[zfs-discuss] ZFS receive -dFv creates an extra e subdirectory..

2009-12-19 Thread Steven Sim


After some very hairy testing, I came up with the following procedure
for sending a zfs send datastream to a gzip staging file and later
"receiving" it back to the same filesystem in the same pool.

The above was to enable the filesystem data to be dedup.

However, after the final ZFS received, i noticed that the same ZFS
filesystem mountpoint had changed by itself and added an extra "e"

Here is the procedure

Firstly, the zfs file system in question has the following children..

o...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs


myplace/Docs 3.37G 1.05T 3.33G /export/home/admin/Docs
-- NOTE ORIGINAL MOUNTPOINT (see later bug below)

myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 43.0M - 3.33G -

myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 0 - 3.33G - -- latest snapshot

myplace/d...@scriptsnap1 0 - 3.33G -

As root, i did

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs send -R myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 | gzip -9c

Then I attempted to test a zfs receive by using the "-n" option...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz |
zfs receive -dnv myplace

cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'myplace/Docs' exists

must specify -F to overwrite it

Ok...let's specify -F...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz |
zfs receive -dFnv myplace

cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg.

must destroy them to overwrite it

Ok fine...let's destroy the existing snapshots for myplace/Docs...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ zfs list -t snapshot -r myplace/Docs


myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 43.0M - 3.33G -

myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 0 - 3.33G -

myplace/d...@scriptsnap1 0 - 3.33G -

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap2

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap1

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap3


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs


myplace/Docs 3.33G 1.05T 3.33G /export/home/admin/Docs

Ok...no more snapshots, just the parent myplace/Docs and no children...

Let's try the zfs receive command yet again with a "-n"

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs
receive -dFnv myplace

would receive full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into

would receive incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into

Looks great! OK...let's go for the real thing...

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs
receive -dFv myplace

receiving full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into

received 3.35GB stream in 207 seconds (16.6MB/sec)

receiving incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into

received 47.6MB stream in 6 seconds (7.93MB/sec)

Yah...looks good!


A zfs list of myplace/Docs I get..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -r myplace/Docs


myplace/Docs 3.37G 1.05T 3.33G
/export/home/admin/Docs/e/Docs --- *** Here is the extra "e/Docs"..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs

cannot mount '/export/home/admin/Docs': directory is not empty

property may be set but unable to remount filesystem


I then went to remove the e/Docs directory under
/export/home/admin/Docs and it is now only


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs

And all is well again..

Where did the "e/Docs" come from?

Did I do something wrong?

Warmest Regards

Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] dedup existing data

2009-12-16 Thread Steven Sim


How do we dedup existing data?

Will a ZFS send to an output file in a temporary staging area in the 
same pool and a subsequent reconstruct (zfs receive) from the file be 

Or do I have to completely move the data out of the pool and back in again?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] dedup existing data

2009-12-16 Thread Steven Sim


A zfs send | zfs receive onto the same filesystem???

er... I tried the following...

#zfs snapshot myplace/myd...@prededup

The above created the following...

ad...@sunlight:~$ zfs list -t snapshot -r myplace/mydata

myplace/myd...@scriptsnap1   675K  -   289M  -
myplace/myd...@scriptsnap2   675K  -   289M  -
myplace/myd...@scriptsnap3   476K  -   289M  -
myplace/myd...@prededup0  -   289M  -  Snapshot 
created manually


The snapshots named scriptsnap was created by a rotating zfs snapshot 
script i wrote, one which i CRON to run every night...

er... then..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs send myplace/myd...@prededup | zfs receive -v 

cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'myplace/fujitsu' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs send myplace/myd...@prededup | zfs receive -Fv 
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. 

must destroy them to overwrite it

Could you advice

I am guessing I must destroy all related snapshots first?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

Darren J Moffat wrote:

Steven Sim wrote:


How do we dedup existing data?

Currently by running a zfs send | zfs recv.

Will a ZFS send to an output file in a temporary staging area in the 
same pool and a subsequent reconstruct (zfs receive) from the file be 

Yes but you can avoid the temp file and just do zfs send | zfs recv.

Or do I have to completely move the data out of the pool and back in 

That is what zfs send and recv actually does.

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] Single Instancing across the entire pool or only per filesystem

2009-12-16 Thread Steven Sim


Is the ZFS dedup single instancing across the entire pool or is it only 
single instance inside each filesystem and not across the entire pool?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] zfs receive bug? Extra e directory?

2009-12-16 Thread Steven Sim


After some very hairy testing, I came up with the following procedure 
for sending a zfs send datastream to a gzip staging file and later 
receiving it back to the same filesystem in the same pool.

The above was to enable the filesystem data to be dedup.

Here is the procedure and under careful examination there seems to be a 
bug (my mistake?) at the end

Firstly, the zfs file system in question has the following children..

o...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs
myplace/Docs  3.37G  1.05T  3.33G  /export/home/admin/Docs 
-- NOTE ORIGINAL MOUNTPOINT (see later bug below)

myplace/d...@scriptsnap2  43.0M  -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap3  0  -  3.33G  - -- latest snapshot
myplace/d...@scriptsnap1  0  -  3.33G  -

As root, i did

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs send -R myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 | gzip -9c  

Then I attempted to test a zfs receive by using the -n option...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | 
zfs receive -dnv myplace

cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination 'myplace/Docs' exists
must specify -F to overwrite it

Ok...let's specify -F...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | 
zfs receive -dFnv myplace
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. 

must destroy them to overwrite it

Ok fine...let's destroy the existing snapshots for myplace/Docs...

ad...@sunlight:/var/tmp$ zfs list -t snapshot -r myplace/Docs
myplace/d...@scriptsnap2  43.0M  -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap3  0  -  3.33G  -
myplace/d...@scriptsnap1  0  -  3.33G  -

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap2
r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap1
r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy myplace/d...@scriptsnap3


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -t all -r myplace/Docs
myplace/Docs  3.33G  1.05T  3.33G  /export/home/admin/Docs

Ok...no more snapshots, just the parent myplace/Docs and no children...

Let's try the zfs receive command yet again with a -n

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs 
receive -dFnv myplace
would receive full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into 
would receive incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into 

Looks great! OK...let's go for the real thing...

r...@sunlight:/root# gzip -cd /var/tmp/myplace-Docs.snapshot.gz | zfs 
receive -dFv myplace
receiving full stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap2 into 

received 3.35GB stream in 207 seconds (16.6MB/sec)
receiving incremental stream of myplace/d...@scriptsnap3 into 

received 47.6MB stream in 6 seconds (7.93MB/sec)

Yah...looks good!


A zfs list of myplace/Docs I get..

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -r myplace/Docs
myplace/Docs  3.37G  1.05T  3.33G  
/export/home/admin/Docs/e/Docs --- WHAT? Where in the world did the 
extra e/Docs come from?


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs myplace/Docs
cannot mount '/export/home/admin/Docs': directory is not empty
property may be set but unable to remount filesystem


I then went to remove the e/Docs directory under 
/export/home/admin/Docs and it is now only /export/home/admin/Docs...


r...@sunlight:/root# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home/admin/Docs myplace/Docs

And all is well again..

Where did the e come from?

Did I do something wrong?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] ZFS CIFS, smb.conf (smb/server) and LDAP

2009-11-27 Thread Steven Sim


I am deeply sorry if this topic has been rehashed, checksummed, 
de-duplicated and archived before.

But I just need a small clarification.

/etc/sfw/smb.conf is necessary only for smb/server to function properly 
but is smb/server SMF service necessary for ZFS sharesmb to work

I am trying to setup an open solaris file server acting as a Windows PDC 
with SAMBA/LDAP integration on the open solaris box. (with ZFS of course...)

I read a BLOG which says ZFS CIFS has nothing to do with smb/server but 
it seems i cannot get ZFS sharesmb to work without smb/server SMF service.

What exactly is the dependency here?

On a separate note, I've actually gotten the shares to work and also 
successfully gotten the Windows Previous Version tab relating to ZFS 
snapshots. It's awesome!

But now I'm facing a heck of a lot of problems getting SAMBA integrated 
with LDAP. (not this list i know..)

For any interested and willing to advice I am using Sun DSEE 7.0 and I'm 
facing a heck of a lot of problems with the LDAP DIT structure.

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] ZFS Deduplication Replication

2009-11-16 Thread Steven Sim


Dedup on ZFS is an absolutely wonderful feature!

Is there a way to conduct dedup replication across boxes from one dedup 
ZFS data set to another?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] ZFS snapshot successfully but zfs list -r does not list the snapshot

2009-03-06 Thread Steven Sim


I am using OpenSolaris 2008.11 snv_101b_rc2 X86

Prior to this I was using SXCE built 91 (or thereabout)

On build 91, after the command

#zfs snapshot -r myplace

I could easily see the snapshot using ZFS list.

But after install OpenSolaris 2008.11 snv 101b, I once again created a 
snapshot using zfs snapshot.

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs snapshot -r mypl...@first
r...@sunlight:/root# echo $?

But subsequent attempts to use zfs list simply does not list the 
snapshot, only the original volumes and file systems.

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs list -r myplace
myplace1.06T  1.61T  28.4K  /myplace
myplace/Docs   3.23G  1.61T  3.23G  /export/home/admin/Docs
myplace/fedora 26.9K  1.61T  26.9K  /export/home/admin/vbox/fedora
myplace/home   17.9G  1.61T  17.9G  /export/home
myplace/projects   5.41G  1.61T  5.41G  /export/home/admin/projects
myplace/solaris9.30G  1.61T  9.30G  /export/home/admin/vbox/solaris
myplace/solzone1.58G  18.4G  1.58G  /myplace/solzone
myplace/windoze26.9K  1.61T  26.9K  /export/home/admin/vbox/windoze

I can easily remove the snapshot using #zfs destroy -r mypl...@first 
and this proves the snapshot was successfully created (besides the fact 
that the zfs snapshot command returned a zero exit code).

r...@sunlight:/root# zfs destroy -r mypl...@first
r...@sunlight:/root# echo $?

Has there been a change in the interface?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] At Wits End for ZFS Permission Settings

2009-02-28 Thread Steven Sim


I do apologize for making this query in this list. But I am at my wits end.

I have a directory like so

$ ls -l
total 47
drwxr-xr-x  19 adminadmin 23 Feb 27 17:52 Named
drw-r-  74 adminadmin556 Feb 25 03:46 Not Sorted --- 
Directory in Question

$ ls -dv Not Sorted
drw-r-  74 adminadmin556 Feb 25 03:46 Not Sorted

But I cannot access the directory Not Sorted  as user admin  AT ALL.

I changed my root path to ensure that chmod points to the chmod in 
/usr/bin as opposed to /usr/gnu/bin

(sorry, but i really think that placing the GNU chmod first in the 
default root path is a real dum idea)

I then did (as root)

#chmod -R A- Not Sorted

in an attempt to remove all ACL.

Didn't work.

I tried setting the entire ACL manually via (again as root)

#chmod -R A=owner@:read_data/write_data:allow,group@:read_data:allow 
Not Sorted

drw-r-  74 adminadmin556 Feb 25 03:46 Not Sorted --- 
Directory in Question

Didn't work either. User admin is still unable to enter.

Again as root

#chmod -R A=owner@:read_data/write_data:allow,group@:read_data:allow 
Not Sorted

#ls -dv Not Sorted
drw-r-+ 74 adminadmin556 Feb 25 03:46 Not Sorted

User admin STILL cannot go in!

What gives?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS: unreliable for professional usage?

2009-02-11 Thread Steven Sim


The proper procedure for ejecting a USB drive in Windows is to right
click the device icon and eject the appropriate listed device.

I've done this before without ejecting and lost data before.

My personal experience with ZFS is that it is very reliable FS. I've
not lost data on it yet even after several hardware upgrades, abrupt
failures and recently an unofficial unsanction expansion technique.

The folks at Sun who developed this earnestly believe in their product.
Sometimes, these belief can translate to an uneven reply.

For my own reasons, I too believe whole heartedly in ZFS. (I don't work
in Sun nor do I own any share in Sun).

Perhaps we can all work together and find the proper solution here.

Logic dictates that ZFS can survive an abrupt failure far better than
traditional VM/FS combination. The end to end checking summing simply
do not exist in traditional methodologies.

Could you describe in detail the kind of IO access you were generating
prior to pulling out the USB?

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

Tim wrote:

  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:44 PM, Fredrich
Maney fredrichma...@gmail.com

Ah... an illiterate AND idiotic bigot. Have you even read the manual
or *ANY* of the replies to your posts? *YOU* caused the situation that
resulted in your data being corrupted. Not Sun, not OpenSolaris, not
ZFS and not anyone on this list. Yet you feel the need to blame ZFS
and insult the people that have been trying to help you understand
what happened and why you shouldn't do what you did.
#1 English is clearly not his native tongue. Calling someone idiotic
and illiterate when they're doing as well as he is in a second language
is not only inaccurate, it's "idiotic".

ZFS is not a filesystem like UFS or Reiserfs, nor is it an LVM like
SVM or VxVM. It is both a filesystem and a logical volume manager. As
such, like all LVM solutions, there are two steps that you must
perform to safely remove a disk: unmount the filesystem and quiesce
the volume. That means you *MUST*, in the case of ZFS, issue 'umount
filesystem' *AND* 'zpool export' before you yank the USB stick out of
the machine.

Effectively what you did was create a one-sided mirrored volume with
one filesystem on it, then put your very important (but not important
enough to bother mirroring or backing up) data on it. Then you
unmounted the filesystem and ripped the active volume out of the
machine. You got away with it a couple of times because just how good
of a job the ZFS developers did at idiot proofing it, but when it
finally got to the point where you lost your data, you came here to
bitch and point fingers at everyone but the responsible party (hint,
it's you). When your ignorance (and fault) was pointed out to you, you
then resorted to personal attacks and slurs. Nice. Very professional.
Welcome to the bit-bucket.
All that and yet the fact remains: I've never "ejected" a USB drive
from OS X or Windows, I simply pull it and go, and I've never once lost
data, or had it become unrecoverable or even corrupted.
And yes, I do keep checksums of all the data sitting on them and
periodically check it. So, for all of your ranting and raving, the
fact remains even a *crappy* filesystem like fat32 manages to handle a
hot unplug without any prior notice without going belly up.

zfs-discuss mailing list

zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] ZFS Automatic Growth after replacing original disk with a larger sized disk

2009-02-09 Thread Steven Sim
 File systems within the
ZFS Pool!!

Awesome! Simply awesome!

No other file system or volume manager I know has this absolutely
wonderful ability. Certainly Enterprise system will not use this method
to increase their storage space but it certainly proved a boon for me!

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Trying to understand zfs RAID-Z

2007-05-17 Thread Steven Sim

Darren and Henk;

Firstly, thank you very much for both of your replies. I am very
grateful indeed for you all taking time off to answer my questions.

I understand RAID-5 quite well and from both of your RAID-Z
description, I see that the RAID-Z parity is also a separate block on a
separate disk. Very well. This is just like RAID-5.

My confusion is simple. Would this not then give rise also to the
write-hole vulnerability of RAID-5?

Jeff Bonwick states "that there's no way to update two or more disks
atomically, so RAID stripes can become damaged during a crash or power

If I understand correctly, then the parity block for RAID-Z are also
written in two different atomic operations. As per RAID-5. (the only
difference being each can be of a different stripe size).

How then does it fit into Jeff's statement that "Every block is
its own RAID-Z stripe?" ( Perhaps I
misunderstood but I now think this statement is rather for the fact
that RAID-Z has a variable stripe size rather than meaning each block
holding it's own RAID-Z parity within itself. )

If the write-hole power outage situation as described by Jeff Bonwick
occur, how does RAID-Z "beat" the RAID-5 write-hole vulnerability?

Through each block's independant checksum held one level above in the
metadata block? Is this correct? Or am I completely off course?

Henk Langeveld wonderful character based diagrams describes what is
basically a standard RAID-5 layout on 4 disks. How is RAID-Z any
different from RAID-5? (except for the ability to stripe different
sizes which gives allows RAID-Z to never have to do a
read-modify-write. This increases performance very significantly but I
am unable to relate this to the write-hole vulnerability issue).

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

Darren Dunham wrote:

iRAID-Z is a data/parity scheme like RAID-5, ubbut it uses
dynamic stripe width.
Every block is its own RAID-Z stripe, regardless of blocksize. This
that every RAID-Z write is a full-stripe write./b/u This, when
combined with the
copy-on-write transactional semantics of ZFS, completely eliminates the
RAID write hole. RAID-Z is also faster than traditional RAID because it
never has to do
I am unable to relate the above statement to the diagram shown in the
PDF file 'bzfs_last.pdf/b' entitled "bZFS THE LAST WORD IN FILE
SYSTEMS/b" (also by Jeff Bonwick), on page 11.br

On the copy I'm looking at page 11 is "Copy-On-Write Transactions".
Note that this page is showing only the "copy on write" stuff (which is
used on all pools) and doesn't show anything about raidz.  

I was wondering whether Jeff or some one knowledgeable would elaborate
further on the above and also answer the following questions;br
  liThe green and blue "blocks" shown in the diagram on page 11, do
the represent actual physical blocks on individual disks or a single
RAID-Z stripe write across multiple disks???/li

They represent filesystem "data" (the leaves) and filesystem "metadata"
(the blocks above the leaves).  They're written to a pool that may have
some form of redundancy (mirroring, raidz), but that level is not
presented in this slide.

  liThe parity for RAID-Z, where is it??

Mentioned on page 17, but no diagram on this link.

Bill Moore presented this talk to BayLisa several months ago, and used a
very similar presentation, but it had a diagram on the "RAID-Z" slide
(the one on page 17) showing the data and parity blocks used by a raidz
pool.  Looking through google, I see many links to similar ZFS
presentations, but none with the diagram on that page.  

Ah, found one...
Page 13 in that stack.

Surely not the checksum
stored together in the upper level direct and indirect block pointer?
And if not and it is written as a separate block on another disks, then
...I am afraid I do not understandbr

The parity is written as a separate block on a separate disk.  It's very
similar to how RAID4/RAID5 would write parity on another disk.  

It's just that for R4/R5, any given data block on disk can be
immediately calculated to be part of a particular stripe on the storage
(which has a particular parity block).  In the case of raidz, the stripe
has a maximum length set by the raidz columns, but it may be smaller
than that.

  liCould someone please elaborate more on the statement "Every block
is it's own RAID-Z stripe"??? The block being referred to is a single
block across multiple disks or a single disk?br

Every filesystem block (not disk block).  So a single filesystem block
that spans multiple disks.


Fujitsu Asia Pte. Ltd.

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[zfs-discuss] Trying to understand zfs RAID-Z

2007-05-16 Thread Steven Sim


I am exceedingly impressed by the ZFS although it is my humble opinion
that Sun is not doing enough evangelizing for it.

But that's beside the point.

I am writing to seek help in understanding the RAID-Z concept.

Jeff Bonwick's weblog states the following;

RAID-Z is a data/parity scheme like RAID-5, but it uses
dynamic stripe width.
Every block is its own RAID-Z stripe, regardless of blocksize. This
that every RAID-Z write is a full-stripe write. This, when
combined with the
copy-on-write transactional semantics of ZFS, completely eliminates the
RAID write hole. RAID-Z is also faster than traditional RAID because it
never has to do

I am unable to relate the above statement to the diagram shown in the
PDF file 'zfs_last.pdf' entitled "ZFS THE LAST WORD IN FILE
SYSTEMS" (also by Jeff Bonwick), on page 11.

I was wondering whether Jeff or some one knowledgeable would elaborate
further on the above and also answer the following questions;

  The green and blue "blocks" shown in the diagram on page 11, do
the represent actual physical blocks on individual disks or a single
RAID-Z stripe write across multiple disks???

  The parity for RAID-Z, where is it?? Surely not the checksum
stored together in the upper level direct and indirect block pointer?
And if not and it is written as a separate block on another disks, then
...I am afraid I do not understand

  Could someone please elaborate more on the statement "Every block
is it's own RAID-Z stripe"??? The block being referred to is a single
block across multiple disks or a single disk?

My sincere apologies if the above questions seem trivial.
But I am really struggling to reconcile the statement and the diagram.

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim

Fujitsu Asia Pte. Ltd.

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] x86 CPU Choice for ZFS

2006-07-06 Thread Steven Sim


Does this mean it would be a good practice to say increase the amount of 
memory and/or swap space we usually recommend if the customer intends to 
use ZFS very heavily?

Sorry if this is a dumb question!

Warmest Regards
Steven Sim



What kind of x86 CPU does ZFS prefer?  In particular, what kind of CPU is 
optimal when using RAID-Z with a large number of disks (8)?

Does L2 cache size play a big role, 256kb vs 512kb vs 1MB?  Are there any 
performance improvements

 when using a dual core or quad processor machine?

The most important factor when selecting a CPU for ZFS is that is /must/
be a 64 bit CPU.  It's very virtual memory hungry.  (It works on 32 bit 
systems, but there are many limitations)


zfs-discuss mailing list


Fujitsu Asia Pte. Ltd.

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Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate 
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zfs-discuss mailing list