[Zope-dev] ZConfig keys

2004-08-04 Thread Godefroid Chapelle
I would like to confirm that ZConfig keys are case insensitive and
that the corresponding attributes on the config object returned by the 
'loadConfig' call are always lower case.

The only thing that seems relevant about keys and case sensitivity in 
the documentation does not state it explicitely :

'''When this schema is loaded, a set of defaults for the derived section 
type is computed. Since basic-key
is case-insensitive (everything is converted to lower case), foo and 
Foo are both converted to foo,
which clashes since key only allows one value for each key.'''

Godefroid Chapelle (aka __gotcha)http://bubblenet.be
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Mark Hammond
Hi all,
  I am starting to venture into the wonderful world of Zope!  With the
benefit of a complete lack of Zope experience, I have been able to look at
the Windows service support from a fairly clean slate.  However, I also
realize this lack of experience means my ideas may be naive - hence I have
attempted to split them into discrete issues for discrete rejection wink.

1) startup error redirection.
I've noticed that the main Zope service driver for Windows seems to work
fine when everything is setup correctly, but when things go wrong it offers
no clues as to what.  This is reflected in collector item 1020 (poor error
reporting on product initialisation failure under windows).  Issue 1408
(Configuration file imports don't see INSTANCE_HOME when running Zope as a
windows service), via the referenced thread, has evidence of someone
burning a day due to this.  It cost me alot of time too :)

I propose:
Each time the child process terminates with a non-zero return code, the tail
x-bytes of the child output be written to the Windows event log, where x~2k.

2) reporting of successful start and backoff strategy.
A trivial startup error (eg, PYTHONPATH not set) will cause the Zope service
to hopelessly retry for a number of minutes, and not respond to shutdown
requests during a retry.

At the moment, as soon as the service starts it reports successful startup
to Windows.  It then begins an attempt to start the child.  If the child
immediately fails, the code immediately begins the backoff strategy.  This
strategy appears to have 2 main purposes:
* Startup may fail due to other 'services' not having yet started, so retry
in the hope they become available.
* The process may die due to some obscure error - restart it.

On windows, assuming we install the service to depend on the tcpip
service, I see no reason that the first reason is valid.  If the process
fails quickly the first time we attempt to launch it, it is almost certainly
going to fail every time we try and launch it.

The current strategy also means that 3rd party services could not themselves
depend on the Zope service - the Zope service will report successful startup
before it really has (and therefore the dependent service may itself fail).
This isn't a known requirement today, but who knows!  net start and other
front ends also fail to detect fatal errors - they all say Zope started OK.

I propose:
We insist the child process can be created and continues to run for x
seconds (where x~5).  If that fails, we report an error (never reporting to
Windows that we started successfully).  If the child process stays alive for
this period, we report success to Windows, and then use the existing backoff
strategy should it die.  If the machine is heavily loaded, this 5 seconds
may expire before the fatal error is hit in the child - in that case, we are
simply doing what we do now - using the backoff strategy to hopelessly
attempt a restart - ie, a win in most cases, and no loss in the others.

3) environment setting
The service process should set a number of environment variables before
spawning the child - PYTHONPATH at a minimum, and according to issue #1408,
INSTANCE_HOME.  It already knows these values thanks to mkzopeinstance.  I'm
yet to determine where these values comes from for in binary build, but I
see no reason not to fix this (and possibly remove whatever magic the binary

I propose:
A few trivial os.environ insertions based on the substitutions done by
mkzopeinstance, before we create the child process(es).  Alternatively, we
create an explicit new environment we pass to CreateProcess, but I see no
good reason for that.)

4) Currently, when the process is stopped, we immediately terminate the
child process.  This seems dangerous.  We should find a way to gracefully
terminate the child, and try that before we simply kill it.

I propose:
That someone help me work out how to do this wink.  I've already worked
out how if the service knows the username/password of a Zope administrator,
but it doesn't!  Sending a Ctrl_C 'signal' doesn't work without hacks to
run.py (and I'm yet to confirm it will even with such hacks).

I welcome any feedback on these issues.  Obviously I am willing to back each
of these proposals up (except 4!) with code that seems to work :)  I would
also welcome feedback on the best way to proceed (ie, create a new collector
for each issue?  thrash it out here?  give up?wink, etc)

Note that none of these issues would require a win32all/pywin32 update.  If
anyone was really upset by issue 1423 (Zope 2.7.1 won't run as service
under NT), and also able to test, I'd be willing to fix it - but that
*would* require a pywin32 upgrade.  Tim has already kindly filled me in on
that background, so it may not be trivial (ie, I would need help!)



Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 03:34, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
 we have some problems with our tempstorage on out ZEO client. 
 We are running 6 zope Frontend server and one ZEO server. Serving
 Both main and temp storage. 
 I runs well for some days. But than it stops working an reports the 
 following error
 Traceback (innermost last):
   Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 101, in publish
   Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 88, in mapply
   Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 39, in call_object
   Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 306, in __call__
   Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 343, in _bindAndExec
   Module Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate, line 222, in _exec
   Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 96, in pt_render
- ZopePageTemplate at /TUM_Portal/login_form
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 189, in __call__
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 218, in interpret
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 233, in interpret
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 670, in do_useMacro
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 233, in interpret
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 693, in do_defineSlot
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 233, in interpret
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 636, in do_condition
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 233, in interpret
   Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 483, in do_insertText_tal
   Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 227, in evaluateText
   Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 221, in evaluate
   Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 47, in __call__
- __traceback_info__: here.REQUEST.SESSION.set('callerURL', 
   Module Python expression here.REQUEST.SESSION.set('callerURL', 
 here.REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER), line 1, in expression
   Module ZPublisher.HTTPRequest, line 1218, in __getattr__
   Module ZPublisher.HTTPRequest, line 1178, in get
   Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 94, in getSessionData
   Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 183, in _getSessionDataObject
 SystemError: error return without exception set

Wow!  You appear to be the first person to get this symptom who does not
use Plone.  This is a great data point.  This error is being tracked at
http://zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1401 .  There is no solution currently,
we need volunteers to help reproduce and/or debug it.

 Restarting the zeo server and one frontend fixes the problem for some 
 i am running Zope 2.7.2 and Python 2.3.4 
 Here is the zeo config 

snip config

I suspect the fact that you're running sessioning over ZEO doesn't much
matter here as people who are using the default config also get the
error... (which is a good data point in itself).

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Gerhard Schmidt
On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 08:37:28AM -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:
 Wow!  You appear to be the first person to get this symptom who does not
 use Plone.  This is a great data point.  This error is being tracked at
 http://zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1401 .  There is no solution currently,
 we need volunteers to help reproduce and/or debug it.

I am running plone2. 

  Restarting the zeo server and one frontend fixes the problem for some 
  i am running Zope 2.7.2 and Python 2.3.4 
  Here is the zeo config 
 snip config
 I suspect the fact that you're running sessioning over ZEO doesn't much
 matter here as people who are using the default config also get the
 error... (which is a good data point in itself).

Im getting this error since i have updated to Zope 2.7.1 and switched from 
filestorage to tempstorage for sessioning.


Gerhard Schmidt   | E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW  Online Services |
Tel: 089/289-25270|
Fax: 089/289-22253| PGP-Publickey auf Anfrage 

Description: PGP signature
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 07:35, Mark Hammond wrote:
 Hi all,
   I am starting to venture into the wonderful world of Zope!  With the
 benefit of a complete lack of Zope experience, I have been able to look at
 the Windows service support from a fairly clean slate.  However, I also
 realize this lack of experience means my ideas may be naive - hence I have
 attempted to split them into discrete issues for discrete rejection wink.
 1) startup error redirection.
 I've noticed that the main Zope service driver for Windows seems to work
 fine when everything is setup correctly, but when things go wrong it offers
 no clues as to what.  This is reflected in collector item 1020 (poor error
 reporting on product initialisation failure under windows).  Issue 1408
 (Configuration file imports don't see INSTANCE_HOME when running Zope as a
 windows service), via the referenced thread, has evidence of someone
 burning a day due to this.  It cost me alot of time too :)

Yes, sorry about that!  (I was the fool who checked in the NameError
referenced in 1408).

 I propose:
 Each time the child process terminates with a non-zero return code, the tail
 x-bytes of the child output be written to the Windows event log, where x~2k.

This is a good idea.  FWIW, I believe the Zope HEAD already has some
work done towards this (in lib/python/nt_svcutils/service.py), although
the child output goes to a logfile instead of the event log.  It would
be nice to make the output go to the event log and then backport this to

 2) reporting of successful start and backoff strategy.
 A trivial startup error (eg, PYTHONPATH not set) will cause the Zope service
 to hopelessly retry for a number of minutes, and not respond to shutdown
 requests during a retry.

Yup.  The reason it retry-restarts is because it's simple and stupid and
the reason it doesn't respond to shutdown requests during a retry is
because the service code sleeps for the backoff interval after an
unsuccessful startup.  Any async requests that happen in the meantime
are blocked waiting for this sleep to end.  I'm not quite sure how to do
that better.

 At the moment, as soon as the service starts it reports successful startup
 to Windows.  It then begins an attempt to start the child.  If the child
 immediately fails, the code immediately begins the backoff strategy.  This
 strategy appears to have 2 main purposes:
 * Startup may fail due to other 'services' not having yet started, so retry
 in the hope they become available.
 * The process may die due to some obscure error - restart it.

One concrete example of the obscure error is that the Zope process
handles a restart request from its Control Panel web interface.

 On windows, assuming we install the service to depend on the tcpip
 service, I see no reason that the first reason is valid.  If the process
 fails quickly the first time we attempt to launch it, it is almost certainly
 going to fail every time we try and launch it.
 The current strategy also means that 3rd party services could not themselves
 depend on the Zope service - the Zope service will report successful startup
 before it really has (and therefore the dependent service may itself fail).
 This isn't a known requirement today, but who knows!  net start and other
 front ends also fail to detect fatal errors - they all say Zope started OK.
 I propose:
 We insist the child process can be created and continues to run for x
 seconds (where x~5).  If that fails, we report an error (never reporting to
 Windows that we started successfully).  If the child process stays alive for
 this period, we report success to Windows, and then use the existing backoff
 strategy should it die.  If the machine is heavily loaded, this 5 seconds
 may expire before the fatal error is hit in the child - in that case, we are
 simply doing what we do now - using the backoff strategy to hopelessly
 attempt a restart - ie, a win in most cases, and no loss in the others.

That sounds good.

 3) environment setting
 The service process should set a number of environment variables before
 spawning the child - PYTHONPATH at a minimum, and according to issue #1408,
 INSTANCE_HOME.  It already knows these values thanks to mkzopeinstance.  I'm
 yet to determine where these values comes from for in binary build, but I
 see no reason not to fix this (and possibly remove whatever magic the binary
 I propose:
 A few trivial os.environ insertions based on the substitutions done by
 mkzopeinstance, before we create the child process(es).  Alternatively, we
 create an explicit new environment we pass to CreateProcess, but I see no
 good reason for that.)

Note that the Zope Python install also has a sitecustomize.py that
munges sys.path in order to get things set up properly.  Others have
claimed this is unnecessary and that the work that gets done in there
could be done in the service code.  It's a bit of a mess.  At one point
I flailed trying to make the child process inherit its 

Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 08:47, Gerhard Schmidt wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 08:37:28AM -0400, Chris McDonough wrote:
  Wow!  You appear to be the first person to get this symptom who does not
  use Plone.  This is a great data point.  This error is being tracked at
  http://zope.org/Collectors/Zope/1401 .  There is no solution currently,
  we need volunteers to help reproduce and/or debug it.
 I am running plone2. 

Ah.  Well, at least it continues to be consistent then...

   Restarting the zeo server and one frontend fixes the problem for some 
   i am running Zope 2.7.2 and Python 2.3.4 
   Here is the zeo config 
  snip config
  I suspect the fact that you're running sessioning over ZEO doesn't much
  matter here as people who are using the default config also get the
  error... (which is a good data point in itself).
 Im getting this error since i have updated to Zope 2.7.1 and switched from 
 filestorage to tempstorage for sessioning.

I suspect the first change (updating to Zope 2.7.1) is to blame, and the
second change (switching from filestorage to tempstorage) is unrelated.

I wish I had a solution other than move back to 2.7.0 for you, but I
don't.  Someone needs to help make this error trivially repeatable in
order to get it fixed. 

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] ZConfig keys

2004-08-04 Thread Fred Drake
On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:24:30 +0200, Godefroid Chapelle
 I would like to confirm that ZConfig keys are case insensitive and
 that the corresponding attributes on the config object returned by the
 'loadConfig' call are always lower case.

It sounds like I need to clarify the documentation a bit.

ZConfig schema allow you to change the case-sensitivity by changing
the keytype of the schema or of a sectiontype.  If you don't use this
feature, the basic-key type is used, which converts to lower case. 
The effect is case-insensitivity for the keys.

The attributes on the configuration objects, both for the top-level
schema and individual sections, are computed by taking the key (after
conversion by the keytype) and replacing hyphens with underscores.  So
a key of My-Key is the same as my-key, and the attribute name will
be my_key.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.fdrake at gmail.com
Zope Corporation
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

Re: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Jim Fulton
Mark Hammond wrote:
I propose:
We insist the child process can be created and continues to run for x
seconds (where x~5). 
I recommend against this strategy.  It's too implicit and has bitten us on
Unix in the past. The problem with the strategy if the program starts very fast
and then dies, we don't restart it even though we should. Similarly, if the
program starts very slowly, we don't recognize a startup failure and keep
retrying even though we shouldn't.
Is there some sort of IPC that can be used here?  On Unix, we use a reserved
exit code to indicate a startup failure and arrange for Zope to exit with that.
On another note, I'd really prefer to work out a general facility that
can be used with any Python program, including both Zope 2 and Zope 3.
Jim Fulton   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Python Powered!
CTO  (540) 361-1714http://www.python.org
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com   http://www.zope.org
Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Simon Eisenmann
Hash: SHA1

Andreas Jung wrote:
~  The whole problem might be related to some version of
| PlacelessTranslationService.
| Christian Heimes' hint was to upgrade to the latest PTS version from the
| CVS which
| seems to solve the problem although the traceback indicates some deeper
| error
| in some C-extension.
Well its releated to PTS so far that the PTS session negotiator accessed
the session on evey request. Without this this session load is gone and
therefore the error does not pop up. I assume no matter which code
accesses the session _very_ frequent leads to this exception in the end.
~ Simon
- --
Simon Eisenmann
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[ T. +49.711.896656.68 | F.+49.711.89665610 ]
[ http://www.struktur.de | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
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Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Dieter Maurer
Gerhard Schmidt wrote at 2004-8-3 09:34 +0200:
  Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 94, in getSessionData
  Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 183, in _getSessionDataObject
SystemError: error return without exception set

I had an issue in the same line:

  it called an incredibly expensive __len__ function.

Maybe, in your case, it calls some broken __len__ function...

I replaced the line by:

# hasattr hides conflicts
# DM 2004-07-09: and boolean tests may be very expensive!
if getattr(ob, '__of__', None) is not None and getattr(ob, 'aq_parent', None) 
is not None:

See whether this helps you...

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Problems with session on ZEO

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 17:42, Dieter Maurer wrote:
 Gerhard Schmidt wrote at 2004-8-3 09:34 +0200:
   Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 94, in getSessionData
   Module Products.Sessions.SessionDataManager, line 183, in _getSessionDataObject
 SystemError: error return without exception set
 I had an issue in the same line:
   it called an incredibly expensive __len__ function.

Yikes!  Good find!

- C

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

RE: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Mark Hammond
  I propose:
  We insist the child process can be created and continues to
  run for x seconds (where x~5).

 I recommend against this strategy.  It's too implicit and has
 bitten us on
 Unix in the past. The problem with the strategy if the
 program starts very fast
 and then dies, we don't restart it even though we should.
 Similarly, if the
 program starts very slowly, we don't recognize a startup
 failure and keep
 retrying even though we shouldn't.

Thanks Jim.

I agree with those concerns.  Note that already we do not recognise startup
failure and keep retyring even though we shouldn't, and is exactly what I
am trying to solve.

 Is there some sort of IPC that can be used here?  On Unix, we
 use a reserved
 exit code to indicate a startup failure and arrange for Zope
 to exit with that.

The Unix situation is a little different - if runzope itself has immediate
startup failure, then everything immediately fails - ie, as far as Unix is
concerned, the service itself failed.

On Windows however, runzope is executed as a *child* of the service.  If
the child fatally fails, the service itself is still reporting success, and
hopelessly attempting a restart.  The service needs to know if the child
fatally failed.  This doesn't apply on Unix as runzope *is* the 'service',
not the child of the service.

By adding a layer around run.py, I believe we could arrange for these fatal
errors to be handled with a special return code.  Alternatively, if Zope
itself never returns an error code of 1 (one), then we could use that -
Python itself returns this for unhandled exceptions.  That seems dangerous

Can you offer some advice here?
* Is an exit-code of 1 suitable for a fatal error? If so, this requires no
changes to the child process.  However, I assume it is not suitable.
* Is a special exit code, generated by a wrapper to run.py (eg, run_svc.py)
suitable?  If so, what value do you recommend?
* Should some Win32 specific, robust IPC mechanism be investigated?  This
would cut deeper into a run.py wrapper, and obviously is not a general

 On another note, I'd really prefer to work out a general facility that
 can be used with any Python program, including both Zope 2 and Zope 3.

The problem at the moment is that our facilities are *too* general - ie,
without some coordination between the parent and child, the parent must
guess.  The simplest coordination does seem to be process exit code, but
that seems fragile.  But whatever coodination is chosen, any Python program
that was willing to play the coordinate game could use it.  The simpler
this game to play, the more fragile the system is (ie, just using exit codes
is simple, but fragile; using other IPC mechanisms could be made robust, but
is not simple - especially not in a platform independent way.)


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

RE: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Mark Hammond
  I propose:
  Each time the child process terminates with a non-zero
  return code, the tail
  x-bytes of the child output be written to the Windows event
  log, where x~2k.

 This is a good idea.  FWIW, I believe the Zope HEAD already has some
 work done towards this (in
 lib/python/nt_svcutils/service.py), although
 the child output goes to a logfile instead of the event log.  It would
 be nice to make the output go to the event log and then
 backport this to

I started from HEAD, and indeed did find a good attempt at making this work.
However, it was disabled by default, it writes to a file, and had issues
with blocking reads.  I fixed this to capure the output in memory (but not
all of it - just the tail), and to use a single pipe for both stdout and

  2) reporting of successful start and backoff strategy.
  A trivial startup error (eg, PYTHONPATH not set) will cause
 the Zope service
  to hopelessly retry for a number of minutes, and not
 respond to shutdown
  requests during a retry.

 Yup.  The reason it retry-restarts is because it's simple and
 stupid and
 the reason it doesn't respond to shutdown requests during a retry is
 because the service code sleeps for the backoff interval after an
 unsuccessful startup.  Any async requests that happen in the meantime
 are blocked waiting for this sleep to end.  I'm not quite
 sure how to do
 that better.

FWIW, the way to do that better was to use WaitForSingleObject(hStopEvent,

 Note that the Zope Python install also has a sitecustomize.py that
 munges sys.path in order to get things set up properly.

Right!  That is the magic I was referring to and had not yet found.

 Others have
 claimed this is unnecessary and that the work that gets done in there
 could be done in the service code.  It's a bit of a mess.

I agree with the others :)  mkzopeinstance goes to lengths to provide all
relevent information, and the service code does not take full advantage of

It should be possible for Zope to work with a standard, external
Python/pywin32 installation.  I'm not suggesting this become a distribution
option, but still a worthy goal; for developers, and to keep us honest
wink.  Note that with a few tweaks, Zope *does* build and work with an
external Python/pywin32.

 At one point
 I flailed trying to make the child process inherit its
 environment from
 the parent, and plastered over the problem with various sys.path and
 PYTHONPATH and other environment variable settings.  The current
 situation is a result.  Some guidance here would be helpful.

The child process *does* inherit the parent, service environment.  Hence
adding os.environ[] entries in the service does set them for subsequently
created children.

ie, setting os.environ[PYTHONPATH]=SOFTWARE_HOME in the service main code
appears to avoid the sitecustomize.py requirement - the child process *does*
see the new PYTHONPATH.

 I'm a Windows signal idiot.

No - Windows is a signal idiot :)

 Is there a way that we can make the Zope
 process capture Windows signals and when the Windows equivalent of
 SIGTERM is sent to the process to shut it down cleanly?  This is how
 it works on UNIX

That makes sense, but:

 but we circumvent trying to listen for signals on
 Windows entirely at startup.

Can you explain the above?  Do you mean that on Windows, you take no special
signal actions, as demonstrated in WindowsZopeStarter.registerSignals?

I'll see what I can come up with though.

 Note that the UNIX environment has a lot of additional niceties due to
 responses to signals (like logfile rotation) that Windows doesn't now,
 which tends to have the effect of relegating Windows to a second-class
 platform on which to run a production Zope instance.

Windows certainly has these features available - they are just not always
spelt the same as they are on Unix.  Sometimes they are even better wink.
So there seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem - users will always consider
it second class until Zope itself starts considering it first class.  This
is an observation, not a critisism :)


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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(Related lists - 
 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )

RE: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 19:56, Mark Hammond wrote:

 On Windows however, runzope is executed as a *child* of the service.  If
 the child fatally fails, the service itself is still reporting success, and
 hopelessly attempting a restart.  The service needs to know if the child
 fatally failed.  This doesn't apply on Unix as runzope *is* the 'service',
 not the child of the service.

FWIW, the equivalent of the service manager code under UNIX is zopectl
rather than runzope.  zopectl has its own failure detection and backoff
algorithm that's a bit more complex than the Windows service code of the
same ilk.

Actually that's not entirely true: zopectl is a client that attempts
to communicate with a separate daemonizing process via a UNIX domain
socket.   The daemonizing process is really the parent of the Zope
process (it just invokes runzope).

The majority of code for this is in lib/python/zdaemon/zdrun.py.  The
mainloop that impleents the backoff algorithm is in the runforever
method of the Daemonizer class in that file, and the thing that decides
not to restart it if it exits with a known error code is in the
reportstatus method of the same class.  You probably care about none
of this, but it's there if you do. ;-)

 By adding a layer around run.py, I believe we could arrange for these fatal
 errors to be handled with a special return code.  Alternatively, if Zope
 itself never returns an error code of 1 (one), then we could use that -
 Python itself returns this for unhandled exceptions.  That seems dangerous

When you say these errors above, do you mean any unhandled exception? 
If so (and any nonzero exit code indicated a startup failure), would we
really need cooperation from run.py for this? It seems like it could be
done entirely inside of SvcDoRun.

OTOH, if the real problem is that you can't stop the service from
fruitlessly restarting itself in the face of an insoluble error because
of the blocking sleep, it seems like you already solved that.  Would it
be a reasonable strategy to leave the backoff stupidty as-is if you were
able to stop the service from flailing via the service manager CP applet
and if it didn't report successful startup until the child actually
starts successfully?

 Can you offer some advice here?
 * Is an exit-code of 1 suitable for a fatal error? If so, this requires no
 changes to the child process.  However, I assume it is not suitable.
 * Is a special exit code, generated by a wrapper to run.py (eg, run_svc.py)
 suitable?  If so, what value do you recommend?
 * Should some Win32 specific, robust IPC mechanism be investigated?  This
 would cut deeper into a run.py wrapper, and obviously is not a general

I guess I'll need to wait for the confusion evidenced by my last
question to clear up before I'd be able to venture an answer to that.
  On another note, I'd really prefer to work out a general facility that
  can be used with any Python program, including both Zope 2 and Zope 3.
 The problem at the moment is that our facilities are *too* general - ie,
 without some coordination between the parent and child, the parent must
 guess.  The simplest coordination does seem to be process exit code, but
 that seems fragile.  But whatever coodination is chosen, any Python program
 that was willing to play the coordinate game could use it.  The simpler
 this game to play, the more fragile the system is (ie, just using exit codes
 is simple, but fragile; using other IPC mechanisms could be made robust, but
 is not simple - especially not in a platform independent way.)
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RE: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Chris McDonough
On Wed, 2004-08-04 at 20:24, Mark Hammond wrote:
  This is a good idea.  FWIW, I believe the Zope HEAD already has some
  work done towards this (in
  lib/python/nt_svcutils/service.py), although
  the child output goes to a logfile instead of the event log.  It would
  be nice to make the output go to the event log and then
  backport this to
 I started from HEAD, and indeed did find a good attempt at making this work.
 However, it was disabled by default, it writes to a file, and had issues
 with blocking reads.  I fixed this to capure the output in memory (but not
 all of it - just the tail), and to use a single pipe for both stdout and


  Yup.  The reason it retry-restarts is because it's simple and
  stupid and
  the reason it doesn't respond to shutdown requests during a retry is
  because the service code sleeps for the backoff interval after an
  unsuccessful startup.  Any async requests that happen in the meantime
  are blocked waiting for this sleep to end.  I'm not quite
  sure how to do
  that better.
 FWIW, the way to do that better was to use WaitForSingleObject(hStopEvent,

Is this a more-or-less direct replacement for the usage of time.sleep()
in the current incarnation of SvcDoRun?

Do you think you might be able to attach your patched service.py (and
related files) to a future mail?

  Others have
  claimed this is unnecessary and that the work that gets done in there
  could be done in the service code.  It's a bit of a mess.
 I agree with the others :)  mkzopeinstance goes to lengths to provide all
 relevent information, and the service code does not take full advantage of
 It should be possible for Zope to work with a standard, external
 Python/pywin32 installation.  I'm not suggesting this become a distribution
 option, but still a worthy goal; for developers, and to keep us honest
 wink.  Note that with a few tweaks, Zope *does* build and work with an
 external Python/pywin32.

Yup, it should be possible; there's really nothing special about the
Zope-supplied Python, we just have a history of attempting to make Zope
install under Windows without requiring that the user know anything
about Python, and the easiest way to do this is to ship our own.

It actually impossible to *stop* Zope from using pieces of another
system-installed Python, given that it apparently looks unconditionally
to the registry to find some things.
(See the thread revolving around
http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-dev/2004-March/021979.html for the
details).  This is actually not a desirable feature.

  At one point
  I flailed trying to make the child process inherit its
  environment from
  the parent, and plastered over the problem with various sys.path and
  PYTHONPATH and other environment variable settings.  The current
  situation is a result.  Some guidance here would be helpful.
 The child process *does* inherit the parent, service environment.  Hence
 adding os.environ[] entries in the service does set them for subsequently
 created children.
 ie, setting os.environ[PYTHONPATH]=SOFTWARE_HOME in the service main code
 appears to avoid the sitecustomize.py requirement - the child process *does*
 see the new PYTHONPATH.

Yup, that confirms what the thread above says too.

  I'm a Windows signal idiot.
 No - Windows is a signal idiot :)

Actually, signals are idiotic, but... ;-)

  Is there a way that we can make the Zope
  process capture Windows signals and when the Windows equivalent of
  SIGTERM is sent to the process to shut it down cleanly?  This is how
  it works on UNIX
 That makes sense, but:
  but we circumvent trying to listen for signals on
  Windows entirely at startup.
 Can you explain the above?  Do you mean that on Windows, you take no special
 signal actions, as demonstrated in WindowsZopeStarter.registerSignals?

That's just what I mean.

The signaling mechanism doesn't necessarily need to literally be
signals, I just don't know of another way to asynchronously influence
the state of a running process (UNIX or Windows).  Maybe Zope needs to
cooperate a bit, which would be fine.

 I'll see what I can come up with though.
  Note that the UNIX environment has a lot of additional niceties due to
  responses to signals (like logfile rotation) that Windows doesn't now,
  which tends to have the effect of relegating Windows to a second-class
  platform on which to run a production Zope instance.
 Windows certainly has these features available - they are just not always
 spelt the same as they are on Unix.  Sometimes they are even better wink.
 So there seems to be a chicken-and-egg problem - users will always consider
 it second class until Zope itself starts considering it first class.  This
 is an observation, not a critisism :)

Sure.  It probably won't take much work to match the features that are
available under UNIX.

FWIW, Tim (most recently), I (second-most-recently), and Brian Lloyd
(least recently) are 

RE: [Zope-dev] Possible Windows Service improvements.

2004-08-04 Thread Mark Hammond
 FWIW, the equivalent of the service manager code under UNIX
 is zopectl
 rather than runzope.

Ahh, ok.  That makes more sense now, thanks.

 When you say these errors above, do you mean any unhandled
 If so (and any nonzero exit code indicated a startup
 failure), would we
 really need cooperation from run.py for this? It seems like
 it could be
 done entirely inside of SvcDoRun.

Yes, that is what I tried to say here:

  * Is an exit-code of 1 suitable for a fatal error? If so,
  this requires no changes to the child process.  However, I
  assume it is not suitable.

As the exit code of 1 is the only way I see to detect an unhandled exception
in the child.

 OTOH, if the real problem is that you can't stop the service from
 fruitlessly restarting itself in the face of an insoluble error because
 of the blocking sleep, it seems like you already solved that.

Yeah, it really isn't a huge issue.  It leaves us with the fact that Zope
always reports startup success, even in hopeless cases.  This isn't a real
problem - just a nicety - along the lines of making Zope a first-class
service on Windows wink.

I'm happy to let that idea rest.

To your other mail:

 Do you think you might be able to attach your patched service.py (and
 related files) to a future mail?

I'll attach the patch in private mail.  I just tried attaching it to
collector 1020, but I don't have permission.  It has the redirection and the
sleep fix, but no changes to the startup strategy.

 It actually impossible to *stop* Zope from using pieces of another
 system-installed Python, given that it apparently looks
 unconditionally to the registry to find some things.

Yes, and it is my fault that code even exists.  As far as I know, win32all
was the only product that registered modules in this way, and later versions
no longer do.  I'd be +1 on getting this removed from Python.



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