Re: What are people doing to bkup big DB2, data warehouse

2004-05-07 Thread asr
==> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > what kind of success (backup times) they have had doing it. We are backup > up a 3TB DB2 data warehouse but it is taking almost 11 hours, end to end. > The disk is all Shark, the client is on a p690 14cpu l

Re: Taking dbbackups on remote TSM servers

2004-05-07 Thread asr
> -Original Message- > From: Anoop Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Hi all > I have two TSM servers connected to LTO 3583 located 300 KMs apart and the > dbabckup for the same happens locally. I then send the dbbackups to > offsite( Site-A to Site-B and viceversa) on a daily basis. > Is i

Re: ADSM.SYS folder needed for restores?

2004-05-07 Thread Andrew Raibeck
If you traverse the adsm.sys directory, you will find that WMI and EVENTLOG are directories; hence they are not covered by the exclude. See the APAR I mentioned in my post for more info on the skipped file part. The exclude for adsm.sys had *better* be in your q inclexcl output! :-) Take a clos

Re: ADSM.SYS folder needed for restores?

2004-05-07 Thread TSM_User
Andy, All of our Windows 2003 servers (running the V5.2.2.9 client) report skipped files for \\server\c$\\adsm.sys\WMI, \\server\c$\adsm.sys\IIS and \\server\c$\adsm.sys\EVENTLOG. I had always thought there was an implicit exclude of that folder as you said but when I ran q inclexcl I didn't see

Re: I/O Errors on IBM 3581 LTO II

2004-05-07 Thread Stapleton, Mark
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Janusz Wiszniowski >I have problem with reading data from IBM 3581 LTO II autoloader. The >backups (write operations) to tapes works always ok, but the problem arise >when I try to restore some data from tapes. I receive: > >ANR83

Re: WHAt is TRUE LAN FREE backup speeds?

2004-05-07 Thread Suad Musovich
LANfree, effectively, allows you to directly attach the tape device to the client node. So it can run either near the speed you can directly stream to the device (as you would from a TSM server) or however fast the node can push data out in a single stream. Pick the slower of the 2. We have found

Re: ADSM.SYS folder needed for restores?

2004-05-07 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Yes, adsm.sys is always backed up as part of the systemstate and systemservices objects. For W2K+3 this directory includes VSS metadata that we need to back up. During backup of the c: drive, the client will traverse the adsm.sys tree and back up the directories contained therein. However, there i

I/O Errors on IBM 3581 LTO II

2004-05-07 Thread Janusz Wiszniowski
Hello TSMers! I have problem with reading data from IBM 3581 LTO II autoloader. The backups (write operations) to tapes works always ok, but the problem arise when I try to restore some data from tapes. I receive: ANR8302E I/O error on drive DRIVE1 (mt6.0.0.4) (OP=READ, Error Number=1235, CC=0, K

Re: Taking dbbackups on remote TSM servers

2004-05-07 Thread Alex Paschal
Anoop, To restore, you'll have to xfer it off of tape back onto disk, then dsmserv restore db devc=fileclass volume=/my/path/filename commit=yes Alex -Original Message- From: Anoop Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 5:32 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Taki

WHAt is TRUE LAN FREE backup speeds?

2004-05-07 Thread MC Matt Cooper (2838)
Hello all, It me again with the big DB2 warehouse backup questions. As we try to come up with better design considerations I really would like to know what kind of throughput people are getting when using the LAN FREE option to backup huge data bases. I am working from a p690 14 CPU server w

Tdp problem ???????

2004-05-07 Thread AMHOUCHE Youssef
Hi all. Have you some idea about this problem: when RMAN 9.20 invokes tdp 5.2 for backup operation on TSM server 5.1; i get the folowing error message : allocated channel: t1 channel t1: sid=46 devtype=SBT_TAPE channel t1: Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle: version Starting backup at 07

ADSM.SYS folder needed for restores?

2004-05-07 Thread Spearman, Wayne
I'm not a Windows Admin. Does the adsm.sys folder need to be backed up for Windows 2003? I thought this folder was needed for restoring the server the registry Thanks, Wayne - This message and any included attachments are from NOVANT HEALTH INC. and are

Re: oracle 9i/rman tdp with tsm

2004-05-07 Thread Neil Rasmussen
My experience has been that Oracle on AIX has not required the DB to be restarted since 8i - it has been the only database with some consistency in that regards. The biggest problem that I have seen with Oracle on AIX is the fact that AIX by default only uses /usr/lib for 32bit and 64bit libraries.

oracle 9i/rman tdp with tsm

2004-05-07 Thread Justin Bleistein
I'm trying to setup rman/tdp for Oracle 9i running on an AIX 5.1 system, Oracle 9.2.X.X.X. Now in the Solaris world when I tried to setup Oracle 8i to rman/tdp I had to bring down the tsm instance, like the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ to /usr/lib/ which linked to: /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ora

problem with tdp oracle

2004-05-07 Thread AMHOUCHE Youssef
Hi all my Environment is a : TSM server 5.1.0 Oracle 9.20 on AIX 5.1 64bit after tdp oracle 5.2.1 install. i get the folowing error message : * [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ > sbttest a -libname /usr/tivoli/t