Re: [Zope] Zopache = ZTK + Grok + ZMI

2014-07-31 Thread Fernando Martins

On 07/31/2014 06:33 AM, Christopher Lozinski wrote:

On 7/30/14, 10:50 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:

I don't know about ZTK, Grok.

Okay so that tells you what ZTK and Grok are.  Back to your application.
I never needed it directly and I wonder if it was not a case of 
over-engineering that helped zope's community fragmentation.

I don't know why grok did not succeed.

On 7/30/14, 10:50 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:

(I use my own security roles in the database) .

Well that is very interesting.  One of my biggest complaints about Zope
2 was the security model.  Security was on the instances.   Not possible
to just make security declarations on the classes, without having to
also declare it on the instances.   So I am hugely curious about your
security model.The grok security model, while better than ZTK, still
leaves a lot to be desired.  Fortunately it is quite easy to replace.
it's just an application specific security model. some pages (or parts 
of it) are merely for admin roles (which have a group of people 
associated). In other cases, it is the data (records, which belong to 
the creator, or corresponding team, or related maintainers. Has it 
happens, the roles are part of the data of the application and naturally 
used to manage the data or pages or parts of it. For the pages, it is 
hard-coded. Each page has associated a single Python script (business 
rules) that produces all data as a single class which includes 
attributes like isAdmin, isEditor. Nothing general purpose.

On 7/30/14, 10:50 PM, Fernando Martins wrote:

although most likely my application will have to be ported to tomcat
(using jython) in the short term.

Why tomcat?  I would think that there would be many native python web
servers you could use.  Have you considered Pyramid.
It also uses the ZODB and traversal.
politics. it is supported by IT. zope is not. nothing wrong with zope 

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Re: [Zope] Zopache = ZTK + Grok + ZMI

2014-07-30 Thread Fernando Martins

On 07/30/2014 12:56 PM, Christopher Lozinski wrote:

I have a basic version of Zopache running internally.   It is a zope-2
like ZMI running on top of
grok on top of ZTK.  ZTK is really very nicely written.
Grok makes it so much easier to use the ZTK.
I an focused on using it to build my next generation recruiting website,
but it would be good to have someone to talk to about this stuff.   It
is very
very hard to find anyone who both appreciates TTW development, and
the multiple layers of ZTK and Grok.
I am a quite happy user of zope 2.9.x, although most likely my 
application will have to be ported to tomcat (using jython) in the short 

I keep data in MySQL, I had to replace most products with Extensions for 
lack of support, didn't use the TTW classes. I use little of the zope 
API and no roles (I use my own security roles in the database) .

I like the ZMI, error_log, Zope DB Adapter, ZSQL, and Python Scripts 
which hide the web machinery from me. I like the easy access to the 
running environment for testing and maintenance purposes. I love the ZPT 
and Python.

I have a nice UI/BusinessRules/DataAccess architecture that makes it 
easy to do maintenance at minimal cost. It is very easy to jump in and 
fix/improve code, especially considering I only do it on occasion.

There are of course limitations to this environment, in particular for 
developers that need all the file system tools for development and 
collaboration. But has it stands, it is very cost effective for some use 

I don't know about ZTK, Grok.

Fernando Martins

Anyhow if you are curious I am clozinski on skype.

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Re: [Zope] charset problems (utf-8)

2012-02-06 Thread Fernando Martins

On 02/06/2012 04:59 PM, Hugo Ramos wrote:

Is there any tool I can use to convert all objects in my data.fs to utf-8?

I had unicode related problems which usually come from mixing different 
encodings. In my case pretty much all my data also comes from a 
relational database. Also, not all versions of Zope support unicode 
properly for all types of objects. I had problems trying to upgrade my 
data.fs between zope versions due to unicode issues. I don't recall all 
the situations I came through and I can't help you much more here.

So, I guess your issue is that your page templates are combining data 
from other zope objects which are in different encoding. I doubt that 
you can convert all your objects to the same encoding as a general rule 
because that will be dependent on the specific object implementation. 
Even if you convert the data part of the objects, the code might still 
not work properly. But I don't know which type of objects you are 
talking about. Maybe one approach would be to export your data.fs as a 
whole or in parts using XML format and then try to make sure its 
encoding is utf-8.

Just vague considerations and a long shot, sorry if it doesn't help.


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Re: [Zope] Zope Digest, Vol 91, Issue 2

2011-12-05 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/05/2011 03:12 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

Hi John and Fernando
Intuitively I feel that my project fits in with an Object DB, which is 
why I have spent a lot of time trying to understand its methodology. 
But now I'm more confused than ever.

Sareesh, could you be more specific about what confuses you? You have 
several routes, you need to give proper consideration to those routes.

Maybe it would also help us if you clarify what is your skillset and 
experience in software development.

Also, is your problem a CIM one? see and 
specifically the key challenge listed over there. I have the impression 
you might be underestimating the problem.

Finally, do you already have information about the tools in some 
electronic format? And what about the rules to choose tools? Is there 
already some computer based solution to help with the current problem?

Please keep in mind that OOP and Object DB is not the same thing. You 
can work with objects in Python and never rely on OODB.

I have serious doubts about using ZODB at your stage because AFAIK, 
creating custom objects requires the development of zope Products. Note 
that the zope book does not teach you about creating custom objects in 
the ZODB. You need another whole book for that.

And the combination RDB and ZODB suggested by Neils/John seems too 
complicated as a start. I think you have a high learning curve ahead of 
you if have to learn to create Zope Packages to put objects in ZODB. But 
maybe there are simpler ways that I am not aware of. I'm sure OOP in 
Python and RDB is a good option. ZODB itself, I'm not so sure. Maybe 
others can enlighten you better here.

It appears to me you don't have much experience and it looks like there 
is a long evolutionary project ahead of you. For these reasons, I would 
highly recommend Python. BTW, I never recommended and I do not recommend 
C/C++ for your needs, I just mentioned that I used it for a similar 
purpose many years ago.

I would recommend you to do some programming in Python just to read some 
tool data from a text file, create some objects and try to do some tool 
selection where the output is merely done with print.

Then you can upgrade to use MySQL to store your tool data and then you 
can decide if you go the Zope or the PHP route. Keep in mind that RDBs 
are a huge standard with many people and tools around it, whereas ZODB 
is very much a small niche in comparison. That should also weigh in your 


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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 09:52 AM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:

Thanks Niels. Just to clarify:
Does my particular instance fall under an OODBMS model or a RDBMS 
model (with ORM if necessary)?

Data modelling is a bit of an art and probably you could tackle your 
problem with any approach. I think the important is for you to figure 
out which model suits more your personality. No kidding.

I would personally start with the RDBMS approach considering only the 
information you provide. Also, you can easily use zope in combination 
with a RDBMS. When you read the book, beware that zope has been changing 
from a through the web approach, to a typical file system based 
approach, which is a loss, but it seems to be what suits the needs of 
the zope developers.

The approach I use is:

zpt page - (one) Python Script - (some) ZSQL Methods - MySQL

The zpt defines the layout of the pages, the ZSQL Methods retrieve the 
data needed and the Python script massages the data to make it suitable 
for the ZPT page. Or the other way around, from user input in a form to 
storage in the database.

The advantage of the relational approach is that it is a very well 
understood model and although different people will still come to 
different models there are sufficient objective guidelines out there 
(e.g., the normalization rules, and then criteria for when to 
denormalise) to help you along. Furthermore, there are lots of people in 
db-related forums that can help you.

Also, RDBMS provides you with a standard query language, SQL, which 
plenty of systems and tools can use. In general, RDBMS gives you the 
safest approach to keep your data and not loose it when you need to 
migrate either the front-end or the back-end. This language is very 
powerful and can avoid you a lot of low level programming.

However, plenty of people can not deal well with SQL because it follows 
a paradigm so different from the classic imperative programming. With 
SQL, you specify the what, with the other languages you specify the 
how. The advantage of the what is that you can do a lot of data 
processing in a few lines of code. The problem with the what is that 
because you don't know the how of it, you feel you don't have control 
and you are led to say the language is obscure or unreadable.

However, even if you are not comfortable with the what (you have to 
try to know), you can still rely on an library like SQLAlchemy to keep 
you a bit in the comfort zone of the how. So instead of learning SQL, 
you need to learn the API of a specific library. Your choice. I 
recommend the first by far.

The real main issue with Relational is that it is a highly structured 
data model. It allows you to keep high quality data but if you don't get 
it right soon enough in the development cycle, some later changes can 
have a huge impact in the application, requiring rewrites. Furthermore, 
it works the best when you have many objects with the same properties. 
If you have many entities all different from each other (the tools in 
your case, maybe), then maybe a OODBMS might be better. But here, there 
is no standard language, or standard whatever. Perosnally, I would avoid 
as much as possible to put data in something like ZODB (I use it merely 
to store and manage the application).

The problem with your specific case is that it does not seem to be a 
typical case of books and authors, which might be a risk for someone 
without experience. The issue Tool A might have only three fixed rpms - 
100, 200 and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to 2000, is indeed 
tricky. I suspect in general the needs of your system will be too 
specific to be able to rely only on SQL queries. You would need to put a 
lot of intelligence in the data (really highly structured) and it might 
become unmanageable or not scalable.

I guess you will need to put a lot of intelligence in the Python Script. 
So, the ZSQL retrieves the relevant tool data and then makes the tool 
choice. The knowledge of the meaning of the attributes is maintained in 

I should say I am not totally sure the Python Script is the best 
approach here, in terms of management facilities. But Python is surely a 
very good language due to its readability. However, you might need to 
use External methods or a more typical file-system based Python approach.

Or maybe you actually need to create a Domain Specific Language to 
encode the intelligence needed for your tool selection process. If your 
python code becomes repetitive, with patterns showing up, then a DSL 
might be a good approach, but this might be too much engineering for you 
at this stage. It looks like you are in a typical CIM scenario and I 
remember handling a similar problem 20 years ago. I vaguely remember at 
that time to use custom graph structures in C and the the intelligence 
was coded in Lisp/Scheme. So, there is a big range of solutions to try 
out :)

If you have time, then the simple approach

zpt page - (one) Python 

Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 05:15 PM, Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go 
with PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy? Can I just start out with 
a framework like Symphony instead?

Well, if all you have is PHP + MySQL in your provider, there is no 
which is better question, is it?

You might want to look at a library that provides a 
templating system similar to ZPT. The advantage is the better separation 
between presentation and business layers.

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Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App

2011-12-04 Thread Fernando Martins

On 12/04/2011 09:31 PM, John Schinnerer wrote:
In any case, this looks (to me anyhow) like a very object-oriented 
system you are modeling so an object oriented approach and language 
would seem most suitable.

And how would you create (and update) objects in Python for:

at least 500 tools as of now, and it is bound to grow in the future as 
newer tools are introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.

Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the tool.
Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties.

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Re: [Zope] REST webservice on Zope 2

2011-09-14 Thread Fernando Martins
I don't have specific experience with REST, but I return json using 
Python scripts and XML is page templates are supported. So, at least the 
basics are possible, if you need more automatic generation from Python 
objects I don't see why it would not work but I have no idea if it 
exists a library for that in zope2.


On 09/14/2011 12:59 PM, Vimal wrote:
 Hi all,
 We need to implement a webservice for our Zope 2 website. Among SOAP and
 REST, REST appears to be easier to implement for what we need - return json 
 xml based on the URLs accessed. Zope 3 supports REST ( but not Zope 
 Does somebody have experience implementing REST on Zope 2? 


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Re: [Zope] Upgrading from 2.10 to 2.13

2011-09-02 Thread Fernando Martins
On 09/02/2011 11:12 PM, Michael Shulman wrote:
 Second, it took some
 more work to uncover that I had to separately install the ZSQLMethods
Michael, I can't help you with your issue but I got stuck in the upgrade 
since I didn't manage to install the ZSQLMethods. Can you tell which 
procedure did you follow?

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Re: [Zope] Unused options for buildout: 'eggs'.

2011-07-15 Thread Fernando Martins
On 07/15/2011 09:28 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
 On 09/07/2011 00:21, Fernando Martins wrote:
 I installed zope 2.13.8 per instructions on

 Which bit?

Well, as a general feedback, the documentation needs some sorting out: 
the install page linked from the downloads

recommends virtualenv, which was my first attempt. I ignored a link 
there for buildout because buildout meant nothing to me.

Then someone recommended buildout as the mainstream (not mentioned in 
the docs as the recommended practice) and I went to:

where I followed the first procedure there which is the standalone Zope 
with buildout.

None of these worked for me to install ZSQL Methods. I am able to 
install the egg in zopepy, but then Zope does not recognise the Product. 
Some configuration is needed in Zope I guess, which I have not figured 
out yet. The main issue is the Shared.DC.ZRDB code, which is node a 
Product in itself. I can install other (simpler) Products.

The last option, Creating a buildout-based Zope instance leads to full 
mixing code with data which doesn't appeal me much, but feedback like 
yours is pushing in this direction.

I have come across a problem though. My server is not connected to the 
Internet and I need to use buildout in offline mode, as indicated here:

What would be the most effective way to prepare an offline set of eggs, 
without missing eggs? Using buildout in a connected computer and then 
copy the eggs from there I guess?  And what about recipes?

I will not be able to work on this for the next two weeks, but I would 
still appreciate feedback on offline installation and if possible how to 
setup Shared.DC.ZRDB in a standalone Zope setup.

 eggs is a key of the [instance] section, not the [buildout] section.

Yeah, I was just following wrong or misleading instructions somewhere :(

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[Zope] Unused options for buildout: 'eggs'.

2011-07-08 Thread Fernando Martins

I installed zope 2.13.8 per instructions on

I created an instance outside the main Zope folder.

Then I followed the instructions on to try install 

Egg-based packages are very simple to install with Buildout.

eggs =

and run bin/buildout.

I get the message:

Unused options for buildout: 'eggs'.

I read somewhere that I need a recipe but I can't find such thing 
neither is it clear where to put it inside buildout.cfg. Can someone 
enlighten me here, please?

Frankly, I miss the old drop-in Products folder. There might be 
advantages with the new system(s), but simplicity is lost and no 
documentation seems available.


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[Zope] is it possible to upgrade from 2.9 to 2.13?

2011-07-03 Thread Fernando Martins
[resending as original seems to have got lost]

I got stuck with 2.9.9 because 2.10 introduced a major leakage in the 
ZSQL Methods. Now the number of users in my web site have increased and 
other leakages have become also  major issue (e.g., 

I was considering a  major upgrade to 2.12 or 2.13 and I was trying 
2.13.8. However, how can I install products??

It states in 2.12 What's new that they are still working but in fact 
merely dropping Products in the site-packages does not add a product.

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Re: [Zope] is it possible to upgrade from 2.9 to 2.13?

2011-07-03 Thread Fernando Martins
On 07/03/2011 09:30 AM, Fernando Martins wrote:
 merely dropping Products in the site-packages does not add a product.

Browsing through the list I saw this post:

with reference to a directive in zope.conf:

products /usr/local/Products.CMFCore-2.2.4/

I tried it with the package Products.ZSQLMethods here:

but no product is added and I see no error messages.

The README.txt is not helpful and I found nothing useful in zope docs. 
In despair, I tried python build/install and all I got is a lot 
of zope packages being downloaded and dumped into the python install.

Could someone be so kind to tell me the procedure to install Products 
from pypi?

Is it possible to do it also with old products not in pypi?

Also, what is the difference between and packages?

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[Zope] about the leakage in Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results

2011-07-03 Thread Fernando Martins
Regarding the leakage in Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results mentioned in:

which might very well be the leakage introduced in 2.10 that made ZSQL 
methods useless, what are the chances of being solved?

I see that Tres Seaver made a new package, SQL Adaptor (not useful to 
me) because of this bug. Is it an indication the bug is too hard to fix?

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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-04-03 Thread Fernando Martins
David H wrote:

 You can python + COM your way to a browser startup zope/plone login
 screen.  I cannot see how you automate the authentication of a given
 browser instance that is then handed to your users.

Hmm, that's not automation in this sense. The user logins into the
workstation (Windows, don't know about unix), the user opens the browser and
accesses an INTRANET page. The browser (IE or Firefox with NTLM setup) will
then send authentication information to the Intranet server using the NTLM
protocol. The web server (Apache with NTLM module) checks with some internal
Domain server and sets the environmental variable REMOTE_USER. This is then
sent to a CGI or FastCGI app (zope with FastCGI).

 Maybe someone will correct this.  If so everyone's happy.

Yes, local Intranet users love this, one less login, automatic recognition,
personalisation, instant gratification,... ;-)


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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-04-01 Thread Fernando Martins
Dieter Maurer wrote:
 Yes, I understand the alternative to FastCGI, but mod_proxy
 doesn't pass the required environmental variable REMOTE_USER to
 zope. I was asking about single sign-on alternatives for Zope.

 In principle, the rewrite rules allow to specify environment extensions.
 When I remember right, you use an E=... in the [P, ...] to call
 for such an extension.

Indeed, I also looked into mod_rewrite (which I'm using anyway) and I
realised I could put the user id into the URL with %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}.
That's a special case of %{ NAME_OF_VARIABLE }, required because this
variable is set by the authorization phases which come after the URL
translation phase where mod_rewrite operates.

The problem is that I have no knowledge of zope internals, including VHM.
And not much time (or money) to fix it. Any idea if it would be a simple
matter of patching RemotUserFolder or would it require additional patching
to VHM, etc?

If feasible, this could indeed be a nice solution, only with positive impact
(get rid of FastCGI).


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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-04-01 Thread Fernando Martins
Dieter Maurer wrote:
 Yes, I understand the alternative to FastCGI, but mod_proxy
 doesn't pass the required environmental variable REMOTE_USER to
 zope. I was asking about single sign-on alternatives for Zope.

 In principle, the rewrite rules allow to specify environment extensions.
 When I remember right, you use an E=... in the [P, ...] to call
 for such an extension.

Actually, I see now you are referring to the substitution flags. This is
indeed env|E=VAR:VAL but the idea is to set an environmental variable which
can be later dereferenced in many situations, but usually from within XSSI
(via !--#echo var=VAR--) or CGI (e.g.  $ENV{'VAR'}). But, unless I'm
missing something, this solution hits the problem that environment variables
are not passed into zope (except through FastCGI).


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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-03-31 Thread Fernando Martins
Robert Boyd wrote:
 FastCGI is deprecated, but it still can be used, correct? I also use
 it to pass REMOTE_USER from Apache to Zope (in a Shibboleth set-up),
 and nobody has given me an alternative using rewrite and proxy.

Well, you'll get a warning of the deprecation at start time. That's all, I 
believe. But since it is deprecated, bug fixing/improvements will not be done, 
like this one:  filestream_iterator handling is not implemented for FastCGI 
protocol, see

Furthermore, I have another annoying problem with the current setup. I provide 
some files from the file system, through LocalFS, but it doesn't work with 
Apache+NTLM+FastCGI. Rather than getting the file I get the description of the 
object, like

open file '/work/docs/MyFile.PDF', mode 'rb' at 0x42310974


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[Zope] single sign-on

2006-03-30 Thread Fernando Martins

I'm doing single sign-on using Apache+mod_ntlm+FastCGI. Since the last is
deprecated, is there any alternative?

Fernando Martins

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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-03-30 Thread Fernando Martins
  I'm doing single sign-on using Apache+mod_ntlm+FastCGI. Since 
 the last is
  deprecated, is there any alternative?
 As documented: Zope as standalone server + an optional reverse proxy 
 (Squid/Apache). But no idea how this would solve a SSO issue.

Yes, I understand the alternative to FastCGI, but mod_proxy doesn't pass the 
required environmental variable REMOTE_USER to zope. I was asking about single 
sign-on alternatives for Zope.


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RE: [Zope] single sign-on

2006-03-30 Thread Fernando Martins

Lennart Regebro wrote:
 On 3/30/06, Fernando Martins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yes, I understand the alternative to FastCGI, but mod_proxy
 doesn't pass the required environmental variable REMOTE_USER to
 zope. I was asking about single sign-on alternatives for Zope.

 Yale made a system called CAS, that workes fine for SSO. It's simple
 and secure and easy to  implement.

 My PAS plugin is available at . I
 have a CookieCrumbler type thingy somewhere too.

Interesting to know about, but it seems to be restricted to web sso, whereas
I had in mind sso including the workstation login. It seems to be a full
authentication mechanism on its own and it doesn't integrate with existing
authentication systems, right? (no NTLM and it uses kerberos but on it's


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RE: [Zope] LocalFS problem

2006-02-21 Thread Fernando Martins
Hi Chris,

 Fernando Martins wrote:
  I'm using LocalFS 1.7rc? and Zope 2.8.? in a Suse system. More
  for this case, zope is behind Apache 1.39 with module NTLM,

 What are you using to do NTLM?

simply mod_ntlm. I'm following the procedure on this page to do single
sign-on for my Intranet web site:

The software used is also linked from there.

  through FastCGI,

 Why on earth would you inflict this on yourself? ;-)

Because it is the only way to pass the Apache environmental variable
REMOTE_USER to Zope. This variable is set by Apache after the NTLM
authentication. I suppose PCGI is also possible, but I haven't tried it out.

I'm well aware and concerned that FastCGI has become deprecated for lack of
maintainer. I guess this will be a major upgrade obstacle for those doing
Intranet single sign-on.

Other than that I don't know of any concrete FastCGI problem.

  When I access a file in a LocalFS folder I get the following
 info, instead
  of the pdf file (in this case):
  open file '/work/docs/MyFile.PDF', mode 'rb' at 0x42310974.

 What's the code and urls you're using to access this?

No code, I get this in the browser just with an url like this:


/mysite/docs is a LocalFS folder that maps to a (Linux) folder /work/docs.
(/mysite is a zope folder invisible for the users, through some URL
rewriting done in Apache)

  The LocalFS folder accessed in the past through
 Apache+mod_rewrite without
  NTLM+RemoteUserFolder used to work fine.


yes, it was after adding NTLM+FastCGI to Apache+Zope that I got the LocalFS

  So, the combination Apache+NTLM+FastCGI+RemoteUserFolder with
 LocalFS isn't
  working well.

 My guess would be RemoteUserFolder is the cuplrit. What is this
 RemoteUserFolder and where did you get it from?

Got it from

although I don't follow your logic since RemoteUF works fine with the rest
of zope.

RUF doesn't do any real authentication, I guess, it simply adds the
REMOTE_USER user to the user folder and lets zope know the user is
authenticated. Simple job I guess.




 Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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[Zope] LocalFS problem

2006-02-20 Thread Fernando Martins

I'm using LocalFS 1.7rc? and Zope 2.8.? in a Suse system. More importantly
for this case, zope is behind Apache 1.39 with module NTLM, through FastCGI,
and users folder is a RemoteUserFolder. mod_rewrite and Virtual Host Monster
is being used do do some URL rewriting.

When I access a file in a LocalFS folder I get the following info, instead
of the pdf file (in this case):

open file '/work/docs/MyFile.PDF', mode 'rb' at 0x42310974.

The same file in another folder behind Apache+NTLM works fine.

The LocalFS folder accessed in the past through Apache+mod_rewrite without
NTLM+RemoteUserFolder used to work fine.

The same file in LocalFS accessed through zope directly (another port; no
apache) is delivered fine.

So, the combination Apache+NTLM+FastCGI+RemoteUserFolder with LocalFS isn't
working well.

The only clue I have is that I get the file object description rather than
the file itself.

Any hints?


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[Zope] init.d script and out of place instances

2005-11-24 Thread Fernando Martins
Thanks for all the replies! I got quite a good picture of the situation.

Final solution was to symlink zopectl into init.d and run update-rc.d.

In the meanwhile, I've also come across two relevant links which might be
useful for someone else:

similar problem:

Debian zope/plone package web page:


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[Zope] init.d script and out of place instances

2005-11-23 Thread Fernando Martins


As far as I can see and tried, the zope2.8 script only deals with instances
which are created in the default instance directory,

I would prefer to keep a specific instance of zope in a different directory,
together with other related directories, e.g. files from LocalFS. That is, I
prefer to have all directories of the application, zope or not, under a
common directory. Is there anything wrong with this approach??

I tried to symlink into the instance into /var/lib/zope2.8/instance but the
start script fails. BTW, where are the messages logged? (I'm running Ubuntu)

Is there any solution? Is this specific to the distribution?


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RE: [Zope] Re: zope 2.8.4 on windows 98

2005-11-15 Thread Fernando Martins

From: Andreas Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --On 15. November 2005 11:09:08 + Chris Withers

  Fernando Martins wrote:
FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\, lin
  e 84, in createEventSecurityObject
  pywintypes.error: (120, 'InitializeSid', 'This function is
 only valid in
  Win32 m
  Andreas, was your testing with a 2.8.4-based system?
  I remember reading about the work that Mark Hammond did to make things
  better for Zope on Windows, but it looks like this might have
 spelled the
  end for Zope working on Win98 ;-)

 I think we are using 2.8.1 (we are using our own Zope version which is
 always tied to the normale release schedule).

I've tried all versions from 2.8.1 and I always get the same error. I don't
have MSVC to try the tarball install.

I wonder if there is some detection code which is wrongly assuming I'm
running an NT kernel. Maybe it's something in my system which is misleading

Is it simple to do a debug/stepping over zope to see what's going on? I've
only used Boa Constructor a bit (hmm, I suppose threads are only started by
the end of initialization).


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RE: [Zope] Re: zope 2.8.4 on windows 98

2005-11-14 Thread Fernando Martins

From: J Cameron Cooper

 Probably this is just in the start sequence. You cannot, of course, run
 Zope as a service in Win98, since it understands no such thing. Quite
 possibly you can use runzope or whatever to execute it in a console.

 I can't say exactly as the traceback has been edited out of this thread
 (and I've deleted the old messages).

Indeed it's in the start sequence and I'm not trying to run it as a service.

This is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Program Files\Zope-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\, line
56, i
n ?
  File C:\Program Files\Zope-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\, line
21, i
n run
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\,
99, in prepare
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\,
320, in registerSignals
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\, line
116, in
SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGTERM, shutdownFastHandler)
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\,
e 207, in registerHandler
sa = createEventSecurityObject()
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\,
e 84, in createEventSecurityObject
pywintypes.error: (120, 'InitializeSid', 'This function is only valid in
Win32 m

I wonder if this could a problem of the installer, but doesn't seem very
likely as I assume it doesn't change the source code. I didn't have the time
to try the tarball in win98SE. I have no idea how much work that could be.


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[Zope] Re: zope 2.8.4 on windows 98

2005-11-13 Thread Fernando Martins

Andreas Jung wrote:
 On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 03:52:28 -0800, Fernando Martins
 fernando at wrote:

 I understand the problem, but is it the intention that zope is not
 supported on win98?

 Yes, I believe this is intentional. Windows 98 is a seven year old OS
 with  insufficient infrastructure to reliably run server tasks anyway. At
 least  get Windows 2000, which has a decent kernel.

 However that does not mean that Zope won't run on Windows 98. For a recent
 project where we ship and install Zope on all customers desktop machines I
 had to do a lot of testing especially on Windows 98.

I've been using zope 2.7.4 on win 98 for some development/testing, not as a
real server.

But I'm confused by your statement: if zope 2.8.4 is calling an NT security
function, not available in win98, then it does NOT run on win98?? DO you
mean there is something wrong with my win98 setup or that zope 2.8.4 could
be patched to overcome this issue?


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[Zope] zope 2.8.4 on windows 98

2005-11-12 Thread Fernando Martins

I tried to install zope 2.8.4 on win98SE. After starting the instance, it
dies with the following error:

  File C:\Program Files\Zope-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\, line
21, i
n run
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\,
99, in prepare
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Zope2\Startup\,
320, in registerSignals
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\, line
116, in
SignalHandler.registerHandler(SIGTERM, shutdownFastHandler)
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\,
e 207, in registerHandler
sa = createEventSecurityObject()
  File C:\PROGRAM FILES\ZOPE-2.8.4\lib\python\Signals\,
e 84, in createEventSecurityObject
pywintypes.error: (120, 'InitializeSid', 'This function is only valid in
Win32 m

I understand the problem, but is it the intention that zope is not supported
on win98?
Is there a workaround?


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[Zope-dev] Problem with request/HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR

2003-10-19 Thread Fernando Martins

Sorry for the cross-posting but I've posted before on the zope list without
reply. The following looks like to be a bug on the lookup of the request
attributes. If request doesn't have the attribute HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, the
following TALES expression should return REMOTE_ADDR. In fact, it returns
the empty string.

  p tal:content=request/HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR | request/REMOTE_ADDR/p

Naturally, the following works ok:

  p tal:content=python: request['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] or

Shall I file it as a bug or am I missing something?


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