[Zope-dev] Re: [ZODB-Dev] Re: [Bug] ZODB invalidation processing

2007-05-31 Thread Perry

Dieter Maurer schrieb:

Joachim Schmitz wrote at 2007-5-31 12:07 +0200:

2007-05-31 09:45:06 INFO Skins.create_level A923157 finished to create 
level 200
Now the conflict error, look at the transaction start-time, this is 
before the restart of zope !!

You are probably tricked out here: the serials are in fact UTC timestamps.
I am not sure but it may well be that the times shown for the serials
are UTC (GMT +0) and not local times.

I added 2 hours to the txn times and only looked at minutes.

so the observation is still true.


Gruß Joachim

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Re: many conflict errors

2007-05-28 Thread Perry

Tres Seaver schrieb:

Hash: SHA1

2007-05-25T10:19:01 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog
Traceback (innermost last):
   Module Zope2.App.startup, line 173, in zpublisher_exception_hook
   Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 121, in publish
   Module Zope2.App.startup, line 240, in commit
   Module transaction._manager, line 96, in commit
   Module Products.CPSCompat.PatchZODBTransaction, line 175, in commit
   Module transaction._transaction, line 436, in _commitResources
   Module ZODB.Connection, line 665, in tpc_vote
   Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 893, in tpc_vote
   Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 877, in _check_serials
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x7905e6, class
BTrees._IOBTree.IOBucket, serial this txn started with
0x036ddc2b3e989fdd 2007-05-25 09:15:14.670982, serial currently
committed 0x036ddc2dd48f4e33 2007-05-25 09:17:49.818700)

Neither of those tracebacks look like they come out of the 'faster'
session machinery itself;  it uses an 'OOBTree' by default for storing
the slices, not an 'IOBtree'.  The primary consumer of 'IOBTree' is
probably the catalog, where it is used to map RID - values in the
'unindex' of 'FieldIndex', etc.  The original sessioning machinery uses
'IOBTree', too:  are you sure you are using the faster machnery?

Yes, but I am not sure, or better I don't know who is causing these errors.


Gruß Joachim

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] many conflict errors

2007-05-25 Thread Perry

Answering to myself:

we could get rid of the sessionrelated conflict errors, by removing all

session = context.REQUEST.SESSION

from our scripts. But we still have these conflict errors:

how can I find out, what causes these conflicts.

2007-05-25T10:17:50 INFO ZPublisher.Conflict ConflictError at

database conflict error (oid 0x7905e6, class BTrees._IOBTree.IOBucket,
serial this txn started with 0x036ddc2a44454dee 2007-05-25
09:14:16.000950, serial currently committed 0x036ddc2c21950377
2007-05-25 09:16:07.870801) (80 conflicts (10 unresolved) since startup
at Fri May 25 05:19:08 2007)

and finally:

2007-05-25T10:19:01 ERROR Zope.SiteErrorLog
Traceback (innermost last):
  Module Zope2.App.startup, line 173, in zpublisher_exception_hook
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 121, in publish
  Module Zope2.App.startup, line 240, in commit
  Module transaction._manager, line 96, in commit
  Module Products.CPSCompat.PatchZODBTransaction, line 175, in commit
  Module transaction._transaction, line 436, in _commitResources
  Module ZODB.Connection, line 665, in tpc_vote
  Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 893, in tpc_vote
  Module ZEO.ClientStorage, line 877, in _check_serials
ConflictError: database conflict error (oid 0x7905e6, class
BTrees._IOBTree.IOBucket, serial this txn started with
0x036ddc2b3e989fdd 2007-05-25 09:15:14.670982, serial currently
committed 0x036ddc2dd48f4e33 2007-05-25 09:17:49.818700)

Joachim Schmitz schrieb:


in our Studentregistration portal we experience many conflict errors 
under heavy load many of them unresolved.

the configuration

ZEO-server running on one machine
4 Zope-Clients with CPS-3.4.2 with 4 threads each running on a second 
box, we are using the faster session product

all running Zope 2.9.3, python 2.4.3 on Ubuntu 4.0.3

a typical case looks like this:

Gruß Joachim
Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] many conflict errors

2007-05-25 Thread Perry

Maciej Wisniowski schrieb:

Perry napisał(a):

Answering to myself:

we could get rid of the sessionrelated conflict errors, by removing all

session = context.REQUEST.SESSION

from our scripts. But we still have these conflict errors:

how can I find out, what causes these conflicts.

2007-05-25T10:17:50 INFO ZPublisher.Conflict ConflictError at

database conflict error (oid 0x7905e6, class BTrees._IOBTree.IOBucket,
serial this txn started with 0x036ddc2a44454dee 2007-05-25
09:14:16.000950, serial currently committed 0x036ddc2c21950377
2007-05-25 09:16:07.870801) (80 conflicts (10 unresolved) since startup
at Fri May 25 05:19:08 2007)

Try to change session resolution seconds (Timeout resolution (in seconds))
parameter to a larger value. Possibly you're ecountering same problem as I
had some time ago. With long requests and small session resolution
seconds I had a lot of conflict errors.

I set it now to 9600/4800 (Timeout/Resolution) but it seams that it has 
no effect.

I think it is because of way sessions work in zope. Every x
seconds (where x is 'session resolution seconds'), when there is access
to SESSION, session objects are moved in OOBTrees. It is used to handle
session expiration.
Not used session objects are moved to the end of the
'list' and finally removed after Session Timeout is reached. I don't
know how this exactly goes but it is something like that.

When this 'movement' happens during request (session object is moved
when request that is bound to it is still being served) this causes
conflicts. You may look at group archives for my posts month or two
months ago...

I read this already I am also using the faster-session product and 
patched it to use the AppendOnlyDict.


Gruß Joachim

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope-dev] many conflict errors

2007-05-25 Thread Perry

Maciej Wisniowski schrieb:

I set it now to 9600/4800 (Timeout/Resolution) but it seams that it has
no effect.

Hm... where did you set this? At faster's preferences page in ZMI?


can you verify that these settings are used?

don't know how.

To change timeout/resolution to high values for standard session
implementation in zope.conf I had to patch one of zope core files,
otherwise it was not possible to start zope.

One more thing may be that these errors appears because of large
number of newly created session objects, eg. after zope restart.
I mean that when you restart zope and then run 10 concurrent requests
10 new session objects will be created. This may (and possibly do) cause
conflicts as these are all changes to OOBTree.
When you run these 10 concurrent requests again from the same browsers
(without restarting zope) then objects are already created so only
session resolution may be taken into account I think.

How do you check this? One more thing I wonder about is what number
of threads your zope instance is running?
we have 4 Zeo-Clients with 4 threads each accessing one ZEO-Server on a 
different machine.


Gruß Joachim

Zope-Dev maillist  -  Zope-Dev@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Perry Smith
On Nov 12, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Hafeliel wrote:I realize that this post might cause a bit of anxiety,and so I apologize for that in advance.  However,despite all the blood, sweat, and tears that we've allpoured into Zope over the years, Zope has yet to makea signifigant market penetration.If you could, please take a moment to surf on over tohttp://zopereplacement.wikidot.com/As you probably guessed, that's a wiki set up todiscuss where we went right, where we went wrong, andwhat we could do to make a product that industry ismore apt to embrace.What do you guys honestly think?  Is this a good idea? Bad?I created an account but I can not add any text -- or, I suppose I should say that "I can't figure out how to add text".  edit gives me "you must be a member"... I have an account and I'm logged in...So, I will add my reply here.About this note: I hesitate sending it to this mailing list.  I'm sure it will cause a few bad feelings.  It would me if I was on the other side.  I honestly do not want to.  If I do offend you, please let me know.About me: On a scale of 0 to 10 of Zope experience, I'm about a 2 -- maybe.  I've done one trivial "Contact Management" Zope 3 application.  I've managed to get zwiki inside Plone running on Zope 2.  I've read two books on Zope 3.  Thats about it.Images: if you want simple adding data to images, go to Adobe and search for their standardized method.  They have a standardized method of adding attributes to any document.  You can define and add your own attributes.  Its based on rtf.Zope Replacement: it seems a bit premature to me to be asking for a replacement.  Why not extend what is there?  I've not seen it "fail" any place that required a reject of the founding principles.Apache Module: I'd question that.  It is so trivial to put Zope 3 behind apache that I don't see the advantage of forcing people to use Apache.  As an Apache module, I would have to compile it for my system.  If I'm on a Mac, that is not easy to do.  I've gone out and replaced all of my Apache stuff so its not so hard for me at this point but, generally, forcing people into compiling code AND using Apache seems really bad to me.  Another reason NOT to do this is development.  I can develop Zope on my laptop.  If it was Apache based, I'd have to crank up an apache server.  Not a huge deal but why force me to do that?Language: At this point, python seems to have advantages to php.  I've used Perl since the dark ages but find Python  nicer.  I don't really know why though so please don't ask me to explain.ZCML: I agree with Zope 3's principles of creating ZCML.  It is hard for me to use.  I don't think that is a Zope issue.  I wish it was easier.Documentation: I would still like to have a separate Zope 3 reference book.  Something that can be printed.  Something that is "complete" (contains everything in the default zope 3 download).Suggestion 1 for Zope 3: Make a more obvious, clean separation between Zope 2 and Zope 3 on the web sites.  Have separate web sites for example.  Personally, I would orphan Zope 2.  Whatever works on Zope 3, I would keep.  Whatever does not, I would "archive".  Bring over things from Zope 2 to Zope 3 as time permits but make the cut and let Zope 2 drift into history.  It may be that 99.999% of Zope 2 works in Zope 3.  I have no idea.  But my impression as a new beginner is that most (i.e. all) of it does not.Suggestion 2 for Zope 3: document document document... I understand everyone is busy and everything is changing fast.  But, I find it really hard to break into the Zope 3 environment.  And, it may be that this is really why Zope 3 is not picking up more users faster.  I don't know.Super Cool Things about Zope 3:  1) TAL's: I did PHP without TALs last year.  It quickly became obvious to me that something else was needed.  My approach was the opposite: I wrote everything in PHP and had tiny PHP things to spit out the tags and attributes.  Not very viable since you can not use normal HTML editors to create and design your pages.  TAL's solves all those problems.  Who ever came up with that idea deserves a Nobel Prize.2) The Zope Database: The fact I can just subclass Persistence and all that magic happens for me in the background is great.  And, looking and watching from the email conversations, it appears as if there is a growth path from trivial storage to full blown database backend support.3) Python based.4) Very modular and component design. I hope this helps more than it hurts.Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comLow cost SATA Products for IBMs p5, pSeries, and RS/6000 AIX systems___
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[Zope] Zope 3 Newbie Persistent Question

2006-10-08 Thread Perry Smith
I've read through 2/3rds of Web Component Development with Zope 3.  I am just now starting to create a simple system to hold contact information.If I start simple with maybe five fields and make it persistent, what happens when I add fields later on?  Does the Zope database just magically understand that the old elements do not have all of the fields (yet).Thanks, Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comSATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems ___
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] which operating system quandry

2006-09-30 Thread Perry Smith
On Sep 30, 2006, at 3:10 AM, Andreas Jung wrote:--On 29. September 2006 15:05:06 -0700 David Bear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:I know it has been asked many times which os is best for zope, I have...snipsmoothly?Don't depend on packages. It is the safest way to use the source codedistributions. The sources code distro is recommended and supported. In case of packages you depend often on a single maintainer.I was wondering... I'm an old AIX guy and I never pick up pre-compiled versions of software because the guy who compiles it often has choices and his choices are not what I want.  So I just pick up and compile what I want/need.  That practice has propagated over to Mac OS X where I do most of my "home" work now. Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comSATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems ___
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] Mac OS X SystemStarter interface

2006-09-25 Thread Perry Smith
I am new to this but I have not seen how the "runzope" or zopectl start commands are done at system startup.  Mac OS X has its own system(s).  The old is called SystemStarter and the new is called launchd.  SystemStarter requires a directory and a few simple files.  I'm not sure what launchd requires.Is there a need to implement these or has it already been done?  How do most people do it on the various unix/linux versions?If not, I'll take a swag at it if others feel they could use it. Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comSATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems ___
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] Newbie Question

2006-09-24 Thread Perry Smith
Is it possible to have the same host running ZOPE 2 and ZOPE 3?  I would like to put both on a Mac OS X server.  I have Apache 2.2 running on it and PostgreSQL version 8.1.3 running my existing software.  I'd like to add zwiki which uses ZOPE 2.  And then add ZOPE 3 so that I can start developing a new application.  Can all three of these coexist on the same machine?  Are there any suggested do's and don'ts to follow in such an arrangement?Thank you, Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comSATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems ___
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] Protocol question about ZopeBook typos

2006-09-24 Thread Perry Smith
Wonderful documentation but there are a fair amount of silly typos, etc.  Do folks want me to open "issues" or "bugs" on these typos? Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comSATA Products for IBMs RS/6000, pSeries, and AIX systems ___
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Modifying a menu

2002-03-14 Thread Marcia Perry


Where in the Zope src is the menu labeled Select type to add... created?

We want to change this pulldown menu but I'm not familiar w/ the Zope
src code.  I started w/ the obvious: after pointing my browser at http://
myhost:8080/manage and getting the Zope page, I did Netscape - View -
Page Source and see the 3 frames.  I think the menu I'm interested in
is in the frame w/ src=http://myhost:8080/manage_workspace; w/ name=
manage_main.  So I searched thru. the src, grep'ng for some strings
and located manage_main in ZopePageTemplate.py.  But that's as far
as I got.  I'm new to Zope, don't have time to step thru. all the code,
but gotta dive in and make some changes to this menu.

Please help! And if there's some documentation that describes the code,
I'd be stoked.

-- marc

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