[zfs-discuss] Re: What SATA controllers are people using for ZFS?

2007-02-26 Thread Wes Williams
After failed luck with a pair of Syba SD-SATA-4P PCI-X SATA II controllers 
(Sil3114 chipset), I've now successfully used a Tekram TR-834A 4-port SATA-II 
controller (Sil3124-2 chipset) at the full PCI-X 133MHz bus speed and b50.

Since my disk mirror on the previous SATA controller (built-in W1100z SATA I 
controller) were both ZFS, a simple zpool export zfsdata, touch 
/reconfigure, init 6, zpool import zfsdata was all that was need to 
migrate my ZFS data to this new hardware...including a few zones.  VERY cool.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: NFS share problem with mac os x client

2007-02-08 Thread Wes Williams
 In short - make sure your UID on Mac is enough to
 access the files on
 nfs (as it would be if you would try to access those
 files locally).
 Or perhaps you tried from user with uid=0 in which
 case it's mapped to
 nobody user by default.
 Best regards,

Exactly as Robert suggests.

I've had the same problem but it turned out to simply be that I needed the OS 
X group and user ID's to match those setup on the ZFS OpenSolaris server.  Once 
you correct this, the Finder will work great to a ZFS NFS share.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS on PC Based Hardware for NAS?

2007-02-08 Thread Wes Williams
 I believe there is a write limit (commonly 10
 writes) on CF and
 similar storage devices, but I don't know for sure.
 Apart from that
 I think it's a good idea.
 James C. McPherson

As a consequence, the /tmp, /var, and swap could eventually be moved to the ZFS 
hard drives to greatly reduce I/O to the CF card.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Cheap ZFS homeserver.

2007-01-30 Thread Wes Williams
 On 1/18/07, . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 SYBA SD-SATA-4P PCI SATA Controller Card (
 15124020 )

From my home ZFS server setup, I had tried two Syba SD-SATA2-2E2I PCI-X SATA 
II Controller Cards without any luck; both cards' BIOS' wouldn't recgonize my 
SATA drives.
Although the Syba tech support was reasonable, they only helped conclude that 
BOTH of the cards I had received were defective - yep, that was 0 and 2.

Perhaps the other model listed above works better, I don't know.  In the end, I 
just stuck with my onboard SATA I/O which is only SATA 150, but was still fast 
enough for my network.

For my ZFS home server, I was able to find an excellent Sun W1100z on eBay 
~$360 that came with a 2.4GHz Opteron, 1GB ECC RAM, Quardro FX 500, and 80Gb 
IDE drive - perfect for the basis of my ZFS server build-up.  To that I've 
added two Seagate Barracude ES ST3400620NS 400Gb SATA II drives for about $360 
that now run my 400Gb whole-disk ZFS mirror.  Overall I'm in for $720 for a 
great server/workstation with 400Gb of redundant storage, not bad, and 
performance is much better, with much greater functionality, than most $1,000+ 
home NAS systems I've seen.

At first I thought I'd toss the IDE drive, but I ended up just put the OS on it 
with all my data and zones on the ZFS mirror...at least until ZFS root.

One of these days I'll get around to finishing the blog about it:  


Wes W.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Advice Wanted - sharing across multiple non global zones

2006-12-26 Thread Wes Williams
 After searching hi  low, I cannot find the answer
 for what I want to do (or at least
 understand how to do it). I am hopeful somebody can
 point me in the right direction.
 I have (2) non global zones (samba  www) I want to
 be able to have all user home 
 dir's served from zone samba AND be visable under
 zone www as the users public_html 
 dir. I have looked at delegating a dataset to samba
 and creating a new fs for each user but then I cannot
 share that with www. I also tried creating the fs
 under the global zone and mounting that via lofs but
 that did not seem to carry over each underlying fs
 and lost the quota capability. I cannot share via NFS
 since non global
 zones cannot mount from the same server.
 How can I achieve what I want to do?
 The requirements are:
 User Quotas (needs a file system for each user)
 Share file systems across multiple non global zones
 I have close to 3000 users so it must be a manageable
 approach and hopefully
 allow me to use the root preexec of samba to auto
 create user dir's.

Have a peek at this page:  
http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/howtoguides/s10securityhowto.jsp  I believe 
it may give you some insights to your final objective.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: disappearing mount - expected behavior?

2006-12-11 Thread Wes Williams
 What happens is that /home/thomas/zfs gets mounted
 and then the
 automounter starts.  (Or /home/thomas is found
 missing and then
 the zfs mount is not completed)
 Probably requires legacy mount point.

I'm experiencing this same behavior (ZFS NFS mounts don't show after reboot) 
with b50 and was hoping someone could outline a little clearer for those of us 
not as intimately familiar with Solaris innards.  

I can simply issue one 'zfs share zfsdata/[user1]' command and all my other 
ZFS-issued NFS mount points reappear.

My /etc/auto_home is:

All SMF services are running normally - nothing in maintenance or failed to run.

I dot NOT have any entries in my /etc/vfstab pertaining to the /export/home 
directories, all of which are on a ZFS pool.

Should I simply comment out the /etc/auto_home entries?  Or, should I create an 
entry in /etc/vfstab?  If so, is one to /export/home sufficient or must one be 
done for each user [each user has his/her own ZFS pool]?

Sorry, I'm just not sure what a legacy mount point is.

Many thanks in advance!
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[zfs-discuss] OpenSolaris vs. Solaris 10 11/06 (S10u3) for NFS ZFS Server

2006-11-08 Thread Wes Williams
I'm in the process of building a Solaris NFS server with ZFS and was wondering 
if any gurus here have any comments as to choosing the upcoming Solairs 10 
11/06 [presumably] or OpenSolaris bXX/Solairs Express for this use.  Even with 
my use of OpenSolaris I maintain a service contract to show my support, so bug 
fixes in a static supported version shouldn't be an issue in picking a 

So, the short question is are there any super-cool must-have ZFS/NFS features 
in OpenSolaris now that S10u3 won't have right away?

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[zfs-discuss] Re: OpenSolaris vs. Solaris 10 11/06 (S10u3) for NFS

2006-11-08 Thread Wes Williams
 [ Hi Wes from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
 And the smart-ask answer is:
 By Definition: the OpenSolaris/Solaris Express
 feature that is *your*
 must-have feature, probably won't be in Update 3!
Exactly, that's why I used quotes as I'm sure I'd be happy with S10u3, assuming 
ignorance is bliss.  Then again, I've never believed ignorance is bliss.  ;)

I simply don't know enough about the difference between the two OS versions yet 
to make an educated guess as to which venue to pursue presently - especially 
since S10u3 isn't released at the moment and I haven't followed ZFS closely 
since ZFSv1 was current.

 I don't think that there are any ZFS NFS related
 fixes that did'nt make it
 into U3 (others will correct me if I'm wrong here).
  It's a tough choice
 o make...  The huge upside is ... that there is a
 choice!  :)

Indeed, knowing there are no known NFS fixes omitted is great news, not that I 
was aware of anything in NFS needing fixing.  To me this is just reassuring 
since my goal is to build this box and nearly forget about it while it's hidden 
away and 'it just works.'

Since I didn't hear anything like ZFSv3 vs. ZFSv2 or some such, I'll probably 
just go w/ S10u3 for this project.

Thanks for your feedback Al.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS Automatic Device Error Notification?

2006-10-31 Thread Wes Williams
 I use the smartmontools smartd daemon to email me
 when disk drives are
 about to fail. If you are interested in configuring
 smartd to send
 email notifications prior to a disk failing, check
 out the following
 blog post:
 - Ryan
 UNIX Administrator
 zfs-discuss mailing list

Thanks for the feedback Ryan, I'll certainly consider this option.  

However, the ideal solution would also have the option send a notification at 
X-interval (daily), and at least let you know the monitoring is working and 
that there are no errors, and could also provide specific ZFS pool status 
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[zfs-discuss] ZFS Automatic Device Error Notification?

2006-10-31 Thread Wes Williams
Okay, so now that I'm planning to build my NAS using ZFS, I now need to devise 
or learn of a preexisting method to receive notification of ZFS handled errors 
on a remote machine.  

For example, if a disk fails and I don't regularly login or SSH into the ZFS 
server, I'd like an email or some other notification immediately of the ZFS 

Are there already ways to do this?  

A few leads into what existing technologies or few keywords on what to look for 
would help.  I've found the FMA references with SMF, but that doesn't seem to 
be the full answer to my quest here.

It's been awhile since I've used the web-console to ZFS, perhaps this is now a 
feature there?  If not, that would be a great addition!

Thanks for any leads or tips!
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[zfs-discuss] Re: ZFS Automatic Device Error Notification?

2006-10-31 Thread Wes Williams
Thanks Richard, this seems to be exactly what I was looking for.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Recommended Minimum Hardware for ZFS Fileserver?

2006-10-30 Thread Wes Williams
Thanks gents for  your replies.  I've used to a very large config W2100z and 
ZFS for awhile but didn't know how low can you go for ZFS to shine, though a 
64-bit CPU seems to be the minimum performance threshold.

Now that Sun's store is [sort of] working again, I can see some X2100's with 
the custom configure and a very low starting price of only $450 sans CPU, 
drives, and memory.  Great!!

[b]If only we could get a basic X2100-ish designed, custom build priced, 
server from Sun that could also hold 3-5 drives internally[/b], I could see a 
bunch of those being used as ZFS file servers.  This would also be a good price 
point for small office and home users since the X4100 is certainly overkill in 
this application, though I'd wouldn't refuse one offered to me.  =)
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Recommended Minimum Hardware for ZFS Fileserver?

2006-10-30 Thread Wes Williams
Thanks again for your input Gents, I was able to get a W1100z inexpensively 
with 1Gb RAM and a 2.4 GHz Opteron...now I'll just have to manufacture my own 
drive slide rails since Sun won't sell the darn things [no, I don't want a 80Gb 
IDE drive and apple pie with that!] and I'm not paying $100 for three pair of 
plastic strips that almost fit right.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: recommended hardware for a zfs/nfs NAS?

2006-06-23 Thread Wes Williams
 I was wondering if anyone could recommend hardware
 forr a ZFS-based NAS for home use.
 setup, so I'm looking at sparc or opteron. Ideally it
 a) run quiet (blade 100/150 is ok, x4100 ain't :) )

Not much space in a Blade 100/150 for multiple disks, but it is quiet and cheap.
For NAS use, I'd think RAID would be ideal...RAID in a Blade 100/150 isn't 

 b) take advantage of cheap disks
( ide/sata, unless scsi suddenly got affordable)
 come in around the 300-400 pounds mark


 Don't need massive storage, it just needs to be
 reliable and reasonably

Reliable = redundant
Redundant = multiple disks

 fast - I was thinking of maybe a 2-way 100Gb mirror

Fast = $ (typically)
Speed costs money.  How fast do you want to go?  8)

 Graphics are a complete non-issue.
 It only needs to saturate 100mbit (I'm not planning

Saturating 100Mbit with a 64-bit CPU and redundant disks for $300-400 Pounds 
may be tough.

 to use it for
 anything else, so CPU isn't important).
True, but ZFS compression=on works very well, and potentially  on-disk 
encryption support [down the road] with compression may change your mind.

 Any used sun systems fit the bill, or should I be
 thinking of rolling
 my own opteron? Thanks!

Roll your own with Opteron, new disks, etc.?  ...not feasible in that price 
range, IMHO.

Depending on what your current workstation is, I just might suggest adding 
disks there and beef it up.  

Nice NAS:
A nice new Ultra 20 is inexpensive, quiet, and makes a good workstation.  I'd 
suggest beefing up your existing workstation or replacing it with a U20 with 
two fast SATA disks  ZFS mirrors or stripes.

Cheap NAS:
The last option I suggest is a Blade 100/150 with only one IDE drive - you 
could zip tie another in the box carefully I suppose - but this isn't the most 
reliable place to save your personal data.
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[zfs-discuss] Re: Re: recommended hardware for a zfs/nfs NAS?

2006-06-23 Thread Wes Williams
 Saturating 100Mbit with a 64-bit CPU and redundant
 disks for $300-400 Pounds may be tough.
 Anything in the market can saturate 100Mbit easily;
 even with a single
 cheap IDE disk.  The disks are generally a factor
 5-10 faster than the
 100Mbit network.
Indeed, I stand corrected - must have been thinking 1000Mbit
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[zfs-discuss] Re: zfs and disk activity

2006-05-09 Thread Wes Williams
 Ys, I did tun that command but it was quite a few
 days ago... :( Would it take 
 that long to complete? I would never imagine it
 would... Is there any way to 
 stop it?

The really odd part Chris is that the scrub indicates it's at 35.37% with 1hour 
and 1 minute left to finish the other 64.63%.  Are you sure you started the 
scrub last a few days ago and maybe don't have some script or someone else 
restarting a scrub?
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