Re: [Zope] Database connectors

2006-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
Dario Lopez-Kästen said the following on 11/17/2006 01:07 PM:
>> Do you know these reasons?
> yes, we sometimes get deadlocks in the database, net outages and general
> misbehavior of DCO2. 

Sorry, i am casting too much blame on DCO2 here; in reality we have a
combination of zope2.6, large file uploads and downloads, not
necessarily good code on our end, AND quite a lot of DCO2 strangeness.


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Database connectors

2006-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
The only current Zope database adapter that I know of for oracle is only
for Zope3, and that one uses cx_oracle (IIRC).

Seeing that Zope2 is still alive, kicking and in perfectly good health I
think that many people would like an improved DCO2 adapter.


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Checking in pages, scripts, and sql methods to SVN

2006-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
Sinang, Danny said the following on 11/17/2006 01:33 AM:
> Hello,
> Is there a Zope product out there that would allow me to check into SVN
> my Zope objects (i.e. TAL pages, Python scripts, and ZSQLMethods) ?
> If not, can anyone here show me some skeleton code to :
> 1. Enumerate these objects
> 2. Reference them as files

if you are not using a too recent zope, you could use APE to mount a
filesystem based storage, and copy all your code there. APE will store
your code on the filesystem.

Then using either CMF, Plone or products such as FileSystemSite you can
create Filesystem Directory views that "opens a readonly hole from the
zodb to the fielsystem".

Note that this is a somewhat messy one way operation; after succeeding
you should keep working on the filesystem, enjoy better editors and
source code control tools :-)

Hope this helps.


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] building zope and plone behind apache2

2006-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
Allen Huang said the following on 11/17/2006 06:34 AM:
> I'm using a linux to run my plone and I wish to build it behind apache2.
> The documentation on the Plone site is for plone that are build behind
> apache2 on a Debian system. But I'm using a platform call Scientific
> Linux and I couldn't find a lot of folders and files mentioned in that
> documentation.
> What should I do now? Is running build building zope and plone behind
> apache2 same for all the linux system?

yes, the only differences are usually in where the config files are
stored and how the services start. The apache specific stuff should be
the same, or at least very similar.


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Database connectors

2006-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
rieh25 said the following on 11/16/2006 09:12 PM:
> I wanted to do it because for some reason, my oracle connector (DCOracle)
> keeps disconnecting, and so I thought maybe it would be possible to define a
> python method to periodically check on it and reconnect it if necessary.

i one ancient app that i am trying to modernise, I have a python script
that gets called by wget with cron every N minutes. That script calls a
zsql that does a select from dual, and the script catches any errors.

The set up is a s follows:

* My site uses several DCO2 connections objects, one for each of a bunch
of schemas in the database. We serve the site in a cluster of 6 nodes
(using zeo - nothing fancy: 4 nodes from one machine, 2 nodes from
another machine).

* for various reasons, the connecions get dropped sometimes, and we need
to catch that and restart the affected node. Hence the scripts.

* All my DCO2 connection objects are at the root of the site, so they
are easy to acquire.

* in the root of the site, I have a folder "heartbeat". That folder
contains one ZSQL method for each of the DCO2 connection objects, and
one Python script that is used to check one or all of the connections'

The sql in the ZSQL methods is supersimple:

select 'name_of_dco2_connection', sysdate from dual

and the Python script looks like this:

## Script (Python) "index"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
""" This script checks the status of connection 'name'. If 'name' is
None, check all connections
if name is None:
# Check all connections. Get list of zsql methods in
# the same folder as this script.
cobjs = [obj for obj in context.ZopeFind(container,
obj_metatypes=('Z SQL Method',))]
for o in cobjs:
# call each script: o[0] is the name,
# date is the result from the script
sys, date = (o[0], o[1]()[0].sysdate)
print sys, str(date)
except ConflictError:
# apparently, ConflictErrors need to be passed on
except Exception, Msg:
# oops, something Oracle-y messed up
print o[0], str(Exception), str(Msg)

# return the results
return printed

# try individual names
# see if the connection exists (actually we
# check if there is a zsql named 'name'
con = container[name]
except KeyError:
print "There is no connection named %s"%name
return printed

# found it, check it
sys, date = name, con()[0].sysdate
print sys, str(date)
return printed
except ConflictError:
# apparently, ConflictErrors need to be passed on
except Exception, Msg:
print name, str(Exception), str(Msg)
return printed

# We shouldn't be here, so aliens must have
# hijacked us
return printed

I have cron job that calls a shell script that uses wget to call

that shell script compares the output from wget to decied if there is an
error or if the connections are ok.

If there is an error, we restart the node that had problems.

Hope this helps, it works for us :-)


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-15 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
Chris Withers said the following on 11/15/2006 09:00 AM:
>> But us going on like "you obviously don't get it, do you? In fact, you
>> dont seem to get anything about the web, even. Go away!" 
> If that's true, then why not?

because it is not nice and we behave like them if we do? :-)

>> either: instead of getting an enlightened zope user, we get yet another
>> "zope sucks"-person with a bunch of misconceptions about zope out in the
>> wild.
> Some people can't be helped...

well, we don't need more of them, so we should avoid that as much as we

>> Everybody needs to be treated with some degree of respect, and it's not
> Sorry, I disagree. Respect is a mutual thing.

oh, yes, but when someone solicits opinions and gets whacked in the head
 because we don't like his ideas, then it is us that lack in respect,
not them.

>> Yes, in general, but in our case, I get the feeling that *anyone* that
>> does not agree with the zope-philosophy, or questions the way zope
>> works, gets a smack in the head. This is just the latest example.
> Nah, I don't agree, sorry. If that had been the case, how did Zope 3
> come into being? ;-)

Because Jim is not someone to get smacked in the head? :-)

>> I am not trying to tell people how to behave, though, even if it may
>> sound like it - I am just trying to point out some things about our
>> attitude that we should be aware of as a community.
> I'd say, as a community, we don't tolerate fools lightly. I see that as
> a good thing...

It is a problem because that makes us stand out as bunch of ignorable,
elitist *ssh*les  to the world. That is not a good thing in my book.



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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
michael nt milne said the following on 11/14/2006 10:59 AM:

> You make some very valid, correct points but then also make a very
> incorrect assumption as well. I don't believe the original poster is a
> troll and neither am I or anyone else who has agreed that this list
> needs to have some more class and enlightenment.

agreed, but I meant this jokingly, and besides: perhaps we *all* could
characterise ourselves as trolls we when spend 8 more or less
consecutive mails on the list for name calling of various sorts :-)


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
For the record: my original response was not aimed at you personally
Chris, it was just that your mail triggered the whole thing. I apologize
for making you the target (and for feeding some trolls :).

Chris Withers said the following on 11/13/2006 04:38 PM:
> Well, he's treating us like dirt, Dario. Rather than spending time
> helping to document Zope, he's gone off and built a wiki slating it.
> Thanks, but no thanks...

hm... ok, point taken. However: he is not treating us like dirt. Not all
zope-users have the historical baggage where zope gets treated like a
second class citizen in the Python community, usually with some gross
misconception about what zope does as a basis for that.

If he publishes a wiki with some misconceptions, so what? Will it have
more impact than all the other sites that don't grok zope and therefore
dismisses it? No, probably not.

But us going on like "you obviously don't get it, do you? In fact, you
dont seem to get anything about the web, even. Go away!" is not the way
either: instead of getting an enlightened zope user, we get yet another
"zope sucks"-person with a bunch of misconceptions about zope out in the

I am not defending his misconceptions (if there are any - i haven't
spent much time reading his wiki, really) and I generally agree that
spending time thinking about a fork is futile. I somehow can understand
his position, though, having rewritten some of our systems based on what
they should do, instead of trying to understand the original spaghetti
code (but my code is nowhere near the complexity of Zope, on the other

Nevertheless, I think we as a community could show some class and style.
Everybody needs to be treated with some degree of respect, and it's not
like he's going to write a zope fork, in real life; and so what if he
did, if it was better, then we could probably learn something, if it
isn't better, nothing will have changed for us.

> This certainly isn't the case. People who expect their work to get doen
> for them for free will get a hard time. I'd suggest that people who come
> with particularly unconstructive approaches to how zope may be improved
> will also come in for a similarly hard time...

Yes, in general, but in our case, I get the feeling that *anyone* that
does not agree with the zope-philosophy, or questions the way zope
works, gets a smack in the head. This is just the latest example.

I am not trying to tell people how to behave, though, even if it may
sound like it - I am just trying to point out some things about our
attitude that we should be aware of as a community.


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
Chris Withers said the following on 11/13/2006 12:11 PM:
> Hafeliel wrote:
>> If you could, please take a moment to surf on over to
> Try doing a bit more digging before wasting your time writing this rubbish.
> I suggest you take a good long hard look at Zope 3, read the 2 books,
> and then come back...

yeah, I can see how this kind of attitude draws lots and lots of new
followers to zope.

Sure, the man might be mistaken and misinformed, but  if it is hard to
understand the tool, maybe some docs or references might be in order,
thoughI fail to see anythign zope related in unless we mean to describe
the attitude towards criticism we/some of us don't like (like to deal

I am sure that treating him like dirt under our shoes will help improve
his perception of zope and why it is such a wonderfull tool.

I am not sure, however, that the zope community needs this kind of ad
hominem argumentation ( towards
any and all that raise any kind of issue with zope.



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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope 2 for Windows

2006-10-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen
michael nt milne said the following on 10/12/2006 01:33 PM:
> No I get your point. I just feel that anti-windows feeling has to be
> flagged up. If not it gets endemnic and hopefully occasional pointers
> will feed in organically. Ultimately in OSS though people will do what
> they want and that is also part of the value. Finally I don't think I am
> 'whining' on this.

there is no anti-windows feeling, even if some people make snug remarks
about windows. There is a lack of windows-savvy developers that have
time and resources to maintain the windows builds.

However, that is a totally different issue, and your attitude does not

So, if there are some souls here on this list that are less than
pleasant at times (yeah, you know who you are :-), then by all means
show some class and do not try to behave like them.

so, to repeat: there is no anti-windows conspiracy, just an unfortunate
lack of windows-savvy developers (I'll have to add "that can afford the
ms development tools" ;-).

my 2 eurocents.

-- -------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Chris Withers said the following on 2006-03-22 01:36:

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:

Dario, I actually think your comment here is a bit out of order if 
you're referring to this post of mine:

yes, it was and I apologise for it, you did point to relevant 
information and I was unfair towards you.

In all fairness, the quality of newbies was better back then. Too many 
people come to this list nowadays asking about stuff without bothering 
to do any research and often asking about Plohn, whereas their own lists 
would be much better...

They then get arsey because people won't bend over backwards to help 
them answer the same question they asked before, even though they're not 
even paying the people they're expecting to help them.

Unfortunaltey, that is the ways things work, and I think we all have to 
prepare to be nice to those newbies too. Back then, when we are a select 
"few" that used zope and zope was not so on-topic as it is today, the 
ones that were on the list were interested in Zope-the-technology and 
thus could ask sensible questions.

Generally speaking, with the growing poularity of Zope-solutions, where 
Plone and CPS being popular solutions more or less "hide" the technology 
behind, we get a bunch of people that do not necessarily care about the 
technology behind plone/cps, they just wnat things to work.

Also, especially having the "marketing zope" discussions happening on 
other lists, we need to come to terms with the fact that zope does not 
exist in isolation from it's environment. Questions on the general Zope 
list about issues and successes in deploying Zope, Zope performance 
*ARE* legitimate questions on the list.

Even if the real answer is "it's a python thing". If folks don't care 
for politeness and a will to help users, then they should see it as a 
technical issue. Zope is probably the largest Python Threaded app there 
is at the moment (perhaps the largest Python app, period?) - Zope has 
lead to bugs being discovered in Python that get fixed in newer Python 

So, questions and issues about threaded Pytohn apps are very likely  to 
be related to Zope, and shoudl not be dismissed ad-hoc-ly, in spite of 
the answer being "google is your friend: zope+multi+cpu"

enough sleep, yada, yada, yada... I fail to see how that is a newbie's 
fault, so no need to take it out on them.

It's a two way street...

Indeed, and in hindsight, I guess I reverted to this behaviour as well 
:P. Sorry about that.

Having chatted with both the author and the researcher of that paper, I 
don't remember the results being as clear-cut as you imply ;-)

having experienced this first hand, before the paper arrived (and it did 
help me find the solution), I think I disagree :-)

Still, had Hugo bothered to do even some cursory googling, would he not 
have found all that information?

I guess he was under the wrong impression that the zope-list was a 
friendly and safe place to ask questions and get community support :)

Joke aside, yes, he would have found the answer probably, but we cannot 
expect all netizens to be civilised and know proper behaviour. I think 
Checkov (or someone) said something along the lines of "good table 
manners is not to not spill sauce on the table, but to not notice when 
someone else does".

I think we could do with something similar about netiquette.

Regarding all other advises you have gotten so far (get more memory, 
look at your disks, get a life, etc), I am sure that they have merits, 
but as far as I can see, they don't actually solve anything at all.

I think you're stepping outside the bounds of reasonable argument here...

The other advice, in fact, more often than not, has more impact on more 
zope installations...

I'd love to see more data and less opinion about this - and no, I am not 
being sarcastic here. If we can avoid taskset then the setup is *way* 
simpler for our sysadmins, so I have a real interest here.

Actually, most people run multiple zeo clients on multi-processor boxes 
and let the native task scheduler "do the right thing". For "most 
people" this seems to work just fine...

See above.


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-22 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jeff Donsbach said the following on 2006-03-21 17:26:

Do you have any kind of comparison numbers of using CPU affinity
vs not for your particular case? Also, are you using ZEO or not?  It's
not that I don't believe you when you say it matters a lot for you. I
do believe you. Like Tino, I'm just generally interested in how much
it matters in measurable terms. I can imagine there are a number of
factors determining how much it matters, like Zope app/workload as
well as the underlying hardware architecture (how big of a penalty is
it to synchronize cache pages between CPUs) and the OS CPU scheduler
as Tino mentioned.

To be honest, we have never had the inclination to do much of research 
in this area. Our situation has mostly been such that we experience 
horrible delays in zope-responsiveness in testing that vanish as soon as 
we use taskset. This is on both Solaris (with the equivalent of taskset 
there) and Linux .

Since then (and for other reasons), we have migrated all of the central 
servers we manage from Solaris to Linux, so I cannot give any more input 
about Solaris.

Yes, we use ZEO almost exclusively, it is realtively easy to setup even 
fpr development and we don't deploy without ZEO anymore. It makes a fair 
bit of improvement as well.

We have an app (the one that tooks us on the road to zope) that for 
various reasons has not updated properly since 2002 when we first had 
our multicpu experiences.

This particular app receives quite a bit of load, and since it is built 
entirely thru the web with by now age-old DTML and 
ye-olde-zope-techniques, it is not the speediest in the world. Add to 
that the fact that we use DCOracle2(*) to do Oracle queries, and we 
sometimes expericence hangups on the ZEO clients.

For this app, we have "successfully" delayed it's demise and avoided 
total chaos by adding more ZEO clients (at the moment, these clients 
runt on two machines, four processes on one and two processes on the 
other). Well, we also have scripts that restart the nodes when the leak 
memory too much, and so on. BUT: the speed of the app has increased with 
each node we add.

I am sorry that I cannot give more numbers - I hear from the traffic on 
the list that there are other factors involved nowadays that may in some 
way obsolete the need to bind to a particular CPU, however I do not 
understand how this can have an impact on the GIL.

Let me be the first to admit my total lack of knowledge of kernel task 
schedulers, but generally speaking, unless the scheduler makes sure that 
a threaded python process never ever gets distributed over two 
processors simultaniously,  then the GIL *will* be an issue.

In any event, I'd love to be proved wrong about the need for taskset 
(especially if someone comes up with measurable data to that effect) 
because it means that my sysadmins can simplify their setup for managing 
Zope (making Zope even more acceptable :-).



(*) We have not been able to use the versions of DCOracle2 that ChrisW 
has worked on, because we expericend nother set of problems with them 
and we never had the opportinuty to really spend time chasing those 
bugs. I believe ChrisW's DCO2 does solve some of the issues that the 
original DCO2 has

Please note that the problems we had with it, may very well becasue of 
our particular setup (Oracle 8, bad code in our app, even worse sql, 
etc). I have heard that for other people Chris's DCOracle2 versions work 
better than the non-modified DCO2, so YMMV.

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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Tino Wildenhain said the following on 2006-03-21 14:51:

Otoh, I have yet to see the figures showing the CPU afinity
buys you anything in reality. We know the GIL, thats for sure
but I never saw a measureable difference binding a process
to a CPU (which is also highly depending on the OS scheduler)

for us, it makes all the difference between "zope sucks, why do we 
bother with this non-sense, non-standard, butt-slow appserver, and use 
Java or PHP instead" and "nice, zope based solutions are really nice, 
not only feature wise, but also speedy. And they are clusterable too, neat!"


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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Give it a rest + answers. (Re: [Zope] Re: Zope + Apache on Quad Debian machine)

2006-03-21 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Martijn Pieters said the following on 2006-03-16 12:25:

On 3/16/06, Tino Wildenhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey... but thank you Jens for spending all that time writing an email
that doesn't help any1 at all...!!!

check google for "multiple use of exclamation marks".

Or look up Terry Pratchett quotes on

Martinj, Chris and others giving nonsential answers: Don't you guys have 
work to do instead of playing bullies on the newbies?.

To be honest, I find arrogant and pointless answers like yours way more 
annoying than a whole bunch of newbies asking more or less cluess questions.

I see a lot of this newbie bashing increasing; in fact it has been some 
years since the zope list was a good example on how to treat newbies 
politely and point them to the prope answers.

Sure, we all have loads of work and are way too stressed, we don't get 
enough sleep, yada, yada, yada... I fail to see how that is a newbie's 
fault, so no need to take it out on them.

For the benefit of all those that have tiny, tiny memory spans, the 
question of Zope's processes necessity to be CPU-bound is a horse that 
was resolved a couple of years ago (2002). It turns out that it is not a 
Zope problem ("Oh, the Horror. He's bringing a non-zope question to the 

It is pythons "fault", if you are grumpy old fart, or it is a "feature" 
if you are having a good day.

The need for threaded python processes to be CPU bound (yes, Zope is 
threaded, in case you have forgotten) arises from the fact that python 
has the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).

For background see:


As far as I know, the GIL is still there and won't go away any time 
soon. Today, the only change from 2002 is that there is a heck of a lot 
more multi-CPU machines than there were back in 2002.

So, to make a long story short: on linux there is a userspace tools 
called taskset:

if there is no such command for your particular distro/kernelversion, 
look no further than:

I cannot tell you wich version to use, but I think you get the idea. I 
do believe that some distros allready include taskset in them.

So you have to write a wrapper script around zopectl (you are running a 
newer versionof zope, aren't you?) where you do this.

It has worked like a charm for us since 2002 (well, almost - since 
schedutils were new and cool back in 2002 we had regular fights with the 
sysadmins guys regarding the need to introduce 
"non-redhat-aproved-kernel-hacks" into the production systems. Nowadays 
taskset and related tools are included in the later RHE releases).

Regarding all other advises you have gotten so far (get more memory, 
look at your disks, get a life, etc), I am sure that they have merits, 
but as far as I can see, they don't actually solve anything at all.

The fact that the issue of the GIL is not more prominent in the Zope 
worlds, I think is because relatively few zopistas are aware that there 
is a problem; mostly, because not so many run multicpu-boxes in 
production, and also because of attitude, I suppose: "since I don't have 
a problem with it, I don't care about it, and I'll inform you so."

/dario - yes... a bit annoyed at all the "help" some folks give...

-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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[Zope] Re: major problems placing authentication on an extranet site-security flaw?

2006-02-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Alexander Limi said the following on 2006-02-14 14:05:

On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:59:07 -0800, Dario Lopez-Kästen  

*HOWEVER*, IIRC, plone, especially on windows (if installed with the  
windows installer) uses a trick, which is not documented at all, as 
far  as I know, uses a Site Access rule.

What part is not documented at all? :)

ähh... woopsy-daisy! my mistake. Sorry! 8^)

/dario - crawls back under a rock... ;)

-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: major problems placing authentication on an extranet site-security flaw?

2006-02-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

michael nt milne said the following on 2006-02-14 12:30:

 As for the issue with IE6 and editing pages over SSL it all works fine
 in Firefox 1.5, so it's a browser issue which I just can't quite
 fathom just now.

 >>I doubt it, my guess would still be that you're doing something wrong
 >>>Sorry but I don't agree on this one. I haven't altered any of the 
Plone 'edit page' functionality. It's out of the box. Works fine without 
SSL but on SSL trying to edit a page causes 'can't find server'. Firefox 
though works perfectly viewing and editing so it's a browser issue. I 
know of other people who have issues with IE and posting images over 
SSL. Must be something to do with POST security over IE. I'm going to 
take it up with them but don't expect too much of a response. I'm now 
about to try with Opera.

This part is *only* about setting up the servers, apache and zope in 
this context, properly.

There is nothing in Zope that works differently when serving over ssl or 
not. SSL is just a transport layer, so it does *not* affect 
zope-capabilities in any way.

I am sure you know this, but since we have learned very little (or at 
least I have - maybe I am not paying attention well enough :-):

*HOWEVER*, IIRC, plone, especially on windows (if installed with the 
windows installer) uses a trick, which is not documented at all, as far 
as I know, uses a Site Access rule.

Have you modified that rule to take advantage of the SSL -server? 
Perhaps the SiteAccess rule is triggering adn trying to redirect you to 
an address/port where there is no service listeing?


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: major problems placing authentication on an extranet site-security flaw?

2006-02-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Chris Withers said the following on 2006-02-12 15:27:

Given your earlier paranoia about security

uh, us security nerds^H^H^H^H^H^H 
folks-who-have-an-strong-interest-in-security, actually prefer to call 
it "eagerness". "Paranoia" has such negative timbre, don't you think? :-)

Nevertheless, it is not simple to implement proper security with 
cookie-based logins. I had to make my own hacked version of 
SinmpleUserFodler with seesioning on the zeo server to get it secure 
enough (it is actually a trade off from what I would have liked to have 
in the first place, but it works ok).



-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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[Zope] Re: Zope vs Plone: performance issues!

2006-01-25 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Subject: Re: Zope vs Plone: performance issues!
Alexander Limi wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 00:11:04 -0800, Dario Lopez-Kästen  

Start by checking the ZODB cache numbers in the zope-conf file (too  
start simple). IIRC, the default is 5000 objects. Increase that to, 
say  50.000 or so (you mention that you have a busy site).

Sorry, but this is not good advice. 5000 objects in the cache is 
normally  plenty, and you should look into caching the front-end before 
you even  consider this. 50K objects in the cache will eat *a lot* of 
memory, and  most likely cause swapping.

Cache properly with Apache or Squid in front first, then investigate 
the  more complex settings.

Does this apply for personanlsied content as well? Remember, his site is
 an intranet.

We at least, have had good results by increasing the internal ZODB
caching. I fail to see how squid could help us with a site that is
mostly non-static. It would be nicer of course if we could use some
other kind of caching, so I am always open to suggestions :-)


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley
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Re: [Zope] Zope vs Plone: performance issues!

2006-01-25 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Hugo Ramos wrote:

Well... They were already using Zope's cache and Squid to proxy some static HTML
I guess the problem is Plone itself... Skins etc...

eh, sorry for probably stating the obvious. you menationed in an earlier 
mail that you have good hardware. If this hardware is multi-cpu then I 
suggest that you use some tool (i.e. taskset on linux) to bind each zope 
python process to a single cpu.

Threaded python applications does not work well in multi-cpu settings 
where there is a chance of a threaded python process being spread out 
over more than one CPU. I causes a, sometimes signinficant, performance 

Just by binding the zope python processes to a single CPU (not 
necessarily the same, just make sure that any single python process is 
not spread over more than one CPU) you will notice a preformance increase.

And like all the others said, Caching is you friend. Start by checking 
the ZODB cache numbers in the zope-conf file (too start simple). IIRC, 
the default is 5000 objects. Increase that to, say 50.000 or so (you 
mention that you have a busy site).

Good luck.


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Products have incorrect "home" attribute

2006-01-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

George Lee wrote:

After migrating to a new server, several of my Zope products have an
incorrect "home" attribute that specifies where they live on the
filesystem. However, when I try to change these attributes using an
external method, the attributes do not change. Any help?


I dunno if this relates to your specific case (and apologies for perhaps 
stating the obvious). Did you delete the *.pyc files after moving the 

pyc files contain information about their paths, and they do not get 
recompiled if their source file is unchanged.


-- -------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: Python Classes and Zope.

2005-12-06 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

that's because it does not seem to work with new-style python classes in 

it works with:

class MyStuff:

  instead of:

class MyStuff(object):

This is what you would have got:

 File "/opt/Zope-2.7/lib/python/AccessControl/", line 
165, in apply

   dict['%s__roles__' % name] = access
TypeError: object does not support item assignment

if you'd run it without the extra call.

now, the question is if it's worth the extra effort.

aha!; thanks for the explanation.

Well, as you know, we have not officially gotten so far with 
implementing new style class features on our base classes (that is, 
unless you have checked in som extra code lately that relies on NSC)

Considering the time frame we are living with - yes, not using NSC is 
definitely the way to go for now, until I have time to upgrade to Plone 
2.1.1 and Zope 2.8 or 2.9.



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Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: Python Classes and Zope.

2005-12-06 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

is it a typo, or did you mean:'allow')

it is a type and I do mean'allow').


-- -------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: Python Classes and Zope.

2005-12-06 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Florent Guillaume wrote:

Paul Winkler wrote:

On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 04:12:01PM +0100, Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

does zope2 do an access control based on acquisition for public 
methods, that would be a waste of resources since the answer is 
always "yes, granted" ?

Well, the thing is, the declaration that makes the method public
*has no effect* unless your class participates in acquisition.

That's not true. The objects of this class will be perfectly accessible 
to a restricted user:

  from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
  class MyStuff(object):
  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
  def foo(self):
  return 'bar'

In Zope 2.7.8 I get a segmentation fault when I try to do the above; I 
also have the following code that manages this for any class (to avoid 
having to do that for every single class):

def _ZopifyClass(a_class): = ClassSecurityInfo() # Segmentation fault

I cannot swithc to Zope 2.8 because my code runs in PLone 2.05 and it 
does not work with Zope 2.8.

The segmentation fault occurs in the declareObjectPublic() statement.

Is there a fix for the Zope 2.7 to this problem?


-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Python Classes and Zope.

2005-12-01 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 1. Dezember 2005 13:46:55 -0200 Fernando Lujan 

There's a way to use a Python class inside zope?

For instance, if I create the class:

class MyClass:
 "A simple example class"
 i = 12345
 def f(self):
 return 'hello world'

Can I invoke the following code inside a Python Script?

x = MyClass()

PythonScripts are for *scripting* not for implementing complex
logic and for programming tasks that require classes. PythonScripts 
don't provide full Python functionality that why were are talking of 
*Restriced Python*. Consider writing your functionality as Python product.

all moral lessons aside, there are several use cases where access to 
*objects*, passed to zope2 from external packages and modules, is desirable.

Most, if not all examples, out there assume that the external 
packages/modules/classes can freely be converted to Zope-classes.

Now, assuming that I have not missed something fundamental, the problem 
the way I see it, is that when my Product recieves an object from the 
non-zope code, the object does not know anything about Zope, it is just 
a happy Python-object.

But in order to even display it in a zpt I must transmogrify it into a 
special zope-object, and *that* is not so easy as I have discovered.

In my case I am not so interested in importing the moduels or classes 
into a Script(Python) - I have allready passed the objects in question 
thtough my product, but still I get some "Zope Does Not Allow That" error.

So far I have not had any success with anything else than writing 
special methods in my Classes that converts the objects to dictionaries 
before passing them to the zpt or Script(Python) in question.

But that feels like a very awkward way of doing things, and it makeas it 
*very* difficult for Zope to be a nice player with non-zope objects.

My 2 €-cents worth.


-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] convert DTML Document to a folder.

2005-11-21 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Martin Koekenberg wrote:

That was my idea. Is there a solution for that convert.
Martin Koekenberg

well, sort of, but there is no converting. Here's a suggestion, that may 
work for you assuming that I understand the problem properly:

The DTML-document contains some sort of information that you need to 
keep, but you also need to store stuff inside of it.

The most obvious solution is to create a folder with the same name as 
the DTML-document, put the DTML-document inside the folder and rename 
the doc to Index_html. moving all properties from the doc to the folder 
and presto, there you have it. renaming the doc index_html gives you 
url-compliance with previous urls, ie if you had /some/url/the_doc, you 
can still keep /some/url/the_doc, because it will automagically render 
/some/url/the_doc/index_html for you.

The API for creating and getting properties is availabel in the Zope 
Help from the ZMI.

HTH and Good luck!


-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Cyr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So, you'd like to turn an independent entry into a container to hold
more info?


Martin Koekenberg wrote:

The DTML Documents are userinfo documents.

I want to create a photoorder form and generate a dtml document with that 
users orders. I want to place that in his user folder.

Martin Koekenberg
-Original Message-
From: Andreas Jung 

--On 16. November 2005 15:35:14 +0100 
Martin Koekenberg 




Is it possible to convert a DTML Document to a folder, Both with
properties  ?
I use Zope 2.8.4.


Converting a piece of textual content 
to a folder makes no sense. WHat
you trying to do???


Jonathan Cyr


-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope 2.8 or 3.1?

2005-10-29 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Alexander Limi wrote:

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 13:58:31 -0700, Peter Bengtsson  

Can I humbly recommend that you don't reinvent the wheel and have a look

It's really good for QA and general problem reporting.

Everybody wants to write their own issue tracker (and in the later 
stages  of this syndrome, their own project management software), as 
you are well  aware of. ;)

Yes, well, after all, this *is* zope and python. The "There should be 
one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." slogan applies 
only to language syntax and features.

Now, stuff created *with* the language - well, *that* is a *totally* 
different matter...



-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] passing the parameters to zsql method

2005-10-27 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jean-Marc Orliaguet wrote:

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:


Denis V. Gudtsov wrote:


DLK> use an intermediary Script (Python), ie:

Thank you. But, can i do this without using python? From zpt -> to


Just curious too: isn't there an easier way of doing this using schemas
/ widgets / SQL adapters?

or are the zsql scripts so very specific that they do more than simple
schema mappings?


all of this sound way more complex that 1 script, 1 zpt and 1 zsql...

also you might want to put that logic in a tool and protect the methods?
(scripts and ZPTs are not protected as far as I know)

se above...

of course, IMHO, my 2 eurocents worth, YMMV, Standard Disclaimers Apply, 


-- ---
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] passing the parameters to zsql method

2005-10-27 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Denis V. Gudtsov wrote:

DLK> use an intermediary Script (Python), ie:

Thank you. But, can i do this without using python? From zpt -> to



well, yes in a way.

ZSQL methods have to be called like other metods, but AFAIK, they cannot 
be traversed like, for instance, scripts. As I understand it, this is  
for security reasons (I myself would never allow a zsql to be exposed 
without some scripts in between, but that's just me...)

Anyway, one way to do what you want is to do more in the zpt than may be 
advisable: exactly how to do it, I leave up to you, becasue there are 
several different ways of achieving this, but I give general directions. 
Also, there are probably other ways than what I describe below.

You can make the form post to iself, and use calls inside the form to 
prepare the input to the zsql.

lets say your zpt is called "entry_form" and looks something like this 
(pseudo zpt):

 tal:omit-tag="" />

Not sure if this works, but that is the general idea. This was inspired from

section: "Form Processing"

Good luck!


-- -------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] Zope 2.8 or 3.1?

2005-10-27 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On 26 Oct 2005, at 21:43, HaraldFinnås wrote:

I've also seen comments that running Zope on RHEL/CentOS might not  
be wise. My test env. is using FC4, but I'm planning to install  
CenOS 4.2 on the production server. Unwise choice?

I'd be curious to find out who says something like that. It's BS.  
Zope runs perfectly fine on all RHEL-based distributions.

The only issues you might ever run into would be problems with the  
Python that comes with the OS. But then again if you run Zope in  
production you should never ever use the system Python and build your  
own instead. The system Python tends to be compiled with weird flags  
on RH-based distros to suit their own needs for the many Python-based  
scripts they have in the OS. Don't use it, build your own.

well, on larger shops like ours, the sysadms always want to know why we 
introduce Yet Another Non-Standard Component to the system setup that 
cannot be RPM'ed like the rest. And I am not talking across pythoin 
versions, but oin the same release series (ie. 2.3, etc)

I know it is more convenient to self.compile()  the python, but it is 
always hard to argue with the sysadms on this issue. Our current 
solution is to provide a precomipiled rpm with the pythons we want to use.

Why is that the standard os-distributed pythons do not work with zope? 
They seem to work with other python sw...

/dario - being curious...

-- -----------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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Re: [Zope] passing the parameters to zsql method

2005-10-26 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Denis V. Gudtsov wrote:

insert into table(name,account) values (, 

the problem is when i click the 'submit' button, the form
"clients_add_sql Input Data Enter query parameters:" appears.

Does someone know how i can pass the form parameters to zsql method

use an intermediary Script (Python), ie:
# extract data from form and put into zsql-method.
request = continer.REQUEST

name = request.form.get('name', None)
account = request.form.get('account', None)

# Sanity check - do we have values?
if name and account:
 # assume that the zsql-method is in the same folder as this script
 container.clients_add_sql(name=name, account=account)

 # if the zsql is not in the same folder as this script, use aquisition
 #context.clients_add_sql(name=name, account=account)

As you can see, introducing a script in between has other benefits as 
well, such as allowing for data verification etc.

to call the script change:


hope this helps.


-- -------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.
Lyrics applied to programming & application design:
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery" - redemption song, b. marley

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[Zope] [OT] Disagreement (was Re: Ithy trigger....)

2001-01-30 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

Bill Andersson wrote:

> Be that as it may, it still does not constitute a flame-war.

True. We are not having a flamewar. Yet. However, as I am sure you yourself
have experienced, licensing issues/discussions in Open Source contexts
require no more than a few heated mails to degenerate into a Flame War.
Surely you have been around long enough to see this happen (in fact you were
around this list's latest big hoopla about the GPL in September of last
year. 44 mails about "Zope and the GPL poison pill" in 3 days, 11 various
follow ups). Allready this thread has generated 16 mails so far, not
including this one.

> > Imagine the consequences of having the spooky ghost of the License Horse
> > roaming about... *B*
> Or worse, the fear of saying something in disagreement, for fear of being
> labelled a flame war starter.

Well, I disagree ;^), the issue here is not really whether it is allowed or
not to disagree. Of course it is allowed to disagree (which is exactly what
I am doing now), and disagreement is good: it makes you think about your
opinions one time more.

License issues (or wars) are just not on the topic of this list. And neither
is this post, so I'll stop right now :-)


btw: humour was intended in my last post, even if not obvious. sorry about

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Re: [Zope] Ithy Trigger Fingers (was Re: [Zope] License)

2001-01-29 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

I believe the Horse of Licenses was beaten to death in a recent thread some
month(s), if not weeks, ago. May It Rest in Peace.

This may be the Second Coming of It, but, with all due respect, License
Horses and discussions of Other License's Merits and Flaws are off-topic for
this list; I think most^H^H^H^H many subscribers will agree on this.

Imagine the consequences of having the spooky ghost of the License Horse
roaming about... *B*


/dario - asbestos suit is: on

Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

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Re: [Zope] Editors [OT]

2001-01-25 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I am using TextPad mostly now. Of course, given the choice, I'd much rather
use BBEdit or Alpha on a Mac


- Original Message -
From: "Chris Withers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tres Seaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 11:08 AM
Subject: [Zope] Editors [OT]

> Tres Seaver wrote:
> >
> > I'm liking it a lot -- the last reason to even consider using
> > emacs is gone :)
> Hmmm... interesting, maybe it's time to find a new editor...
> My wishlist would be:
> - Runs nicely on NT4
> - Syntax highlighting for Python, C, XML, HTML (and, although this is
> stuff, DTML ;-)
> - FTP or WebDAV editing built in as standard (or alternative solution,
> cadaver making it work ;-)
> - Regular Expression search & replace
> - search & replace of multiple files
> and my dream list would be:
> - can run multiple copies of the editor at once
> - class browser for python, with expand/collapse of code (like the editor
> Python 2)
> Any ideas?
> cheers,
> Chris
> ___
> Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Some help required but no sarcastic comments this time please

2001-01-24 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

- Original Message -
From: "Stephane Bortzmeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Zope] Some help required but no sarcastic comments this time

> On Tuesday 23 January 2001, at 23 h 17, the keyboard of "alankirk"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am using Zope 2.2.2 on windows(this time i'd appreciate no sarcastic =
> > comments this time)
> Feel free to interpret every comment you don't like as "sarcastic", but it
> will not save your business.
> > to this address) and the response has been pretty poor, i've even tried
> > to email people involved with the mysql database adaptors and got no =
> > response.
> You use a commercial operating system: pay for a commercial support.
> > It is really important that i get this problem sorted now if possible as
> > my final year project for university depends on this 'bug' getting =
> > fixed.
> If it is important, do not run it on MS-Windows. Otherwise, some people
may think
> you know nothing about software...

And this kind of harsh response was necessary, because... ?


*end of thread*

Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

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Re: [Zope] "SELECT ... AS ..." statement in ZSQL

2001-01-08 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

- Original Message -
From: "Bowyer, Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A simple question, but I can't seem to find a simple answer in any of the
> documentation...
> How do you do a SELECT AS statement in a ZSQL method?
> For example
> SELECT FirstName + " " + LastName AS FullName

hmm... shouldn't that be

SELECT FirstName || " " || LastName as FullName

I am bit unsure of the proper syntax (I am mostly working with Oracle), but
I think you use "||" to concatenate two strings in SQL.

- ----
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

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Re: [Zope] Acquisition: DTML Methods vs Documents

2001-01-05 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I think hade a similar problem. It seems that you can only use methods for
acquisition, not documents.

I had an index_html DOC where I specified the structure of my site. In
index_html I used  that and in some_doc I once .

The idea was that in my subfolers I only needed to have the objects some_doc
and other_doc, and that I would use the structure from the index_html higher
up. This way I could provide "modules" to managers of subfolders, so they
need not to concern themselvs with the proper way of setting up their

It didn't work unitl I changed index_html and all other objects from
dtml-docs to dtml-methods. Otherwise I would always end up with the parent
(in my case the root level) documents. I wanted to have DTML-documents in
the firts place, because I noticed that in dtml-methods the  call has no effect; it does not use the methods title_or_id, it
uses the toplevel (or the calling documents) title_or_id.

Is this a similar situation to yours?


- Original Message -
From: "Oleg Broytmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>There are many Documents on my site, not only index_html. Should I make
> them all Methods? Why after this I need Documents at all?
> Oleg.

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[Zope] sqlgroup problems

2001-01-04 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I need help with the following SQL-method, which I don't know if it is a
bug, or if it is my mistake.

I am building a search interface to a database (Zope 2.2.4 w all HF's,
Oracle 8.1.7, Solaris), and I want to use the following sqlmethod, to let
the user enter any combination of search parameters, including none:

select * from ladok.kurs



>From the Zope Book, Chapter 10, I got the impression that the "optional"
part of the sqltest tag would render the parts that where not null; i.e. if
I only specify the kurs_namn variable (first sqltest), the method would
render the following SQL:

  select * from ladok.kurs
  (kod like 'XX')

or, if no search parameters where specified, it would render the following

  select * from ladok.kurs

However this is not the case, what I get if I enter XX for kurs_kod is the
following SQL:

select * from ladok.kurs
(kod like 'XX'
 and benamns like ''

Is this expected behaviour or have I misunderstood the docs? I can get
around this problem by doing something like this (notice the op tag and the
extra ",'%')" string at the end of each sqltest line) :

  , '%')

which renders the following SQL (the "%" is the Oracle wildcard operator):

select * from ladok.kurs
(kod like nvl( 'XX', '%')
 and benamns like nvl( '', '%')

however, i'd much rather that it didn't render the null variables at all.

If this is known behaviour then the examples in Chapter 10

Any help appreciated. I searched the archives but didn't find any answers,



Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] index_html woes - solved!

2000-12-28 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

> However this is not working, anymore I might add. I cannot say what I have
> done wrong. The only thing I've done is to add and remove SiteRoots with
> SiteAccess2 (which btw i cannot make work, and has caused my zope to die
> abruptly, w/o leaving trace in the logs). I don't know if this is related,
> but i thought i'd mention it anyway.


I solved this myself. Naturally, it was my own stupidity: it turns out that
in order to have a template permeate down to the sub-folders, it is
necessary to make it a dtml-method and not a dtml-document.

Now that I recreated my pieces as dtml-methods it all works as a charm.

Lesson learned: need to catch up on acquisition mechanism :-)



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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

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[Zope] index_html woes + more.... :-(

2000-12-27 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I am at loss on the following problem:

I have an index_html DTML-document that is only a skeleton to let me design
my site around it, based on a common structure. In index_html I call various
of dtml-documents and dtml-methods, like "main_pane" and "main_msg_box",

The idea I had (and that actually worked for some time) is that I need not
implement an index_html file in every sub-folder in my zope installation,
but that it would get inherited (aquired???) by all subfolders and that I
only needed to make a "main_pane" method, and a "main_msg_box" document.

However this is not working, anymore I might add. I cannot say what I have
done wrong. The only thing I've done is to add and remove SiteRoots with
SiteAccess2 (which btw i cannot make work, and has caused my zope to die
abruptly, w/o leaving trace in the logs). I don't know if this is related,
but i thought i'd mention it anyway.

Can anybody hint me in any direction? Please?

Here is my setup:

  Zope version: Zope 2.2.4 (source release, python 1.5.2, linux2)
  Python version: 1.5.2 (#4, Aug 16 1999, 15:42:53) [GCC 2.95 19990728
  System Platform: sunos5
  Process ID: X
  Running for: 22 min 27 sec

Zope is running behind apache (apache + zserver).
Zope from src, compiled with /usr/bin/python (is this correct,

  ExternalMethod (Installed product ExternalMethod (External Method-1-0-0))
  Hotfix_2000-12-08 (Installed product Hotfix_2000-12-08)
  Hotfix_2000-12-15a (Installed product Hotfix_2000-12-15a)
  Hotfix_2000-12-18 (Installed product Hotfix_2000-12-18)
  LoginManager (Installed product LoginManager (LoginManager-0-8-8b1))
  MIMETools (Installed product MIMETools)
  MailHost (Installed product MailHost (MailHost-1-2-0))
  NewsFolder (Installed product NewsFolder)
  OFSP (Installed product OFSP (OFSP-1-0-0))
  PlugIns (Installed product PlugIns (PlugIns-0-4-3b1))
  SiteAccess (Installed product SiteAccess (SiteAccess-2-0-0))
  ZCatalog (Installed product ZCatalog (ZCatalog-2-2-0))
  ZGadflyDA (Installed product ZGadflyDA)
  ZOracleDA (Installed product ZOracleDA)
  ZPatterns (Installed product ZPatterns (ZPatterns-0-4-3b2))
  ZSQLMethods (Installed product ZSQLMethods)
  ZopeTutorial (Installed product ZopeTutorial (Zope Tutorial 1.0))

As I said, any help is appreciated.

Thank you


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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] multiple selects are not allowed

2000-12-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

- Original Message -
From: "Jose Soares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Zope] multiple selects are not allowed

> from ZSQL Methods User's Guide, last row on pag. 22:
> "Note that no more than one SQL select statement may be used in a single
> Database Method."
> Diny van Gool wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to execute multiple SQL statements in one SQL-Method. In the
> > mailinglist archives i found the answer but when i try it i get an

Diny, why do you need to execute multiple selects in one SQL-Method?

Maybe there is another way of doing it?


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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Gopher from Zope

2000-12-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

I wanna serve gopher:// from Zope :-)

Is it possible?  Don't need answers like "but gopher is old, ugly, etc", "we
will loose all fomatting, etc", etc.


/dario :))

read all about it:

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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] ZPatterns & terminology

2000-12-08 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

> From: "Cees de Groot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 8:16 AM

> Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >...I disagree, ZPatterns only major flaw is that its totally immersed in
> >its own jargon which very few people understand :-(
> >
> >That said, my impression is that if you can wade through the b/s, it's
> >more than worth the effort...
> >
> Hmm, maybe it's the time for a translate-zPatterns-to-english effort?

Yes, I totally agree. It seems that Zpatterns is the thing I need to make
tru my vison of self-contained plugin-components for the site(s) I am
developing. However I since I am still strugglig with the concept of
aquisition, the Zpattersn terminology makes my head spin. :-)

still digging...

Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Reasons for Apache?? SSL?? (was "Running Mailman CGI under Zope ZServer")

2000-11-17 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

> From: "Fred Wilson Horch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, November 17, 2000 2:22 AM
> Subject: [Zope] Running Mailman CGI under Zope ZServer


> First, am I really the first person to try running CGI scripts from
> ZServer?  I have found some hints here and there of people doing
> somewhat similar things, but I haven't yet found a product for easily
> adding legacy CGI scripts to a Zope site.  It seems most people run Zope
> behind Apache.  Is ZServer really slow or buggy or something?

<...other good stuff snipped...>

I have a similar question. I am planning and building  a site in which about
50% of the content needs to be accessed using SSL only (it's personal
information and we are using 128-bit SSL).

Since I am only the database&web-guy and not a sysadmin-guy (yet :), I had
one of my colleagues configure Apache and Zope using the "Apache & ZServer"
how to. This works well and Apache serves Zope pretty well and we can even
use SSL (there are some issues to be resolved that I suspect are due to
misconfiguration on our server). However, I can always access Zope directly
using port 8080 (or whatever port where ZServer is listening to) without

This is aboviously not the intended behaviour. Is there a way to prevent
this? I know there is ZServerSSL but isn't the whole point of using Apache
that it is a better and more robust web-server than Zserver? (apart from the
fact that we need to serve a lot of static content as well).

What are the main resons for serving Zope behind Apache?

Thanks for any input,



- ----
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Higher Educatoin Portal/Admin

2000-11-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I'd like to know if there are any activities regarding use of Zope to
build/support educational systems. I have searched the list and there seem
to be a few, but I cannot find out how to contact the peoiple involved.

My main interest lies in building administrative systems that ease the task
of planning and administering courses, staff and student info, schedules,
publishing info about courses, events, etc, as well building or supporting
systems that will let teachers build and integrate on-line courses with
existing admin systems (although this is secondary; there are better systems
that do this allready).

This is not an easy task, of course, because it involves a lot of analysing
the needs of an educational organisation as well as reviewing how the
organisation works, how the students preceivethe service the receive, etc,
etc. In other words, a lot of process development, instead of "technical"

I am currently heavily involved in such a project. Among other things, I'd
like to have a serious discussion on the pros and cons of building such a
site/portal/whatever with Zope and why it is better to choose Zope, instead
of, say, Turbine in a combination with Jetspeed, which much more "buzzword"
(read Java) compliant.

The recent instabilities and slow response times experienced with the site and the incomplete, possibly unstable, state of DCOracle, the
Oracle adapter (and similar concerns with some other needed Zope Products)
has been raising some questions of the suitability of Zope for this kind of

On the other hand, I fail to see an alternative to Zope; of course there are
better CMS'es, better development platforms, better Oracle support
elsewhere, and so on,  but neither of those systems has the combination of
integrated features and modularity of Zope.

I am very interested in talking, even building a Zope SIG, with more people
that interested in these issues. The traffic on the main Zope list is too
heavy, and I feel this issue is better of maintained in a parallel list. I
also would like to know if there is interest from Digital Creations in this

What do you people think? Feed(back) me! :)



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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Zope + Java & java Beans ??

2000-11-02 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


Can I use Java with Zope? Can I call Java methods, beans from Zope/Python?

Many thanks,


Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Fw: [cms-list] eMedicine, Inc. Receives Patent for Internet Publishing Software

2000-10-02 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

as seen on cms list. Would this affect Zope in any way?

- Original Message -
>From: "Evan Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Interesting:
> -
> Information Today:
> "eMedicine, Inc. (, the medical-education network
> and developer of the first online peer-reviewed medical reference series,
> has announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted a
> to the company's proprietary Group Publishing System (GPS) software. The
> enables collaborative, enterprisewide publishing and allows authors and
> editors to create large, multi-author projects-online content, journals,
> books, and manuals-entirely on the Internet.
>"Jeff Berezin, chief technical officer and architect of the GPS system,
> said: 'The software is unique-it is the only enterprise software that
> all production to take place on the Internet. The system allows authoring
> and editing within the GPS environment or through word-processing programs
> like Word.' Software engineer Joanne Berezin, who co-developed the system,
> said, 'Our system is a complete authoring, editing, and version-control
> system with complete management-tracking tools and a built-in
> network.'"
> -
> --
> Subscribe:
> More Info:

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[Zope] Any Swedish/Nordic Zope Users?

2000-09-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I am curious to see if there are any Swedish and/or Nordic users of Zope on
this list.



Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] DCOracle Connection with Oracle 8.0.5

2000-09-14 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

>From: "Celio C. Guimaraes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 1) In order to connect successfully  I had to drop the @sid parameter:
> dbc=DCOracle.Connect('scott/tiger@ora8')
> returns with error:  ORA-12154 : TNS: could not resolve service name
> 2)  I would like to connect to a remote oracle server. In this case the
> @sid parameter is essential.
>   How could this problem be fixed? Is it a simple parsing problem in
> the oci_8.c Logon routine?
>   which is the correct string to pe passed?
>  did not work either!

you have your tnsnames.ora file setup wrong. tha @host part is an "alias"
that oracle client uses to identify the hostmachine and instance you are
connecting to. The "alias" is defined in the tnsnames.ora file. If you need
help with it, contact me off list.


- ----
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope and the GPL poison pill

2000-09-13 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

>From: "Toby Dickenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If that is your motivation then you may find that you get *more* back
> by not using the GPL. My contributions to Zope (both personal and on
> company time) are fairly significant in total, and would not have
> happened if Zope was under a GPL license.

but is that because you personally don't like/endorse the GPL for
what-ever-reason or is it because the GPL actually prevents this? and if so,
could you please elaborate?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Zope and the GPL poison pill

2000-09-12 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

- Original Message -
From: "Nils Kassube" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Magnus Alvestad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] Zope and the GPL poison pill

> Magnus Alvestad wrote:
> > Third, you are only obligated to distribute source to parties you have
> > already distributed the binary version to.  I can't really see a
> > customer buying a zope site from you and not expecting 'source'
> > anyway.
> The problem is not that a client who paid for custom development
> will get the source. It's the fact that you have to release the
> source code of an enhanced GPL'ed component (and possibly stuff
> built with it) for everyone else, too.

so, your main problem here is that you take someone elses work, modify it to
suit your needs under a license that *specifically* grants you those rights,
and then, when you want to distribute your modifications, you find yourself
in a bad position, because it will mean that you would have to give
everybody else the same rights that allowed you to distribute a modification
of someone elses work, in the first place?

In other words, you don't mind being the "sharee", but do not wish to be the
"sharer", particularely when it somes to work that others have "shared" to
you? To shout bloody murder because of this is to REALLY expose one self,
don't you think?

To me, this is the ultimately reason to have the GPL around. It helps us
ensure that all that want to profit from our work but have no interest in
returning the favor will have to turn elsewhere or actually do some of the
grundwork themsleves.

Mind you that my english is not too good, so there might be som parts of
this thread that I have not fully understood or that I may have got
completely wrong; if so, fell free to enlighten me.



Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] binary math & filesize

2000-09-05 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

> Kapil Thangavelu wrote:
> >
> >
> > get size in kbs assuming its an int
> >
> > 
> pedantically yours,
> --
> ethan mindlace fremen
> Zopatista Community Liason
> Abnegate I!

actually it turns out to be

get_size and getSize do not work for files (for reasons unknown to me; I am
a Zope newbie :-). haven't tried for any other objects.

Anybody knows more about the DateTime issues I posted about earlier?


- --------
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Could someone explain this DateTime behaviour to me?

2000-09-05 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

> What version of Zope are you using?
> Various timezone bugs in were fixed in the latest version of 
> Zope.

Zope 2.2.1 source release


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Could someone explain this DateTime behaviour to me?

2000-09-05 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

AS in is this the expected/intended behaviour or could this be classified as
a bug?


  2000/09/02 08:49:48.326 GMT+2

  2000/09/02 12:49:48.326 GMT+2

bobobase_modification_time fmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
   2000-09-02 12:49




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Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Help with calcualtions in DTML

2000-09-04 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I have the following listing of objects in my folder:







It gives me the name of the object, the size in bytes and the modification
time in GMT.

I need to do the following: express the size in kb, format the output with
spaces for thousands.

I also need the date displayed according to my locale (+2 GMT in Sweden) so
if bobobase_modification_time is 10:48, I need to show it as 8:48, and on
top of that I also need to take dayligth savings into account.

How do I do it? The fmt strings are abviously adjusted to US standards, so
us ISO-people need to hack our own format strings :-).

I know i could calculate the size in KB myself IF I only knew how to get the
get_size attribute into a calculation expression (that goes for
bobobase_modification_time as well, however this returns as string. How do I
get the date as a date?)

Any help is appreciated and needed. Thank you.


PS: has anyone been thinking of renaming bobobase_modification_time to
something shorter and more intuitive, like, say, modification_time?


Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] FTP crashing Zope?

2000-08-29 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I have latest Zope, buitl from source on a RedHat 6.2 machine.

Using FTP Explorer I crashed (killed) my Zope instance while ftping in to
port 8021. This was achieved by not setting FTP Explorer to use PASSIVe
connections. Using Passive it works like a charm.

Is this a bug in latest Zope (2.2.1) or is this expected behaviour? If, the
latter is the case, what can I do to a) turn off FTP access, b) make sure
that my Zope is up and running automagically after a crash?



Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] SV: [Zope] Oracle ZODB + Thanks

2000-08-25 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen

I am also interested in Oracle ZODB

I also would like to take the opportunity to thank eveybody that helped
clear the Zope & DB performace questions I had the other week. Thank you
all, it was most helpfull.



- Original Message -
From: Satheesh Babu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 7:36 PM
Subject: [Zope] Oracle ZODB (Paul's talk in Paris)

> Hi folks,
> I read  the mail about EuroZope conference. Notes on
> Paul's speech says "they have an Oracle ZODB backend.
> They have deployed it. Pending documentation..."
> Way to go DC!
> I searched in CVS, couldn't find it at all... If anyone
> can point me towards this, it'll be greatly appreciated?

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Defining High Load in Heavily DB Driven site (was: [Zope] zope2.2.0 and what is high load)

2000-08-11 Thread Dario Lopez-Kästen


I need to find more info on how Zope handles threading with relation to
database connections.

I am currently considering and evaluating Zope as one of the options we have
to build a really large, completely databasedriven "enterprise scale"
web-platform. I am a bit worried about this "maximum of 7 threads per db
connection" limitation mentioned previously, and I need to know a) what does
this mean in terms of accesibility, b) how does it affect performace, and c)
how does Zope work (in detail) with external database connections.

We are going to be using Oracle as our DB backend, all our served data will
be database *only* (some of it will be fairly large), and efficient database
connections is *crucial* to what we intend to do.

We are going to have between 10-20k users at most and I expect the maximun
of simultaneous connections to be beween 400 - 900 under heavy load; "normal
load" will probably oscillate around 25-200 simultaneous connections (these
numbers are crude guesses, but take into account increased usage over time
as more services are provided in the future).

Bandwith problems are not an issue, nor is computing power.

I would appreciate any pointers to documentation or people to ask.



- ------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer  Chalmers Univ. of Technology
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ will yield no hitsIT Systems & Services

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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