Re: [Zope] unicodedecoderror in page templates

2007-05-20 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Andreas Jung:
> [...]
> >> --On 20. Mai 2007 14:20:38 +0200 Einar Næss Jensen
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > When I get errors like:
> >> > UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position
> >> > 2940: ordinal not in range(128)
> >> > how can I locate the character which causes the error?
> >> > In particular: where is the position (2940 in the example)?
> [...]
> As Peter wrote: you are likely mixing somewhere different encodings with
> unicode or something similar. Which Zope version are you using?
> If 2.10 then you might check at the UnicodeConflictResolver as introduced
> in Zope 2.10 (check the release notes). Otherwise ensure that you are not 
> mixing unicode strings with non-unicode strings.

With Zope < 2.10 you can try the following recipe to get right (ie
wrong) part of the template:


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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Re: [Zope] POST sucks.

2006-09-12 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Paul Winkler:
> Been doing web services (XML-RPC) stuff lately.
> What suggestions do people have for troubleshooting a zope-based
> XML-RPC application?
> Access and trace logs are totally useless, since even the method name is
> hidden in the POST payload, so I feel like I'm flying blind; when a
> client developer tells me he gets occasional hangs, I have no idea what
> kind of request triggers the hang.
> I may end up sprinkling my code with a lot more logging calls than I'm used
> to.  Any other suggestions?

I found it very useful to log every xml-rpc call (call and return
value). For this we have patched ZPublisher/ (and one line in
ZPublisher/ See attachment (tested against 2.9.3).

The log entries look like that:

  Sep 10 06:58:40 bach-s10 xmlrpc id=-177841652, client=,  \
   user=stupl,, path=/bach/stupl/RPC, \

  Sep 10 06:58:40 bach-s10 xmlrpc id=-177841652, client=,  \
   user=stupl,, time=88.27ms, out-ok, \
   ret=[('E', 19007, None, 7066351, 1, None), ('E', 19010, None, ...


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria

-included file follows-

---   2006-05-12 13:53:45.0 +0200
+++   2006-09-12 18:52:39.094041280 +0200
@@ -21,11 +21,56 @@
 import re
 import sys, types
+import time
 from HTTPResponse import HTTPResponse
 import xmlrpclib
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('event.xmlrpc')
+hdlr = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler('/dev/log')
 from zExceptions import Unauthorized
+def log_before(request, method, response):
+#url = request.base + request.environ['PATH_INFO']
+path = request.environ.get('PATH_INFO')
+host_port = request.environ.get('HTTP_HOST')
+user = request._authUserPW()  # returns (user,pw) tuple or None
+if user:
+user = user[0]
+response.xmlrpc_timestamp = time.time()
+idstring = 'xmlrpc id=%u, client=%s, user=%s, inst=%s' % (
+   id(response), request._client_addr, user, host_port)
+args = '%s' % (request.args,)
+if len(args) > 200:   # syslog line limit: 1024
+sargs = []
+# XXX
+   "%s, path=%s, call=%s%s" %
+   (idstring, path, method, request.args))
+response.xmlrpc_idstring = idstring
+def get_xmlrpc_info(response):
+ts = getattr(response, 'xmlrpc_timestamp', None)
+if ts:
+t = '%.2fms' % ((time.time() - ts) * 1000,)
+t = '-'
+idstring = (getattr(response, 'xmlrpc_idstring', None) or
+   'xmlrpc %u' % (id(response),))
+return idstring,t
+def log_ok(response, ret):
+idstring, t = get_xmlrpc_info(response)"%s, time=%s, out-ok, ret=%s" % (idstring, t, ret))
+def log_exception(response, errortext):
+idstring, t = get_xmlrpc_info(response)
+"%s, time=%s, out-error, exception=%s" % (idstring, t, errortext))
 def parse_input(data):
 """Parse input data and return a method path and argument tuple
@@ -97,8 +142,11 @@
 def setBody(self, body, title='', is_error=0, bogus_str_search=None):
 if isinstance(body, xmlrpclib.Fault):
+txt = str(body)
+log_exception(self, txt)
 # Convert Fault object to XML-RPC response.
-body=xmlrpclib.dumps(body, methodresponse=1, allow_none=True)
+body=xmlrpclib.dumps(body, methodresponse=1, allow_none=True,
+ encoding='iso-8859-1')
 if type(body) == types.InstanceType:
 # Avoid disclosing private members. Private members are
@@ -117,8 +165,13 @@
 # was a Python None. This is now patched in xmlrpclib to
 # allow Nones nested inside data structures too.
+ret = '%s' % (body,)
+if len(ret) > 80:
+ret = ret[:80] + '...'
 body = xmlrpclib.dumps(
-(body,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=True)
+(body,), methodresponse=1, allow_none=True,
+log_ok(self, ret)
@@ -141,6 +194,9 @@
 isinstance(t, types.ClassType) and issubclass(t, Unauthorized)
+txt = '%s: %s' % (t, v) 
+log_exception(self, txt)
 return self._real.exception(fatal=fatal, info=info)
 # Create an appropriate Fault object. Containing error information
--- 2006-05-12 13:53:45.0 +0200
+++  2006-06-01 10:23:57.272282896 +0200
@@ -394,6 

Re: [Zope] converting bytestreams from iso-8859-1 to utf-8

2006-05-06 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Giuseppe Bonelli:
> sorry if this is not zope specific, but can someone please explain 
> to me the following behaviour when trying to convert an iso-8859-1 string 
> read from a file to an utf-8 encoded one?
> s='\x93test\x94' #an iso-8859-1 string
>   #\x93 and \x94 are left and right
>   #double quotation marks,
>   #as seen in a browser set to iso-8859-1

\x93 and \x94 are *not* iso-8859-1 quotation marks. See for example

Instead they seem to be from the Windows-125X  (X=0,1,...) codepage:

> ss=unicode(s,'iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
> gives
> ss='\xc2\x93test\xc2\x94'
> which is wrong (as seen in a browser set to utf-8)!


  >>> unicode(s,'cp1250').encode('utf-8')

is right.

> Do I have to explicitly replace all characters above \x7F ?

No, you have to use the right encodings ;-)


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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Re: [Zope] Python Classes and Zope.

2005-12-01 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Dario Lopez-Kästen:
> But in order to even display it in a zpt I must transmogrify it into a 
> special zope-object, and *that* is not so easy as I have discovered.
> In my case I am not so interested in importing the moduels or classes 
> into a Script(Python) - I have allready passed the objects in question 
> thtough my product, but still I get some "Zope Does Not Allow That" error.

You could add

__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1

to your class. Then all attributes and methods of its instances should
be accessible from Zope. However, this can be a security problem, so
be careful...


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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Re: [Zope] Visibility and Copy&Paste support

2005-08-31 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Peter Bengtsson:
> Some of these objects I don't want to encourage people to create via
> the ZMI and I don't want to clutter up the "Add new object drop down"
> with stuff that can't be added.
> If I register the class, but set 'visibility=None' I still can't
> copy/cut & paste the instanciated objects. Why? What's the point of
> the 'visibility=None' parameter?

As this has bitten me the last time...

The method CopyContainer._verifyObjectPaste

is responsible for that. It refuses to paste objects with meta_types,
which are not found in the "all_meta_types" attribute of the target

And yes, I find it (at least) irritating, that an object cannot be
pasted, only because it isn't in the product add list
(visibility=None). And the error message (when pasting) does not help

  The object ... does not support this operation.

Is there a way to hide products from the product add list without
losing the ability to paste its corresponding objects?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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Re: [Zope] ZEO troubles on RedHat EL4 Linux

2005-08-18 Thread Willi Langenberger
According to Tim Peters:
> I don't know.  Dieter asked whether you ran the tests via "zopectl
> test", but I didn't see an answer to that.

Ok, here some data points...

  bender:~/Zope-2.7.7-final$ cat /proc/version 
  Linux version 2.6.9-11.ELsmp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 3.4.3 20050227 
(Red Hat 3.4.3-22)) #1 SMP Fri May 20 18:26:27 EDT 2005

  bender:~/Zope-2.7.7-final$ python2.3 
  Python 2.3.5 (#1, Apr 19 2005, 14:53:39) 
  [GCC 3.4.3 20041212 (Red Hat 3.4.3-9.EL4)] on linux2
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Running one single test:

  bender:~/Zope-2.7.7-final$ python2.3 testConnection 
  Running unit tests from /home/wlang/Zope-2.7.7-final/lib/python
  ERROR: checkNoVerificationOnServerRestart 
  Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/wlang/Zope-2.7.7-final/lib/python/ZEO/tests/", line 
121, in tearDown
  os.waitpid(pid, 0)
  OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

  Ran 1 test in 0.689s

  FAILED (errors=1)

After some retries, the same test passes:

  bender:~/Zope-2.7.7-final$ python2.3 testConnection 
  Running unit tests from /home/wlang/Zope-2.7.7-final/lib/python
  Ran 1 test in 0.691s


Interesstingly, if i run the test with strace, i never see the test
fail (i tried at least 30 times):

  bender:~/Zope-2.7.7-final$ strace -e trace=signal -o /var/tmp/zeotest.trc 
python2.3 testConnection checkNoVerificationOnServerRestart\$
  Running unit tests from /home/wlang/Zope-2.7.7-final/lib/python
  Ran 1 test in 0.710s


(Obviously a Heisenberg effect -- the observation influences the
behaviour ;-)

If anyone is interessted in the trace file -- it can be found at:

(However, it would be way more interessting to see the syscalls while
the test is failing...)

Also, i debugged the whole test with the python debugger. Unfortunatly
(as with strace), i was not able to reproduce the failing of the test
in the debugger.

> the ZEO tests spawn processes directly via Python's
> os.spawnve(), and later waits for them to end, via the waitpid() code
> shown earlier.  It doesn't muck around with signals, forks, or
> anything else that should be platform-dependent (the same ZEO-test
> process code is used on both Linux and Windows, BTW -- for this
> reason, it can't rely on any fancy signal or process gimmicks;
> spawnve+watipid is the entire story here).

Yes, its as simple as that: zeo ist started, zeo is stopped, and when
the parent calls waitpid, we get the "No child processes" error most of
the time :-(

Any ideas what we can try to narrow this down?

> All the failures you showed were in test teardown.  If that's all the
> failures you got, then all the test bodies actually passed.  Of course
> you have to be wary that normal methods of detecting child-process
> termination aren't working as hoped on this box, because all the test
> failures you reported were exactly failures to detect child-process
> termination.

Sure -- we could just make this change:

  bender:.../ZEO/tests$ diff
  < os.waitpid(pid, 0)
  > try:
  > os.waitpid(pid, 0)
  > except OSError:
  > pass

then all tests will pass. But then we will not know why the zeo zombie
vanishes before the waitpid can reap the exit code ;-)


PS: i'am afraid it turns out to be a python thread / signals / race
problem -- yuck!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]Fax: +43/1/31336/9207
Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Austria
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