[zfs-discuss] one time passwords - apache infrastructure incident report 8/28/2009

2009-09-04 Thread russell aspinwall

Just be reading about apache.org incident report for 8/28/2009 
( https://blogs.apache.org/infra/entry/apache_org_downtime_report )

The use of Solaris and ZFS on the European server was interesting including the 

However, what I found more interesting was the use of one time passwords which 
is supported by FreeBSD ( 
http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/one-time-passwords.html ). 
Could or should this technology be incorporated into OpenSolaris?
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[zfs-discuss] the antithesis of zfs

2009-08-13 Thread russell aspinwall
Are tools necessary to ensure that deleted ZFS pools can not be recovered or 
that deleted filesystems are really deleted?

If the current delete commands do offer some level of data recovery, is worth 
offering a destroy command which deletes and ensures no means of recovery other 
than a backup?
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Re: [zfs-discuss] the antithesis of zfs

2009-08-13 Thread russell aspinwall
Thanks for clearing up the issue
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Re: [zfs-discuss] OpenSolaris vs Linux

2008-12-09 Thread russell aspinwall
A couple of years ago I compared Solaris 10 and XP x64 on the same hardware 
(dual opteron) running the same analytical cases. Each OS had a clean install 
before use :-

Case   CPU time   System Time Lapse   Bits   OS
No   Secs   Secs  hh:mm:ss

1   5890 21:38:37  64Solaris 10
2   5578 21:38:31  64Solaris 10 
3   1128 10:19:05  64Solaris 10

1   6536 21:49:19  32Solaris 10
2   8388 22:20:12  32Solaris 10
3   1311 10:22:11  32Solaris 10

10  03:16:24.21 32Win XP x64
20  03:17:27.71 32Win XP x64
3222000:37:00  32Win XP x64

The tests were repeated just to make sure. Unfortunately until software is 
built and tested on Solaris 10, people tend to assume Windows is faster. The 
above tests were completed with no virus scanner installed as not to distort 
the results.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS snapshot GUI

2007-11-22 Thread Russell Aspinwall

In respect of snapshots :-

a)  should the snapshot process it self be modified to allow restoring 
of individual files via zfs rollback
b)  should there be a zfs rollfile  to selectively restore files from a 
c) should there be a zfs purge which would allow file(s) to be removed 
from zfs including all snapshots

Ross wrote:
 Very good points Rang, I'm going to add to them with a few of my own.

 It should be possible to restore individual files rather than rolling back 
 the snapshot and I guess that's what was meant here.  I think the terminology 
 in the original post may not be too clear.

 However, my impression reading this is that this is an application that runs 
 directly on the machine.  If so, we're missing an opportunity here.  Solaris 
 isn't really an end user OS, it's more of a server OS.  If you are going to 
 implement a nice GUI for restoring files from a snapshot, you really want 
 that to work over a network as well as on the local machine.

 Ironically, if you're a windows user you already have that ability over the 
 network with Solaris.  Run ZFS and Samba and windows users can use 
 Microsoft's Shadow Copy Client to right-click any file and easily restore it 
 from a snapshot:  

 What's really needed is a way to do that on Solaris and Linux machines over 
 the network.  Integration with Apple's time machine would be great too 
 (especially as it sounds like they may be making it compatible with ZFS), but 
 unless somebody high up in Sun speaks to Apple I don't see that happening.

 So you need two UI's:

  - On the server side a simple UI is needed for creating and scheduling 
 snapshots of the filesystem.  Tim Foster's service would be a good starting 
 point for that: http://blogs.sun.com/timf/entry/zfs_automatic_for_the_people

  - On the client side a simple UI is needed that allows users to easily see 
 previous versions of files and folders, and either restore them in place or 
 copy old versions to a new location.

 And the client side of this would want to be capable of running either 
 locally or over the network.

 I think you could probably bodge this by virtue of the fact that you can 
 browse the files in a snapshot.  Performance would probably be slow however 
 and I've no doubt that far better performance could be achieved with hooks 
 into ZFS (which incidentally would benefit apple if they want to move time 
 machine to ZFS).

 That kind of thing is way outside my experience however, but it would be good 
 if somebody at Sun could think about it.
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[zfs-discuss] zfs receive

2007-06-23 Thread Russell Aspinwall
As part of a disk subsystem upgrade I am thinking of using ZFS but there are 
two issues at present 
1) The current filesystems are mounted as  /hostname/mountpoint except for one 
directory where the mount point is storage dir/storage application dir. 
   Is is possible to mount a ZFS filesystem as /hostname/storage dir/storage 
application so that /hostname/storage dir contains only directory storage 
application. Storage dir is empty apart from the storage application 
directory which contains all the file? 
2) Is there any possibility of having a zfs ireceive  for an interactive 
receive similar to the ufsrestore -i command? After twenty one years of working 
with Sun kit, my experience is that I either have to restore a complete 
filesystem (three disks failing in a RAID5 set) or I have to restore an 
individual file or directory.  
   I have been told that zfs receive is very quick at restoring a filesystem 
unfortunately it does not permit an interactive restore of selected files and 
directories. Which is why I would like to see zfs ireceive if possible which 
work on a zfs send created data stream but allow for interactive or specified 
files or directories to be restored. Is does not matter if it is 10x slower 
than restoring a complete filesystem, it is the ability to selectively restore 
directories and files. 

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