I might be confusing tracks here.
As I recall it sounded like a hard chicago house track, with a sample
of women singing "Doop Doop" taken from a 1920s-30s swing or ragtime
song. The track structure is typical. Sounded like an early 90s
equivalent of techno/house novelties like 'Crazy Frog' or Oiz
> -Original Message-
> Sent: 28 October 2005 15:42
> "Doot Doot" was done by Freur - Karl Hyde & Rick Smith's band
> before they formed Underworld (incarnation #1)
Is that the same record as I remember (if so incorrectly obviously) as
"Doop" by Doop? - the UK
06:05 AM cc
Please respond to FW: (313) Swing
> -Original Message-
> From: Cyclone Wehner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 October 2005 07:27
> The Greenskeepers are the obvious examples
Indeed they are and loads of other similar / associated artists round a kind
of Classic records axis. Piccadilly seem to have had about a mi