On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:28:03 +0800 Bakhtiar A Hamid wrote: 
> we have zope (dtml/script/zsql-method) that do specific calls that spits
> out results via xmlrpc.
> on the browser side, we have all these ajax libs - openrico, dojo,
> mochikits, azax, DataRequestor, jsolait, tim morgan's mini, etc
> we just need to connect the dots. the ajax lib + our java functions/etc
> will call dtml/script/sql-method via xmlrpc(builtin) or jasonrpc(with the
> jsonrpc product) and page will be updated inline(?)
> not much voodo involved. everything is there already.
> a simple demo is at http://myzope.kedai.com.my/blogs/kedai/demo/; a script
> python that just spits out DateTime().pCommon(), and the other, a script
> python tah calls html file randomly. replace that with anythin we want.
> zope rox! but i guess we all know that

Thanks, this was a nice briefing.
I like the demos, and as a single additional comment I would add that for
json-rpc I myself too made some (although more crude looking) simple
demos, that do not have a live server but that are installable: so that
you can start playing with it on your own server and modify any client or
server scripts, if you install the demo + jsonserver2 into Zope as two
individual products.



Guide for the demos:


Balazs Ree

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