On Behalf Of Peter Taps
 Perhaps (Sha256+NoVerification) would work 99.99% of the time. But
 Append 50 more 9's on there. 
 See below.
 I have been told that the checksum value returned by Sha256 is almost
 guaranteed to be unique. In fact, if Sha256 fails in some case, we have a
 bigger problem such as memory corruption, etc. Essentially, adding
 verification to sha256 is an overkill.
 Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.  I assume ZFS dedup matches both the
 blocksize and the checksum right?  A simple checksum collision (which is
 astronomically unlikely) is still not sufficient to produce corrupted data.
 It's even more unlikely than that.
 Using the above assumption, here's how you calculate the probability of
 corruption if you're not using verification:
 Suppose every single block in your whole pool is precisely the same size
 (which is unrealistic in the real world, but I'm trying to calculate worst
 case.)  Suppose the block is 4K, which is again, unrealistically worst case.
 Suppose your dataset is purely random or sequential ... with no duplicated
 data ... which is unrealisic because if your data is like that, then why in
 the world are you enabling dedupe?  But again, assuming worst case
 scenario...  At this point we'll throw in some evil clowns, spit on a voodoo
 priestess, and curse the heavens for some extra bad luck.
 If you have astronomically infinite quantities of data, then your
 probability of corruption approaches 100%.  With infinite data, eventually
 you're guaranteed to have a collision.  So the probability of corruption is
 directly related to the total amount of data you have, and the new question
 is:  For anything Earthly, how near are you to 0% probability of collision
 in reality?
 Suppose you have 128TB of data.  That is ...  you have 2^35 unique 4k blocks
 of uniformly sized data.  Then the probability you have any collision in
 your whole dataset is (sum(1 thru 2^35))*2^-256 
 Note: sum of integers from 1 to N is  (N*(N+1))/2
 Note: 2^35 * (2^35+1) = 2^35 * 2^35 + 2^35 = 2^70 + 2^35
 Note: (N*(N+1))/2 in this case = 2^69 + 2^34
 So the probability of data corruption in this case, is 2^-187 + 2^-222 ~=
 5.1E-57 + 1.5E-67
 ~= 5.1E-57
 In other words, even in the absolute worst case, cursing the gods, running
 without verification, using data that's specifically formulated to try and
 cause errors, on a dataset that I bet is larger than what you're doing, ...
 Before we go any further ... The total number of bits stored on all the
 storage in the whole planet is a lot smaller than the total number of
 molecules in the planet.
 There are estimated 8.87 * 10^49 molecules in planet Earth.
 The probability of a collision in your worst-case unrealistic dataset as
 described, is even 100 million times less likely than randomly finding a
 single specific molecule in the whole planet Earth by pure luck.

Re: [zfs-discuss] [RFC] Backup solution

2010-10-08 Thread Michael DeMan

On Oct 8, 2010, at 4:33 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

 From: Peter Jeremy []
 Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 10:02 PM
 On 2010-Oct-08 09:07:34 +0800, Edward Ned Harvey
 If you're going raidz3, with 7 disks, then you might as well just make
 mirrors instead, and eliminate the slow resilver.
 There is a difference in reliability:  raidzN means _any_ N disks can
 fail, whereas mirror means one disk in each mirror pair can fail.
 With a mirror, Murphy's Law says that the second disk to fail will be
 the pair of the first disk :-).
 Maybe.  But in reality, you're just guessing the probability of a single
 failure, the probability of multiple failures, and the probability of
 multiple failures within the critical time window and critical redundancy
 The probability of a 2nd failure within the critical time window is smaller
 whenever the critical time window is decreased, and the probability of that
 failure being within the critical redundancy set is smaller whenever your
 critical redundancy set is smaller.  So if raidz2 takes twice as long to
 resilver than a mirror, and has a larger critical redundancy set, then you
 haven't gained any probable resiliency over a mirror.
 Although it's true with mirrors, it's possible for 2 disks to fail and
 result in loss of pool, I think the probability of that happening is smaller
 than the probability of a 3-disk failure in the raidz2.
 How much longer does a 7-disk raidz2 take to resilver as compared to a
 mirror?  According to my calculations, it's in the vicinity of 10x longer.  

This article has been posted elsewhere, is about 10 months old, but is a good 

Really, there should be a ballpark / back of the napkin formula to be able to 
calculate this?  I've been curious about this too, so here goes a 1st cut...

DR = disk reliability, in terms of chance of the disk dying in any given time 
period, say any given hour?

DFW = disk full write - time to write every sector on the disk.  This will vary 
depending on system load, but is still an input item that can be determined by 
some testing.

RSM = resilver time for a mirror of two of the given disks
RSZ1 = resilver time for raidz1 vdev of two of the given disks?
RSZ2 = resilver time for raidz2 vdev of two of the given disks?

chances of losing all data in a mirror: DLM = RSM * DR.
chances of losing all data in a raiz1: DLRZ1 = RSZ1 * DR.
chances of losing all data in a raidz2: DLRZ2 = RSZ2 * DR * DR

Now, for the above, I'll make some other assumptions...

Lets just guess at a 1-year MTBF for our disks, and for purposes here, just 
flat line that at a failure rate  of chance per hour throughout the year.

Lets presume rebuilding a mirror takes one hour.
Lets presume that a 7-disk raidz1 takes 24 times longer to rebuild one disk 
than a mirror, I think this would be a 'safe' ratio to the benefit of the 
Lets presume that a 7-disk raidz2 takes 72 times longer to rebuild one disk 
than a mirror, this should be 'safe' and again benefit to the mirror.

DR for a one hour period = 1 / 24 hours / 365 day = .000114 - chance a disk 
might die in any given hour.

DLM = one hour * DR = .000114

DLRZ1 = 24 hours * DR = .0001114 * 6 ( x6 because there are six more drives in 
the pool, and any one of them could fail)

DLRZ2 = 72 hours * DR * DR = (72 * (.0001114 * 6-disks) * (.0001114 * 5 disks)  
= a much tinier chance of losing all that data.

A better way to think about it maybe

Based on our 1-year flat-line MTBF for disks, to figure out how much faster the 
mirror must rebuild for reliability to be the same as a raidz2...


.0001114 * 1 hour = X hours * (.0001114 * 6-disks) * (.0001114 * 5 disks)

X = (.0001114 * 6-disks) * 5 

X = .003342

So, the mirror would have to resilver three hundred times faster than the raiz2 
 (1 / .003342) in order for it to offer the same levels of reliability in 
regards to the chances of losing the entire vdev due to additional disk 
failures during a resilver?

The governing thing here is that O(2) level of reliability based on expected 
chances of failure of  additional disks during any given moment in time, vs. 
O(1) for mirrors and raidz1?

Note that the above is O(2) for raidz2 and O(1) for mirror/raidz1, because we 
are working on the assumption we have already lost one disk.

With raidz3, we would have ( 1  /  (.0001114 * 4-disks remaining in pool ), or 
about 2,000 times more reliability?

Now, the above does not include things like proper statistics that the chances 
of that 2nd and 3rd disk failing (even correlations) may be higher than our 
'flat-line' %/hr. based on 1-year MTBF, or stuff like if all the disks were 
purchased in the same lots and at the same time, so their chances of failing 
around the same time is higher, etc.


Re: [zfs-discuss] TLER and ZFS

2010-10-06 Thread Michael DeMan
Can you give us release numbers that confirm that this is 'automatic'.  It is 
my understanding that the last available public release of OpenSolaris does not 
do this.

On Oct 5, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Richard Elling wrote:

 ZFS already aligns the beginning of data areas to 4KB offsets from the label.
 For modern OpenSolaris and Solaris implementations, the default starting 
 block for partitions is also aligned to 4KB.

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] TLER and ZFS

2010-10-05 Thread Michael DeMan
I'm not sure on the TLER issues by themselves, but after the nightmares I have 
gone through dealing with the 'green drives', which have both the TLER issue 
and the IntelliPower head parking issues, I would just stay away from it all 
entirely and pay extra for the 'RAID Editiion' drives.

Just out of curiosity, I took a peek a newegg.

Western Digital RE3 WD1002FBYS 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5 Internal Hard 
Drive -Bare Drive  

are only $129.

vs. $89 for the 'regular' black drives.

45% higher price, but it is my understanding that the 'RAID Edition' ones also 
are physically constructed for longer life, lower vibration levels, etc.

On Oct 5, 2010, at 1:30 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

 Hi all
 I just discovered WD Black drives are rumored not to be set to allow TLER. 
 Does anyone know how much performance impact the lack of TLER might have on a 
 large pool? Choosing Enterprise drives will cost about 60% more, and on a 
 large install, that means a lot of money...
 Vennlige hilsener / Best regards
 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
 (+47) 97542685
 I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det 
 er et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
 idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
 relevante synonymer på norsk.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] TLER and ZFS

2010-10-05 Thread Michael DeMan

On Oct 5, 2010, at 1:47 PM, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:

 Western Digital RE3 WD1002FBYS 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5 Internal
 Hard Drive -Bare Drive
 are only $129.
 vs. $89 for the 'regular' black drives.
 45% higher price, but it is my understanding that the 'RAID Edition'
 ones also are physically constructed for longer life, lower vibration
 levels, etc.
 Well, here it's about 60% up and for 150 drives, that makes a wee 
 Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Understood on 1.6  times cost, especially for quantity 150 drives.

I think (and if I am wrong, somebody else correct me) - that if you are using 
commodity controllers, which seems to generally fine for ZFS, then if a drive 
times out trying to constantly re-read a bad sector, it could stall out the 
read on the entire pool overall.  On the other hand, if the drives are exported 
as JBOD from a RAID controller, I would think the RAID controller itself would 
just mark the drive as bad and offline it quickly based on its own internal 

The above would also be relevant to the anticipated usage.  For instance, if it 
is some sort of backup machine and delays due to some reads stalling on out 
TLER then perhaps it is not a big deal.  If it is for more of an up-front 
production use, that could be intolerable.
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] TLER and ZFS

2010-10-05 Thread Michael DeMan

On Oct 5, 2010, at 2:47 PM, wrote:
 I've seen several important features when selecting a drive for
 a mirror:
   TLER (the ability of the drive to timeout a command)
   sector size (native vs virtual)
   power use (specifically at home)
   performance (mostly for work)
 I've heard scary stories about a mismatch of the native sector size and
 unaligned Solaris partitions (4K sectors, unaligned cylinder).

Yes, avoiding the 4K sector sizes is a huge issue right now too - another item 
I forgot on the reasons to absolutely avoid those WD 'green' drives.

Three good reasons to avoid WD 'green' drives for ZFS...

- TLER issues
- IntelliPower head park issues
- 4K sector size issues

...they are an absolutely nightmare.  

The WD 1TB 'enterprise' drives are still 512 sector size and safe to use, who 
knows though, maybe they just started shipping with 4K sector size as I write 
this e-mail?

Another annoying thing with the whole 4K sector size, is what happens when you 
need to replace drives next year, or the year after?  That part has me worried 
on this whole 4K sector migration thing more than what to buy today.  Given the 
choice, I would prefer to buy 4K sector size now, but operating system support 
is still limited.  Does anybody know if there any vendors that are shipping 4K 
sector drives that have a jumper option to make them 512 size?  WD has a 
jumper, but is there explicitly to work with WindowsXP, and is not a real way 
to dumb down the drive to 512.  I would presume that any vendor that is 
shipping 4K sector size drives now, with a jumper to make it 'real' 512, would 
be supporting that over the long run?

I would be interested, and probably others would too, on what the original 
poster finally decides on this?

- Mike

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] TLER and ZFS

2010-10-05 Thread Michael DeMan
Hi upfront, and thanks for the valuable information.

On Oct 5, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Peter Jeremy wrote:

 Another annoying thing with the whole 4K sector size, is what happens
 when you need to replace drives next year, or the year after?
 About the only mitigation needed is to ensure that any partitioning is
 based on multiples of 4KB.

I agree, but to be quite honest, I have no clue how to do this with ZFS.  It 
seems that it should be something under the regular tuning documenation.

Is it going to be the case that basic information like about how to deal with 
common scenarios like this is no longer going to be publicly available, and 
Oracle will simply keep it 'close to the vest', with the relevant information 
simply available for those who choose to research it themselves, or only 
available to those with certain levels of support contracts from Oracle?

To put it another way - does the community that uses ZFS need to fork 'ZFS Best 
Practices' and 'ZFZ Evil Tuning' to ensure that it is reasonably up to date?

Sorry for the somewhat hostile in the above, but the changes w/ the merger have 
demoralized a lot of folks I think.

- Mike

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Opteron 6100? Does it work with opensolaris?

2010-05-11 Thread Michael DeMan
I agree on the motherboard and peripheral chipset issue.

This, and the last generation AMD quad/six core motherboards all seem to use 
the AMD SP56x0/SP5100 chipset, which I can't find much information about 
support on for either OpenSolaris or FreeBSD.

Another issue is the LSI SAS2008 chipset for SAS controller which is frequently 
offered as an onboard option for many motherboards as well and still seems to 
be somewhat of a work in progress in regards to being 'production ready'.

On May 11, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Brandon High wrote:

 On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:29 AM, Thomas Burgess wrote:
 I'm specificially looking at this motherboard:
 I'd be more concerned that the motherboard and it's attached
 peripherals are unsupported than the processor. Solaris can handle 12
 cores with no problems.
 Brandon High :
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Re: [zfs-discuss] SSD best practices

2010-04-19 Thread Michael DeMan
By the way,

I would like to chip in about how informative this thread has been, at least 
for me, despite (and actually because of) the strong opinions on some of the 
posts about the issues involved.

From what I gather, there is still an interesting failure possibility with 
ZFS, although probably rare.  In the case where a zil (aka slog) device fails, 
AND the zpool.cache information is not available, basically folks are toast?

In addition, the zpool.cache itself exhibits the following behaviors (and I 
could be totally wrong, this is why I ask):

A.  It is not written to frequently, i.e., it is not a performance impact 
unless new zfs file systems (pardon me if I have the incorrect terminology) are 
not being fabricated and supplied to the underlying operating system.

B.  The current implementation stores that cache file on the zil device, so if 
for some reason, that device is totally lost (along with said .cache file), it 
is nigh impossible to recover the entire pool it correlates with.

possible solutions:

1.  Why not have an option to mirror that darn cache file (like to the root 
file system of the boot device at least as an initial implementation) no matter 
what intent log devices are present?  Presuming that most folks at least want 
enough redundancy that their machine will boot, and if it boots - then they 
have a shot at recovery of the balance of the associated (zfs) directly 
attached storage, and with my other presumptions above, there is little reason 
do not to offer a feature like this? 

- mike

On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Richard Elling wrote:

 On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Don wrote:
 If you have a pair of heads talking to shared disks with ZFS- what can you 
 do to ensure the second head always has a current copy of the zpool.cache 
 By definition, the zpool.cache file is always up to date.
 I'd prefer not to lose the ZIL, fail over, and then suddenly find out I 
 can't import the pool on my second head.
 I'd rather not have multiple failures, either.  But the information needed in 
 zpool.cache file for reconstructing a missing (as in destroyed) top-level 
 vdev is 
 easily recovered from a backup or snapshot.
 -- richard
 ZFS storage and performance consulting at
 ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
 Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 
 zfs-discuss mailing list

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] newbie, WAS: Re: SSD best practices

2010-04-19 Thread Michael DeMan
Also, pardon my typos, and my lack of re-titling my subject to note that it is 
a fork from the original topic.  Corrections in text that I noticed after 
finally sorting out getting on the mailing list are below...

On Apr 19, 2010, at 3:26 AM, Michael DeMan wrote:

 By the way,
 I would like to chip in about how informative this thread has been, at least 
 for me, despite (and actually because of) the strong opinions on some of the 
 posts about the issues involved.
 From what I gather, there is still an interesting failure possibility with 
 ZFS, although probably rare.  In the case where a zil (aka slog) device 
 fails, AND the zpool.cache information is not available, basically folks are 
 In addition, the zpool.cache itself exhibits the following behaviors (and I 
 could be totally wrong, this is why I ask):
 A.  It is not written to frequently, i.e., it is not a performance impact 
 unless new zfs file systems (pardon me if I have the incorrect terminology) 
 are not being fabricated and supplied to the underlying operating system.
The above 'are not being fabricated' should be 'are regularly being fabricated'

 B.  The current implementation stores that cache file on the zil device, so 
 if for some reason, that device is totally lost (along with said .cache 
 file), it is nigh impossible to recover the entire pool it correlates with.
The above, 'on the zil device', should say 'on the fundamental zfs file system 
itself, or a zil device if one is provisioned'

 possible solutions:
 1.  Why not have an option to mirror that darn cache file (like to the root 
 file system of the boot device at least as an initial implementation) no 
 matter what intent log devices are present?  Presuming that most folks at 
 least want enough redundancy that their machine will boot, and if it boots - 
 then they have a shot at recovery of the balance of the associated (zfs) 
 directly attached storage, and with my other presumptions above, there is 
 little reason do not to offer a feature like this? 
Missing final sentence: The vast amount of problems with computer and network 
reliability is typically related to human error.  The more '9s' that can be 
intrinsically provided by the systems themselves helps mitigate this.

 - mike
 On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Richard Elling wrote:
 On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Don wrote:
 If you have a pair of heads talking to shared disks with ZFS- what can you 
 do to ensure the second head always has a current copy of the zpool.cache 
 By definition, the zpool.cache file is always up to date.
 I'd prefer not to lose the ZIL, fail over, and then suddenly find out I 
 can't import the pool on my second head.
 I'd rather not have multiple failures, either.  But the information needed 
 in the
 zpool.cache file for reconstructing a missing (as in destroyed) top-level 
 vdev is 
 easily recovered from a backup or snapshot.
 -- richard
 ZFS storage and performance consulting at
 ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
 Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 
 zfs-discuss mailing list
 zfs-discuss mailing list

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] newbie, WAS: Re: SSD best practices

2010-04-19 Thread Michael DeMan (OA)
By the way,

I would like to chip in about how informative this thread has been, at least 
for me, despite (and actually because of) the strong opinions on some of the 
posts about the issues involved.

From what I gather, there is still an interesting failure possibility with 
ZFS, although probably rare.  In the case where a zil (aka slog) device fails, 
AND the zpool.cache information is not available, basically folks are toast?

In addition, the zpool.cache itself exhibits the following behaviors (and I 
could be totally wrong, this is why I ask):


A.  It is not written to frequently, i.e., it is not a performance impact 
unless new zfs file systems (pardon me if I have the incorrect terminology) are 
not being fabricated and supplied to the underlying operating system.

B.  The current implementation stores that cache file on the zil file system, 
so if for some reason, that device is totally lost, it is nigh impossible to 
recover the entire pool it correlates with.

possible solutions:

1.  Why not have an option to mirror that darn cache file, like to the root 
file system of the boot device at least?  Presuming that most folks at least 
want enough redundancy that their machine will boot, and if it boots have a 
shot at recovery the associated directly attached storage, and with my other 
presumptions above, there is little reason do not to offer a feature like this? 

- mike

On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Richard Elling wrote:

 On Apr 18, 2010, at 7:02 PM, Don wrote:
 If you have a pair of heads talking to shared disks with ZFS- what can you 
 do to ensure the second head always has a current copy of the zpool.cache 
 By definition, the zpool.cache file is always up to date.
 I'd prefer not to lose the ZIL, fail over, and then suddenly find out I 
 can't import the pool on my second head.
 I'd rather not have multiple failures, either.  But the information needed in 
 zpool.cache file for reconstructing a missing (as in destroyed) top-level 
 vdev is 
 easily recovered from a backup or snapshot.
 -- richard
 ZFS storage and performance consulting at
 ZFS training on deduplication, NexentaStor, and NAS performance
 Las Vegas, April 29-30, 2010 
 zfs-discuss mailing list

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Re: [zfs-discuss] freeNAS moves to Linux from FreeBSD

2009-12-07 Thread Michael DeMan (OA)
Actually it appears that FreeNAS is forking with planned support for both linux 
(we can only speculate on the preferred backing file system) and FreeBSD with 
ZFS as preferred backing file system.

In regards to OpenSolaris advocacy for using OpenSolaris vs. FreeBSD, I'm all 
ears if anybody is bold enough to clutter up this mailing list with it.

A quick start from my perspective (and this is no way complete) would be:

Basically, I have a need for a modern file systems with snapshots both for 
internal purposes and to support vmware instances.  De-depluciation is a nice 
idea, but given our size, the balance between risk and dollars makes it easier 
to just have more disk space.

Args for FreeBSD + ZFS:

- Limited budget
- We are familiar with managing FreeBSD.
- We are familiar with tuning FreeBSD.
- Licensing model

Args against FreeBSD + ZFS:
- Stability (?)
- Possibly performance (although we have limited needs for CIFS)

Args for OpenSolaris + ZFS:
- Stability

Args against OpenSolaris + ZFS:
- Hardware compatibility
- Lack of knowledge for tuning and associated costs for training staff to learn 
'yet one more operating system' they need to support.
- Licensing model

On Dec 6, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Gary Gendel wrote:

 The only reason I thought this news would be of interest is that the 
 discussions had some interesting comments.  Basically, there is a significant 
 outcry because zfs was going away.  I saw NextentaOS and EON mentioned 
 several times as the path to go.
 Seem that there is some opportunity for OpenSolaris advocacy in this arena 
 while the topic is hot.
 This message posted from
 zfs-discuss mailing list

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[zfs-discuss] mirroring ZIL device

2009-11-22 Thread Michael DeMan (OA)
Hi All,

Sorry if this question is already addressed in the documentation, but I am 
still unclear about some details ZIL devices.

I am looking at provisioning some network attached storage with ZFS on the back 

In the interests of the 'inexpensive' part of the acronym 'RAID', I am looking 
at using SATA drives for the primary storage striped over multiple mirrors.

I will be doing the operating system on a separate set of traditionally 
mirrored 15K SAS disks (formatted UFS2).

In the interests of performance given the SATA drives for the main storage, I 
am considering provisioning a separate ZIL device, again on 15K SAS.

For the ZIL device, my understanding is that if it fails, everything still 
'just works'.  Meanwhile, I tend to be a bit paranoid at times and am curious 
about having the ZIL device be mirrored.

I suppose with hardware RAID, it would be obvious that I could just mirror two 
15K SAS drives that way, export it out as a single device to the operating 
system and I am clear.

My question(s) are:

#1.  Is it worthwhile to allocate a fast ZIL device to help out with writes to 
the sluggish SATA main storage drives?  It seems to me that probably this kind 
of case might be exactly what ZIL is for?

#2.  Is it possible for me to mirror those two 15K SAS drives I want to use for 
ZIL directly within ZFS?  From the documentation, it seems not, and if I want 
to go this way, I'll want hardware RAID1.

#3.  Does anybody have any field/production information about just using 
low-end (but newer generation) SATA SSDs for the ZIL device?  My concern here 
is obviously about performance degradation over time with SSD, particularly as 
an SSD device.  (Again, small budget, I can't afford any of the fancy SSD 


- Mike

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