[Zope-CMF] Re: Setup of a Site with GenericSetup

2006-06-12 Thread Katja Süss

yuppie schrieb:

Hi Katja!

Katja Süss wrote:

did somebody wrote a setup profile to install some products neccessary 
for a project?
My Project is organized in three parts: - A product to setup 
configuration like properties, mailhost, etc: MyProjectSetup

- A product for the Theme (templates, css, images): MyProjectTheme
- A product with functionality: MyProduct
It would be nice to install MyProduct and other additional products in 
an import_step of MyProjectSetup
CMFPlone does this with calling quickinstaller. Does somebody know how 
to do this with applying GenericSetupProfiles?

What do you exactly mean by install some products? Using their 
Install.py? Or a profile shipped with them?

If these products support GenericSetup you can include their 
configuration in the profile of MyProjectSetup. Specifying dependencies 
between profiles is not supported.



Hi Yuppie,
thats what I'm trying: using the GenericSetup profile of the products to install during Setup of my Site via MyProjectSetup. 
What do you mean with including their configuration?
Thanks and best regards, 

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: Setup of a Site with GenericSetup

2006-06-12 Thread yuppie

Katja Süss wrote:
thats what I'm trying: using the GenericSetup profile of the products to 
install during Setup of my Site via MyProjectSetup. What do you mean 
with including their configuration?

Your site is a tool for merging profiles. If you set up your site using 
different profiles a snapshot/export is the merged result. It includes 
all the configuration data of the used profiles.

Cheers, Yuppie

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests

[Zope-CMF] Re: Setup of a Site with GenericSetup

2006-06-12 Thread yuppie

Katja Süss wrote:
that's what I feard that you mean by including. Using a snapshot means 
using a snapshot. Ähm. means setting up a fixed configuration. I thougt 
it could be possible with GS not only to install a product by applying 
its profile, but also to apply its profile programmatically. This would 
prepare for a setup-'product', that not only configures properties, 
groups, etc, but also install all dependencies (products). This would be 
the alternative to use the quickinstaller to install several products 
during installation of one major product to setup a site
As long as I don't know how to (hope you understand my english..) bundle 
the raw configuration(props, groups, docs,..) and installation of 
products in one single product, tool or whatever. I have to apply the 
configuration profile of MyProjectSetup, than the profiles of the 
products, like MyProduct, and apply the profile of MyProjectTheme.

Maybe you are looking for something like this?

You can either use addConfiguredSite are write a similar function that 
applies all profiles you need.

HTH, Yuppie

Zope-CMF maillist  -  Zope-CMF@lists.zope.org

See http://collector.zope.org/CMF for bug reports and feature requests