Re: [ZION] Vote Now!

2004-03-22 Thread Harold Stuart
the gospel will be condemned to the spirit prison until we can figure 
out the mess that will be caused.  We as members of God's church must 
oppose such efforts.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Musical Instruments Survey

2004-03-19 Thread Harold Stuart
I'm an organist and pianist.

Harold Stuart

On Mar 19, 2004, at 1:36 PM, John W. Redelfs wrote:

How many of you play a musical instrument?  How well do you play?  I'm  
curious about the musical makeup of the Zion list.

John W. Redelfs sings well, plays the piano fairly, and the violin  


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RE: [ZION] Gay Marriage Quicksand

2004-03-10 Thread Harold Stuart
John wrote:

You can all move to Alaska.  We already have such an amendment in our 
Constitution.  --JWR

Harold replies:

Or, you can move to California.  We have such an amendment too. :)

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Re: [ZION] Federal Marriage Amendment

2004-03-04 Thread Harold Stuart
On Mar 4, 2004, at 4:11 PM, Jonathan Scott wrote:

Neither this Constitution or the constitution of any State,
Translation:  Sorry, activist judges, you have to follow these rules.

nor state or federal law,
Translation:  Sorry, Congress and state legislatures, you can't change 
this either.

shall be construed
Translation:  You can't read this to promote your society destroying 

to require that marital status
Translation:  Marriage says what this amendment says it does.  No less, 
no more.

or the legal incidents thereof
Translation:  Marriage is special.  Hands off.

be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.
Anything other than marriage between man and wife is not marriage.  
Polygamy, polyandry, homosexual relationships, etc., are not 
marriage.  Unless people are married, they can't get the benefits of 

Sorry, but can someone tell me what this part means?
Jonathan Scott
Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Is God's Love Unconditional?

2003-11-04 Thread Harold Stuart
On Nov 4, 2003, at 7:47 PM, George Cobabe wrote:

Ron, You may be right.  As a matter of fact I agree with you.

However, Elder Nelson does not.  He says that God's love is 
conditional upon
I think this is a difficult point.

Certain aspects of God's love are without question unconditional.  For 
example, everyone is resurrected, no matter how badly they flunk the 
test of mortality.  It's also interesting that even those in the 
Telestial Kingdom receive some degree of glory.

On the other hand, it is possible to get the Lord very angry with you.  
Martin Harris comes to mind, for example.  He failed to keep his 
covenants, and it was a long time before the Lord forgave him.  Martin 
lost many of the blessings he otherwise would have had had he properly 
maintained the 118 pages, but his repentance was sincere.  He was then 
permitted to hear the voice of God and see an angel.

It's also true that there is a limited number of times one can repent 
of adultery.  Clearly the atonement is not a blank check to commit sin.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Catholics Mormons unite

2003-11-01 Thread Harold Stuart
On Nov 1, 2003, at 8:08 AM, Paul Osborne wrote:

What is going on here? What about the two churches spoken of in the 
of Mormon, i.e. the Church of the Lamb and the Church of the Devil? I
guess no one believes it anymore. The Church sure has changed.
Paul, I'm not convinced that much has changed.  Let's take a look at 
some examples:

1:  The land on which the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake stands 
was donated by the Church.  The same goes for a Jewish synagogue.

2:  The LDS Christmas Carol Far, Far Away On Judea's Plains was 
written for a Catholic mass held in the Saint George Tabernacle.  The 
choir was LDS, and their director trained them to sing the Latin mass 
and composed the carol for the occasion.

3:  Before the advent of LDS Humanitarian Services, the Church worked 
with Catholic Charities to help alleviate famine in Africa.

There are many more examples, as well.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Roll Call

2003-10-30 Thread Harold Stuart
I'm still here as well.  I mostly lurk nowadays, but I'll pop up  
occasionally, especially if a Signaturus shows up...


On Oct 30, 2003, at 5:27 PM, Paul Osborne wrote:

Of course I'm here, John. I've been really busy working on my Book of
Abraham apologetics.
Also, mankind (starting with Adam) has only been on the earth for 6,000
years and I beat Gary Smith really good in that last debate. When it
comes to the teachings of the prophets it just goes to show that all of
us are willing to take what we want and ignore what we don't want.

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] wacky viruses

2003-08-21 Thread Harold Stuart
On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 03:06 PM, Jon Spencer wrote:

Email is being sent out using my email name, but I did not send it, 
nor did
it originate from my machine.  The headers prove it.
Someone on a different machine has your email address stored in their 
address book.  The virus is using that entry to forge your email 

The real problem is that internet protocols originated in the days when 
you could trust other programmers.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Temple Defilement

2003-08-19 Thread Harold Stuart
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, at 08:38 PM, George Cobabe wrote:

No!  There is not one of us truly worthy to be in the temple, as in 
the presence of God.  The atonement makes up for our individual 
problems and I am sure would keep the Temple pure for those who do 
their best to attend in faith.

Well said, George.

Look, folks, the Lord is our judge, and he is never as judgmental as we 
mere mortals.  We are quick to judge, slow to forgive, stubborn, and 
rebellious.  We also get angry too fast.  We had better repent, and 

I work in the Oakland Temple.  I've worked there almost 13 years.  I've 
easily entered that sacred edifice over 500 times.  Every time when I 
reach for my wallet to get my recommend, I ask myself if I am really 
worthy to enter.  Some weeks I am more comfortable with the idea than 
others.  I keep going to the temple, however, because I know I'm really 
trying.  I'm trying to control my anger, to obey, to yield to the will 
of the Lord, to forgive quickly, and to let the Lord judge.  I keep the 
letter of the temple recommend questions reasonably well, and am trying 
to keep the spirit of them as well.  Perfect?  I am far from it.  I am 
planning to get there someday, although I'm not looking forward to the 
process.  Adversity is tough.

So, what level of wickedness does it take to not be worthy to enter the 
temple?  It's spelled out clearly in the temple recommend questions.  
If you are keeping the letter of the temple recommend questions 
reasonably well, go to the temple.  When you have occasional minor 
lapses, repent and go to the temple.  If you have a major lapse (such 
as failure to tithe or keep the Word of Wisdom, law of chastity 
violations, etc.), stop going to the temple. Go to your bishop instead, 
and fix the problem.  In all cases, major or minor, allow the Lord to 
forgive you, and please, forgive yourself.  After that, go back to the 

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] Constitutional Losses

2003-05-28 Thread Harold Stuart
This is probably one of the most poorly reported prophecies of Joseph  
Smith.  We need to remember that the Prophet gave this statement before  
the days of any reasonably accurate recording device, including  
shorthand.  As a result, the basic facts may vary widely.

The basis of the prophecy, however, is pretty plain.  We are in for  
very hard times, and our basic liberties will be under increasingly  
greater attack.

Harold Stuart

On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 08:57 PM, Steven Montgomery wrote:

At 09:32 PM 5/27/2003, you wrote:
Doesn't prophesy say that the Elders will save it?

There are different versions and remembrances of Joseph Smith's  
statement (Given on July 19th 1840). Orson Hyde, in recalling Joseph  
Smith's words, put it this way:

I believe he said something like this--that the time would come when  
the Constitution and the country would be in danger of overthrow; and  
said he: 'If the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the  
Elders of this Church.' I believe this is about the language, an  
nearly as I can recollect it. (See JD 6: 152)

If Hyde's version is correct then this makes the prophecy conditional.  
However, to be fair, President Ezra Taft Benson liked the version  
recorded by Martha Jane Knowleton, which is more explicit that the  
Constitution will be saved. Knowleton's version is this:

Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and  
tumbling to the ground; and when the Constitution is upon the brink of  
ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean;  
and they shall bear the constitution away from the very verge of  

I say, how can the Constitution be saved by the Elders of Israel when  
many of them don't even know its basic precepts? For instance, how  
many Elders know the reason the Founders setup the Electoral College  
the way they did? Or the reason that originally, before the 17th  
amendment, that Senators were elected by State legislatures?

Steven Montgomery
It is no accident, then, that so many who gathered at Philadelphia to  
declare independence and a decade later to draft a constitution were  
men who had apprenticed themselves to Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle,  
Polybius, and Cicero, and who could debate at length on the various  
constitutional forms of the classical world before they chose one for  
the new American nation.  We owe our very existence as a people in  
great part to classical learning.T. L. Simmons


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Re: [ZION] Are any of you having problems?

2002-12-08 Thread Harold Stuart
There hasn't been any traffic for the past two days.  We're losing our 


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Re: [ZION] Tom Murphy's Statement (was Re: LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicat

2002-12-04 Thread Harold Stuart
 for the process by which this theory can be 
proven, he has already decided that his theory is fact, and is 
proclaiming it to the world.

Using the principles of science here would show that he has 
understanding, rather than knowledge, of the subject.

I refuse to misrepresent the evidence to please them.

Tom seems to understand misrepresentation of evidence very well.

I fear that many of these people are going to find out the hard way 
that the devil abandons his servants and leaves them to twist in the 

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicated

2002-12-01 Thread Harold Stuart

On Saturday, November 30, 2002, at 09:44 PM, Jim Cobabe wrote:

 Saturday, November 30, 2002


A graduate student at the University of Washington says he likely
will be excommunicated next week for articles he has written 
the validity of the Book of Mormon.

Good riddance.

Once more the Signaturi raise their fetid little heads.  This time they 
are trying to use hard science to discredit the Book of Mormon.  

I've actually read this guy's paper.  It's sad he doesn't use his brain 
for better purposes.

Let's see what we do and don't know about the Nephites and Lamanites:

1:  They were technically not Jews, i.e. they were not of the tribe 
of Judah.  I know the tribes inter-married, but it's hard to compare 
apples and oranges.  This fact is conveniently missing from the paper.

2:  They were relatively small in number for many years, and grew at an 
amazing rate.  Jaradite names became very common in their culture (look 
at what Alma named his sons), and their weights and measures system may 
have also been derived from the Jaradites (look at what their weights 
and measures were named, and cross-reference the book of Ether.  It's 
interesting.)  In my opinion, they probably inter-married with the 
peoples that were already here.  Making assumptions about their genetic 
makeup is just plain stupid.

3:  We don't know where they lived.  Many people believe Mezo-America, 
others believe upstate New York.  Still others believe South America.  
I hold one of these theories personally, but it doesn't matter a bit.  
Assuming the Lamanites to be the ancestors of today's American Indians 
is foolish, given what we don't know.  It's hard to find good data if 
you don't know where to look.

There are several other questions that could be raised about his 
assumptions, but let's look at other things the publicity hound here is 

1:  11 witnesses saw the plates from which the Book of Mormon was 
translated.  Three of them had a personal visitation from an angel, and 
heard the voice of God declaring that everything was on the up and up.  
All of the three died professing their testimonies, and none of the 11 
ever denied what they had seen.

2:  The Book of Mormon bears the hallmarks of an ancient book.  Go read 
the FARMS web site for more details.

3:  Millions of people around the world have read the book, and have 
received powerful witnesses from God as to its divinity.  I am one of 

Beware of the latest scientific theory.  We don't know everything about 
genetics and DNA.  We do know that the Signaturi are evil people that 
are hell-bent to destroy the church.  They are not objective 
investigators.  They have many times bent, twisted, or invented 
evidence to suit their own needs.  One needs look no further than their 
patron saint, Mark Hoffman, for examples of their methods.

This paper will be thoroughly discredited within the next few years.  I 
pray for those who propagate and believe this stuff.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] LDS Writer Expects to Be Excommunicated

2002-12-01 Thread Harold Stuart
Just a couple more things...

Our intrepid Signaturus writes:

 There were no Lamanites prior to c. 1828

This cannot be shown from his data.  As I said in my last post, he has 
no idea what the Lamanite genome looks like.  He is only guessing.  It 
is not likely to be what he thinks it is.

and dark skin is not a physical trait of God's malediction.

This can't be shown from his data either.  This man does not understand 
the workings of God very well.  God's curses often work to the 
benefit of those cursed.

Native Americans do not need to accept Christianity or the BoMor to 
know their own history.

And how does he show this???  This guy is a scientist?  He acts more 
like a stump preacher.

The BoMor emerged from Joseph Smith's own struggles with his God.

The only thing he has said that is true so far.  Unfortunately, it is a 
half-truth.  Yes, Joseph had struggles with God that lead him to ask.  
The rest, however, can't be explained away as easily.

Mormons need to look inward for spiritual validation and cease 
efforts to remake Native Americans in their own image.

And here we have a Sig that needs to stop trying to project his own 
internal struggles on the rest of us.  Perhaps if he really read the 
book he is attacking...

We have here the sad case of someone with an axe to grind.  He has 
taken a limited set of data, generalized it excessively, and stretched 
it to prove his theory.

Do I feel strongly about the Signaturi?  Yes.  They nearly got me about 
20 years ago, and it was only by a miracle that I survived.  This is 
not hyperbole.  I don't relate the experience often, but suffice it to 
say that I learned enough about the devil and his minions to last me 
the rest of my life.  Please, beware these people.  They, like the 
master they serve, want all men to be miserable like unto themselves.

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] scriptures are not secular?

2002-11-08 Thread Harold Stuart

On Friday, November 8, 2002, at 06:18 PM, John W. Redelfs wrote:

I agree with this.  Next time you are in sacrament meeting, evaluate 
each speaker.  Ask yourself how effectively he used the scriptures in 
his talk.  Give him a score on a 1 to 5 spectrum:  1=poor, 2=fair, 
3=average, 4=good, 5=outstanding.  Do this for each speaker and find 
the average for the meeting.  If your ward is anything like mine, the 
average is pathetic.  I just assume that the reason they don't use the 
scriptures in their talks is because they don't study them daily at 
home.  Even temple attending saints frequently get up in meeting and 
speak for 10 or 15 minutes without once making a reference to the 

Sometimes you are given a topic that doesn't lend itself to lots of 
scriptural references.  Recently I gave a talk on How parents can help 
their children live the standards in For The Strength Of Youth.  This 
one's difficult, although I put a couple of references in.  An 
important topic, nonetheless.

If I'm teaching, however, I use the scriptures whenever and however I 
can.  It is my opinion that the scriptures should always be used to 
make the points in the lesson, the opinion of the teacher is 
irrelevant.  If you can't prove it from the scriptures, don't say it at 
all (unless you clearly say that it is your opinion only).

Harold Stuart

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Re: [ZION] music

2002-10-06 Thread Harold Stuart

On Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 08:13 AM, Paul Osborne wrote:

 (JWR says)
 But I
 think they could have found better music for it.  The tune doesn't
 measure to the lyrics.

 Of course that is just my opinion, and it is just a matter of

 Is something wrong with me? I really don't care for the music of quite 
 few of the LDS hymns. Some of them come off as whiny and annoy my 
 as I try to worship and I actually put the book down. My wife feels the
 same way so maybe I'm not alone in this thing. I would be relieved to 
 the hymnbook reduced by about 50% and enjoy the balance just fine.

Music is an art form, and is therefore subject to varying tastes.  The 
hymn tune you find annoying may be extremely uplifting to others.  I am 
personally very glad that my tastes were not used to choose the hymns 
in the hymnbook.

As for I Believe In Christ, I've heard several different settings of 
the words.  I personally believe that the John Longhurst setting that 
is in our hymnbook was chosen so that the saints would sing all of the 
words of the hymn.  In this case I think the hymnbook committee felt 
that the words were more important than the setting.

Speaking of the Longhurst setting, many years ago I was the organist 
for the priesthood leadership session of an area conference.  I take 
great care with the music I play for such a meeting, and carefully plan 
what I am going to plan when the visiting authorities enter the room.  
Usually I play I Am A Child Of God, as it speaks the basic message of 
the gospel well.

For this conference our visiting authorities were President Monson and 
Elder Nelson.  Our stake center was filled to capacity, and the usual 
ambient noise of the saints meeting in gladness was present in great 
abundance (in other words, it was NOISY!).  As it came time to have the 
authorities enter the room, I carefully started to modulate into a good 
key for I Am A Child Of God, and starting playing reverent chords 
(i.e. filler music) to bridge until they entered.

Once people in the room started to rise I started playing, and to my 
amazement I started playing the Longhurst setting of I Believe In 
Christ, something I had not planned to play.  The effect, combined 
with the entrance of two prophets of the Lord, was electric.  The room 
instantly became silent and filled with the Spirit.  There was no sound 
in the room other than my music.   The felling was truly awesome.

I started concentrating on my playing, since I had not planned what I 
was playing, and the next thing I knew President Monson was standing at 
the side of the console, talking to me and thanking me for the reverent 
music (and lauding my mother for making me practice, she is indeed a 
patient woman :) ).

I'm glad I was receptive to the Spirit that day.  The right music for 
the right occasion really did add to the meeting. The only other place 
I have played where I have felt the Spirit as strongly is in the 
waiting area of the Oakland Temple.  I know this:  it isn't me or my 
music that brings the Spirit, but music can truly help us worship the 

Harold Stuart

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