Re: [Zope-dev] The future of Zope{2, 3} and Plone in Debian and Ubuntu

2009-06-23 Thread Balazs Ree
On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 16:15:12 +0200, Fabio Tranchitella wrote:

 Hello all!
 In the last couple of weeks Brian Sutherland, Matthias Klose and I
 worked together to improve the Zope packaging for Debian and Ubuntu.
 This e-mail summarizes the problems we faced, the decisions that have
 been taken and the changes that we will upload to experimental and
 unstable in the next weeks.
 Short summary
 We switch from a monolithic Zope 3 package to individual packages for
 the libraries that are part of the ZTK (Zope Toolkit). Zope instance
 management tools are not supported anymore, as we suggest the use of
 We also drop support for Zope 2 and Plone in Debian and Ubuntu, asking
 for the removal of the packages from the distribution.

I am certainly one person that did use the Debian packages at the time 
when people first started to suggest against it. I dropped this habit 
when I needed to work most of the time with custom Zope and Plone 
versions that were too new or too rare to be in Debian yet. But I'm still 
using Debian's python2.4 right now to bootstrap my buildouts.

 The main problem for Zope2 is that the current stable upstream branch
 (2.12) still requires pthon2.4. This is not acceptable in Debian and
 Ubuntu, and Zope 2 is right now the only stopper for the removal of
 python2.4 from both Debian and Ubuntu.

What's the reason for the removal of python2.4? Is there a technological 
reason, or is this a policy decision? Don't forget that Plone users, who 
are also the biggest consumer group of Zope / ZTK, still will be users of 
2.4 for a while. The unified installer is not the only installation 
method used for Plone, in fact many users and the majority of deployments 
use python + buildout. These users will need to read documentation and do 
installation to be able to bootstrap their buildout, which is not exactly 
a reason for them to choose Debian / Ubuntu in this case.

Balazs Ree

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Re: [Zope-dev] Hg mirror available

2009-06-18 Thread Balazs Ree
On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:28:13 -0300, Sidnei da Silva wrote:

 Hi Wolfgang,
 On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:31 AM, Wolfgang
 * Sebastien Douche [2009-06-18 01:34]:
 This is a first attempt to build an Mercurial mirror :

 How did you convert the repository?

 I'm asking because I noticed that basically all SVN-DVCS conversion
 tools (hg convert, git-svn, bzr svn-import, svn2bzr,, svn-all-fast-export.cpp) do not convert the history
 properly, more precisely, history that happened on branches is lost:

 1. import /trunk/foo.txt
 2. branch /trunk to /branches/mybranch 3. edit /mybranch/foo.txt
 4. merge /mybranch to /trunk

 If you now ask svn for the history of /trunk/foo.txt (say with 'svn
 log'), you see both steps 3 and 4. After conversion to a DVCS with one
 of the above mentioned tools, you only see step 4, while step 3 never
 happened in the DVCS repository. I think that's unacceptable, most
 importantly because all commit messages that happened on branches are
 lost that way.

 Does somebody here know something about this phenomenon, by any chance?
 Am I missing something?
 Here's some context about this from one of the Bazaar developers, John
 Arbash Meinel. Hopefully that will solve some of your questions?
 In pretty much all dvcs merging a content exactly back to trunk does not
 generate a change message when doing bzr log foo.txt.
 I'm not really sure what he means by edit and then merge without a
 commit inbetween. So I'm assuming there is one.
 Now, what really matters is whether or not *Subversion* recorded 4
 correctly, such that it can actually see that it was a merge from 3.
 My understanding is that before svn 1.5 that isn't possible. So you are
 left with trying to infer that sort of thing from the history. Which
 would be possible, but probably expensive.
 I'm pretty sure SVN represents (4) as not a *merge* but as an indentical
 I don't have a great answer there. Though the fact that Wolfgang says
 svn shows both... I suppose because svn log shows everything across
 all branches?

I'm somewhat confused here. According to my understanding:

- all DVCS shows, if a merge is done, the changesets that origin from the 
merged branch. (this is the normal operation)

- afaik svn does _not_ show this, what's more, it does not store any 
metadata about the merges or changesets involved. When doing the merge 
you really select a diff of the branch by specifying which changesets you 
want to include back in trunk. This is why it's so important with svn to 
note in the commit message, which revisions from which branch you merged. 
Otherwise you would not know at all what has been merged.

So although, DVCS could represent the information about the merged 
changesets, this information will not be imported from SVN, simply, 
because the information is not represented in SVN.

I'd like to add that I'm not using Hg, I am only using bazaar and svn, 
and I'm talking from what I experienced in practice with working on 
various svn repos and bzr. It's possible that newer svn does try to 
attack this problem by storing more metadata with the merges, which then 
would make sense to be considered at a DVCS import, but I believe that in 
the vast majority of svn repositories that you would consider importing, 
this information would not be there anyway, due to the fact that they are 
product of the older svn version.

Balazs Ree

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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout broken

2009-04-24 Thread Balazs Ree
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 13:10:30 +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 05:56:45AM +0200, Roger Ineichen wrote:
 Hi everybody
 Ran 367 tests with 50 failures and 1 errors in 8 minutes 14.891
 The latest trunk of zc.buildout is completly broken. At least on
 windows. Can someone check this on linux?
 It is always interesting to see the failures, but attaching large log
 files to emails is not very polite.

True for large files, but a traceback is not that large _imo_. Depends on 
your connection of course.

Also, we are on a development list, so if somewhere, then here tracebacks 
are on topic.

 Solution: use a pastebin.

I disagree: pastebin is good for linking from irc, but when I come back 
to the archive I would like to see the details even when the pastebin 
entry is gone.

Balazs Ree

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[Zope-dev] Re: [zope.testing.doctest] a nasty surprise

2008-04-11 Thread Balazs Ree
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:50:35 -0400, Benji York wrote:

 Dieter Maurer wrote:
 As the community (apparently) strongly favors doctest over
 unittest, I wrote my first test based on zope.testing.doctest. And
 promptly, I was badly surprised
 In order to analyse a difficult problem, I added from dm.pdb import
 zpdb; zpdb.set_trace() in the doctest (dm.pdb.zpdb is my Zope aware
 PDB extension)
 The standard PDB works fine.  I'm sure you're extended version can be
 tweaked to as well.

I have similar issues with ipdb. - similar in sense that I cannot use it 
when running from doctests.

ipdb is a lightweight component that enables entering ipython when 
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() is called. Those of you that use ipython 
and also develop with doctests a lot, will understand why it would be a 
nice to have also from doctests.

In case of ipdb I had no parameters problem like Dieter encountered with 
zpdb, however I observed that the doctest runner needs to redirect input 
and output while running tests, which are specifically routed back to 
stdin and stdout while pdb.set_trace is entered, to enable interactivity. 
This is done by monkeypatching pdb if I remember well. But the same does 
not happen with ipdb, of course.

So, my conclusion is that while doctests work well with the standard pdb, 
any alternate debugger must be supported explicitely (by changing the 
doctest code). As with ipdb, this may be the case with zpdb as well.

Best wishes

Balazs Ree

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[Zope-dev] Re: running unit tests for Zope 2.8

2006-03-13 Thread Balazs Ree
Hi Geoff,

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 18:04:14 -0500, Geoff Davis wrote:
 bin/zopectl test --dir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests/
 which yields the following:
 Running tests via: /usr/local/bin/python /opt/Zope-2.8/bin/ -v
 --config-file /home/zope/zopefix/etc/zope.conf --libdir Products
 --dir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests/ Running unit
 tests at level 1
 Running unit tests from /opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess/tests
 Parsing /home/zope/zopefix/etc/zope.conf
 -- Ran
 0 tests in 0.000s

In my experience the --libdir must point to the *product* root and never
to the test dir itself. It seems that the runner iterates through the
test, ftest dirs under this root and in your case it finds none (since you
are already inside it).

So I would use 

bin/zopectl test --libdir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess

If I would want to run test from a specific file only, I would add the
filename filter to the end like

bin/zopectl test --libdir=/opt/Zope-2.8/lib/python/Products/SiteAccess \

and so on...

Balazs Ree jabber + email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ICQ: 75955071   AIM + skype: reebalazs

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[Zope] [ANN] jsonserver for Z2 version 1.1.pre3 released [AJAX]

2006-01-26 Thread Balazs Ree
News in version 1.1.pre3

- bug fixes

- more advanced Five support

- base demos (quickstart) re-made with Five, besides the old five-less
  demos are available as well. 

- more advanced demos: the Click-to-edit-title example and a
  drag-and-drop shopping cart mini application. All done with plain Zope.

General information

Jsonserver provides an alternative way of AJAX client-server
communication on Zope.

Jsonserver enables Zope to act as a JSON-RPC server. JSON-RPC is
an XML-RPC replacement. It is built on JSON, a javascript based
data interchange format. JSON has bindings for more languages. On
the client side, the jsolait javascript library contains both
JSON and JSON-RPC support, besides other utilities.

Characteristics of this approach are:

- You can bind methods in javascript to Zope methods, python
  scripts or page templates and call them up directly from
  javascript in a synchronous or asynchronous way (RPC).

- Both the call parameters and the return value can be strings,
  unicode strings, instances of any other builtin python data
  type, or structures built with the combination of tuples, lists
  and dicts. These get marshalled transparently with JSON.

- As a consequence there is no necessity to use XML to pass
  around structured data, you can just structure your data with
  python and pass it directly (but of course you also have the
  possibility to pass around XML).
- Passing of both positional and keyword parameters allows to
  call up page templates with request parameters.

- Full client compatibility with the Zope3 version of jsonserver,
  i.e.  the same client code will be able to run on Zope2 and
  Zope3 without a change.
- Five supported.

This version, 1.1.pre3 is a pre-release and considered to be

It can be installed on Zope 2.7 and 2.8 (for 2.7 you need to
install Five). It is compatible with Plone and can be used from
it without restrictions. (PLEASE READ release notes for how to fix
a critical Plone bug.)

More information, download, and installable demo product at . Please report bugs
directly to me.


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[Zope] [ANN] mechagen 1.0.beta1 released

2006-01-23 Thread Balazs Ree

Mechagen is a tool for generating automatic Zope2 (and Plone) functional tests
for the mechanize framework.

The mechanize framework can be used to write Zope2 functional tests in a
flexible way and is getting also used in Plone products. However, it lacks
support for automatic generation of tests. Mechagen is a tool that adds this

(zope.testbrowser, zope.testrecorder also offer such a framework. Mechagen was
not influenced by them and integration with these libraries will be done only

The followings characterize the generation process:

- All the tests will be ZopeTestCase based python code, so the integration
  between traditional (non-functional) and functional tests are complete. There
  is no need for a separate test runner but the same runner runs all the tests,
  both functional and traditional ones.

- The generator automatically records a given interactive series of requests,
  and generates a test method from it. Although the generated code can be used
  as a test without any modification, it should rather be thought of as a
  template to be edited prior to usage.
- The generated tests run in the sandbox provided by the ZopeTestCase
  framework, which ensures that each test runs independently in the custom
  environment set up for it.
- The interactive recording will go forth in exactly the same sandbox that is
  designated to run the test later.
- The generation process should be easy to use, no extra tools should be
  necessary and the entire process should be easily manageable from within the
  test runner environment.

You cannot test javascript in your pages with this method, but everything
until that.  So mechagen cannot replace Selenium but you can do much richer
functional testing with it and you can complement these tests with Selenium
generated ones.

It fully supports Plone.

It has a plugin mechanism for extending the generation of checks for your
custom page types.

The code is beta quality, error reports and comments are welcome.

For more information, please visit .

Balazs Ree, ree at

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[Zope] [ANN] jsonserver 1.1.pre2 released (AJAX)

2005-12-22 Thread Balazs Ree
Jsonserver provides an alternative way of AJAX client-server
communication on Zope.

Jsonserver enables Zope to act as a JSON-RPC server. JSON-RPC is
an XML-RPC replacement. It is built on JSON, a javascript based
data interchange format. JSON has bindings for more languages. On
the client side, the jsolait javascript library contains both
JSON and JSON-RPC support, besides other utilities.

Characteristics of this approach are:

- You can bind methods in javascript to Zope methods, python
  scripts or page templates and call them up directly from
  javascript in a synchronous or asynchronous way (RPC).

- Both the call parameters and the return value can be strings,
  unicode strings, instances of any other builtin python data
  type, or structures built with the combination of tuples, lists
  and dicts. These get marshalled transparently with JSON.

- As a consequence there is no necessity to use XML to pass
  around structured data, you can just structure your data with
  python and pass it directly (but of course you also have the
  possibility to pass around XML).
- Passing of both positional and keyword parameters allows to
  call up page templates with request parameters.

- Full client compatibility with the Zope3 version of jsonserver,
  i.e.  the same client code will be able to run on Zope2 and
  Zope3 without a change.

This version, 1.1.pre2 is a pre-release and considered to be
beta. It works pretty well but there are things that might need
to change before the final release.

Balazs Ree, ree at

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[Zope] Re: [ANN] jsonserver 1.1.pre2 released (AJAX)

2005-12-22 Thread Balazs Ree
On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 14:19:25 + Martin Aspeli wrote:
 Jsonserver provides an alternative way of AJAX client-server
 communication on Zope.
 This sounds quite interesting. Just wondering if you have any more
 specific demos, showing how it may be used in a real use case?

I agree that there would be need for more demos and I definitely want to
work more on them. I already have more use cases for Zope, Plone and
Archetypes to be implemented. If anyone has some ideas for good use cases,
please let me know. I would be especially happy to have some more plain
Zope use cases - since the technology is not limited to Plone.

I have also more ideas on how to extend this technology into various
directions but this exists only on a theoretical level.

Balazs Ree

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[Zope] [ANN] jsonserver 1.1.pre2 released (AJAX)

2005-12-21 Thread Balazs Ree
Jsonserver provides an alternative way of AJAX client-server
communication on Zope.

Jsonserver enables Zope to act as a JSON-RPC server. JSON-RPC is
an XML-RPC replacement. It is built on JSON, a javascript based
data interchange format. JSON has bindings for more languages. On
the client side, the jsolait javascript library contains both
JSON and JSON-RPC support, besides other utilities.

Characteristics of this approach are:

- You can bind methods in javascript to Zope methods, python
  scripts or page templates and call them up directly from
  javascript in a synchronous or asynchronous way (RPC).

- Both the call parameters and the return value can be strings,
  unicode strings, instances of any other builtin python data
  type, or structures built with the combination of tuples, lists
  and dicts. These get marshalled transparently with JSON.

- As a consequence there is no necessity to use XML to pass
  around structured data, you can just structure your data with
  python and pass it directly (but of course you also have the
  possibility to pass around XML).
- Passing of both positional and keyword parameters allows to
  call up page templates with request parameters.

- Full client compatibility with the Zope3 version of jsonserver,
  i.e.  the same client code will be able to run on Zope2 and
  Zope3 without a change.

This version, 1.1.pre2 is a pre-release and considered to be
beta. It works pretty well but there are things that might need
to change before the final release.

It can be installed on Zope 2.7 and 2.8 (for 2.7 you need to
install Five). It is compatible with Plone and can be used from
it without restrictions.

More information, a simple demo product and download at . Please report bugs
directly to me.

Balazs Ree, email: ree at

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[Zope] Re: Re: ZAjax anyone?

2005-10-11 Thread Balazs Ree
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:28:03 +0800 Bakhtiar A Hamid wrote: 
 we have zope (dtml/script/zsql-method) that do specific calls that spits
 out results via xmlrpc.
 on the browser side, we have all these ajax libs - openrico, dojo,
 mochikits, azax, DataRequestor, jsolait, tim morgan's mini, etc
 we just need to connect the dots. the ajax lib + our java functions/etc
 will call dtml/script/sql-method via xmlrpc(builtin) or jasonrpc(with the
 jsonrpc product) and page will be updated inline(?)
 not much voodo involved. everything is there already.
 a simple demo is at; a script
 python that just spits out DateTime().pCommon(), and the other, a script
 python tah calls html file randomly. replace that with anythin we want.
 zope rox! but i guess we all know that

Thanks, this was a nice briefing.
I like the demos, and as a single additional comment I would add that for
json-rpc I myself too made some (although more crude looking) simple
demos, that do not have a live server but that are installable: so that
you can start playing with it on your own server and modify any client or
server scripts, if you install the demo + jsonserver2 into Zope as two
individual products.


Guide for the demos:

Balazs Ree

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[Zope] Re: JSON for Ajax applications

2005-09-24 Thread Balazs Ree
Fri, 23 Sep 2005 12:27:34 +0200 keltezéssel Jean-Marc Orliaguet azt

 Max M wrote:
 I don't know how many has seen this, but it's pretty cool.

 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange

 It is used for Ajax applications to transfer data instead of xml. It
 uses repr() versions of standard python objects like dicts, lists,
 string, numbers etc. to transfer data.

 It is really simple to generate for Python programmers, so it is very
 simple to use in Zope too.

 this is used at 100% and more in cpsskins for Zope3 (cf. You
 might also have a look at Jim Washington's 'jsonserver' for Zope3 and its
 implementation for Zope2

I would add that I made up the Zope2 server implementation, sorry I did
not announce it on the list. Works perfectly for Zope and Plone. It is
currently tested only with Zope 2.7, did not try it on 2.8.

You can read more about the Zope2 implementation and download it at:

I also added some simplistic but fully functional examples that help you
start with it.

I would encourage everyone using it for Zope/Plone. In case of bugs or
suggestions, please mail directly to me.

I also plan to make some minor update to catch up with newest version of
jsolait, as soon as I have some free time. Also I would like to add some
yet simple but more real-life examples that would also include usage with
Zope, Plone and Archetypes. If you have any good idea for this, please
also write to me.


Bala'zs REE' jabber + email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ICQ: 75955071   AIM + skype: reebalazs

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[Zope-dev] Re: [Proposal] Drop from ZODB 3.5

2005-06-04 Thread Balazs Ree
Thu, 02 Jun 2005 19:38:02 -0400 Tim Peters wrote:

 We'd like to continue getting non-ZODB code out of the ZODB project, so
 would like to drop from ZODB 3.5.  Are any of zodb-dev's
 standalone ZODB users making use of  I would be surprised by
 that too, since relies on other code (like Acquisition) that's
 already been removed from the ZODB 3.3 and 3.4 lines.  I've been surprised
 before, though ...

Although this is not strictly an answer to the original question, I would
take to opportunity to react and in the end ask for your opinion. I am
asking this because I yet do not see entirely clear in the question of
mounting; however, as you will see below, I could achieve my goal in a way.

First, according to how much I see of it you are right that does
not belong to ZODB, and I personally would not even consider using this
code for a standalone ZODB app since there are cleaner solutions to be

But, as far as Zope is concerned, I have to admit of just having used this
code in an app that is currently under development. And here is my use

The application in question is a complete re-write of an already existing
zope application. Migration of the old data to the new application is a
key question. There are several backups of the old data at hand that
are made by repozo and that can be converted into Data.fs format. The
initial migration of the data starts with mounting one of this Data.fs
files into the filesystem of the new product, and then migrating the
content from it to the new portal. Furthermore, I made testcase base
classes for unittest that support migration by using any of the Data.fs
files. This way I can have a sequence of migration sources stored in a
directory and use automated tests to either test the migration from all of
these sources, or I can pick any of the sources, migrate them and run my
acceptance tests on the migrated content that is getting formed in the new
application. Needless to emphasize the enormeous advantage that I gain
with this in the flow of the development, and concerning the success of
the future sharp migration that will have to work like a charm on the
live system.

So far for the case. As for the implementation, since the name of the
Data.fs and the mount point are coming from parameters, I could not use
the new dbtab style mechanism since these parameters cannot be
statically defined in the configuration files. So I decided to subclass
the MountPoint class and created a product that mounts a
given Data.fs readonly to the given mount point.

Now I would like to pose a question to all of you. I am of course not
worried if is getting phased out completely, since I would be
able to take over the code from it into my subclass. But according to my
use case described above, am I on the right track with my implementation?
Or (supposing that disappears) what would be the canonical way
of achieving what I want from within Zope?

Bala'zs REE' jabber + email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ICQ: 75955071   AIM: reebalazs

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[Zope] Strange lockup during functional tests (sandboxed)

2005-04-23 Thread Balazs Ree

I'm running Zope 2.7.5-1, python 2.3.5-2 and experience that during the
runnig of my own functional tests (sandboxed) after a few tests the
program locks up (CTRL-C does not work, CTRL-Z yes).

I can reproduce the issue with the following test:


from Testing import ZopeTestCase


class TestSessionBug(ZopeTestCase.Functional, ZopeTestCase.ZopeTestCase):
This locks up in the start of test07! The checkpoint is
never reached.

def afterSetUp(self):
print 'Checkpoint'
request =
sdm =
request.set('SESSION', sdm.getSessionData())
self.sessipn = request.SESSION

def test_01(self): pass
def test_02(self): pass
def test_03(self): pass
def test_04(self): pass
def test_05(self): pass
def test_06(self): pass
def test_07(self): pass
def test_08(self): pass
def test_09(self): pass
def test_10(self): pass
def test_11(self): pass

def test_suite():
from unittest import TestSuite, makeSuite
suite = TestSuite()
return suite


The setup of the sessions in the above code triggers the problem but it
might not be its direct reason. Even without this it happens in some of
my test methods. The lockup is very deterministic and it does not seem to
have much to do with the test methods themselves, that is, if I just run
the test method where it broke, it does not occur.

What am I missing? Can someone reproduce this?

Balazs REE

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