Re: [zfs-discuss] LSI SAS3081E = unstable drive numbers?

2007-12-16 Thread Paul Jochum
Hi Kent:

So, in using the lsiutil utility, what do I find, but the following 
option: (this was under the hidden option 15)
12.  Change (enable/disable) persistence

I have not had a chance to try it, but it says the default is 
Enabled.  Let me know if you try it.


Kent Watsen wrote:

 Paul Jochum wrote:
What the lsiutil does for me is clear the persistent mapping for 
 all of the drives on a card.  
 Since James  confirms that I'm doomed to ad hoc methods  tracking 
 device-ids to bays, I'm interested in knowing if somehow your ability 
 to clear the persistent mapping for *all* of the drives on the card 
 somehow gets you to a stable-state?  Seems to me that, if the tool is 
 run from the BIOS, like the LSI Configuration Utility, then it kind 
 defeats the uptime that I'm trying to achieve by having a RAID system 
 in the first place...  Is it, by chance, a user land program?

 I don't know of a way to disable the mapping completely (but that 
 does sound like a nice option).  Since SUN is reselling this card now 
 (that is how I got my cards), I wonder if they can put in a request 
 to LSI to provide this enhancement?
 Yes, please! - can someone from SUN please request LSI to add a 
 feature to selectively disable their card's persistent drive mapping 


zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] LSI SAS3081E = unstable drive numbers?

2007-12-12 Thread Paul Jochum
Hi Kent:

I have run into the same problem before, and have worked with LSI and SUN 
support to fix it.  LSI calls this persistant drive mapping, and here is how 
to clear it

1) obtain the latest version of the program lsiutil from LSI.  They don't 
seem to have the Solaris versions on their website, but I got it by email when 
entering a ticket into their support system.  I know that they have a version 
for Solaris x86 (and I believe a Sparc version also).  The version I currently 
have is: LSI Logic MPT Configuration Utility, Version 1.52, September 7, 2007

2) Execute the lsiutil program on your target box.
   a) first it will ask you to select which card to use (I have multiple cards 
in my machine, don't know if it will ask if you only have 1 card in your box)
b) then you need to select option 15 (it is a hidden option, not shown on 
the menu)
c) then you select option 10 (Clear all persistant mappings)
d) then option 0 multiple times to get out of the program
e) I normally than reboot the box, and the next time it comes up, the 
drives are back in order.
e) or (instead of rebooting) option 99, to reset the chip (causes new 
mappings to be established), then option 8 (to verify lower target IDs), then 
devfsadm.  After devfsadm completes, lsiutil option 42 should display valid 
device names (in /dev/rdsk), and format should find the devices so that you 
can label them.

Hope this helps.  I happened to need it last night again (I normally have to 
run it after re-imaging a box, assuming that I don't want to save the data that 
was on those drives).

Paul Jochum
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] LSI SAS3081E = unstable drive numbers?

2007-12-12 Thread Paul Jochum
Hi Kent:

What the lsiutil does for me is clear the persistent mapping for all 
of the drives on a card.  I don't know of a way to disable the mapping 
completely (but that does sound like a nice option).  Since SUN is 
reselling this card now (that is how I got my cards), I wonder if they 
can put in a request to LSI to provide this enhancement?


Kent Watsen wrote:

 Hi Paul,

 Already in my LSI Configuration Utility I have an option to clear the 
 persistent mapping for drives not present, but then the card resumes 
 its normal persistent-mapping logic.  What I really want is to disable 
 to persistent mapping logic completely - is the `lsiutil` doing that 
 for you?


 Paul Jochum wrote:
 Hi Kent:

 I have run into the same problem before, and have worked with LSI and 
 SUN support to fix it.  LSI calls this persistant drive mapping, 
 and here is how to clear it

 1) obtain the latest version of the program lsiutil from LSI.  They 
 don't seem to have the Solaris versions on their website, but I got 
 it by email when entering a ticket into their support system.  I know 
 that they have a version for Solaris x86 (and I believe a Sparc 
 version also).  The version I currently have is: LSI Logic MPT 
 Configuration Utility, Version 1.52, September 7, 2007

 2) Execute the lsiutil program on your target box.
a) first it will ask you to select which card to use (I have 
 multiple cards in my machine, don't know if it will ask if you only 
 have 1 card in your box)
 b) then you need to select option 15 (it is a hidden option, not 
 shown on the menu)
 c) then you select option 10 (Clear all persistant mappings)
 d) then option 0 multiple times to get out of the program
 e) I normally than reboot the box, and the next time it comes up, 
 the drives are back in order.
 e) or (instead of rebooting) option 99, to reset the chip (causes 
 new mappings to be established), then option 8 (to verify lower 
 target IDs), then devfsadm.  After devfsadm completes, lsiutil 
 option 42 should display valid device names (in /dev/rdsk), and 
 format should find the devices so that you can label them.

 Hope this helps.  I happened to need it last night again (I normally 
 have to run it after re-imaging a box, assuming that I don't want to 
 save the data that was on those drives).

 Paul Jochum
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 zfs-discuss mailing list

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Suggestion/Request: ZFS-aware rm command

2007-11-13 Thread Paul Jochum
I agree, being able to delete the snapshot that a clone is attached to would be 
a nice feature.  Until we get that, this is what I have done (in case this 
helps anyone else):

1) snapshot the filesystem
2) clone the snapshot into a seperate pool
3) only nfs mount the seperate pool with clones

That way, if I need to delete a file from the backups, I can delete it from the 
clones.  Since users only have access to the clones, they would not see the 
deleted files.  On the other hand, the deleted files still exist in the 
snapshots, so I am never 'corrupting' my backups.  Note, this only works for 
limited situations like mine I believe, not sure if there is a way to prevent 
users from having access to their .zfs/snapshot directory when they have local 
access to the zfs filesystem.

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