>By the way, I'm always looking for distribution; so if anyone has any
>or can give me a heads-up, I'd most appreciate it.
Aaron, try blackhole in glasgow or rushhour in amsterdam.
hit me up private if you need email etc.
p.s. nice to see you here.
Speaking of Ms. Kelli Hand, I thought you may like to know that she did a
hot little remix of my latest single, "Hateful." Right now I'm updating my
website, so if you want to hear her remix, visit Beatport.com, and do a
search for Wallshaker Music (my label). You'll see "Hateful" (WMAC-4).
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 22:50:32 -0600
would like to get to know her music better - anyone have suggestions for
records out of her discog?
techno styles or house - either is fine
her music has always been a curiosity for me but I've never really taken
the time to get into