Hi Kent:

    What the lsiutil does for me is clear the persistent mapping for all 
of the drives on a card.  I don't know of a way to disable the mapping 
completely (but that does sound like a nice option).  Since SUN is 
reselling this card now (that is how I got my cards), I wonder if they 
can put in a request to LSI to provide this enhancement?


Kent Watsen wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Already in my LSI Configuration Utility I have an option to clear the 
> persistent mapping for drives not present, but then the card resumes 
> its normal persistent-mapping logic.  What I really want is to disable 
> to persistent mapping logic completely - is the `lsiutil` doing that 
> for you?
> Thanks,
> Kent
> Paul Jochum wrote:
>> Hi Kent:
>> I have run into the same problem before, and have worked with LSI and 
>> SUN support to fix it.  LSI calls this "persistant drive mapping", 
>> and here is how to clear it
>> 1) obtain the latest version of the program "lsiutil" from LSI.  They 
>> don't seem to have the Solaris versions on their website, but I got 
>> it by email when entering a ticket into their support system.  I know 
>> that they have a version for Solaris x86 (and I believe a Sparc 
>> version also).  The version I currently have is: "LSI Logic MPT 
>> Configuration Utility, Version 1.52, September 7, 2007"
>> 2) Execute the lsiutil program on your target box.
>>    a) first it will ask you to select which card to use (I have 
>> multiple cards in my machine, don't know if it will ask if you only 
>> have 1 card in your box)
>>     b) then you need to select option 15 (it is a hidden option, not 
>> shown on the menu)
>>     c) then you select option 10 (Clear all persistant mappings)
>>     d) then option 0 multiple times to get out of the program
>>     e) I normally than reboot the box, and the next time it comes up, 
>> the drives are back in order.
>>     e) or (instead of rebooting) option 99, to reset the chip (causes 
>> new mappings to be established), then option 8 (to verify lower 
>> target IDs), then "devfsadm".  After devfsadm completes, lsiutil 
>> option 42 should display valid device names (in /dev/rdsk), and 
>> "format" should find the devices so that you can label them.
>> Hope this helps.  I happened to need it last night again (I normally 
>> have to run it after re-imaging a box, assuming that I don't want to 
>> save the data that was on those drives).
>> Paul Jochum
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