Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-26 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 26. Juli 2005 22:40:18 +0200 Alexander Limi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They did the work on our behalf, and most excellently executed the
worldwide registration of the mark. The trademarks were transferred fully
to the
Plone Foundation as agreed.

So any idea why the WIPO database tell us a different story?


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-25 Thread Xavier Heymans
I would like to inform that ZEA is in the process to transfer the trademark to Zope Corporation. A number of actions will be taken including the preparation of the list of expenses to secure the trademark, and meetings with our trademark expert to work on the administrative details. We would like to emphasize that no action taken by Zope Europe Association are illegal from a European perspective. As said  earlier, our action was aimed at securing the mark stopping third party registrations. Best regards,Xavier HeymansCEO, Zope Europe AssociationOn 21-juil.-05, at 14:35, Hadar Pedhazur wrote:"George Donnelly" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:dbmpjp$kl8$[EMAIL PROTECTED]... ZC says: the marks were stolenZEA seems to be saying: the marks were registered defensively. I am amazed at how people pick and choose what to read andrepeat, and what to ignore. I will mix in a few quotes froma few posts responding to my note yesterday to highlightthis problem.After this post, unless someone makes a profound newstatement, I will remain silent, as many of you haverequested, and complete the trademark challenge processthrough the official channels that have already begun.George, others have already replied to this, but Rob haswritten about this as well before, so I'm surprised thatthis is still a question. A defensive registration of _our_trademark should have been _explicitly_ called to ourattention. In fact, any reasonable company would havealerted us to any specific danger, and asked us if _we_intended to register our trademarks in the appropriatejurisdiction.Beyond that point, _we_ are the first registrants of theZOPE trademark in WIPO. ZEA registered our LOGO, not theword ZOPE, which we registered _before_ they registered theLOGO. So, everyone, please pay attention. We did _not_ignore our trademark rights in Europe. We registered ourbase trademark, the word ZOPE, in a number of countries inEurope. ZEA then registered our LOGO (taken from ourwebsite), including the name ZOPE in it (which we hadalready registered).I am truly unsure as to how to make this point any clearer. My read on this is that there is a serious communication problem goingon here between the lines. Why doesn't Paul come out and state what theZEA position is? Why are ZC's words so angry? There isn't really a communication problem here (though itwould wonderful if there was). There is a backtracking and arewriting of history going on, because ZEA got caught withtheir hands in our cookie jar. They could have settled thisincredibly quietly and quickly. Instead, they chose a paththat has led us here.We could have fought it silently too, so it's 100% true thatwe are the ones that brought this fight into the public. Onthe other hand, I can't imagine what would have happened ifthis private battle dragged on until January, and then wegot beaten up for missing the launch date on the Foundation,and only then alerted the community as to what was going on.So, we did what we thought was the most prudent thing, andalerted the community 2 days after we initiated thechallenge to their registration. I don't know how we couldhave been more transparent about it. ZC saying the marks were stolen seems a little over the top. What if ZEAregistered them defensively? if that's possible then ZEA should be giventhen  benefit of the doubt and not be called a thief. If there was aneed to register them to protect "zope", then why didn't ZC do it? Read the above response again (and again if necessary). Moreimportantly, ask yourself why ZEA admitted to us during aphone call that they believe that there were deals that theycould not have won if they didn't control the mark? Nowextend that thought one more inch and ask yourself how theZope-based companies that they competed against in Europewould feel if they knew that this was a commercial leveragepoint for ZEA in winning against their bid?!?!?And again, read the above to see that our registration of themark "ZOPE" predates theirs. Everybody needs to calm down, stop insulting each other and stopbroadcasting this problem to the whole world on zope-announce (forexample). Its making us all look  childish. Indeed, we do look childish, and I'm perhaps _more_ to blamefor that escalation than others. That's why I will try tokeep this as my last communication (at least for a while) onthis topic. That said, a number of people responded sayingthat they were not only glad to be made aware of thisproblem, but were surprised that they didn't know about itsooner.The rhetoric (mine as well!) is louder than it should be,but I believe the issue(s) definitely needed to be aired, asit's utterly obvious that even the more basic of the "facts"are still misunderstood by a number of posters. As anexample, the repeated questioning of why we didn't registerour own marks in Europe, which we did. Making either side into the bad guy is not only innacurate but alsoinappropriate and is not conducive to building a community around thesoftware we all love 

Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-25 Thread Andrew Milton
+---[ Xavier Heymans ]--
| I would like to inform that ZEA is in the process to transfer the trademark to
| Zope Corporation. A number of actions will be taken including the preparation
| of the list of expenses to secure the trademark, and meetings with our
| trademark expert to work on the administrative details. 
| We would like to emphasize that no action taken by Zope Europe Association are
| illegal from a European perspective. As said  earlier, our action was aimed at
| securing the mark stopping third party registrations. 

You took someone else's work and claimed it as your own. This is the worst 
you can commit in the Open Source world. 

Andrew Milton
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-24 Thread Dieter Maurer
Andreas Jung wrote at 2005-7-21 08:29 +0200:
 ... ZEA silently registering the Zope logo ...

If it wasn't a secret I am sure that ZC would know about the secret.

This reminds me a discussion between two business students:

  They planned how to make money with little effort.
  Their business plan looked like this:

Check in which countries Coca Cola (or some other large quickly
expanding company) has not registered its trademarks.
Register them and wait until Coca Cola recognizes its error.
Let them pay for the transferal of the trademark rights.

This discussion convinced me that the trademark laws are almost
as bad as the patent laws...

I do not know ZEA and do not know whether they hired business students
like the above

But it looks very suspicious when they say that they registered
logos they did not design for protective reasons *without*
informing the company that officially use these logos (and paid for the
design) *before* the registration...

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-22 Thread Greg Fischer

Man!  There has got to be some humor in this at some point!

Honestly, though, I appreciate your discussions being held here.  I
truly appreciate the fact that I have Zope to work with and offer to
my customers.  I feel that I owe that thanks not only to Zope
Corporation, but to the community as well.  I just wanted to chime in
from a tiny part of the *silent majority* so that both parties hear
it.  I love Zope, we all do.  Work this out. :-)


On 7/21/05, Lennart Regebro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ZC: Potay-to.
 ZEA: Potah-to.
 ZC: Potay-to!
 ZEA: Potah-to!
 ZC: Potay-to!!
 ZEA: Potah-to!!
 ZC: POTAY-TO, you evil thief!!!
 ZEA: POTAH-TO you dictatiorial pig!!
 Not a communications problem? My ass.
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Greg Fischer
1st Byte Solutions
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread robert rottermann

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 20. Juli 2005 19:17:59 -0500 George Donnelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hadar Pedhazur wrote:

ZC says: the marks were stolen
ZEA seems to be saying: the marks were registered defensively.

My read on this is that there is a serious communication problem going
on here between the lines. Why doesn't Paul come out and state what the
ZEA position is? Why are ZC's words so angry?

I am disappointed hearing that ZEA registered the trademarks silently 
already 18 months ago. The German Zope User Group (DZUG) asked ZC for 
permission using the Zope logo and the domain name for our 
community websites (which was never a problem). But in this case we 
would have to ask ZEA for permission as keeper of the trademarks in 
Europe?! I am sorry to say this but the secrecy on the ZEA side is not 
really acceptable. I can understand ZEA argument to have registered 
the trademarks for defending Zope from improper use but why did not 
you notify ZC or the community about it? As someone working in the 
Zope business I need to know who is having what and why. Such things 
should not kept secret when you are dealing in the open-source 
business. So this whole issue is a shame for the complete Zope community.


I am a casual watcher of what happens in the Zope community (I only 
check the development things actively).

However I believe that I knew that ZE did register the Zope logo.
(All tough instinctively I would have to have gone to ZC to ask for 
permission to use it should the need have presented itself).
So I do not believe it really was a secret, neither is it a cause for 
disappointment. Somebody had to do it and sometimes you just have to 
move forward. This is fine with me  if you do so as a good community 
member trying to secure things without going into to much of the legal 
paperwork that is sure to erupt when you deal in such affairs with an US 

It is the handling of affairs that is .. what should I say .. fascinating.

Somehow I have the impression that we had similar exchanges on these 
canals amongst the same performers before.

Seems that being a good person does not necessarily mean you are a nice one.


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 21. Juli 2005 08:02:32 +0200 robert rottermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I am a casual watcher of what happens in the Zope community (I only check
the development things actively).
However I believe that I knew that ZE did register the Zope logo.
(All tough instinctively I would have to have gone to ZC to ask for
permission to use it should the need have presented itself).
So I do not believe it really was a secret, neither is it a cause for

If it wasn't a secret I am sure that ZC would know about the secret. At 
least after the announcement for the ZF I would have expected that someone 
from the ZEA would have set: well, the ZF is fine but there is a problem 
with transfering the right to the ZF because *we* have the trademarks 
registered in Europe :-)


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Tino Wildenhain
Am Mittwoch, den 20.07.2005, 19:17 -0500 schrieb George Donnelly:
 Hadar Pedhazur wrote:
 ZC says: the marks were stolen
 ZEA seems to be saying: the marks were registered defensively.
 My read on this is that there is a serious communication problem going
 on here between the lines. Why doesn't Paul come out and state what the
 ZEA position is? Why are ZC's words so angry?
 ZC saying the marks were stolen seems a little over the top. What if ZEA
 registered them defensively? if that's possible then ZEA should be given
 then  benefit of the doubt and not be called a thief. If there was a
 need to register them to protect zope, then why didn't ZC do it?
 Everybody needs to calm down, stop insulting each other and stop
 broadcasting this problem to the whole world on zope-announce (for
 example). Its making us all look  childish.
 Making either side into the bad guy is not only innacurate but also
 inappropriate and is not conducive to building a community around the
 software we all love and are grateful to ZC and non-ZC related
 programmers alike for, Zope.
+1 this is also my understanding judging from the messages flowing

The statement of ZC indicates they want to transfer their trademark
to ZF and now find the european trademark in other hands. OTOH, why
not just transfer/licence what they have (the .us trademark) and
just agree to ZEA transfer/licence the european trademark to ZF

As I understand, the benefit of a ZF with the source in the hand 
would be to help contributors to defend against patent issues
which you probably cant avoid if you do any development.
So I really like to see ZF founded as soon as possible.

So please ZC and ZEA come together, the community really wants

May I suggest to create a temp not-public-archived mailinglist
to further discuss this issue? 
Tino Wildenhain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

The statement of ZC indicates they want to transfer their trademark
to ZF and now find the european trademark in other hands. OTOH, why
not just transfer/licence what they have (the .us trademark) and
just agree to ZEA transfer/licence the european trademark to ZF

No, just the opposite.  ZC do *not* want to transfer the marks to the 
ZF.  I do find this position strange.  Whilst they are willing to 
transfer all the IP, for which yes we are grateful.  The issue being 
that many companies around the world are investing marketing money and 
time in developing and promoting the 'zope brand'.  The problem is that 
this brand now (since ZC renamed from DC) also co-incides with Zope 
Corporation.  The value of this brand is increasing and needs to be 
protected, hence why the marks have been trademarked in the other 
companies in which ZC did not register.  I am guessing that ZC 
registered the marks in the countries that are most commercially 
valuable to them -- an understandable move as it was their bucks paying 
for it.  However the *zope community* extends beyond these countries and 
needs protection too.

The main conflict arises because:

* The zope community and Zope Corporation use the same word 'zope'
  to identify themselves.
* ZC don't want to let go of their trademarked name as that is a
  major asset to their business.
* Many people in the zope community feel uneasy that a corporation
  which can be bought and sold owns the name of the software that
  they are developing.

All these points are perfectly valid and understandable, but what we 
need to work out is a way in which we can try and combine and merge 
these conflicting points in a sane way.

I personally (remember, these views are all mine) welcome Rob's ideas on 
how to ensure that ZC's potential successors or assigns use the Zope 
trademark in a fair way.  The problem being, I don't see how that can 
happen if the trademarks are owned by ZC as if the company were bought 
it would be up to the new owned what would happen with its own property. 
 Yes we could put a contract in place between ZF and ZC to say that ZF 
can be the arbiter of any disputes, but I don't see how that can remain 
in place if ZC changes hands.


Matt Hamilton   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netsight Internet Solutions, Ltd.Business Vision on the Internet +44 (0)117 9090901
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Matt Hamilton

Hadar Pedhazur wrote:

Beyond that point, _we_ are the first registrants of the
ZOPE trademark in WIPO. ZEA registered our LOGO, not the
word ZOPE, which we registered _before_ they registered the
LOGO. So, everyone, please pay attention. We did _not_
ignore our trademark rights in Europe. We registered our
base trademark, the word ZOPE, in a number of countries in
Europe. ZEA then registered our LOGO (taken from our
website), including the name ZOPE in it (which we had
already registered).

I am truly unsure as to how to make this point any clearer.

A few points I want to clear up... the next two paragraphs I write are 
about technicalities, I am not refering to any moral right or wrong, or 
who did what etc.

In my view the confusion is apparent.  If I go to I see the 
same logo (admittedly with the word community added to it).  If I 
install Zope and go to the ZMI one of the first things I see is the Zope 
logo.  I can clearly see how people associate the logo with the 
software.  Very few clients (and potential clients) we talk to in the UK 
are even aware of ZC... *in their mind* Zope is a CMS not a company.

And please please please remember that there is no such thing as 
'registered the trademark in Europe'.  There are many companies in 
Europe and the trademarks have to be registered in specific countries.

Read the above response again (and again if necessary). More
importantly, ask yourself why ZEA admitted to us during a
phone call that they believe that there were deals that they
could not have won if they didn't control the mark? Now
extend that thought one more inch and ask yourself how the
Zope-based companies that they competed against in Europe
would feel if they knew that this was a commercial leverage
point for ZEA in winning against their bid?!?!?

You are twisting the truth here -- I wish I had recorded the phone call 
now to prevent the chinese whispers :)  On the call to Lois, Xavier said 
that there are certain possibilities of using Zope for EU projects which 
would be hampered by a corporation (ie ZC) owning the trademark to the 
OSS software.  ZEA does not want the trademark.  Repeat.  ZEA does not 
want the trademark.

it's utterly obvious that even the more basic of the facts
are still misunderstood by a number of posters. As an
example, the repeated questioning of why we didn't register
our own marks in Europe, which we did.

Yes, you are still mis-understanding the facts.  Europe consists of many 
countries, of which you registered the mark in just six - Germany, 
Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain and Italy.

ZEA then went on to further protect the mark registering it in: Austria, 
Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyrus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, 
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine

Amazingly enough, we have owned the trademark since 2002 (we
changed our name in 2001, and it took that long to get the
trademark registered in the US). There was _no_ hope of a
Foundation at the time. Yet, by your own admission, you and
others continued to invest marketing money in the brand.

Because we believed (and still want to believe) in the good of all the 
parties involved.  I guess when we started investing in promoting the 
software there was no confusion with the name, now there is.

The more amazing part is that now that we will transfer the
IP to the Foundation, and give an _irrevocable_ license to
the Foundation for the use of the word ZOPE to brand the
software (which can _never_ be taken back, even if someone
acquires us), but somehow, _now_ you are worried about
investing in the Zope brand. I simply can't connect the

I guess its because IANAL, but I just:

1) Don't understand how an irrevocable license works.
2) Am still unclear of licencing issues, when Rob spoke at EPC about the 
foundation it was very unclear as to who would make decisions on 
licensing, in some cases ZC would have the final say, and in some cases 
the ZF.  It just seemed confusing to me.
3) ZC is a very small, yet very powerful part of the Zope Community 
(maybe this is just my view from Europe).  Can you explain to me exactly 
what benefits ZC has in holding the trademarks as opposed to them being 
held by an independant foundation?  The fact that ZC doesn't want them 
to be held by an independant 3rd party makes me think something sinister 
is planned on the horizon.

Two months ago, you would invest, when there was no
Foundation on the horizon, and the Zope software could be
revoked by a future acquirer of ZC. Now, there will be a
guaranteed future for the Zope software and brand forever,
independent of ZC, but that's somehow now risky for you to

Yes a future acquirer of ZC could try and revoke the software, but it is 
licensed under the ZPL so is joint ownership.  I think this creates 
enough of an incentive to prevent this happening as much of the code is 
contributed by people other than ZC.

I agree that Rob's 

Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-21 Thread Lennart Regebro
ZC: Potay-to.
ZEA: Potah-to.
ZC: Potay-to!
ZEA: Potah-to!
ZC: Potay-to!!
ZEA: Potah-to!!
ZC: POTAY-TO, you evil thief!!!
ZEA: POTAH-TO you dictatiorial pig!!

Not a communications problem? My ass.
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 20. Juli 2005 12:43:22 +0100 Matt Hamilton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  ZEA's registration represents an abuse of registration
  and management of international trademarks and the
  misappropriation of a mark that is clearly the property
  of Zope Corporation.

So why is Zope Foundation being used as a pawn in the corporate
strategies of Zope Corporation? I find this unclear intent pretty

Why did not ZEA came up with such arguments against the ZF *much earlier*?
The ZF proposal is out since some weeks. There was meanwhile an IRC chat 
with Rob,  a lengthy discussion on the mailing list and Rob spoke at 
Europython. I can not remember having heard any objections from ZEA against 
this proposal. I have not heard any public statements of Paul Everitt at 
Europython during the ZF presentation *against* the ZF.

Speaking as independent developer - neither representing the interests of 
ZC nor of ZEA - I find these behind-the-curtain negotiations extremely 
counterproductive from the community point of view and definitely not in 
the sense of the Zope community.


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Philip Kilner
Hi Godefroid,

Godefroid Chapelle wrote:
 It's definitely better to speak about it in the open air, where we all
 will be able to think about it together.


I wasn't aware of this until ten minutes ago, and now it seems a whole
bunch of stuff has gone on, up to and including people getting shirty
with each other, which I would have liked to have known about earlier.

I'm an independent developer and I'm pretty quiet in the community, but
I've pretty much bet my livelihood on Zope - this stuff /matters/ to me!

What makes me unhappy about this is people making sweeping and
inaccurate statements which also imply bad faith. The idea that an
organisation that only registered a trademark in one territory describes
the registration of the same mark in a /different/ territory as a
violation is very irksome because it ignores the nature of trademark
law (in which context ZC not registering it in Europe is negligence,
plain and simple, if they want to pursue it), but infinitely more
irksome is the implication that this was somehow done in bad faith, when
what little I know about it indicates the exact opposite.

This has the potential to make the Zope community look like muppets, and
not in a good Swedish chef kind of way...




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You'll find that one part's sweet and one part's tart:
say where the sweetness and the sourness start.
- Tony Harrison
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Withers

Philip Kilner wrote:

This has the potential to make the Zope community look like muppets, and
not in a good Swedish chef kind of way...

I'm not sure muppetism applies to the Zope community, it appears to be 
Zope Corporation who are coming out of this looking less than clever.

It's a shame, because really, they should be the ones benefitting from 
the community they've created, but instead they're more and more 
isolating themselves from a community which is finally starting to 
realise that Zope's continued popularity is not predicated on the 
survival of Zope Corporation.

I hope Lois in particular reads this and understands that you can't 
bully an open source community, and doing so is likely going have much 
worse consequences for the bully in the medium to long term than it will 
for the people being bullied.



Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Philip Kilner
Hi Chris,

Chris Withers wrote:
 This has the potential to make the Zope community look like muppets, and
 not in a good Swedish chef kind of way...
 I'm not sure muppetism applies to the Zope community, it appears to be
 Zope Corporation who are coming out of this looking less than clever.

Agreed/understood - but ZC are part of the community, too - the BDFL
part, I guess. I was trying to be as inclusive as possible, since it
takes two to get into these messes...




PGP Public key:
Voicemail  Facsimile: 07092 070518

You'll find that one part's sweet and one part's tart:
say where the sweetness and the sourness start.
- Tony Harrison
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Withers

Philip Kilner wrote:

Agreed/understood - but ZC are part of the community, too - the BDFL
part, I guess. 

Well, ZC are becoming less benign and more dictatorial, and that's where 
the BDFL model breaks down...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Florent Guillaume
Godefroid Chapelle  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is nothing against the ZF : there is sthing against ZC being the 
 sole owner of the TMs when the current value of it has been established 
 by the community as a whole, especially out of USA.
 This is why I support the proposal made by a few members of the 
 community to have the ZF own the TMs and that would give a perpetual 
 license to Zope Corporation to use it.

This is beyond my understanding. ZC created Zope. ZC created the brand.
ZC is called Zope Corp. Why on earth would they relinquish the core
asset that is their trademark and branding? It's theirs. They're giving
the full use of it to the community. What's wrong with that? Why do you
want, require, more?

The current state of what ZC proposes doesn't prevent anyone from doing
anything reasonable.

Give them your hand, and they'll ask for your arm...


Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)   CTO, Director of RD
+33 1 40 33 71 59   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Chris Withers

Florent Guillaume wrote:

The current state of what ZC proposes doesn't prevent anyone from doing
anything reasonable.

Give them your hand, and they'll ask for your arm...

Indeed. I don't have any problem with ZC keeping the trademarks, but why 
are they tying the creation of the foundation onto their retreival of 
their lost marks?

The two seem totally unconnected to me...


Simplistix - Content Management, Zope  Python Consulting

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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Paul Winkler
 Everybody needs to calm down, stop insulting each other and stop
 broadcasting this problem to the whole world on zope-announce (for
 example). Its making us all look  childish.

+1. Please folks, remember that this is a public venue and your
words will be archived for a long time. Let's have no more name-calling, and
no more mysterious digs at named and unnamed third parties.

FWIW, I think the Foundation is an important and commendable initiative,
and I think ZC has been doing a pretty good job of supporting and reaching
to the community lately. And now more than ever, the amount of software that
we get free (and Free) from ZC is just staggering. The trademark issue is an
unfortunate, if unignorable, distraction from the progress that's being made.
I remain hopeful that an amicable solution is forthcoming.


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Re: [Zope] Re: Zope Foundation Update

2005-07-20 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 20. Juli 2005 19:17:59 -0500 George Donnelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hadar Pedhazur wrote:

ZC says: the marks were stolen
ZEA seems to be saying: the marks were registered defensively.

My read on this is that there is a serious communication problem going
on here between the lines. Why doesn't Paul come out and state what the
ZEA position is? Why are ZC's words so angry?

I am disappointed hearing that ZEA registered the trademarks silently 
already 18 months ago. The German Zope User Group (DZUG) asked ZC for 
permission using the Zope logo and the domain name for our 
community websites (which was never a problem). But in this case we would 
have to ask ZEA for permission as keeper of the trademarks in Europe?! I am 
sorry to say this but the secrecy on the ZEA side is not really acceptable. 
I can understand ZEA argument to have registered the trademarks for 
defending Zope from improper use but why did not you notify ZC or the 
community about it? As someone working in the Zope business I need to know 
who is having what and why. Such things should not kept secret when you are 
dealing in the open-source business. So this whole issue is a shame for the 
complete Zope community.


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