RE: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 7:33 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos
> Ron Scott wrote:
> >That's fine. The politics can come later--as you gain more light and
> >knowledge . Which reminds me of a joke. Something about
> newborn mice
> >being good communists. When the commissar come back a few weeks later he
> >discovers they are not communists anymore--their eyes had opened. Or
> >something to that effect.
> >---
> >
> >Say, who are you and your pals chasing now that there aren't commies and
> >pinkos in every commode and closet?
> Personally, I've moved away from politics and further into the gospel.  I
> know that the commies and pinkos are still there, I just don't
> care as much
> what they are doing.  Maybe you could fill me in, do you think?  Not that
> you were ever a commie or a pinko.<

> And if you go looking for commies and pinkos you still might be able to
> find some of them if you look in the right places:

Says you!!!

> China {For now}
> North Korea {For now}
> Cuba { Not many, not long}
> Vietnam {A few}
> Harvard {in your mind, perhaps}
> Yale {Oh please!}
> ???

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RE: [ZION] Far Right In the Church

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 7:39 PM
> Subject: [ZION] Far Right In the Church
> Tom Matkin wrote:
> > > Strawman.  There are no such "far right" members still in the Church
> > that > I > am aware of.  And I know an awful lot of the "far
> right" crowd
> > being one > of > them myself.  --JWR
> >
> >I'm only able to follow this logically if you are out of the Church now
> >John. Help me understand what you are trying to say?
> I was responding to a statement by Ron that the "far right" members
> listened ONLY to President Ezra Taft Benson.  I know such, but they are
> former Mormons who have left the Church.  Those who have remained also
> hearken to the other prophets such as President Hinckley, Elder Packer,
> etc.  I think you missed the word "such" in the above quotation.  I'm not
> denying that there are "far right" in the Church.  I am one myself.  But
> "such" as hearken ONLY to Ezra Taft Benson I am not, nor do I know others
> who retain their membership.<

Interesting and revealing response. Freud would have a field day with you.
Like so many of the "far right"  we "have remained," of couple GBH and BKP,
as if the latter makes the former tolerable for now, ignorinng, advertantly
or inadvertantly, the fact that President Monson is next in line.

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RE: [ZION] Elder Nelson and Unconditional Love

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott
Still occurs if you happen to live along the Wasatch Front.  Not as often as
it used to...

> -Original Message-
> From: Stacy Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 6:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [ZION] Elder Nelson and Unconditional Love
> It must have been fun during the days when people could actually commune
> with the apostles and prophet of the church.  Even when one could write a
> letter that must have also been done.
> Stacy.
> At 03:34 AM 11/06/2003 +, you wrote:
> >My first assumption about Elder Nelson's article on Unconditional Love
> >is that where I find problems, they are my own.  I assume, absent
> >sufficient evidence to the contrary, that Elder Nelson knows whereof he
> >speaks, on this and many other subjects upon which he is called to teach
> >and bear testimony before the Church.
> >
> >It strikes me that any posture short of this, lacking the opportunity
> >for personal dialog with Elder Nelson, is something less than
> >charitable.
> >
> >Little doubt, Elder Nelson would thoroughly enjoy the luxury to
> >entertain open critical review of his article.  We ought to invite him
> >to join the discussion on this list.  Perhaps he is up to debate and
> >could appropriately qualify and defend his ideas.  Since he cannot do
> >so, it seems only fitting to leave to him the benefit of doubt.
> >
> >/
> /
> >///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
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> --
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RE: [ZION] Far Right In the Church

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Ron Scott wrote:
Interesting and revealing response. Freud would have a field day with you.
Like so many of the "far right"  we "have remained," of couple GBH and BKP,
as if the latter makes the former tolerable for now, ignorinng, advertantly
or inadvertantly, the fact that President Monson is next in line.
And I will be thrilled to sustain him as our new Prophet and President if 
he outlives President Hinckley, something that is by no means 
certain.  Either of them could die of old age tomorrow, as could Elder 
Packer, for that matter.  I don't know what order they will die in.  Do 
you?  --JWR

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RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love Unconditional?)

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Stacy Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 6:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love
> Unconditional?)
> I don't believe the sons of perdition will be few in number.  I 
> believe we 
> have sufficient scriptures to prove otherwise, notwithstanding 
> many will go 
> telestial.  The people that go telestial will still have to 
> repent in order 
> for that to be done.  I've seen some people who would never accept Jesus 
> under any circumstances.  These people wish to live in their 
> sins.  Aren't 
> I right in suggesting that anyone who wishes to live through 
> eternity with 
> their sins will go to perdition?
> Stacy.

You are not right. About anything listed above.  

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[ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
You are up awfully early in the morning for a Bostonian, aren't you, 
Ron?  It's only a quarter past midnight here in the wilds of Alaska.  My 
oldest girl, Sara, lives there in Boston, Newton actually.  Her husband is 
attending dental school there.

BTW, over the years I've been discussing politics on the Internet I've 
become increasingly confused to the point that I doubt if many of your 
stereotypes would apply.  Perhaps we could discuss the evolution of my 
political thought sometime.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott
She lives in Newton?  Where do the attend church? Weston or Cambridge?  Is
her husband at Tufts or BC (didn't know BC had a dental school).


> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:18 AM
> Subject: [ZION] Wee Small Hours
> You are up awfully early in the morning for a Bostonian, aren't you,
> Ron?  It's only a quarter past midnight here in the wilds of Alaska.  My
> oldest girl, Sara, lives there in Boston, Newton actually.  Her
> husband is
> attending dental school there.
> BTW, over the years I've been discussing politics on the Internet I've
> become increasingly confused to the point that I doubt if many of your
> stereotypes would apply.  Perhaps we could discuss the evolution of my
> political thought sometime.
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> "While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
> must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
> soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
> Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
> //
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> ///  ///
> //
> ///

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RE: [ZION] Far Right In the Church

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:05 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Far Right In the Church
> Ron Scott wrote:
> >Interesting and revealing response. Freud would have a field day
> with you.
> >Like so many of the "far right"  we "have remained," of couple
> GBH and BKP,
> >as if the latter makes the former tolerable for now, ignorinng,
> advertantly
> >or inadvertantly, the fact that President Monson is next in line.
> And I will be thrilled to sustain him as our new Prophet and President if
> he outlives President Hinckley, something that is by no means
> certain.  Either of them could die of old age tomorrow, as could Elder
> Packer, for that matter.  I don't know what order they will die in.  Do
> you?  --JWR

Nope, I don't. And even though President Kimball said he was bound and
determined to outlive President Benson, it didn't happen.


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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Ron Scott wrote:
She lives in Newton?  Where do the attend church? Weston or Cambridge?  Is
her husband at Tufts or BC (didn't know BC had a dental school).
I don't know, Ron.  I get the schools back there are mixed up.  I just 
fired off an email to my daughter asking her.  I'm embarrassed that I have 
to ask.  --JWR

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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours
> Ron Scott wrote:
> >She lives in Newton?  Where do the attend church? Weston or
> Cambridge?  Is
> >her husband at Tufts or BC (didn't know BC had a dental school).
> I don't know, Ron.  I get the schools back there are mixed up.  I just
> fired off an email to my daughter asking her.  I'm embarrassed
> that I have
> to ask.  --JWR<

If she lives in Newton and attends the "regular" ward for the city (as
opposed to the many student wards in Cambridge) she goes ( I assume, given
her relationship to you, that she's "active")  to church in Weston, where
I'm supposed to.  Her bishop is a very good friend, Cary Hopkins.  I live in
a small town that is technically part of the Weston First Ward. However,
because we're the only Mormon family in a tiny town (Pop. 4,000) that is on
the border between the two wards we have been given the option of choosing
the First or Second Ward (the one that includes the city of Newton).  Both
meet in the same building, the stake center for the Boston Stake. My
youngest daughter attends school in Chestnut Hill, a section of Newton:
hence I am in your daughter's neighborhood, more or less, every single day.
What does she do while her husband attends dental school?


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RE: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Ron Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 3:53 AM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos
> > -Original Message-
> > From: John W. Redelfs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 7:33 PM
> > Subject: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos
> >
> >
> > Ron Scott wrote:
> > >That's fine. The politics can come later--as you gain more light and
> > >knowledge . Which reminds me of a joke. Something about
> > newborn mice
> > >being good communists. When the commissar come back a few 
> weeks later he
> > >discovers they are not communists anymore--their eyes had opened. Or
> > >something to that effect.
> > >---
> > >
> > >Say, who are you and your pals chasing now that there aren't 
> commies and
> > >pinkos in every commode and closet?
> >
> > Personally, I've moved away from politics and further into the 
> gospel.  I
> > know that the commies and pinkos are still there, I just don't
> > care as much
> > what they are doing.  Maybe you could fill me in, do you think? 
>  Not that
> > you were ever a commie or a pinko.<
> > And if you go looking for commies and pinkos you still might be able to
> > find some of them if you look in the right places:
> Says you!!!
> > China {For now}
> > North Korea {For now}
> > Cuba { Not many, not long}
> > Vietnam {A few}
> > Harvard {in your mind, perhaps}
> > Yale {Oh please!}
> > ???
P.S.  You forgot:

The New York Times
Washington Post
The Council on Foreign Relations
The White House
The CIA and FBI
Rockefeller Center
Synagogues everywhere
The Mormon Tab (those musicians are indeed quite goofy and unreliable)
The Unversity of Utah
The Church Office Building
47 EST (naw, the Lord would never allow it)
BYU (naw, not as long as Lou's alive, right?)

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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
As you know my views are based on scriptures, not quotes from authorities.
There are significant disagreements between the two, as you are aware. When
you raise the question expect responses.  It would seem that you are asking
the questions, I am not raising the issues.  You seem to be seeking
disagreement with the book Gospel Doctrine and with doctrinal issues
generally.  You seem to almost be goading me by asking the questions you do
and at the same time asking for more interaction on the list, however I am
apparently wrong on that.

I shall be silent - unless you continue to ask.


- Original Message - 
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

> George Cobabe wrote:
> >As you know, John, when you ask the question I can testify that this is
> >true.  However there is more to the answer than what has been presented.
> >
> >I would be delighted to discuss this topic with courtesy and good will,
> >that would be possible.
> If you have any information that current Church leaders support your view
> that all who obtain the Celestial Kingdom inherit eternal life, I would be
> interested.  Otherwise, I'd rather move on to something else.  I don't
> Tom Matkin leaving the list again.  His views and mine are very much
> mainstream as stated in GOSPEL PRINCIPLES.
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> "The study of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve
> behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
> behavior."  --Boyd K. Packer
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
Thank you for your kindness in skipping the lesson.  The world will be
better because of the silence on this matter.


- Original Message - 
From: "Steven Montgomery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love

At 10:36 AM 11/6/2003, you wrote:

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Steven Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:31 PM
> > Subject: RE: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love
> > Just hazarding a guess, but I suspect that most people, some on this
> > even, haven't the foggiest idea what the John Birch Society is really
> > about. All they know about it is what they've heard on TV, radio or the
> > newspapers. Or perhaps from Secular Humanist College Professors .
>Well, by all means, clue them in as to what they've been missing. Be sure
>show how it correlates neatly with Mormon teachings.

Nah. I won't bother. Those who are really interested will find out.

Steven Montgomery

Those of us who take note of and criticize abuses of power by the
federal bureaucracy are often accused of being "anti-government." This
is not only untrue, it is the exact opposite of the truth. The John
Birch Society and those who share our constitutionalist point of view
are emphatically pro-government ­ so much so, in fact, that we want to
see as many governments as possible dividing power and responsibilities,
and keeping each other in check. What we oppose is the alternative ­ the
effective abolition of local, county, and state governments and their
absorption into a monolithic federal state, which in turn would
ultimately be subsumed into a global leviathan directed by the United
Nations.--WNG The Review of the News Oct 13, 2002

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Re: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love Unconditional?)

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
Boy o Boy, that is certainly a response designed to continue discussion.  It
is interesting that the best you can offer is a complete denial that Stacy
had anything useful to say and without and justification on your part.  Not
even a disclaimer that you uinderstand it differently, but jsut a dismissal.

There are so many things that are just "obviously" bad and wrong aren't
there.  Most of which can be dismissed as easily as you have her questions,
unless of course one wants to think it through and perhaps come up with a
more useful response.

I, of course, with this response can be accused of doing the very thing I
condemn in your response.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 2:15 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love

> > -Original Message-
> > From: Stacy Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 6:42 PM
> > Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love
> > Unconditional?)
> >
> >
> > I don't believe the sons of perdition will be few in number.  I
> > believe we
> > have sufficient scriptures to prove otherwise, notwithstanding
> > many will go
> > telestial.  The people that go telestial will still have to
> > repent in order
> > for that to be done.  I've seen some people who would never accept Jesus
> > under any circumstances.  These people wish to live in their
> > sins.  Aren't
> > I right in suggesting that anyone who wishes to live through
> > eternity with
> > their sins will go to perdition?
> >
> > Stacy.
> You are not right. About anything listed above.

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> ///  ///


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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 11:28 AM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
Eternal Marriage Is Essential for Exaltation

Many people in the world consider marriage to be only a social custom, a 
legal agreement between a man and a woman to live together. But to 
Latter-day Saints, marriage is much more. Our exaltation depends on 
marriage. We believe that marriage is the most sacred relationship that 
can exist between a man and a woman. This sacred relationship affects our 
happiness now and in the eternities.

Heavenly Father has given us the law of eternal marriage so we can become 
like him. We must live this law to be able to have spirit children. The 
Lord has said:

"In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of 
the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage];

And if he does not, he cannot obtain it (D&C 131:1-3)."
Anyone disagree that this is official Church doctrine?  Our missionaries 
teach it to investigators and it is taught to all new members as part of 
the Gospel Essentials Sunday School class.  Is this controversial, or 
what?  Are any of the Brethren divided on this?

This, IMHO, is what we have to offer the world.  This is what sets us apart 
from the other "religions"  This is the essence of the gospel.  The other 
things all point to this.  There are other requirements along the way, but 
that's just the point, they're along the way.


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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 03:32 PM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:

And if you go looking for commies and pinkos you still might be able to 
find some of them if you look in the right places:

North Korea


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[ZION] blood red moon

2003-11-07 Thread Heidi Page
Hello all...

I read a bit on this morning about the upcoming lunar eclipse this weekend and 
how the moon is supposed to turn blood red.  To quote the article:  "Saturday's lunar 
eclipse will be followed by the Leonid meteor shower, a total solar eclipse over the 
southern hemisphere -- and a chance for more auroras if the sun stays active. Another 
eruption Tuesday on the sun ranked among the most intense solar events ever recorded. 
But the explosion was aimed away from Earth, meaning it would have little impact here. 

What think ye?  Do you think this *means* anything?

Just curious...
Heidi the fair

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Re: [ZION] An Illustrious Group

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 05:31 PM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
Tom Valletta has just joined us.

Yofi,  Welcome home Br'er Tom.


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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 03:44 PM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
George Cobabe wrote:
As you know, John, when you ask the question I can testify that this is
true.  However there is more to the answer than what has been presented.
I would be delighted to discuss this topic with courtesy and good will, if
that would be possible.
If you have any information that current Church leaders support your view 
that all who obtain the Celestial Kingdom inherit eternal life, I would be 
interested.  Otherwise, I'd rather move on to something else.  I don't 
want Tom Matkin leaving the list again.  His views and mine are very much 
mainstream as stated in GOSPEL PRINCIPLES.

I find D&C 132 to be quite clear on this subject.  I'll sit quietly in the 
John and Tom camp, thank you.


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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 02:36 AM 11/7/2003 +, Gib Mij wrote:

Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working on
addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can afford.  I
have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older man.

My friend, just care about all those around you, love them without any 
ulterior motives, do nice things for them without expectation of reward and 
one day one will love back.


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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Tom Matkin

Oh no.  Is this a confession?
> Cornell!
> Till

Tom the concerned. ;->

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RE: [ZION] An Illustrious Group

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas VALLETTA
Thanks.  Excited to be listening in.

From: Jim Cobabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [ZION] An Illustrious Group
Date: Fri,  7 Nov 2003 04:59:10 +
John W. Redelfs wrote:
> Tom Valletta has just joined us.
Welcome, Tom!

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Re: [ZION] An Illustrious Group

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas VALLETTA
Ah, but I miss the lush hills of Ithaca!!!  And the great people too.

From: "Elmer L. Fairbank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ZION] An Illustrious Group
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 09:13:50 -0500
At 05:31 PM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
Tom Valletta has just joined us.

Yofi,  Welcome home Br'er Tom.


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Re: [ZION] An Illustrious Group

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 07:52 AM 11/7/2003 -0700, Br'er Tom wrote:
Ah, but I miss the lush hills of Ithaca!!!  And the great people too.

Did you say we're lushes here?  The Hill's moved to Provo years ago, 
although he WAS back for a visit this summer.  It IS pretty country here, 


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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 07:31 AM 11/7/2003 -0700, Br'er Tom wrote:

Oh no.  Is this a confession?
> Cornell!
> Till
Tom the concerned. ;->

When my 5th son was an undergraduate here, he used to complain all the time 
about some of his left-wing, commie professors, with their touchy-feely 
pseudo-intellectual clap-trap.  It was a treat to listen to him.  But then 
he calls his mother a socialist, too.


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[ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Cousin Bill
I'm sorry to rain on everyone's parade.  I see that many people
(Benjoy discussing the gospel.  I do not qualify to join such
(Bdiscussions.  I just don't have the knowledge everyone else has.
(BSo I decided to start a new thread.  In the past, my efforts have
(Bhad mixed results.  At times I have started threads that have
(Blasted weeks.  Other times my post seems to be the only one, so I
(Bsuppose it could not even be called a thread.  We shall see how
(Bthis one works out.  Please forgive the lightheartedness.
(BI was just wondering what everyone is reading these days.  I'm
(Bcurrently working my way through Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy.  I had
(Bdecided to read the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I didn't get too
(Bfar before I realized that I will need to get the Cliff Notes to
(Bgo with that.  My little brain just doesn't function that well.
(BLuckily I will be heading for Savannah next month so I plan to
(Bpick it up then.  I'm thinking of reading Contact by Carl Sagan
(Bnext.  I really enjoyed the movie, and I can't imagine anyone
(Bhaving seen that movie without being convinced that there is life
(Bout there beyond the confines of the earth.
(BSo does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
(BOr their thoughts on life in outer space?  I'm kind of angry at
(Bmyself.  Astute readers will notice that I have a new e-mail
(Baddress.  I also have a new computer.  I downloaded the SETI
(Bprogram, but when I tried to add on to my previous SETI total
(Bthey asked for my password.  I have no idea, and since they only
(Bsend the password to the old address (which has since been
(Bcancelled), I'm out of luck.  I had over 400 completed work
(Bunits, and had to start over.  I'm at about 90 now.  One good
(Bthing, my new computer whips through those work units between two
(Band three times as fast as my old computer.
(BAnyway, I ask again, what are you guys reading?
(BCousin Bill
(B"Our country, right or wrong.  When
(Bright, to be kept right.  When wrong,
(Bto be put right." -- Carl Schurz
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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
That's fine, Till.  However I do not think you know the question in mind.

You see, I find Sec 132 more that supportative and I believe it to be true
as well.  It is the scriptures, including 132, that I find supportive.


- Original Message - 
From: "Elmer L. Fairbank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 7:10 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

> At 03:44 PM 11/6/2003 -0900, BLT wrote:
> >George Cobabe wrote:
> >>As you know, John, when you ask the question I can testify that this is
> >>true.  However there is more to the answer than what has been presented.
> >>
> >>I would be delighted to discuss this topic with courtesy and good will,
> >>that would be possible.
> >
> >If you have any information that current Church leaders support your view
> >that all who obtain the Celestial Kingdom inherit eternal life, I would
> >interested.  Otherwise, I'd rather move on to something else.  I don't
> >want Tom Matkin leaving the list again.  His views and mine are very much
> >mainstream as stated in GOSPEL PRINCIPLES.
> I find D&C 132 to be quite clear on this subject.  I'll sit quietly in the
> John and Tom camp, thank you.
> Till

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
Ah - a topic that will not engender evil emotions.
(BI just finished reading "By the Hand of Mormon" by Terryl Givens.  A
(Bexcellant book regarding the history and perspectives of the Book of Mormon
(Bfrom historical as well as non-mormon perspective.  Chapter Eight on
(B"Dialogic Revelation" and the Book of Mormon's application of the principles
(Bwas truly eye-opening.
(BI have just started "Restoring the Ancient Church, Joseph Smith and Early
(BChristianity"  By Barry Bickmore.  It looks at the early Christian Church
(Band describes how it was corrupted and then how the early doctrines compare
(Bso favorably with our current doctrines.  It looks very good.
(B- Original Message - 
(BFrom: "Cousin Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(BSent: Friday, November 07, 2003 8:01 AM
(BSubject: [ZION] A reading list
(B> I'm sorry to rain on everyone's parade.  I see that many people
(B> enjoy discussing the gospel.  I do not qualify to join such
(B> discussions.  I just don't have the knowledge everyone else has.
(B> So I decided to start a new thread.  In the past, my efforts have
(B> had mixed results.  At times I have started threads that have
(B> lasted weeks.  Other times my post seems to be the only one, so I
(B> suppose it could not even be called a thread.  We shall see how
(B> this one works out.  Please forgive the lightheartedness.
(B> I was just wondering what everyone is reading these days.  I'm
(B> currently working my way through Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy.  I had
(B> decided to read the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I didn't get too
(B> far before I realized that I will need to get the Cliff Notes to
(B> go with that.  My little brain just doesn't function that well.
(B> Luckily I will be heading for Savannah next month so I plan to
(B> pick it up then.  I'm thinking of reading Contact by Carl Sagan
(B> next.  I really enjoyed the movie, and I can't imagine anyone
(B> having seen that movie without being convinced that there is life
(B> out there beyond the confines of the earth.
(B> So does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
(B> Or their thoughts on life in outer space?  I'm kind of angry at
(B> myself.  Astute readers will notice that I have a new e-mail
(B> address.  I also have a new computer.  I downloaded the SETI
(B> program, but when I tried to add on to my previous SETI total
(B> they asked for my password.  I have no idea, and since they only
(B> send the password to the old address (which has since been
(B> cancelled), I'm out of luck.  I had over 400 completed work
(B> units, and had to start over.  I'm at about 90 now.  One good
(B> thing, my new computer whips through those work units between two
(B> and three times as fast as my old computer.
(B> Anyway, I ask again, what are you guys reading?
(B> Cousin Bill
(B> "Our country, right or wrong.  When
(B> right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
(B> to be put right." -- Carl Schurz
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[ZION] Getting Married Older [was Official Doctrine #2]

2003-11-07 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams

On Fri,  7 Nov 2003 02:36:29 + Jim Cobabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> John W. Redelfs wrote:
> ---
> Would that all the single men in the Church were as devoted to 
> keeping  the commandment to marry as seriously as you did and do.
> ---
> Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working on 
> addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can afford. 
>  I  have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older man.

It's even harder for an older (middle-aged) widow.  I wouldn't mind
finding a time-only companion.  But it seems that the widowers in the
church want to be sealed to another woman, instead of finding one who is
already sealed.  At my bishop's behest I tried LDSPlanet for a couple of
months.  Profiles of widowers, majority, want to be sealed again to wife
#2.  I can't compete with that, so I don't even try.  At this point, I'm
content to live alone.

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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
George Cobabe wrote:
> There are those on this list that in the past have argued that Eternal
> Marriage is NOT essential for exaltation.  Exaltation is living in the
> presence of God the Father and receiving His blessings.  Yet it is 
> suggested
> that to live in the Celestial Kingdom it is not necessary to have an 
> Eternal
> Marriage.

Still, it's possible to be in the Celestial Kingdom and NOT be exalted.  
I think that's where the misunderstanding among members comes in.  D&C 
131 indicates that temple marriage is needed for the *highest degree* of 
the Celestial Kingdom.  On the basis of that scripture, it does appear 
that a single person might be able to enter at the lowest degree.

But the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom represent a type of 
eternal damnation.  Yes, persons designated for that place can be in the 
presence of both the Father and the Son, but exaltation goes beyond 
being in their presence, and means becoming as God in all things, up to 
and including godhood.  If you can receive a degree of Celestial Glory, 
yet be unable to attain the status of godhood (being designated, for 
instance, as a ministering angel), then by definition, one's progression 
stops and damnation occurs.  

Still, in practical terms, I don't know how likely it would be for a 
single person to reach the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom.  For 
if someone desires to enter into the covenant, makes the needed 
sacrifices, yet cannot locate a suitable companion, teachings indicate 
that provision will be made later in the post-mortal existance.  At the 
other extreme, someone who goes out of their way to avoid temple 
marriage could be judged as being rebellious or disobedient...perhaps 
the judgment might even be in the direction of the Terrestrial Kingdom?  
In the middle, I suppose, are those individuals who seek to be obedient 
in the Gospel in most things, yet don't care one way or the other about 
temple marriage.  Then they die without being sealed to a companion, 
realizing too late that they should have given the matter greater 
attention.  They might have been exalted, but for their diligence in 
seeking an eternal companion.  I suspect it would be these individuals 
who would become the ministering angels in the lower Celestial rhelms.  
(But would there be that many?)  Even so, all this would be my personal 

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

Somehow I misplaced the address for the website, where I can read posts on
line.  Would you please forward the address to me when you get a moment.

Ron Scott

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2003-11-07 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz

Ron Scott wrote:
> Somehow I misplaced the address for the website, where I can read posts 
> on
> line.  Would you please forward the address to me when you get a moment.

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
I suspect we shall  soon be kicked off for daring to discuss this, but what
the hey.

Where in 131 does it say this?  I read Celestial Glory, not the Celestial

However in 132:23-24 it talks about receiving and living with God and that
this living with God is what exaltation is defined as.  Living with God
should not be construed as damnation, as you have ably pointed out that it
may represent.

Why would the atonement not make up for any deficiencies that are present in
a person worthy to attain to the Celestial Kingdom?  What could a worthy
person do to not qualify for the atonement in their lives so that they would
have full exaltation?

Well John, when I came back I said I would repond to questions asked.  Happy
to leave if this bothers or scares you.


- Original Message - 
From: "Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 8:48 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

> George Cobabe wrote:
> >
> > There are those on this list that in the past have argued that Eternal
> > Marriage is NOT essential for exaltation.  Exaltation is living in the
> > presence of God the Father and receiving His blessings.  Yet it is
> > suggested
> > that to live in the Celestial Kingdom it is not necessary to have an
> > Eternal
> > Marriage.
> Still, it's possible to be in the Celestial Kingdom and NOT be exalted.
> I think that's where the misunderstanding among members comes in.  D&C
> 131 indicates that temple marriage is needed for the *highest degree* of
> the Celestial Kingdom.  On the basis of that scripture, it does appear
> that a single person might be able to enter at the lowest degree.
> But the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom represent a type of
> eternal damnation.  Yes, persons designated for that place can be in the
> presence of both the Father and the Son, but exaltation goes beyond
> being in their presence, and means becoming as God in all things, up to
> and including godhood.  If you can receive a degree of Celestial Glory,
> yet be unable to attain the status of godhood (being designated, for
> instance, as a ministering angel), then by definition, one's progression
> stops and damnation occurs.
> Still, in practical terms, I don't know how likely it would be for a
> single person to reach the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom.  For
> if someone desires to enter into the covenant, makes the needed
> sacrifices, yet cannot locate a suitable companion, teachings indicate
> that provision will be made later in the post-mortal existance.  At the
> other extreme, someone who goes out of their way to avoid temple
> marriage could be judged as being rebellious or disobedient...perhaps
> the judgment might even be in the direction of the Terrestrial Kingdom?
> In the middle, I suppose, are those individuals who seek to be obedient
> in the Gospel in most things, yet don't care one way or the other about
> temple marriage.  Then they die without being sealed to a companion,
> realizing too late that they should have given the matter greater
> attention.  They might have been exalted, but for their diligence in
> seeking an eternal companion.  I suspect it would be these individuals
> who would become the ministering angels in the lower Celestial rhelms.
> (But would there be that many?)  Even so, all this would be my personal
> speculation.
> All the best,
> /Sandy/
> --
> The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Spring Hill, Tennessee

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RE: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 04:58 PM 11/6/2003, you wrote:

> -Original Message-
> From: Steven Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 6:20 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love
> At 03:37 PM 11/6/2003, Ron Scott wrote:
> >President Benson was good enough for me. His politics were not. For
> >additional comments, see my response to your fellow traveler.
> >
> >Ron Scott
> That's fine. The politics can come later--as you gain more light and
> knowledge . Which reminds me of a joke. Something about
> newborn mice
> being good communists. When the commissar come back a few weeks later he
> discovers they are not communists anymore--their eyes had opened. Or
> something to that effect.
Say, who are you and your pals chasing now that there aren't commies and
pinkos in every commode and closet?
What!? You mean there aren't any now? 

Steven Montgomery
The only constant in the world is change--Karl Marx

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2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott
Thanks Sandy.


For a number of pressing reasons, I am retreating (for the time being) to to
lurkdom, "read at the website only-- no email."  If you wish my response on
a particular subject, please cc me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Be well and be careful.

Ron Scott

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RE: [ZION] Nehors - was: Unconditional Love

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 05:52 PM 11/6/2003, you wrote:
Ron Scott wrote:
> I'm pretty sure there are some Korihors and wolves in sheep's
> clothing.  Ezra Taft Benson said so.   --JWR
He did? When? Was he eyeballing his son? 
Maybe he was eyeballing his grandson, Steve.   --JWR

Steven Montgomery
We will not despair, for the cause of human freedom is the cause of God.
--Joshua R. Giddings
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[ZION] Catholics and Mormons Unite

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith

I would rephrase the "only true church" to the "only church with a fulness of the 
gospel."  At least, that's what the definition seems to me. After all, any church with 
some truth could be defined as a "true church."  Where other churches have truths, we 
seek to share in those truths with them. When Catholic Charities helps out a nation, 
we often combine resources with them, because it reduces overhead expenses, and the 
outcome of goodness is the same. As we help other churches (helping them build 
buildings, etc), we are encouraging religious belief in God, which is one step further 
toward people accepting the fulness of the gospel.

Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:14:18 -0900
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [ZION] Catholics & Mormons unite

Stacy Smith wrote:
>I understand all of the above, however, I go back to Joseph Smith in which 
>he was commanded "to join none of them."  Helping them on some
 project may 
>appear to be wonderful, but doesn't it suggest to some who have gotten 
>mixed signals that we no longer hold the doctrine of the restoration of 
>the gospel true?  My friend got such a mixed message while studying with 
>the missionaries.

This is a concern that I have, probably a futile concern.  How can we teach 
1) that all the other churches contain some truth, and 2) that we are the 
only true church?  The two statements are not incompatible, but they might 
easily be confused by those of inadequate education.  --JWR


K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 07:36 PM 11/6/2003, you wrote:

John W. Redelfs wrote:
Would that all the single men in the Church were as devoted to keeping
the commandment to marry as seriously as you did and do.
Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working on
addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can afford.  I
have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older man.
As one who didn't find his wife till somewhat later in life I empathize 
with you. I sincerely hope and pray that you find a good woman.

Steven Montgomery
It is no accident, then, that so many who gathered at Philadelphia to 
declare independence and a decade later to draft a constitution were men 
who had apprenticed themselves to Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, 
and Cicero, and who could debate at length on the various constitutional 
forms of the classical world before they chose one for the new American 
nation.  We owe our very existence as a people in great part to classical 
learning.T. L. Simmons

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[ZION] Welcom Tom Valleta

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith


Welcome back to Zion. How was your mission? What does the Church have you doing now?

K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

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[ZION] Repentance from adultery

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith

The definition given of a Son of Perdition is a person who has received a high level 
of understanding of the gospel, then not only fully denies it, but seeks to commit 
evil. Cain is the perfect example. He held the priesthood, spoke with God, then turned 
completely against God.

It isn't a matter of someone refusing to repent of some sins. It is a matter of 
becoming God's total enemy, which most people in the world will never do. Even most 
murderers and adulterers keep some commandments and believe in God. They don't totally 
reject the light and truth, since they have not received a fulness of that light and 
truth, so they could never become a son of perdition.

I would venture that of the 11+ million members in the Church today, less than 25,000 
are spiritual and enlightened enough to ever risk being a son of perdition.  And there 
are no non-members that could ever qualify. 

In fact, the only person we know of a surety is a son of perdition is Cain. Even Judas 
Iscariot probably did not qualify, as he had not received the Gift of the Holy Ghost 
and a true conversion.  There will be, as I understand it, a major gathering of sons 
of perdition at the end of the Millennium, as Satan gathers his people out from those 
with a full witness of Christ.  But in all reality, most of those choosing to be sons 
of perdition, chose to do so prior to this world.

K'aya K'ama
Gerald Smith
Freedom Forever

Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 17:42:24 -0600
From: Stacy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love 

I don't believe the sons of perdition will be few in number.  I believe we 
have sufficient scriptures to prove otherwise, notwithstanding many will go 
telestial.  The people that go telestial will still have to repent in order 
for that to be done.  I've seen some people who would never accept Jesus 
under any circumstances.  These people wish to live in their sins.  Aren't 
I right in suggesting that anyone who wishes to live through eternity with 
their sins will go to perdition?


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RE: [ZION] blood red moon

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith
Well, one way to interpret D&C 87 as the slaves that rise up against 
their masters who are disciplined in war, to mean the fall of Socialism; 
with the remnant of the slaves rising up against the Gentile nations 
being the Muslim terrorism attacks. When that occurs, the D&C says there 
will begin to be many signs in the heavens and natural destructions.
So, if that interpretation is correct, we may see some interesting times 
ahead. Oh, stand in holy places, eh?
Gary Smith

Heidi Page wrote:
> Hello all...
> I read a bit on this morning about the upcoming lunar eclipse 
> this weekend and how the moon is supposed to turn blood red.  To quote 
> the article:  "Saturday's lunar eclipse will be followed by the Leonid 
> meteor shower, a total solar eclipse over the southern hemisphere -- and 
> a chance for more auroras if the sun stays active. Another eruption 
> Tuesday on the sun ranked among the most intense solar events ever 
> recorded. But the explosion was aimed away from Earth, meaning it would 
> have little impact here. "
> What think ye?  Do you think this *means* anything?
> Just curious...
> Heidi the fair

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas VALLETTA
From: Cousin Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ZION] A reading list
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 00:01:36 +0900
So does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
Read Ann Coulter _Treason_ and _Slander_... Read _Shut Up and Sing!_ by 
Laura Ingraham.  Read When Character was King, by Noonan.  In gospel books: 
_Joseph Smith_ by Remini and the new edition of _Joseph Smith's New England 
Heritage_ by Anderson... It's tough to say this, because it sounds so trite 
-- I loved them all.

Compare high-speed Internet plans, starting at $26.95. (Prices may vary by service area.)

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RE: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith
I'm currently reading this note you sent.  ;-)

I'm also involved in "how to write science fiction and fantasy" by our 
own Orson Scott Card; and "The Book of J" edited by Harold Bloom.

Cousin Bill wrote:
> I'm sorry to rain on everyone's parade.  I see that many people
> enjoy discussing the gospel.  I do not qualify to join such
> discussions.  I just don't have the knowledge everyone else has.
> So I decided to start a new thread.  In the past, my efforts have
> had mixed results.  At times I have started threads that have
> lasted weeks.  Other times my post seems to be the only one, so I
> suppose it could not even be called a thread.  We shall see how
> this one works out.  Please forgive the lightheartedness.
> I was just wondering what everyone is reading these days.  I'm
> currently working my way through Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy.  I had
> decided to read the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I didn't get too
> far before I realized that I will need to get the Cliff Notes to
> go with that.  My little brain just doesn't function that well.
> Luckily I will be heading for Savannah next month so I plan to
> pick it up then.  I'm thinking of reading Contact by Carl Sagan
> next.  I really enjoyed the movie, and I can't imagine anyone
> having seen that movie without being convinced that there is life
> out there beyond the confines of the earth.
> So does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
> Or their thoughts on life in outer space?  I'm kind of angry at
> myself.  Astute readers will notice that I have a new e-mail
> address.  I also have a new computer.  I downloaded the SETI
> program, but when I tried to add on to my previous SETI total
> they asked for my password.  I have no idea, and since they only
> send the password to the old address (which has since been
> cancelled), I'm out of luck.  I had over 400 completed work
> units, and had to start over.  I'm at about 90 now.  One good
> thing, my new computer whips through those work units between two
> and three times as fast as my old computer.
> Anyway, I ask again, what are you guys reading?
> Cousin Bill
> "Our country, right or wrong.  When
> right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
> to be put right." -- Carl Schurz

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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[ZION] One leads to another...

2003-11-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

George Cobabe wrote:
> Boy o Boy, that is certainly a response designed to continue discussion. 
>  It
> is interesting that the best you can offer is a complete denial that 
> Stacy
> had anything useful to say and without and justification on your part.  
> Not
> even a disclaimer that you uinderstand it differently, but jsut a 
> dismissal.

One ad-hominem leads to another.  Perhaps we could anticipate where this 
is leading, and just skip the ending.

Whether or not you find the bloom in list traffic personally gratifying, 
I am certain we could all benefit from a higher intellectual level of 
exchange, even when we cannot resist slinging invectives.

My best insults nearly always pass virtually unrecognized over the heads 
of the intended recipients.  I most enjoy the passive-aggressive attack.

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Re: [ZION] Welcom Tom Valleta

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas VALLETTA
From: Gerald Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Welcome back to Zion. How was your mission? What does the Church have you 
doing now?
Loved the mission.  Hardest thing I've ever done, but I loved the 
experience.  I love New York.  I miss the missionaries something awful!!!

My current calling is to teach an adult class for our stake on "ancient 
scripture."  I'm also a home teacher.

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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 08:20 AM 11/7/2003 -0700, St George wrote:
That's fine, Till.  However I do not think you know the question in mind.

You see, I find Sec 132 more that supportative and I believe it to be true
as well.  It is the scriptures, including 132, that I find supportive.

With all due respect, my friend, I was referring specifically to the part 
where it says, with regards to those who have celestial marriage AND have 
been sealed by the holy spirit of promise, "then shall they be gods", as 
opposed to those who have not.  Of them. IIRC, it is said, "and that shall 
be the end of their glory" or some such.  Are we just talking past each 
other on semantics?  I take exaltation et al to mean the former of these 
two scenarios.  Elsewhere in the scriptures I recall reading that damnation 
is defined as having one's progression ended.  Certainly, I would concede, 
that to be a servant in the house of the most high would be far better than 
being a prince in a lesser kingdom, but still, it IS a cessation of 

Till, who has said his piece

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 08:28 AM 11/7/2003 -0700, St George wrote:
Ah - a topic that will not engender evil emotions.

I just finished reading "By the Hand of Mormon" by Terryl Givens.  A
excellant book regarding the history and perspectives of the Book of Mormon
from historical as well as non-mormon perspective.  Chapter Eight on
"Dialogic Revelation" and the Book of Mormon's application of the principles
was truly eye-opening.
I have just started "Restoring the Ancient Church, Joseph Smith and Early
Christianity"  By Barry Bickmore.  It looks at the early Christian Church
and describes how it was corrupted and then how the early doctrines compare
so favorably with our current doctrines.  It looks very good.

Cool.  Terry and his wife Fiona were in our ward years ago.  I ran into her 
at Education week in '02.  She was buying a copy of his latest book. 8>))


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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Ron Scott wrote:
If she lives in Newton and attends the "regular" ward for the city (as
opposed to the many student wards in Cambridge) she goes ( I assume, given
her relationship to you, that she's "active")  to church in Weston, where
I'm supposed to.  Her bishop is a very good friend, Cary Hopkins.  I live in
a small town that is technically part of the Weston First Ward. However,
because we're the only Mormon family in a tiny town (Pop. 4,000) that is on
the border between the two wards we have been given the option of choosing
the First or Second Ward (the one that includes the city of Newton).  Both
meet in the same building, the stake center for the Boston Stake. My
youngest daughter attends school in Chestnut Hill, a section of Newton:
hence I am in your daughter's neighborhood, more or less, every single day.
What does she do while her husband attends dental school?
She is in nursing school, and hopes to graduate in April.  She and her 
husband are also live in student nannies for some children in the area.  To 
hear her tell it, she is more busy than a one armed paper hanger with the 
hives. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Getting Married Older [was Official Doctrine #2]

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:
It's even harder for an older (middle-aged) widow.  I wouldn't mind
finding a time-only companion.  But it seems that the widowers in the
church want to be sealed to another woman, instead of finding one who is
already sealed.  At my bishop's behest I tried LDSPlanet for a couple of
months.  Profiles of widowers, majority, want to be sealed again to wife
#2.  I can't compete with that, so I don't even try.  At this point, I'm
content to live alone.
President Hunter married his second wife for time only because she was 
already sealed to another.  So did the father of the man who ordained me a 
high priest.  In fact, he married a second wife for time only, and when she 
died he married a third wife for time only.  Not all of the men in the 
Church are into plural marriage beyond the grave, at least not so you would 
notice in their behavior as widowers.  --JWR

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2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Ron Scott wrote:
Somehow I misplaced the address for the website, where I can read posts on
line.  Would you please forward the address to me when you get a moment.

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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 05:48 AM 11/7/2003 -0500, Uncle Ron wrote:
youngest daughter attends school in Chestnut Hill, a section of Newton:

Ah, yes, nice school.  We (meaning Ithaca Ballet**) have one of our girls 
gong there this year, Dasha Kittridge, as a drama major.  A marvelously 
talented and beautiful young lady.


** (Schindlerian footnote) I decided the best way to repay all the kindness 
they did for my family was to serve on the board of directors AFTER my kids 
were out of there.  They've gone and made me president now, which means I 
get to control how long (or short) the meetings are.  So I still have a 
direct interest in the students there.

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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread Ron Scott

> -Original Message-
> From: Elmer L. Fairbank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:42 PM
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours
> At 05:48 AM 11/7/2003 -0500, Uncle Ron wrote:
> >  My
> >youngest daughter attends school in Chestnut Hill, a section of Newton:
> Ah, yes, nice school.  We (meaning Ithaca Ballet**) have one of our girls
> gong there this year, Dasha Kittridge, as a drama major.  A marvelously
> talented and beautiful young lady.

Chestnut Hill? Drama major? CHS is a private elementary school.  I wasn't
aware we had "drama" majors. Might you be thinking of a college in Chestnut

> Till
> ** (Schindlerian footnote) I decided the best way to repay all
> the kindness
> they did for my family was to serve on the board of directors
> AFTER my kids
> were out of there.  They've gone and made me president now, which means I
> get to control how long (or short) the meetings are.  So I still have a
> direct interest in the students there.<

Then you've probably heard that, for now at least, The Wang Center has
booted out "The Nutcracker" beginning next Christmas, 2004.  A touring
company of the Radio City Rockettes has taken the dates.  The city is in an
uproar, as you might imagine.  I mean, Boston ain't exactly Las Vegas.


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RE: [ZION] Getting Married Older [was Official Doctrine #2]

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith
What age range are you looking for in a guy? Maybe a few of us could 
look for potential candidates in our areas for you.


Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:
> On Fri,  7 Nov 2003 02:36:29 + Jim Cobabe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> > 
> > John W. Redelfs wrote:
> > ---
> > Would that all the single men in the Church were as devoted to 
> > keeping  the commandment to marry as seriously as you did and do.
> > ---
> > 
> > Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working on 
> > addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can afford. 
> >  I  have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older man.
> It's even harder for an older (middle-aged) widow.  I wouldn't mind
> finding a time-only companion.  But it seems that the widowers in the
> church want to be sealed to another woman, instead of finding one who is
> already sealed.  At my bishop's behest I tried LDSPlanet for a couple of
> months.  Profiles of widowers, majority, want to be sealed again to wife
> #2.  I can't compete with that, so I don't even try.  At this point, I'm
> content to live alone.
> val
> > 
> >
> /
> /
> > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> > ///  ///
> >
> /
> > 
> > 
> > 
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
> «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤
> The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
> Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
> Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith
I have Barry's book. It is very good, with one exception. I think the 
Baptism for the Dead section is a little weak. But that isn't through 
any fault of his. The reality is, there isn't much ancient information 
whatsoever on baptisms for the dead. His stuff on an anthropomorphic God 
is excellent, but I would have included a little bit more information 
from his sources in that area.

George Cobabe wrote:
> Ah - a topic that will not engender evil emotions.
> I just finished reading "By the Hand of Mormon" by Terryl Givens.  A
> excellant book regarding the history and perspectives of the Book of 
> Mormon
> from historical as well as non-mormon perspective.  Chapter Eight on
> "Dialogic Revelation" and the Book of Mormon's application of the 
> principles
> was truly eye-opening.
> I have just started "Restoring the Ancient Church, Joseph Smith and 
> Early
> Christianity"  By Barry Bickmore.  It looks at the early Christian 
> Church
> and describes how it was corrupted and then how the early doctrines 
> compare
> so favorably with our current doctrines.  It looks very good.
> George
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Cousin Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 8:01 AM
> Subject: [ZION] A reading list
> > I'm sorry to rain on everyone's parade.  I see that many people
> > enjoy discussing the gospel.  I do not qualify to join such
> > discussions.  I just don't have the knowledge everyone else has.
> > So I decided to start a new thread.  In the past, my efforts have
> > had mixed results.  At times I have started threads that have
> > lasted weeks.  Other times my post seems to be the only one, so I
> > suppose it could not even be called a thread.  We shall see how
> > this one works out.  Please forgive the lightheartedness.
> >
> > I was just wondering what everyone is reading these days.  I'm
> > currently working my way through Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy.  I had
> > decided to read the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I didn't get too
> > far before I realized that I will need to get the Cliff Notes to
> > go with that.  My little brain just doesn't function that well.
> > Luckily I will be heading for Savannah next month so I plan to
> > pick it up then.  I'm thinking of reading Contact by Carl Sagan
> > next.  I really enjoyed the movie, and I can't imagine anyone
> > having seen that movie without being convinced that there is life
> > out there beyond the confines of the earth.
> >
> > So does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
> > Or their thoughts on life in outer space?  I'm kind of angry at
> > myself.  Astute readers will notice that I have a new e-mail
> > address.  I also have a new computer.  I downloaded the SETI
> > program, but when I tried to add on to my previous SETI total
> > they asked for my password.  I have no idea, and since they only
> > send the password to the old address (which has since been
> > cancelled), I'm out of luck.  I had over 400 completed work
> > units, and had to start over.  I'm at about 90 now.  One good
> > thing, my new computer whips through those work units between two
> > and three times as fast as my old computer.
> >
> > Anyway, I ask again, what are you guys reading?
> >
> > Cousin Bill
> > "Our country, right or wrong.  When
> > right, to be kept right.  When wrong,
> > to be put right." -- Carl Schurz
> >
> >
> //
> > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> > ///  ///
> >
> /
> >
> >
> >
> >

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Gerald Smith wrote:
I'm currently reading this note you sent.  ;-)

I'm also involved in "how to write science fiction and fantasy" by our
own Orson Scott Card; and "The Book of J" edited by Harold Bloom.
This is really a coincidence.  I'm reading THE AMERICAN RELIGION by Bloom, 
and he makes a lot of references to THE BOOK OF J.  Also, I own the Card 
book and have recently put it back on my reading schedule because I just 
started a SF novel a few weeks ago.  --JWR

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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
George Cobabe wrote:
> I suspect we shall  soon be kicked off for daring to discuss this, but 
> what
> the hey.
> Where in 131 does it say this?  I read Celestial Glory, not the 
> Celestial
> Kingdom.

In the prior post, I used "kingdom" and "glory" interchangibly.  Perhaps 
there is a difference...that might be a topic in and of itself.  Even 
so, there is a reference to kingdoms, as will be noted in a moment.  

> However in 132:23-24 it talks about receiving and living with God and 
> that
> this living with God is what exaltation is defined as.  Living with God
> should not be construed as damnation, as you have ably pointed out that 
> it
> may represent.

But in D&C 131, it says over in verse 4, referencing those who do not 
enter into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, "He may enter 
into the other [meaning one of the lower heavens or degrees], but that 
is the end of his kingdom: *he cannot have an increase*."  That strongly 
suggests to me an inability to progress, or at a very minimum, the 
inability to have infinite might or dominion.  This is despite the fact 
that we're still speaking of the celestial heavens--not of the 
terrestial or telestial worlds.  

Moreover, D&C 132:15-16 refer to those who marry outside of the new and 
everlasting covenant as being "appointed angels...ministering servants, 
to minister for those who are worthy of a far more, and an exceeding, 
and an eternal weight of glory."  By contrast, verses 19-20, speaking to 
those who marry in the covenant, "shall pass by the their 
exaltation and glory in all things...which glory shall be a fullness and 
a continuation of the seeds forever and ever.  Then they shall be 
gods...because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto 
them."  It would seem like the difference between the two states would 
be considerable.  Again, this is despite the fact that in all of this 
we've never left the celestial rhelm.

> Why would the atonement not make up for any deficiencies that are 
> present in
> a person worthy to attain to the Celestial Kingdom?

I wish I could say I had an answer here.  It would seem like your 
question is directed squarely at D&C 131:4 and 132:15-16--otherwise, the 
persons referenced there should have "had an increase."  But clearly 
they do not.  The only other thing I can think to suggest--and the 
chapter and verse escapes me--is that the atonement applies to all of 
mankind in greater or lesser degrees, except to those who are sons of 
perdition.  Were it not for the atonement, it would be impossible for 
even those judged to be telestial to receive immortality and this lowest 
degree of glory.  The atonement apparently works to a greater degree to 
people judged to be terrestrial, and greater still to those who are in 
the lower celestial rhelms.  But apparently it works to the greatest 
extent possible to those assigned to the highest degree of the celestial 

One final thought:  I could be wrong, but it was by understanding that 
D&C 132:24 had to be taken in the larger context of keeping all of his 
commandments, including the one pertaining to the new and everlasting 
covenant of marriage.  For in D&C 132:21, we read, "Verily...I say unto 
you, except ye abide my law, ye cannot attain to this glory."  Finally, 
the commandment in D&C 132:24 is, "Receive ye, therefore my law."  I 
agree with you that the atonement is tied deeply into this because it is 
impossible to keep all of his commandments at all times.  The ultimate 
question, which goes well beyond the scope of eternal marriage, is to 
what extent are we willing to keep His commandments.  We may, for 
example, enter into the eternal covenant of marriage, but seriously 
transgress later.  Or we may choose to avoid entering into the covenant 
in the first place.  For that matter, we may choose not to receive the 
priesthood or even be baptised.  Or we may do all of these things for 
the sole purpose of outward appearance, but not really be willing to 
keep the commandments in our hearts.  In all of these instances, our 
eternal standing is likely to be called into question.  The bottom line 
is that while the question of exaltation may turn on our willingness to 
enter into the eternal covenant of marriage--a specific commandment--it 
turns most of all upon our willingness to keep ALL of his commandments 
and in so doing, to then allow the atonement (through the process of 
repentance) to take full effect in our lives.  

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Cousin Bill wrote:
I was just wondering what everyone is reading these days.  I'm
currently working my way through Red Rabbit by Tom Clancy.  I had
decided to read the Iliad and the Odyssey, but I didn't get too
far before I realized that I will need to get the Cliff Notes to
go with that.  My little brain just doesn't function that well.
Luckily I will be heading for Savannah next month so I plan to
pick it up then.  I'm thinking of reading Contact by Carl Sagan
next.  I really enjoyed the movie, and I can't imagine anyone
having seen that movie without being convinced that there is life
out there beyond the confines of the earth.
So does anyone care to share what they are reading these days?
Or their thoughts on life in outer space?  I'm kind of angry at
myself.  Astute readers will notice that I have a new e-mail
address.  I also have a new computer.  I downloaded the SETI
program, but when I tried to add on to my previous SETI total
they asked for my password.  I have no idea, and since they only
send the password to the old address (which has since been
cancelled), I'm out of luck.  I had over 400 completed work
units, and had to start over.  I'm at about 90 now.  One good
thing, my new computer whips through those work units between two
and three times as fast as my old computer.
Anyway, I ask again, what are you guys reading?
I've been reading THE AMERICAN RELIGION by Harold Bloom and discussing it 
some online both here and on some of the other lists.  Recently I finished 
reading a western by Ralph Compton entitled THE VIRGINIA CITY TRAIL.  Also, 
I'm trying to finish up reading THE TEACHINGS OF GORDON B. HINCKLEY, but I 
have quite a way to go.  It is a pretty big book and not exactly fast reading.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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RE: [ZION] Wee Small Hours

2003-11-07 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
Oh, man, how can a nut make THAT mistake?  We was thinking, as Ron will 
easily recognize, of Walnut Hill, which is where, in Natick?

Till the embarrassed (t least it was a cocunut!)

At 05:48 AM 11/7/2003 -0500, Uncle Ron wrote:
youngest daughter attends school in Chestnut Hill, a section of Newton:

Ah, yes, nice school.  We (meaning Ithaca Ballet**) have one of our girls 
gong there this year, Dasha Kittridge, as a drama major.  A marvelously 
talented and beautiful young lady.


** (Schindlerian footnote) I decided the best way to repay all the kindness 
they did for my family was to serve on the board of directors AFTER my kids 
were out of there.  They've gone and made me president now, which means I 
get to control how long (or short) the meetings are.  So I still have a 
direct interest in the students there.

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery

I'm currently reading:

_The Moral Basis of a Free Society_, by H. Verlan Andersen.

"Lysistrata," by Aristophanes.

_The Hound of the Baskervilles_, by Arthur Conan Doyle.

The play by Aristophanes is book two of a "Great Books of the Western 
World" reading plan (See: ) 
that I have embarked upon. There are many such plans available. Many of the 
books (Or selections) I have already read so I might skip them and replace 
them with others. What books would you (Or should I) include in a ten-year 
reading list?

Steven Montgomery
Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter
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[ZION] Brief Bio

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
Here is my brief bio:

Steven Ray Montgomery
5055 Tomahawk
Enoch UT 84720
Fifty years old and happily married to the former Mary Jane Rising.
Mary hails from Grand Forks North Dakota and is a convert to the Church 
from Catholicism.
Mary brought with her two kids from a former marriage, Kristi--age 26, and 
Eric--age 18.
We have two kids of our own. Steven James--age 14, and Alex Jay--age 12.
All four of our kids have various and different disabilities. Kristi is 
mildly mentally retarded and has some physical and social disabilty. Eric 
has advanced kidney disease (Eric is a kidney transplant recipient) and 
severe mental retardation. Steven James (Probably the most normal) was born 
with Laryngeal Malatia and has some verbal disability. While our last one, 
has mild mental retardation and a very mild form of Cerebal Palsy and 
Epilepsy.  As you can see, my family keeps us very busy.

I was born and raised in Vernal Utah but now reside in a small town five 
miles north of Cedar City. We love the small town life.

From October 1973 to October 1975 I served a mission to New Zealand. The 
Auckland New Zealand Mission. I was the first one from my Dad's side of the 
family to serve a mission.

Contrary to what might be the impression, or the opinion of some on this 
list, my main "gospel hobby" is not politics--but that of studying the 
scriptures and words of the brethren. I love the scriptures and love 
studying the doctrine. I have been Gospel Doctrine teacher on (let's it four different occasions?). I've served in many positions from 
being in an Elder's Quorum Presidency, Young Men's President, etc. 
Currently I'm Ward Clerk of the Enoch 1st Ward.

I graduated from Southern Utah State College with a degree in Political 
Science/History and am a former school teacher. Taught U.S. History and 
American National Government at Mt. Vernon Academy in Murray Utah. However, 
I've never made much money in my life and finances always seem to be a 
problem . But somehow we seem to make it through.

I've been online since the early 90's and have been a member on ZION since 
I first discovered its existence sometime around about 1997. I have a love 
of learning and enjoy the discussions that we have on various subjects. 
Lately I haven't had much time to participate as much as I would like 

I give much credit to the Lord for the blessings that has come for our 
family. We wouldn't even be in a house of our own today were it not for his 
great mercy and loving kindness towards us.

Steven Montgomery
Senior Editor, The Constitutional Broadside Newsletter
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[ZION] Feng Shui

2003-11-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

What is feng shui?

How does it reconcile with living the gospel of Christ?

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Steven Montgomery wrote:
The play by Aristophanes is book two of a "Great Books of the Western 
World" reading plan (See: 
) that I have embarked upon. There are many such plans available. Many of 
the books (Or selections) I have already read so I might skip them and 
replace them with others. What books would you (Or should I) include in a 
ten-year reading list?
There have been 15 Presidents of the Church in this dispensation.  Have you 
read the standard compilation of the sermons of each?  If not, they should 
be on a ten year reading list.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Repentance from adultery

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
What a great response Gary.  I beleive you are right, although I think the
number will be very small, whatever that means, just because the
requirements are so high.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 9:39 AM
Subject: [ZION] Repentance from adultery

> The definition given of a Son of Perdition is a person who has received a
high level of understanding of the gospel, then not only fully denies it,
but seeks to commit evil. Cain is the perfect example. He held the
priesthood, spoke with God, then turned completely against God.
> It isn't a matter of someone refusing to repent of some sins. It is a
matter of becoming God's total enemy, which most people in the world will
never do. Even most murderers and adulterers keep some commandments and
believe in God. They don't totally reject the light and truth, since they
have not received a fulness of that light and truth, so they could never
become a son of perdition.
> I would venture that of the 11+ million members in the Church today, less
than 25,000 are spiritual and enlightened enough to ever risk being a son of
perdition.  And there are no non-members that could ever qualify.
> In fact, the only person we know of a surety is a son of perdition is
Cain. Even Judas Iscariot probably did not qualify, as he had not received
the Gift of the Holy Ghost and a true conversion.  There will be, as I
understand it, a major gathering of sons of perdition at the end of the
Millennium, as Satan gathers his people out from those with a full witness
of Christ.  But in all reality, most of those choosing to be sons of
perdition, chose to do so prior to this world.
> K'aya K'ama
> Gerald Smith
> Freedom Forever
> Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 17:42:24 -0600
> From: Stacy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [ZION] Repentance from adultery (was: RE: Is God's Love
>   Unconditional?)
> I don't believe the sons of perdition will be few in number.  I believe we
> have sufficient scriptures to prove otherwise, notwithstanding many will
> telestial.  The people that go telestial will still have to repent in
> for that to be done.  I've seen some people who would never accept Jesus
> under any circumstances.  These people wish to live in their sins.  Aren't
> I right in suggesting that anyone who wishes to live through eternity with
> their sins will go to perdition?
> Stacy.

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Re: [ZION] blood red moon

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
Well, Gary even if your interpretation is not true, the conclusions are.  We
need to stand in Holy Places.

Recently this was brought home to me more than for some time as I discussed
the 200 years of peace after the Saviour visited this land.  The idea was
that it was not a universal, hemispherical, condition, but was limited to a
relatively small group of people who had survived the visit.  They were
protected from the rest of the world while they had their Zion experience.
I suspect that this might be an example of how it will be in the stakes of
Zion in the last days.


- Original Message - 
From: "Gerald Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:15 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] blood red moon

> Well, one way to interpret D&C 87 as the slaves that rise up against
> their masters who are disciplined in war, to mean the fall of Socialism;
> with the remnant of the slaves rising up against the Gentile nations
> being the Muslim terrorism attacks. When that occurs, the D&C says there
> will begin to be many signs in the heavens and natural destructions.
> So, if that interpretation is correct, we may see some interesting times
> ahead. Oh, stand in holy places, eh?
> Gary Smith
> Heidi Page wrote:
> >
> > Hello all...
> >
> > I read a bit on this morning about the upcoming lunar eclipse
> > this weekend and how the moon is supposed to turn blood red.  To quote
> > the article:  "Saturday's lunar eclipse will be followed by the Leonid
> > meteor shower, a total solar eclipse over the southern hemisphere -- and
> > a chance for more auroras if the sun stays active. Another eruption
> > Tuesday on the sun ranked among the most intense solar events ever
> > recorded. But the explosion was aimed away from Earth, meaning it would
> > have little impact here. "
> >
> > What think ye?  Do you think this *means* anything?
> >
> > Just curious...
> > Heidi the fair
> Gerald (Gary) Smith
> geraldsmith@

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Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread George Cobabe
I have no problem with what you have said, I think that I can agree with it

As I said the question was quite different.


- Original Message - 
From: "Elmer L. Fairbank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

> At 08:20 AM 11/7/2003 -0700, St George wrote:
> >That's fine, Till.  However I do not think you know the question in mind.
> >
> >You see, I find Sec 132 more that supportative and I believe it to be
> >as well.  It is the scriptures, including 132, that I find supportive.
> With all due respect, my friend, I was referring specifically to the part
> where it says, with regards to those who have celestial marriage AND have
> been sealed by the holy spirit of promise, "then shall they be gods", as
> opposed to those who have not.  Of them. IIRC, it is said, "and that shall
> be the end of their glory" or some such.  Are we just talking past each
> other on semantics?  I take exaltation et al to mean the former of these
> two scenarios.  Elsewhere in the scriptures I recall reading that
> is defined as having one's progression ended.  Certainly, I would concede,
> that to be a servant in the house of the most high would be far better
> being a prince in a lesser kingdom, but still, it IS a cessation of
> progression.
> Till, who has said his piece

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[ZION] Bio in Brief

2003-11-07 Thread Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz
This would be my bio:

Sander J. "Sandy" Rabinowitz
PO Box 1195
Spring Hill, TN 37174-1195

* Age: 35
* Married (14 July 2001): 
  Melinda Samson, Nashville Tennessee Temple.
* Children: Andrea Ruth, 21 mos.
* Baptized: 23 January 1993, as a convert
  (Previously, no formal religious affiliation)
* Melinda converted (along with her family) from the
  Roman Catholic church, and served in the 
  Philippines Baguio City mission (1988-90).
* Education: University of Michigan, B.S. '90, Computer and
  Information Systems; Nashville School of Law, first year,
  towards working towards J.D. degree in 2007
* Occupation: Audiovisual producer and graphic artist by day, 
  and Law Student by night.  Was: Computer Programmer/Analyst.
* Hobbies (as time permits): Internet web development,
  Photography, Satellite television (dream is to have
  a 10-12 ft. dish in the backyard someday and be able to
  pick up raw feeds), reading.
* Present calling: Ward membership clerk.
* Prior callings: Stake computer specialist, stake missionary,
  deacon's quorum instructor, ward singles rep.

For more information, photos of Andrea, and a rather lengthy conversion 
story, see .

All the best,

The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spring Hill, Tennessee

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2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith

Ron Scott wrote:
> Somehow I misplaced the address for the website, where I can read posts 
> on
> line.  Would you please forward the address to me when you get a moment.
> Ron Scott

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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RE: [ZION] Official Doctrine #2

2003-11-07 Thread Gerald Smith
Seems to me that a few years ago this list had a single sister on it who 
said she preferred being single in the Celestial Kingdom, and just being 
a ministering angel in God's presence. That being the case, there may be 
more to this than we think...

Sandy and Melinda Rabinowitz wrote:
> George Cobabe wrote:
> > 
> > There are those on this list that in the past have argued that Eternal
> > Marriage is NOT essential for exaltation.  Exaltation is living in the
> > presence of God the Father and receiving His blessings.  Yet it is 
> > suggested
> > that to live in the Celestial Kingdom it is not necessary to have an 
> > Eternal
> > Marriage.
> Still, it's possible to be in the Celestial Kingdom and NOT be exalted.  
> I think that's where the misunderstanding among members comes in.  D&C 
> 131 indicates that temple marriage is needed for the *highest degree* of 
> the Celestial Kingdom.  On the basis of that scripture, it does appear 
> that a single person might be able to enter at the lowest degree.
> But the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom represent a type of 
> eternal damnation.  Yes, persons designated for that place can be in the 
> presence of both the Father and the Son, but exaltation goes beyond 
> being in their presence, and means becoming as God in all things, up to 
> and including godhood.  If you can receive a degree of Celestial Glory, 
> yet be unable to attain the status of godhood (being designated, for 
> instance, as a ministering angel), then by definition, one's progression 
> stops and damnation occurs.  
> Still, in practical terms, I don't know how likely it would be for a 
> single person to reach the lower degrees of the Celestial Kingdom.  For 
> if someone desires to enter into the covenant, makes the needed 
> sacrifices, yet cannot locate a suitable companion, teachings indicate 
> that provision will be made later in the post-mortal existance.  At the 
> other extreme, someone who goes out of their way to avoid temple 
> marriage could be judged as being rebellious or disobedient...perhaps 
> the judgment might even be in the direction of the Terrestrial Kingdom?  
> In the middle, I suppose, are those individuals who seek to be obedient 
> in the Gospel in most things, yet don't care one way or the other about 
> temple marriage.  Then they die without being sealed to a companion, 
> realizing too late that they should have given the matter greater 
> attention.  They might have been exalted, but for their diligence in 
> seeking an eternal companion.  I suspect it would be these individuals 
> who would become the ministering angels in the lower Celestial rhelms.  
> (But would there be that many?)  Even so, all this would be my personal 
> speculation.
> All the best,
> /Sandy/
> --
> The Rabinowitz Family, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Spring Hill, Tennessee

Gerald (Gary) Smith

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[ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
There is a worldwide BYU Alumni satellite broadcast tonight, but I don't 
know the time.  Is anyone here planning to attend?  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 01:11 PM 11/7/2003, you wrote:
Steven Montgomery wrote:
The play by Aristophanes is book two of a "Great Books of the Western 
World" reading plan (See: 
) that I have embarked upon. There are many such plans available. Many of 
the books (Or selections) I have already read so I might skip them and 
replace them with others. What books would you (Or should I) include in a 
ten-year reading list?
There have been 15 Presidents of the Church in this dispensation.  Have 
you read the standard compilation of the sermons of each?  If not, they 
should be on a ten year reading list.  --JWR
Let's see, if I recall correctly, I've read the Teachings of President 
Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Howard W. Hunter and Gordon B. 
Hinckley. I've also read the Journal of Discourses. I have also read the 
complete (to my knowledge, at least) published works of, Spencer W. 
Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,  Bruce R. McConkie, and Gordon B. Hinckley. In 
addition I've read much of the writings of every other Prophet of this 
dispensation. As well as many other books, biographies and histories.

Steven Montgomery
The overall performance of the college graduates in the Convention of 1787 
speaks forcefully for the proposition that Latin, rhetoric, philosophy, and 
mathematics can be a healthy fare for political heroes.Clinton Rossiter

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Steven Montgomery wrote:
Let's see, if I recall correctly, I've read the Teachings of President 
Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Howard W. Hunter and Gordon B. 
Hinckley. I've also read the Journal of Discourses. I have also read the 
complete (to my knowledge, at least) published works of, Spencer W. 
Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,  Bruce R. McConkie, and Gordon B. Hinckley. In 
addition I've read much of the writings of every other Prophet of this 
dispensation. As well as many other books, biographies and histories.
Next time you are by my place drop in.  I will give you a chocolate covered 
attaboy.  --JWR

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Re: [ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast

2003-11-07 Thread Lew Thomas
At 03:43 PM 11/7/2003, you wrote:

There is a worldwide BYU Alumni satellite broadcast tonight, but I don't 
know the time.  Is anyone here planning to attend?  --JWR
Here is a copy of the email I got about it.

Dear Wasatch Front BYU Alumni:

You are invited to the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City on
FRIDAY, NOV. 7, FROM 7 TO 8 P.M. to hear President Gordon B. Hinckley
and new BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson speak at a Worldwide Alumni 
Because we do not have email addresses for all our BYU alumni and friends, 
help us get the word out by inviting your BYU friends to this event.

This event will bring together the entire BYU alumni family at the same 
time as
chapters throughout the world meet locally to hear the broadcast. The evening
will also include musical selections from the popular BYU Men's Chorus.

Admission to the Tabernacle is free, but tickets are required and may be 
obtained at, toll-free at 1-866-537-8457, or at door four of the
Conference Center.

Please note that the Alumni Gathering will not be broadcast live over
the BYU-Television or BYU-Radio satellite networks.
We look forward to joining with you on Nov. 7.


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[ZION] Sons of Perdition, Not a Few

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
"Evidently many among us have made a dreadful mistake, but not 
unpardonable, in thinking that the sons of perdition will be very few. We 
have heard it said at times that they will be so few that they probably 
could be "counted on the fingers of one hand." Where this thought 
originated we may not know. From the reading of the scriptures it appears 
that there will be a large number; far too many even if there were but one, 
for their punishment is most severe without any question." (Joseph Fielding 
Smith, Answers to Gospel Questions, Vol.1, p.78)

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Re: [ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Lew Thomas wrote:

You are invited to the Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City on
FRIDAY, NOV. 7, FROM 7 TO 8 P.M. to hear President Gordon B. Hinckley
and new BYU President Cecil O. Samuelson speak at a Worldwide Alumni 
Because we do not have email addresses for all our BYU alumni and friends, 
help us get the word out by inviting your BYU friends to this event.
Thanks Lew.  This is exactly the information that I needed. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas VALLETTA
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FAIR Apologetics <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2003 13:43:51 -0900
There is a worldwide BYU Alumni satellite broadcast tonight, but I don't 
know the time.  Is anyone here planning to attend?  --JWR
It is at 7PM Ut. time.  Look for me and I'll wave!!!

Send a QuickGreet with MSN Messenger

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[ZION] Sons of Perdition

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
In an effort to document Ron Scott's assertion that there will be very few 
Sons of Perdition, a number so small they can be counted on the fingers of 
one hand, I have been studying a few dozen of the references out of the 
many hundreds available on my CD-ROM, and I have learned a few things.

1) It is folk doctrine, and it is false that there will be only a few Sons 
of Perdition.  In one place Joseph Fielding Smith denounces the "fingers of 
one hand" language.  In another he says there were be "many" Sons of 
Perdition, but quickly adds that even one would be too many given the 
severity of the punishment.

2) A person cannot ignorantly become a Son of Perdition.  He must 
"willingly" rebel against Heaven, just as Lucifer did.

3) He must commit the "unpardonable sin" which is the sin against the Holy 
Ghost.  That is, he must first have the "testimony of Jesus" and then fight 
against the Savior.

4) Joseph Smith once said that he must first have "the heavens open unto 
him," which seems to be the source of confusion.  Judging from other 
passages, having the "heavens open" is just an euphemism for having a 
testimony born of the Holy Ghost, not some spectacular vision such as Moses 
had in the PofGP or Nephi had in the BoM.

5) Apparently it is possible to have the "perfect knowledge" required by 
receiving a witness of the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, so far it seems pretty vague just how much knowledge a person has 
to have in order to qualify as a Son of Perdition, but I'm going to play it 
safe and not rebel against God.  Studying it, I get the distinct impression 
that one does not have to 1) have ones Calling and Election made sure, or 
2) receive the Second Comforter, or 3) receive the vision given to Nephi 
and Moses.  A person can qualify by merely having the testimony of the Holy 
Ghost that Jesus is the Christ and then turn altogether away from that 
testimony and knowingly fight against him.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"While we cannot agree with others on certain matters, we
must never be disagreeable. We must be friendly,
soft-spoken, neighborly, and understanding." (President
Gordon B. Hinckley, October 2003)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR 

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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:

When my 5th son was an undergraduate here, he used to complain all the 
time about some of his left-wing, commie professors, with their 
touchy-feely pseudo-intellectual clap-trap.  It was a treat to listen 
to him.  But then he calls his mother a socialist, too.
Grampa Bill comments:
   It has been written that if a boy does not grow up to be a better 
man than his father, then they are both failures. Can we parphrase that 
to say that if a boy doesn't grow up to be further to the right than his 
father (or mother) then they are both failures?
Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread John W. Redelfs
Grampa Bill in Savannah wrote:
It has been written that if a boy does not grow up to be a better man than 
his father, then they are both failures. Can we parphrase that to say that 
if a boy doesn't grow up to be further to the right than his father (or 
mother) then they are both failures?
Sounds like the gospel to me.   --JWR

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
John W. Redelfs wrote:

There have been 15 Presidents of the Church in this dispensation.  
Have you read the standard compilation of the sermons of each?  If 
not, they should be on a ten year reading list.  --JWR 

Grampa Bill comments:
   Sounds to me like a shameless plug for .

Love y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah
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Re: [ZION] BYU Alumnus Broadcast

2003-11-07 Thread Ronn! Blankenship
At 01:43 PM 11/7/03 -0900, John W. Redelfs wrote:
There is a worldwide BYU Alumni satellite broadcast tonight, but I don't 
know the time.  Is anyone here planning to attend?  --JWR

I didn't know that the Shuttle was even flying again, much less taking 
passengers, so I doubt if I'll be going to the satellite for the broadcast.

-- Ronn!  :)

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Re: [ZION] A reading list

2003-11-07 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 04:00 PM 11/7/2003, you wrote:
Steven Montgomery wrote:
Let's see, if I recall correctly, I've read the Teachings of President 
Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, Howard W. Hunter and Gordon B. 
Hinckley. I've also read the Journal of Discourses. I have also read the 
complete (to my knowledge, at least) published works of, Spencer W. 
Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson,  Bruce R. McConkie, and Gordon B. Hinckley. In 
addition I've read much of the writings of every other Prophet of this 
dispensation. As well as many other books, biographies and histories.
Next time you are by my place drop in.  I will give you a chocolate 
covered attaboy.  --JWR
If I ever make it up to Ketchikan I will do just that .

Steven Montgomery
Do I err, then, in believing that the universe is built upon symbols, to 
the end that it may bear record of its all-wise Architect and Builder? God 
teaches with symbols; it is his favorite method of teaching. The Savior 
often used them. (Orson F. Whitney, Improvement Era, August 1927)

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Re: [ZION] Getting Married Older [was Official Doctrine #2]

2003-11-07 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams
I know not all are that way, but around here there are no LDS widowers,
and online resources are all that are available.  Of those, the majority
don't want a widow.  I realize that is not accurate for all men, but it
seems to be the general feeling online.  
Now, if I could find someone like Pres. Hunter. . .how cool would that
be.  He is right up there with Prophet/Presidents I really love and
respect.  His life-long trials, and the way he rose above them, still
shine as an example for me to follow.  I think he is incredible.


On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 08:59:46 -0900 "John W. Redelfs"
> President Hunter married his second wife for time only because she 
> was 
> already sealed to another.  So did the father of the man who 
> ordained me a 
> high priest.  In fact, he married a second wife for time only, and 
> when she 
> died he married a third wife for time only.  Not all of the men in 
> the 
> Church are into plural marriage beyond the grave, at least not so 
> you would 
> notice in their behavior as widowers.  --JWR
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Re: [ZION] Getting Married Older [was Official Doctrine #2]

2003-11-07 Thread Valerie Nielsen Williams
Aw, Gary, you're sweet.
Age has never been relevant for me.  In the big scheme of things, we're
all ageless.
Tom died at age 69 (he'd be 71 now), I am now 45.  I wouldn't want anyone
young enough to be my son, however.  
Also, someone who doesn't mind the extremes in temperature and weather
that Indiana has to offer.
Is this too picky?


On Fri,  7 Nov 2003 18:52:07 + Gerald Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Val,
> What age range are you looking for in a guy? Maybe a few of us could 
> look for potential candidates in our areas for you.
> Gary
> Valerie Nielsen Williams wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri,  7 Nov 2003 02:36:29 + Jim Cobabe 
> > writes:
> > > 
> > > John W. Redelfs wrote:
> > > ---
> > > Would that all the single men in the Church were as devoted to 
> > > keeping  the commandment to marry as seriously as you did and 
> do.
> > > ---
> > > 
> > > Many of us take it seriously too.  As a single man I am working 
> on 
> > > addressing this concern as quickly as sanity and comfort can 
> afford. 
> > >  I  have discovered that it is not an easy thing for an older 
> man.
> > 
> > It's even harder for an older (middle-aged) widow.  I wouldn't 
> mind
> > finding a time-only companion.  But it seems that the widowers in 
> the
> > church want to be sealed to another woman, instead of finding one 
> who is
> > already sealed.  At my bishop's behest I tried LDSPlanet for a 
> couple of
> > months.  Profiles of widowers, majority, want to be sealed again 
> to wife
> > #2.  I can't compete with that, so I don't even try.  At this 
> point, I'm
> > content to live alone.
> > 
> > val
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > /
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> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
> > «¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤
> > 
> > 
> > The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
> > Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
> > Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
> Gerald (Gary) Smith
> aldsmith@
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Re: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

2003-11-07 Thread Jon Spencer
You left out Chapel Hill, HC.


- Original Message - 
From: "John W. Redelfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 7:32 PM
Subject: [ZION] Commies and Pinkos

> Ron Scott wrote:
> >That's fine. The politics can come later--as you gain more light and
> >knowledge . Which reminds me of a joke. Something about newborn
> >being good communists. When the commissar come back a few weeks later he
> >discovers they are not communists anymore--their eyes had opened. Or
> >something to that effect.
> >---
> >
> >Say, who are you and your pals chasing now that there aren't commies and
> >pinkos in every commode and closet?
> Personally, I've moved away from politics and further into the gospel.  I
> know that the commies and pinkos are still there, I just don't care as
> what they are doing.  Maybe you could fill me in, do you think?  Not that
> you were ever a commie or a pinko.
> And if you go looking for commies and pinkos you still might be able to
> find some of them if you look in the right places:
> China
> North Korea
> Cuba
> Vietnam
> Harvard
> Yale
> ???
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> "The study of the doctrines of the Gospel will improve
> behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve
> behavior."  --Boyd K. Packer
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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