RE: [ZION] Trial by Media

2004-03-07 Thread RB Scott

>-Original Message-
>From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [ZION] Trial by Media
>RB Scott wrote:
>>You mean, sort of like the OJ trial?
>Which trial?

The criminal trial

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2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe
SUNDAY March 07, 2004

Gay marriage threatens the fundamental unit of society -- the family

By Paul T. Mero

Utah should support a federal constitutional amendment to recognize 
legal marriage as only between a man and a woman. But it should do so 
for the right reasons, understanding why it is needed, what it really 
means for the long term and just who will benefit.
This is a very curious debate. Homosexual marriage is often 
portrayed as an assault against the family or as a struggle for human 
rights. In reality, it is more a testimony against failing families and 
broken homes.
Clearly, a federal marriage amendment would prevent states from 
recognizing homosexual marriages. But it would not save our broken 
homes. Surely it would serve to remind us that a real mom and dad, 
together, still produce the best future for their children and our 
nation. But it would not do one thing to make a family better, let alone 
This point seems to be lost on many "pro-family" advocates. A 
federal marriage amendment is no panacea. Troubled families still would 
produce a truckload of personal and social dysfunction for their 
children, including oftentimes the same homosexuality that comes back to 
haunt so many of these parents. Laws do not make people good; they will 
not make promiscuous homosexuals more faithful, and they will not make 
bad parents into good ones.
It helps to understand that, in legal terms, the family is prior to 
the state. The family created the state, not vice-versa. This is the 
perverse irony of the gay argument favoring marriage it requires the 
state to create it, unlike the natural family.
We ask the state to sanction certain forms of marriage, not because 
the creation of the natural family depends on it, but because, as a 
matter of public policy, society seeks to maximize its futurity. 
State-sanctioned marriage is really, and only, about two things -- 
child-bearing and child-rearing -- two things, by the way, homosexuals 
do not do very well.
All of this goes a long way to inform us about what adversarial 
forces really threaten the family. The family is the seed-bed of 
civilization. Discourage or destroy its natural functions and our future 
is in jeopardy. Take away its procreative powers, take away its 
nurturing elements, take away its autonomous functions, take away its 
pluralistic representation, and we will have threatened the family.
The real threat of homosexual marriage is that it is the antithesis 
of authentic family. It pretends to give life and cannot. It pretends to 
nurture and does not. It pretends to seek autonomy but is ever 
dependent. It pretends to pluralism but only finds diversity.
In other words, it pretends to civilization. It only plays house, 
and only then as the state allows it to. This is its threat; it does not 
form naturally. It is dependent upon the state for its organization. And 
that is the antithesis of freedom.
A federal marriage amendment says nothing about homosexual 
relationships. They will continue unabated and as usual. A federal 
marriage amendment is primarily an expression in favor of enduring 
freedom. It is further recognition, and now it seems a necessary 
reminder, that the family is the fundamental unit of society. This is 
the real value of a federal marriage amendment.
Serious pro-family advocates would do well to heed this lesson. 
Fighting to protect the family is more than a religious exercise, though 
it is that. We fight for the family because pluralistic, autonomous 
families create freedom. The family is the only natural institution that 
can honestly come by the title "enemy of tyranny."
   Paul T. Mero is president of the Sutherland Institute, a Utah-based 
conservative think tank.

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RE: [ZION] Trial by Media

2004-03-07 Thread Tom Matkin

-Original Message-
From: RB Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 4:46 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Trial by Media

>-Original Message-
>From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [ZION] Trial by Media
>RB Scott wrote:
>>You mean, sort of like the OJ trial?
>Which trial?

The criminal trial

Can't compare that with Martha's trial.  Most of us saw almost every
minute of it, sometimes several times. True we had endless "spin"
commentaries trying to sort it out for us, but we saw the evidence.  I
also believe that the jury practiced "jury nullification". In effect,
they knew full well that OJ was guilty, but they chose to nullify the
prosecution for other reasons. Either they accepted the "race card" as a
trump to the actual evidence, or they nullified because they believed
the LAPD was unworthy of the conviction. Probably a combination of those
two reasons. How do you compare the OJ trial with Martha's trial?  It
seems to me that Martha had no defense and therefore put up no defense.
She relied on her reputation and a parade of celebrity supporters
sitting behind her in the courtroom to influence the jury.  The jury
didn't buy it.  It is also my understanding that had she admitted doing
what she obviously did - dumping shares on an inside tip - she could
have taken the high road by admitting her hasty ill advised action and
been fined and gone on with her life.  Instead she falsified her
records, lied to the investigators, and asked others to lie for her, the
latter being the most despicable of things. Of course, I have to state
my prejudice here.  I feel like her whole "branding" thing is big lie.
She comes off as this great expert that knows everything and about
everything and that can manipulate anything into anything.  She came to
believe her own fabrication and it rose up and bit her - in the end - so
to speak.


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RE: [ZION] Trial by Media

2004-03-07 Thread RB Scott

I think you may have misunderstood.  John suggests that people
from afar feel sorry for Martha because they are being led by the
media. I asked if it was similar to the way the "media" led folks
in the OJ trial.  I'm not quarreling with the verdict -- Martha
lied under oath. Like you, I believe she should have fessed-up
early to the insider trading thing -- neither a particularly huge
thing when compared to the "cover-up" charges.

That said, she's hardly a big fish.  She's a celebrity fish,
something the prosectors can hang their hats on.  The big fish
still are free.

I do not judge her professional success as harshly as you.  I
think it's amusing that a poor girl from Joisy could shape
herself into a Super WASP. Sort of a latter-day Eliza Doolittle
without her Henry Higgins. It's a wonderful poke in the ribs.


>-Original Message-
>From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 10:36 AM
>Subject: RE: [ZION] Trial by Media
>-Original Message-
>From: RB Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 4:46 AM
>Subject: RE: [ZION] Trial by Media
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Tom Matkin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:42 PM
>>Subject: Re: [ZION] Trial by Media
>>RB Scott wrote:
>>>You mean, sort of like the OJ trial?
>>Which trial?
>The criminal trial
>Can't compare that with Martha's trial.  Most of us saw
>almost every
>minute of it, sometimes several times. True we had
>endless "spin"
>commentaries trying to sort it out for us, but we saw
>the evidence.  I
>also believe that the jury practiced "jury
>nullification". In effect,
>they knew full well that OJ was guilty, but they chose
>to nullify the
>prosecution for other reasons. Either they accepted the
>"race card" as a
>trump to the actual evidence, or they nullified because
>they believed
>the LAPD was unworthy of the conviction. Probably a
>combination of those
>two reasons. How do you compare the OJ trial with
>Martha's trial?  It
>seems to me that Martha had no defense and therefore
>put up no defense.
>She relied on her reputation and a parade of celebrity
>sitting behind her in the courtroom to influence the
>jury.  The jury
>didn't buy it.  It is also my understanding that had
>she admitted doing
>what she obviously did - dumping shares on an inside
>tip - she could
>have taken the high road by admitting her hasty ill
>advised action and
>been fined and gone on with her life.  Instead she falsified her
>records, lied to the investigators, and asked others to
>lie for her, the
>latter being the most despicable of things. Of course,
>I have to state
>my prejudice here.  I feel like her whole "branding"
>thing is big lie.
>She comes off as this great expert that knows
>everything and about
>everything and that can manipulate anything into
>anything.  She came to
>believe her own fabrication and it rose up and bit her
>- in the end - so
>to speak.
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[ZION] Am I wasting my time?

2004-03-07 Thread Jonathan Scott
	I've noticed that you all don't seem too interested in the 
things that I'm writing.  Could you please tell me why that is?  Is 
it that you disagree?  Is it that you don't care?  Is it that you're 
too busy to read my posts?
	I'm putting a lot of time into this, and I really could use 
the help (feedback).

P.S. the answer to the riddle was "nothing."
Jonathan Scott
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RE: [ZION] An Answer to the World - Chapter 3

2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe


I'm not sure I follow your first attempt at deconstruction.

I am interested in the linkage you're making between the war and the 
"counterculture".  Although there seem to be some significant 
connections, I'm pretty certain that the slide toward this studied 
irresponsibility popularized as "freedom" started prior to the Vietnam 

I suppose there have always been people like this.  In the decade 
following WWII, I think they were called "beatniks".  These folks had a 
hold on San Francisco long before Vietnam started.

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RE: [ZION] An Answer to the World - Chapter 3

2004-03-07 Thread Jonathan Scott

I'm not sure I follow your first attempt at deconstruction.

I am interested in the linkage you're making between the war and the
"counterculture".  Although there seem to be some significant
connections, I'm pretty certain that the slide toward this studied
irresponsibility popularized as "freedom" started prior to the Vietnam
I suppose there have always been people like this.  In the decade
following WWII, I think they were called "beatniks".  These folks had a
hold on San Francisco long before Vietnam started.
	I was just thinking that it didn't really get a good strong 
hold though until Vietnam...basically the kids were faced with the 
choice to "serve and die" or "revolt and live."  And forced with a 
choice like that a lot of kids, very understandably, chose to revolt. 
It was the only way to keep your integrity and your life intact.
Jonathan Scott

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RE: [ZION] Am I wasting my time?

2004-03-07 Thread Jim Cobabe

Jonathan, I have not seen your comments about feminism yet.  I suggest 
that this is something you might like to examine.

I did not see mention of divorce as a social issue at all.  In my 
thinking this is one of the primary indicators of the attack on 
families.  Before 1960, divorce was uncommon.  Today it affects nearly 
everyone, to our detriment.  Did the hippie counterculture create this 
problem?  I think not.

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Re: [ZION] Am I wasting my time?

2004-03-07 Thread Grampa Bill in Savannah
Jonathan Scott wrote:

I've noticed that you all don't seem too interested in the things 
that I'm writing.  Could you please tell me why that is?  Is it that 
you disagree?  Is it that you don't care?  Is it that you're too busy 
to read my posts?
I'm putting a lot of time into this, and I really could use the 
help (feedback).

P.S. the answer to the riddle was "nothing."
Grampa Bill comments:
   As to the riddle I had no idea therefore had no answer, therefore 
had no reply. As to your other postings, I suspect most are tired after 
the recent battles which ended in an old hand unsubbing, Even those who 
weren't actively engaged are just plain tired. If you notice, total 
posts are down to about ten percent of what they were a week ago. Give 
us some time. It'll perk up.

Love Y'all,
Grampa Bill in Savannah
There are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who don't.

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[ZION] An Answer to the World - Chapter 5 (Feminism)

2004-03-07 Thread Jonathan Scott
Feedback Please
- - - - - - - - - -
5.  Feminism, Women in the Workplace, and the Poverty It Created

	"A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a 
job after." - Gloria Steinheim
	The Princeton Language Institute. 21st Century Dictionary of 
Quotations. New York, Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1993

Married Women Entering the Workplace Reduced the "Spending Power" of 
All Salaries

Men that Worked 39,496,563  40,174,705  77,714,187
Women that Worked   12,654,256  15,559,454  66,341,379
Number of Workers   52,150,819  55,734,159  144,055,566
Total Population130,962,661 149,895,183 291,500,000
# people per income 2.512.692.02
Avg. Salary $1,299  $2,992  $34,280
"Spending Power"
Adjusted for 1940   - - -   $2,791  $42,595
"Spending Power"
Adjusted for 1950   $1,392  - - -   $45,650
"Spending Power"
Adjusted for 2003   $1,045  $2,246  - - -
	If there were the same ratio of workers to non-workers in the 
US today as there was back in 1950, the "spending power" of the 
average annual salary in the US would increase by over $10,000 a year.

	Due to the change in ratio of workers to non-workers in the 
US since 1950, the average value of salaries has decreased 

Married Women Entering the Workplace Widened the Disparity in Salaries

	"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." - Proverb

	Women in 1960 made roughly 59% of what men made.  Today they 
make roughly 79%.  This sounds better but still bad.  But, only when 
one does not realize that all women work today...even the married 

Family  Single Parent
Father = 100% salarySingle Father = 100% salary
Mother = No salary
Disparity = 0%

Family  Single Parent
Man = 100% salary   Single Mother = 59% salary
Woman = No salary
Disparity = 41%

Family  Single Parent
Father = 100% salarySingle Father = 100% salary
Mother = 79% salary
Disparity = 44%

Family  Single Parent
Man = 100% salary   Single Mother = 79% salary
Woman = 79% salary
Disparity = 56%

	It was once bad for women to make only 59% of what men make. 
It is even worse now when single mothers make only 41% of the average 
two income household.  Putting this in terms of dollars (Assuming a 
$20,000 salary for the men in each instance).

Income Type 19602003

Family Income   $20,000 (100%)  $35,800 (100%)
Single Father   $20,000 (100%)  $20,000 (56%)
Single Mother   $11,800 (59%)   $15,800 (44%)
The Princeton Language Institute. 21st Century Dictionary of 
Quotations. New York, Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1993
Jonathan Scott
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RE: [ZION] Am I wasting my time?

2004-03-07 Thread Jonathan Scott
Jonathan, I have not seen your comments about feminism yet.  I suggest
that this is something you might like to examine.
I did not see mention of divorce as a social issue at all.  In my
thinking this is one of the primary indicators of the attack on
families.  Before 1960, divorce was uncommon.  Today it affects nearly
everyone, to our detriment.  Did the hippie counterculture create this
problem?  I think not. - Jim Cocabe
	I'm getting to it.  I've actually never written about it 
before, so it'll take me some time.  It will be in the paper though.
	The argument will focus on the "If it feels good, do it" 
slogan of the time period.
	Basically, with the increased influence of Nihilism, people 
automatically began thinking more about themselves and focusing less 
on responsibilities.  Higher focus on sex...and less focus on taking 
care of the consequences of it.  Increased divorce just seems kind of 
unavoidable in that kind of atmosphere.
	I'm thinking I'll be quoting some of the song "It's Too Late" 
by Carole King.  I'm a big fan of hers, but the song seems to just 
kind of show how effortless people give up sometimes.  I'll probably 
contrast it with a song from Oleta Adams, "Easier to Say Goodbye" 
from her album "Evolution."


It's Too Late
Carole King
Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time
There's something wrong here
There can be no denying
One of us is changing
Or maybe we've just stopped trying
And it's too late baby
Now it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide
And I just can't fake it
Wo no no no...
It used to be so easy living here with you
You were light and breezy
And I knew just what to do
Now you look so unhappy
And I feel like a fool
And it's too late baby
Now it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide
And I just can't fake it
Wo no no no...
There'll be good times again for me and you
But we just can't stay together
Don't you feel it too
Still I'm glad for what we had
And how I once loved you
And it's too late baby
But it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide
And I just can't fake it
Wo no no no no no...
It's too late, baby, it's too late
Now darling, it's too late

Oleta Adams - Easier to say goodbye

We need a love revival,
somewhere for us to begin
to take apart the wounded hearts
and love them back together again.
Solemn promises are
too quickly spoken.
That tie that binds the hearts
is easily broken.
It hurts to leave and
yet it hurts to live a lie.
It's easier to say goodbye.
The family chain has oddly
gained a missing link
Cheating pairs don't seem to care
what the children think
They pledge fidelity
but they're too weak to try
It's easier to say goodbye
I just want to make it better
it's easier to say goodbye.
I just want to mend a heart,
it's easier to say goodbye.
Men and women lack
the courage of commitment.
All their energies
and passions are misspent.
Will we ever understand
the reason why
it's easier to say goodbye.
I just want to make it better
(I wanna try to make it better,
gotta try to stay together,
we've gotta find the reasons why)
it's easier to say goodbye.
We need a love revival,
somewhere for us to begin
to take apart the wounded hearts
and love them back together again.
I just want to make it better
(I wanna try to make it better,
gotta try to stay together,
we've gotta find the reasons why)
it's easier to say goodbye.
Jonathan Scott
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[ZION] LA Times has banned the use of the term "Pro-Life" in its paper

2004-03-07 Thread Jonathan Scott
Jonathan Scott
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[ZION] Stewart is guilty

2004-03-07 Thread mormonyoyoman
While in St Louis, then in Joplin, Missouri this weekend, that's all we saw
in the headlines:


I told Cherie it was a shame, because I always liked him ever since seeing
*It's a Wonderful Life*

"If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong."  --Gus
Segar via Popeye

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