Re: [Zope3-dev] Is Zope3.4 eggs going to be backwards compatible with Zope3.3 zpkg?

2007-04-20 Thread Baiju M

Ignas Mikalajunas wrote:

 Hi, I have accidentally tried upgrading from Zope3.3 branch checkout
 to Zop3.4 eggs,

How you are doing this? can you elaborate?

 and it seems that at least:

 include /

 instead of throwing a deprecation warning (the way switching to
 Zope3.4 branch does IIRC) just stopped working.

An egg based release is different from zpkg based release.
In this case to get the proper warning you require more packages like
'', which are available as eggs.
When working with eggs, there should be some mechanism to glue these
eggs together, using zc.buildout is a good solution for that.

 Is there something wrong with my setup or will this way of upgrading
 things just not work? I can migrate Zope3.3 zpkg - Zope3.4 zpkg -
 Zope3.4 eggs.

So, to change from zpkg based release to an egg based one, applications
need to undergo some change in it's way of developing it.
For example, if you want to use use zc.buildout, you can also use recipes
like zc.zope3recipes, zc.recipe.filestorage, zc.recipe.testrunner etc
for building and deploying a Zope 3 application.  These recipe doesn't 

anything like package-includes by default.
Please see this for an example:

 Just that naming Egg release 3.4 seems a bit unfair, as
 one would expect 3.4 to be backwards compatible with 3.3.

Well, what about creating an egg which lists all packages in Zope 3.4 as
dependencies ? I think it will be useful for those who changing from
zpkg based release to egg based release for development.
In fact I have created one egg like that for my convenience:
If anyone else want this, I can upload this to Python's cheeseshop.

Baiju M

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: a bug in the Zope 3 (and 2) page template engine

2007-04-20 Thread Martijn Faassen

Fred Drake wrote:

On 4/20/07, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, the current expectation is that it works, whatever the replacement
is. This currently works in Zope 2.8:

You'll need to explain how silently dropping the tal:attributes on the
floor was ever it works.

Sorry about being unclear. Of course you can argue about whether this is 
correct behavior or not. That was not my point.

I was trying to make sure you understood the issue here: the 
getCompilerError exception occurs no matter whether the replace text 
starts with an element or not. You seemed to be saying it only happened 
in the latter case.

At any rate, backward compatibility reigns in the page template
engine, no matter how misguided I feel this behavior may be.

Right. I agree that the behavior is somewhat unexpected (I didn't expect 
it), though I can see it potentially being useful.



Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: a bug in the Zope 3 (and 2) page template engine

2007-04-20 Thread Martijn Faassen

Fred Drake wrote:

On 4/20/07, kit BLAKE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But those attributes *do* work. If you call that image without the
attributes, it won't have a title attribute. If you keep the tag as it
is, it will have a title attribute.

This is some pretty freaky behavior for page templates, I think, but
was by design.  (I don't remember the driving use-case though; sorry.)

The problem is that Martijn's replacement doesn't start with an
element, so the attribute insertion fails.  There should probably be a
more explanatory error message in this case.

No, I don't think that is the cause of the problem, unless I'm missing 
something. This results in the exact same error:

img tal:replace=structure python:'pFoo/p' tal:attributes=title 
python:'bar' /


The error message is not just non-explanatory. The error message is an 
indication of a real bug that's been in Zope 3 page templates since SVN 
history began. :)

I don't really like this behavior, and wouldn't miss it if it were
disallowed, but the current expectation is that it work when the
replacement starts with an element.

No, the current expectation is that it works, whatever the replacement 
is. This currently works in Zope 2.8:

img tal:replace=structure python:'Foo' tal:attributes=title 
python:'bar' /

The result is' foo'.



Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] possible bug in z.a.password?

2007-04-20 Thread Adam Groszer

Using the current trunk I experienced that using the PAU with a user
folder and users passwords stored with MD5, entering accented
characters as passwords causes an exception. That happens either at
adding the principal or at Z3's stock login form.

I think this is not my fault, but could somebody crosscheck that please?

Traceback from the login form, I entered éá as password:
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\publisher\, line 130, in publish
obj = request.traverse(obj)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\publisher\, line 513, in traverse

ob = super(BrowserRequest, self).traverse(obj)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\publisher\, line 448, in traverse
ob = super(HTTPRequest, self).traverse(obj)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\publisher\, line 252, in traverse
publication.callTraversalHooks(self, obj)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\publication\, line 12
3, in callTraversalHooks
self._maybePlacefullyAuthenticate(request, ob)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\publication\, line 11
0, in _maybePlacefullyAuthenticate
principal = auth.authenticate(request)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\authentication\, line
76, in authenticate
info = authplugin.authenticateCredentials(credentials)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\authentication\, line
 280, in authenticateCredentials
if not internal.checkPassword(credentials[password]):
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\authentication\, line
 150, in checkPassword
return passwordManager.checkPassword(self.password, password)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\authentication\, line 54, in
return storedPassword == self.encodePassword(password)
  File U:\zope\svn_zope34\src\zope\app\authentication\, line 77, in
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordin
al not in range(128)

Best regards,
 Groszer Adam
Quote of the day:
Top ten things you'll never hear in an internet chat room: 5. Well... gotta go. 
It's almost time to pick up my date.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3.4.0a1 released

2007-04-20 Thread Gary Poster

On Apr 20, 2007, at 10:25 AM, Martijn Faassen wrote:


Compatibility with Zope 2
We continue to work on the transition from Zope 2 to Zope 3 by making
Zope 2 use more and more of the Zope 3 packages. But we're not there
yet. **You can't run Zope 2 applications in Zope 3.**


I'd suggest a rewrite ...

+1 to changing, and to what you wrote specifically


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Max M wrote:
 Martin Aspeli skrev:
 Peter Bengtsson wrote:
 Will the grok effort yield any codegenerating scripts and stuff like
 the django folks have?
 If not, I have some ideas that I could maybe contribute with at/for
 the next sprint even :)
 Code generation sucks. :)
 (I know it is late to participate in this thread, but I am reading up on 
 I used to have the above opinion too. But I have changed my mind.
 A good framework will get you up and running with as little resistance 
 as possible.
 But actual real-life projects will often need a lot of files, 
 configuration and settings.
 So you might start out mean and lean, but after you are done fixing all 
 the little special cases and customizations, you will still have a lot 
 of code.
 If all that code you end up with anyway is automatically generated, it 
 will have an educational effect on the community. A Code by Numbers 
 effect where you fill in code in the obvious slots.

That presumes that the framework is omniscient / presient enough to
leave slots in place to allow the customizaitons you want.  I *hate*
fighing some UID-generateing architecture (wiggling the wires) to get
the customer's desired UI.

 Just see how easy it is to check out other peoples AT based code in 
 Plone. Simply because everyone are acustomed to the structures and 

I think you just proved Martin's point:  in my experience, maintaining
other people's AT-based code is like Napoleon before Moscow:  thigh deep
in freezing mud.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Martin Aspeli

Tres Seaver wrote:
 I think you just proved Martin's point:  in my experience, maintaining
 other people's AT-based code is like Napoleon before Moscow:  thigh deep
 in freezing mud.

By AT, I assume you mean Archetypes, and Archetypes doesn't depend on code
generation, nor is it very hard to maintain other people's AT based code if
it was well-written to begin with. Maintaining other people's badly written
code is a pain no matter what tool they used to write it. :)

If you're talking about ArchGenXML, which generates AT code from UML, it's
not too bad. The code it generates is pretty clean, and if you decide to
abandon code generation, there's a minimum of cruft (mostly a few comment
blocks) that you can remove if you wish.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Zope3 - dev mailing list archive at

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Tres Seaver
Hash: SHA1

Tres Seaver wrote:
 Rocky Burt wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-10-01 at 11:09 -0500, Tres Seaver wrote:
 While I am vehemently opposed to code generation per se, one alternative
 which I think is important is to generate stuff *at runtime* from
 artifacts which are more understandable to business users than Python
 code.  E.g., they might specify schema in a spreadsheet, an HTML form,
 or a UML diagram, which we then use to create a schema interface (my
 'userschema' package[1] does this already for the first two).
 Not sure which mailing list my questions belong on but for the time
 being I'll ask them here (any list subscribers feel free to tell me to
 take this discussion offline).
 This userschema package looks very cool and it's nice to see all the
 cool ways you can produce schema's from user contributed data (ie csv,
 html).  But I'm curious to know what sort of use cases you have for the
 end-result schema's ... simple formlib form generation? content type +
 edit form (via formlib) generation?
 Obviously generated UI is the main use-case;  I have some notions about
 making it easier to use schema stuff from within custom UI, but they
 aren't fleshed out yet.
 I do have a notion of allowing the template which *specifies* the schema
 to be used to *render* its fields, but haven't got that part working
 yet.  Chris McDonough and I have talked about using a meld3-based
 approach to that, as well.

(Sorry to follow up to myself, and so late).

While at the BBQ sprint last month, Philipp and I worked on a prototype
for this last idea.  Although it isn't cleaned up yet for a release, the
essence of it is to put the 'index' and 'edit' templates (hand-rolled,
of course) into the appropriate subdirectory, and then use a new grok
directive to get the class and all its views wired up.  E.g.::

 $ cat simple_templates/

 div tal:content=structure context/body | nothing


 $ cat simple_templates/
 form name=simple_edit action=. method=POST

 fieldset id=body_fs
  legendSimple Body/legend
  textarea id=doc_body name=body rows=20 cols=80
tal:attributes=name view/widget/body/name|default

  input type=submit name=form.submitted value= Save Changes 
 tal:repeat=action view/actions
 tal:attributes=name action/__name__;
 value action/label /



 $ cat
 import grok
 import grok_crud
 from zope.formlib import form

 class SimpleApp(grok.Application, grok.Container):

  class Index(grok.View):

 class Simple(grok_crud.Crud):'simple')

With something like meld3, we could even get rid of the hairy TALES
expressions in the tmeplates, making them purely the domain of the designer.

- --
Tres Seaver  +1 540-429-0999  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   Excellence by Design
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: a bug in the Zope 3 (and 2) page template engine

2007-04-20 Thread Martijn Faassen

kit BLAKE wrote:

2007/4/19, Martijn Faassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hi there,

I just tracked down what I believe is a bug in the Zope 3 page template
engine. I didn't know it was a bug in the Zope 3 page template engine as
I was tracking down a bug in Silva with Zope 2.10, which of course uses
the Zope 3 page template engine. For the proposed solution, see the
bottom of the mail.

Let's consider the following code fragment:

img tal:replace=structure python:'foo' tal:attributes=title
python:'bar' /

In Zope 2 before Zope 2.10, this line works without error. The
tal:attributes line of course is pretty useless, as the whole img tag
gets replaced anyway, but it doesn't bail out with an error.

But those attributes *do* work. If you call that image without the
attributes, it won't have a title attribute. If you keep the tag as it
is, it will have a title attribute.

You are right, I just verified this. I was wondering about this 
yesterday, but in some cases I went through in Silva seemed to have a 
duplication only - the underlying Python code appeared to be doing the 
same as the ZPT, so the ZPT was redundant. I may have missed some cases 
though and I should've checked with an older version of Silva.


This might also be a good occasion for a new Zope 2.10 bugfix release.
Silva is running into this currently, though of course now that we know
what the cause is we can work around it.

Just please keep the attributes working with replace :-)

Yes, definitely. I hope the fix I am proposing still does this, but I 
need to verify this. I will add a test that actually tests this.



Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Max M

Martin Aspeli skrev:

Peter Bengtsson wrote:

Will the grok effort yield any codegenerating scripts and stuff like
the django folks have?
If not, I have some ideas that I could maybe contribute with at/for
the next sprint even :)

Code generation sucks. :)

(I know it is late to participate in this thread, but I am reading up on 

I used to have the above opinion too. But I have changed my mind.

A good framework will get you up and running with as little resistance 
as possible.

But actual real-life projects will often need a lot of files, 
configuration and settings.

So you might start out mean and lean, but after you are done fixing all 
the little special cases and customizations, you will still have a lot 
of code.

If all that code you end up with anyway is automatically generated, it 
will have an educational effect on the community. A Code by Numbers 
effect where you fill in code in the obvious slots.

Just see how easy it is to check out other peoples AT based code in 
Plone. Simply because everyone are acustomed to the structures and 


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] z3c.widget(.tiny) widget available to easy_install anywhere?

2007-04-20 Thread Sidnei da Silva

P.S. Visibility of Zope 3 extensions would be increased greatly if we
could have an overview page per extension on somewhere. It
would of course include the canonical download link as well. I think we
can accomplish this relatively quickly with a fairly low-tech project,
but we need a volunteer. Anyone?

Sort of like cheeseshop? BTW, why aren't the Zope packages on
cheeseshop to start with?

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems
Fax +1 832 201 8856 Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 214
Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] z3c.widget(.tiny) widget available to easy_install anywhere?

2007-04-20 Thread Jim Fulton

On Apr 20, 2007, at 1:32 PM, Sidnei da Silva wrote:

P.S. Visibility of Zope 3 extensions would be increased greatly if we
could have an overview page per extension on somewhere. It
would of course include the canonical download link as well. I  
think we
can accomplish this relatively quickly with a fairly low-tech  

but we need a volunteer. Anyone?

Sort of like cheeseshop? BTW, why aren't the Zope packages on
cheeseshop to start with?

Many of the zope packages have been minimally eggified.  I personally  
don't want to see packages appear in the cheeseshop until their meta  
data has been filled out and have documentation that either shows up  
in the cheeseshop or is linked from there.

I'm also finding it challenging to manage eggs in the cheeseshop.   
The cheeseshop makes it really hard to publish multiple versions and  
multiple versions need to be accessable to buildout so that versions  
can be frozen.  I wish we had our own tool that we could link to from  
the cheesehop, but, of course, I don't have time to write it.  I  
guess I should request cheeseshop enhancements.


Jim Fulton  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Python 
CTO (540) 361-1714
Zope Corporation

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] z3c.widget(.tiny) widget available to easy_install anywhere?

2007-04-20 Thread David Pratt
Hi Martin. Cheeseshop does this already. You can see how a nice overview 
page is constructed by putting readme.txt with readme.txt release notes 
in as restructured text. This is available on some zope 
packages but also the zif packages on pipy.

See zif.headincludes in the cheeseshop as an example of how this works 
for a nice web page explaining the package.

I am not sure why there are two resources for obtaining eggs myself, not 
sure if it is because pipy gets busy. Should the default be pipy or will 
this slow buildouts? Maybe all packages could be put there in any case 
even if primary dependency link for zope packages is 
Maybe this just adds to the headache of releases to have more than a 
single location.

pipy already has the infrastructure for some proper searching and 
management for package maintainers - so not sure that the wheel needs to 
be invented. Actually, I thought the way this was all going to unfold 
was with the ZF website which I think is still being worked on. Many thanks.


Martijn Faassen wrote:

Hi there,

I'm interested in adding a dependency on z3c.widget, and in particular 
z3c.widget.tiny, in an application I'm available. In the svn checkins I 
see a comment by dobe saying:

buildout and egg, clean imports

This implies to me there might be an tgz that buildout/easy_install can 
use available somewhere. But where? I cannot find it in the cheeseshop, 
nor in

Is it available somewhere else? Or should I upload a version of it myself?



P.S. Visibility of Zope 3 extensions would be increased greatly if we 
could have an overview page per extension on somewhere. It 
would of course include the canonical download link as well. I think we 
can accomplish this relatively quickly with a fairly low-tech project, 
but we need a volunteer. Anyone?

Zope3-dev mailing list

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] SHA1Password manager, add a pinch of salt

2007-04-20 Thread Giovannetti, Mark

I've been researching authentication and whatnot in Zope 3
and was looking at the password management implementations.
I don't like the fact that the SHA1 password manager
doesn't use a random salt value when encoding and storing
a password.  Salts are commonly used in /etc/passwd and
friends to eliminate the identification of passwords that
are the same among users, as well as to make the brute
forcing space a little larger.

Here is a unified diff that adds 32 bits of salt to
the SHA1 password storage mechanism.  The same may be
done for md5, but its use is falling out of favour, so
I didn't bother.

What else do I need to do to contribute this change?
Have I missed anything?


zope# diff -u
--- Oct 24 04:21:55 2006
+++ Fri Apr 20 14:21:31 2007
@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
 Password managers

-$Id: 70897 2006-10-24 08:21:55Z flox $
 __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'

 import md5
 import sha
+import random

 from zope.interface import implements, classProvides
 from zope.schema.interfaces import IVocabularyFactory
@@ -85,19 +86,34 @@
  verifyObject(IPasswordManager, manager)

- encoded = manager.encodePassword(password)
+ encoded = manager.encodePassword(password, salt='')
  manager.checkPassword(encoded, password)
  manager.checkPassword(encoded, bad)
+ encoded = manager.encodePassword(password)
+ manager.checkPassword(encoded, password)
+ manager.checkPassword(encoded, bad)


-def encodePassword(self, password):
+def encodePassword(self, password, salt=None):
+if salt is None:
+salt = '%x' % random.randrange(1, 2**32-1)
+return salt +
+def checkPassword(self, storedPassword, password):
+if len(storedPassword) == 48:
+salt = storedPassword[0:8]
+salt = ''
+return storedPassword == self.encodePassword(password, salt)

 # Simple registry used by mkzopeinstance script
 managers = [
Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Re: Grok sprint 2 reports

2007-04-20 Thread Max M

Martin Aspeli skrev:

If you're talking about ArchGenXML, which generates AT code from UML, it's
not too bad. The code it generates is pretty clean, and if you decide to
abandon code generation, there's a minimum of cruft (mostly a few comment
blocks) that you can remove if you wish.

Yes. I was unclear. Sorry. I meant AGX.

I use it for getting a project skeleton up and running quickly from 
simple UML.

Something similar for Zope3 would be with me. Where the interfaces, 
classes, zcml and views would be generated from UML.

But I will try out Grok, and see how the shoe fits before rambling on.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Zope3-dev mailing list