On Nov 1, 2003, at 8:08 AM, Paul Osborne wrote:

What is going on here? What about the two churches spoken of in the Book
of Mormon, i.e. the Church of the Lamb and the Church of the Devil? I
guess no one believes it anymore. The Church sure has changed.

Paul, I'm not convinced that much has changed. Let's take a look at some examples:

1: The land on which the Cathedral of the Madeline in Salt Lake stands was donated by the Church. The same goes for a Jewish synagogue.

2: The LDS Christmas Carol "Far, Far Away On Judea's Plains" was written for a Catholic mass held in the Saint George Tabernacle. The choir was LDS, and their director trained them to sing the Latin mass and composed the carol for the occasion.

3: Before the advent of LDS Humanitarian Services, the Church worked with Catholic Charities to help alleviate famine in Africa.

There are many more examples, as well.

Harold Stuart

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